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Everything posted by Anne

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]"Beep, Beep, Beep" The sound of Ranmaru's alarm beeped in his ear making him pull his blanket over his head. To his dismay the beeping still pierced through the blanket and he knew the pillow would be no help. His arm came out and swatted the alarm clock knocking it somewhere. He sat up in his futon and pushed the blanket on the side. Ranmaru looked around his normal teenage room; cloths, book, paper, garbage and things not even known anymore spread out on his floor. Standing up he scratched the top of his head. Heading over to a pile of cloths that he had designated as clean he found his school uniform. He grabbed his eye patch off the side of his desk. It was the only surface in the room that you could see. Hiss books and paper lay neatly on top, which he gathered up and pushed into his schoolbag. He looked in his bag and nodded his head. He had everything he needed. Ranmaru set the bag on his chair and headed down the hallway into the bathroom. He knocked on the door first to see if anyone was in there and than when he was sure no one was he went in. Running his hands through his hand hair and straighten it out a bit. Looks fine he told himself and brushed his teeth quickly. As he opened the door of the bathroom he smelled that something like breakfast. He was stunned. ?No way. Hell must have frozen over.? He tore down the hallway, quickly going back in his room to retrieve his bag. He jumped down the stairs and slid into the kitchen. He stood there staring at his father who was putting marmalade on a piece of toast. He was hoping his Mom had made breakfast for him, but like in the past seventeen years of his life none was there. ?Morning Ran. Thought breakfast was on the table again didn?t you.? He Dad chuckled. He was dressed in a sharp black suit and he had papers lying on the table. [I]Must be meeting a client today.[/I] Ran?s Father, Kyogo Ariaki, works as an architect for a huge company. Kyogo is forty-two years old and has been working in the business for twenty years. He sank down in a chair as his Dad passed him a piece of toast. ?You know Ran you do this about once a year. It would be good to have breakfast or dinner or even a lunch for once, but that?s your Mother for you.? He took the toast and nibbled at it. ?So where?s Mom?? ?Working.? He put his fingers to his lips to let Ran to be more quite. ?Do let her hear you or else.? He warned. It was to late though they heard the door to her studio slide open. Ran and his Father both jumped up and began gathering their things. A woman in her late thirties came through the kitchen door. She looked like she hadn?t slept in days, her hair was all over and he blacked rimmed glasses were crocked. She was dressed in a gray sweater and sweatpants with a bandana on her hand that said, ?You can do it? in Japanese. ?Maru,? Ran?s mother was the only person to call him that. ?Kyogo, I am so glad you are up. Since you are up you can help me.? She almost broke out in tears. Na-Roo Ariaki, is Ran?s Mother, she has been a Manhwa artist for years, as a child she was always reading comics and drawing. She has one problem though she is lazy and tends to procrastinate. ?I love to dear, but I am on my way out. See if ran will help you out.? He gave a her a quick kiss and ran out of the house. [I] Damn you Dad. How could you do that.[/I] His Mother turned her sight on her son. ?Oh Maru, I know you will. You are the best son in the world.? She latched onto him in a hug. The phone rang. [I] Thank you![/I] ?I will go and get that Mom.? ?No don?t.? She grabbed in by the arm. ?It?s my editor. He will yell at me again.? Ran rolled his eyes. ?Listen Mom I got to go. I have school. As soon as I get home I will help you out. Promise. Besides your assistance will be coming soon.? He was able to escape from his mother?s grasp. His Mother nodded. ?Okay than have a good day at school. As soon as your Father gets home he can help, too.? With his Mother all pumped up again she headed back to her work. Ran gave out a sigh of relief, this is how it always was when it was close to his mother?s deadlines. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Well I am looking for a new banner with a dancing theme this time. Sorry but I don't have any pictures this time, so you can use whatever type of them you want. Banner: I want the banner size to be what I have about now, nothing to much smaller or to much bigger. I want the quote "Life's a Dance..." and I want it written in an elegant font or one that will match up the picture. For the picture I would like maybe a pair of dancing shoes (like ballet slipper, tap, or hard shoes), or maybe a couple dancing, a single woman dancing, or a man holding a wonen in a silhouette. Those are two ideasif you have another one you can do that. Ava: I want a picture relating to dance. It can be anything really. Well thank you for whoever helps me. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Name: Ranmaru "Ran" Ariaki Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/normal_wtsoji.jpg]Ranmaru[/URL] Ran stands 5'9". Often gets yelled at by his hair colour by teachers, but it is his natural colour. Location: I will fill this in as soon as the map is up. Personality: Competitive. Ran loves a good challenge in sports. Highly athletic, loves to enjoy sports, he mostly enjoys football (soccer), which he plays goalie, and basketball. Yet he enjoys dancing as well. He feels that it doesn't limit him as sports do. Not the smartest in his class, he pulls average grades to keep his parents happy. Not really the bad boy type, he just looks the part. Gets easily excited and loves food. Very sensitive about what happened to his eye. Ran is also gay and isn't to worried if anybody find out he is. Short History: Ran grew up in Osaka. He lived with his family, parents and grandparents. They lived with his grandparents while his parents got on their feet. His grandfather, who he was named after owned a dojo. He taught Ran kendo and tai-kwon-do. Ran became good and often did competitions. When he was ten hes enter a karate competition. He was the favourite to win. It was the final round and both of the m had defeated their opponents. His opponent somehow caught Ran in they eye. Ran lost the vision in the eye. He often wears his eye patch, for the fact that he has a glass eye and people look at him weird other wise. After the accident he never went back to kendo or tai-kwon-do, instead he focused his energy into sports and dancing. When he was thirteen his family moved to Kitakata. His father had a got a very good job there working as an architect. His mother stays at home and is a manhwa artist. From his mother he grew to love the art world and is not bad as drawling, though he doesn't compare to his mother. It often gets crazy around his house when it's close to his mother deadlines. HIs mother gets sleepless nights and he gives her and her assistance a hand. His mother was never good at making deadlines. At fifteen he fell in love with a fellow classmate. When his parents found out he had a crush they where over joyed. When they found out it was a guy his father forbid him to see the guy again. His Mother on the other hand couldn't care less, she was happy for him. A few month later he found out that his love was moving away, that they wouldn't be able to see each other again. Ran was sadden and felt his heart was broken. They say it's always the hardest when it is your first love. Now though he has gotten over him, though he tends to think back to him every now and than. Subjects: [INDENT]~English/Japanese ~Performing Art ~Mathematics ~Visual Art ~History ~Gym[/INDENT] Relationships with other students: [INDENT]~Alex-Reiku- Teammate infootball (soccer). ~Rin-Kitty- Classmate ~Zephan-Sakura-Teamate in football (soccer). ~Aka-Starr-Treats her like a sister. ~Maria-Kairi-good, competative friends in gym class. ~Hoshiko-Ozy- Good friend of his, both has the same intrest in art. ~Jace-demonchild- Some jerk in his gym class. He hates him because of the way he picks on him. ~Ken-Astdis-Knows him from classes and because of his twin sister. They hang out once in a while. ~Kaela-Skye- Doesn't really know her. She always seems a bit shy. ~Andrew-Jung-woo-Teammate and crush. ~Kina-Albel the Wicked- Friends. ~Micky-Innocent-Knows through classes. Sometimes talks with him. ~Kyo-SolarPrincess-Has classes with him, talks to him every now and than. ~Haruko-lil kitsune boy-doesn't know her. ~Dirk-Raid3r-Often plays him in basketall, often lets him win, though he does actually lose sometimes. ~Natasha-ChaosSquriel666- doesn't know her. ~Amy-Lady Dust- Knows her through classes. Only talk to her to ask a question or two.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Camilla stepped out of the shower and threw the towel around her. She whiped the steam off the mirror and looked at herself. What was she doing here really. She shook her head. [i]I told Kadar I would help.[/i] Camilla began to feel irrated again.Whenever she thought of him she did. Shrugging it off the dried off her hair and placced it in a bun. Through the door Camilla heard the phone ring. It sounded like Kariz answered. They both seemed really nice. She had put on a chinese dress. She was able to go and get it earlier. Camilla didn't like to be under dressed for anything. Besides she knew where some good shop here where. She opened the door and the steamed escaped. Kariz was still on the phone and Ima was sitting on the bed. Camilla sat down on a chair. kariz looked troubled somehow. Kariz hung up the phone. "It was Rubedo. He wants to talk to us." "Who i s that another zodaic member?" Camilla asked. "No. I will explain it later." Ima said. Camilla nodded. "We should get there than. What about the other Zodaic though." "You two go talk to you Rubedo. I will drag Deamond with me to get teh other Zodaic. We all will meet later back here. Does that sound okay?" Camilla looked at the other two girls. Ima thought for a second. "I don't want to have us split up, but hter eisn't any choice. Okay than." "Okay i will meet you later." Camilla picked up the envolope that had the directions. "Be careful you two." Camilla said as she closed the door. Camilla took the stair down to the lounge. She saw Deamond sitting in a chair. Most people where avoiding him. She walkd up to him. "Come on lets go." "Miss Virgo?" He siad and looked at her. "I wish you would call me by my name. I have told you that a thousand time now. Come on, it seems that there is some trouble adn Kariz and Ima are not going to be joining us. So it's up to you and me to go get the zodaic." Deamond got up and din't say a word. He followed Camilla out. Camilla haled a cab and told the driver to go to "'The Flaming Red Dress'. Deamond sat there quite as he always was. [I]I wonder why he doesn't talk so much. Bet he has so information on Kadar.[/i] Camilla went to say something, but she knew she would only get a yes or no answer. She looked out the window as the scenery went by.[/color][/size]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]These are very nice so far Xy. You are doing a good job. I hope you don't mind, but I did a couple of Jane and Camilla. i was bored in class and I whipped these out. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Camillasleeping.jpg]Camilla Sleeping[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Camillaandjane.jpg]Camilla and Jane, when they where younger[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Janeumbrella.jpg]Jane[/URL] The last one was model after a women who was waiting at the bus stop in front of the school. Keep putting up the drawings. I like where they are going. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Why does that guy irrate me so." She said to no one but herself. She flopped back down in the chair adn looked at her uneaten sandwich. HEr hand went up and touched the flowers petals and smiled. The plant was happy. She was glad. She gave a sigh and reached into her back pocket and brought out her cellphone. She dailed the house number adn waited for Jane to pick up. "HEY!" Jane screamed when she answered the phone, throwing Camilla for a loop. No matter how many years she knew Jane she could get use to her perkyness. "Hey, Jane. Listen..." She was cut off. "So hoow is your date. Must be bad huh." "Listen Jane. I ditch that guy, so listen. I have to go away for awhile. Call Vince and let him know. Also take care of the flowers adn feed my birds. Could you do that?" "Yeah sure, but where are you going? Who are you going with?" Her voice got low and sad. Camilla felt horriable. "I am going with two guys. I can't tell you where I am sorry Jane. I will coem back though and thinks will be liek they where." She could here Jane start to cry. "Oh so two guy huh. You are starting t o get like me." She tried to joke around. "You know Vince s going to be pissed right?" "Yeah I kow. THanks Jane you are such a good friend. I have to go now. I will talk to you later 'kay." "Love you, Cammie." "Love ya', too Jane." She hung up the phone a nd grabbed thepotted flower. "Well we can't leave you here now can we." She talked to it and headed out the door. She went out and joined the wo guys. "Okay I will help."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Camilla just wished that this guy would go away. She couldn't even strike up his name. She wished she could though, she would love to use it to yell at him. Camilla looked around, it was unual for this place to be so crowded. "Did you hear what I said?" His irrating voice broke Camilla train of thought. She was about to say something when she felt t wo strong auras around. Something grabbed at her arm. "Let go." She tried to tug her arm away. [i]Damn he holding on tight.[/i] She tugged a few more times. "Not until you listen to me." He got in her face. [I]Great why do I get the stalkers. Jane wasn't it your turn for the stalker type.[/i] She sighed. She really didn't want to hurt the guy, but she might have to. "How about after you let go of me or I will scream." "Please if you wheregoing to scream you would have done it before." He stared down at her. [I]This guy is trying my patients.[/i] She was about to bring her hand around to slap him when someone stepped inbetween. "Why don't youlet go of the lady." He let of Camilla arm and open his mouth to say something, but got Camilla's foot in the side. With that he hit the ground and with in second he was up running off. The strange man turned around and looked at her. In his hand he carried a flower in a pot. Whoever he was he was one of those strong auras she felt adn the other was not far either. "You.." "Who do you think you are. I didn't ask for your help and I didn't need it." Camilla cut him off with a disgruntled tome in her voice. She hated being saved. She crossed her arm over her chest and stared at the guy. The other aura came close and stood by him. "Well I didn't expect Virgo to be like this." The newcomer stated adn confused Camilla. 'Who are you two?" Camilla was starting to get tired. "I am Kadar nad I am Sagittarius. This here is Daemond." Camilla nodded. "And we found you with this guy here." He held up the flower. Camilla raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, if that's all you wanted to tell me than bye." She started to leave. "What we need you. It's a long story, but we will tell you once we are on are way." "Alright fine." She gave in. "Let's go, but the only reason why I trust you is because the flower said to.' Now the two looked confused. Camilla grinned in satisfaction. [/color][/size]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid][b]Name:[/b] Nyx [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Yarou [b]Occupation:[/b] none [b]Position:[/b] Black Mage [b]Weapon:[/b] [url= http://www.medieval-sword.com/images/celtic-norse-sword-2045.jpg] Sword [/url] [b]Spells: [/b] [u][I]Mirror?s eye[/I][/u]- This can not be used during battle. This allows Nyx to look at others. There are rules to using the mirror though. Though Nyx can look in on the person there is no sound. Also they picture is not perfectly clear, it is fuzzy, but you can still make people and things out. The last rule is that while gazing in the mirror Nyx can not place a spell on that person. [u][I]Illusion?s eye:[/I][/u] Nyx uses a mirror to project a different image of herself. The image isn?t perfect though it is flawed in some ways. Most times in the detail of the face. Mostly only other mages can tell this spell has been casted. Though some have been able to see through her illusions. [u][I]Restless souls:[/I][/u] Nyx most powerful attack and most harmful to herself and others. Nyx can gather the souls around her and take them into her body. She than take whatever energy they have left and projects it into a blast. During the times she collect the souls of the fallen she leaves herself venerable to attack and she can?t block it. Also whenever she does this attack it shorten her life span. For these reasons she has never used it and doesn?t want to. [b]Appearance:[/b] Nyx is a tall women who stands 5?10. Her face is shaped in a narrow oval, giving her a handsome beauty. Her eyes are a slim almond shape with the colour of clear crystal blue that seems to pierce through you. Cheekbones that are high and give her face a soft appearance. Her lips are thin and lush, her mouth is never smiles, but keeps a neutral expression. Nyx hair is flaming red and flows down in a wave to her hips. Her body frame is slim and light. Nyx skin is white with almost a ghastly look to her. It is a sharp comparing to her flame red hair. She has very long arms and legs, which give her the appearance of gracefulness. Her hands are delicate with long sharp nails. Her outfit is comprised of a black undress made of black lace and silk. The black under dress comes to her ankles and is cut into a jagged pattern with a lace trim. Above this dress is a white velvet that has a low cut. A small-v shows the black underneath on the chest. The sleeves are long and come to her elbow and the white velvet splits and shows the black under lace. At her hips the white fabric splits and reveals the black under dress. The white dress comes down to her feet. Her shoes are black knee high boots, which lace up. A black wool hooded cloak finishes her outfit. [b]Personality:[/b] Nyx is a woman of mystery. She herself hidden away and is rarely seen. During this time she trains herself harder to become stronger. She is in love with power and the fight. They say that the only time she smiles is if she is in a fight and the only time you can hear her laugh if after she is victorious in her battle or at her death. Many would describe her eccentric. While she lived in Malroy she was the same way. She steered clear of people around here. Most of them knew her by her real name, Leiko Faolon, which she despises. When she went to find a new and greater power at twenty she changed her name to Nyx. With a new name and a new life she felt reborn again [b]Excerpt of Character:[/b] From the top of the small mountain cave, she stared down on the land of death that lay before her. The dry wind picked up and tossed her flame red hair about her face and body. Her dress flowed giving her the appearance of one of the undead souls. Nyx had lived here for twelve years now and has never got tired of it. She turned her back from the view and entered her cavern home. The dark rock swarmed around her, the only light was torches that where placed a couple of feet apart. Her cave was basically bare except a few essentials. She had a few blankets thrown about in a corner where she slept. In the center of the black circle were a wooden table and one chair. At the far end of the doorway was an area that was in total pitch black. Nyx walked to the area and uncovered the object. A clear shinny mirror stood the height of her. It?s frame was wood but painted golden. She stood up against it and lends on it staring at herself. She backed off some and lifted it right hand up and laid it flat on the smooth flat glass. This mirror allowed her to see the world without her leaving her place. She had seen the battle one-year before without getting involved. Though it had pained Nyx not to get involved, she loved a good fight. It was one of the few things that brought her joy. The thing that had intrigued her the most was the silver hair mage. Whoever he was he had a great power and she wanted it. She stared into the looking glass with her clear blue eyes. Concentrating on the one the silver hair mage she spoke the works to activate the mirror. ?[I]Mirror?s eye, look forth and show me the one I desire.[/I]? The image appeared in the mirror of the mage. He was just walking down the halls. She watched on for a few more minutes and waved her hand. The image faded. It was nothing of use to her. She placed the cover back on the mirror and sat down in her chair. She could feel it in her that a battle was soon was going to be brewing. Nyx brushed her hand on the hilt of her sword that lay next to her chair. ?I think I may join this time.? She closed her eyes. For the past year she had heard the whispers and rumors around this land that they would help. She only grinned at the chance for along with those rumors came hers. Some believed she was real and others didn?t. It almost made her want to grin, almost. What a surprise it will be when she shows up. She opened her eyes and starred up at the ceiling. If anyone who was there they would think she could see through the rock and into the sky. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum]I had so many childhood dreams, it's not even funny. The reason why is that soemone would tell me I couldn't do it because I was female or to sickly. I gave up easly to, though some of them I still want to do. [B]Astronuat:[/b] Like a couple of other people I have seen post I wanted to be one, too. I love to study the night sky and I had charts and maps all around my room. Even know I still look up at the night sky and just stare at it for hours. [b]Dancer:[/b] All the time I would watch ballets, modern, jazz, tap, ect. on the television set and think how lovely and graceful they look. I want to be like them and make dancing my carrer. I never could though no dancing school w ould except me because they said I was to sick. I still would love to dance on stage one day and sometimes late at night my neighbors see me dancing out in my yard. [b]Teacher:[/b] This one did not last long. Though I would love to teach I have a much dislike for children. So that would not work out to much. [b]Lawyer:[/b] This one I really wnated to be. I use to read my Uncle's law books all the time. Than I would hold trials with my dolls. I know I owuld have never of made a good lawyer because I am so honest. [b]President:[/b] When I was like sixor seven i wanted to be the first female president. I am not sure why I really wanted to, but I did. For like two years this was my dream job. [b]Voice actress:[/b] I was always told what a cute voice I had and it was so nice. So I figured why not make a carrer out of it and become a voice actress. When I started to getting into anime even more heavly it seem like an even greater idea. I could do the voices of some of my favourite characters. Though this job is still in the back of my mind I don't think I will ever get around going to a try out.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum]Camilla sat one her end of the couch hugging a pillow, while Jane lay at her end. Both their eyes laid glued to the television set. The news had come on about the war. "I can't believe this has happened." Jane huffed. Camilla tugged at her ear again. 'Yeah I know. Good thing we haven't been attacked directly." "Yeah I know. Oh my god, Cammie. Do you think we might have to go?" Jane face was filled with frieght. "No don't worry." She huggd her friend. [I]At least I hope we won't.[/I] She smoothed down her friends drown hair and made soothing sounds. Later that day: "Cammie someone is at the door for you." Jane yelled across the apartment. Camilla was in her small garden room watering plants. Her birds chirpped and jumped around there cages. Looking up from her plant, "Just send them on back who ever it is Jane.' She went back to her daily routine. "Hey there good looking." Camilla almost dropped the watering can at the sound of his voice. He was most of the most annoying men she had ever met. "I was waiting for you at the out place. i got worried when you where late." "Oh I guess I must have forgotten." She shrugged. She set the can downand started to feed her birds. "So you ready to go?" He seed a bit aggravted that she forgot about him. She shrugged. "I guess in a few minutes." She pushed him out of the room and closed the door behind them. She made a quick glance in the mirror to make sure shelooked okay. She didn't feel like getting all dressed up. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a pink t-shirt. "Jane I am going out. Don't wait up." "'Kay have fun." She called out from in the bathroom. She graabed her jacket off the coat hook and put it on. SHe hardly ever carried a pursse with her because it got in the way. "okay lets go." "So where do you want to go?" He took Camilla by the hand. "I don't care where ever." She shrugged and pulled her hand away. "I don't understand you. Why do you pull away when we go out." He grabbed camilla by the arm. 'We have only gone out three times. it's not like it's anything special." She said with a calm tone, but stern.[/size][/color]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum]Jane adn Camilla enetered thetownsquare. They both had been out of breath. Camilla wasn't sure how far they had run, but she knew it was far. Vince would kill them both if they weren't on time again. Vince came into veiw. He stood by the fountain and was looking at his watch. He was a tall man with black messy hair. Camilla once remeber him saying he was from some part of Korea, shoe couldn't remeber the village though. He always looked so professional. Todat hewore a plain black suit with a light blue tie. He looked up seen the two girls and waved. "Youtwo made it for once." They both where bent over and panting. Camilla blue hair hung around her face, wind blown from the run. She was able to give a small smile through her panting. She stood up and brushed the hair out oh her eyes. "Told you we wouldn't be late again." she had ragained her breath, but Jane hadn't. Vince laughed. "Figures you would get her on time today." The two girls looked puzzled."The job was cancelled because what all have been happening. I tried to--" "What?!" Both the girls screamed at once. "Not my fault both of forgot your cellphones." Vice smiled at the two frustrated women. "Well to make it up to you two how about I take you to lunch." "Can we pick?" Camilla eyes sparkled with mischief. "You two can go. I am going to book it." She grabbecd Camilla by the arm and whispered in her ear. "Nows your chance to alone with him Cammy. Go get him." She released Camilla and smiled. "Okay check you latr you two.' She waved and ran off. [I]Jane I hate you so much.[/I] She clenched her teeth. It was true that she liked Vince since themoment she met him. The only reason she had ever gone out with any other guy wasto get him jealous it never work though. Besides there was the unwritten rule you never date your agent. "So what wher e you two whispering about. Plottiing against me." Vince was only three years older than her. "maybe. Doesn't matter anyways because itt's girl talk and you will never find out." she tanted him. "Yuo can tell me I won't tell a soul." "Nope because you don't know how to speak girl." She teased. "That's not far no man knows how to speak girl." Camilla laughed. "That's why it's called girl talk. Silly." she hit him in the shoudler. "So where do you want to go?" "Don't care. Anywhere is fine with me." [I]As long as its with you.[/I] Thoughs words she would nevre say to him though. she didn't have the courage. ~~~ Camilla had spent all day with Viince. They really didn't do anything but talk . That was okay with her though. She just liekd being close to him. She walked down the street with a smile on her face. She was in no hurry at all and wanted to savor the moment. She looked up at the night sky. It was so beautiful. Though something in the air did not feel right to her. "Must be my nerves. With all this stuff going on just about everyone is scared." She reached her apartment and brought out her keys. SHe wasn't sure if Jane was going to be home or not. Knows ever knows about that girl. She was a good friend though. She couldn't complain to much. She turned the knob and it was open. "Jane I am home." She called out. Jane came running out from her bedroom. "Welcome home. So what happened? What did you do? Did he say anything?" Jane was talking really fast and her words wher espilling into each other. It made Camilla dizzy. "First off Jane slow down. You know one can understand you when you speak at the spead of sound. Second we didn't really do anything. We just talked and walked." She threw her stuff down on the couch. "I think you are lieing." She p ointed a finger in Camilla's face. "Nope I am not. I am going to bed now." She headed to her bedroom and shut the door on Jane. "Oh come on Camilla let me in. Please." She knockedont eh door. "Fine be that way." She could hear Jane's pouting in her voice and she shook her head.[/size][/color]
  12. [COLOR=PaleTurquoise][center]Grendel[/center] [I]Buried deep in the earth?s polar ice caps?carved into a moving island of ice twice the size of the United Stated ?is the site of a remarkable experiment that blurred the lines between life and death. Abandoned for more than seventy years, Ice Station Grendel?the twisted brainchild of the finest min of the former Soviet Union?was designed to be inaccessible and virtually invisible. But an American undersea research vessel, the Polar Sentinel, has inadvertently pulled to close. And a crewmember has seen something alive inside, something whose survival defies every natural law. As scientist, soldiers, intelligence operatives of two powerful nations, and unsuspecting civilians alike are drawn together into Grendel?s lethal vortex, no measures undertaken to protect its mysteries will be considered too extreme. Because the terrible truths locked behind submerged walls of ice and steel could forever alter humankind?s future? or destroy it. [/I] Playable Characters: [B][u]Civilian[/b][/u] 1. [I] Mathew Pike [/I]: An Alaskan Fish and Game warden. Use to work in New York as a cop. Use to married to Jennifer Aratuk, but are divorced after an accident with their son. Travels around with Bane. 2. [I]Jennifer Aratuk[/I]: sheriff for Nunamiut and Inupiat tribes. Jennifer is part Europe and part Inupiat. She was once married to Mathew Pike, but now is divorced. She blames Pike for her son death and has hates him for it. Lives with her Father and her sled dog team. Now how to fly a plane. (Taken) 3. [I]Craig Teague[/I] reporter for the [I]Seattle Times[/I]. Is traveling to Omega for a story. Knows more than he let?s on. [B][u]Omega[/b][/u] 1. [I]Dr. Amanda Reynolds:[/I] An American engineer. Has been deaf from an accident as a child. She reads the lips of people and knows how to sign. She feels she has to prove herself to everyone because they baby her because of her deafness. Is head of the Omega project and has to keep peace between researchers. Has feelinf for Perry. (saved) 2. [I]Dr. Henry Ogend[/I]: An American biologist. An elderly gentleman and also Amanda old teacher and mentor. Often gives advise to her. [b][u]United States Military[/b][/u] 1. [I]Gregory Perry[/I]: Captain of the Polar Sentinel. Commands the sub and takes the Image researchers where they need to go. Has feelings for Amanda and is a friend of her father, who once served together. 2. [I]Roberto Bratt[/I]: Lieutenant commander and XO of the Polar Sentinel. Also looks after the Sub when Perry is not on bored. 3. [I]Paul Sewell[/I]:Lieutenant commander and head of base security for Omega. [b][u]Russian Military[/b][/u] 1. [I]Viktor Petkov[/I]: Admiral and commander of the Russian Northern Fleet. His Father was taken away by the Russian military and he thought him dead. His mother years later hung and killed herself. Viktor was than put into the Russian military. His father was part of the original team at Ice Station Grendel. 2. [I]Anton Mikovsky[/I]: Captain first rank of Drakon. Takes Victor to Ice Station Grendel. Non-playable characters Civilian: 1. [url= http://www.alaskanative.net/images/photos/willy%20full%20body%20vt.jpg][color=white]Junaquaat (John) Aratuk[/color][/url]: Retired. Is Jennifer?s Father and is bitter at Mathew for what he did to his daughter. 2. [url= http://www.internationaldg.com/images_christmas2002party/What%20a%20cute%20couple.JPG][color=white] Bennie and Belinda Haydon:[/color][/url] Owners of an ultralight sightseeing company. Have been friends with Matthew and Jennifer for year. Recently lost a child and can?t have anymore. 3. [url= http://7art-screensavers.com/screenshots/Angry_Wolves/screeming-snow-wolf.jpg][color=white] Bane [/color] [/url] Retired search-and-reascue dog, wolf/malamute cross. Travels with matthew. Omega Researchers 1. [url= http://www.columbo-site.freeuk.com/seapics/29b.jpg] [color=white]Oskar Willig[/color][/url]: A Swedish oceanographer. 2. [url= http://www.larp.com/atlas/photos/mad_scientist.jpg][color=white] Dr. Lee Bentley[/color][/url]: A NASA researcher in material sciendes. Often fights with Dr. Connor. 3. [url= http://www.irishscientist.ie/2000/images/NIMIN1.jpg][color=white]Dr. Connor MacFerran[/color][/url]: A scottish geologist. Often fights with Dr. Lee. 4. [url= http://irishscientist.ie/2000/images/32945NTREACY.jpg][color=White] Dr. Erik Gustof[/color] [/url]: A Canadain meteorologist. 5. [url= http://www.beingcharliekaufman.com/images/arquette2.jpg] [color=white]Lacy Devlin[/color] [/url]: geology postgrad. Works close with MacFerran. Also an avid ice skater and nows ice racing. 6. [url= http://www.ivymed1.com/images/Scientist%20-%20Female%20.JPG] [color=white]Magdalence[/color][/url], [url= http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/1690000/images/_1691891_male_physics300.jpg] [color=white]Antony[/color][/url] and [url= http://www.malecontraceptives.org/methods/joseph_hall.jpg][color=white] Zane[/color][/url]: biology postgrads. United States Military 1. [url= http://www.garden.net/mcgrail/Admiral%20McGrail.jpg ][color=white]Kent Reynolds:[/color][/url] Admiral and Commander of the pacific fleet. Jennifer?s father and friend of Perry. 2. [url= http://www.visn21.med.va.gov/images/womenveterans.png ][color=white]Serina Sewell:[/color][/url] Lieutenant 3. [url= http://www.niata.net/cropshop/military/military6.jpg ][color=white]Mitchell Greer: Lieutenant[/color][/url] 4. [url= http://www.beautifulatrocities.com/images/military.jpg ][color=white]Frank O?Donnell[/color][/url]: petty officer 5. [url= http://murrayarmstrong.com/Web%20Images/TM/Photos/p26.JPG ][color=white]Tom Pomautuk (left one)[/color]:[/url] ensign 6. Joe Kowalaski (pictured above middle one): seaman 7. Doug Pearlson (pictured above (right one): Seaman 8. [url= http://www.niata.net/cropshop/military/military2.jpg ][color=white]Ted Kanter[/color][/url]: master Sergeant, Delta forces 9. [url= http://niata.net/cropshop/military/military8.jpg ][color=white]Edwin Wilson:[/color][/url] Command Sergeant major, Delta forces. Russian Military 1. [url= http://secure.sovietski.com/isroot/sovietski/ImagesOnline/catalog/200325.jpg ][color=white]Greg Yanovich:[/color][/url] Diving officer and XO of the Drakon. 2. [url= http://www.rusfilm.pitt.edu/2004/films/images/war-still2.jpg ][color=white]Stefan Yurgen[/color][/url]: Member of Leopard Ops. Ice Station Grendel Maps [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/grendelmap1.bmp] [color=white]Map1[/color][/url] [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/greneldmap2.bmp] [color=white]Map2[/color] [/url] Any question IM or Pm me. [/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=PaleTurquoise][I]This is rated PG-13 for violence, language, smoking and alcohol. [/I] [CENTER]Grendel[/CENTER] [I]Buried deep in the earth?s polar ice caps?carved into a moving island of ice twice the size of the United Stated ?is the site of a remarkable experiment that blurred the lines between life and death. Abandoned for more than seventy years, Ice Station Grendel?the twisted brainchild of the finest min of the former Soviet Union?was designed to be inaccessible and virtually invisible. But an American undersea research vessel, the Polar Sentinel, has inadvertently pulled to close. And a crewmember has seen something alive inside, something whose survival defies every natural law. As scientist, soldiers, intelligence operatives of two powerful nations, and unsuspecting civilians alike are drawn together into Grendel?s lethal vortex, no measures undertaken to protect its mysteries will be considered too extreme. Because the terrible truths locked behind submerged walls of ice and steel could forever alter humankind?s future? or destroy it. [/I] ~~~ This is based off James Rollin?s book Ice Hunt. Though the outcome might change depending on how it turns out. If you have read it great if not that?s may even make it even better. The story takes place in the Arctic Circle on a polar ice cap the twice the size of America. The civilians are from Alaska and will be travailing up to the Polar Ice Cap. On this Ice Cap is also another base, an American one, Omega. The time is present, so no futuristic powers or stuff like that. Characters: [B][u]Civilian[/b][/u] 1. [I] Mathew Pike [/I]: An Alaskan Fish and Game warden. 2. [I]Jennifer Aratuk[/I]: sheriff for Nunamiut and Inupiat tribes. (Taken) 3. [I]Craig Teague[/I] reporter for the [I]Seattle Times[/I] [B][u]Omega[/b][/u] 1. [I]Dr. Amanda Reynolds:[/I] An American engineer (saved) 2. [I]Dr. Henry Ogend[/I]: An American biologist [b][u]United States Military[/b][/u] 1. [I]Gregory Perry[/I]: Captain of the Polar Sentinel. (saved) 2. [I]Roberto Bratt[/I]: Lieutenant commander and XO of the Polar Sentinel. 3. [I]Paul Sewell[/I]:Lieutenant commander and head of base security for Omega. [b][u]Russian Military[/b][/u] 1. [i]Viktor Petkov[/I]: Admiral and commander of the Russian Northern Fleet. 2. [i]Anton Mikovsky[/I]: Captain first rank of Drakon. These are the characters that are playable. Please check the underground for more information about them. Sign up: [b]Name:[/b] All have been given. [b]Age:[/b] All are over the age of 25, except Dr. Henry Ogend, who is over 50. [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or description. [b]Personality:[/b] Check underground for some information. If none is there about there personality make it your own. [b]A clip of your person:[/b] I want you to do a post about your character. It can be their thought on something or what they do daily. Any questions IM or PM me. Plese remember to check underground thread. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1]Bun was working the front desk when the phone rang. ?The Lee Bathhouse how may I help you?? Her voice was a clear and soft. A deep dark voice came on the line. ? I want you at La Agua Docks by tomorrow, in Madrid, Spain. Got it?? Bun was bout to reply, buy she could already hear the line discount. Bun came from behind the small counter as the front door opened. It was a deliveryman. She bowed. ?Yes how may I help you.? ?I am looking for Timothy and Bun Lee.? He read off the package. ?That is me.? She signed the slip and he went out closing the sliding door behind him. The package was a slim plain envelope. She opened it carefully and out came four plane tickets. [I]That must mean Kali and Kendra will be coming, too. [/I] She thought to herself. Bun headed down the long hallway searching for time. He was suppose to be doing some repairs, but she knew her brother better than that. Bun peaked into each of the bathhouses and coming to a stop in about the third or fourth one in. She was right. Tim was in it flirting with two of the females inside. The giggled at whatever comment he just made. She slid the door open all the way and bowed. It seems she made Tim jump. ?I am very sorry to disturb you, but I must pull my brother away.? ?Oh Bun are you serious. I was have a nice chat with these ladies.? He pointed two the two girls and than read Bun?s face. ?Okay. I?ll talk to you two later.? He gave them a wink. As Bun slid the door shut as Tim walked out. ? So what is it?? ?We are leaving for Madrid, we have to be there by tomorrow.? He tone was serious. ?I am sure Kali and Kendra will be going to.? They where walking towards the back of the bathhouse where their rooms where located. ?Why do you say that?? From the sleeve of her kimono she pulled out four tickets. ?This is how.? ?Oh. Make sense.? They went into there rooms and Bun grabbed her Wakizashi, which she placed in her Obi for now and than picked up her Nekote and placed them in a secret pocket in her kimono. She exited her room and slid the door shut. Tim was waiting for her with his Katana. They reached the apartment building in which Kendra and Kali lived. They rode the elevator and went to room 9340. As they opened the door they heard Kendra speaking. He wants us in Madrid-? Tim cut off Kendra. Bun had put her Wakizashi by her side. ?We got his call too!? She flashed the four tickets she got earlier. Kendra took a gulp and looked at Kali, they quickly exited the door and locked the apartment. The headed down stairs to where a taxi waited for them. ?To the airport, please.? Bun told the man. They sat in silence on the way to the airport. As the taxi pulled up Bun pad the man and they got out. ?I wonder why He wants us in Madrid?? Kali spoke and broke the silence. ?Not sure. Did he mention anything to you, too?? Kendra asked Tim and Bun. ?No. He said just be there tomorrow. Than the courier showed up with the tickets right after he hung up. It was sort of creepy.? They entered the airport and got on the flight that would change everyone future.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum][I]This is rated pg-13 for language, some violence, smoking, and alcoholic reference.[/I] [CENTER]An Unmatched Love [/CENTER] ?Princess, Princess.? Princess Poppy had heard her ladies in waiting kept calling her name, but she just ignored them. She was dress like a man and she was planning her escape. She had tried by many times before, but her plans where always ruined by her ladies. She stood on the ledge of the caste wall and the wind whipped back the hood of her cape revealing her auburn hair. Poppy took a chance and looked down, she shouldn?t have done that. It had made her dizzy. Hundreds of feet down she saw the workers in the castle go about their business. Poppy shook her head on concentrated on her task ahead. ?Poppy!? On her ladies poked her head through a window next to her. Poppy caught by surprised lost her grip on the castle wall. Two hands reached down and grasped at Poppy. The two ladies pulled Poppy through the window. A pile of clothes and hair was that can be seen on the floor. ?My Lady please never try that again.? The younger of the two ladies in waiting pleaded. ?You had us so worry.? The two were panting. She looked at the two faces and felt a pang of guilt the two had been searching for and she must of put them through much. Footsteps could be heard coming down the long hallway. The three of them scrambled to their feet and tried not to look too disheveled. ?Come.? She pulled the two and made her way back to her room. ?My Lady your Father has been calling for you. That is why we have been searching for you.? ?Clearly you can?t go in those clothing either.? She wanted to let out a groan, but she had to keep a peaceful appearance. Besides it was know use taking out on the two of them, they where just following her Father orders. After they had finished helping her change Poppy had got them off her trail so she could go see what her Father wanted. As she enters the main hall she put on her mask, the mask of a proper princess. ?There you are my daughter,? Her Father came down and hugged her. So he is putting a show today is he. The two hardly spoken unless he wanted her to do something. ?We have been waiting for you.? She looked at the group sitting at a table. She took her place and the meeting began. She didn?t understand why she was here; her Father never let her sit in on the policies before. She would put on the mask of patience for now. He will reveal it soon. What seemed like for hours, he was finally going to give the reason why she was here. ?Now my friends I am to tell you the real reason why we are all here. I please to announce that my daughter Princess Poppy will be married to Prince Oran.? Poppy almost dropped out of her seat in shock. She wouldn?t marry him or anyone else for that matter and her Father will not forth her either. As the nobles around the table where saying the congratulations, Poppy grew more angry. ?No I will not marry Princess Oran.? Her Father?s face turned bright red, from embarrassment or rage; Poppy did not know and didn?t even care. ?You will or else.? ?I will not? She stormed out of the main hall into her room. ?I will not.? Her father followed after her. "You will marry him Poppy. You will be leaving in two nights either on your won free will or by force. I do not care which, but by the gods you will go." Her Father slammed her door shut leaving Poppy fuming. [b]occ:[/b] OKay so we have started. FOr the first couple of post I want everyone to post there reaction to this news. For Neuvoxetere I want you to met with Poppy's Father and talk about how they will transport Oran and Poppy to the Westwood Kingdom.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1]"Wakey, Wakey eggs and bacie." Jane was on all four staring at Camilla in her bed. "Come on Cammy the sun is shining and it's time to get up. Camilla rolled over and pulled the sheet over her head. "No get up now." Jane grabbed the sheet and began jumping on the bed. "Alright already I am up. Happy now?" Camilla sat up and was immedatly sprung upon by Jane. "You know if some people actually think we are lovers and this is why." Jane began to pout. "You are always so cranky in thr morning, Miss Grumpypants.* She gave Camilla a hugged which made her lose her balance and they both laid on the bed. Camilla rolled her eyes and pushed Jane off her. "You can be such a pest at times you know that?" Jane began to pout once more. "Don't give me those eyes." "I know what you need Miss Crankypants. YOu need a good cup of coffee." Jane jumped off the bed and ran int he other room. "No tea. T-E-A! I hate coffee and you know it, Miss Suzie Sunshine." Camilla rumaged through her closet and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt. She left her hair a frizzy mess for now and walked out into the kitchen. "So what time did you rollin last night?" Camilla took a seat at their two seater table. Jane was wearing a pink apron, "Oh maybe two, three o'clock. Whenever I crawled into your bed." Camilla shook her head. Jane and her where like sister, but everyone including the neighbors think they are lovers. Jane placed a bowl of cereal in front of Camilla. "Eat. now." Camilla looked down at the bowl of Cheerio's and made a face. "You know I hate cheerios." "Oh well that all we have. Put some sugar on them and they will be fine." Camilla made a face but ate the cereal. "Today we have to met at town hall with our agent right. We have that.." Camilla thought for a second. "fashion thing right." JAne nodded. "Yeah soemthing like that. Vince didn't tell me everything. He did day we are going to the Alps next week. I can't wait for that." "Yes it should be fun." Camilla looked at the cli=ock. "JAne did you turn off the alarm clock?" "Yeah why?" "Because we are are late!" Camilla yelled and grabbed Jane by the arm. "You know I hate being late." Camilla ran out the door dragging Jane with her.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum]They look good so far. Please I would like everyone to finsih the sign up soon. You know who you are that have to finish them. Don't make me hunt you down with my cane. As soon as everyone is done with theirs we can start. Sign up are still opened. [b]Name:[/b] Poppy Primrose [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/326e46afb0c850b9.jpg]Poppy[/url] [b]Position:[/b] Poppy [b]Personality:[/b] Poppy is a spoiled brat sort to speak. She is use of having her way and getting what she wants, most of the time. What she really wants is to be free of her father. Her spirit is free and fun loving. Poppy can be bit of a dare devil and give her ladies a scare. During her many failed escapes, what she calls practice escapes, her stunts get more dangerous each time. She doesn?t fear anything very much though except heights. Poppy can put on two faces, the one she was trained to wear, the mask of patients and elegancy, while the other being her true face, the face of a woman that wants to be free. At times she can be very sassy and whiney. Though she can be spoiled, she cares deeply for Marigold and Melisande. She loves them like they where her sister, though at time Marigold could get on Poppy?s nerves with all the manners and stuff. [b]Bio: [/b] Poppy is Princess and the only heir to the Primrose Kingdom. Her Father King Sage Primrose sees his daughter as a political gain with the other kingdom. There are four major Kingdoms, The Primrose, Westwood, Lilac and Ash Kingdom. Most of the times these Kingdoms get along with each other in peace and in exchange marry off their children to each other. Poppy grew up around being raised to know the innards workings of the political workings of the Kingdoms. With her mothers early death her father basically let her be raised by the maids until she proved to be useful. BY this time though, she knew how to fight better than she knew political workings. At the age of ten her Father brought scholars to teach her how to read and write. Also hired ladies to teach his daughter how to behave properly in front of his guest. Most times Poppy was able to scare them off. She was always proud of herself, too. Final with a last attempt to put some manners in his daughter he brought Marigold and Melisande to the castle and placed them to help tame Poppy. Though they helped they never really got her the point where her fathers wants her. When Poppy heard the news that she is to marry Price Oran she became infuriated. She refused out right to marry him. She would not be used like that and will not be forced to marry someone she didn?t love. Poppy knows one way or another that she will not marry him whatever it takes.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]"No I guess the hell not. " She took out the pack of smokes adn looked in. She had for left, she forwned. He had been getting on her to quit. "Here." She threw the pack at him. "You can have the rest." He looked at her and blushed a bit. "Thanks." "Doesn't anyone go to class here?" Amber asked him. How many people had she seen in the nurses and now there was three here. "Huh? I guess it's just a nice day." He seemed to be startled by her question. "YOU!" Somone yelled from behind her. Amber threw back lend her head back, her cigrette hanging out of her mouth, looking to see who yelled. "OH I see it's the dumb ass from earlier." Amber seemed unfazed by the angry young coming at her. "You know him." The kid asked seemed a bit surprised at the happenings. The young man with the orange hair had wandered over. "Not really. I just broke his finger earlier." Amber shrugged it off like it happened about everyday. She chuckled to herself mummering, "Paul wanted me to make friends. Guess I made one." The guy with the broken finger was know standing in front of Amber. The orange hair guy and the guy she gave the smokes to just stared at the two of them. Amber just sat there unfazed by the whole thing. "Look punk you may be new here, but you have.." Amber's galre cut him off. "Listen you had no right to touch my [URL=http://www.revlimiterracing.com/bodywork/hotbodies/hotbodiessuzuki/gsxr1.jpg]Frenchie[/URL] . So just go away and leave me alone. I am starting to get a headache from you and beside I was having a conversation with someone else. Now go away and pester someone else for a while." She waved her hand for him to leave. His face turned red and he stomped away. "Finally. So what are your names? Mine is Amber." "Oh mine is Kite and thanks again." "Hey orangy you going to tell me your name?" Amber said with a bit of a smile on her face. "Kyoshiro and that's my tree." Amber burst into laughter at this. It was the first time in a long while since she had laughed this way. All because he had said this tree was his. [i]This place may not be so bad.[/i][/size][/color]
  19. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] [left][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Bun Lee [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/untitled.bmp][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Bun Lee- ~Sister to Timothy Lee~.[/color][/URL] Bun stands 4?9?. [b]Personality:[/b] a sweet girl bun is. Quite, shy, and soft-spoken she holds the perfect image of what an Asian women should be. Bun is always polite and well mannered just like she was raised to be. Never a harsh word is spoken from her mouths. Bun never orders or demands a thing. Rather a follower than a leader. Yet under all the manners, kindness and good nature she is a fierce warrior. Her size and demeanor throws people off and gives her an advantage. She looks up to her older brother Timothy and in her eyes he can do no wrong at all. Bun has a sense of humor that she doesn?t like to show, but she does have it. She tends to play pranks around the household, but no one can say that she did them. Though everyone knows she did them, but can?t prove it. Whenever she gets accused she sits there and smiles and denies it. If it?s brought up to her Father he says that his Angel could never do something like that. It was most likely someone else. [b]Bio: [/b] Timothy and Bun where both born in Seoul, Korea. Bun and Tim, which Bun calls him, she is the only one in the family to do so, are only half brother and sister. Though they treat each other like they where full blooded and no one mentions, Tim?s mother in the house. When Timothy?s Mother died their father married Bun?s mother. Though sometimes they get strange looks it doesn?t seem to faze Bun. Bun and Timothy grew up in their family owned bathhouse. Bun always had a good time tricking and playing pranks on the guest that came. Whenever female guest came they often flirted with Timothy, which made Bun jealous. Though she would never show it. She always did what she was told and learned how to help mange the bathhouse from her Mother. In Korea around the time when young girls where being kidnapped, Bun?s and Timothy?s father said that they should learn how to fight. They began learning to defend themselves and learn how to fight. Bun became very skilled in Korean Tea Kwon Do. She was very skilled and a quick learner. As she progressed trough the levels she used the weapons Wakizashi (a short katana), this provide to be a good weapon for because of her short size, and Nekote (sharp iron nails that she wears over the fingers), with her demeanor she can easily get close to someone to use them. At their school Timothy and Bun met two girls, Kendra and Kali. The four of them became close friends and went everywhere together. Bun looked up to Kendra and wanted to be like her in someway. In Bun?s mind the only thing that she didn?t like about her is how she liked her brother. Kali was wild and free, Bun loved this in her and sometimes wished she could be more like her. This made her jealous oh him, but that still wasn?t enough to hate the pair. Fast forward? Bon, Kendra, Kali, and Timothy were approached by a mysterious figure that called himself the Panther. He was very odd wanting them to kill other people for big paychecks. Kali and Kendra appeared to be cautious about the situation. Not Bun and Timothy though. They agreed to do it. Timothy seemed like he really wanted to do it and so would Bun. She would follow her brother anywhere and besides what could happen. ?Tim stop flirting with the audience. We have to go kill people.? ?That?s right how about some ice cream first.? ?Sounds good to me.? [B][I]End or maybe just the beginning[/I][/B][/size][/left][/color]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Skye began talking again what China was like. Amber found it intresting, but was starting to get bored. She hated to be in one place for two long. Made her nervous. A movement caught her intrest. Something outside the window. She was sure she saw soemthing, but she guessed it must have been a bird. As the talking continued another younf man entered in the nurses office. [i]Man it's getting to crowded in here. Time for me to go. I need a smoke anyways.[/I] ""Hey I'll check you guess later. I think it might be good for me to go to one class today" SHe gave a small wave and headed out into the hallway. She exited out the front door of the school and searched for her smokes. "This is what I needed." She found them in her back pocket and put one in her mouth. She lit it and breathed the smokein deeply and let it out. Amber wander the ground. She looked out at the school ground and found a nice place to sit. It was a bench under a tree. Amber sat there and looked up to the sky watching the clouds go by.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Thank you Ozy you truelly are the Mistress of Banners. It's very lovely. I am hoping that I will have some more people try, so I can have more to chose from.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]This is rated pg-13 for language, some violence, smoking, and alcoholic reference.[/I] [CENTER]An Unmatched Love[/CENTER] ?Princess, Princess.? Princess Poppy had heard her ladies in waiting kept calling her name, but she just ignored them. She was dress like a man and she was planning her escape. She had tried by many times before, but her plans where always ruined by her ladies. She stood on the ledge of the caste wall and the wind whipped back the hood of her cape revealing her auburn hair. Poppy took a chance and looked down, she shouldn?t have done that. It had made her dizzy. Hundreds of feet down she saw the workers in the castle go about their business. Poppy shook her head on concentrated on her task ahead. ?Poppy!? On her ladies poked her head through a window next to her. Poppy caught by surprised lost her grip on the castle wall. Two hands reached down and grasped at Poppy. The two ladies pulled Poppy through the window. A pile of clothes and hair was that can be seen on the floor. ?My Lady please never try that again.? The younger of the two ladies in waiting pleaded. ?You had us so worry.? The two were panting. She looked at the two faces and felt a pang of guilt the two had been searching for and she must of put them through much. Footsteps could be heard coming down the long hallway. The three of them scrambled to their feet and tried not to look too disheveled. ?Come.? She pulled the two and made her way back to her room. ?My Lady your Father has been calling for you. That is why we have been searching for you.? ?Clearly you can?t go in those clothing either.? She wanted to let out a groan, but she had to keep a peaceful appearance. Besides it was know use taking out on the two of them, they where just following her Father orders. After they had finished helping her change Poppy had got them off her trail so she could go see what her Father wanted. As she enters the main hall she put on her mask, the mask of a proper princess. ?There you are my daughter,? Her Father came down and hugged her. [I]So he is putting a show today is he.[/I] The two hardly spoken unless he wanted her to do something. ?We have been waiting for you.? She looked at the group sitting at a table. She took her place and the meeting began. She didn?t understand why she was here; her Father never let her sit in on the policies before. She would put on the mask of patience for now. He will reveal it soon. What seemed like for hours, he was finally going to give the reason why she was here. ?Now my friends I am to tell you the real reason why we are all here. I please to announce that my daughter Princess Poppy will be married to Prince Oran.? Poppy almost dropped out of her seat in shock. She wouldn?t marry him or anyone else for that matter and her Father will not forth her either. As the nobles around the table where saying the congratulations, Poppy grew more angry. ?No I will not marry Princess Oran.? Her Father?s face turned bright red, from embarrassment or rage; Poppy did not know and didn?t even care. ?You will or else.? ?I will not? She stormed out of the main hall into her room. ?I will not.? ~~~~~ Overview: So this is a story about a spoiled Princess. I will be playing Princess Poppy Primrose. Her Father is making her marry Prince Oran, in the next kingdom over. As they are traveling to Oran?s kingdom, Poppy falls in love with the Captain of her Father?s guards. [b]Positions:[/b] [I]Prince Oran Westwood:[/I] The Prince that Poppy is forced to marry. [I]Poppy?s Ladies in waiting:[/I] There are two of them they. They often help get Poppy out of messes. One is a year older than the other. [I]Captain of the Guards:[/I] [b]Saved for Neuvoxetere[/b] [I]Guards:[/I] Help to keep the people safe from bandits. (There can be female guard as well.) [b]Name:[/b] Something old sounding [b]Age:[/b] Prince: 23+, Ladies: 16-19, Guards: 18+ [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or a good description [b]Position:[/b] Listed above. [b]Personality:[/b] Easy enough. [b]Bio:[/b] a little bit about your life. For the Prince you can give his feelings on how he feels bout the marriage. Any questions please PM or IM me. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yes well I would like an new banner and a matching avator. Iw ould like you to use this image that I provided for you. (I am just so nice. I know love me.) [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/beri_and_her_guy.jpg][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Picture, Pitcure, click me[/COLOR][/URL] I don't want a very big banner, a small one, but not to small. Okay yeah that most like confused you. On the banner I want the image with the Qoute "A bunny," I would like this to fade out than, "a gift" than this to fade out " and a Kiss". Than that to flash out and my name. So this is going to be an animated banner.vaced. For the avator I would just like it to be a nice cropped umage of the picture. I also want a border on both of these. Any questions just PM or IM me. Thank you in advanced. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [b]Name:[/b] Poppy Weft [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/misc827.jpg]Poppy[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] A fiery Texan gal. She has an attitude that could shoot down anyone. She loves to shot and as much as she loves to shot she loves money. She has a love for animals, farming and bubble baths. Poppy is known to pick fights just for the fun of things, to living things up. A hard worker and knows how to do her share of the work. Poppy wasn?t too great on school, but she is not dumb. She is not on to do sneaky things behind peoples back, but does them right out in the open. [b]Bio:[/b] Born and breed in Texas. Poppy has not left the state until now. Her father owned a horse ranch and Poppy helped out on it. She knows how to ride and break the animal. Whenever she was not helping her father she was off doing chores or getting into trouble. Her days where spent chores and schoolwork, the schooling be the least important. Poppy?s favourite day of the week was on Fridays. On Fridays her family would always go to the next town to get supplies for the week. Poppy?s family consist of her mother, father and her two brothers, one older and one younger. On the ranch though her Uncle would came and help out with his kids. During the summer time every night there family would eat dinner under the stars. On very hot days Poppy would skip class and head down to the pond for a swim, most of the other kids where there too. After school ended Poppy went to working on the ranch full time. She would give guided tours around the area to tourist. Poppy entered in many shooting contest most time she would come out first or close to it. She is a cowgirl and loves to be so. She has in many rodeos. She would never ride the bull, but was an ace at the horses. Poppy loves many things; one of the most is gold, oil, money or anything worth a value. When she saw the commercial for The Bachelor, she decided to enter right away. Not for the guy, though she thought he was very cute, but she wants the money. She feels that she could get him to choose her over any other girl. With the help of her friends she sent in her application. Motivation: Money
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Amber laid down in the nurses office behind the curtain. She wasn't sick or anything, but this new school was bugging her. She had moved in with a friend after the accident she couldn't stay in her home town. She heard two people talking sounded like a guy and a girl, but she just ignored them. Fingering her necklace she had a sudden snap back into reality when she seen her friend pull the curtain open. "Hey I could have been changing." She snapped at him. "But, you weren't. SO this is wher eyou have been hiding." Paul, an old friend of her sat by her. "Yeah and the warden is gone. Told her I hurt my ankle after the fight." "Yeah it was a great one to. I surprised you showed restraint. I mean he did touch "Frenchie" and all. Only broke his finger." "So how much did we make?" Paul said there wasn't any money adn she just rolled her eyes. "Please, when ther is fight, espicailly with me, you always start bets and you know the deal." He grunt and handed her fifety-five dollars. "I will talk to you. Promise you will go to some classes." "Promise." She swore. Amber noticed the two teenagers sitting there. One a girl and the other a boy. She was right before. John did tell me this morning to be nice and friendly. She put on her big smile and thought [/I]I am going to kill Paul when I get home." "Hi my name is Amber Hertz. I just came to this school today. It's a pleasure to met you." She wasn't sure if they had heard the conversation before. "My name is Skye and this Johnny. I just came to this school a few days myself." The girl had spoke up for both of them. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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