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Everything posted by Anne

  1. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Charisma held out the dress in front of her. A sleeveless short black dresswith a thin hot pink ribbon around the waist in front of her. [I]I think i will try this on.[/I] She goes into the dressingroom and tries it on and come out a min. later to look at herself in the mirror. "What do you think Heather." She asked her friend from school. "It's great! It's so hot." "Do you think Steven will like it?" "YEah i think so but lets get Pauls opinion." She looked around for her boyfriend but didn't see him. They both shrugged at each other. "They are never around when you need them are they!" They both giggled at the passing joke. "I think i'll get it. I've been working more hours so i can afford it." She looks at her watch and yelps. "It's 1:23, i have to go or i'm going to be late for work. Sorry Heather, i'll give you a call tonight. i get off at 11:30" They hug each other goodbye and Charisma pays for her dress. She quickly ran home. Inside her trailor she threw her new dress on the couch and tossed Ribbons outside for a second while she changed and put her hair up in two buns. She threw on her work shoes and looked hersself over the mirror once. She put Ribbons back inside the house and ran to work. She ran int he doors on the dinner and went into the back to punch in and grab in order slip. She looked at what tables she was serving. "Hey Char.. How are you today?" She turned and looked at the cook Hunter. "Hey good and yourself?" "Doing great!" Charisma went out into the sitting area and sall a couple just getting seated. "Welcome to Midnight Dinner! Mine name is Charisma and i will be your waitress tonight. Can i get you anything?" She smiled and took down their order. ------------- 11:30 PM "See you tommorrow, guys!" She called out as she left the dinner and started on her way home. The street lamps where the only source of light. Sho looked up at the full moon as she walked. She came to the park and started down a path. She search the world around and spotted the woods. She spoke out loud to herself. "If i take the woods there i'l probly get home quicker." So she turned and started heading for the woods She enter the woods and started to walk ahead. Charsima started to get tired the further she got.. She opened her eyes and blinked for a minute. The moon shone on a field of wild flowers and she blinked and looked behinder at the forest. [I]Oh i must have come out on the other side of the woods.[/I] She started walking along the small path. "These flowers would look beatiful on the table." she said to herself out loud and started picking some. ------------ ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]*Sits back in her chair after falling off from laughing so hard* Its great! I love it! The banner is great. I love the use of stick figures. *Starts laughing again.* ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wow i see i'm not the only one that sleepds with stuff animals. I have so many that i have a whole room decated to my stuff animals. I also still check under my bed for anythig and i use a nightlight because i'm afraid of the dark. u I also watch Libertys Kids and Sagwa the Chinese Siemese Cat on PBS. I guess thats about it. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi! Would you please let me be the warrior of air? NAme:Charisma Age: 200 Sex: Female World/Element: Air Appereance/Spieces: (Please refer to the information given above about air.) Her skin is a very pale white. She has long silver hair that comes down to her feet. She has two braids in the front and wheres a headband to keep the rest of her hair out of her face. Her eyes are a lite grey that are outlined with black and are slanted a little as if they look like hawks eyes. She stands about 5'4 in height and was 105 pounds. She wears a long white tunic dress with silver sandles. She has feather ears in her ears and wears a pendat of a bird. On her upper right arm she has a silver dragon wrap bracelet On a small belt she has two daggers. In her aor dragon form she is a small silver dragon with wings. Weapons and Power: (Please refer to the information given above about Air.) She uses the speed and agilty to help her defeat her enimes. She strikes frierce and deadly with the two daggers. History/other: She was born to the air. She learned to be quick and fierce from the birds. When she was little she learned her studys quickly with passion. She is curiouss of everything in this world and wants to know everything. She has mastered her dragon form, but has yet to get the nac kdown for her form of a gaint white egeale. Her teacher and mentor Luft gave her the gift of her campanion. A hawk which she named Aria, which has become her trusted friend. Charisma is a very kind hearted and likes to help out all she can. She loves to make friends and treasures and protects them. She is very easy going and does not get mad easly. She fights in what she beilves is right and not anything esle. This is what my character looks like. I hope you do not mind i put i pic in. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I have had my plans decided sice the 5th grade. I was first going to attend college. Which i currently am right now for Graphic design. I also run my own bussiness called Oink Design. After college i plan to go and move closer to the one i love. Evently i want to move to Germany because it is very pretty in some parts. I also want to run a florist shop on the side when i get enough money because i love flowers. ~MEW~ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. Anne

    Blood-red Moon

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Pink] "Really now, thats pretty intresting." Came a female vioce. Skyler and the young girl both whipped around. A medium build young woman came walking down the path. She had on a pink checker dress with pink stockens and maryjas. THE necklace around her neck glimmered in the moonlight. Her grey eyes looked very courously on the young boy named Skyler. "Not to many creatures can leave that long. So it narrows it down, but in any case i want you to step away from the young girl." "Where did you come from!?" Skyler demanded in his French accent. "Down the path of course, where else." replied the girl. " My name is Charisma. What are the two of yours names." "Doll" repied the young girl in soft voive. "Skyler" he nerealy spat. "Now what are you doing here." Charisma was about ready to reply when t hey heard a scream.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=Pink] It has been three years since i have done a banner. I think it might be to busy. Would you please tell me what you think. ~MEW~ [/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Pink]I would if i thought it was nessacry for her to see that but she is only 10. My feeling is that it is not best for her to see that yet. I don't think it is approrate for a ten year old.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. Anne

    Blood-red Moon

    [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Pink]*raises hand* Is it ok if i jion Name~Charisma Age~180 Race~Human Gender~Female Apperance~She is about 5'5 in height and weighs 105 pounds. She has mid lenght hair wich she wears in a ponytail. She wears a pink cheacker dress with floppy pink socks and black maryjas. She has a necklace with a sunburst on it wich she loves most in the world. Personality~ She is well mannered and kind hearted. She loves to make friends and see people smile. She is known for telling bad jokes. She is kind of clumsy. She will do anything to help defeand her friends. If you get her angry she snap and goes on a rampage. Weapon~ she uses her own fist and sometimes knuckles. Weakness~Her necklace and her friends Background~ HAving a curse placed on her at the age of 19 by a witch. She had the curse placed on her when she stole the sunburst necklace. Now she is forced to wander the world with it. Where ever she travels she makes new friends. She in the search of the crystal. But for what reason she is not even sure herself. ~MEW~ [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Pink]Name~ Charisma Kitty Beaglemeyer Age~19 Gender~Female Apperance: She is 5'5 in height and wieghs about 105 puonds. Her eyes change colour depending on her mood and what she wears but most of the time they are grey. Her hair is long brown which she wears most times in two buns. She aslo has a habit of wearing cat ears and tail. She has her ears pierce twice both in the lobe. She has a tattoo of angle wings on her back. When she entered the dream world she was wearing dangle moon and star earings and in the other hole just a star, she had one ring on (an emerable in the shape of a moon), and the necklace her great grandmother gave her before she died. She had on her waitressing outfit which was a button down the front of the dress with pink stripes on it (fifty style). She had on pink socks and black maryjas on. Personailty: She is very well manneredand sweet. She is very shy at first but can get along with anyone. She can sometimes come off as a a ditz and klutz because she is clumys. Charisma loves to make people laugh so she tells many different types of jokes. But when someone makes her angry she snaps. Short Bio: She works as a waitress in a dinner called "Midnight Dinner". She lives in a trailor park but soon hopes to move out of it. She has a husky named Ribbons that lives with along with two birds. She is ingaged to be marries to her high school sweetheart Steven. Charisma is study to be a voice actress and is attending college. Other: Her family does not approve of the marriage so they disowned her. She really doesn't believe in any religion. Charisma doesn't care who people are, what their religion and sexual prefornc as long as they are friendly. ~MEW~ [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Pink]
  12. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Pink]Right now i'm in a long distance relationship and at times it is[very hard to be apart. You are lucky if you get to see her every 2-3 weekends, i only get to see my Steven 1 a year because i'm in college and he lives in Las Vagas. The next time i get to see him is for 2 hours at the airport when i'm passing through to see my sick aunt up in Settle. But i agree with Panda if you reallwant it to work than you both have to be deciated. But still you are only 15 you have a lifetime ahead of you. If it doesn't work out there are plenty of other people out there. I just gave this same advise to a friend of mine and it was really stressing him out about this girl and his long distance relationship. I told him look inside himself, do what you think is right for you and to make sure its a healty chose for you. In the end only you and your feelings can decide what is best for you and her. ~MEW~ [/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Pink]Wow! There are alot of greta quotes but i think my favourite has got to be: [SIZE=4]ANIME! CRACK IS CHEAPER! [/SIZE]I love this qoute it is so try. I find myself in delimses where i have to chose anime or to eat. I also like the qoute "You are not bound by the chains of fate"-Ledgens of Dragoons This is so true. People are chose what they want to be its not already set in the stars. ~MEW~ [/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=Pink]I think that i'm can be represented in alot of different caharacters. I think the ones that i'm most like though are Chi for Chobits and Nuku Nuku from All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku. ~Chi because i love to wear cute little dress all the time. I'm always maing a new one. I also stand in fornt of the door to wait for my Steven to come home from work than i proceed to say welcome home, mew. an than jump one him. I also repaet mew after every sentence that i speak. ~Nuku Nuku because i love to act like a kitty cat and people sometimes think that i must have been reincaranation of a cat. ~MEW~ [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Pink]I wouldn't mind helping. It sounds like fun. I'm also good at colouring with photoshop. ~MEW~ [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Pink]Hi I had to do this ad for class and i was hopping to get so feed back from people who would see it. That is before my professor eats me alive and *shudders*. JUst tell me would you want to get this if you seen it or what your reaction is. Thank You ~Mew~ [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Pink]I remeber always watching anime. Starting with Speed Racer. I use to watch reruns on Beta that my grandpa recorded. (I even still have them and a Beta player it looks really bad now compared to what we have now.) Than i went into transformers and than as soon as i was old enough i started ordering them straight from Japan. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Pink]~MEW~ [/COLOR]
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