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[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]As they were walking out she was placed next to Lei. Charisma gave her a warm smile. She looked on straight ahead and listen to Daniels and Kaitlen conversation. She gave a low giggle when she sen Daniel blush. A tone came to Charisma head it had been the song that plagued her all days. In a low vioce she started singing "Come and i'll tell you a story, about a boy and a girl, and how they loved each other oh so much..." Lei look at her and she stop. "Sorry tat songs been bothering me all day." "Where did you learn it." Charisma faltered a step, she didn't know where she had learned it. The song was in her head and she knew the tones and the words already. "I'm not sure." She gave a shrug and tried to shove the song inthe back of her mind.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma listened careful and observed everything around her. She remaind quiet for a few minutes and debate din her hea. "I agree with Seuneu and Otsuyu. Going to spirit releam is a bad idea in my opinion. I know I would need ot get stronger if we go and even than i'm not to sure we could make it right know. The logical would be going to this unknown land. I also have a solution to know if any enemies or what the area is like." She watch them all for a minute as they stared at her. "Aria, here could fly head of us and take a look. Many people wouldn't suspect a hawk of anything more than hunting. Also since she will be in the air she can get an idea what the terrain is like. This would give an idea what we should parpare for. Plus we wouldn't be risking any of us." The hawk on her arm gave a scream at her and cocked it head. Charisma and the hawk exchanged glances. "Aria said that she would do it, too."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS] OCC: No problem, don't want anyone lost. Now do we. IC:Charisma went and put her hand around the necklace, she didn't like the way she looked at he. [I]He goes to take it from me. He's an angel he must know what it is. No he couldn't i had the only existing text out their. So stop this foolishness. I bet he knows about the blood-red crystal. I'll ask him about it, when we go and find Doll. But how do i know i can trust him. Why am i talking to myself i gotta stop that.[/I] She shook her head to clear out the thoughts. "Thank you for saying thats it's pretty but i think we should go look for Doll. She had someone with her too, i want to make sure they are okay." She took her hand away from the pendant.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma giggle, [I]That was fun.[/I] She thought to herself as she straightened up her out-fit. She seen the new girl Lei sit down and went over to say hi tp her. "Hi I don't th ink we are properly introduced. My name is Charisma and it is good to meet you." Lei looked a bit startled she hadn't noticed her sit down by her. "Hello, my name is Lei. Nice to meet ya. Thank you for being nice to me." Charisma cocked her head and looked at her. "Why wouldn't i we all are friends aren't we." Charisma gave a giggle and laid back. She started to hum a tone, she coldn't remeber its name but could remeber every tone and word.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]MY longest relationship was about a year and a couple of month. I care for the guy deeply but loved no. IT wa all going fine and everything. Hey i was actually going to intoduce him t my paretnts. He asked me t sleep with him i told him no. He got all angry and left. The next day he told me he slept with another girl. That was a big mistake right there cheating on me. the second mistake was he cheated with the girl i hated worst and in school. Yet his biggest mistake wastelling me by a stair well. I oush him down it and clamly walked down the steps. When he reach the bottom i stepped down on a bad spot for guys (i'm sure you know what i mean.) Hehehe. He wasn't too hurt, just some cuts and bruiss and he can never have kids again. After he transfer to another school because he was so himmulated. But now i am going out with someone for about 9 months now and this man i love. (he also will never cheat on me, i told him the consquences if he does.) ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma looked through the clothing and watched what the others picked. She found a lovely emerald broomskirt. She always liked that colour and it matched her eyes nicely. Next she found an ivory colour shirt sleeved peaseant shirt and slppers with emerald colour flowers on them. Miriku told them that they could go behind the curtain to change if they want but it really didn't bother her to change in front of anyone. She started to unbutton her dree in the front and slipped it off. Everyone started at her shockingly. She just shrugged it off, it wasn't that big of a deal she had seen other women naked and men too. She slpped the ivory over head and put her arms through. She took the skirt and put it on after making shore it was straight and neat. She hated any of her cloth to be disheveled. She sat down and pulled off her shoes and took off her socks. Slipping the slippers on her feet, they fit perfictly. Stand up she tapped her foot of the toes to make certain that slippers were on all the way. Kaitlen came out from behind the curtain give a twirl of her skirt. She told them that their was things for their hair behind the curtain. Walking back their she found a comb to brush out her hair. She sat indian style on a green cushion with blue tassle and pulled the Ribbon out of her hair and let it fan out around her. Gathering up her long hair over her shoulder she procced to brush it and get all the knots out. "You have very lovely hair." Came from Miriku. "Thank you." she replied and kept brushing her hair. After she was done she went behind the curtain and found a ong green ribbon. Sitting back down she braided her hair and used the ribbon to tie the braid off at the end. Pushing the braid off her shoulder she sat waiting for the rest to finish.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma was running down the apartment steps as quiety as she could. [I]The only thing I need is to have the neighbors awake.[/I] She opened the door to got a figure stood there. "You know you can be considered a stalker." "That's not nice." Skyler come into the light some. "What do you want now, i don't have time for you. I'm busy." Charisma came with irration in her vioce. "I told you not to leave before rember." "Well someone else needed my help." A rusle come from one of the door they were standing by and she heard the lock click. [I]Great just what i needed.[/I] Mrs. Nelson a little eldrly widow lady came opened the door. "Mrs. Nelson, what are you doing up this late. You should really be in bed." Mrs. Nelson looked at the young man and than back at Charisma. Charisma knew whatshe ws thinking. "I was dear, but i heard bullets fire and i wanted to wake sure everything was okay." "Don't worry i checked and everything is fine. No need to worry. You should go back to bed." Mrs. Nelson cleared her throat and Charisma rolled her eyes. [I]I'm never going to hear the end of this.[/I] "This is my new friend Skyler. We meet just today. And we are only frieds." She stressed the last part. She has known the old women for a long time now and knew she liked to gossip. "Alright, dear. Well have a good night at least what left of." She closed her door and Charisma heard it lock back up again. She let out a sigh and turned to face Skyler. He gave her that smile.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wow.. this is very well written and i must say i love it. It pulls the reader right in their and they get involved emitionally. Please keep on writting i would like to see more of your work. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Lanfear Age: to old to be asked that (appears to be 19) Gender: takes the appereance of female Species: Angel Appearance: She has a slight build. She stands about 5'4 and weights 105 pound. She has long wavy white hair that comes down to her feet. Her eyes are grey with a white rim. [B][I]Angel form[/B][/I]~ She wears a white dress with silver armor over top. Her wings are consired smaller than normal angels. [B][I]Human form[/B][/I]~When she is around humans, she hides her wings. Her outfit is a black leather mni skirt, a tight black shirt that say "Beware perverts on train.", black knee high socks and short black anckel boots. Side: Hell Powers: She has a long staff made out of ivory with an emerabled gem placed at the top of te staff. She has the abialty to copy a spell that she has just seen but not learn them. When she copies it's not as strong as the orginal. Her greatest power is she can enter a persons dream, in any appearance she wants. She can not harm or kill them when she enters their dreams but she can talk to them and alter the persons dreams. Personality: She obeys command faithful and obently. She is a strong fighter and has a short temper. She is very quiet and mostly speaks only when needed or when requested. She does have a nicer side which she doesn't really show anyone. Biography: In Heaven she had been a warrior angel, she was under the command of Azreal. One of the angels that followed Azreal's blade and fought faithfully beside him. When the demons charged through the gets she became one of the possessed. Cast out of Heaven she jioned up with Lucifer. She serves Lucifer as faithfully as she did God. When Azreal went missing she was one of the ones sent to find him. She still searches for Azreal to this day, so she can fufill her mission. Down in Hell it is rumored that she is Beelzebub, Lucifers right hand man, lover. I hope this is okay. tell me if you need me to change anything. ~MEW~ 00[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charsima fell into a deep sleep ans started to dream. The young boy in the picture was sitting on the couch with Carisma. He had short blond hair and loving brown eyes. They were in the apartment as now. Not as many books lined the room and many of the vases and statues were not there. They both sat on the couch with Charisma looking at a book. "look at this, dear. Its called the Sunburst pendant and it has the power to control people. The pedant itself is beatiful. What do you think." "It is very pretty. Let me guess you want it, don't you." Charisma looked up and nodded. He sighed and asked where it was. The dream fades into a deef forest and a cabin. You see the two of them sneaking around. "This is where it is at." whispered the young man. Charisma nodded. They looked into the window and noticed that no one was in there. They opened the window and crawled in. "This place is a little wierd." They looked around the cabin. Many different viles and jars laid around. On a small box laid the sunburst pendant. "here it is." Charisma slipped it on her neck. "How do it look on me." "Magnificant, my love." The both grin and went to leave when they heard a slam on the door. A young women walked into the cabin with a furios look on. Charisma and the man both gasped, they never had been caught before. "What are you doing here, thieves." She looked at the pendant arounf Charisma neck. " Ahh, I see you came for the sunburst pendant. Well fi want it that bad you can have it." The witch start to chant something and the pendant reacted. Charisma gave a start and took it off her neck. The witch bent down and picked it up. Charisma and the boy looked at on another. The witch walked over and threw a knife at Charisma feet. "Kill th eboy now girl." Charisma looked at her funny but noticed her hand going for the knife. She tired to stop herself but she could. The urge to obey was so power that she had to. She manged to scream "Run, Run my dream i can not controll myself." But it was to late she had killed him. The knife dropped from her hand, she had reganed control of her body. She strated to cry and took the boy in her arms. "Why? This is all my fault, please forgive me my love." The witch laugh. " Yu didn't know about that did you. It only works if you give the person a comand . I fyou ask them they can resisate but not whenyou demand it. Did you also know about the other part of the curse once bond to the pendant you can not die." the witch laughed again. "Shut up." Charisma took the knfie and killed the witch. She took the pendant from her hand. "This is what i desirve." She put it around her neck and walke dover to the boy. "I am so sorry my love. This is all my fault. Please come back to me i need you." She started to cry again. "I promise i will never use any weapon again expect my fist. I will also give up being a theif and proctect others. I know this will never bring you back but i will try a new. I love you" She leaned down and kissed him one last time. ------------------- Charisma woke up with taers running down her face. She stood up and turned on the light. "I hate that dream." She walked up and picked up a picture of the boy. " i am doing like i promised you. I have been keeping it, all these years." The memory of Doll and the other came back to her quickly. [I]Thats right. I better go and check on them. I wonder if Doll does know about the blood red crystal. I should ask her. Maybe we could work together for search for it. But no matter what i need it.[/I] She opened the door and stepped out of her bedroom. She came to the living room and looked on the couch, no one ws there. She ran to her geust bedroom and no one was there ethier. "Did i dream it." She talked to herself and walked back into the livingroom and on the floor was a blanket. " No, i didn't. They must have left. I hope they are okay." She went back to her bedroom and put on her shoes. From outside came more gunshots. "NNo Doll." She ran to go outside.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
I found this the other day while i was cleaning my house. I was like wow i still have this its been 6 years since i wrote it. But i read and it made me chuckle some. Squirrels (yes its a peom about squirrels) Pattering on the course chips of wood. Scurring on high branches, as high as a building. The smell of wind brushes your fur. Squirrel with each petter of a foot. Squirrel with those soft, light tail and small beady eyes. squirrel aqueaks the song that is yours and yours alone, By day yonder Squirrel thee security is up in the trees. Gather your acorns and nuts for the longer winter nights. Power lines connect you to the safety of the other side. With the smell of spring thus day falls a new. Birds chirp their happy songs while you listen. Squirrel fly like the wind to each branch. I see the squirrel in the dance he can do. The dance of the Squirrel is one i never could do, so dance on happy little Squirrel. A cluster of acrons you carry in your cheeks, across your tighrope you will be safe. Down below your tightrope you see the black. your Squirrellt parents tell you not to cross directly on the black. O' Squirrel listen to the word of the wise, listen well. This hot black substance has fast moving things. Each one wanting to take your life. O' Squirrel your curiosity must not get the best of you. the Squirrel looks and than turns and deciding not to go on the black. O' Squirrel with your soft, light tail, small beady eyes, and puppy cheeks you shall live to see the dawn of a new day. The night bgans to fall and you curl up with your tail, in your hole in the tree. Sleep tight little Squirrel let your dreams take wind. I see that this little Squirrel was able to live another day. Day rises and with it the happy chirps of the other squirrels. You travel down the safety of your tree and you see the black staring at you. O' Squirrel your little brain is working. O' little Squirrel moving towards the black. Slowly stepping, the hot black is now on foot. Quicly you dash to the other side. This time you do not have the safety of your tightrope to cross. O' little Squirrel look out for the things are coming. Quickly run, Squirrel run. Standing in a panic, his heart beating fast, not knowing what direction to go. Should i go left or right, right or left? Races throught he Squirrel's mind. quickly Squirrel make up your mind before the things come. The Squirrel runs to the safety of the green. But alas he was far to slow. I heard the scream of his last dieing breath. His mangled body lies here now. No more fling to branch to branch, dance your little dance, or scurrying up the tre where your home is. No poor Squirrel your life has abruptly ended. Your blood slowly running sown the black with your vitals smeared to oblivion. O' poor squirrel no more being chipper and carefree. Squirrel you should not have let your curiosity get the best of you. I see you squirrel and mourn your death. you should have been here it was truely sad. O' Squirrel, poor little Squirrel, I am sorry you can not live to see another day. O' Squirrel have fun in Squirrelyl Heaven. Ok before you think i am so creul person for killing a squirrel, i really don't like it. I have a bumper sticker that says "I brake for Squirrels." Also this peom was writtenin the style of Robet frost. It was a school project in which we did something in nature. I decided to do a squirrel and the next couple of days i acted like one. It wa funny. Tell me what you think of it. Most people wanted me to leave the part were the Squirrel dies off. But tell me what you all think. ~MEW~
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]This sound intersting. Name: Charisma Beaglemeyer Age:17 Gender:Female Grade:12 Bio: at the age of 11 her parents got seperated and now she lives with her mother. She has 2 younger twin brothers at the age of 8 and a sister age 10. Charisma takes care of them because their mother is addicted to drugs. She decided to go to the school because it was close to her home and her siblings school. Interest: Chairsma loves to do artwork. She finds herself lazing the days away drawling painting or writing. She also enjoys playing tennis. When she gets out of high school she plans on going to a art school so she can support her brothers and sister more. Human or Spirit: Human Description: Charisma stands 5'5 and wieghs 105 pounds. She has long wavy brown hair that comes to her knees and green eyes. She wears a short blue plaid skirt and a black tank top shirt. Her shoes are black knee high boots with thigh high black socks. Charisma has her ears pierced twice in the lobe and wears a cross necklace. On her back is a tattoo as angel wings. Personality: Charisma is very kind, well manner, and loved to help others. She is very protive of the people she cares about and will give up her life in order to save them. She never backs down from a fight. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma noticed that everyone else was falling the thing, too. It felt like hours they had been following but she knew she must follow this shape. all of a sudden she noticed Kaitlen fall down the side of a crater. Valiere slide down the side and Daniel try to go down gracefully but he didn't reallt do it. Chairisma careful climded her way down and came to see a spring and a person sitting there. Kaitlen was talking to the girl sitting at the lak., Charisma really wasn't paying any attention she was looking at how beatiful this place was. "Hi! I'm Tanji." she heard te girl say and the next thing she new a guy had jumped down from a tree. Charisma jumped and gasped, he had startled her. "Don't worry about him." the girl laughed, a bell like sound. "Thats Kayin. He's a troublemaker, but harmless, really." He gave a smile and she frowned. Kaitlen started t ask where the nearest town was, but they said te only thing closest was a village. She study them closly and she got a funny feeling about them but she shrugged it off. They where saying something about there close being not correct and she noticed Kaithlen blush. Kaitlen was now asking about where the were. [I]Mare Serenitatis, The sea of Serently. That very pretty.[/I] She thought to herself. The next thing she now a women apperd that wasn't there a minute ago, but it didn't feel strange to her like it should. "Hello. I am Miriku." Charisma nticed how lovely and beatiful she was. "Hello. My name is Charisma and it is a pleasure to meet you." Charisma manged to find her vioce.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]*Gulps* Wow al these stories are scary. I have one and it involved my friends house. I hate sleep over house. She lives in the oldest house in the town and inside her basement was a place to slaughter cows. Well it was said that the father that built that house went insane. He took his family and slaughtered them inside the basement like he did the cows. During the nights you can hear screams coming from there. Actually there is still blood from the basement and old newspaper abou the story inside the slaughter area. My friends and i actually spent the night down there once and we swore we sall a figure. We ran up the steps and lock the basement door. Needless to say we didn't sleep the rest of the night and i didn't sleep for two days after that either. There is actually another story about her house. In the back of her woods there is an old burn down farmhouse. It was said that one night the son of the familiy got angry and took an ax and chopped up his family. When he reliezed what he had done he burned down the place with him and his family in it. Now when you are near that area at night you hear screams of people and than crying. Thats the only ones i know. *Is scared and doesn't thnk she is going to sleep tonght* ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"If he needs a place to hide out, we can use my apartment. Its only two blocks from here." Doll noded as she stuck the man with the needles. Charisma put one of the man arms around her and picked him up. Doll went for the other and Charisma shook her no. They started off to Charisma apartment in silence. ---------- A two story brick building stood on a deserted street. They climed te set of stairs and Charisma unlocked the door with the key she got out of her hair. Inside the walls of the front room were lined with books. The place was very tidy and clean. On a small banster are a lne of pictures of Charisma and a young man. On a coffee table sat two books open with a notebook out. She laid the man on the couch and went to fetch some blankets. Doll went and sat in an armchair and waited. Doll look at some of the vase and odd statues Charisma had throughtout the room. "Doll? Can i ask you a question." Charisma asked as she covered the man with blanket. Doll nodded. "What is he?" "He is a werewolf and since it was a full moon tonight he was going to transform. He takes the tranquilizers to stop the process." "I see I still have a lot to learn in this world." Charisma went over to a small bird cage and covered up the two canries. "You like to collect antiques?" "Whats that! Oh, yes you could say that. I've been collecting for a while now." "This one, i think i seen it before, but the last time i seen it, it was in a museum." "You are right it was." Charisma took the other armchair and sighed. She was exagausted. "I use to be a treasure hunter, but most people would call me a thief. I have given that up though. Anywho i think we should get some sleep. " She got and showed Doll to the spare bedroom she had. Charisma closed the door in her room and slipped off her shoes. Flopping down on her bed, she wa just to tired to change and really did care at this piont. "Its been one strange night." She told herself. With that she switched the light off and curled into bed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOC~ Sure Charisma would love to come. IC~Charisma stretch after eating. [I]Wow that was great i don't think i had that good of a meal in a long time.[/I] She thought to herself. Daniel asked if any of them had a pencil and paper but she replied no and asked what for. She took a few steps and study the meadow it was very lovely. She sat down and started to undo her buns. With one sweep of her head the rest of her hair cascaded down her back, spilling onto the ground (When she stands up it comes to her knees). Out of her pocket she pulled out a ribbon and tied it back into a bow. "There we go, muck better." she said to herself. She looked at her compainions and they where all laying about. She noticed Daniel had a pencil and paper. Now where did he get them but the though just went out her mind. She started to sing in a soft, sweet voicce. Singing had always relaxed her. Out of the corner of her eye she thought she seen some movement. She got up to follow, curoisity always got hte better of her.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Actually i was told that before. When i was 7 the doctor told my parents that they give me only a week longer to live. I totally flip, i was seven and told i was going to die if i didn't have emergancy operation on my heart. My dad passed out and fell out of his chair and my mom started to cry. Whe went home and for the next two day i didn't come out from and my bed. I was petrified (sp.) about dying, i had never thought about it before. I said "its not fair i'm only seven. Why do i have to die." Finally i got the surgery on my heart and thankfully i am still alive. I still keep in touch with the doctors that saved my life, i am grateful to them. I also don't have that many limitations either so i could be just anothe normal kids. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma felt confrotable arounds these people they were all nice and friendly. They had decided to go and look for food inside the woods. For a brief moment she thought she use to work in a food place and that she was suppose to be there. She thought how funny that is it can't be right. They started walking around and Koro followed behind leaping after them. Kaitlen bent over and pick Koro up and scratch her ears while they walked. They soon happened apon a bush full of red and green berries. "Look seen we can get some berries." Valerie stated as she started to pick them. Somewhere in her head Charisma knew that they shouldn't eat them, but didn't know where this feeling came from. "Don't eat them they are posionous i'm sure of it." "How do you know that?" asked Daniel curiously. "I'm not really sure but i just know it." Theydrop the berries they had already picked and continued on their quest to find food.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The group heard the shot ring out in the night. Many of them armed themselves and looked for the threat. "This night just keeps getting better and better doesn't it." Skyler irratable replied. "I hope whoever it was is alright" Came from Emyrss. Out of the corner of her eye Charisma seen Doll come running up the path. "Doll are you alright? Did anything happen to you?" She quickly looked Doll over. "Yes, Ms. Charisma I am alright." "Well I don't know about you people but i am going to go and check this out." Thyme stated as she started to walk toward where the sound of the bullet came from.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma looked in awe as her fellow warrior, she knew that other people like her could tranform into other beigns but she never sall it done. She gulged down the nervousness in her vioce and spoke. "Hello, I am Charisma. It is a pleasure to meet you." " I am Otsuyu." Came from the Earth warrior.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma woke up with a start, [I]I guess i must have fallen asleep[/I]. She looked up and the sun was burning bright in the sky. NExt to her was the pile of flowers she had gathered earlier. She stood up and brushed herself off, "Damn, Steven must be worried sick by now." She looked around the field and noticed three other females talking. She started to walk towards them as she got closer she relieved on of them was a male. "Hello, my name is Charisma. Do any pf you happen to know what time it is?" She ask the group of people.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma took a step back and touched the sunburst pendent at her neck. "I might have a little trouble outrunning them. Never had to come up agaist wings before though. But anyways you win i'll stay." "Good i'm glad to hear it." skyler told her.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Reaper bit down on Emyrss arm relantionly. Charisma gasp at the sight. [I]She was vampire all along and i didn't even know it.[/I] She thought."Did anyone else know she was a vampire becasue i didn't." Charisma said out loud. Everyone looked at her like she said something crazy. "By the way Sklyer who are you? I have worked in the medical feild before but never seen anything like that before." Skyler looked at her and debated whether or not to tell his secret. Finally he he decided that he owed her an explantion. "I am an Angel." "I see. I guess that explains it." Charisma shoke her head. "Anyways i must be going everything looks fine her." She scan the unusal group of people. " Have a nice night. Pleasure to meet you." "Where are you going?" asked Doll curiously. "Home where else." She walked off down the path when a shodaw leaped out in front of her.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charsima came to the shore and sall a person on a rock. [I]I guess this is the lake we are suppose to met at.[/I] Her campanion Aria came and landed on her arm. She walked down the lake beach line to the women on the rock. From the way she looked she figured it was Lily the water warrior. "Umm, Hello. My name is Charisma the warrior for air. It is a pleasure to met you."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Now what are the rest of your names." "Charsima. It is a pleasure to meet you." [I]I think[/I] she thought to herself. Reaper looked at her and blinked. "I am Sklyer and what questions do you have?" he repied in is french accent. "Doll is my name." she replied in her soft spoken vioce. "My name is Thyme and i don't like what you accused me of." Came from the doll faced girl. "You are testing my patients." came irritably from Reaper. "Now tell me what you know of the blood-red crystal." The group of people looked startled about this question, expect for Thyme she kept that same exppression on her face. "I really don't know what you are talking about. red-blood, blood-red crystal. It doesn't ring a bell." came from Charisma. "You are lying i can tell. Tell me now before i get really angry." Charsima sighed at this. She always knew she was bad at lying. "If I tell you what i know, what information will you give me in return. I told you i do not give away information for free." Emryss informed her. Charisma moved away from the group and kneeled down next to the girl on the ground. She began examing. "what are you doing? I told you to stand with the others." Reaper growled. "Well if you really must know i am trying to save her. I told you what i know and that is what you are going to get from me." She glared at her stubbornly. Reaper gaze went to the others. "What about the rest of you. Tell me what you know."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]