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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]O.C.C: Very sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been very busy with class again. I.C.: When Ran awoke on the island he seen no one was around. It clearly was not ending up a good day for him. He looked around quickly, but didn't see anyone right around him. It was bad enough that he had been put in Jace group, but now he maybe suck on the island with him. He had sat on the beach for a while was the waves crashed against the shore. Ran wasn't sure if he wanted to get on a boat again after what had just happened. "I should get inot some cover before I catch to bad of a cold." He noticed a cave near him, that would do some good for some shelter. Ran had been only in there for a few minutes when he heard voices began to echo through the cave. "Great just my luck to go insane already." As the voice got closer he recognized them, as some of his classmates. As the figures came closer he seen that is was Rin, Micky and Keala. "Glad to see you made it." Ran gave a wave. "Did you see Jace and Zeph?" Sinc ehtey wher ein the same grooup he was sure they would end up in about the same area. "Yeah. The two are with us. They are going to gather some dry fire wood." Rin said. "Glad to see that you guys made it out okay though. I was worried." Footsteps could be heard coming into the cave. "We found some, but not much." Jace and Zeph wandered into the cave with a handful of wood. "Hey Ran good to see that you made." Zeph said setting down the wood. "Hopefully we will be resuced soon." Ran tried to make a joke out of it. wasn't working though. "We should go through our bags to see what we have that can be usefully to use." Jace began building a fire with a lighter he had.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=Darkred][center][b]Blind Eyed War[/center][/b] It was the year 2014; we had set probes out into the vast space for the search of intelligent life. Each probe was about the size of a nuclear warhead, there was a total of forty-two in all. Each one was sent to a different galaxy, the close being forty-six years away. We lost a bunch of these probes from meteor shows and other unknown objects. We found mostly desolate planets, twenty-two to be precise, some of which our problem could not even go on for the imbalance of the planet. One four of them we found the first sign of life. Evolution was just being on those plants. Different stages on different planets, though we didn?t find any alien life form that was intelligent enough to communicate with us, that wasn?t until the year 2563. In the year 2563, the probe Chagall, named after the surrealist artist Marc Chagall, came to the planet, which was called Umerince. On this planet, much like our Earth, was a race of people with more intelligence than us. The planet Umerince, had very little water, which meant had a lower gravity than we did. Our probe Chagall made contact with them and sent them out message of greeting and a little bit about our race. Five hundred years later we have found ourselves great friends, Umerints and us earthlings. The Umerints are a very peculiar race. They seem to have no true form; they are able to adapt quickly to wherever they settle. They are also shape shifters. The Umerints can choose any form they wish to be in, but it seems they can only change there form once a Earth year, it?s really two weeks on there planet. So for hundreds of years our two cultures shared and prospered from each other?s. We shared are technologies with each other and we soon grew to be good friends, but unbeknownst to us they where doing experiments with our genes. We only became aware when most of the female babies became born blind. This was the only hint something was wrong, the male [human species] seem to have nothing wrong it them. The Human species went to the council the two races formed and asked to Umerints right out if they did anything. The Umerints fully admitted everything, but didn?t give a reason why they had tampered with the [human] female genes. With this act the Umerints committed we declared war after our years of peace and happiness. The year 3499 the entire female [human species] have gone blind. Not a single female child is born with sight. The war has been going on now for five hundred years and though the female may not be able to see they still are a great asset to the war. With the loss of their sight, their other senses have picked up the slack. There sense of smell, hearing, touch, taste and something of a new sense, females can tell they present of another and now the exact distance they are from them. If they have met they before the female can tell who they are as well. Earthlings are unaware of how this evolution process came about, but it can be to there advantage. The United Earth Military is now set up in pairs, a male and female. With the male?s strength and eyesight and with the female?s heightened senses they make a very good team. The pairs are normal chosen when they are young and grow up together. There is never more than three years difference between them. Each one checks and balances the other. The Female can go into dark dangerous places and doesn?t need a light and can direct the male. So the first war in space history has begun and is being fought. ~~~ Welcome to Blind Eyed War. Please be sure to check the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=656699#post656699][b][COLOR=DarkRed]Underground[/COLOR][/b][/url] for before posting if you sign up. For the Earth people you can partner up with someone else or you can make them up, but remember it?s always a female/Male team and they are always within three years of each other. Also remember that no female member of the human species can see. [b]Sign up:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] (Earthlings can be anything; Umerints should be aliens sounding) [b]Age:[/b] (Earthlings-20+; Umerints over 20, but do not go over 400.) [b]Gender:[/b] Male/ Female (Umerints take on the appearance of a male/female.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture or Good description.. Umerints can take only any appearance, but make sure it is reasonable. ) [b]Race:[/b] Earth or Umerince [b]Partner:[/b] (Only for Earthlings; Can be made up or another player) [b]Team Name:[/b] (Earthlings only; what you and your partner call yourselves.) [b]Weapon:[/b] (Anything really goes here. Since it is the future there has been many advances in weapons. There are no super powers though. [b] Character Snippit:[/b] (at least a good two paragraphs.) [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=Darkred][center][b]Blind Eyed War Underground[/center][/b] Here you can post question on comment on Blind Eyed war. I have put up a timeline of major event to help not confuse people. There are also descriptions of the planet Umerince and Earth as well as the Umerint race. [b]Timeline of events[/b] [b]2014[/b]- Earthlings sent off forty-two probes. [b]2060[/b]- First probe makes it to a plant. Found beginning of evolutionary stages. [b]2108[/b]- War World Three begins. [b]2297[/b]- War world three ends and Earth countries unite into one huge nation. Forms United Earth Military [b]2563[/b]- Probe Chagall reaches the plant Umerince. First contact of intelligent life. [b]2750[/b]- Earthlings and Umerints form the Council of Peace. This is used to help settle minor disagreement between races. [b]2905[/b]- First sign of the Earthling female babies becoming blind. [b]3205[/b]- The Earthlings went and confronted the Umerinces in the Council. [b]3225[/b]- A formal declaration have war was declared. [b]3355[/b]- The last female, Heather Flint, with her eye sight died at the age of ninety two. [b]3499[/b]- Present Day. [Center] Earth [/center] After War World Three Earth Countries Unite Under One leader. Earth has not changed very much, some of the glacier ice caps have melting helping to supply the Earth?s clean water. New energy efficient ways have been developed. Mostly we now se Solar power to supply our world energy. [Center]Umerince[/center] The planet Umerince is similar to Earth, but not quit the same. Umerince has much less rain fall and has a lower gravity. The planet is mostly a desert with patches of small forest of tress which are above aquifers. Most of the plants on Umerince are poisons to human, but he Umerints are not effected by them. The only large body of water is a sea about the size of Texas. There was evidence thought that it uses to be much larger. Three suns and one moon surround Umerince. The people of Umerince are very unique. They seem to be able to change their shape to help adopt to there environment. Though they do have restraints on them, they have to remain in the form they took for two weeks (one year in Earth time) before they can change shape again. For this reason many people do not know what they truly look like. The Umerints also live to be a lot older than Earthling is. The oldest Umerint record was to be four hundred years old. [Center]Space[/center] Out in Space there as also been other Planets with intelligent races on them. Though they do not wish to get involved with t he war. Earth has a few space station out in Universe where mostly Scientist and humans in training live. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=Darkred]Ran laid sprawled out on his futon, head hitting the floor. The sunlight throw his window pierced his eye. His hand searched for his blanket, but couldn?t find it. With a yawn he sat up and scratched his head making his already bed head hair messier. With a glance around the room he looked for his alarm clock, but couldn?t find, he just shrugged without a car. Ran got up and grabbed a towel and a pair of jean out of his clean pile of clothing. Down the hall he knocked on the bathroom door. No one was in so he went ahead in. He took a quick bath and brushed his teeth. While he was in the bathroom he gathered his toothbrush and eye drops from the bathroom. With the two items he made his way back into his room. He scrounged around and put on a light brown tight T-shirt. He went to his closet and grabbed duffel bad where he began plopping everything he would need for his trip in it. It was jammed packed by the time he was finished. He glanced around his room once more to look it over if needed anything else. He didn?t. He walked over to his desk and grabbed the letter and eye patch. He shoved the letter in his pocket. Ran made his way down stair with his bag in hand and looked about. It seemed like everyone else was still asleep. He began to scribble a not for his parent when he heard an awful noise come from the TV room. He darted there think it was a bugler. As he slid the door open he found his Mom sitting on the floor watching cartoons eating a bowl of cereal. Ran shook his head. His Mom heard the door open and looked at him. ?Morning Maru.? She said through he spoon. ?Morning Mom.? Now at least he could tell them in person he would be gone for a week. ?Mom I am going on a class trip so I will be back in a weak.? ?Okay dear, have a good time. Don?t forget to bring me back something.? He shook his head. Aren?t your parent?s supposing to worry or something. Oh well I guess that what happens when you have pretty much laid back parents. Ran had taken a taxi to the airport and got out. He noticed a couple other students from his grade there as well, either getting out of car or saying good bye to their families. As they entered the place they where told to go and wait in a suite. Ran took a seat inside the place and looked out one of the windows. He hoped that Drew was okay after last night, maybe he should have stopped by before coming here. [/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Thank you doukeshi03 that was more what I was looking for. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]No, I am sorry I don't have an image in mind, if I did I owuld have put it up before. The avator doesn't have to have an a picture, and if it does it doesn't have to be an anime on, it could be a real image.[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Thank you for trying , but hat isn't what I am really looking for. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Oh yes I have fond memries of curling up on the coach with a bowl of Lucky charms on a Sat. morning to watch Zelda and Mario cartoons as a child. Oh wait that was this morning. They where pretty bad though, but every now and than you need a good laugh. Yes they are both on dvd right now, they have been out quite some time. Today is also a very important day for Nintendo, for the first ever Nintendo World store was open in New York. Two floors of all Nintendo products. So in celebration of this and not being able to go, (Curse friend who was taking us, but didn't.), we had an all day marathon of watching the cartoons. You just have to laugh at how they wher eput together. Zelda was a bit better on how it was put togther than Mario, but it was still pretty bad, too. [/size][/color]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Well I am looking for just an ava, no banner. I want something that matches the small poem down at the bottom. I want something that seems sexy, but yet sad. Thought here should be no nudity. Also I want my name put on it. Thank you very much however tries to make it for me. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] [CENTER][B]My Pet[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]The forty-year-old man sat behind the desk holding a small Chihuahua in his arms. He was Matsuura Ginta the new psychologist at work. Umeko?s old boss had made her go see him. The two stared at each other. Ginta waiting patiently for Umeko to speak and Umeko growing impatient for being here. They talked little about her recent break up with her ex in the printing department. ?You are not capable of loving a man. So get over it?? ?What?!? Umeko stood up in her seat clearly offend on the doctor comment. She grabbed her coat and started out the door. ?Hold on a second.? Ginta grabbed something from his desk. With that he plopped a box of tissues in front of the desk. ?My best recommendation to you is to cry.? ?I don?t cry.? Umeko voice was firm and strong. She slammed the door shut behind her. ?Well Natalie what do you say we go for a walk.? Ginta looked down and talked sweetly to the dog. [I][CENTER]~~~ ?My name is Kannagi, Umeko and I am twenty eight years old. I graduated out of Tokyo University at the top of my class; I went on to Harvard in America. I am now a journalist for the Tokyo Paper. I quickly rose to External Affairs. I am a career woman. ?Constantly at work I her Kannagi-san you are so pretty, you are so smart, and I wish I could do things like you Kannagi-san. They say I am part of the Elite. I am taller than most women, which seem are to intimate men are as well are. While behind my back they call me kokeshi doll (she is kind of expressionless and never changes her face.), noh-men (noh is a traditional Japanese drama that uses mask.) and cyborg. It?s a never-ending headache. ?It I somewhat true I haven?t cried since in middle school when my old dog Toki died. I haven?t laughed much either because work has kept me busy. ?Recently though my headache have gotten much worse. Just yesterday punched my boss. I know that was a bit extreme, but he deserved it. With that I found myself demoted to the lifestyle department. My co-workers smile and joke about this. ?I use to date someone as well, too. He cheated on me though and left me for another woman. I didn?t cry or get hysterical like most women. I was calm, cool, and collective. He hurt me badly, but I didn?t tell him that or no one else that. From now on I will only date men who are smarter, taller and having a bigger income than me. ?Though I have found something to help relieve my headache. I got a pet and my pet is a boy. ?Now I am sure you are wonder what?s wrong with me. A boy as my pet, let me explain. ?I found him two days ago lying unconscious in a box in front of my apartment when I got back home from work. He was injured badly so I took him up to my place. Normally I don?t do that but he looked harmless. I tended his wounded and kept an eye on him all night. The next morning I woke up my headache I had for ten days was gone. I left him a note to eat some soft rice and to leave as soon as he was done. ?When I returned from work he was still there. I ask him why and he had no money for the train. So I told him I would give him some. Next he said he wanted to stay with me because he liked it here and I was a good cook. ?I told him fine if he wanted to stay with me he would have to be a pet. That he would have no human rights. I didn?t really think he would say he would be, but he did. So now I have a boy for a pet. I cook, clean and wash his hair for him. There is one rule though? ?No Sex! ?I wouldn?t say he is leeching off of me. He is just a pet, a dog. I named him after my old dog, Toki. Just like Toki I can cry in front of the new Toki. He is the only one I can cry in front of and be my real self. It?s very relieving.? ~~~[/CENTER][/I] Umeko stood at her once desk in the Internal Affairs Department. He co-workers smiled and whispered to themselves. She ignored them completely shoving her stuff into the box. Someone came up behind her. ?Kannagi-san it was nice working with you. I hope someday to be like you, Kannagi-san.? She rolled her eyes. She knew they where all happy to see her go. ?You don?t have to pretend to be sad.? She picked up her boxes and left with what pride she had left. She pressed the down button on the elevator and headed to her new department. In a small room five people sat at separate desk. Umeko came in and headed over to her new boss. ?Hello I am Kannagi, Umeko and I was just transferred to this department.? The man was reading a paper and didn?t look up form it. Umeko cleared her throat, she wasn?t sure if he heard her or not. ?Your desk over there.? He pointed to an empty one. ?Thank you and I will do my best.? She gave an awkward bow with her boxes in her arms. She went to the desk and looked down and seen a kokeshi doll. [I]?They think they are being funny.[/I] She pushed the doll out of the way and set her boxes down. A young girl of about twenty-five had a desk In front of her. ?It?s nice to met you, Kannagi-san. I am Lie Ba No, it?s very nice to have another women here.? Umeko looked around, they where the only two women. ?Yes very nice to meet you. I will do my best.? Slowly she got to know all of her other co-workers.? It was going to be a long day. [b]O.C.C:[/b] Okay I final got this up, sorry about taking so long. Sign up are still opened. For the first few posts write about your day. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][color=plum]Anne had been flying in the air for hours. It had been clear for most of the way with little winds and turbulence. Though over Tennessee she hit a bit. Taking a deep breath she check her gas level. She should have plenty to make it there. Anne couldn?t handle be in one of those jets she loved [url=http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=824227&WxsIERv=Prffan%20N185S%20Fxljntba%20185&WdsYXMg=Hagvgyrq&QtODMg=Jryyvatgba%20-%20Vagreangvbany%20%28JYT%20%2F%20AMJA%29&ERDLTkt=Arj%20Mrnynaq&ktODMp=Ncevy%2017%2C%202005&BP=1&WNEb25u=Wnzrf%20Rqra&xsIERvdWdsY=MX-CEZ&MgTUQtODMgKE=%28Pnaba%20RBF-300Q%29&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=154&NEb25uZWxs=2005-04-24%2008%3A40%3A31&ODJ9dvCE=&O89Dcjdg=&static=yes&width=1200&height=812&sok=JURER%20%20%28nvepensg_trarevp%20%3D%20%27Prffan%20185%20Fxljntba%2F185%20%28H-17%29%27%29%20%20BEQRE%20OL%20cubgb_vq%20QRFP&photo_nr=1&prev_id=&next_id=821969&size=L]Cessena[/url]. She looked out the window and she saw the ground. It looked so beautiful from up here. Anne listened through her headset to the control tower. Anne glanced at her watch, she should be in Texas in an hour. An hour and twenty minutes later Anne was listening to the Houston control tower. Anne was a mile away from the large Houston airport. She would be landing in a much smaller one where they will keep an eye on her Cessena for her. Anne had to circle around for fifteen minutes before she got the okay to land. She would have to be careful they landing strip was short and places there was flat land all-round. If a gust came about it would mess her up. She had seen many of planes crush because of sudden gust of wind. The wheels of the plane touched down, another perfect landing. Anne began running through her checklist once again. With that she taxied into the planed parking area. I guy pointed her to where she should park. With her fitting into the spot them man ran over and put the blocks under the wheels. She continued to shut down the plane. When the plane was all taken care of she stretched in her seat. It had been a long flight. She put her gear in her bag and put her hat back on her head. The guy was standing outside the plane when Anne opened the door. He gave his hand and helps her off the wing. ?Thank you.? ?Welcome to Texas ma?am.? He grabbed her bags out of the plane. Anne thanked him again. Anne looked over plane to make sure it was okay. ?Don?t worry Ma?am we will take good care of her. So what bring you to Texas?? ?I am going to met up with some friends of mine.? Anne took her bag and thanked him once more and shook his hand, She called for a taxi and head to the larger airport. When she entered the large building she looked around. Anne saw three people standing together. She recognized two of them, it was Steph and Kelly. Anne walked over and gave a wave. ?Greetings! It?s nice to see you all.?[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1]Name: Camilla "Cammy" Awanti Age: outside-23; Soul-110 Appearance: Two of her favourite photo shoot pictures of herself. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/Ayaka27.jpg][Color=Plum][U]here[/color][/url] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/angel3.jpg][Color=PLum][U] here[/U][/color][/U][/url] When she isn?t doing her modeling Camilla normally wears just a pair of tight jeans or shorts and a tank top. On some occasions she will throw on a skirt or a dress suit. She is always seen wearing boots though. She finds that they are the comfy shoes she wears. She stands 5'4 and weighs 110 pounds. Race: Zodiac, Virgo Position: Neutral. Camilla is neutral because she doesn?t like taking side. She would rather help resolve the matter in as peaceful way as possible. Power: Camilla has the power of earth. She is able call upon vines and weeds to gorw and restrain or attacks someone. Morph: [URL=http://www.college.emory.edu/culpeper/GOUZOULES/site/images/birds/bpics/chipping_sparrow.jpg][color=Plum][U]Sparrow[/color][/u][/URL] Weapon: a small dagger that she keeps hidden in her boot Bio: Camilla was enjoying her life as a model in Switzerland. She lived with her friend Jane. Camilla spent her days workiing and datng tons of guys. the guys where an attempted to draw attention to her from her manager, Vince. It never worked though. Her life was thrown in a loop one day while she was ona date. She met Kadar and Damion. With that she found herself meeting others like her. She has been traveling with the other Zodaics and gathering them up. Camilla has matured up abit. She isn't as wild as she had been. has a problem with still speaking her mind though no matter what's on it. Camilla seems to really stay by Damion, Kadar, or Zane. Why she is not sure, maybe because they are guys. Now she find herself heading straight ot the ground on a plane. How she hates to fly.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Sorry I have been very busy. Who am I for the characters name it wouldn't be "old flame." That is who he is to Umeko. If you could fix that I owuld be very thankful and maybe add a bit more infor on your character. Ruby and Sakura yours are very nice. I am hoping to get at least another person in here. If not I will start this on Friday when I have time again. Name: Kannagi, Umeko Age: 28 Gender: Female Appearance:[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/girls26.jpg]Umeko[/URL] Umeko stand 5?10, which is very tall for in Japan. She stands taller than most of the men there. This seems to intimidate people. She normally dresses in a very professional manner. Personality: At work Umeko is emotionless. Actually most time she is. She stands to be the perfect career women. Sometimes this eats her up inside and she just want to be her and envies those not like her. At work she tries to take care of all her things by herself not wanting to relay on others on others. While she is with Toki though she is able to express her true self, the Umeko that love Pro-wresting and video games. Biography: Umeko use to really on her old dog, Toki as a child. She died of an early age while Umeko was in Middle School. Umeko blamed herself. She hasn?t cried since that day. In middle school and high school she really had only one true friend and that was Aoi. Aoi always seem to help her and is still a very good friend. She sometimes is very jealous of Aoi life as a homemaker. After High School she went to Tokyo University. There she grew feelings for her upper classmate. He had to leave and she thought she wouldn?t see him again. When she graduated from Tokyo University she went and studied in Harvard. When she returned to Japan she got a job as a journalist. She quickly rose to External Affairs. After an incident with her boss, which involved him losing tow teeth, she was moved to the Lifestyle Department. Umeko tends to suffer from tons of headache form the stress of her work and co-workers. She would come home drained every night. Until she found Toki, her new pet, in a box. It has only been two days but her headaches are she seems less stressful. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Camilla tried to calm the people down. Most of the passengers where in hysterics from fear and surprise of the situation at hand. It was no use to calm them down. The flight attendant was lying on the ground and had become conscious again after falling and hitting her head. Camilla told her to try and keep everyone calm, that they would handle things her. She nodded her and began to try and comfort the passengers. Camilla had been right. The enemy was in the cabin and five demons stood there with their eyes glowing red. ?Well well, if it isn?t the infamous zodiac, welcome to the party?.? The voice was raspy and sound like it had a hard time forming the words. Turbulence hit and Camilla and Ima were knocked to the ground. The demons took this as a sign as the best time to attack. Camilla quickly grabbed the dagger out of her boot. It really wasn't going to do much good for her not in this close quarter. "Don't let them into where the passengers are." Kariz yelled. They all nodded. It would be harder to fight with that much more movement available to them. Kariz, Ben, Raven and Rubedo where fighting them head on. They where doing a good job keeping the demons where they. Camilla tried to think of a way to get the plane level again. It didn't matter about the demons if that didn't happen. She noticed a small plant and got an idea. Forming fines from the roots she led them against the wall. She hoped that the demons did not see what she was up to. Camilla concentrated hard at her task at hand. As the vines traveled up the panel she gripped them on the controls. She had to guess if it was the right level, she couldn't see the gages. Not that it could really help much. Camilla made the vines pull back on the control and they started to climb in altitude. She slowly let some of the pressure go. [i]I hope that's right. [/I] It felt like it but with anything you could never trust your sense fully.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Ran didn't know how he was staying so calm right now. He was so close to Drew. He was sure he couldn't remain this calm much longer sitting this close to him. He made a coughing sound to break the silences. "I will clean up the glass. I don't want you to get hurt anymore.' "No you don't need to." Drew swayed a bit and almost feels over. Ran caught him. "I think you should lay down." without much protest from Drew, Ran laid Drew down on his bed. He brought up the covers. "Now stay." Ran joked around. He bent down and started to pick up the larger bits of shards of glass and placed them in the garbage can. Ran made his way to the bathroom to get a towel to soak up the alcohol. When he came back out he looked at Drew. By this time he was sound asleep. Ran smiled and walked over to him. Ran bent down over Drew at looked at his face. He looked innocent sleeping there. Nervously Ran brushed a few strands of Drew's hair. Drew shuffled and Ran pulled his hand back quickly. He was afraid that he would wake Drew. He sighed in relief that he didn't wake him. With a blush on his face he went back to cleaning the place. Ran quickly got the job done. It still smells bad in there, but there was nothing he could do about that. He was afraid Drew would catch a cold if he left the window open. He looked at Drew who was sleeping and smiled. As long as he could be his friend he would be okay. Just being that close to him made him happy. He looked at the yellow envelope on the floor and cursed. He had forgotten all about. He grabbed it up and left the place. [i]Should have left a note for him. He will be okay though. [/I] He walked down the street in a quick pace. He was too tired to run. It took an hour before he got back home. He was exhausted and just wanted to get back to bed. His Mom poked her head out of the kitchen. "Maru? What took you so long." She sniffed the air. "Why do you smell like booze." Ran sniffed his shirt. It was true he did. "Sorry. One of my friends ran into a problem and was hurt. I was taking care of him." Than he remembers he should explain about the smell. "And at his house there was a broken wine cooler. I cleaned it up so he wouldn't get hurt." His Mom really didn't believe he could tell, but she didn't push it. "You got a letter from school. I left it on your desk." "Thank Mom. I am going to bed now. I will see you in the morning." She went upstairs into his room. He threw his cloths off and slipped into some new pants. He would grab a shower in a bit. First he should read the letter. He sighed and sat down at his desk and went through his mail. Ran came to the letter from school. He took his letter opener, it was shaped like a katane. His Mother baught it for him three years ago because she said it was cute. He scanned throught he letter and arched his eyebrow. o make sure he read it correctly he scanned through again. His eyebrow arched again. Now this was a surprise. He folded the letter up and placed it on his desk. With that he flung himslef into bed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Four sets of voices let out a cheer. Ran leaned back in the chair he had been sitting in. The rest of the group was high fiving and congratulating each other. Two arms wrapped around Ran. "Thank you Maru we wouldn't have been able to finish so quickly without you." "Yes thank you Ranmaru." All three assistance bowed. "Now if we could just keep your mother from procrastinating." Shiho, one of Ran's mom?s assistance stated. The other two agreed. "Okay that enough. We have to get this to the editor and clean up the room. So who is going to walk it there." Na-roo clapped her hands together. Everyone looked at Ran. "Come on it's late. I really don't want to." He wasn't going to win this one, not with the four pathetic looks he was getting. "Fine give them here." Another cheer arose. Ran grabbed his coat from the hallway and took the yellow envelope from his Mother. "I will be back in a bit." His mother gave him a kiss on the cheek. With that he left the house on this very important mission. Ran was a good ten minutes from his house when a group of guys walked passed him. They looked like thugs. He just ignored them and kept walking. He had another ten minutes until he would reach his Mom's editor?s place. It was really late and he was tired. He really didn't feel like doing this, but he could say no. Further up the walkway it looked like someone was staggering. Must be a drunk was all that Ran thought. Than he saw his movements, whoever they where they where injured. Ran hurriedly caught up to them. As he came closer he seen that it was Drew. "Oh shit man. Are you okay?" What happen?" Ran caught up Drew's arm. "Let's find you a place to sit." He led Drew to a bench. After that e looked at the wound on his arm. "Man you reek Drew. You got to stop drinking." He didn't wait for him to reply. "Let's get you home where you can lay down." [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Anne looked at the arranged items on her bed. It had been two weeks seen she was invited to Houston. She was very excited, it would be her first ?vacation? since she got out of college and started her job. Anne had been working at a small designing firm and she was one of the best there. Her old art teacher set up her internship there and she just stayed with it. It wasn?t really a bad deal in her mind. She had visited Japan, Germany, and England to pick up oversea clients. Her boss also told her that those where her vacations. It hadn?t taken a lot to even get this time off on this short of notice, but Anne knew how to pull strings. Her phone rang and she rolled her eyes. She hated when any phone rang it always drove her crazy. Must have been from when she was an intern. They always made her answer the phones. She picked it up and her boss was on the other line. She let out a load groan to let him know she was annoyed. Her boss laughed nervously. ?Hey Anne, I was just wonder about the new account. Did you send the photographs to printing, yet?? ?Of course I did. You know that, I told you before I left yesterday.? He coughed. ?Oh yeah. That?s right.? ?What do your really want I don?t have time for this. I set you up with Carol from printing like you wanted.? Anne began to fold her clothing and put them in her suitcase. ?Yeah about that. What tie should I wear? Do you think the green or the blue?? ?Heaven help me.? She whispered under her breath. ?Frank I don?t have time for this. You are a designer figure it out yourself.? ?I need a woman?s opinion though.? ?Well right now my opinion would be shove it up your ass, but since I like Carol so much I will help. What colour suit you wearing?? ?Thank you and grey, plain.? ?Shirt?? ?Blue.? She rolled her eyes. ?Than lets see what colour tie should you wear. I am think maybe? blue.? She told him sarcastically. ?Yeah that make sense. By the way one more ?? Anne cut him off. ?No one more thing. I am hanging up now and if you call again I am going to kick your ass when I get back. Don?t even think about call my cell either or your number will be block. Got it bucko.? Most people would have been fired for that, but luckily everyone in the office was really close. So it didn?t matter much as long as the work got done and that kind of talking didn?t take place in front of the clients. Anne shoveled the last of the cloth in the suitcase. She wandered around her trailer to make sure she didn?t forget anything. She was sure she got everything. Pants, shirts, skirts, dress clothing, undergarments, and a her bikini. That sound like her cloth. She checked the list off her toothbrush, perfume, cosmetics (though Anne doesn?t really where it often), and other fun stuff like that. She nodded her head and closed the suitcase. She was able to fit all her stuff in one small carry on. Anne the Mistress of packing, she learned well from her Mother. She remember this one time four years ago she packed for days of clothing plus a pair of high heels in a briefcase for nerd con. Heather and Paul couldn?t believe. She smiled. Anne loved found memories. Anne grabbed her straw hat off the back of the couch and made her way to a mirror. She was wearing a light pink sundress that came to her knees. A pair or sandals was on her feet. Anne gave her short hair a few flicks and nodded. She looked good. She grabbed the phone that was by the door and dialed her mom?s house. Her little sister picked up. She would be heading off to college in Florida in the next month to study marine biology. Her sister has always been smarter than she has. Anne didn?t mind though, it kept her parents off her back. ?Hey put Mutti on the phone.? ?Hi Anne.? ?Hey Mutti! How Ribbons?? Her Mom laughed. ?Is that all you can think about?? ?Yeah! This is the longest I am going to be away from her. Luckily she has the other dogs to play with. Put her on the phone.? ?Anne you need yourself a man. Get hitched.? Anne almost threw the phone. If this were an anime her hair would have been standing on edge. Anne had commitment problems, her longest relationship that has ever lasted was eight month. She told her parents to give up on grandchildren because Anne hated kids. ?Anne I am joking. Did you have a heart attack?? ?No, just don?t say things like that. It scares me.? Anne?s Mom laughed. ?Okay here is ribbons.? Anne began the process of talking baby talk to the dog. She said to be a good doggy, that she loved her and other stuff like that. Most of the things that you would say to a child. From outside there was a loud honk. Anne?s friend was here to take her to the airport. ?I will talk to you later. I will give you a ring when I get t here.? Anne paused for a second. ?Don?t worry I will be careful flying and my arms won?t get tired.? Anne hung up the phone. She grabbed her suitcase and purse and went out the door. She locked the door and ran to the, holding her hat to make sure it doesn?t blow away. As she got to the care she remember she forgot her flight gear. ?I will be right back I forgot something.? She told her friend as he loaded her suitcase into the car. ?Got everything you need now?? Her friend asked her as she entered the car. She nodded her head yes and they where on their way. Fifteen minutes later they arrived at the small airport. Harry had come out to meet them. He has been a good friend of the family for years and was the one who taught Anne how to fly. He gave her a kiss on the check and a hug. They chatted for a second and than Anne headed to her plane. She opened the door and threw her luggage in and began checking the plane out. It was all fine and dandy. She sat in her pilot?s seat and put on her headphone. She ran down the checklist and began taxing to the runway. She waiting for the control tower to give her permission to take off. Than she was up and into the blue sky she had learn to love very much. O.C.C: I will be gone until Sunday for Nerd Con. Very sorry. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Ran smiled and thought how nice it would be for him and Kyo go to the amusement park. He smiled though and acted like he didn't care. He had looked over at Mickey to see if he was really going to let Amy go. "Well here you go kids." Rose brought the food and seats it down in front of each one of them. "Enjoy and let me know if you need anything." "Hey can I get another tea here?" One of here customers shouted. "Yeah just hold on a second." The group nodded their heads yes and began to eat. Ran thought it was great to eat someone else?s food for once. HE smiled Dad was going to be envious. Think of his family he was sure he should get home soon. He didn't want his Mom and her assistance to have a heart attack for not completing the deadline. He sighed. It was going to be a long night tonight. They finished the meal. "Well I will talk to you later guys. I got to get home and help my Mom." He waved to his friends and than walked into t \he kitchen. "Thanks Auntie Rose and Uncle Oboro. It was really good." He bowed. "Oh Ran don't be some formal we are family." His Uncle laughed and handed him a bag. "For you Mom and Dad. I know my Sister-in-law had most likely not had anything to eat. I packed enough for her assistance?s too." "Thanks I know they will appreciate it." The waved bye and his Aunt gave him a hug. He made his way out of the restaurant and than headed home. He walked up the driveway and all the lights where on in the house. The car was in the driveway so his father wasn't home yet. Ran entered the door and was immediately attacked by his mother. "Maru! You are home. I am so glad. Here I have this for you to do and this." She was shoving papers at Ran. Ran sighed and began to get to work. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Ran chuckled. Kyo was so cute. "Okay than lets get something to eat." He looked at the fast food place. He really didn't want that. "Hey how about we go to my Aunts restaurant she cooks pretty good. I learned from her. She will most likely even give us a meal for free." "Really?!" Rin looked a bit surprised. "Yeah. It's only down the end of the block." They headed off. When they entered the place Ran's Aunt came up and hugged him. "Hey Ranmaru. You never come and visit. Hey Oboro, are little Ranmaru came to visit." She screamed into the back to her husband as she was suffocating Ran with a hug. "Hey Ran. Good of you to come. Now if we could get your parents here." Oboro gave a wave from behind a curtain that hid the kitchen and than went back in. "Auntie Rose, let go. I can't breath and you are making a scene." Ranmaru struggled out of her grip. His Aunt looked around and her customers where looking at them. She laughed. "I guess I am. Come on I will take you to a seat." ?Thanks." The group followed her. "So Ranmaru is that your girlfriend?" His aunt asks with a look in her eye. "No." Rin and ran both said at ones. His Aunt laughed. "That?s right. I forgot you swing for the other team. So this must be your boyfriend here. My Ran you do have good taste in guys." Kyo looked taken back. "What!? Auntie!? Ran blushed d a bit. "They are just a couple of my classmates. We came to get a bite of eat because we where hungry. We had a pretty bad day since the schools chemistry lab blew up. So I said we should come here." "Oh I see. That?s why you guys look like that. I thought it was a new fashion statement. Anyway here?s your seat." She handed them menus. ?I will be back in a few to take you orders.? Ran sat down with a sigh. "Sorry about that. All the family on my Mom's side is like that. It gets tiring after awhile. I was hoping she would be a bit better today." She opened his menu and looked over what he was going to have. He was most likely going to get some Nikujaga. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Ran had pulled out two students. He didn?t know who they where, but he couldn?t leave them there. He would have gone back to help some more but some particles fell in his eye and he couldn?t see to well. He wouldn?t let anyone know that though. He could see it was just blurry. As they announced that you could go home he thought about what he should do. He didn?t want to go home. His Mom would put him to work as soon as he entered the house. No he didn?t want to go home. He gave his head a scratch. Well he did have a lunch. He could go to the park for a while. Half way to the park his vision returned fully. ?That?s better.? He mumbled to himself. Ran made his way into the park and sat down under a tree. He looked on into a play set where younger children where running around and playing. It almost made him want to join in. Ran rested his head back and looked up into the sky. Out of nowhere a ball hit him in the head. He was going to yell, but he seen it was just some kids. ?Kick it here mister.? Ran stood up and kicked the ball. The kids where overjoyed. Before Ran knew he was playing with the kids. He laughed and joked around as he played their little game. O.C.C: Very sorry for taking so long to post. I was very busy with classes.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][CENTER][I]?My name is Kannagi, Umeko and I am twenty eight years old. I graduated out of Tokyo University at the top of my class; I went on to Harvard in America. I am now a journalist for the Tokyo Paper. I quickly rose to External Affairs. I am a career woman. ?Constantly at work I her Kannagi-san you are so pretty, you are so smart, and I wish I could do things like you Kannagi-san. They say I am part of the Elite. I am taller than most women, which seem to intimate men as well. While behind my back they call me kokeshi doll (she is kind of expressionless and never changes her face.), noh-men (noh is a traditional Japanese drama that uses mask.) and cyborg. It?s a never-ending headache. ?It I somewhat true I haven?t cried since in middle school when my old dog Toki died. I haven?t laughed much either because work has kept me busy. ?Recently though my headache have gotten much worse. Just yesterday punched my boss. I know that was a bit extreme, but he deserved it. With that I found myself demoted to the lifestyle department. My co-workers smile and joke about this. ?I use to date someone as well, too. He cheated on me though and left me for another woman. I didn?t cry or get hysterical like most women. I was calm, cool, and collective. He hurt me badly, but I didn?t tell him that or no one else that. From now on I will only date men who are smarter, taller and having a bigger income than me. ?Though I have found something to help relieve my headache. I got a pet and my pet is a boy. ?Now I am sure you are wonder what?s wrong with me. A boy as my pet, let me explain. ?I found him two days ago lying unconscious in a box in front of my apartment when I got back home from work. He was injured badly so I took him up to my place. Normally I don?t do that but he looked harmless. I tended his wounded and kept an eye on him all night. The next morning I woke up my headache I had for ten days was gone. I left him a note to eat some soft rice and to leave as soon as he was done. ?When I returned from work he was still there. I ask him why and he had no money for the train. So I told him I would give him some. Next he said he wanted to stay with me because he liked it here and I was a good cook. ?I told him fine if he wanted to stay with me he would have to be a pet. That he would have no human rights. I didn?t really think he would say he would be, but he did. So now I have a boy for a pet. I cook, clean and wash his hair for him. There is one rule though? ?No Sex! ?I wouldn?t say he is leeching off of me. He is just a pet, a dog. I named him after my old dog, Toki. Just like Toki I can cry in front of the new Toki. He is the only one I can cry in front of and be my real self. It?s very relieving.?[/I][/CENTER] [b]To sum it up:[/b] This is a story about Kannagi, Umeko, a career women, who is taller, smarter, has a higher education and income than most men. At work she is considered an elite. She finds a boy and he becomes her pet. She has to try and hide the fact that her pet is a human. What would people think of her if thy found out. An old flame of Umeko transfers to the external Affairs department the next day. They haven?t seen each other in four years. Umeko still has feeling for him, but she doesn?t know about his. Character: [b]Toki[/b]: Umeko new pet. She found him unconscious in a box hurt. She took care of him and soon he became her pet. [b]Toki's friends[/b]: People know that know Toki before he became Umeko's pet. Still hang out with him and doesn't know why he became the ladies pet. [b]Old Flame:[/b] Umeko?s old flame. They haven?t seen each other in four years. He was just transferred to the External Affairs department. Umeko doesn?t know that he is back in Tokyo yet. Has feelings for Umeko. [b]Umeko?s Friend:[/b] She is a homemaker and has a daughter. Umeko and her have been friends since Middle school. Umeko often comes to her for advice. She thinks that she should get rid of Toki. [b]Co-worker Rival[/b]: She is trying to get Umeko?s old flame for herself. She doesn?t matter how she goes about doing it either. She plays the sweet cute girl in the office. [b]co-workers[/b]: Workers it the different departments at work. They can be from the External Affairs or Lifestyle department. Sign up: Name: Real name: (For Toki only. What your real name is, not the one Umeko gave you.) Age: Toki:19-21; Old flame: 28-32; friend: 28; co-workers: 25 and up; Toki's friend: 19 and up) Gender: Appearance: (picture or written) Personality: (at least a paragraph) Biography: (At least two paragraphs.) Any questions please contact me. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Name: Alice Heart Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/normal_balance-02catgirl.jpg]Alice[/URL] Instrument: Piano Biography: Alice is a very unsual girl. She enjoys wearing cat ears and tail all the time because it says it help her creative flow. Alice enjoys standing out and is always changing her fashion. Alice has been playing the piano since she was five. Her parents felt she needed some culture. Alice didn't really want to learn to play. She would rather go outside and play in the mud and beat up the other kids in the neighborhood. Many instructures quite on her and her parents got frustrated with her. They began briding her. Alice seemed to have a natrual talent. As she grew older she got better and began to enjoy it more. She made the music her own. After High School she applied to Vibe. She had no doubt that she would be accepted. She knew she was talented. When she got the accepted letter her parents where overjoyed. When she got there she quickly made friends with Emily. The two hit it off great and when they played together they where able to make it work. They make very beautiful music together, sorta of speaking. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] Camilla took her seat on the plane, sitting next to Zane. She had kept reasonable silent since her outburst at Zane?s place. She put her finger to her temples, she had a terrible headache and couldn?t seem to get rid of it. She felt the plane start to take off. She gripped the seat handles. She hated flying. As the plane leveled she let out a breath of relief. Grabbing a magazine from the seat in front of her she opened it open. It would be a couple hour flights and she wasn?t really in the mood to talk to anyone. She rubbed her temple again. [I]Should have taken something.[/I] She thought to herself. Flipping through the book she glanced over a couple of article, most where about the war. She looked at the latest fashion and decided what she needed to get and what she didn?t. The flight attendant came by and she shook her head that she wouldn?t like anything. She went back to reading her paper. Zane was looking out the window off in his own thoughts. Camilla flipped a few pages and there was she and Jane. They where modeling some wedding outfits, she smiled. She remembers that shoot. It was one of her worse. Jane had been teasing her the whole time. Camilla really missed Jane and her crazy antics that got the two of them in trouble. She closed the magazine and sighed. She pulled her shirt down that had begun to rise up. In the airport Camilla changed out of her dressed and threw on a comfier pair of pants and T-shirt. [I] Maybe I should get some rest. That always helps a headache. Besides it will make the flight shorter. [/I] She leaned her head back and tried to get comfy. Planes where not the easiest place to sleep. As she shuffled in her seat to get comfortable her thoughts drifted to her birds. She hoped Jane remember to feed them. She was never good at remembering things. [I]I wonder what animal I transform into. Hopeful something cool and pretty.[/I] The way Kadar became a unicorn was beautiful. It still surprised her that his hair colour was natural. It not everyday you met someone with that hair colour. Many people think hers was natural but it isn?t. Camilla has been dying her hair blue since she was ten. Camilla called it her trademark. She couldn?t even remember her natural colour. With success she final found a spot comfy enough to fall asleep. OCC: I am very sorry I haven't posted much. I have been very busy with classes.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Anne [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Dscf0478.jpg]Redneck woman[/URL] Anne stands 5'3". SHe has her hair cut short and in a bob cut to make her look younger. Which she always complained about, but now is much happier. Under her eyes are the only sign of her age, there are bags fromt eh stress of her work. [B]Character Snippit:[/B] Searching her bag Anne located the keys to her place. Work was exgausting and the new client was killing her. The door opened and Ribbons [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/2004_1227Image0002.jpg](Picture of Ribbons)[/URL] was there like she was everday. Ribbons streched and yawned wagging her tail at her Mistress. Anne stracted Ribbons by ears and grabbe dher by her collar. Ane walked Ribbbons outside and placed her on her chain. Ribbons pranced around the yard sniffing everything. Walking back int he house anne grabbed her keys out of the door and kicked it shut. Leaning against the hall she took off her heels. "Agh..my feet are killing me." She took off her suit's coat and placed it on the back of the chair. MAking her way to her computer and flicked it on. As the computer booted up Anne took of her stocking. The phone rang and Anne picked it up. "Hey Mutti." It wa time for Anne and her Mom to have there conversation for the day. "How was work?' "Alright. We had this woman come in and she smelled so bad. I didn't want to get her information." "I don't blame you." Anne sat back down at her computer. She clicked explore and it brought it to her homepage. "So how was your work." "Not bad, but these clients are going to drive me to drink.They keep changing what they want." Anne laughed out of frustration. Ane went to her favourite menu and clicked on Otauboards. A message came up that she had a new pm. Anne clicked on it. [I]Hey guys, School is finally out, so I want you all to come spend a week here in Texas with me. I hope you all can come; I can?t wait to see everyone! Hopefully we won?t have any problems with planes and such. As soon as you all get here, we?ll get you settled into a suite in the hotel, and then we can all go out to party at my place! I?ll meet you all at the airport in two weeks time, at seven, your time. Hope to see you then! Kelly a.k.a. SimpleChaos [/i] Anne let out a scream of excitment. "Mutti I am going to Texas! Can you take Ribbons, please?" "Sure, but will your boss let you." Anne's mom crushed her joy for the moment. "Sure I have some information t hat he wants. I will trade him. Thanks Mutti. Love you. I will talk to you tomorrow." Anne hung up the phone and replied back that she could go and began making arrangments.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Ran had escaped his house without having to help his mother this morning. He wished that he had a normal mother, one that cooks and cleans. He let out a sigh nope he has a mother that procrastinates all the time and than begs Ran and his father to help her out. He still loved her though, he just wished sometimes she would be more responsible. The growling of his stomach drew him out of his thoughts. Ran just realized that he hadn?t eaten anything yet. With a quick look at his clock he made sure he had time to stop at the little store. He entered the store and he seen some students that went to his school there as well. He didn?t know any of them. He grabbed a bento lunchbox and a pastry. Normally he would pack his own lunch but last night he forgot and his Mom was the cause that he didn?t have one this morning. He gave the woman the money and stuffed the food in his bag. Ranmaru enter into the schoolyard. Chaotic and busy as usually. People hung out in their cliques and talked to each other. Fights would start to form, but a teacher would come from nowhere to break them up. It was the same thing everyday. Ran never stayed out here for to long. He had enough chaos at home and didn?t feel like dealing with it at school, too if it could be avoided. As he passed through the crowded schoolyard he seen faces of a couple people he knew. He would talk to them later, at some point in time of the day he would have a class with them. Ranmaru entered the school and headed for his history class with Mr. Ranigo. Ran wasn?t thrilled. History wasn?t his favourite class, but it was better than others. Besides Mr. Ranigo amuses ran when he gets really excited about what he is doing. He knew that he had said to call him Genki, but he could brake the habit of calling him Mr. Ranigo. Ranmaru slide the door open on the classroom and took his seat. A couple of the students where in their seats gossiping to one another. He ignored them and fished around in his bag. He had a pastry in there waiting to be eaten. He found it and unwrapped it smiling happily. He always did better work with a full stomach.[/SIZE][/COLOR]