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Everything posted by Anne

  1. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma and Lei walked down the street. Stalls held anything they could want. "It very beautiful here. I feel so relaxed and calm, i don't think i have every felt this good." "Yes. I don't think i have seen a place this nice before." Something shiney caught Charisma. "Comeon lets go over here." She grab Lei and pulled her along. On a table laid all type of jewerly. "They are beatiful." She ran her fingers over a small silver necklace with an opal in it. "Its lovely." A old women looked at the one she choose, "Yes that one is one of our best. Would you like to try it on." She pulled a mirror out and Charisma slipped the necklace around her neck. "Why my dear it just looks purfect on you." "What do you think Lei?" "It looks nice on you." "Thank you. I'll take it." She paid the women and made their way down the street. "I hope that boy from before is ok." "What boy?" Lei looked at her "The thief, remeber." "Oh yeah." They found another stall holding all sorts of weapons. Charisma picked up a pair of sliver knuckles with ivy decor in them. She slipped them on her hand and they fit like a glove. "I want to test the durablity of these. " The staller showed her to some wood she could break. Sh raised her fisted and snapped the wood in two. She exmained the knuckles and nodded. "Yes these were very well made. I will take these." She paid the man and turned to Lei. "You should get something, too, you know."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Anne

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOC: Wow glad i wasn't the only one confused. u IC:"Okay, i'll tell you but let me down first. Its hard to talk when someone cutting off the blood flow to your brain." Lex looked ar Charisma and she nodded. Charisma blinked for a second, [I]Wait why are they asking me for permission.[/I] She shrugged it off though. "You try any tricks all and i'll killl you." Emyress motioned to her sword. Sammeul gulped. Charisma took the bun down and let her hair fall lose. Emyress relized who she was now. She was the girl in the checkered dress from the night before. Straighting out his tux, he replaid. "Their are four locator gems. One was in the old run down church. Another is in Germany, America, and the last i don't know where it is at. The other two are located in churches as well. It said when you put the four gems together they will lead the person to the blood red crystal. There i told you all i knew, now i'm going." Lex put an arm to stop him. "Let him go, he not worse killing anyway." Charisma said as she started up the stairs. "Where you going?" Emyress asked. "To my aparment to think about where the last locater could be." Than it hit her. "Damn i know where it is." She pulled the gown and tore up the stairs. She unlocked her apartment door and went in. She grab on of the pictures on the baster. She pulled a chain off the back of the picture with the locater gem on it. "Would you look at that i had it all the time and never knew." She flooped down on the couch. OCC: Edit: We don't have the one in GErmany or in America. We only have two, Sorry about that.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Alethea Farren sat in front of eher computer screen in the back of the room. She sat in computer class and was bord. She was already the fastest typer in the class, 100 words per minute with only two mistakes. A messaged popped up on her screen. "Hey my lilltle "winged fairy wander". This class is boring." She giggles. She looked over the top of her computer and waved to her friend Winfred. He gave her a small wave back and winked. He called her that because that what her names ment The winged one fairy wander. His name fried of peace. He was into figuring out what people names meant. "This class is boring "friend of peace". I wish i could have taken something differt" "Got that right" She was reading his message when she saw a door appear on her computer. [I]What is this![/I] The next thing she knew was she was sucked into the computerscreen and was hurtling into darkness. She woke up in a forest area next to a lake. She looked around and didn't notic anyone. She was alone she didn't like to be alone. She gave a soft whimper. "If i just sit here someone will come along and tell me where i am." She fought back her tears. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I really can not believe how narrow mindd you are WC. You blame the victims that are being picked, saying its their fault. (Shakes Head) So what if "Dan" want to defend himself. Maybe some people want ot stand up for them self. JUst because it isn't the greatest comeback in the world. Also you shouldn't doubt people when they are scrawny and thin. They stand a fair chance just as anybody does. I will use myself as an example. [INDENT]I had bully problems and i n 7th grade i weighed 5feet and weighed 80 pounds. I was being picked on about my looks. Tell you the truth i didn't give a rats ***. The time it did started to bug me is when they started touching me. My bully was 5'9 and weigh at least double my weight. It was gym and he started throwing balls at me. Well i think i was in a bad mood that day (I really don't remeber much of that day) I picked him up and threw him into the bleachers and started to pound on him. My friends day that it took two securiety gaurds to get me off of him. [/INDENT] So it doesn't really matter what you are,anybody can defend themselves. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Jin-Kocho, do you still have the sucriety cameras installed in you offices?" Charisma small vioce said. Jin-Kocho headed nodded. "I will need the tapes from yesterday, last night, and the one from today," she stopped and pulled at her braid. "to be safe lets go with Mondays as well." "Sure, i'll have someone show you were we keep the tapes." "You don't need to i already now where you keep them." She left in a slow walk out of the hall. She walked down a long hallway until she came to a small door. This was the room where the school kept most of their equipment. She took off her glasses and took out a hankercheif and cleaned her glasses. She replaced the glasses back on her face and went into the room. The place was a huge disaster. Tapes were everywhere and in no appearent order. She wanted to cry. she looked at the recording machine and sighed. It was an old verson of securitey system. This system would only give general help to them. She started picking through the tapes to find the right dates. Mumbling to herself "I'm going to have a talk to Jin-Kocho. It night right to treat equipment like this." Finally an hour later she had located the tapes that she needed. A series of eight tapes were held in her hands. "This is going to take forever." she sighed. She started down to the computer lab that she normally worked at. The computerthere had all the programs she needed and a tape player. She sat down at the computer computer to get to work. Hooking up some wires to the vcr to her computer she started it up. Sh eplaced in the first tape and it was very fuzzy. "Don't tell me that they rerecod over them." She grunted , "Now this is going to get even hard on me." (The quaity of tapes drop lower when used over again.) She took out her lunch bag and set it next to her. She grabbed a sandwich which had been cut itno triangles. Charisma set out to work. OCC:Hope this is okay. oo[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The first thing that poppd into my head when reading the description is "Twisted Times." I can't tell you really why it did or how, but it kinda did. (shruggs.) Other than that I'm not sure (besdes the two silver mentioned). ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lenfear ran down a dark ally way and closed her eyes for a second and open them again. HEr eyes becaome a pool of grey matter, her expresson was blank. She was enter the world of dreams. She was aware of her surround and what was going around her but not totally. She stepped into a world that was pitch black. A road of stars covered a long pathway. Mirrior like images with pictures flickering doted the lenght of the pathway. Transforming back into her true for she w4ent quickly down the path. She was searching each dream again for signs of Azreal in them. She had lost track of his aura in the real world, so she decided to head back into the dream world. She came across a dream, with a man just standing there. Lenfear grinnd from ear to ear. This was Kiros dream and he didn't even have it proctected from invaders. [I]This is going to be fun.[/I] She thought. She stepped the dream potral with connect the dream world to the person dream. A cold feeling washed over her and she closed her eyes. she opened her eyes again and stood next to Kiros. She gave a small harmonic laugh and said, "Kiros you should no better than to leave your dreams ungaurded." [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Alethea Fia Farren Age: 16 Gender: Female [URL=http://sitebuilder.verizon.net/imagelib/sitebuilder/misc/show_image.html?linkedwidth=actual&linkpath=http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeedssx/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/alethea.jpg&target=tlx_new&title=Alethea%20Fia%20Farren]Appearance[/URL]: Her height is 5'5 and wieghs 105 pounds. She has long brown hair that come to her feet, she always has it up in two pigtails with pink ribbon at the top of them. She has hazel colour eyes and soft features. She has her ears pirecces two wich she wears small hooops in both. Her outfit is a short pink chearched dress with slim starps and lace around the vneck of it and along the bottom. Her sock are white and come to the anckle and her shoes are maryjsas. She has a charmed braclet around her right wrist and a matching one on her left ankle. Bio: She was born in the United States to a middle class family. At the age of five her parents were killed in a car crash. None of the rest of the family wanted her. So she ended up in an Orpahange. There they discovered that she had great talent in art. So to help her they fund raised money to send her to a private school. Greatest Fear: water, the dark, bugs, spiders, being alone, fire Favorite Color (s): Pink Favorite Animal: cat Favorite Mythical Beast: Spinx Favorite S4 Element: Light Chinese Zodiac: Ox Favorite Songs: Pretend to be Nice~Josie and the PussyCats (Will do anything for people) I'm Still Here~ Treasure Plant (Doesn't want to be forgotten) Been through the desert on a horse with no name~Americans (unknown) Endless Rain~ X JApan (sad; feeling lost without the ones she loves) Favorite Digidestined M/F: S1~MAtt and Kori S2~Matt and Mimi S3~Ryo and Juri/Jeri S4~Tommy and Zoe Digi-Form Alpha- [URL=http://sitebuilder.verizon.net/imagelib/sitebuilder/misc/show_image.html?linkedwidth=actual&linkpath=http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeedssx/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/shirinmon.jpg&target=tlx_new&title=Shirinmon]Sphirinmon[/URL] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hmmm.. Bully prblems sounds familiar. I was picked on up till the nineth grade. Iwas shoved in lockers, had stuff thrown at me, and ect. Finally I took care of it. I had already gone to the guidence counsler, principle, school board and police (yeah it actually got that bad.). Well since no of them help i took matters in to my own hands. The next time the kid had started razzing on me a beat the ***** out of him. Actually i really don't remeber much, my friends told me most of the details. But after that i wasn't picked on anymore. But since i was in middle school and High School things have changed. I see people say go to the guidence counsler or principle. Well sometimes they don't help. My little sister is being Sexual harassed and the school hasn't done a thing to stop it. We even went to the school board and still nothing has been done. So we have gotten a atterny. So you always can't count on them to help. But their is one thing that i always tell her, "Keep your nose up high and pertend you are looking down on them. You are better than the bully because you don't have to pick on anyone to make you feel better about yourself. Also be yourself, that is onething no bully can take away. That is you and who you are, only you can take that away." [FONT=Arial][QUOTE][I][COLOR=Black]Origanlly posted by[/I] [B]Spike88[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] Let's face it most people who are into video games anime and computers are not the most popular kids in school so I'm sure everybody on here could share on this subject.[/QUOTE] Thats not necassrly true. I believe everyone is picked on at one piont and their life. Sure gamers, anime lover, and computer geeks (please take no offence in the names because i am all the above and more.) get picked on the most but that doesn't mean they can't be popular. For some reason me and a friend of mine were one of the most popular girls in the school. (She is just like me by the way.) We are not really sure how it happened but peole we didn't know knew us. We always said Hi to be polite. Besides being popular is overrated. It doesn't really matter as long is you are you. About the psycological problems sure you can develope some, if you let the insults get to you. I'm reminded of a saying i once heard, "Sticks and stone can break my bones, but names can never hurt you." . Well i guess if you bully is throwing things at you you can get hurt but i'm sure you understand what i mean by this. The best thing that i can recommend don't go to a Pscologist they'll mess you up even more. Trust me i am living proof. Defintly don't go to the if they ask you, what was you childhood like because than they don't know what the hell their doing. Well I will leave you with one last word of wisdom: "Don't listen to others, listen to the person that is you." ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lenfear walk down a path of of stars. Along the sides of the path pictures filckered. These were no ordanry pictures they where the dreams of the many beings all the relams. She was searching for ones in particular so she didn't stop long at each dream. She found a couple she would love to ruin but she didn't have time for that now. She had a job to do. A great force entered the dream world and Lenfear's mind became overwelmed. She jolted her eyes opened and stood up. Her head was spinning and she had to think about where she was. Thats right she had went into the abonded building to enter the dream world. What puzzled her the most was that greaty power she felt. She sat back down to clear her head. "Azreal!" She blunted the name out. It was his great power, She could feel his aura. She began feeling another prense as well Alexandria. "Now we are in trouble." She said to no one but herself. She got up and dusted her short skirt off. She walked out the door and head where the aura felt the strongest.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. Anne

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma stood outside in a black form fitting ball gown with black gloves that came to her fore arm and her hair was done up in a bun. Around her neckhad a cocker of emeralds and her sunburst pendant. A tall man in a Tuxedo with his hair slicked back stood in the hall in front of Charisma. "Sammuel this wasn't part of our deal. You said I would meet you at the Hall. And how in the hell did you find my address." The man grinned at her. "Car, you know i have my ways. Can't tell you all my secrets can I." "I've had enough of your games! You will tell me about the blood-red crystal now!" As she finished the senteced the door to the bottom basement opened. Lex and some other guy apperead from the basement. Charisma gasped , she had rember one of the men from the night before but didn't know his name. Lex grabbed Sammeul by the throat and pressed him against the wall. "so you know about the crystal do ya." "Please I don't want to die! Car-CAr help me." The two men turned to her. She shurgged, "I don't care if you kill him or not. Actually my life would be alot easier if you do. But first i want what he knows." "I can't believe you would betray me like this Car-.." Lex shoved him harder against the wall. "I think you will tell me about the crystal now."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lenfear swong her staff but it was stopped. She looked to find a young blue hair boy in front of her. She knew who it was instanly, she could feel his aura around him. "Micheal, its good to see you again. Still proctecting humans?" Micheal looked at her for a second than blinked. "Lenfear" The name sounded like posion to his tongue. "Quickly you can go now." He told them human, who quickly ran off. Lenfear lowed her staff. "How much i would love to fight you I have better stuff to do." She turned on her heels and started to walk away. "Micheal you will never get your hands on Azreal."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lenfear walked down the a small path carved into the rocky terrain. I has been a long time since she had been here, since God had rejected her. The place was fire pit and swearing hot. She carried her staff on her shoulder as she walked. A low vioce came from behinder her. "Lenfear, Satan wants to see you. Right away its eargent." She nodded at the demon that stood behind her.[I] Satan what a stupid name but that is what all the humans called him.[/I] She started heading in a different direction then the way she was before. She came to a small island surounded by fire and lava. Lucifer sat in a circle with nine others with him, his most trusted. She spread her wings and flew to the island and landed gracefully. "Lucifer you summonded me." She noticed Beelzebub sitting next to Lucifer and gave him a wink. Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going to call you Satan like the mortals do. There is nothing wrong with your given name." He gave a laugh. "Lenfear that's what i like about you, always saying it blunt and to the point. I need you to find me someone. Soon we will strike at Heaven again and this time I want to wim, but to do this i will need a powerful ally. Lenfear I want you to go find Azreal." Lenfears eyebrows shot up. "You fought under him before, so maybe he will listen to you." She nodded her head. "but listen god has sent others looking out for him, too, but they want him dead. You must stop any angel from God that you see." She gave a quick nodded of her head. "Good, i have sent others out looking as well. Lenfear do not fail me." "I don't plan to." with that she took flight and headed for sunlight. -------------- Lenfear stood a top of a building and looked down on the city. The full moon shone bright against the night sky. She had tracked Azreal to this city. [I]Azreal I'm coming for you.[/I] She gave a small grin. With a leap she jumped down from the building and changed into the form she used around humans. She landed neatly and placed her staff butt against the ground. She started down a street called Elm. She came to an intersection. On a corner there were a group of teenage kids. One of the guys spoke up. "Hey are you alrighT?" Lenfear raised an eyebrow. "You must have fallen from heaven, angel." Lenfear angered flared up. She walked up to the boy an dhe grinned. She made a fisted and punch him in the face. "What did you do that for *****." He strated coming after her. She took her staff and knocked him of his feet. The others seeing this ran in terror. "You will learn your place human." she growled and went off down the road. [I]Azreal I am coming for you.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Loki Fuchs Age: 850 (appears to be 16) Race:Chinese Fox Description (Mundane): She takes the appearnce of a young school girl. Her red hair is long and comes down to her knees. She has emerald green colours eyes that when reflect light they appear red. She wears a school uniform that consits of a short red plaid skirt, a white short sleeve blouse with a black tie, white knee high socks and black school girl shoes. She sometimes shows her ears and tails to trick people. Is know to take onother shapes though. Description (True): Looks like a normal fox, she has red fur and white paws. Occupation: Stundent at a local privite school. Bizarre/Supernatural powers: When she strike her tail in the ground she can start fires, can also see in the future sometime, and has the ability to transform her shape Change leaf~She uses a leaf to change it into different object. Weapons/Possessions: In Mondane form she can grow long 6 in. nails that are hard as steel. She also carries around a leaf. Background: Se use to wander around grave yards finding souls of the fallen. Till one day she found the Shadow and crossed into another reality. Apon arriving she saw all the people their and decided to take on a form of them. She inrolled into a school to see about these strange creatures. Misc. Information: Loki is a nice person and doesn't like to fight much. She enjoys playing tricks on other people and randomy changing form. *Let me know what needs to be changed. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well i have a buch of animals, i just love them so. I'll go by age: Dogs: ~First is are husky dod Missy (its short for Mischief). She is overwieght because we have fed her to much table scraps. She looks like a suasage with legs. ~Than their is Raven, are German shepard. We nicknamed her Baby Butt because she is always whinning and scared of everything. She is kinda a brownlish tan.. my Vatti named her. ~Than their is Sandy, a lab/pit mix. She is such a cutie and follows you around everywhere you go. SHe is a black colour, my Vatti named this dog yet again. He names the dogs weird. ~Ribbons is next. She is a cuie Husky and is all mine 100%. I bought and paid for her. My family nicknamed her PeeWee because she piddles on their carpet whenever she goes and visits. My nickname for her is Bermude Triangle because she has a triangle shaped spot on her back and she loves to kill her stuff animals. Birds: ~Keiichi is a love bird and his mate is Tauski. Yes i have a Yaoi compling of bird. *giggles* Actually Keiichi did have a female mate before Belldandy but she died. Fish: ~Well i have a buch of fish. First I have 5 tiger bards, Their names are Fat Cat (from Chip 'n Dale Rescue Ranger), Dorie, Nemo, Flora, and Debbie. ~Than i have a bunch of radom fish that i call 1,2,3, and 4. ~Than i have a frog that i call emily. *Sad to say as of JAnuary all my fish died because i my haeter broke down in the mmiddle of the night while it was snowing. It got to be 20 degrees in my house and the onlything that kept it that warm was my fireplace. Rrandom Animals: I love to feed stray animals, even though my neighbors yell at me for it. ~Their is cookie the cat. She is a brown orage colour with black spots. She reminded me of a chocolate chip cookie. ~Than their is Chuck the groundhog. (Yes i feed groundhogs). His favourite thing to eat is peanut butter sandwiches. ~Than their is the collection of duck at are swamp. Their names are Daisy, Donald, Quacker, Fuss, Marshmallow, and Fred. Thats all the animals i have. I jsut love animals. *Hugs Ribbons because she is the closests.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Anne


    I really am bad at math, so i don't like. But it came down to how i learned it. My algebra teacher would yell and scream at us and tell us we are dumb. My geometry techer would come in high everyday and talk about is jazz club. So i really didn't learn anything in that one. My Algebra two class, was so confusing because i didn't get a good solid background before and when i went and ask for help the teacher told me "go ask someone else. Than my guidence consler (don't get me started on those) changed my schedual without my knowldege and pt me in trig. I almost died but i did achieve one good thing. I did a pic in all sin, cos, tan .. ect. of an angel. It came out great and took me a month to do it but it got me an A . The only A i ever got in a math class. I hat math and i don't understand it. As long as i can use the basics i'm good, i can even do percentages in my head up to $500 dollars but i also use to work in sales. I really do hate it but also you should really try and learn it. Unfortuntly you do sometimes need it. ~MEW~
  17. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma was watching the fight and analzing the players. When she heard screams and shouts. The fencig clasped adn noticed Israfel coming into the crowd. One of the other fightings was hurdling towards him but got thrown against the wall. Running down to the suit up area she noticed other fighting readying to get into the fight. [I]Damn that not going to work, fighting him head on.[/I] She ran down to where he had suited up. If she found the programing for his image than he wouldn't be as strong. Findig the loading section for Israfel and pulled some wires. The screen flickered on and off and the imaging programming flickered. Reciving a jolt from the wires she got thrown back a bit. "Wow did those pack a kick." With that Israfel reverted back to oringal form. "Thier are plenty of fighter to stop him now." Brushing her hair out of her eyes she walked out of the "suit up" area.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisam gave a bow and thanked the man. These people in the village were nice enough even though their stare made her watch her everymore. "So what are you guys planning on doing?" "I'm going to go and eat. I don't know about you guy but I'm starved." Kaitlen said and Daniel and Valrie nodded in agreement. "I think I'm going to go explore the town. So i'll catch up with you guys later. Lei would you like to come with me. It's always good to have a compainion with you, when exploring" Charisma smile at Lei. Lei nodded happy. "Alright! So we will ssee you guys later." They both started sown the road and waved back atthem.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink] Charisma laid on the parkk bench and looked up at the full moon. She thought about the fights that were gong to be coming tomorrow. Most players would be coming up with a brillant plan right now to defeat thier up coming match. Charisma always played her fights by ear, she was once taught by a great general who told her "The greatest plan always last until your oppanent makes the first move." He was a great men. Feeling the breeze, she knew there was going to be a storm and it was going to be coming tomorrow. [I]That will be a great atmosphere for tomorrows fights.[/I] She gave a smile grin. Lazly she shifted to a more comfortable position. [I]This place is much more relaxing than that crowdness of the arena area.[/I] She hated to be around to many people and all those fan bugging her. It didn't matter much, she had her eyes set on the prize and she will win. She promised herself that. Many of the other fighters have been making fun of her weapon, the quarterstaff. what they didn't relize it was made out of the strongest wood out there, she gave a small grin. No that was her little secret, not much would cut through that. Yawning she closed her eyes to get some sleep.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink]I relieved i have more: ~I drink from the milk carton, gallon/ half gallon doesn't matter. I drink it right out of the carton. ~I LOVE BINGO!!! I love the game. I have ten different colour stapper that i have fasaten to a belt. So when i'm sitten there i make western jokes and cracks. I'll be like it time to draw your stamper mister. Or i'll have one in each hand and be stamping with both of them. I go to bingo just about every friday night, with my I love bingo shirt on. ~I'm a huge Star Trek fan. I've gone to a Star Trek con before dressed as Spock. (My bf finds the pics of that very disturbing.) I have a chibi shrine to it on my desk. I also walking around quoting spock and when i tell people good bye, i say live-long and prosper. ~I am also a ballroom dancer. I don't do compitions though, i only do it for fun. Well i think that is it. ~MEW~ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink] The Princess Bride is one of my all time favourite movie. It just has everything and the love story is grest. Oh Xander the lines is "My name is Indgo Montoya (not postive on the spelling of the name). You killed my father, prepare to die." I haven't seen Ella Enchanted yet but i loved the book. But the way the film was created and how the storyline flowed was great. The ending song is actually mine nad my bf's songs. But if you anyone hasn't seen it yet, they should because this is great. Edit: Thank you for correcting me Queen Asuka. Couldn't place the name when i had eight children screaming, they want a cookie.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. Anne

    Blood-red Moon

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink]Charisma stormed down the street, she was in a foul mood and didn't care who saw it. People that were in the street steared clear if her. [I]god I hate men. Who really needs them.[/I] She got to the apartment building and went through the main door. She looked down the steps to the basement. She heard that someone had been living down there but she had never meet them. Another day she would but not now she wasn't in the mood to. She went to go up the steps and when she heard a door open.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink]Name: Charisma Arena Name: Lenfear Gender: F Age: 20 Appearance: Charisma stands about 5'5 and weighs about 105. Her brown hair comes to her chin with her bangs goinging farther to her shoulders. She has green eyes with a tint of blue in them. Appearing thin and scrawny she is acually stronger than she looks. She wears a tight black tee shirt that shows off her stomache and has a pair of tight blue jeaans on. Her shoes are a beat up pair of black sandels. The only jewerly she has on is a cross around her neck. Arena appearance: Basically the same as her other outfit. She wears a tight black tank top shirt and a pair of short cut off blue jean shorts. Charisma wears a pair of black ankle boots and keeps her hair held back by a bandana (except for the bangs which still hang down over top of the bandanna.). Abilities and/or weapons: She uses a plain wooden quarter staff to fight with. She also plays mind games with other people to try and pych them out. Personality: She is very distancent from other people and doesn't like to talk much but to observe and study. In fights she is reckless and doesn't care about her own life. She has a short temper that can flare up any time and is very sacrastic when she talks. Once people make friends with her though, she will protect them with her life. Bio: At the age of five her parents kicked them out of there house because they ad a new baby boy and didn't want a girl. She didn't want to go into any foster home so she lives out on the streets. She gave up her real name (Alexla Grey) and choose her namae to be Charisma (hence not last name) to try and start over again. since growing up on the streets she has learned great street smarts. Having to steal for food and money she has become quick and agile. She has never gone to schooll but has taught herself from books she has stolen or by protecting stundents from bullies in return for some tutoring. she never stays put in one place to long, she travels alot.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name~ Charisma Kitty Beaglemeyer (A.K.A Lenfear) Age~ 17 Year Level~ 12 Subjects that the character is good at~ Computer classses and Math Class~ [U]Hacker[/U]-Someone who specialises in breaking into Internet sites for evidence. Traits~ Quiet, Nice, she is a very fast typer, often ramble about what other people don't know about. when she tries too figure out something she pulls the end of her braid, short temper, normal seen with a sandwich or small finger food Description: She has a slim build, hieght anout 5'4 and weighs about105 pounds. She has long brown hair wich she wears in a braid tied off with a pink ribbons. She has small framed glass and eyes that chage colour depending on her mood. She wears a small grey skirt with a white blouse. Her socks are whit knee high with baby doll shoes. Bio~ Learning the computer young, her father had been one of the greatest hackers in history. Wanting to follow in his shadow she learned all she could. After her father was discover to be the great hacker "Byter" and taken away. She was left alone. She took to learning the family trade with twice as much force. She ws earned the code name Lenfear by all the other hackers. (Lenfear was a goddess in control of the dream world. Since a dream world is like te virtual world other Hacker nicknamed her that. She is able to go anywhere and do anything in the virtual world.) At school she would take money from other kids to get their grades changed to earn money. She has never been caught doing that. Let me know if anything needs to be changed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. Anne

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma started at where sklyer once was. "Man, angels are wierd. First they want to talk and than their gone." She sighed and started to wak down the street. She came to the old Church and saw five people together. Not to be seen she moved into the shadows. Squinting her eyes she noticed one was Doll and the other she had meet in the park. "She's safe I'm glad. Well I se she is in good company and I found what i set off to do, Its time to go home." She moved out of the shadows was something caught her eye. "It's so nice to see you again Car-Car. I've been looking for you. You know you are very hard to find." A man of about 25 years with black short cut hair came out of the shadows. In an expansive black suit most girls would have been swooning all over him. "You! Why don't you just leave me alone." She gave in a growl and was in a stance position. "Come know thats not how you treat an old friend is it Car-Car." He step toward her. "You are no friend of mine, Sammeul and don't you ever call me that name again. She gave gave him a scowl. "Tell me what you want and than get the HELL out of here." "You always did things quick to the piont but ok i'll bite this time. I have some information you might want to know about." He leaned down close to her ear. "About the Blood-red crystal." Charisma gave a gasp. [I]This is the break I'm looking for, I don't know if i can trust him though. Plus he always has a price.[/I] She contiplated in her head for a few minutes. "Alright what do you want in turn for the info." "Good I thoughrt you might be that way. This time the price is easy Car," she flinched at the name and ground her teeth. "all I need you to do is show up at this ball, that my parents are having, around my arm." "Why don't you get one of your young things to do that." She sneered. "But my parents do love you so. Plus it would make such a great impression on everyone." She grounded her teeth some more. She hated this guy more than anything in the world but she need this lead. "Fine but i want the information first." "Sorry Car-Car, Ball first than you get what you want." She sighed she knew she wasn't going to win this. "Alright we will play it your way but if you don't hold your end of the deal i will make you pay." He gave a chuckle and handed her an invation. "Be there at 8 pm tomorrow." He started to walk away but turned back. "oh and Car wear something stunning. I want to wow everyone. I think those emeralds of yours will do nicely." with that he left. Charisma clenched her fist that wasn't hold the invation.She wanted to scream. Rage filled her. That man she wanted to kill him so. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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