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Everything posted by Anne

  1. Name: Lina Acto Codename: Counter Gender: Female Age: 24 Description: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Blue%20Seed&p=49&frpg=3&f=#pic]click[/URL] Weapons: [URL=http://www.serbu.com/bfg50.htm]A BGF-50[/URL] and a crossbow Personality: Lina is a very friendly person. She enjoys the comany of others. Though at times she can be a bit stand offage. One of the things she like to do is gossip. She likes hearing it from others and keeps it locked it her brain. Even though she does like to gossip Lina is great at keeping stuff a secret. History: She lived an avearage life with her family. She has teo younger brothers, which she hold very dear to her. In school she had a nack for numbers. Lina was also very good when it came to archry. Everytime she let the arrow go it seemed to hit its mark. The teacher were amazed by this. After she finished out school she went to college and study to be a accountent. While she attending college she had been running short on money. Her parents offered her money bu8t she refused in taking it. An advertisement for a goods marksman caught her eye. When she found out the job was for an assassain she took the job anyway. She was able to elimante her target without any problems. Throughout her college time she took more and more jobs. Lina was becoming better each time she got rid of her target. She graduated from college and began working as a bank teller. She swore that she would give up the assassain's life she had before. Yet she didn't stick to this. Lina found herself taking a job here. She would always tell herself each time she accepts a new job "This is the last one." After each hit LIna always pray for the person soul to find peace. Profession: A bank Teller Skills: never miss her mark she has a deadly aim, speed and agailty, and able to crunch numbers in her head like lighting. Specialty: Being able to mix with the crowd and go unoticed. Lina is best at attacking from long range and suprising the person.
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well I think its time for a new banner and avi for myself. The only problem is I have no time to do so. So I need an aid from my fellow OBers. Could someone making me a Fruits BAsket banner and Avi please? Okay what I want on it: This qoute "High School Girls. Young Nubile High School Girls--- Live and in Person!!!" Also: I want a pic of Shigure [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Fruits%20Basket&p=154&frpg=4&f=#pic]Here is one [/URL] [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Fruits%20Basket&p=108&frpg=3&f=#pic]And look another[/URL] I would really like this pic to be on my Avi please. And also a pic of high school girl: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Fruits%20Basket&p=63&frpg=2&f=#pic]One[/URL] [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Fruits%20Basket&p=64&frpg=2&f=#pic]two[/URL] If you can find a better picture of the girls it is fine. I don't really care if my name is on it or not. The colour and design is up to you. As long as it has the stuff i meanted above I don't care what colour it is. Well wait I do, what I mean is if it visually appealing. Well Thank Thank for however does this for me, I am much obliged. ~MEW~[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Real name: Fleta Nemir Nickname: Racoon Age:17 Appearence:[URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/52-10.htm]Click click [/URL] She stands about 5' 3", since she is very short it give her an advantage. She has a small tattoo on her back of a racoon face. Her slim build is meant for speed and agailty so she is not very strong. Tribe:crushers Skill: Steath and agility, she can easly slip unoticed anywhere she wants. She is also skilled at remebering the terrion of an area and maps and seeing long range. Fleta can track pretty much anything that is on foot. Weapons: A BFG-50 and a Zastava Md. 70 pistol Bio: A thief at heart, she grew up learning how to steal. She became skilled at this making it her trade. Never once was she caught by anyone until she met Ox. She had heard about the Crushers and decided to pay them a visit. She track and obsevered the base for days. Fleta soon found an opportunity to sneak her way into their base. She made her way into their weapons room and was about to make her exir with her goods when Ox showed up. Seeing how skilled she was and soon finding out about her other "talents" he allowed her to join with them. She earnered her codename because of the tattoo on her back and how she was and still is a theif. Hope this is good. If not let me know.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hana stared at herself sitting behind her desk at work. This had been her first day of her job. She had long hair then, tied in a pony tail in her head. It played throught like someone had rewinded the image in her head. The door opened and a guy stepped through. HAna could see herself talking to the guy, watch their lips move but could not hear a word of it. She didn't need to hear it she remeber all the words spoke. The guy was one of her coworkers. He came beside her and grabbed her. She brought her fist and smashed them in his face. Her coworker grabbed her by her hair and pulled her down to the ground. Kicking and screaming he started to undo her blouse. The door swung up and her new boss, Yukio came in. He pulled the guy off her and hit him. The two scuffled and she grabbd her ruler and hit the guy in his temple. She dropped the ruler as the guy feel unconcious to the ground. Yukio came over and held her as she ground. Hana bolted awake as and gasped for air. That had been the reason she would never grow her hair longer than her shoulders. She heard the other and caught her breath. She heard one of them say something like what are we doing here but she didn't really catch it. She looked at the rest of them and herself. "Another good question is what happen?" She spoke and broke the silience.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Delila brushed he long hair and watched Terina out her small window. She smiled as she watched her pratcing so hard. Tarcen came into view and bowed to Terina. "He must be telling her that a new sutior has come. She is not going to take this well, she never does." She spoke to no one but herself. Tarcen left and Terina ran up to the castle. She sat at her mirror and finish brushing her hair. Her door swung open and Terina came in. Delila smiled at her and got up and gave her a hug. "Delila can we talk?" "Of course we can. You know you can always talk to me." Delila guided her to the chair she was sitting at and started to brush her hair. "I know what is one your mind. My suitors right." Terina nodded her head. "I don't want them taking you away from me." Delila leaned down and hugged her again. "No one can ever do that, My dear little sister. You will always be with me. Besides I haven't found one yet that I liked. Mother and Father do pick out the strangest ones and the others seem to follow. even if I did you are welcome to come with me. I do not know what I would without you." "Do you me that Delila. If I wanted I could come with you." She nodded and smiled at her through the mirror they were both looking at. Delila hugged Terina and she rested her head on Delila's arm. "Come now we must go down and present ourselves dinner will be served soon." Delila said as she straightend and head for the door. "Do you know what this one is like?" "Not a clue. It's always amusing to see them for the first time. Like the one who was almost double my age or the other that I was ten years older. I was honored that they wante dme but.." She trailed off with a laugh. They headed down the hall and they held hands. The servents bowed as they walked past and Delila nodded her head to them. They went down the grand staircase that was made of marble with redwood bansters. They made a turn right into the dinning hall. Delila seen a young man standing there. [I]Well I guess it time for me to meet him.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hana replayed the scene in her head over and over again. [I]This can't be happening. I must be dead or why else would I be in total darkness. This is horriable I don't want to die.[/I] She curlled her body upclose to herself. A spirit appeared before her eyes and began to speak. As his word came to her she heard the yet his mouth did not move. The spirit was strange she had never seen anyone who did not show as much emotion as he did. [I]What is this guy talking about. I am no angel or have I ever heard of Vain.[/I] As the spirit finished speaking Hana bgan to feel strange. Her body felt as if it was one fire. It started with her back and spread throughout her body. He vision began to blurr and her mind became a jumble of nonsense.The flower on her head died and became red carnations. Her hair became straight and flowed to her shoulders. Hana felt her cloth began to burn off, leaving her naked and exposed. Small wings shot from her back making her wriggle with pain. Hana eyes began to tear. a long red dress appeared on her body. A lighter red made up the sleeves and lead to the red puffy shoulders. The dress grew down to her feet and a pattern of flower and leaves apperead on the bottom in white. Ribbons swirled around her waist and hung loosely their. Hana breathed relief for the pain was subsiding. Her body was exaugtes mentally and physically. Her eyes closed and she fell asleep. Hana's body still begining pulled through the galaxy with the others to thte plant Yu.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Huh." The voice took her by surprise. She looked down to see a boy about her age looking up at her. " Oh hello, you gave me a start." She giggled, she placed everything in her bag and dropped it on the ground. Swing her one leg over she dropped to the ground. "My name is Hana. I wasn't lonely, actually I was trying to work." She smiled. "But I am forgetting my manners. What is you name?" "Daisetsu." He gave Hana a grin. "why don't you come joinus, Hana." "Sue I guess." She bagan to walk to towards the others and her sell phone began to ring. "Can you hold on for a sec?" She turnered her back. "Hello Hana speaking." "Hana is that you. Why aren't you at home working?" Someone began screaming throught the phone. "Hello Yukio." She said with a dull ring to her voice. "I am working I just went for a walk." "You are to march yourself home. I am coming over to make sure you get it done." Yukio screamed to the phone. "You know if you keep screaming like that you are going to lose your voice.' She thought for a minute. "on second thought keep screaming like that and lose your voice. My life would be happier. I'm going to hang up now. Bye Yukio." "Hana don't you d-" Hana clicked the phone off and placed it back int he bag. She laughed and looked at Daisetsu. "Sorry about that. My boss can get a bit demanding at times." "Won't you get fired for hanging up on him like that?" Daisetsu ask with an arch brow. "Oh course not I do this to him all the time. He take some much fun out of life. So lets stop talking about just think about him gives me a headache." She gave him a smile. "'I've never seen this many people after dark here before." She said as they started walked to the others.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Hana we need those designs by Monday!! Hana are you listening to me?" The man on the other end of t he phone screamed. "Yes i am. Please don't worry I will have them completed for you." Hana held the phone away from her face, you can hear the man yelling over the other end. "YOu better or else we are going tto be in trouble." The phone slams down. "Sigh." Hana place the phone on the reciever. "I need to come up with some good ideas." She flopped down on her couch. She bolted up. "Idea, idea I'll go to the park. I always get insperation there." She grabbed her bag, sketch pad and color pencils and rran to the door. She took of her slipper and placed her shoes on that machted her outfit. She looked up at the sky andseen it would soon be dark. She skipped along and looked at the people pass. [I]Nothing has hit me yet.[/I] She got to the park and seen five people standing around. She looked watched them. She found a tree and climbed up it. [I]I will watch them and maybe something will come to me.[/I] she pulled out her sketch book and sat with her back resting agaist the trunk of the tree. Her pink skirt flowed down the ends of the branch she was sitting on. A slight wind blew her hair and she held her head up to breath in the air. [I] I do love Kyoto.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The innkeeper places the plate of food down at her table. Risa quickly eats it up. She gulped down the rest of her ale and thanked the innkeeper for the meal. ?Are you going to perform now, Miss Risa.? ?Yes, I am.? She looked around the room to see how many patrons there were. She chooses a table that didn?t have anyone sitting on at it and climbed atop of it. ?Good men and Ladies lend me your ear for I will perform for you and tell you stories that will bring you cheer.? Risa being to sing a dancing melody and the people began to clap along. ?I?ll dance with a girl with eyes of brown, or a girl with eyes of green, I?ll dance with a girl of any color eyes, But yours are the prettiest I?ve seen. I?ll kiss a girl with hair of black, Or a girl with hair of gold, I?ll kiss a girl with any color hair, But it?s you I want to hold? + Some people had gotten up to dance. She took out her flute and played some tones people requested. She danced atop the table while playing her flute. The laughter in the inn could be heard out in the streets. After she placed her flute back in her case she began the telling of the Legend of Mirida. The people remained quite while she told the story in high chant. The patrons didn?t touch a bite to eat or drink while she talked. She even caught a glimpse of the innkeeper watching her as well. When she finally finished she gave a bow and hopped of the table. ?Miss Risa, please tell me that is not all you are doing.? ?Of course not but my voice needs to rest for a bit. I will began again in a while.? +From the Wheel of Time[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Elke Beaglemeyer Code Name: Devi Age: 28 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/51-8.htm]blah click blah[/URL] Type: Mental Type Powers: Telekinesis, Telepathy,Levitation and forsight Strength: 3 Speed: 2 Intelligence: 6 Durability: 3 Energy: 2 Fighting Skills: 4 Personality: Sweet, kind and gentle. Elke wouldn't even hurt a fly. She will try and stick up for those who can not themselves and is always there when need. HEr feelings can easly be hurt. Bio: She grew up a carefree child, loved by her friends and family. She always did well in school and had a normal life. When she was 17 she started to have strange dreams. These dreams would always come true in a few days or weeks. She also began hearing other people voices in her head. She thought she was going insane from all the pressure of school. She read and resreach her conditon and found out that she had mental power. She was very relieved to hear that. She went on to got o college and became a kindergarden teacher. Being around the children made her happy and she could help them. She got married to a man named Brain at the age of 25 and was very happy. While she was walking home late one night from school she sensed that something was wrong. A voice called out to her in her head. She had nightmares about what was going to happen. Elke was pulled from her reality and met Timebroker. He told Elke that in order to get back to her husband and life she would have to complete some missions. If she evr fails in her mission she will return back to her world with her telepachy powers yet unmastered. hope this is okay[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]OB Character Name/Codename: Kittychanann/Miss Kitty Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: avatar For bigger see below its the second one Personality: Can we say mood swing, yes that is a very good way to describe her personality. Most times she is very friendly and can easily befriend anyone. She is kind and gentle and wouldn?t hurt anything accept spiders, bugs and yes a fly. She can get a bit hyper but most time is lazy, unless there is an ice cream truck involved than go can get her moving. She can get a bit snappish but that is only when she is tired or is busy doing something. She is not easily angered but when she is she can not remember anything that happened accept that someone got hurt. She uses her manners and says please and thanks you. Tends to be apologetic and will apologize even if she didn?t do anything. No matter how she is feeling she will try to make other smile again. She has a habit of telling jokes and saying bad puns. Kittychanann always thinks before she acts. One sure thing though she has an odd sense of humor that sometimes can only seem funny to her. History: While surfing on the Internet one day she was zapped into cyberspace and turned into a Freakazoid?. What no she wasn?t that was Dexter Douglas. Well anyway she came to the OB a year ago and debated whether or not to join. Than she forgot all about. Till one day in April 2004 she happened apon it again. This time she knew she must join or in fear of forgetting the site once again. Kittychanann even though she was a newbie her is not knew to the ways of how things work. She had joined other like OtakuBoards but found she likes OB the best. She now scampers in the adventure area or can be found in the art studio or in literature. Nine times out of ten she can be found in the Adventure area. She can be aslo found sleep in the depth of OtakuBoards in a corner. Movie Morph: Catwoman/ Selina Kyle from Batman Movie Morph Character Name: Catwoman/Selina Kyle Movies: Batman Gender: Female Appearance:see below its the first one Powers: Cunning, stealthy, and mysterious she uses the shadows to hide her. She also carries around a whip and her razor sharp claws. Annoying Quirk: Always meowing and saying "It's Purrrfectly delightful". Stereotype: skintight spandex and a whi.p please I don?t think i need to say anymore. I think you the idea. Personality: Kittychanann and catwoman are just about opposite of each other. Cunning, stealthy, and mysterious, she is neither super-hero nor arch-villain. Catwoman can stand her ground in a fight with any man. She dislikes killing, and will never place innocents at risk. Catwoman's nature to rebel against authority, to cut away anything she thinks is restraining her. She needs action and danger for no other reason than to remind her she's alive. She is know though to be on the side of good and protects her territory. Hope this is okay.. Let me know if anything needs change. This looks fun![/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Risa come into the village. People young and old filled the streets. [I]This looks like a good place to work.[/I] Walking through the small village she watch the children laugh and play. Risa sat down on a barrel and watched a few of the parents? talk while watching the children. When she seen enough gather around she stood up on the barrel. ?Hello one and all. I am Risa a traveling gleeman.? A crowd started together around her. She took out six small balls and started to juggle. ?I will do things that will amaze and surprise you.? Making the balls pass one more in her hands they disappeared into her sleeve. The crowd clapped. She hopped down off the barrel and walked on her hands. She used her arm strength and pushed herself and did a back flip. ?I will tell you tales of ages long past and the gods that roamed them. I will sing you sweet songs that lover can cuddle to and of brave warrior new and old.? She moves about the crowd so that they feel apart of her act. She hoped back onto the barrel and brought out her flute and began to play. A flute made of silver with gold leaves etched on it. It was a gift from her parents when she was a court bard. Taking the flute away from her mouth she spoke. ?Music that I play will put the smallest babe to sleep.? She stood on the barrel and began to dance and play once more. The tune was a catchy one and the people began to dance in the street. She stopped and bowed. ?Thank you all you have been a lovely audience but I must be on my way.? She gave a bow that would have been fit for the Emperor and Empress. She hoped down from the barrel. A few people threw her some coins and she picked them up. She walked down the main street of the village looking for an inn. She saw a sign that said The Noble Crown. She looked inside the window and seen different type of people. They were drinking and laughing in front of a fireplace. She went inside the inn and locates the owner. She found him in the back he had on a white nice shirt and the apron he wore did not have stain on it. ?How may I help you Mistress.? ?I am a gleeman. I want to know if I can work in your in for food and a bed.? She said flourishing a bow. ?Well I would be honored Mistress?? ?Risa will do just fine. I would like to get my meal first if that is okay with you and than I will perform some.? ?Not a problem Risa. Please sit down and I will bring up your food.? Risa took a seat at a table and watched the other around her. [I]This town looks nice I will be happy to work here.? She smiled to herself and one of the barmaids brought her over some ale. She sat and drank while she waited for her food.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]We will start once we find a prietess or if Mage15 decides he want to be a spell master. So come on people the prietess is still open. If you have any question you can PM me or cysword6 and we can answer them if its about your character . I fit is something that prtants to all just post it here.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Name: Luana Katze Age: 25 Gender: Female Country: gremany Allegiance:Earth Federation Mech: [URL=http://www.muvgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=4650&fullsize=1]Drache Omega[/URL] Bio: First Lietument in the German army, she has trained har. Before becoming an officer of the German army she was engineer. Luana was trained in gun fighting and hand to hand combat. She also helped do some spy work for the Earth Federation when she was younger. With her vast amount of training and fighting records she was chosen to pilot the mech. Special Capabilites: Speed is its greatest weopen. The mecha aslo advance in hand to hand combat with an oppent with out any problem in movement. The limbs are more flexiable than the other omegas. It aslo has a rifle that can shot long range. Hope this is alright.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Umi Real Name: Freya Gender: Female Elements: Earth and Nature Powers: Her powers are controlling the Earth, and talking to Animals, plants and other creatures, and also healing small wounds. Personality: Kind and gentle that is how many describe her. Freya is considered the most caring of the God's, she is peaceful and calm at most times. When someone or something she cares for is in danger she will to all she cans to defend it. She still believe Nur can change, she still believe Hanzou is in there. In the depth of her heart she still loves Hanzou. Description: [URL=http://www.muvgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=455&fullsize=1]Freya[/URL] Weapons: Bow and arrow; Her bow is made out of redwood and has a loin?s whisker for the wire. The arrows are made out of wood and have eagles feather at the end. The arrowheads are made of obsidian. Biography: Freya was saddened when Hanzou left because of the rumors. The rumor of her having a relationship with the god of Darkness was true. She would never admit it though. When Hanzou she heard that Hanzou had killed Zeberi she was devastated. That means he was evil. She left and went onto a small planet that was like a jungle. She spent many years there. Umi decided one day to go visit the Earth. She landed in Scandinavia and they soon fell in love with the people there . She lived in her human form and spent time around them. She enjoyed their company and time. She found out that Hanzou was on Earth as well. He had taken another name En-Sabah-Nur. Freya also found out had a son and a wife. This infuriated her and she punished the human by making their crops grow bad for one year. She than left the planet and headed to another section of the universe. After this she was upset by what she had done and was ashamed. She stayed hidden on a planet called Hent, which was a jungle cover planet filled with animals. From her planet she heard about what was going on with Nur. With the death of the Thunder Goddess Freya met with the remaining gods and set up plans to go war with Nur. She was having a hard time going to fight him though. She didn?t want to hurt him. She wanted him to go back to his old self she knew it was still in him. As they were casting Nur into another Universe she could see his heart opening again. She knew she had gotten him back. Umi tried to make the other Gods stop but she was too late. Afterwards she spent her life watching the humans as they evolved and changed. She spent most of the times in deep forests or with the other Gods. When she found out that he was back again her hopes that he was well once more. When she found out that he was even more evil she didn?t give up hope. She sets out with the other Gods to fight him and search for the ten objects to defeat him. I hope this is okay. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Naiya watched as a new girl came in and come to sit down with the only other girl. They stated tolaugh and talk. [I]Ii wouldn't wan to make any friends here. I wouldn't want to fight any of them. I would just feel horriable.[/I] She turned her attain back at the young man in front of her. "I taught myself while building a wall one day." He arched an eyebrow. She sighed. "When you pile the bricks you build a wall to keep others out. So if you do the same in your mind." The door opened once again this time letting in men. They seem to have shackles on their hands. A guard took them of and threw a fabricto one of the boys. He than procided to to shake her head to at this. [I]Great ths keeps getting better and better.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Hana Age: 20 Appearance: [URL=http://www.muvgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=578&fullsize=1]Angel[/URL] [URL=http://www.muvgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=591&fullsize=1]Human[/URL] Biography: Fun and carefree she is always out looking for something to do. She lives in a small one bedroom apartment and works as a fashion designer. She spent her whole life in Kyoto with her family. Hana always loved making new outfits for herself and decided to make it her career choice. HEr family backed her up on her decision and help her get started. When she gathered enough money she moved out of her parents house and bought her own apartment. She may be carefree bt she always make sure she gets a job done. She is always happy and looking at the brightside of things. Calling: Angel Weapon: Bow and arrow Let me know if anything needs changed.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Naiya headed into the big city. She first found a tavern, she was dying to get something to drink. She sat down on a stool and asked for ale. She had drawn a few stares from men because her armor revealed much skin. With a sharp look in her eye though whatever comments they were going to say were held back. An old man with a grey beard worked behind the counter. ?So what brings you in town, young Lady. We don?t have to many women folk com in here.? ?I am entered in the tournament.? Eyes shot up around here. ?Really now. You should be careful when fighting. I hear your opponents are strong.? The old man warned her. ?Thank you for your concern old man. Can you point me in the right direction to the castle.? Taking another gulp of her ale. ?Of course, but if you like I could take you myself.? Naiya shock her head no. ?Okay then. Just turn a right out here and than follow the path till the four way. Than hang a left and follow that straight to the castle. You got that.? ?Yes, thank you for your help.? She drank the last and went to pay the man. ?This one is one the house.? ?Thank you again, Old man.? She got up and left. She found her way to the castle were they to her to the lounge. A couple of men were there and that was it. She had no interest in talk to them, but she studied them. She tried to locate weakness they might have. Naiya stood near a window so she could look out every now and than. An hour later she heard the door open a young girl entered the room. [I] Must be another fighter. [/I] She didn?t feel like studying her opponents now. She went back to looking out her window. [I] Four more hours and than this thing starts. I just want it to be over and done with. [/I] She watched a group of bird?s flutter in the sky. She smiled. [I] To be free and happy like that is all I want.[/I] She was trying to think of ways to past the next four hours.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lilka placed a basket of withered vegetables down on a cutting table. ?Lil you are back from the market.? ?I found the best that I could.? Her voice small and meek replied. The head chief picked through the vegetables. ?These are fine, best I?ve seen in a while.? Lilka went to the corner and picked up a broom. She looked at the floor that was once again dirty and started to sweep it up. She made quick work of the floors and piled the dirt into a corner. She went to a small closet and grabbed a flat piece of metal to sweep the dust onto. Dumping the dirt back outside she put the broom and metal into the closet. She brushed her hands into the air and looked for something else to clean. A small ?Meow? came from behind her. ?Get out of her you stupid cat.? A small white cat was standing on the table the cook was at. ?You want to be dinner huh.? Lilka ran over to the cat and picked it up. ?No don?t hurt it. Please don?t.? ?Lil!? He looked at her clutching the cat. He chuckled. ?You know you are suppose to run the Kitchens. So if you don?t want it killed than it won?t be okay.? She gave him a smile, ?Thank you.? She headed her way out of the Kitchen to outside by a doorway. She grabbed a small container of cream and a bowl. She placed the white cat down on the ground. Taking the container of cream and pouring some in the bowl. ?Here you go kitty. You are very cute you know. Do you have a home?? The cat looked up at her a meowed. She giggled, ?does that mean no. Well in that case you can come lives with me.? She smiled and scratched behind the cat?s ears. [I] You are a very kind person and someone I can trust. Please will you help?[/I] Lilka rubbed her eyes and looked around. ?Did you just talk to me kitty?? [I]Yes it was I. Will you help me?[/I] ?Of course I will. How can I just tell me.? She did even think twice about if she was going to help the cat or not. The cat leapt at her and became one with Lilka. ?What is happening?? Her voice was panicked and freighted.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Calandra stood with the lights on her. She stood on the stage of her father?s tavern. This was the first time she was going to sing in front of people. She had always practiced by herself or sang for her family and friends. She gulped down her fear and started to sing. The song had a catchy fast pace beat and lots of energy in the song. She noticed two boys about her age come in and wonder why someone young was here. The people playing interments next to the stage picked up the beat. She started to dance in place. The song ended and the tavern people clapped. Calandra blushed and gave a bow. Taking a seat at the counter, "How was that father?" "You are wonderful child. I knew you had an amazing voice.' Her father told her as he was mixing a drink. "I don?t know if I like her singing in here. I mean I know we keep most of the filth away.." Calandra's mother cared a tray from the back filled with food. "Don't worry its safe here." "Please Mother let me keep singing here. It is so great to be up on stage and singing." She made her eyes big and innocent. "Do you always have to give that look? You know i can't resist it. Fine you can sing in here." Her mother gave with a resigned look. "Thank you Mother." She jumped of the seat and hugged her. Yelling and a bottle being broken made them look. Two men were fighting and turning over tables. Calandra bent down and placed her hand on the ground. A small little shack of the ground made the two fighting falls over. The two young men from before both arched an eyebrow at each other. "Please, do not destroy the place. If you want to fight take it outside. The two approached Calandra. "Hello, did you make the ground shake." "Um.. Yes I did. My name is Calandra." She said kinda awkwardly. "My name is Reis and this is Proto. We also have the ability to control the elements as well. Mine is water and Proto is fire. I'm taking yours is earth. Please we need your help." Calandra looked so confused. " I thought i was the only one to be able to be like this. Why do you need my help? I am just a singer. " They proceed to explain why they needed her help. Calandra began to grow pale. When she finally spoke it was very soft. "Alright I will come wit you but I must get a few things first." She went to the back and told her parents that she must leave. They nodded their head and her mother gave her some food. She went to her room and grabs a pair of Cat claws that she had been training with. She came back down stair and went to the two men. "Okay I am ready now." She gave her parents a final kiss and hug good bye and they left the tavern. "So where are we going to head to next?" Proto asked. "Well the next closes village is Twista." Calandra stated they walked out of the village gates and she looked back to her village. ----------------- )CC: Next town Twista for Kyra of wind, so tag your it 0ber0n the Neko.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Okay these are the people so far. All of you very nice. Please I still need a Prietess. So sign up peopel chop chop. *Holds T`Square threatingly. Soul healer- Kittychanann (Me) Aura Summoner- Oceanborn Spell master- Dark knight- cysword6 Soul Collector- Unborn Lord Xion Light shocker- silvercyclone[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Naiya stood and looked down in the stream and looked at her reflection. [I]Two more days until the tournament. I should leave for the city now.[/I] She llooked up at her house. She hadn't been there for thepast five days. She just could not leave without saying good bye to them. She started up the hill grabbing Vuila that had been leaning up against the fence. Making her way toward the house she seen her mother and Amalisa come out of the house. Little Amalisa was waing at her. From around the back of the house she watched her father and three brother coming around to stand with her mother. Her mother smile was warm and welcoming. NAiya eyes began to fill with tear. [I]No I will not let them see me cry.[/I] "It is time for me to go now." "Yes we know, dear." Her Mother drew her inher arm and hugged her tightly. "Please be safe and take care." Her mother let hher go. "Please no matter what happens come back safe to us. We don't care weather you win or lose. We just want to see you home safely." Her father leaned his head down and kissed her faarehead. "Please do not fear I will do everything in my power to return to you." Naiya was fighting her ters back. She felt somwthing wrap around her leg. "Pleas don't go. I want you to stay here. How will I know if you are dead, sissy." Naiya knelt down and took Amalisa in her arms. "Please so not cry Amalisa. I will give you this." Calling apon her powers she forme a globe of water and gave it to Amalisa. "This will tell you that i am alive. If it shatters and breaks than I am dead. "Here take this. Its packer with a few of your things and some food." Her mother handed her a shoulder bag. "Thank you all. I promise to return to you." She turned and head towards the dirt paththat lead to the city. Tears formed in her eyes. She could hear her famil calling good wishes and to take care. She couldn'tlook back at them. She kept her head forwards and to the goal ahead.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Okay very nice so far people. Oceanborn I think cysword6 PM you about the spirits. The only thing is see wrong is, Mage15 the Priestess is female not male. If you change that than it will be okay. Come on people sign up. Holds T-square threatingly. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Orange][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tamara walked up to the gate. She shrugged her camera bag back onto her shoulder. She noticd the gate was opened and walked inside. Taking out her 35 mm camera she snapped a few pictures at the gate. She gulped and walked in further. "This place gives me the creeps." She heard a noise and jumped. She whipped her head to see could fine were the noise was. [I]Maybe this was a bad idea.[/I] She looked up at the clock tower and snapped a few more photos. Tamara noticed a car under a weeping willow. "I guess someone is here already." She walked up to the care not seeing anyone. A whimper came and Tamara jumped again. She relized it was coming from under the oak tree. She ran up to it and noticed Shane sleeping under the tree. Shane was tossing and turned and mumbling in coherintly. "Shane......Shane......wake up its ok." Shane opened her eyes. "Don't worry its okay." She noticed the cut on her cheeck and took a hankerchief out to whip off the blood. "Don't worry you are fine now."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Magenta][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Sera Melangell Alias: none Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/56-5.htm]click[/URL] Personality: Sera is very friendly and always happy to meet someone new. She is out going and alway is trying her hardest to be the best. Bio:Her mother is a great singer and Sera wants to follow in her footsteps. HEr father is a Detective for the police department. She has one older sister who tells fortunes at an astrology shop. She study archery when she had the time and became very good at it. Most times at night she would sneak out her window to go to karaoke bar. She practices in hope to became a great singer like her mother one day. Style: none Dream: She wishes to become a great singer like her mother Weapon: a bow and arrows, a pair of daggers Spirit's Name: Celestira Chandra Spirit's Alias: none Spirit's Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/6-8.htm]click[/URL] Spirit's Personality: Celestira is gentle, kind, and generous. She will do all she can to help someone who needs it. She has a firery temper and is easy to get her riled up. Spirit's Bio: She was a preitess of a temple. She was a strong warrior and helped defend those who ould not help themselves. She died while tring to save a family from a band of theives. Sera met Celestira when she went to go visit an old temple on a dare. The floor caved in on Sera and she was stuck in a hole. Celestira oversouled with Sera to help get her out of the old temple.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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