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Everything posted by Anne

  1. Anne

    Emotions [M-SL]

    [SIZE=1]Holly gave a yawn and a strech. This english class was so oring and she had no use for listening to other people essay. Now her essay was the only one that mattered. Her eyes had kept darting to the clock as she lend her face on her hand. This class always seemed to take way to long in her opinion. Hooly's other hand was busly drawling hearts and flowers around the border of her paper. Finally the teacher let them leave. Heading out of the class she took a deep breath. That class was very boring and all it ever did was make her tired and not want to be there. Holly was a bit excited for her next class. She ahd chemistry and she never minded going to that class. The teacher taught her how to make her own lip gloss. This Holly found useful and helpful. Why spend so much on it when she could just make her own. Beside she felt it was retro to do it herself. The large oak door was open to the chemistry room. Most students where already present, this included Holly lab partner. Holly lab partbner was April, one of her so callld friends. " Hey Holly." The girl smiled up at her idol. "Did you rember to bring my book?" She asked the girl as she sat down on the stool. The needed to put cushions down on these thing. They made her butt go numb by the end of class. "Of course I did. I would never forget." She handed the book to Holly, like a dog giving a paperto its master."You look nice today, well actually you always look nice." "Why thank you deary." The teacher stood up from his desjk and began to speak. [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Ami sat next to Elita as most of the girls in the hall ate silently. Ami put the biteof food in her mouth and looked about the place. It seemed that some other people where missing. As she thought about it they were missing at breakfast as well. "Have you noticed that some of the girls are missing?" She directed to Elita. Elita looked up and scanned around the room. "Not really, but now that has pointed out there really is osme missing. Do you think that Doll had anything to do with?" Ami paled at the of it all. "Hey you two girls talking about the girls disappering?" One of the students, ami thought her name was Jennifer but she wasn't sure, asked. "Yeah you know anything about it." Elita lended over the table to hear the other girl. "We I know some that has disappeared. One day she was here and the next gone. So I went and asked the teacher about and she said she just went home. I think that stories a bit fishie though. She hated her house and wouldn't go back. If you ask me I think they are hiding something from us, but that is just me." The girl sat back down in her seat and began eating again. "Elita, I say we defiently talk to the teachers now." She nodded in agreement.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Name: Heather (Swift Cat) Restro (Res-tro) Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/aitokiniki.jpg]In chemistry class[/URL] Personality: Mostly keeps to her own business. She rarely likes to fight but if she is challenged she won't back down. A great sense of humor, she just loves to tell jokes. It takes a great while for anyone to earn Heather trust but when you do she is a great friend. Easy going she isn't very gung-ho about anything really. Heather likes to have things that stumps here and loves to solve problems. Science, biology, and chemistry are mostly her favourite class. Heather easy going attitude is reflect als o in her gang. She won't go and start trouble with any other gang and none of her member don't easier. Her thinmking is she could be a great ally or she can be a bitter enemy. The oher gang can choice which she will be. When she fight she prefores hand to hand combat and doesn't like weapons. She is quick and agile when she fights. Bio: Hetaher started the gang Namir when she first started at the school. Most gangs have many members but she keeps it small and simple, only six to ten memebr are in the gang at one time. Everyone in the gang calls her Swift Cat because she is very agile and quick. I wiz in Cheistry it is most likely her favourite class. Though she finds sitting through it very boring. Any type of sciencce entertains Heather. Gang position: Leader Gang name: Namir gang [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Tears streamed out of Ami's eyes as she bit her lip and nodded. She proceed to tell Elita how she was going to find a teacher when she seen the kitten. She felt she had to help that as well and it would only take a secxond to scoop the cute thing up. Than there was this doll behind her that grabbed at her.How she escaped and was hiding out in the closet. She was so afraid. "Don't worry Ami it's okay now." Elita hugged her friend and patted her on the back. "Come on now I reaaly think we should tell someone about this." Ami looked a bit worried. "Don't worry there are twoo of us now. I don't think that thing will attack with both of us her." Ami nodded it made sense. "Okay." She whipped her eyes with the sleeve of her blouse. They started down the hall, the only sound was that being made by the click of there shoes on the ground. Down the hall they rounded a corner where wo large doors stood. This is where the dinning hall stood. Just about all the girls where proubally already there and eating. Ami pulled open the door and all the eyes in the room turned to them. It was embarrassing whenever people did that. Ami and Elita went in and shut the door behind them. Elita whispered in Ami's ear. "We should proubally eat first and than tell the teacher afterwards when not to many people around. That way we don't scare anyone else." Ami nodded in agreement. The two took there seats and began to eat.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][U]????s crush[/U] Name- Holly Deaver Age- 18 Gender- Female Appearance- [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/ph-10028.jpg]Holly relaxing in her bathingsuit[/URL] Subjects- [list] [*]World history [*]Drama [*]Advanced English/Creative Writing [*]Advanced Math [*]Astronomy [*]Chemistry [/list] Personality- Holly loves to be the center of attention and will try anything to be it. A drama Queen, she always has to have her way. Always up on the latest fashion. She knows she is attrative and is proud of it. Holly is well aware of that many guys have crush on her, but she won't give the m a second thought unless hse might be able to get something out of it. A bit of a snob and looks down on other people who she feel are not worthy. Though she a snob and a stuck up she is has a very brillant mind. What she lacks in common curtisy she makes up with her mind. This also doesn't help her ego any. Everytime she knows she does better than anyone else it just boost it up more. Bio- Holly has been in England all her life and never has been out of it. Her Mother was from America and her father was from England. They had met on a cruise for single and hit it of. They were marired within a couple of month. Her parents started off living in America, btu when they found out that Holly's mother got pregrant they moved to England and has stayed there every since. When she was thirteen she noticed her parents fighting more and more. She allways knew they fought but it just seemed to be getting worse over the years. The next year her parents told her that they are going to be sending her to St. Jonh's boarding school. As she went there she noticed thatm any of the guys would stare at her and girls would whisper behind ehr back. She found this to be terriably amusing and began to find ways to use this ito her advantage. At the begining of her second year there she recieved a letter from her mother saying t hat her Mother and Father had gotten a devorice. Her Mother was going back to America and that Holly would eb staying in England. The same day her she also got a letter from her Father saying the same thing basically. It also says that she would be staying at the school until she ws done. She tore those letters up and hasn't talk to her parents since. Over the past four years Holy has made some friends, but she wouldn't trust them a whole lot. she is sure that if would tell them anything to important it would be over the school by the end of the day. When she gets out of the school she would love to becoem an actress or model. [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Ami brushed a few of the blond strands from her friends face while she caught her breath. The expression on her face was still of a state of panic. She was in the process of getting dress when her friend came pounding on her window. It wasn't often that Elita did that. Finally Elita was able to catch her breath. "What happened?" "I was getting a shower and than I went to my locker to get my clothing on and there was this huge doll." Ami looked puzzle her friend was talking so fast she couldn't keep. "Than the doll grabbed at me," Elita made a grabbing motion. "I tried to get away bt it was too fast. The next thing I knew we were outside and it was trying to tie me up. I was able to get away. It ws so terrifing." Ami hugged her friend and told her it was okay now, she was safe in here. "I think maybe we should go tell one of the teacher's. They all should be in the dinning hall. Why don't you wait here and I will go get one." Ami stated as she put on her skirt and zipped it up. "But.." "It's okay you can stay here and lock the door. I will be okay I promise. I am only right down the hall from the dinning room. You stay here and come some down." With a relution nod of her head she let Ami go. She shut her door and looked down the hallway both ways bfore starting down it. A sound made Ami jump out of her skin as hse spun around to see what it was. A small kitten was sitting down and had gone meow. "Oh Kitty you scared me. It not safe to be in these halls. If anyone catched you could get in big trouble." She took a step towards the kitten and it got up. Ami went down into a crouch, "Her kitty kitty. It's okay I won't hurt you." Ami knew she should be getting the teacher for herfriend, but she couldn't just leave the kitten here. She got on all fours and crawled towards the kitten. A strange feeling made her look behind her. the dool her friend described was standing behind her. She tried to yell out but her throat felt like it had closed. The hand reached oout and she scrambed to get up. It grabbed her by her skirt. With her had she fumbled at the zipper to get it off herself. As the dolls other hand was coming down she manged to get her skirt of. Tear down the hall she knew the dolls was after her. She saw the loset and quickly ran inside holding the doorknob. She could feel the other person try to open it. What seem like ages it stopped, but Ami wouldn't let go of the door handle. She couldn't tell how long the whole thing took place it felt like hours and her friend was still in her room waiting for her. Worry came to her. What if Elita had come out of the room? What happens if that thing was out there waiting for her? Her mind was overwhelmed. She slid down the closet wall and cried.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Name: Kira Night Age: 17 Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/Rose.jpg]Kira[/URL] Kira stands 5' 6" and she has white sandles for shoes. The mask on her face is basically kept on all the times but takes it off every once in a while. She wears the black oa around her neck depending on her mood. The cresent blade was her Mothers and Kira keeps it around with her all the time, but never uses it. Gender: Female Weapoon: Fists (leather glove), gun (Peacemaker- pistol, ATk 38, Atk% 118) Personality: Kira is your down to earth type of girl. She knows when she needs help and doesn?t deny it. Kira isn?t your typical girly girl and she knows it. Though you got to look out for that right hook of hers. She?s seen as a tough nut, but she has her sweet side though it is only apparent when she is alone. Not often liking to be alone, she would rather be around other people. She really just likes to have someone she can talk to. During fight her attitude changes towards anything. There is one thing that Kira has not changed throughout the years, her hate for ShinRa. Now she plans to make a change. Biography: Character Snippet: (I will finish in a few) [/SIZE]
  8. [Size=1]Name: Piper Limberg Age: 22 Sex: Female Description: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/be_guite.jpg]Piper with the guiter[/URL] Piper stands 5' 5" with deep blue eyes. She normally wears jeans and a t-shirt but at work she wears a navy blue short shirt with a white button up blouse and a light pink apron that say's "Maryann's". Personality: Piper is a loud mouth and knows how to speak her mind. Normally has something to rant and rave about. Though she comes across blunt and to the point she is still nice to people who she feels she should be to. Piper use to be kinder though but after a recent lose she has become moody. She is truely happy when she is strumming on the guiter she keeps in her room. Bio: Piper works as a waitress in a dinner called Maryann's. Long ago she was persuing a her dream to become a painter but she gave that up. Whenever she is at home she sits down and runs her finger down the strngs. The guiter belongd to her old lover and she beloves that she can still feel his touch on it. [/size]
  9. [SIZE=1]Name: Ami Edlyn Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon Training: Ami is fairly good at archery, but she isn't concidered the best. Description: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/kitty_in_coat.jpg]Ami on a snowy day.[/URL] Ami stands 5'0' . Personality: Shy and sweet, Ami wouldn't even hurt a fly. She would do anything to help a person or an animal out. An average student and doesn't really excel in anything unless you count helping out stray animals. She loves her sister, Caresse, more than anything in the world and all the advise she gives her. Ami looks up to her sister and one day hopes to be just like her.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Great topic. [B]-Lone toddler crying in a shopping mall.[/B] Well I have actually had this happen to me before. It was while I was working at an outlet mall. I was at the register when the kid came up to the counter. I offer the kids a sticker (I always had sticker or sometimes candy for the kids that came into the store. Though I would only give the candy with the parent permission.) I look around I didn't se any parents with the kid. So I ask her where her Mom and Dad where. She just started crying. My Manger looked around the computer she was working at me and mouthed "Need any help?? I shook my head no and I went around to the Kid. I crouched down and ask if she was alone and she nodded her head yes. I picked her up and put her n the counter and offered her a tissue. Running into the backroom for a second I went into my locker. I had some toys inside there, just ones from fast food place but I thought what kid doesn't like toys. After I got her calmed I asked her name and called security and told them we had a lost child. It turns out her parents left her there on purpose. [B]-First person at the scene of a car accident.[/B] Well I have been in this situation, too. It happened while my family and I was at a campground. We had the second site from he road; some other people we knew had the spot right there. The road the campground is located on has a turn and it's very hard to see around. The person who was driving the car was drunk and hit a tree. When we heard the crash my Mom and me where right out the door. As we went past the first camper we pounded on the neighbors window to wake them up, they are very sound sleepers. My Mom was on her cell phone and calling 911. I had gotten the door open to the car and seen the guy was still alive, but the car was on fire. When of the other members that had arrived sent me to go get a fire extinguisher. Eventually more people came about and I was sent back into the camper to calm my little sister down. If I were to see another car accident again I would do all I could to help the person(s) that have been injured. My first reaction would be to call for some help and than help the people inside the car. [B]-Person drowning.[/B] Well I would have to go find someone else to help the person. I don't know how to swim so I don't think I would be much help to the person drowning. [B]-Obviously upset person running down the street.[/B] I would go to the other side of the street. I don't think I would be willing to help just a random person running down the street. You would never know what they did or if they had drugs or if it was just a break up. If hit me while they where running I would probably yell at them, too. [B]-Injured animal.[/B] Anyone knows that with me I do help any animal. I am a huge animal fan and I think more times that I enjoy the company of animal more than humans. I couple of times I have been clawed and even bitten help an injured animal. The animal shelter in my town knows me by my voice because I call them so many times about different animals. Though right know I am very upset with myself. While was walking home from my train station I saw a cat just sitting in the middle of the road. Cars where going past it and blowing their horn, at it and it wasn't moving. It was clearly alive it was just sitting there cleaning it paws. I hit my friend and said look at the kitty. She was like Oh no poor Kitty. I was going to take it out of the road but I was very tired and had just spent four hours in class and another six hours in the library waiting for my friend to get out of her class so I just wanted to go home. I feel very guilty just leaving it there and I hope nothing to it. I would very sad if anything did. [/size]
  11. Oh oodlies of thanks doukeshi. I simply love it. The font is fine and thank you very very much, I greatly gratefl fo you making it.
  12. [SIZE=1]I would like a banner and aviator using the image I have linked below. You may do whatever you may like. You can put a quote, my name or anything that is relevant to the image. Yup that means you have free range, go creative. Thankies and huggles for however does this for me. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/31.jpg[/url] [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Jimmy crickets; my whole family including myself is just plain weird. My Auntie?s first husband called as all the Adams Family because of how bad we are. She is working on her fourth husband right now, who is a 50 year old biker and she is a 32 year old electrically engineer biker with four kids. This guy fits in pretty well with us though. Than there is my mother, who has this ability to every pothole on the road, even when she is not aiming for them. Than there is my Father he loves New Jersey, I feel that is the weirdest part about him, and never wants to leave. We also don't let him near any power tools, especially around my Uncle. The last time they worked on a project together my Dad shot him in the stomach with the nail gun and than shot one into his own foot. He has done other things like this, too. They know us by name at the Hospital. I think one of my favourite family members though is my great Uncle who has a master?s degree in Astro Physics and is a bum. After he finished getting his degree he told us he wanted to become a bum. Of course we all laughed at first because we thought he was joking, he wasn't though. He actually lives near me under a bridge. He keeps his degree hung up on the side of the building, too. I bring him food and blankets every now and than and he tells me all these stories about what other people do on the road. Than, there are my grandparents. My Grandmother who is an obsessive-compulsive is always funny to watch. If anyone has every seen the show Monk that is my grandmother right there. After awhile she starts to get on your nerves. The worst though is when she comes into other people houses and starts to clean them up. I could go on forever about why my family is wired. These are just the tip of the iceberg of my family. There is also my Uncle wife who parents are Jewish nudist or how it?s a bad idea to get more than ten of us together at one time. I wouldn't trade this family for the world though. [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]3 December The wind whipped her hair as she walked down the sidewalk. Megan had decided that she should start her Christmas shopping. Most years she always waited till a week or a couple days before. This year she was going to be different. [I] You this year will be different. I can start early and get done early.[/I] She chuckled to herself, that what she said every year. She started to make a list in her head of everyone she needed to shop for. ?I guess I will start with my Nephew. Now what would he like? Carrie said he like video games.? Megan had a bad habit of talking to herself. Carrie was Megan?s twin sister; she was the younger of the two. Megan knew of the local video game store, but never went in there. She entered the store and undid one of the buttons on her coat. It was much warmer in the store and she was happy about that. She could see that the sale person was talking to another woman. Megan headed to towards the game areas. [I]Now what did Carrie say he had an Xfox or Famedcube. Oh I am not good at this.[/I] She looked at the signs overhead, [I]Oh Xbox and Gamecube. Silly me.[/I] Looking about the various titles it hit her. ?Carrie said he wanted a Capcom controller. Now where would I find that.? Scratching her head she looked around for a bit. [I]Blah I should just send him money. Kids like money. [/I] After a few more minutes of walking around she found a controller in a shiny box. It said ?Street Fighters?. ?Yes it says Capcom, too. This must be it.? She felt proud of herself. Now she just had four to chose from. ?Well I think the blue one is the coolest. So I will et him this one.? She brought it up to the sales clerk. ?Find everything you need?? ?I think so?? Megan said unsure of it. She paid for the controller and left the store. ?Well it is getting late I should go home. Tomorrow I will finish all my shopping. That?s right tomorrow.? She told herself. [/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][CENTER]1 December 2004[/CENTER] ?Beep?Beep..? The sound of her alarm made Megan jump and ran into the bedroom to turn off her alarm. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. She must have fallen asleep on the couch last night. She walked back into the living room and put on channel six. She preferred the Philadelphia news to New York new. She just liked the people better and the two cities where close enough that there wasn?t much of a weather change. She headed back into her bedroom to get changed. She grabbed a black tweed skirt and a white shirt with a pink sweater over top. Megan went into her top dresser draw and grabbed a pair of pink knee-high socks. Megan headed off into the bathroom when she heard the weather come on. She poked her head out and listened. ?Well folks we had are first snowfall of the season last night, but sorry kids not enough for you to get out of school. Today?s high is 49 partly cloud, and windy.? After the weather she poked her head back into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair. A basket laid on the side of the sink filled with hair accessories. She grabbed a pink glittery one. With that she gave one last look in the mirror and turned off the light. Coming around thee couch she turned off the television set . She looked out her window and seen that there was hardly even a dusting of snow on the ground, so she didn?t need her boots today. Grabbing her purse off the kitchen chair, her tote bag, and the plastic bag that held the Advent Calendars she turned off the all the lights. She unlocked her doors and than with her mouth grabbed her keys that hung by the door. Megan deiced that after the hundredth time she had lost them she would get a hook to hang the on. ?Man I feel like a pack mule today.? She laughed at herself. The first spot on her list this morning was the Bread Roll for her morning cup of tea and her Banana Nut muffin. She couldn?t start her day with out that. Nope she would her tired and cranky all day if she didn?t. A man opened the door for her. ?Thank you, sir.? He nodded his head and they went in. Standing online she fished her money out of her purse. When it was her turn she order what she wanted and waited patiently. It never took to long as long as she got here early, if you didn?t there would be a huge line. Megan got her muffin and tea and placed her muffin in her tote bag. She would get it when she got to school. ----- She entered her classroom and turned on the lights. The room was full of Holiday decorations they had started to hang up. She placed her bags on the floor and began to take the chairs down off the student?s desk. After that was done she placed a calendar on each desk. She grabbed her stuff and placed them behind her neat and tidy disk. She pulled her advent calendar out and placed it on the chalk board rail. Megan happy pulled her muffin out and began to eat. She had to hurry some the children would be here soon. She could her a couple buses pull up and the children?s voices coming into the hallway. ?Morning Miss Johnson.? Her fist student arrived already. ?Morning Bobby.? Soon the only sound could be heard were hellos, gossip, or I will see you later. The pledge came on and the students stood and placed the hands over the heart. Megan recited the same pledge she did when she was a child. She could understand what the fuse some parents had about their children saying. The pledged ended and any important announcements followed. The students settled into there desk and the lesson began.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Flipping through her cookie book she located the recipe for the ingredients for sugar cookies. Megan and her kitchen were covered in flour. She could bake pretty well but always made a huge mess. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face she scanned though what it said. She had promised her students that they could help bake sugar cookies on Thursday, so she needed to make the dough tonight. Finishing up she cleaned up the kitchen and went and sat down in her living room. Propping her feet up on the coffee table she stared out the window watching the snowfall. It reminded Megan when she had lived out in the country. They always had so much snow there; her and the neighbor?s kids would have days off school and have snowball fights till their finger went dumb. Here in the city though it never snowed that much, expect that blizzard that one-year when some people couldn?t even get out of their houses. Megan heard footsteps coming down the hall and two children voices could be heard. She jumped from her couch and grabbed two of the Advent calendar sitting on her table. The neighbors kids, Becky and Jacob, had never seen one before and had ask her the other day what they were. So Megan decided to pick them each one on her way this afternoon. Opening her door she saw the two with their mother. ?Hey you two.? Megan said. ?Have we been good today?? ?Of course! We always are!? The two said at the same time. Megan raised an eyebrow ask looked at them. ?Well for the most part Maggie.? Jacob gave a big grin. Megan and there Mom laughed. ?Well than I guess you deserve what I have behind my back. Pick a hand?? ?I want that one.? Becky point to her left hand, next year she would start Kindergarten at the school Megan worked at. She brought out the town Advent calendars and handed each one of them. ?What do you two say?? Her mother looked down at them. ?Thanks Maggie.? Jacob gave her a hug. ?Thank you.? Becky pushed her brother out of the way and hugged Megan as well. Megan had to laugh the two of them were so cute. ?I?ll talk to you guys later, ?kay?? They both nodded their head. ?Remember be good for your Mom or Santa will bring you a lump of coal. Megan went back into her apartment and sat back down on the couch. She picked up her controller and flipped through the channels on the television. ?Nothing on, never is.? She turned the set off and grabbed the book she started read last night instead.[/SIZE]
  17. [size=1]Ohkami that fine, it's all good. I see only two-problem in total. Apherion her age is to young. I had asked that they be over 23, so if you could change that please. Other than that its good. Kwany Kon could you put a little more information in your appearance. Tell like what his build is, how long his hair is, it just help everyone get a better picture of what he look. Other than those two things everything else is good. Name: Calandra Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance:[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/yurisha.jpg]here[/URL] Personality: Unlike her friend Alura, Calandra is a bit more outspoken. This always caused her much trouble when she was younger. Calandra also has a natural curiosity for everything. She loves learning and being in this new age hasn't helped to squash her curiosity. She works well with her hands, build and sculpting things. Calandra was also a good runner. She has a soft spot for animals and will protect them with all her might. Bio: Calandra grew up in the mythological city of Atlantis with her father. Her mother had died during childbirth. At the age of 20 she was placed in the Quartz crystal in suspend animation. There she slept throughout the centuries till the team of scientist found her on the sea floor. She has come to find out that her home was destroyed and that Alura and her where the last Alaneans alive. All we really need is the last male scientist to began. I foprget to meantion that this takes place int he year 2005. Thank you guys for joining.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Name: Megan (Meg or Maggie) Johnson Age: 24 Gender: Female Occupation: Kindergarden Teacher Appearance: Megan may not be pretty as most girls, most call her just a plain Jane. Her hair is auburn and falls in waves to the middles of her back. Most times she will keep it down with a headband, but sometimes she will have it up in a bun or braid. Her eyes are green with specks of blue in them. Megan has a small button nose and thin lips. Very rare is she seen with makeup on, the most people see her wear is chapstick in the wintertime. She stands five foot seven inches and has a slim build. She normally wears fun colorful clothing when she goes and teaches. They are still always neat and tidy how she likes. When she is not at school her outfit varies from what she is doing. Megan only wears only a wristwatch with a pink band and the watch face is just plane with the numbers on it. Every now and than she will wear a necklace but not often. Personality: Megan, know as Meg or Maggie to her friends, is known for her patient. Many tell her how she can she be so patient, Megan just shrugs her shoulders and says patient is a vertue. Megan adores children, but doesn?t want any of her own. Megan can seem childlike herself sometimes in her manner. She can get excited over basically anything. Always a smile on her face, she is always kind to anyone. Megan is a bit to trustfully though, she will believe mostly what anyone says. It often tend to get her in trouble. Always a believer in miracle and wishes, though she never one her wishes granted. Never one to give up hope though she stills believes. Single/Taken: Single, still looking for her love. Bio: Every year she buys herself and all the children an advent calendar to make sure that the children will believe in wishes and miracles too. She began doing this becauseshe rembered her mother used to be a teacher as well and she had always baught the childen an Advent Caledner. During her free time Megan loves to read mostly romance novels, but she will read anything when she is bored. Throughout her small apartment there are the drawling and crafts that her students have coloured and made for her. [/size]
  19. [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Atlantis[/B] [I]'At the centre of the island, near the sea, was a plain, said to be the most beautiful and fertile of all plains, and near the middle of this plain about fifty stades inland a hill of no great size... There were two rings of land and three of sea, like cartwheels, with the island at their centre and equidistant from each other... in the centre was a shrine sacred to Poseidon and Cleito, surrounded by a golden wall through which entry was fobidden... There was a temple to Poseidon himself, a stade in length, three hundred feet wide, and proportionate in height, though somewhat outlandish in appearance. The outside of it was covered all over in silver, except for the figures on the pediment which were covered with gold... Round the temple were statues of all the original ten kings and their wives, and many others dedicated by kings and private persons belonging to the city and its dominions...? ?'Two springs, hot and cold, provided an unlimited supply of water for appropriate purposes, remarkable for its agreeable quality and excellence; and this they made available by surrounding it with suitable buildings and plantations, leading some of it into basins in the open air and some of it into covered hot baths for winter use. Here seperate accommodation was provided for royalty and commoners, and, again, for women, for horses, and for other beasts of burden... ?The outflow they led into the grove of Poseidon, which (because of the goodness of the soil) was full of trees of marvellous beauty and height, and also channelled it to the outer ring-islands by aquaducts at the bridges. On each of these ring islands they had built many temples for different gods, and many gardens and areas for exercise some for men and some for horses... Finally, there were dockyards full of triremes and their equipment, all in good shape...' 'Beyond the three outer harbours there was a wall, beginning at the sea and running right round in a circle, at a uniform distance of fifty stades from the largest ring and harbour and returning in on itself at the mouth of the canal to the sea. This wall was densely built up all round with houses and the canal and the large harbour were crowded with vast numbers of merchant ships from all quarters, from which rose a constant din of shouting and noise day and night.' -Plato[/I][/CENTER] The ground shook under the young girl?s feet. The sky was growing darker and the girl took off towards the center of the island. A man in his late forties grabbed the girl?s hand and drugged her in the other direction. ?Papa, what is going on?? The girl looked into her father?s eyes while they ran to there home. ?It?s the gods. They are angered at us daughter!? Her father gripped her arm tighter bringing her inside their house. Towards the back of the far wall they climb down a set of steps. In the center of the room was a huge quartz crystal. The girl gasped. ?Father you can not be serious.? ?Yes, you must go inside. It is the only way to save you.? A grey cat darted towards the girl and jumped up on her should. ?Daughter you must get in now. Hector is doing the same with his child.? The girl nodded. Walking over to the quartz crystal and inside was a bed like space. Laying down she placed her cat Artemis after the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt. Her father brought down the lid and she touched the orb the hung around her neck. ?I love you Father.? Was the last thing she said before she was whisked away into slumber. The sea rumbled as Poseidon commanded the waves to bring Atlantis down. The old man looked at his daughter now sleeping inside the crystal. ?You will be safe now.? The wave crashed and swept the old man away. Many of the crystal people put one of their family members in were destroyed. Poseidon had conferred with the other Gods before and they agree to let two people live. Poseidon was aloud to chose which two would be aloud to remain alive. He chooses the young girl and Hector?s child to remain alive, but they will sleep. They would awake one day but the years and eras will go by before the two would awaken. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] ?Do you really think we found the lost city of Atlantis?? They scientist asked through his mask to the others. ?Of course what else could it be. It?s just like Plato?s description. It so beautiful here. I would have loved to see it before it found its way to the bottom of the Atlantic.? A female voice could be heard through the headsets. ?Guys over here. You won?t believe this.? An oval shape covered in coral was over while the shape were the guy stood. Clown fish other aquatic life darted in and out of the coral. ?It?s quartz!? The girl stated in shear awe. Knocking a few pieces of the coral away she saw a face. With a quick sweep of her hand she brushed more and more away. ?Oh my God.? The young girl?s face was still as was when she was placed in the quartz. ?There is another one over here. Man we are going to go down in History for this.? ?Lets get these on the boat.? The three worked and tied each piece of quartz careful. The crane had a bit trouble at first bring them up because of the weight but after a couple of hours the team had brought both of the quartz vessels on the boat. The team brought out tools and started to get the seal off the crystal to examine the people inside. With the tap of the small hammer the top went up. The team jumped. The orb around the girl?s neck blinked and fluttered into different colours. The girl started to move and blink her eyes. With s stretch she yawns and sat up. The cat that was lying on her chest got up and started to clean itself. The girl gasped and pulled back kin fright. ?It?s okay don?t worry.? The female scientist moved to her. ?Don?t be afraid.? The girl pulled back more. She couldn?t understand what they were saying. She saw the other crystal bed and ran towards it. Placing her hand on a part of the crystal it moved up. The team watched at what she was doing. The quartz lid popped open and the two conversed for a few minutes. The team of scientist could understand the two, but they were sure what ever they were saying was serious. The girl turned around and touched the orb the hung around her neck. ?Hello.? She had hoped they could understand her now. ?Can you tell what happened to our home?? ?Hi. Do you mean Atlantis?? The girl nodded. ?It?s gone it has been centuries.? The grin frowned towards her friend. ?Why don?t we all go below deck and talk. They headed towards they crew eating area and the two Atlaneans began telling what had happened before they were placed asleep. ?We will have to keep the two of you safe. Many out there will try to hurt you.? The youngest of the scientist told them. [CENTER]~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Okay you will be playing as either of the three scientists (one girl and two boys), the friend (I left it open so you can be either male of female), or the enemy that will come after the two Atlaneans. Sign: Name: (for the Atlaneans some old and Greek name. The Scientist you can do anything) Age: (Scientist, Enemy Over 23, Atlaneans 18-20) Gender: Appearance: (Can be a picture or written) Personality: Bio: (Just something short. If you are scientist tell why you went searching for Atlantis. If you are the enemy tell why you want the two and whom you work for.)[/SIZE]
  20. [size=1]While flipping around the channels this morning I stopped at the news. What made me stop was about a new video game. Now this isn?t your normal run of the mill video game. The point of this on is to recreating t he death of the American President John F. Kennedy. I wasn't able to catch the entire program so I went on the web to find an article about. This is one that I found on a local radio station site. [CENTER][QUOTE=kyw1060.com]Video Game Recreates JFK Assassination A spokesman for Massachusetts senator Edward Kennedy is calling a new video game "despicable." A British company is releasing a game that recreates the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, the senator's brother. The Scottish-based firm Traffic says "JFK Reloaded" is an educational "docu-game" that will help debunk conspiracy theories about President Kennedy's death. The game was due to be released on the 41st anniversary of the shooting of President Kennedy in Dallas. Traffic says the game challenges players to recreate the three shots fired at the president's car by assassin Lee Harvey Oswald from the Texas School Book Depository. Kennedy spokesman David Smith says the senator's office started getting calls about the game on Friday. Smith would not comment on whether the family is taking any action to stop the game's release. [/QUOTE] [/CENTER] Here are other articles: [url]http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nf/20041122/tc_nf/28572[/url] [url]http://www.thelouisvillechannel.com/technology/3939288/detail.html[/url] Now to me this just horrified me and the Kennedy family has a right to be very upset by this. To know that that some people out there are going to go out and buy, than try recreate this death would just sicken me. I put this question to; how would you feel to have someone in your family or a close friend death is turned into a video game? Now to make matters worse Traffic is offering money to who can recreate this. [center][quote name='www.newsfactor.com'] In addition, the company is offering up to $100,000 to the player that most closely recreates the specific shots that killed Kennedy. After the first three months of play, those who have used their tokens to enter their shots will be judged by the Traffic server and the amount of money in the pot -- based on the number of purchases of the US$9.95 game -- will be awarded. [/quote][/center] Has this company gone far? I think it is a tad bit out of line. Yes I think important for U.S. children to know their History, but like this. Like this it just disgust me. [/size]
  21. [size=1]Now what do I want for Christmas. I don't rally ask for anything. Most time people just give me books, which are very fun. But this year is different. After my airbrush had a run in with a mad Husky, it got buried in the yard. Neeless to say it does not work anymore. So now I am asking Santa aka my Mom for a new one. The wierdest present I have ever recieved didn't come from a true family member, but she was like my sister though. The present was the Hello Kitty Vibrator, yes there is a story behind why I recieved it. We were sitting at lunch and someone brought up how funny it would be to have a vibrator as a center piece on a coffee table. It woulds also make for some great stories. Well my friend thought it would be great and funny to give one to me for Christmas. Most times it stays hidden in the back of my closet along with all other silly, stupid presetns I got. Whenever one of my friends come over though it comes out from the closet and sits on my fireplace mantel, I don't have a coffee table. It's an on running joke between my friends and myself. Now the worst gifty I ever recieved was a set of pots and pans. Everyone known I don't cook and I am banned in twelve different kitchens. They are still in the box which I am using as a table.[/size]
  22. [size=1] Well I like the couple of them, most are good though. My favourite those are 8 Shadow and Orphic Aces. I like how Orphic Aces roll of the tongue. Don't really have any ideas for the badn but if I think of any I will post them. I can do lyrics sometimes, depends on the day.[/size]
  23. [size=1]Tara parked her car in front of the warehouse. She just reliezed that she had never put on her glasses. She scratched her head, come to think of it they weren't in her room. She leaned over and pushed aside soem fabric she bought for a new outfit and found them under it. Figures, she always forgot about them. Placing them on he rface she got out of the car. She walked to the back of the car and grabbed her amp. She wasn't sure if they had one or not. Besides she preferd her own. With her gig bag on her righ t shoulder and her amp being carried in her left hand she entered the warehouse. As she walked in she saw a nice setup and three other girls there. "Greetings!" she gave a wave. "Names Tara, I am here to try out. Is one of you people Malcolm?" "I am Malcolm." Tara raised her eyebrow in surprise. she had been expecting a guy really, not a girl. "So what do you do?" "I am a bassist. Hope you don't mind but I brought my own amp." She set down the amp, it was starting to get heavy after awhile. Setting down her gig bag she unzip and brough tout her bass. Plugging the wires down in at the bottom of the base and putting the other end in them amp. She flicked the switch on and put the bass on with the strap. She paused and reached in a hidden pocket she made into her shirt to bring out a pick. Tara took a second to make sure that the bass was still in tune. "Sorry 'bout that, sometimes the nobs get twisted when riding int eh car." "Ready now?" Malcolm asked. The other two girls watched Tara. Tara nodded and scrolled threw brain to find tofind a song to play. She began to play Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen. She figured she would start off with one of here favourite. As one note ended about halfway to throw the song, Tara went directly into another one. She had gone into The Rock Show by BLINK-182. She made sure the cord she went out on would parrallel with a cord from the other song. Tara wanted to demestrate that she could tell the difference and varaince in the cords. Tara finished. "How was that?" The bass's wieight just rested on her.[/size]
  24. [size=1]Tara worked out at her puching bag in her bedroom. Small headphone were set inside her ears palying a mix of music. She was still dressed in her pjs, which consist of her olive green tank top shirt and her light pink pants with blue, purple, and green strips. The door to her bedroom open and she swung her foot around. "Shit Tara. I wish you wouldn't do that!" Her brother, Greg, lept back missing getting hit by Tara's foot. "What do ou want dweeb?" Tara placed her hands on her hips. "I need some money." "Do I look like Mom and Dad." Shoving the door over on her brother she look at her clock. Picking up a flyer for a band auditioning for members. Dropping the flyer she opened a draw and grabbed a couple of clothing. It turned out to be her favourite outfit. Quickly shee threw on her bright outfit and decided it needed something else. She knelt down to her bottom draw and grabbed a pair of neon orange and pink stripped leg warmers. Looking at her hair she came to conclusion that it was fine and didn't need to brush it. Headed down stairs she grabbed her gig bag that had her bass in it. Swing it over her shoulder she entered the kitchen.Greg was sitting down at the table and eating a bowl of cereal. Tara opened a cabinet she grabbed a granola bar. "I am out for the day mostly likey. Can you tell Mom and Dad that when they get up?" "Yeah whatever." Greg said with his mouth full of cereal. "Thanks." Tara left the house and got into her cherry red 76 Stringray Chevrolet Corvette. Rlling down the windows she headed towards the locationn of the auditons. Turning the dial she found a music station she likes. The wind whipped her hair as sang along.[/size]
  25. [size=1][b]Name[/b]: Tara Shuemocker [b]Stage Name[/b]: Trixy [b]Instrument[/b]: Tara play a variety of instruments, but the Eletric bass is her favourite. She loves her five stringed Curt Curbow Bass ([URL=http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/g=bass/s=electric/search/bigpid/base_id/101829/]picture of it[/URL] ). She has a glittery blue strap attached to it so it canbe held on her shoulder. Tara has been playing the bass for the past eight years. [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Her is of avarge height of 5'6" and weighs only 110 pounds. Her features are soft, except for her hands. They are full of callouses from the years of playing the bass and other string instruments. Her hair is a light brown and falls about her mid back. Tara's bangs are the same lenght as the rest of her hair. It falls in a slight natrual wave. She often leaves it down or just has a barret or two in it. She has an oval shaped head with thin lips. Her eyes are a light grey with speaks of green and blue about them. A set of glasses she wears low on her nose, the frames are thick with a tie-dye look about them. They use to be a pair of sunglasses that she had made into her seeing glasses. Tara never wears makeup. Two piercings dot both her ears. The earing are either small balls or a very low dangle earing that doesn't pull hard. Tara's clothing style doesn't follow one group or another, she is what most people wuld calls as the "girl that gets dressed in the dark". Tara has a problem with todays fashion so most of her clothing are either hand made or are over seven years old. Her favourite outfit though is a hot pink plastic skirt with a blue fabric underneth. The shirt is a electric blue colour with a hot pink strip that starts at her left shoulder and loops down under her right arm coming up again (think of like sash). Tara only wears her pair black sandles, two thick starps come over the side of the foot than cross and than sewed on the other side. On her left arm she always wears a pink plastic digital watch. [b]Personality[/b]: People would describe her as a well manner, soft spoken, likable person, but those are the poeple who don't know Tara to well. Yes it is true that Tara is well-manner and often curses her parents for making her so. Tara can be soft spoken if she wants to be, but most time she is very opinionated and outspoken. Whenever she gets mad or worked up by something she has to go and protest. It doesn't matter what she does, just as long as she protest. Tara is well known for debating skills. She can get along with other people very easly if she wants, but if she doesn't like you she will tell you. Tara has a wicked temper and will never hit anybody if you are the reason for it. Instead she will go to a gym or her home and do some kick boxing. [b]Bio[/b]: Three years ago Tara was in another band called Inappropriate Nougat Consumption. In the band she was a back-up singer and played the tambourine and bass. Her and the other members had a fallen out. Tara doesn't remeber what the fight was about now, but it doesn't much concern her anymore. After the band broke up she hasn't sung much anymore because she wasn't very fond of it. Even though she was out of the band she still practice her bass. Durning her spare time she like trying out new instruments ranging from brass to strings. [/size]
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