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Everything posted by Anne

  1. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Luana Ezhno Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Human Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/9-6.htm]click[/URL] Weapons: a Llama Mini MAx 45Acp (hand gun) Tools: She carries extra rounds of ammuntion and he small case of work tools. Personality: She is has a lose tongue and normally says whatever is on her mind. She sometimes starts to ramble about other topics. Luana is quiet and gentle but when provoked she is a fierce fighter and a fiery temper. she will do all she can to make her mother dying wish come to true and keep their memory alive. Biography: She works as a mechanic to help keep the oxgen and water system operational. She lost her partents years ago by the Esrians on one of there raids. Her parents used to help keep the system operational as well and taught Luana everything she knows. During a raid of her colony the Erians got to the systems main room her parents depended it with there life. She watched from a hiding spot as the Ersians killed her family and a couple others. After the Esrian were pushed back she ran to her dying Mother who told her "Neverlet them win. Kepp fighting no matter what. YOu must help protect this life of ares." Luana is now helps withthe fighting as much as she can and keeps her mothers words with her. How is that?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name:Lilka "Lil" Makani Age: 22 Gender: female Race: Haru Essence: Wind Bio: At the age of three both her parents were killed by a demon. She watched while her parents were slaughtered. After a week of living on a her own a wealthy man found her and took her in as a worker. At the house she began doing small chours as in like cleaning out the fireplace or feeding the animals. One of the older woman, by the name of Shima, soon took Lilka under her wing and soon became her adopted mother. Shima taught Lilka how to sew, cook and clean. As she grew older she was given more jobs to do. She is happy with her life but hates demons with all of her heart. At the age of 20 Shima passed away, this left Lilka heartborken because again she lost one she loved. With her adopted mother gone she wa put in charge of the kitchens to replace her. Occupation: Maid Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/34-8.htm]Physical [/URL] Lilka is very soft spoken and well manner. She hardly ever speaks unless to give a reply or a suggestion. She is ver warm hearted and will welcome anyone with opened arm. She obeys orders fast and perfectly. She likes everything done to perfect and if it isn't she won't stop until it satisfies her. Weapon: a wooden bow staff I hope this okay, let me know if anything needs to be changed[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Naiya Lilka TelemachusAge: 20 Gender: Female What village you come from: Konhom Abilities/Special Powers: Hat the ability to use the power of water Water Shiled: Creates a shiled around one side of her to deflect an attack. She can not hold this shield up to long because it takjes a lot of energy. Water globe: Takes the water to form a small spere, which she can propel at an enemy. Liquid spear: Water greats a long pole of water witha pionted edge. Aqua Sword: She is able to place water around her sword Visola to make it become stronger. When Visola has been indowed with water, the effect only last a few minutes. Naiya mostly will use this techbique around the end of a fight. Weapon: Visola (pictured) Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/4-7.htm]click or else[/URL] Bio: She grew up in the town of Konhom as a farmer daughter. Being the oldest child of 5 children, 3 boys and two girls, She like to proctect herfamily. She helps her mother in there small cramped house and her father out in the field. When she found out she had the special power to control water she set out to Master it. She tried to keep it hidden from her family but they found out. They didn't shun her like she thought they would and she was happy about that. She found Visola and her armor on day by accident. She was walking threw a patch of would and came to an old house. Being curious she went inside and found the stuff laying in a trunck. She quickly took and the stuff from everyone. She started to train with Visola to become stronger. She hoped that one day she could fight in the tornament to win it. She wants to give her family a better life and one that is not so hard on them. Personality: She is normally very quiet and is studing others around her. Naiya is very kind but some people consider her very cold because she doesn't have a problem tell people like it is. She is always will to proctect anyone that she cares about with her life. Before she does anything she like to think it totally threw. She always enjoy a good fight that will test her skills.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Slidding down the wall she started to catch her breath. "What was that? Well I don't care al long as it stays away from me." She set her sword down next to her and leaned her head back against hte wall. "I need to find a way out of here." The hissing noise came back and so did they eyes but this time there was 16 eyes looking at her. Letting out a yelp as a long clawed leg came flying towards her, taking of her hat off her head. t nearlly took off her whole hed. Vivina grab her sword and ran on all four as she scrambled out of the way. "Hey that was my favourite hat." One of the creatures spit a sticky substance at her. She dodge but got caught in the hair. "What the," She grabbed some of her hair. "You ******** do you know how long it takes to get hair this silky and shiny. Forever. You have so pissed me off now." Vivina eyes became a firey rage. "You damn stupid spider things." Bring her short sword to the front of her to hold it into a denfesive position she said " 'ello my name is Vivina. You ruined my hair prepare to die." She charged at them, but htey were able to movie out her way. [I]Damn, need to think about something else. Come on Vivina think. [/I] she looked at her surrounding and studed them careful as she was tyring to evade the attacks from the gaint spidery creatures. One of them slashed at her side and drew blood. Vivina swore and looked up. Than an idea hit her. "Magic Missile." Vivina shouted and aimed up at the ceiling of hte cavern. The room strated to shake and rocks fell from the roof. Vivina tried dodging some of the rocks but still got hit by some. "Damn should thought that threw somemore." When the dust cleared she seen that where the two creatures had stood was a pile of rocks. Vivina let out a cough and waved the dust out of her face. "Man I really should of thought about that somemore. Snyway it doesn't matter those thing are outof my way now." Her temper was still raging. Surving around her she noticed the tunnel from before was now blocked by boulder. "**** just my luck." She started to look again and noticed light coming from a hole that she had made in the ceiling. "Well it seens all my luck isn't that bad.." She smirked and started climbing the rocks. She slid a few times burt manged to get to the top only to find she still couldn't reach it. "can anything else go wrong." She growled and slamed herself down on the pile of rocks and sat there. She sat there trying to come up with another plan.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Vivina stirred and groaned. hse opened her eyes and let them get adjusted to the area before getting up. Blinking a cuople of times she stood up. "Ouch, I hurt all over. I wonder how far I fell." She looked up. Reaching down she picked her hat up and brsuhed off the dirt and placed it backon her head. Next she dustd of her clothing and looking around. She called out. "Hello, anyone there. Leon, Ares, Imi, Mariko, Jim, Ries, Kedo, Kenjiro, Tyeam are you there. " The only thing that answered her was her echo. "I should go search for them." She started to move around the cave like area to were she noticed a tunnel. "It so quiet here and scary." She started humming a happy tune. She heard a hissing type noise. Vivina turned around and seen eight gaint glowing eyes staring at her. She let a horrified scream and jumped back. Taking out her short sword she swung it wildy about trying to keep the creature away. She felt something drip on her arm and her the creature let a fearful scream. Vivani look down at her and seen a green liquid on her arm. She squeeled again and whipped it off of her. She watch the creaturess glowing eyes disappear.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Vivina stood shocked as she watch the others fighting. She never fought before, not she could remeber anyways. Besides Leon told her she had just killed a man. She didn't mean to hurt anybody she just threw the sword at him. She didn't expect it ot actually hit him. All around her, her friends were fighting or helping each other. Vivina walked over to the man she had killed and picked up her short sword. She looked at the sword and back at the man. She heard Kedo comment "We should get inside and watch this guy. But i'm gonna go get my horse i'll be back in a little." but she could react. Leon walked over to her putting a hand on her shoulder. "You okay Vivina?" He looked at her with concern. Vivani looked up at him and started to cry. "I didn't mean to kill hiim. I... I didn't want to hurt him at all. I just killed a man. I have never killed anyone before." She sank down to her knees and looke at the bloody sword in her hands once more. "I'm a horrid person, just like them. Killing is wrong no matter what. That is what I did i kille that man." [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma looked at the horses and stepped back for a second. She studied the horse face and walked around it. "would you get on eon already." Came a sharp order from Valerie. Charisma attempted to get on a near by horse that was chesnut colour, by failed each time. She looked at the others. "Sorry I've never been on a horse before. Come to think of it I never even been this close to one." Zeddrick chuckled behind her and swung himself on the horse. He held out his hand to help her up. She took his hand as he swang her up behind him in the saddle. "Now hold on to me." Charisma nodded and looked down at her skirt. It had risen up to her thighs because of how she was ridding. [I]Oh well![/I] She thought to herself. She watch Lei get on her horse and noticed how how easly she had gotten up onit too. [I] I must of been the only one who couldn't even get up on the horse.[/I] She sighed. The horses started off in a fast run after the Raiders. Charisma taken back by the speed of the horse grad tightly around Zeddrick waste. "I said hold tight not cut of my circlulation." "Sorry." trying to hold back a scream of pure terror.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Well hope you don't mind another girl repling lol. I think the purrfect girl was my last girlfiernd. Man did she have a nice body. Well I lthink what makes a girl attractive. There hair doesn't really matter because i have to see it on the person to see if it looks the best. Eye colour I love girls with very expressive eyes. I reallly love girls with green or blue eyes. I was never one f or brown eyes. Height/weight I kinda like girls taller than me but most are anyway. Wieght I like them skinny or just a bit cunchy but the cute chuncky kind. Tans i hate tans but i really don't like totally pale people, i like in between. She has to have a nice butt. It can't be too big or too small... just right. But the thing i look for the most is personality, i wouldn't care if people considered her hte ugliest person inthe world as long as she had a good personality. I would love. I also look for one who is even more stubborn than i am. Clothing i don't care about and tattoos as long as they are cute. Piecrings only in the ears and no where else. Oh yeah they also have to be an animal lover. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"It does look like a good spot." Vivina walked into the clearing and found a rock to sit on. She brushed the dirt off with her hand and sat down. "I don't know about you guys but I was starting to get tired." Taking off hat she whipped her forehead and placed her hat back on her head. "I wonder how far it is to where people are." Tyeam stated in wonderment. Everyone looks at each other. "Who knows?" Leon stated. Vivina let out a sigh. "Well that does us no good. I mean i f if the closes town, village , or whatever is far from us what are we going to do for food and water. I don't think any of us no alot about being in the wood, unless one of you boys were Boyscouts."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]A small conference room has people from the media. The room is decorated with banners that say ?Kittychanann for Prez?. Kittychanann walks up to the podium in a hot pink dress suit. Kittychanann: (clear throat and coughs for the next five minutes) Media people start looking at their watches. Kittychanann: I have called this press conference because..? Random person: We know you are running for President, too. Kittychanann: I was not finished. It has come to my attention that the ?Bug party? doesn?t have a great rival. So with much consideration and thought I have decided to run against him. Reporter #2: You know as we told Deathbug before this is just an imaginary conference in a short OtakuBoards post. Kittychanann: (takes out T-square *a t-square is a ruler with an edge on the end of it to heelp keep a straight line. When held in a verical position it looks like a T.. hence the name.* form nowhere and chucks it at Reporter #2. Reporter #2 is knocked out unconscious.) Anymore problems? Stunned silence. Kittychanann: Okay now ask me some questions. Hands shoot up. Reporter #12: Well what is it like being a woman and running for Prez? Do you feel intimated by all your male counter parts? Kittychanann: It?s just like running like a man without the same anatomy and I?m ready to take the ?Bug Party? down. Reporter #1: Well Ms. Kittychanann what is the name of your party? Kittychanann: First off just call me Mistress Anne? umm I mean just Ms. Anne. Of course my party is called the ?Kitty Party?. Reporter #4: Deathbug gave us Oreo, what will you give us. Anne: I plan on serving you milk and chocolate chip cookies right here. Random person: I?m allergic to milk. Anne: (Brings T-square out) Random person: Never mind Anne: Okay does anyone else have some questions. Reporter #5: Ms. Anne do you have a first lady.. I men first man? Anne: yes of course I have tons of first ladies and First men. Would you like to be one too? Sound of Throats clearing. Reporter #3: Ms. Anne how do you feel about the War? Anne: Well after buying some pesticides I found every anthill and destroyed them. So I think the war with ants are over. You hear the sounds of blinking eyes. Reporter #6: Everyone knows the gas prices have risen in the past couple of month. Do you think you have a solution to this problem? Anne: Ah! A very good question. At this moment I have a team of mad scientist that are developing a new system of fuel that comes from are garbage. Reporter #8: Now Deathbug had the suggest that candidates should duel with batons on rotating platforms, like on American Gladiators. What do you think of this? Anne: Well I am all ready for him. I hired an Italian Mafia guy to do my fighting for me. Reporter #9: Ms. Anne did you know your outfit is blinding us because it is so bright. Anne: Yes I did; now the image of me will be planted into your subconscious. Well that is enough questions for today. I want you to spread the word of my coming into the race. Also that I, too need Cabinets members as well. PM if you want to be in the ?Kitty Party?. Anne walks out off the platform and leaves by a back exit. The media people look at each other. ------- Well anyway I am running for President too. If you want to be one of my cabinet members, send a PM to me. I will read through them all. Be sure to tell what kind of training you have had. blah blah and all that other stuff. I will read it over and will most likely accept anyone.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]My three favourite movies.. well lets see that easy. 1.[I]The Princess Bride[/I]- I never get tred of this movie. It has evrything in it and i love the characters. I watch this movie evryday and never get tired of it. 2.[I]Mulan[/I]- One of the few Disney movies I like. I never get tired of these movie and I know all the word to it. I sing "Be a man" all the time. It is such a catchy tune. 3.[I]Gothika[/I]- Now that was a great movie and has been added to my favourites. This movie had alot of plot twist which I love in movies. If you haven't seen this you should. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Amadahy Rohan Age: 17 Apperance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/4-8.htm]clickly noise[/URL] Element: wood Brief Background: Her father is a priest and had decated himself to it,leaving his family neglated. He wants Amadahy to follow in his footstep and became a priestess. Her mother was a priest daughter and also encourger her daughter to become a prietess. Not wanting this life she ran away at the age of 10. She ran from town to town trying to escape the life her parents planned for her. She found a small cabin in the woods which she resides in. She taught herself how to use the bow to help catch her own food and learned how to garden and plant. She comes into the neighboring town to sell furs she has collected from animals she has killed with her bow. Weapons: throwning daggers; which she keeps hidden around random parts of her body and a bow wich she keeps on her back with arrows. She aslo uses speed and agialty for a weapon. Personality: She has a peaceful and tranqual air about her. Amadahy likes wuiet and peaceful places without much people around. She can be very good around people and children seem to love her. She can have a temper though, when someone does something to the one she cares about. How is that, let me know if anything needs to be changed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink]Lenfear stood up and rubbed theback of her head, where Kiros had hit her. "What happened?" She was talking to herself. "That is what I would know Lenfeaer." She heard the voice come from behind her and know it was Lucifer. He stared at her with a gaze that would have freightened anyone. "You failed me on this Lenfear,a simple task. That is twice today. You didn't bring me Azreal, you thought I forgot." Lenfear stood there while she watch Lucifer pace around her. "I am sorry Master. Please give me one more chance and I will bring you both." "I will, for I feel like being genourous today. If you bring Azreal to me all will be forgiven, but if you fail. Well lets not talk abou that shall we." Lenfear eyes shot wide. "I will even give you where he is Lenfear. He is up in Heaven right now." Lenfear now stood in even more shock. "Thats rright you will have to go there. Now begon before i change my mind." Lenfear quickly speed out of Hell and made her way toward Heaven. [I]How long has it been since I'v been there.[/I] The air became pure and lighter. Lenfear was having a hard time breathing. To long has she been in the depth of Hell to be placed in this. She did not care she only flew faster. she came upon the gates to see a battle raging. She heard Azreal tell Anastasius to attack. She stood paralyzed as she watch the great creature attack an angel and Azreal chuckle. Lenfear heard Azreal speak "And so it begins."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Vivina Mora Keefer Age:17 Gender: Female Personality: Vivina is a very sweet and fun loving person. She always enjoys making new friends. She is normally very come and relaxed but she has a short temper. Appearance:[URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/22-4.htm]click here[/URL] Bio: Vivina has split personality, in one she is very sweet and nice and the other she has a short temper and lashes out at people but never her friends. MAny poeple don't like to go near her because of this, but that does not matter to her. In school she is very smart and has one of the hghest gpa's in the school. When they went on the class field trip she was having fun looking at all the stuff. She is a bit up set when her friend Mariko touch the strange object and was transported to a different time. She did get made at her though knowing that Mariko was a curoisus person. How is that? Let me know if anything needs changed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"So how was your day today, Uki." Berry looked at down at her feet. She didn't wan't Uki to see her blush. "It..was good. So how was yours." "Alright..i geuss." She looked up at Uki and smiled at him. "I.. um.. meant to tell you this morning but I..um..didn't get a chance to." She gulped silently while she looked into Uki's eyes. " I meant everything i said yesterday." Uki looked at her and blushed. Berry leaned up to im and kiss him softly. She took her lips away and blushed once more."um.. I have to go to the library for a few. Would you like to come with me?" Berry looked at Uki with almost pleading eyes to come. "Sure. I guess so." Uki stood up and took Berry's hand. ------- As they entered the library Berry noticed Koge, Ichigo, and Ami. She seen Ami and tensed up, she really didn't want to around her. "Let's go sit with them, Berry." Berry nedded and they sat down. She made sure hse had the farthest seat from Ami. Koge whisper something in Ami's ears and the both got up and left. "Well while there gone i'm just going to get the books I was before. I'll be right back." She got up from her chair and went to the fashion section. Taking some books out on the fashion of the 60ths she sat back down at the table. "What are you researchng?" Uki asked her. "Oh, I'm dooing a new clothing design based on the fashion of the 60ths." Sho took out a notebook and started to scribble down notes.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]It looks like Al Bundy has struck again with his shoe. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Loki blushed and became fluster. Uila had kissed her, like she always wanted him to. She watched him stand up and brush sand off. She really wasn't sure how she got here. "Right. Well, I am pleased to see you are alive. Come along now, there's business that must be attended to.." She was snapped out of her thoughts by Uila voice. "What business? Why am I here and how did I get? Uila I am so confused. What happen to everything." She looked around. Uila looked at her with saddness in his eyes. "I'll explain it to you later, but right now there's other business to take care of." Uila took Loki's hand in his. "Come now lets go and I promise you this time i will protect you."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lenfear laughed as she watch the two in pain. She really was having fun. [I]The best part is that Master Lucifer has fogotten that I didn't bring Azreal to his side.[/I] She thought to herself. Kiros's screamed pierced her ears and she watched as them wrigle in pain. Lucifer gave a laugh and turned to her. "I have some more business to take care of at this moment. I will be back. Lenfear I know you ar having but do not kill them." Lucifer turned and disappered from the place he was standing. She walked over to Kiros and leaned down. "This is what you get for not listening to Master Lucifer." She stood up and laughed. A chair came suddenly out of nowhere and she sat down. Lenfear the study the two for a moment. "Kiros you really are a shame to the deamon kind. I should kill you and make sure you don't disgrace to demon name anymore, but i will not because Lucifer does not wish it." She lay the whip in her lap and rested her hand on her head. As she watch Kiros still wringling in pain.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Micha Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: She stands 5'8 and weighs 120 pounds. She has a light build with a light tan. She has black mid-lenght hair that is kept in a neat braid. She has hazel coloured eyes. She wears a plain white shirt and a long blue skirt that comes to her ankles with a white apron. She wears a pair of sandles on her feet and the only jewelry she wears is a plain linked bracelet, that was given to her by her parents. Powers: Healing Persona: Mich is very soft spoken and gentle. She hates fighting or any type of conflict. She mostly kepts to herself and observes others. Short Bio: She is one minute older than her twin Masen. She is the oldest of the three children in the house. She was always one of the best healer in Casande. She works in a infirmary. Micha is very knowdgeable in the ways to use and make differnt herbs as well. She is very prective of her family and hold them dear to her. She has a close bond to her twin. She is very supportive of Fyka and gives her as much support as she can Family: Mother ? Nyara Father ? Dannen Siblings ?Masen (twin) and Fyka Bond: A grey Squirrel named Aquene I hope this is okay. Let me know if anything needs changed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wel i'm not sure on asian pickup lines but when i heard this one i feel one the floor laughing so hard and started to cry. This one was said to my friend at a party by a drunken stoner, he came over to her of fell on her and said "If you were stuck inside a cupcake, i would eat you out." This pickup line was said to her like three yeard ago and we still laugh about it today whenever we see a cupcake. I also had a very creative one. I had been walking in the mall with a friend, when a guy came up and asked if we like to take a survey: Well all his questions were like "Did you know I was standing next to someone who is Hot?". It was very dumb but i do have to give created for the creativness of it. My now fience got me with this one, "Did you know I was a stalker and I so want to stalk you." Very funny, I think I would have been crept out if he didn't ask me that while we were dating. These are the best pick up lines that I heard. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink] She had given an inner sigh well Steff showed up. She wanted to talk to Uki alone but it was okay she hadn't talk ot Steff in awhile. She smiled and heard her stomache growl. She forgot nshe didn't eat last night after she got home last night. Berry did have a pastry last night with Karsen along with tea while they caught up. Than she woke uplate this morning and didn't have time to eat. She went into her hot pink bag with a flower embroidered in a light blue colour. Berryn brought out a small box filled with Jelly buns. "Here try some." She offered them to Steff and Uki. "They are Jelly buns, in the first row they are filled with strawberry, next peach, blueberry, cherry and raspberry." She pulled out a strawberry one a began eating one. She wonder what the three of them were talking about over there. She noticed Koge doing the moonwalk and laughed at it. "So how is everyone doing today?"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I use to have one Barbie, one Ken, and one Kely doll. I never did like Barbie much. I use to cut their har and dye it different colours. After i would take paint and put makeup on them. Theh only close my barbies had where the ones that i made for them. So needless to say Ken crossdressed alot. I also use to have all the Teenage Mutain Ninja Turtle figures. I would take them a pretend to kill Barbie and the rest when they were going off to dinner or something. My Uncle was study to become a lawyer. We i use to read his book, so i use to have pretend trails. I would always use to put BArbie or ken inJail for something. The Judge was always Ralpheal. My Mom would come in and shale her head at me. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]These are all so great and amusing. I have some more. 1. Popping bubble wrap; hours of fun with the popping noise. (pops some more of the bubbles. giggles) 2. Make up stories what the people are talking about int he painting "THe Last Supper." (sorry if this one offends anyone, I don't intend it too.) 3.you draw scales on your legs and arm, than run around screaming I am a lizard person. 4. play truth or dare, but mostly do dares. 5. When you go up to the mail man and get his autograph. Than laugh about it when they actually give it to you. 6. Chase the ice cream man for a mile. 7. Wear a pot on your head and when someone ask you why youare wearing one you reply "because it is the latest fashion. 8. Playing with boxes and pretend they are something else. 9. You call up random people and ask them "Where are the Beans?". When they are all confused you start to laugh. 10. When you go to Bingo and scream random things. MAking old ladies mad at you and laugh about it. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Laying across a bench in a graveyard, Loki could fell the tension in the air. A small radio was playing soft tunes, while she hummed to them. Loki watched as the unrested spirits walked. She really did enjoy old graveyard and not many humans actually came here. She breezed deep, "The spirits are a bit antsy tonight. My vision has began, i can tell. Be safe tonight Uila, something is going to happen." Loki laid back and closed her eyes. A loud explosion jolted her up from her position. A fireball filled the sky. "No! What going on?" A females voice come over the radio and Loki turned it up. [I]"ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS OF NEW YORK! Martial Law is being enacted for your safety! Please stay in your homes and keep your loved ones from harm. Unfortunately, do to the situation, anyone outside of their homes, starting in one hour, will be shot on sight."[/I] "This is't good. I have one hour, to get to Uila place. He wil know whats going on around here. I just hope he is home." She started running to Uila apartment. She noticed most people were rushing to reach their destination. She would noramlly have a good time joking with these people but rigght now wasn't the time. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath. In this form she wasn't as fast and couldn't indure as much in her real form. "I just have to stick with this one right now." She told herself out loud. She noticed some people were looting store. She just shook her head. She spotted the street that Uila apartment was and a breathed a sigh of relief. She ran up the starir and knocked on the door. [I]Please be there Uila, please.[/I] There wasn't anyone answer. "I hope you are okay out there.[/I] She said to no one but herself. [I] I'll give him one hour and if he is not back by than, than i'm going out and finding him.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Clearing her throat she called out, "Chandra, Hani I'm ome." Her parents always told her to call them by their real name. No one answered. "Its okay." Her cat Mittens came up and rubbed against her legs. "Well how is my kitty." She picked Mittens up and walked into the kitchen. "Lets get something to eat. I'm starving, how about you?" "Meow!" Mittens looked up to her. Berry set Mittens down on the kitchen table. A not caught her attention. "Wonder how long this has been here." She picked it up and it was fated from 3 days ago. [I]Armageddon, Hope you actually find this note, we know you aren't the most observent person. Well anyway Hani and I have gone of to Englad for a week. Sorry we didn't take you with us, but we just kinda decided to go and you were at school. We left food in the fridge and you know are bank account numbers, take money out if you need it. We should be home in a week, but were not sure yet. We will see you when we get back. Promise to bring you something. Lots of love. Hugs and Kisses, Chandra and Hani[/I] "That why this place has been so quite." She laughed, it was like her parents just to up and leeave so it didn't bother much. "Now lets see whats to eat. Hmmmm..." She looked in the fridge "well lets have some fried rice. It only needs to be heated up." Going into the pantry she took out so cat food. "And some meow mix for mittens." She popped the food in the microwave and went out into the livingroom. She sat down in fornt of her sewing machine and started working on the outfit she was finishing. Going threw her fabric she picked up the robins egg blue colour cloth. She held it and sighed. "It looks like i need to get mor eof this colour if i want to finish up tonight Mittens." Berry picked up the phone and daled a number. "Mistress Karsen Seamstress Palace, how may I help you." "Karsen, how are you?" "Berry dear, I'm doing great you haven't been here in awhile. What do you need?" "I was wondering if you had anymore of B1034 colour fabric." "Sure do! Just tell me how much you need nadi'll have it ready for you." "Great! I say about 1 yard just to be safe. Thanks again i'll be there soon" "Alright Berry, talk to you in a few." Berry hung up the phone and grabbed her purse, which was a cat in a teapot. She went into the kitchen and turned the microwave off. "See you soon Mittens I have to go out for a bit."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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