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[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Berry skipped on her way home and a wince came to her every once in awhile. A bruise started to develope by her left eye where Ami had hit her. She came to a hult men she seen uki on the other side of the street. Quickly she crossed the street, she didn't want to be hit by a car. "HI Uki! Funny running into you like this isn't it." Uki looked startled like his mind was somewhere else. "Hi Berry." He looked at her and noticed her eye. "What happened to your eye?' She smiled,[I] Hehe victim time.[/I] "Well I was walking down the hallway and Ami bet me up and told me to stay away from you." She started to cry. "I wasn't doing anything but minding my own business." She sniffed and whipped her eyes. "Come now Berry don't cry. I am sure didn't do it on purpose." Berry start to cry even more. "How about I walk you home, okay." Berry nodded her head and whipped more tears from her eyes. [I]Yes, i got him to walk me home.[/I] "Thank you, you didn't have to." She looked up at Uki. [I]Like i said before ever cloud has a silver lining.[/I] They got to her house and Uki raised an eyebrow at it. "Your house is really different." Each portion of the house was painted a different colour and a different design was on each window. "Yeah but at least i always knew which house was mine." She smiled. "Um.. Uki.." He looked at her. "I.. I like you." She came up to him and gave him a soft kiss. She came stopped herself and blushed. Running into the house, she held her warm blushing cheecks. "I can't believe I just did that.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]After Ami ran off Berry sank to her knees and started crying. She didn't do anything to her, anyways she started it. "I hate fighting." Curling her knees up to her face she cried some more. It hurt where Ami had punched her. She got up and rubbed her eyes. [I]If she wants to play like that, than I will, too. I don't give up very easly. Beside every cloud has a silver lining.[/I] She rubbed her eyes and put on her smile again. As soon as she did she felt happy. The comment about the religion didn't even faze her, she wasn't Christain... [I]Now what am I this week... It would make my life easier if my parents actually picked one religion and stayed with it. Oh yeah were buddist this week."[/I] She sighed [I]Well things could be much worse, like i didn't have my family.[/I] She went down the hallway skipping and humming to herself.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Alethea went back to the group and kick a few rocks as thy walked. The two guys up front were fighting about who is going to be the leader. It didn't really matter to her she thought the idea was pety, but she wasn't going to say that. She had already suprised herself twice today. One by fight and two by actually raising her voice. She sighed and put a smile back on her face, a smile could turn anyone happy again. [I] I wonder why you would want to be alone. It is not fun, I know. I got it I will make her my friend yet. Than she will be my friend. [/I] With that she had alittle more bounce in her walk.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Berry (Armageddon) sat on a small blanket to eat her lunch. It had been such a nice day out, she just have to have a picnic. She opened her lunch box and looked inside to see an onigiri (riceball). Her parents were on a culutral kick right now, so everyday they would eat food from different places today must be Japan. She laughed and started eating it. She noticed Uki came out from inside the the school with Ami. They sat down beside a tree and he kissed her. She blink and pretended not to see anything. She had a crush on Uki but didn't really say. She was sure she could get him to like her. 'AMI BOSHI!PRESIDENT OF STUDENT COUNCIL GET HERE TO THE OFFICE NOW!". She heard over the loud speaker. This was her chance to talk to Uki. She grabbed two the of the peach buns she had made early. "Hi Uki. HOw are you today?" She came up behind him and smiled, she always did. "Hey Berry!" Everyone called her that because her that because her first name was just to funny but she liked it. "Um..good. How are you?" "Great like always. Here would you like one. They are peach buns but they don't really have peaches in them. I made them this morning." He took one and started eating it. "What do you think? Is it good." She smiled at him.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kiran listened while Gatomon explained things about the Digital World and what was happing. Kiran looked back behind her. "What wrong?" "I thought i felt someone staring at me, but i guess it must be my imagination. You were saying Gatomon." Gatomon contuined talk but Kiran could shake the feeling that someone was watching her. "By the I forgot to give you these. I search for them while you were in your world." she handed Kiran a crest and tag. "It is your crest. You are hte Digidestined of Love. Your evil counter part is Hate and he will try and stop you at any cost. Kiran are you listening to me." "of course I am." She looks up from her crest she was study. "Come on Gatomon lets keep moving. I don't think its safe here anyways." Kiran noticed smoke in the distance. "What's that?" "I don't know but I think we should check it out." They started to run towards the smoke. .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Loki closed the door behind her a sighed looking at the candy bar. [I]Oh well at least its my favourite kind.[/I] She looked at Richard who was standing there, Uila made him wait there while she talk to him. "Um. her Uila told me to give this to you." She handed him the five dollar bill. Loki looked down at her watch. "Oh no I'm going to be late to school. I'm sorry i can't show you around." She gave him a bow and left. Running down the street she unwrapped hte snickers bar and ate it. She really did like anything chocolate. It was so sweet and had a great taste. She ran past an old lady feeding squirrels and a bag of peanuts in her lap. Loki stopped and gave a devilish smirk. She really couldn't start a day without getting one target. Her mind raced fast and she pulled out a leaf and turned it into a firecracker. Sliping it careful into the bag of peanuts, she ran behind a tree and waited. She heard the bag and watch the squirrels scatter. She began to laugh as she seen the old lady's shock expresssion. She started to head towards to school laughing about what just happened. She finished the candy bar and licked her fingers clean of the chocolate that got on them. She threw the wrapper in the garabage and turned int he gates of her school. [I]I hate going here it's a waste of my time, but it is part of my cover.[/I] Shen than just reliezed she didn't have her schoolbag. [I]Oh well like i use it anyway.[/I] She headed into the school making it to class right on time.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Suzuki Machiko Age: 29 Gender: female Appearance: [URL=http://recca.lamassu.net/images/tradingcards/forcards252627a.jpg]She is the first one[/URL] Reincarnation of: bounty huntress Origin: Osaka, Japan Personality: She is a huge flirt, most of the time when when are around she is flirting with them. Suzuki does sometimes get serious when she is fighting but not much. She maybe a flirt but is still nice and kind to others around her. Bio: When she was young her father was a diplomate to foriegn countries so she traveled alot. She got to see many exotic places and picked up techniques from them. When she was nine her father and mother were assassinated going to dinner for a peace talk betwwen twoo countries. When she found out she wanted to get revenge. She was sent back to Japan to live with her family at their temple. She told her family that she wanted to get revenge on the people who killed her parents and agreed to help her get training. Her family taught her different form of fighting. The female memeberds in her family also taught her the art of flirting and how to seduce men. When she turned ninteen she felt she was ready. She left the family temple and began her search. She became a bounty huntress to help collect the information she needed to located the people who killed her family. She would sit at bars and flirt with men and soon they would be giving her all kinds of information. She found she enjoyed flirt with men and watching their reaction. She also enjoyed doing it and the attention she got. When she turned twenty-three she was already one of the best bounty hunters out there, if she would alcually get serious. She found her parents assassents and killed them. Afterwards she contnuied to be a bounty hunter. She found herself enjoying her work and it paid well. she now sits in a jail cell with four men and two other women. She had been set up on a job by a jealous women whos husband Suzuki had been flirting with. Suzuki was surprised by this. "sigh.... oh well it could be worse. Besides there for other men i could flirt with in here. What luck." she smiled I hope this okay.. I really got into this character. Let me know if anything need changing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink] Loki stood their and thought, [I]This has been a bad night. First beging caught and now i have one of the Knights of the Silver Dragon breathing down my neck. Nothing could make this any worse. I would just like to run. [/I] The man stood and looked at the two of them. His posture was relaxed but he looked like he would strike if anyone even breeathed funny. Richard let out a groan and rubbed his head. "Man that hurt." Loki felt it coming like evrytime it did, a glimpse of the future was about to be shown to her. [I]Not now please not now.[/I] Her eyes braught on a blank and distant look as she became rigid and stiff. ~future~ A white hair man stand in the midst of a pack of werwolves. He rallys them to him and they are cheering. ~flah~ A girl bows giving a white evolope to a man in a kimono. They are talking to each other. ~flash~ A batlte is raging between the werwolves and people. ~end~ Loki's eyes returned to their normal green and she blink. The two men were staring at her and the Knights of the Silver Dragon had his hand on his Katana. She gulped, she had to get what she just learned to Uila not matter what. "You should get off the street, sir. Its not safe." The Knights of the Silver Dragon raised an eyebrow at her, "Why is that." "I do not have time to explain." She turned to Richard, 'welcome to New York Mr. Constantinople. Yuo should get off the streets as well. Do you have a place yet?" He shook his head. "Than your coming with me. The streets will not be safe soon." Her vioce was filled with fear. She grabbed Richards hand started to pull him along. [I] I gotta get to Uila apartment. He will know what to do.[/I] She turned to go out of the alley but hte man stopped her. "I can not let you leave." Loki fished out a card and gave it to the man. "call the number on their. You'll get someone from Dept. 7 and they will tell you what you need to know." With that she was running down the street with poor Richard being pulled behind her. They made their way a couple of blocks and came to an apartment building. loki ran up the steps and knocked on the door with the number B6 on it. Uila opened the door and looked at her. Fear consemed her eyes. "Loki what's wrong?" Minuvering her inside the place.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Kiran waved good-bye to her friends Sarah and Rachael. Her school had a field trip today at the park. She started to run home and turn one last time to yell and gave a wave. "I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." She yelled at them in her sweet toned voice. "Bye, Kiran take care." "See you later alligator!" She heard Rachael call and replied back, "after awhile crocodile!" She gave a giggle. Kiran ran from the park. She looked up at the sky, holding her hat to her head; "It looks like it is going to rain soon. I better hurry home or I will be caught in it.? She started to run hard and came to a stop. She was at a four-way intersection and was waiting for the sign that said she could walk. She looked down the left side of the street she knew a quicker way but her Mom told her never to go that way and it was to dangerous. [I] But, if I take the short cut I won?t be caught in the rain. Anyway how is Mom even going to know.? With that she quickly down the left before the light changed. Holding on to her hat as she ran because the wind was starting to pick up. She stopped for a second and bent over while she caught her breath. She just had run seven blocks. A gust of wind came and blew her hat down an alleyway. ?Come back hat!? She ran down the alley to get it. Kiran grabbed her hat and placed it back on her head. A light appeared one the ground and took on a shape. ?What is this?? She picked up the object in her hand. A light surrounded and engulfed her. Kiran appeared in a field of wild flower. ?Wow! Where am I?? A light wind blew through her short cut hair and blew the bottom half of her dress. ?It?s very pretty wherever I am.? In the distant she noticed something running through the grass. A white hat wearing a glove with black and yellow stripes came up to her. ?Hi! My name is Gatomon and I?m a Digimon. Please to meet you Kiran.? Kiran blink for a second, ?Wow you can talk. That?s amazing. How did you know my name Gatomon?? ?Why I?m your partner in the fight against evil. You must search for the others just like you. You are the Digidestined of good.? ?Really that amazing.? She laughed ?Can we go and find them now?? ?Yes, but first I must warn you. There are other outs their that are going to try and hurt. They are the evil Digidestined. We have to be careful of them.? ?I gotta Gatomon. Come on now.? She picked up Gatomon and started out to find the others.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Armageddon Berry Crescent (most people call her Berry) Age: 13 Grade: 10 Gender: Female Appearence: [URL=http://www.lendaydestiny.org/%7Ekawaiimomiji/galerie/momijirouge.jpg]click here to see[/URL] Skills: drama, art, collecting anything cute, and making clothing Bio: Many mistake her for a very cute boy but she is female. she doesn't like wearing the school uniform but makes her own clothing. She normally wears a totally different outfit everyday and get introuble for it. She is overly cheerful and kind to anyone. She doesn't hate anyone no matter how much they get on her nervous. She enjoy finding anything that is cute and keeps it. She is a notrouis pack rat. Her parents decided to give her a new age name. Many people make fun of her for it but she doesn't care. She just keeps on smilling. She is very optimistic about things around and will try to make anyone happy is she see them upset. She has had a crush on Uki for the past year but been a bit shy (which is unuasal for her). I hope that is okay with you firepheonix, that my character likes yours, if not just let me know okay. This look like it going to be fun oo[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Loki listen intently, she knew she was in trouble for making Uila worry. She nodded as he handed the money and card to her. As he rubbeed her hair she gave a small smile. As he leap the air blow her skirt up again revealing her white panties. [I] I really am going to have to bring that to his attention. He tells me not to attract to much attation to myself, but than he goes up blows my skirt up.[/I] She watch his figure go and waited a few minutes. She let out a sigh. She took the card and sniffed it. The card still had his sent, she let out a blush. She really did like him but always figured that he only looked at her like a child. [I]Even though I am almost tripled your age.[/I] She thought to herself. She looked around at her surroundings and didn't notice anyone. She popped back out her ears and tail. She felt confreted in them. She walked over to the guy and squited down. "So your name is Richard. I am sorry about before. I should have gone with the old lady." She grinned if Uila had heard her say that she would have been in trouble again. She looked at him again, "You know you don't make very good conversation when you are unconscious." She gave a giggle. She had the urge to draw on his face that why when he woke up... she smirked and than thought about it. [I]If i did that and Uila found out.[/I] She didn't want to think about it. She squited and started to twitch her tail back and force while she thought. It had been awhile since she came here. Uila had been the one to find her. She had been scared at first and a little entertained at the same time. She had gotten into a mess and he had resuced her. She promised to behave herself, he didn't notice that her fingers were crossed, and she had for the most part. She came out from her thoughts when she heard a moan. She looked at Richard and watched him stir. "I would take it slow getting up if i were you. You hit your head pretty hard." She put a hand on his arm as he blinked.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sphirinmon flew above a group of five Fear Guardromone. "Light Show," she yelled taken down three. "Wow! I never knew fighting was so hard." "Homing Lazer." Three beams came at her. She dodge two of the attacks coming at her. The third caught her tail. Her form flicker for a second but went back. Sphirinmon grabbed her tail and let out a yelp, "Oww, that hurt, you pain in the butts. You have gotten me even madder now." She raise higher in the air and crossed her arms "Fatal Riddle!" She spread her arms wide sending out a blade of light. The last three Fear Guardromone were blasted into bits. "That is what you get for being so mean."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"You will tell me where Azrael is... Or I'll make you..." "Kiros you can not frieghting me that easily and i do not resond to threats well." That her staff and placing it guard herself. A rift opened in tje sky and out came figure. Lenfear look up to the sky and saw it had become a blood red colour. "Kiros, if i were you I would look up." "Come now Lenfear, I know you like tricks and messing with people minds but that its just bad for you." Steff.. scream and pionted. "What know!" Kiros looked up into the choas that used to the sky. "Damn the gate but who would use it." A figure come out of the gates and gave out a rooar. Lenfear gasped a name came from her lips, "Mordecry." "What is he doing here?" "I have no idea, Kiros. But i think you should get your little friend out of here. I know i'm going to spilt." Two figures also now became visable on the horizen. She knew who the must be Azreal and Alexandria. "It seems you found azreal without me telling you she pionted." She took on her angel form and took flight. "I will see you again Kiros. You better live because I love to torment you." She gave him a smile and flew off.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Loki stood in an allayway with her head poked around the side of the building. "Now which will be my next victim." she was talking to herself. "Lets see a little old lady; they are pretty easy to scare, a hot dog vender; i could also get a meal, a police officer; to risky, than she saw a man with a red tartan scarf wrapped around his neck; bingo we have a winner. He looks like a bum, they are the easiest to trick. Now to come up with a great trick." She sat down to think for a few seconds, her green eyes never leaving the man. Once she had her eyes set on someone she never gave up that easily. Her tail and ears popped out of from her school uniform, she felt she thought better with these. Tapping her finger on the side of her face she got it. I'll do a ghost and pop up and scare him. She giggled to herself. She ran out from the allyway an started following the man. She wanted to wait until there wasn't so many people around. She heard someone gasp, [I]OOps, forgot.[/I] Making her tail and hers disapper again, she heard more gasps. She giggled to herself. [I]These people are always so amusing.[/I] The man turned down the street with not so many people. [I]This is the perfect place.[/I] There was a puff of smoke and she turned herself into a ghost. She went under the ground and came in front of the man. "Boo!" She used one of her leaves to turn into a firecracker, to give the man a little more scare.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lenfear didn't like this whole pin to the wall thing. She felt a presence tugging at her. It came from the girl that Kiros called Steff. She let out a laugh. "What are you laughing about now." She gave him a small smile and he shook her again. "You know this is no way to treat a lady." "You are no Lady. Steff.. go back in side, it is to dangrous for you." He turned back to Lenfear. "Yes Unawakened Angel go back in your building. This is wonderful two in one day." "What are you talking about I'm no Angel." The girl, Steff came a bt closer. "Don't come any closer to her." Kiros turned back on Lenfear. "Oh, I don't bite, not to hard anyway. Come here Angel, you should jion the great Master Lucifer." Kiros slamed her bacl hard. "Now tell me where they are. Tell me all you know, Lenfear." He leaned his head close again to her. Lenfear couldn't help herself, she just had to annoy him more. She knew she was in a tight spot, but she so did like to terroize people. No would have guesss that she had once worked for God and called himMaster.She gave him a small kiss as he leaned down at her. She gave a laugh as his anger flared up more. "What's wrong you look angry, KIros."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Its very funny I do amost all things or have done. I have some more amusing thing to share with you: 1. When LibertyKids come on and you start singing and dancinhg along with it. 2. When you play hop skotch down the street with no board. 3. You keep spinning around on your computer chair. 4. Youplay jump rope without a rope. 5. make up your own language. 6. Make pardy songs about anything. 7. sing "Don't step on a crack yu 'll break your mom's back" as you walk down a side walk. 8. Tell corny jokes. 9. Braid your hair in tiny multiple miro braids. 10. Play dress up all day. Well these are somemore. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"It wrong to fight to fight and hurt others." Alethea said in a low vioce holding Gatomon. "But their trying to distroy this world." Gatomon looked up at her. "I can't its wrong to hurt others, no matter how evil th-" Gernades landed a couple of feet away from her. She feel to the ground. "Gatomon are you okay?" "Yes, but you have to fight them, Alethea." Alethea nodded, they almost hurt her new friend. "Digi-Form Transform...Alpha!" Alethea yelled out and a bright light surround her. "Sphirinmon!. Wow Gatomon! Look I have wings." Her eyes looked at herself. She laughed. "Look Gatomon I have a tail and ears like you!" She heard more gernads go off. "You almost hurt my frinds and for that you will pay." She took flight into the air. "Homing Laser" The Fear Guardromon locked on to her but she avoided the attack barely. "That was close." She gave a sigh of relief. "Light Show!" A light surrounded her and shot out in different directions. It took down a couple.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I am one of the most people to amuse. BAsically anything amuses me but i will name a couple: 1. Playing with the bussiness cards in your wallet and making up a story with them. 2. A peice of string can keep you entertained for hours. 3. You watch ants as the are marching and place various objects in their way. 4. You make shapes with your freckles. 5. Put on cat tail and ears; and chase your tail. 6. Shadow puppets keep you company during the night. Well these are just a couple that keep me amused. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Yes it is, isn't it? Hmm. Ann, darling, sit by that wall. This may take a while. I shall be right back." Alexandria had been talking to the girl. Lenfear raised an eyebrow a the comment. [I]I wonder what she is up to.[/I] She watch as she started to transform into her demon for. Lenfear gasped. "Hello...Lenfear." Lenfear smiled, "Well hello, Alexandria. It has been some time since i seen you. Finally got out of your prison." Lenfear spread her wings and took flight as well, to keep eye level with her. Alexandria gaze flickered for a moment and went back to its steady gaze. Lenfear posititioned her staff in a non threating way. "Why ar eyou here, Lenfear." Lenfear gave a harmonic laugh, "Like you don't know, but i didn't come here to fight only to talk. You don't seem to be in a talking mood though." She gave another laugh. "Since its seem Azreal is a bit busy I'll come back another time." She let herself down gracefully and head out towards the door.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma heard music and laughter. "Lets go investagate what tha tis." She grab Lei hands and pulled Lei behind her as she ran. They rounded a corner and heard te music stop. "I thinnk we missd what ever it was, I guess." She said in between breaths. Charisma noticed saw Kaitlen and the rest. "Let go jionup with everyone,okay." Lei nodded. They started walking toward them. Charisma noticed a new memeber in their group. She looked at hte guy closer and it was the thief from before. "Het guys! We're back." Charisma smiled. "My name is Charisma."She held out her hand to the new comer.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Lenfear! Stay out of my ******* dream! You angels aren't to smart are you?" Kiros thoughts were directed to her head. Lenfear gave a small smile, she placed a barrier up so he couldn't talk to her anymore. She could sense him, Azreal in this building. [I]I got to make sure i keep all my sense. He feels even more powerful than before.[/I] She entered the building and transformed into her angel for. She figured that this was a good form to meet Azreal in. Coming to the middle of the lobby she heard vioce. ?He?s an Angel, too?? ?So it seems Mr. Bailey had a large skeleton in hiding.? ?But..if he?s the Arc Angel of Salvation, why did he help in the resurrection of Azrael?? ?Beats me.? ?That?s comforting.? Her eyes went wide. [I] What Uriel is here, too. Todau is not my day.[/I] She poked her head from arounf a piller and saw 4 people. [I]No Alexandria is here, too. This will prove diffucalte to talk to Azreal. But who is that other person there, i have never seen her before.[/I] Her eyes closed and she felt the girls presence. [I] Ahh! I see now she is an unawakened Angel.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name:Kiran Lumina Miyo Age: 11 Appearance: see attachment Bio: As she was walking home from school she decided to take a short cut. As she turned down a dark allyway. Lights started to flash around her and than she appeared in the digital world. Side: Good Crest: Love Crest Color: Pink Digimon Partner:Gatomon Digivolving Levels: Rookie: Salamon (Puppy howling, Fire paw) Champion: Gatomon (Lightning Claw,, Cat's Eye Hypnotism) Ultimate: Angewomon (Celestial Arrow, Heaven's Charm) Mega:Magnadramon (Fire tornado, Dragon Fire) Omega: Holydramon X (Four Great Dragons, Holy Blaze Apocalypse) [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I don't get out until June 18ths, than its back to school again in three weeks.. sighs.. not much of a summer break. My friends and I had planned d on going to Anime Expo in Anahiem bu they couldn't afford plan tickets. I hate being a poor college student. BUt instead i've decided to go visit my Auntie, Uncle and 4 cousins in Seattle. Its going to b so cool i haven't seen them in three years. I am going to get to see my cousin Irish Step Dancing Reciatel. 00 Than its back home home again and off to see my friends who went millions of miles away for college. I also plan to see my old GErman teacher. The final strench of my vaction will be int he hosptil, for surgeory. The worst part is that my stay there will go into my first week of classes, (i actually want to go to class) but i already have a plan to get put of there for them. The hospital is four blocks away from my school. 1. either to beg and grovel. 2. Give the cute kittie eyes, i have yet to see someone say no to my kitties eyes. 3. to flirt shamlessly if its a male nurse. Well i hope everyone has a good Summer vacation! ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma straghted her arms and yawned. Taking off her glasses she rub her temples. She set her glasses on the desk next to her. she has already scanned through 12 hours of tape and had more to go. She glanced at the list she had made of the suspects that had just gone into the drawer. Very vague and general but she could work on it some work. She rolled her chair over to her luch box and looked in it. Only three more triangle left outof the twelve she packed. [I]I guess i'm going to have to get some more snakies if i'm ever going to finish theis.[/I] Taking her glasses back up and placing on her head, she began watch the film for monday night. She would fast foward until someone went in the draw and than she would stop the tape. Transfer it over to the inhancement program she had running. She would roll back and force on her chair, givingg he braid a tug every now and than.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kiros growled, "Begone Lenfear. I am not in the mood for your games." LEnfear laughed, "Come now, you look mad at the world. Tell me whats wrong, so i can make it worse." "It is none of your business." Lenfear started to look through his memories whe n a shiled blocked her. "Stay out of them." "You are no fun tonight, Kiros. I like to torment you in your dreams." "I thought you were looking for Azreal." LEnfear smiled, this smile was one that was filled with knowldge. Her laugh ran through his dream. Kiros turned on her. "Leave now, or i'll force you out." "Fine, i'll play your way grumpy pants, I'll leave." She walked out of his dream and reappered on the road. HEr eyes blink and she had returned to the conscious world. She walked out of the alley and transformed back into her human form. She grinned, she could feel Azreals aura again. She started to follow it. It lead to a tall building on that looked like it was a hospital or lab. She went in.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]