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Everything posted by Anne

  1. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]It had been late by the time Jane and Camilla go home. ?I am gonna go take a shower.? Camilla yelled to Jane who was in her room. ??kay. I will make sure I turn on the water to annoy you.? She shot back. ?Camilla shook her head and headed into the bathroom. Ten minutes later she emerged with steam streaming out after her. She wore a pair of men black boxer and a small tan top. Her long blue hair spilt around her damp after she dried it with a towel. The towel was draped over both of her shoulders. She came out on flopped on the couch. Her bare feet came shifted then on the side of her. Jane came out of the bedroom in a tight red dress. ?How do I look?? She spun around. Camilla gave a whistle. ?Looking good. What?s the occasion?? ?Date. Now which shoe?? She lifted one foot up and showed the shoe with the dress. ?This one,? She set the foot down and than lifted the other, ?or this one?? ?The first one. With how or should I say how many?? She grinned at Jane. ?Actually only one tonight. The guy name is Fred, I think.? Jane gave a shrug. ?Anyways he is taking me to a fancy restaurant. One of those five stars.? ?I see. So do you want me to call you about the normal time?? Camilla asked over her shoulder. She had begun the legendry search for the remote. ?Oh yes please, that would be a doll of you. You know how I get bored sometime.? Camilla laughed at her. ?Talk to you later. She blew her friend a kiss. Camilla pretended to catch it in the air and place it in her pocket. She winked at her friend, ?I will save it for later when I get lonely.? She watched Jane laugh out the door and she flipped on the TV. ?Wonder what garbage is on tonight?? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] [B]Name:[/b] Poppy Weft [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/chikage_floral_dress.jpg]Poppy[/URL] [b]Power:[/b] Poppy has the ability to control and talk to plant life. [b]Personality:[/b] Poppy is calm and rational person. She hates to stand out in a crowd or draw to much attention to herself. Not a shy person or an attention hound, she is just your average girl. Poppy has a tendency to flirt a bit, but she never actually realizes she is doing it. In school she is average, not the top of the class, but not at the bottom either. She studies hard to get where she is and doesn?t mind either. Poppy prefers quite places to loud crowded areas, so she does not go out much. In a fight she won?t back down, but first try to resolve it with words. If that does not work she doesn?t mind kick the person?s ***, she learned a few things living in the Alaskan wilderness. [b]Bio:[/b] Poppy was born in Alaska, her father is a Nunamiut Eskimo and her mother is an American forest ranger. They had met on a rescue mission. Though it rare for an Eskimo to marry outside of their tribe her father did anyway. Poppy learned all about the land, sea and air from her father and mother. Poppy could be alone in the wildness for days and not see a single person. This is most likely why Poppy is not a big fan of crowded noisy areas. When Poppy turned nine she came home to find out that her father had been in accident. She never really found at what had happened. She went into a state of shock. Her mother mother devastated by what happened took Poppy and moved back to New York, where she lived and worked as a cop. For a while Poppy was made fun of her accent and her tolerance to colder weather. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]Jane stopped in front of a plain brick building. No windows could be seen and the only door was in the front and only a plain steel door. As Camilla looked at the building she had a sick feeling come about her. This building gave her the creeps with its dark red bricks and no windows. ?This is where it is?? Camilla pointed to the building and said in a dry tone. Nodding her head, ?Yes this is it.? Jane came up to Camilla and clapped her hands over her eyes. ?Come on it?s a surprise.? She laughed and pushed Camilla forward. The smell of lilacs and violets hit her as soon as the door was open. The hairs on the back on her neck stood straight up as she heard the door slam behind her. The air was a humid and damp. It felt damp and Camilla felt beads form on her skin. [I]Oh my god! Had Jane signed us up for some bondage type thing.[/I] Panic started to tug at her. [I] How could Jane trick me like this. She knows I would never do anything like this.[/I] Almost in a state of panic she felt Jane fingers loosen a bit. [I]This is the part when?[/I] Her thoughts where interrupted by Jane. ?Okay you ready?? She pulled her hands off Camilla?s eyes to reveal a greenhouse. Light filtered down from skylights that cover almost two thirds of the roof. Camilla gasped, tons of flowers filled the place, and some that could never grown next to each other did here. ?Janie how?? Camilla?s gasped in awe and amazement. ?Oh Cammy I knew you would love to come here. I have been planning this for weeks now. Overtime I would see a flyer for it I would quickly distract you. Man it was hard to.? Jane laughed and hugged her friends. ?Thank you. You would never believe what I had thought you actually had planned.? As Camilla thought back her cheeks began to blush a bit. ?From the looks of you I think it was something?? Camilla placed her hands covering her, giving Jane a glare. Jane tried to laugh through Camilla hands. ?Okay enough.? She took her hands away from Jane?s mouth. ?Don?t say anything.? Jane gave her a sly grin. ?Don?t!? As they walked thought the building of flower, on a path that was made of wood, Camilla noticed a small flower that had began to wilt. With a quick shake of her head she look around making sure that no on the other people where looking her way. She knelt down and touched the flower with the tip of her finger. Jane had whispered down to her and asked what she was doing. She waved her hand at her friend in a shushing manner. Camilla let out a smile as she seen that the flower looked healthier. ?Come on Janie lets go see what others they have here.? ?I am glad you are happy. You seemed down lately.? Jane took Camilla by the arm. ?Really. I didn?t think so.? She smiled at Jane. ?Never the less, I am happy now. I feel as giddy as a school girl.? Jane broke into hysterics to the point she almost was crying and Camilla smiled at her friend. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]As they got to the bus station they say side-by-side whispering like school children to each other. The bus was not as packed at usual, this was a relief to Camilla. She hated it when the bus was pack, it would mean that she would either have to stand or be stuck next to a fat smelly person. That is always how her luck turned out. ?Hey do we have time to stop and eat. I am starving.? Camilla laid her head on Jane?s shoulder and looked up at her. Pulling up her sleeve of her navy leather jacket she checked the time. ?Yeah we should. I know a place right next to where we are working today?? ?That?s right. You never told me what we are doing today? She gave Jane a suspicious look and Jane gave a sly grin back to her. ?You will see. You will see.? With that she turned her attention to the scenery rolling by. Camilla began to doze off, but Jane elbowed her in the side. She gave a grunt in protest. ?Don?t do that you will bruise me. I am delicate.? ?Delicate my ass. Anyways we are almost there.? The stood up and made their way to the front of the bus. Camilla looks back over her shoulder to make sure she did not forget anything behind her. As they got off the bus Camilla wished the driver a good day. On the corner she could see a couple of stores, most where small business. There was a flower shop, a small corner store, what looked like a craft store, but she could have been mistaken, a small little café, she figured that where they where going to go and eat. There was nothing there that she could tell where they would do their photo shot. She shrugged it off and they headed to the café. She was right about they were going to eat inside. When they got inside the décor was of a late Italian style. The Hostess came over and asked if was the two of them. They nodded. ?Smoking or non-smoking?? The hostess smiled. ?Smoking, non-smoking? The two of them said together. Camilla glared at her. ?I don?t want my lungs to be killed. If you want yours to be than that?s your problem not mine.? Jane gave up for she knew that this was a losing battle anyways. They where seated by the window and they looked out watching the people go by. Camilla order ravioli and Jane order bow ties with meat sauce. The two of them talked quietly so they would not disturb anyone else. After they finished eating Camilla paid for the check and they headed back outside. ?Explain to me again why I picked up the check.? ?Because you are the bestest fried in the whole wide world.? Camilla rolled her eyes. ?Fine but next time you get it.? ?Deal.? Jane gave her a tight hug. ?Anyways we need to get to work now. Come on the way.? They head down the street with Jane in the lead. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]Camilla?s garden surrounds her in the spare bedroom of hr apartment. A couple of finches, each in there own separate cages, chirped and sung their song. Camilla lounged lazy in her white whicker chair. Her legs dangled one side of the arm of the chair and her head rested on the other. Dress in a black velvet tank top with a pair of tight black jeans. Her feet wore a pair of white cotton socks with blue slip on slippers. Blue hair spilled onto the floor that was pulled up into a ponytail. On a table next to her feet was a book that was flipped open and rested on the page she was on. Camilla closed her eyes letting the sounds of the birds drift her off to sleep. She lay there in a bed of wild flowers, wind blowing a few strands of her loose hair. Her hands played with the pedal of the daisy. A small pedal floated down and lay on her stomach. ?Ugh..? She was torn from her peaceful dream. Her roommate stood in the front of her chair tapping her foot with a cigarette in her mouth. ?Thought I would find you here. Hurry up and get ready. We are going to be late again because of you.? Camilla closed her eyes but her roommate poured water on her head. ?Going to get up now or am I going to have to get out the heavy stuff.? ?Alright Jane. What someone has to do to sleep around here.? A vine whipped out and took the cigarette out of Jane?s mouth. ?They don?t like smoke.? Jane still had that shocked look on her face and Camilla grinned at that. ?You know I still can?t get use to that.? Jane had finally gained back her voice. ?Than you should quit smoking it simple.? Camilla had gotten a towel and dried off her hair some. ?By the way how is?? Jane thought for a moment. ?Frank or was it James or Nick?? ?It was Matt. I broke up with him weeks ago girl. Where have you been in a hole or something.? Camilla pushed on her boots and tied the laces. ?Oh sorry. Like I am suppose to remember guy you date. Please. I always wonder how you could remember who is who. ? She paused for a second. ?You know, Camilla, you go through more guys faster than you do shoes.? Jane grinned; the two loved it when they bantered each other. It was fun and they where able to pass the time. Camilla let out a fake laugh. ?You know I almost forgot to laugh it was so funny. You should be a comedian.? She rolled her eyes. ?At least I don?t date m ore than one guy at a time like you. Lets see you are balancing Henry, John and Sam all at once. Must take talent.? ?That?s right. I am the best at what I do.? They both laughed. Camilla threw on her jean jacket and they headed out the door. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Name:[/B] Amber Hertz [B]Age[/B]: 18 Gender: Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/girls26.jpg] Amber [/URL] Amber stands a good 5'9". She refuses to tell people how much she weighs on accounts it no one business than her owns. She mostly wears tight clothing, mostly for the fact that she is a motorcycle racer. A small cross necklace is always draped around her neck. She never takes it off and clams it her luck charm. [B]Personality:[/B] A risk taker. Amber loves to live life in the fast lane and is not afraid of death. Many would claim that she is a harden criminal but they would be wrong. She keeps herself fairly distance from other, but has a couple of friends. Amber does fairly well in sports and tends to gamble to help pay for bike repairs. Many people tend to make stories up about her, most are wrong, she shrugs them off and actually finds most amusing. [B]Bio: [/B] "Oh no it looks like Williams has crashed." One of the announcers yelled. "Man look at that wreck. Sure hope he is okay. It seems that Hertz has stopped and is checking up. "Well you know what they say about those to Ken. They not only have a love of racing but a love for each other." Robert had been into of her for most of the race and Amber was just about to make her pass on him. That when she had seen her worst fears. The bike wobbled and Robert had crashed. The bike and him both tumble. She whipped her bike around and smoked her tires. As she parked she whipped her helmet off and ran to where Roberts body laid unmoving. The bike laid onto of him and Amber pushed it off him. As she knelt she heard him groan. [I]He is alive. Thank god. [/I] As she carefully took of his helmet he coughed. Blood splattered on his hands. "Hey angel. Why did you..." he coughed again violently. "Stop? You would have gotten first place." Amber?s eyes almost weld up in tears. [I]Where are the medics? They are moving so slow. [/I] "I couldn't leave you alone. Who knows what you would do? You would probably flirt with a nurse." She placed on a smile and tried to laugh, but he coughed instead. "That was a rush you know. Hey Amber?" he was whispering now. "Yes Robert." "Take care of Frenchie for me. You will treat her good." Amber smiled a sad smile at him. Even when he is in pain he always thinks of his bike. "Don't worry I will. I know you love that bike more than me." Tears where starting to form, but she tried to fight them off. They both knew that Robert was n to going to make it. It just didn't make it easier. "Here take this. It always has brought me luck. I forgot to put it on today. He open his hand in his palm was s a cross necklace. "Sorry Amber." They both grew silent and the medics came, just a bit to late. She clutched the necklace and placed it around her neck. Tears streamed silently down her face as she watched them load him into the ambulance. [/color][/size]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT] Name: Camilla "Cammy" Awanti Height: 5'4" Weight: 120 Age: outside-23; Soul-110 Appearance: Two of her favourite photoshot pictures of herself. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/Ayaka27.jpg][Color=DeepSkyBlue][U]here[/color][/url] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/angel3.jpg][Color=DeepSkyBlue][U] here[/U][/color][/U][/url] When she isn?t doing her modeling Camilla normally wears just a pair of tight jeans or shorts and a tank top. On some occasions she will throw on a skirt or a dress suit. She is always seen wearing boots though. She finds that they are the comfy shoes she wears. Race: Zodiac, Virgo Position: Neutral. Camilla is neutral because she doesn?t like taking side. She would rather help resolve the matter in as peaceful way as possible. Power: Camilla has the power of earth. She is able call upon vines and weeds to gorw and restrain or attacks someone. Morph: [URL=http://www.college.emory.edu/culpeper/GOUZOULES/site/images/birds/bpics/chipping_sparrow.jpg][color=DeepSkyBlue][U]Sparrow[/color][/u][/URL] Weapon: a small dagger that she keeps hidden in her boot and a long 9-inch whip. The whip had bits o f metal at the tip. Bio: Camilla was born a native the America?s. Here father, Fredrick Awanti was a military scientist and was stationed there when Camilla was born. Her mother is was a house maker and took care of Camilla. They stayed in the America?s for about five years in California. When her Father told the family that they would be moving to London. In London her father had gotten a job with a big research company. Camilla never knew exactly what he did when he went to work. They were not suppose to talk about to work when he was at home. While in London Camilla?s mother began Camilla?s modeling career. Her father did not approve of this at all and told her mother that Camilla had to stop. Though it didn?t. They where in London for six years and than Camilla?s Father again. This time Camilla found herself in Russia. She did not like it there and she told her parents so. Luckily for her they only stayed there for a year. During this time there where many argument between her Mother and Father about living there. So with reluctance from her father they moved to Germany. Since was one of Camilla favorite places that she had lived. In school she was never the best student but she was average. Fredrick wanted her to be in the top of the class, but Camille knew she could never be that good. On Camilla sixteenth birthday, her Father told her that she was going to be sent to Switzerland to live with her Aunt and Uncle. He figured that all the moving was effecting her studies. So for the past seven years she has been living in Switzerland here and there. When she first arrived there her Aunt and Uncle allowed her to keep up her modeling as long as she kept her grades at a certain point. She agreed and they all got along fine. During the holidays her parents would come and visit. This was always the best parts of the year for her. Now at twenty-three Camilla still lives in Baden, Switzerland. She never went to college though she had planned on it but never actually did it. She stays in a small apartment with her roommate. They are both models and she often travel to Zurich to visit her Aunt and Uncle. I hope this is good. [/LEFT][/color][/size]
  8. [SIZE=1]Thank you Delta I love the banner. It's fine you tweaked it, I am very happy on how it turned out. I just had those images laying around on my computer from a jewerly ad I just finished. Yeah I am not fond of the avator either. It seem rather plan when compared to that great banner. I am going to use them for now, but I am hoping that someone else will give it a try. Thank you Delta.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Yes as you can clearly read I would like a Jewel, as in precious gems, banner. [U]Banner: [/u] I would like a women wearing some type of jewelry. The women and all but the jewelry gem to be in black and white. So I would like just the piece of jewelry to be in colour. (If you can't do that it's fine) You can use one of the images I provided or if you know one better you can use that. Than I would like the phrase "Jewels a woman's best friend" or something along those lines. [U]Images: [/u] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/jewel2.bmp] here [/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/jewel.bmp] here [/URL] [u]Avi: [/u] For this I would like an opal or another precious gem to be on it along with my name. Thanks very much in advanced.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Rita stared at everyone in disbelief. Here they were fighting when a friend is in need help. It irked her that she actually had to yell at them. She watched as Sammy sat down on the bench with her hands in between her head. There was an awkward silence that seemed to linger between the group. A feel of tension was starting to creep through her mind. Rita looked at the group most where trying not to make eye contact with anyone else. ?Listen we should come up with a plan.? Rita broken the awkward silence like a knife cutting a piece of cake. An agreement could be heard mumbled though them and a nod or two were placed. Sol glanced at Velvet. Rita was sure there was going to be another fight. ?Listen whatever has happened lets just put that aside right now.? Carly put in; she must have seen the glance as well. ?We can not accomplish anything if you are fighting among yourselves.? Rita walked over to Sammy and put her hand on her shoulder, everyone else head inside Velvet?s house. ?Come on Sammy lets head inside.? Sammy looked up at her and grimaced. ?Okay.? They walked and everyone sat around the living room. Rita took a set on the floor and rested her back up against the wall. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. Thank you. I like them very much. I will leave it open though if anyone would like to try.
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Yes well as the titel suggest I want a cowgril banner. I have a picture that I want. Here is the picture: [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/misc827.jpg [/url] I want either of these two qoutes. "I'm a cowgirl I get straight to the source Bang di dom bang And my gun is my force" or "People say that I'm a bad girl And I enjoy it all the time" Thank you in advanced for whoever does this. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Rita left the backrrom of Moonlight Lounge. Miki head popped out of the bage sge was carring and gave a low meow. Walking up t o the bar her boss handed Rita her pay check and tips. Rita looked in the envoloped and smiled. It was enough to pay this month rent. She had been working tons of overtime the past week. "Thanks see you tomorrow." She shoved the envolope into her bag, Miki sniffed at it as it landed next to her. "Yeah about that." Rita rolled her eyes. "Can you work again later to day? Sherial called out again. Rita sniffed at the man, "Yeah, whatever." Rita left the Lounge in a huff. She looked up into the rain, her umbrella hanging on her arm. With in a second she created a barrier to keep Miki and her from out of the rain and started down the street. Rita felt something tug in the back of her mind. Someone was sad and they weren't very far off. She squinted her eyes, but couldn't really see anything mostly the rain blocked her view. SHe turned her head down to Miki. "You think we should check it out?"[/color][/size]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]OKi had study hall from her last period of the day. She always stayed in teh library. Today she decided to cut study hall early. She grabbed her bag and headed out of the library. Walking down the hall she headed in for a swim. She needed to be in ti top shape for the up coming compitions. Plus she didn't Chitose to show her up. Oki growned her teeth. It really wasn't like to get upset about someone being better at her than something, but she just didn't like her. Looking at the small clock located in the locker room. She had about ten or fifteen minutes she could swim. She switched into her swim suit and shoved her bag into her locker. She headed back out into the main room at looked at the peaceful water. She enjoyed it when she had swims to herself. It was much more relaxing. Oki claimed out of the pool twelve minutes later. She grabbed her towel which she laid beside the pool and wrapped her long hair up. Enter the locker room she took a quick shower. It was almost the end of school. As she exited the shower and glanced at the clock. It was the end of school. "I guess I took longer than I though." Oki said to no one but herself. She placed on her Kimono and pulled her hair up. As she reachedinto her bag and noticed the pen she had found earlier glowing. "Strange." She pulled it out. OKi seen a message wriiten on it" ?Meet at the place of the brave girl who died a long time ago?? "What? I hate riddles." She stuffed it back into her bag and headed out. She didn't have time to deal with riddles she had to get to work. As she exited it hit her what it went. OKi really didn't mean to think about the riddles, it just oen of those things that just suddenly hit you. Oki debated a minute before she decided to go to the shrine. Curiosity got the better of her. Headeding to the train station she noticed nine other people heading to the station as well. She didn't pay much attetion to it. As Oki got off hte train so did the other nine children. Now she though it was strange. Espically when tehy all wound up at the same placce. ?What is this?? asked Oki. ?I don?t know.? Ryu added. ?Did you get the message on a pen?? Serenity asked. It seemed they all head. They all held out their pens and tiem seemed to freeze. Oki was a botu to say something, but a woman started to float down towards them. ?Hello my children, you are chosen. Keep your identities secret. You are?? The children looked up at her in amazement. ?THE ELEMENTAL CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!? the woman boomed, then disappeared. Oki looked at her changed outfit. Her kimono was gone now she was in a short skirt. It looked rather good on her. It accentedher longs legs. Than the reality hit her, her work outfit was gone. Oki's boss would flip on her if she didn't show up wearing it. Oki heard a Serenity speak. ?Ok..? Serenity said. ?Are..we super heroes?? Meteo asked. "I don't know, but though this outfit is hot and all, but I need my other one back pronto." Oki was a bit annoyed.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1]Oki walked into the lockerroom to get changed quickly. She had beat Chitose, not easly but she did beat her. Oki hated that girl and ever since she started on the team. She had heard rumors that she was dating the art Haruhiko, butshe didn't have anything to prove it. Oki hadd practice all summer and would not let the Chitose girl take her spot. Oki made sure her uniform was perfect as she walked out of the room. Fliipping a fallen strand of hair out of her eyes she left the pool room. As she walked down teh now cluttered halls she glanced at her schedual. She had math up next. Oki noticed that a guy was looking at h er. She gave him a playful wink making the guy blush. Giving a low giggle she made her way into her classroom. She was able to slip into class right before the teacher started. She hated math and was not the best at it. Lucky Yoshioka, a waiter at the restruant was a genious in matha nd would help her if she needed any. Digging in her bag, she was looking for a pen. Sh always hated that the fell down to the bottom of the bag. She found a pen like object and pulle dit out. It was that wierd blue pen she had found on the locker room floor. She felt tranquil when she held the pen, but shrugged it off and procided her search. Oki found the pink pen she had put in before leaving her home. Sitting straight in her seat she seen a couple of students that she had class with before. The teacher was rambling off something about equation and numbers. Oki started to nodded off as her teacher droned on.[/color][/size]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Gin stuffed a small piece of paper up Oki nose and started to stare at her. OKi shot up from the shear lack of air and glared at her sister. Within seconds a bright object was shone into her face. "Look, look see what time it is?" Gin pushed the alarm clock at Oki face somemore. "You need to walk me to school, Mom said so!' "Alright, Alright" Oki managed though a yawn. Rolling out of bed she threw her school uniform on. She knew she was going to have to take it back off when she got to school. She always had swim practice in the morning before the first class. "Come on your going to slow." Gin started jumping up and down on Oki's bed. "why don't you go have breakfast or something." Oki started brushing her long black hair. "Had breakfast." Miki meowed drawing Gins attention fromt he bed she had just shambled. "Alright lets go." Oki tied her hair back and stuffed her kimono into her bag. She had to got to work right after school tonight. Gin took Oki's hand and they head for the door. Lockingt he door they headed down the block. They didn't live to far from the school so to get some excerise Oki always walked. Gina babbled on what she was going to do today, but Oki wasn't listening to most of it. It was to early in the morning for her brain to process. They came upon her sister's school. She stopped and leaned down and gave Gin a hug. "Have a good day in school. I will see you when I get home." Oki gaveher sister a small kiss on the cheeck. "Bye. Love you" She ran of to a group of her friends. Oki slung her bag over her shoulder and headed down the sidewalk to her school. As she walked up to her school crowd of stuntes were already there. She enter the building and entered the female locker room. Oki went to her locker and grabbed out her bathing suit. A couple of the other swimmers were already there. Something cought her attention on the floor. a blue pen laid next to her feet. She bent down and picked it up. "Well that's a strange pen." She placed it in her locker and headed out to the pool. "Hey, Sato I beat I can beat you to the other side of the pool." On of the girls on the swim team yelled at Oki. "You are on." They dove into the pool.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Name: Rita Symphonic Age: 22 Gender: female Appearance: Only standing 5'3 and weighing 105 pounds, Rita is short for her age. She has a very lean build and no muscle tone at all, though she is strong. Her body is well proportioned making everything seem right. Her face is round with Grey eyes that are shaped like almonds. Her lips are very thin and her nose is slightly hooked. When she smiles she has small dimples that make her appear younger that she really is. All her features are very soft with no sharp angles. Rita?s air is a sandy brown colour and falls straight down to her where her shoulder blades are. Most times it is kept in a high ponytail. Her completion is Very light but not so pale that her skin doesn't look like it has any colour. Rita?s skin is very soft and freckles dot her skin every now and than. She has a set of freckles on her left shoulder that forms the shape of the bigger dipper. On her back she has a tattoo of a pair of feather bird wings. They are a light blue coloured around the lining and have no colouring inside the feathering. She wears a short hot pink mini skirt that comes to the middle of her upper leg. Her shirt is a light pink colour that is checkered with white. It is in the style of a cowgirl shirt and has no sleeves. It is snug on her but it fits her perfectly. She wears a pair of plain black sandal, which she always wears. She has her ears pierced once in the lobe. She always wears the same earrings a small pink rose. Around her neck she wears one necklace that is just a plain silver chain with a lock on it and the key to go with it. One ring is on her finger, which was her grandmother?s wedding ring. It is a small gold band with little chips of emeralds going around it. Personality: Full of life and energy she keeps people on their toes. Rita has a way of disappearing when lots of hard work needs to be done. She not one to do hard work, but likes to keep a femine demeanor. She has a passion for singing and performing. Often times she can be found humming to herself or to her kitten, Miki. She never lies and will always keep her word. She hates to see people down and will try to cheer them up if she does see them upset. Rita is a flirt and she enjoys it as well. Not a day that goes past that she has flittered with one guy or another. At the restaurant she works, sings and performs, Rita loves getting the attention of the men. -Empathy: Yes/weak -Telepathy: No -Telekinesis: Yes/ Strong Short Bio: Rita grew on the streets of Philadelphia. Rita Father was a cop and her mother worked in City Hall. Most times she would be home with her two older brother.Rita had a bad habit of ditching her classes every now and than and going out with her friends. This stopped when her father cought her one day. He always drove her after that, which embrassed her. As soon as she turned eighteen she moved out of her parents house and moved in to a studio apartment. She worked for a while at the Red Head Pino as a singer, but soon got tired of the city. She moved out o fher hometown. she lives in a small apartment now with her new kitten, Miki. She has a new job as a lounge singer at different restruant.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Sato Oki [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Element:[/B] Tsunami Water [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/fan_2.jpg]Oki in her Kimono[/URL] OKi stands 5'7 and wieghs about 120 pounds. She wears herkimono most times while she is at works and rarely outside. When she doesn't have her school uniform on she prefores femine type clothing. Most of her wordrobe consist of dresses and skirts. [B]Personality:[/B]Full of life and energy she keeps people on there toes. Oki has a way of disappering when lots of hard work needs to be done. She not one to do hard work, but likes to keep a femine deminer. She has a passion for singing and preforming. Often times she can be found humming to herself or to her kitten, Miki. Oki other passion is swimming. She is very good at it and is on the swim team at her school. Oki is a flirt and she enjoys it as well. Not a day that goes past that she hasn't flittered with one guy or another. At the resturant she works, sings and preforms, Oki loves getting the attention of the men. Highly intelligent, she is pretty smart, but it doesn't show much when she is in school. She tends not to care about her grades to much, unlike her mother who is always yelling at her to get better. Though Oki can seem a bit lazy, stingy and stuck up, she is a very good friend. She never lies and will always keep her word. She hates to see people down and will try to cheer them up if she does see them upset. [B]Bio:[/B] OKi lives with her Mother and little sister. When she was little her Mother, Ai, told her that her father had died. She found out later that he had left Oki, her mother and her sister for an American woman. This had explained her mother's deep hatered for american people. Her little sister, Gin, is 7 years old right now and follows around Oki as much as she can. Oki's Mother works as a lawyer and is very big int he world. Though Oki's mother is a big lawyer they still ar etight on money. So to help her mother out Oki dedided to get a job. She was hired at a restruant as a singer and preformer. Her Mother is a bit upset that she has taken the job, but Oki always say that this is where she will get her start. MAny important people come to the place and they could desicover her there. It has always been Oki's dream to become a famous singer. EDIT: Attacks Frozen Kiss- Oki blows a Kiss. The kisses form into frozen bubbles. Ice Dagger/Blade- Oki raises her arms and Ice daggers fly up from the ground. Icy rain- Oki most powerful attack. Rain starts coming down making it hard for the enemy to see. Mixed witrh the rain are large hail stones. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [size=1] Name: Sadie Heart Stage Name: none Code Name: Kittles Age: 17 Description: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/upload_this_pic__school_grl_.jpg]On the attack[/URL] Personality: Sadie has a wicked temper and it goes off regularly. Sadie makes a bad habit out of speaking her mind, evne if it hurt someone. When she does this she doesn't mean to be cruel but lacks tact. When ever her temper flares up she find it relaxing to play the drums. A very good stress reliever she says. When she made her News Years resolution for the year she promised herself she would try to be a bit nocer and not get made som much. So far she hasn't been doing a good job but she is trying. Sadie hates to break a promise and if she does she regrets adn will try to make up for it. Training: Sadie has been an Assain now for four years. She was trained for close combat. Skilled with the Katana and daggers since she was younger. Saide doesn't like guns but loves blades. Sadie is very quick and agile but when it comes to fighting long distant she isn't very good. Sadie aslo lacks a disadvantage when she is fighting more than one person. I will finish in a few minutes.[/size]
  20. [SIZE=1]?It?s okay.? Ami stared at the girl and blinked. The girl looked just like her sister, but she could be. Caresse would be at work not here and especially not in a school uniform. ?You must be new here. My name is Ami Edlyn and it?s nice to meet you.? She gave a small curtsey. I Am Katherine Devoix and I just started today.? Caresse was hoping that she doing a good job of disguising her voice. Having Ami recognize her would ruin everything. ?Well it is nice to meet and we should hang out sometime, but I must be going now. I hope you enjoy it here.? Ami waved good bye and headed back to her room. Scratching here head she could have sworn that girl was her sister but it wasn?t possible. She knew she read somewhere that everyone has someone that looks almost like them out there so that must be it. Right now she had to concentrate on finding Elita though. ~~~~~ Ami closed her eyes as she lay in her bed facing the window. It seemed to take forever tonight to do a bed check tonight. Most time it seemed like the teachers would take you by surprise. ?Elita I hope you are okay. Help will come soon.? Ami started to count the ceiling tiles. ?102?103?104...? She pointed to each one as she counted. She heard the girls next to her close and she rolled over onto her side and closed her eyes. Her door cracked open and a flashlight shinned on her. The door closed back up and Ami waited a few extra minutes. When she was sure it was safe to get up she pushed the cover aside. Removing herself from her nightgown she put back on her uniform. In the draw of her dresser she grabbed a small flashlight, she had brought it when she first came to the school just incase she needed and wrote her name on it, out of the top draw. Reaching under the foot of her bed she picked up her shoes. Ami would put them on later but for now she had to be quite going down the hall. Opening her door she peeked out her door to make sure no one was around and slid out. Softly she closed the door behind her and turned on her flashlight. Swinging the light down the hall she could see nothing but the grey stone walls. As she crept through the hall s she never realized how creepy the school really was. Ami jumped when she thought she heard a strange noise, but nothing was there. ?It?s just my imagination. It?s just over reacting. Some come on don?t wimp out now Elita needs your help.? Ami whispered to herself trying to build up her confidants. Beginning to breathe heavy she kept pointing her flashlight into the shadows. ?Come on you got to stop scaring yourself. Be brave, be brave.? Whipping her head around she could have sworn she felt someone was watching her, but she was just being silly again. A hand touched her shoulder and she gasped. She prayed that it was those two boys or even a teacher. The grasp on her tightened and she turned her head around to see. She pulled back grasping free of the dolls hand. Dropping her shoes and flashlight she took off. Another figure appeared in front of her. Ami stopped and took a couple steps back as the light from her rolling flashlight passed by the new figure, another doll. Something came about her face before she knew it. Attempting to struggles she blacked out with the last thing she seeing is the twin doll. [/size]
  21. Anne

    Emotions [M-SL]

    [SIZE=1]Holly laid down the magizne back ont eh nightstand. She tired of readding it and looked at the school work that needed done. She hated to put anything off for too long. Holly decided to go and getthat essay doenn for Englidh. She would nned to go and use the computer t hough. She liked everything to be typed and neat. Grabbing her copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and her Ipod she headed out her door. As she neared thelounge sherolled her eyes at thenoise that ws coming from it. Glad that she braught her Ipod she could drown them out. Entering through the dorways she could see some of her classmates there. Ignoring them she sat down at one of the computers. She brought up Word and opened the book. She place earphones in her ears and turned it on. She sat back in her seat and stared at the screen. Within a few seconds she began to type. [INDENT][I]In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the story unfolds through the eyes of a six-year-old girl named Scout. The story takes place in the small southern town of Maycomb, Alabama during the early 1900s where prejudice was at its peak.[/I][/INDENT] That sound like a good way to start off to her. Above hermsuic she could hear bits and pieces of what everyone was talking about. Most where talking about the essay she was doing now, but other where talking about the upcoming dance. Holly would have to find herself a date soon. She shookt he thought of, she would get on that right after this.[/size]
  22. [SIZE=1]Ami stiffed her teaers and let out a sigh of relief. [I]Finally someone would listen to her.[/I] BEfore she could began to tell them her story heavy footstep where coming down the hall towards them. Ami jumped and knews these steps. She grabbed both of the young mens hand and pulled them down a hallyway and into a doorframe. "Hey what do you think you..." Jaque shot her a look. Ami put a hand over his mouth and put a finger up to her lips. "Shhh.." The figure passed the hall whithout seeing them. Ami breathed another sigh of relief. Jaque grabbed Ami hands from his mouth."What was that all about?" "I am sorry but that was Ms. Duncan. The meanest teacher int he school, if she had caught you here no telling what she would have done. So if you are going to help me I can't have you getting thrown out of the school." "Its okay we understand. You said you know someone disappear?" Devan looked at her understandingly. She nodded. "Yes my friend Elita. You see it began before before dinner. I ws getting ready in my room when Elita came pounding on my window in just her bathrobe. I let her in and she told methis huge doll was after her. It was dressed dark green velvet dress, long red hair and stood this high.." Ami stood on her tiptoes and put her arm up over her head. "maybe even taller. So I told her that I would go find a teacher and telll. Well I was on my way and than there was this kitten. So I decided to help it, but when I did this same doll went and grabbed at me. I was able to hide in the closet until Elita found me again. Afterwards we went to the dinning hall and there we heard other girls where disappering. Well we where on our way to see Mr. Broughdare. Ms.Duncan stopped us. As we where walking away I moved a bit up ahead and I turned around and she ws gone. JUst like that one second she was here and the next she not. I am sure those dolls have something to do with it." Ami was glad to she was fianlly able to tell someone about this. "Can you take us to where it happen?" Amin nodded and lead them back up the same hallwaysthey came. She stopped a littles ways up. "It ws here, but Imust go. It is going to be bed check soon and I need to egt back to my room. I will meet you at 10 o'clock though I promise. We can meet right here." They all agreed. "Thank you again." She curtised and startedto run down the hallway. "Oh yeh by the way my name is Ami." WIth that she rounded the corner and l eft the two boys on there own.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]I am not to much a believer in this butits fun to read my horoscopee on the train ride to schoool. It helps pass thetime some. Well I am a Pisces as well. Some of the stereotypically fit and some don't. [B]A Pisces should be (stereotypical here) short to medium stature, small hands and feet, plentiful hair and full eyes.[/B] Welll I do have a short stature, small hands and feet. Most poeple hand size are as big as my feet. I can still wear kids size shoes. Which is very fun because they have really cool rain boots. My hair is very plentiful, but I do not have full eyes, Mine are dull and small. [B]Pisces are associated with the water.[/B] I am not really associated with it by anyway. Actually to tell the truth I am scared to death to go into water any deeper t han my bathtube or my little plastic kidddie pool.I don't even know how to swim. [B]Pisces are supposed to dislike violence.[/B] Yes and no on this one. I would rather not get into a violent confertation and try to aviod them at all possiable, but I am prone to violent tendencys. I have beaten a couple people up defending other and I am a shot gun wielding red neck. [B]Pisces are spinners of illusion and dreams[/B] Ah, very true. Not a day goes by when I haven't day dreamed or cuddles up to a good fantasy novel. [B]Pisces have creative imaginations[/B] bust a gut from laughing so hard. This I certainly am. My English teachers always said my grammer and spelling may suck but I don't lack imagination. I am always making up cooky little stories on why I am late orif something islost. [B]Pisces have a desire to help the less fortunate, in particular animals.[/B] Yes I do. Mostly animals though. Right now I have a litter of kittens in my shed. I found them behind my trailor without anyone. So I scooped them upand brought them into a warmer place outof the elments and am nursing them to health. (I just can't tell anyone. My neighbors have had it with me helping the animals because than they never go away.)[/size]
  24. Anne

    Emotions [M-SL]

    [SIZE=1]"So we mix the two chemcials to form are solution..." Holly's eye shut closed as she drowned the teacher out. Tday lesson was so boring unlike usually. She knew Aril was doing the expirements and taking down notes. SHe would just get them from her later. Her eyes popped back open to make sure the teacher didn't catch her. "Holly do you want to help any." April turned holding out the beaker. "No deary you look like you are having so much fun. I wouldn't want to take that away from you." She gae the girl a smile and she went back into her work. "Alright hand up your findings and than class is dismissed." Holly grabbed the paper from April's hand and walked up to the desk. She placed the paper down and headed out of the class. April was behind her in a few seconds with books in her hand. "You did a good job today, April." The girl smiled widly and gave a small skip. They head out on to the ground sand headed towards the dorms. She streched and smiled the fresh air. It was always so cramped in the classroom. Pushing a run away strand of her blond hair back behind her ear. "ummm excuse me Holly." A voice of a brown hair young man. "Hey there sug'. How can I help you." Holly said in a sweet tone. "Err..umm. Nevrmind." The boy blushed and walked off. "Talk to you later sug'." She gave a wink and laughed. She open the door to her room and laid down on her bed. She grabbed the magizen and began reading a couple of articles. Some on beauty tips and another on the latest fashion.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Ami tore down the hall in which they had just come. Every now and than she would look down the side hallways, maybe hoping to see if she could see her friend.Ami wanted to break down and cry, huddle into a corner somewhere till it was all over. She knew she couldn't , but not know Elita was in trouble and she was the only one that knew. Skidding to a halt as Ms. Duncan stepped out in front of her. "I thought I just told you to go back to dinner!" Ms. Duncan placed her hands on her hips. "But Ms. Duncan ..." Ami stammered out. "No buts. That's one week of cleaning lavoratories." Her face was strewn in a frown. "PLease elita has been taken." She tried to plead with the woman. "That's two weks for making up lies." "That's not fair! I am just trying..." "That's three weeks. would you like to go for four?" Ms. Duncan cut her off. Ami put a frown and knew she was going to get this woman to listen. Shegave a curtise. "No Ma'am." Afterwards she made a hasty retreat. Down the hall tears formed in Ami's eyes out of frustration and anger. Her fist met the wall. No one was going to help her or even believe her. She wished that her sister was here, she would believe Ami. [/SIZE]
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