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Everything posted by Anne

  1. [size=1]Rita had stopped crying and looked around the room. Her eyes were red and her face somewhat puffy. Glancing around the room she felt on the edgeof tears once gain. Deverting her line of sight, she came to look at the guide. The Guide looked at her and it made Rita's skin want to crawl. A hand came to rest on her shoulder and Rita jumped. "Come on we should go." Conner whispered in her ear. Rita got to her feet and nodded to Connor. They headed towards the door, Rita felt the glare of the Guide follow them the way. A chill was sent through her spine. Taking one last look at the scene she felt the tears start to well up in her. She ofught them off. [I]How could this have happened? I called to them, but they didn't listen.[/I] She began to wonder baout those strange dogs, why had they bowed to them. It was the wierdest thing she heard of. A drop of rain hit the top of Rita's head pulling her out of her thoughts. The rain didn't help the way she was feeling either. "You know with all this rain it going to mes sup my hair." She could tell Connor was trying to cheer. She gave a half hearted laugh to her friend. Two people were standing outside talking and she could see Carter off in the distance. There was something at Carter's feet but she couldn't make it from the rain. [/size]
  2. [size=1] Sarah stood astounded as Chloe, Ailiyah, Arora, and Azura came back inside of angel?s Café. Many of the people stayed under their tables, whispering, crying, and gasping could be heard. Jacob peeked over the counter he was clearly shaken. ?Are you girls alright?? Ra jumped onto the table to get a better look at them. ?You did well.? Sarah looked at the girl and felt a bit ashamed that she didn?t go and help her friends when they were in need. Arora Helped Chloe sit down on a seat that didn?t have shards of glass about it. Chloe was still fuming over how the had gotten away. ?The rest of you girls will have to transform soon. The other scouts will need your help in the battle to come.? RA turned and faced Sarah and the others who had not transformed. Sarah looked to her friends. ?So what do we do now.?[/size]
  3. [size=1]Gasping for breath she looked at the bodies around her. With a snuff she looked at herself. Bruises started to form where she had been hit by the nOObs. Kit brushed what dirt she could from her clothing and face. With that done she began once more heading towards the Arena. A large mushroom cloud could be seen from a distance. Kit grinned, only one person she knew did that much damage at one time and she was sure just one person. Everyone knows how dangerous she was when some touch her T-square, but she was timid compared to Matt. ?It?s good to know that other Otakus are still out there fighting.? Kit started in a run, she couldn?t believe that OB was ever this big. Maybe it was she was always glance over a debate in the lounge or looking at art before she went to the Adventure Arena that made it seem short. With her also graceful, well-coordinated self she tripped over a rock and landed on her face, her T-square flying out of her hand. ?Lololo. Th1s 1s c00l!!!11? Kit picked her head up to see a nOOb hold her darling T-square. Anger raged through Kit, no one touched her beloved T-square without her permission. ?How dare you touch my T-square with your grotesque hands!? Kit got up her long hair hiding her face. She brought out a bunch of Gamecube games and launched them at the nOOb. He plummeted to the ground dropping her T-square. Kit picked it up and gave it a small kiss. ?It?s okay now, see I saved you.? From behind her she heard the footsteps coming faster. A group of nOObs is coming her way. They had already started the highly feared B.U.M.P attack. Knowing she could not survive this attack by herself she booked it double time towards the Arena. ?B.U.M.P., B.U.M.P., B.U.M.P., B.U.M.P.,? Is all that Kit could her behind her. A ?B? came flying past her and she knew that she was in deep trouble. She let a couple of the newly made Gamecube games let fly. She knew soon that she would run out and knowing she is not the best runner, heck the only thing she ever ran for was the ice cream truck. A sudden pain hit Kit in the back, a ?M? had hit her. ?W3 g0t h3r!!11? The nOObs cheered. This didn?t stop Kit though she was almost at the arena; she wasn?t going to be stopped now. She stopped and braced herself with her T-square out in front of her. ?Bring it nOObs!? [/size]
  4. [size=1]Rita sat against the wall with a blanket about her shoulders. She gave a small sigh from shear bordem. In her hand she hed a mug of hot cocoa that soemone had given her. Sipping at it, she looked around at her fellow stundents and the other people that had come in out of the storm. [I]Blah, I despise the rain.[/I] Rita watched the photograpeher as he took picture of her other classmates. Her attation was drawn to a girl in a hoodie. She was staring at Connor and rita could sense something different about her. She though she heard the photographer call her Carter. She shrugged her shoulders and looked back into her mug. [I]So bored. Wish there was something else to do than just sit here.[/i] Rita got up and pulled the blankets off her should. Taking a second she folded the blanket and set it neatly down.She walked over to the window which Connor had turned back, too. "Anything intresting out there?" Rita asked coming up behind Connor. She looked out at the rain coming down on the streets. "there doesn't look to be. Unless of course you like watching the rain." Rita grinned up at Connor. [/size]
  5. [size=1]Kittychanann, some people call her Kit for short, whistled happliy with two pillow cases full of candy slung over her shoulder. Her hair had creamed peas in it and her clothing were tattered and had various food products on them. Kit was still irritated about having to watch those eight [strike]demons[/strike] children. Whistling in a certain tune her hair and cloth were returned to normal. "Thats better." She said in her childish voice. For the first time Kit looked around her beloved OB. With a gasp she dropped the two pillowcases to the ground. Dots, snicker bars, lollipops, Oh Henery's, along with other various candies scattered about her feet. "By the OB gods." Kit rrubbed her eyes to make sure that the scattered bodies of nOObs were not just an illusion. Off in a distant Kit could hear fighting. Out of nowhere she brought forth her all mighty t-square. The t-square was decorated with Fruits Basket, Utena, and glittery Sailor Moon stickers, at the top in pink sharpie was written "Property of Kit! You touch, you suffer the consequences". with her t-ssquare in hand she ran off towards the fighting. "H3y y0u cuti3 a/s/l I b3 h0t" A nOOb jumped in fromt of Kit. "Ek" Kit jumped back for a second but than brought her t-square around like it was a ba. It hit the nOOb in the head sending him to the ground. Looking down at the person she gave it a kcik. "Get a life." Kit ran towards the Adventure Arena, her home. She became queasy to her stomach as she seen what these nOObs have done to her beloved place. "Th1s pl4ce iS c00l!!!!!11" A group of nOObs formed around Kit. "Sm1l1es g0!!111" A range of smilies came at Kit. She dodged a couple, but two sliced her arms. Kit whipped out somem of the Gamecube games that she had made it sharp and deadly weapons and whipped them at the nOObs. One of the nOObs picked up the destroyed games. "Gamecube b3 teh c00l3st syst3m 1n teh w0rld!! :D :D :D " Kit gripped her t-square very tighlty. "Okay with that statement you have really gotten me mad." She eyes narrowed and shee charged at them swinging her t-suare wildly.[/size]
  6. [SIZE=1]Role: The Best Friend Name: Rita Marintime Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/Rita.jpg]Here[/URL] Occupation: High school student. Personality: A shy quiet girl, Rita is. She depends on her best friend for warmth and stregth. When she is with him she is a bit more talkitive and is able to speak her mind. When she is not around him she is a bit more layed back and doesn't talk as much. She has other friends, but isn't as close to them. Rita can be a bit lazy and doesn't practice her magic much. She keeps ot s secret as much as she can because she is afraid if her family finds out the would be mad at her. [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Character Name: Kit Status: Otaku Boards Location: The Arena Team: Team Hanzo, who is my idol. Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/Rita1.jpg]Here[/URL] Yes, this is me waiting for the video game store to open. They always have to clean the glass after i've been there. Weapons: My great all mighty t-square, decorated with Fruits Basket, Utena, and Sailor Moon stickers. I also carry gamecube games that I have cut pointed side on them to be throwing stars.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Sarah had gone back into the library until the school day was finished . The whole time her mind wander on why she had the symbol of Venus on her forehead. Sarah glanced up at the clock. [I]Good only five more minutes.[/I] She gathered the stuff she had out of her bag. [I]I wonder what the others are going to think of this.[/I] Sheheaded out the door and to Angel's Cafe. When she opened the door Jacob waved to her. "Hey Sarah." "Hey Jacob. Any of the other here yet." Sarah said walkingup to the coounter. " Yeah Chleo, Arora, and a new girl are here. They are at your regular spot. Would you liek your usual to drink?" "Yeah of course. This is the only cafe I can get a red bean milkshake." Jacob made a face at the name. "You are the only one I know that drinks that, too. "Sarah took the milkshake from Jacob. "Thanks." She headed back to the usual place her and the other girls sat. "Hey Chleo. Hey Arora" She took a seat at the table. "Hi Sarah, glad you could make it." Chleo replied back. Sarah looked at the new girl. "Hi my name Gitsy, Sarah Gitsy." "Hello my name is Ailiyah. Nice to meet you." Sarah turned her back to Chleo. "Guys you would never beilve this. I was look in the mirror in the bathroom and there on my foreh.." Sarah finally noticed the markens on Chleo's, Arora's Ailiyah's foreheads. "You have one to. chleo you have the symbol of Satrun, Arora has Mars, and you, Ailiyah have Jupitor. This is so wierd I have Venus. Man this is really confusing me." "Yeah I know. It seems like we are the only ones that can see them. We are waiting for the others to get here so we can figure out what they mean. I think it might effect all of us." Chleo took a sip of her hot chocolate. "This is really wierd like something out of a Tv show." She took a sip of her milkshake. [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Sable ran after the crowd, gasping for breath. "Why do angry mobs always have to run so fast." At one point she noticed the mob spilt and just picked a way to go hoping it was the right way. With every step she took the bells in her jingled. Every once in a while Sable would look back and see another man following behind her. They came to an allyway and watch the two people climb up a ladder. "At least I know I went the right way." The ladder came down and the crowd parted for a second. Pushing her way throw the crowd she made it up to the fron of the lines. A few of the people were already putting the ladder back up against the house. Sable went and put her foot on the ladder. "Get off the ladder now!" One of the men cried. "Stop t his now!. Those people are inoccent." Sable stated in a clear and loud voice. "The Profit said that the women was evil and she come to desroy us. " A voice came from the crowd followed by the cries of agreement. "No they aren't, the Profit was mistaken. I have had this same vision and that woman was not her." She began to lie. "You are the one telling lies." "She wouldn't lie look at her clothing, she is a Shrine Maidan." One of the members in the yelled. "Why would a maidan lie. " The crowd began muttering to themselves. Sable gave a sigh of relief as she went them slowly dispense. Sable placed the ladder against the said of the house and calle dup. "If you are still up there, it's safe to come down." She waited patiently until the two made there way down the ladder.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Sarah whistled happily. It was the last period of the day and she got a free period. She was heading to the library. Yesterday she picked a new manga and was dieing to read it. The hallways were mostly empty most students were in there classes by now. Coming to the library she quietly went in. Students were scattered around different tables studing. Sarah made her way toward the back and away from most of the other students. She sat down facing the wall and opened her bag. She shuffled around inside her bag and noticed her cellphone was blinking. "Wonder who left a message." She said quietly to herself. She looked at the text message, it was from Chleo. [I]Hey guys. It's Chloe here. Can we meet up after school? At Angel's Cafe? Come if you can. It's urgent![/I] "Wonder what's that important." She talked quietly to herself. She decided to send a message to her Mom telling her she wasn't gonna be able to make it to her office after school. With that she threw her phone and grabbed her manga, "Fake". Quietly she giggle sto herself. "Dee and Ryo are jsut so cute together." As she read she started to get tired. The next thing she knew she had fallen asleep. Sarah jolted awake. It was a strange dream, she couldn't remember much about it nor did she know what it meant. As she clearly remeber was the pyramids and they were being destroyed by a snakelike creature. "That was a strange dream." She got up and threw the manga into her bag. She got up and walked to the bathroom that was right next to the hallway. She went up to the mirror and bruashed her hair aside. She gasped, there on her forhead was the sign of Venus. "Jimmeny crickets, what is that? Was this what Chleo was talking about. Couldn't be." Brushing her hair she covered up the mark again. "Don't think the teachers would like to see that." [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Name: Sarah Gitsy Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearnce: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/SarahGisty.jpg]Sarah[/URL] Items: A small throwing knife, brass knuckles and a Glock 19 Bio: Sarah is your avarge student, well sort of. She does tend to slack off some. Her Mother is a fashion designer, which is where Sarah gets her love for flashy clothing and her father own a tea shop. In school she is considered the biggest flirt in school. Yet this doesn't bother much any because she thinks there are worse things she could do than go with a boy or two. She is always up for challanges. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Sable had been wandering the roads for a while now. Most times she was able to spend in peoples house since she was shrine maidan. Some nights she would have to spend outside though, those were the cold nights. One her stops from random house to house the people had told her about a profit that was going to village to village. "Maybe I will go see this profit it may be intresting." Sable found out that he was coming to the village that happened to be just where she was haeding. As she enter a village a relief come over her. [I]Finally a nice warm and soft bed tonight, a good mea. It's nice to be back in a village.[/I] A crowd of people were gathered around one area. "Thats must be where the profit is." Sable headed over to the crowd, "Please, pardon me. Thank you!" Sable moved to her way up to where the profit was. He looked like just a regular middle-aged man. "I have had a message from the Gods! There are two people in this town, two people that will deliver this wonderful town to ruins and disorder! I have seen a girl, a girl with magick powers!" another gasp "She will bring monsters who will....." The whole time the cowd was gasping and the profit was making them believe what he was saying. She had to admit that he was a very good speaking, but he was probaly just makng half of it up to be more dramatic. "The monsters...the monsters...they will...will....KILL YOU ALL!! Flee from evil, flee from the evil embodied in those two people!" Sable watched as he pointed his finger at two people. The crowd gasp and seem to pause there for a second. The next thing she knew the crowd formed a mob and were going after the two. One was a girl of most likely her age and a young man. The profit stood there and watched as the crowd went after them. Sable met his eyes and frowned. [I]Those poor people, they probaly didn't even do anything wrong. Maybe I could help.[/I] With that she took after the crowd in hopes that she could stop them in some way.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Sarah smiled as she watched Shuuji walk towards the school. She looked down at her phone. [I]When did I drop this. Oh well it still worked to my advantage.[/I] She started up to the college and dug into her bag. Sarah brought out a small black adress book. Flipping the book she opened it up to the Ks. Reaching back into her back she grabbed a pink pen. In her neat handwritting she wrote down Shuuji name. [I]Name: Shuuji Katsuya Address: ? Will find it though. Phone Number: ? Will locate that too.[/I] Sarah closed the book and placed the pen and book inside her bag. She russled in her bag to find the piece of paper which had her timetable. She rolled her eyes when she seen she had a class right away. Walking down the hallway she sighed. [I] Why math, why couldn't it be anything else than that.[/I] Sarah came to the room and went inside. Most of the students were already there. She took a seat near the windows round about the middle. She noticed Chloe and Mizu there. She had been in other of there classes before. Sarah gave a yawn and started out the window. Sarah noticed a black cat dart across the street nearly missing to get hit by a car. "Poor kitty." She mummbled to herself.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Sarah walked down to the kitchen, she ws up and dressed with time to spare for school. Reaching for the bread she popped a peice in the toaster. The toast popped up and Sarah went into the fridge to get some strawberry jam. She sat down at the table after she spread her jam on. Her Mother walked into the kitchen with her brown hair in curlers and still her in nightgown. "Morning Mo-" Sarah started to say. "Shhh..Don't talk to me I haven't had my coffee yet." Cutting Sarah off in her cranky morning tone. After her Sarah's Mother first cup a coffee she was all rays and sunshine. "Good morning Sarah!" Her Mother hugged Sarah tightly around the neck. "Yes morning Mom." She got her Mom untangled from her neck. "Well its time for me to be off to school. The bus gets here in five minutes." "OKay Dear have a good day." Sarah grabbed her bag and headed to the door. "Stop by my office after school, we have some new designs if you want to try them on." "I'll think about, 'kay Mom. Later." Sarah walked to the corner of her street where there were four other people standing. There was the guy who owned the florist shop, one of Sarah neighbors, another schoolmate, and a cute guy that Sarah didn't know. The bus came and Sarah got on. She positioned herself to stand next to the cute guy. The bus came to a stop and Sarah used this chance. She fell over into the guy. "Oh dear I am sorry." Making herself blush. "Um..It's okay." He helped her stand up and than went back tot he book he had been read. Sarah sighed. [I]Oh well, sure there will be other guys today.[/I] The bus stopped in front of Sarah school and she got off. "Time to start another day." [/Size]
  15. [SIZE=1]Name: Sarah Gitsy Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/SarahGisty.jpg]Sarah [/URL] Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None right now but she is always looking. Personality: A hopeless romantic, Sarah is always looking for love. She is eitther scoping out men or shopping for new outfits. Some people snuff her for going out with some many guys, but she feels that there are worse things she could do than go out with a boy or two. Sarah never tells the a lie but rather like telling people the truth no matter how much it may hurt them. She tends to slack off a bit every now and than. Though it seems to be more than nessary. [/SIZE]
  16. [Size=1]Name: Sable Linksys Gender: Female Age: 20 Race: Human Appearance:[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/prietess.jpg]Sable getting ready for the day[/URL] (Sorry if its a bit fuzzy. Its an old picture and the pastels as been rubbed off some.) Sable stand at a small height of 5'3". She is often described as a cute little girl. Her outward appearance makes her seem a bit younger than she really is. This often confuses people. She always wears her hair in the two ribbons with bells attached. She has soft pale pink slippers that go on her feet. Sable doesn't wear jewelry but rather likes it her looks better without them. Personality: Know to be quiet and a good listener. Sable does have her days though that she is non-stop talkative. She loves to help anyone out she can, which sometimes lead her into trouble. Sable is also known to be quiet guidable and overly trusting of people. A caution though about her is that she has a bad temper, which flares up sometimes over the tiniest thing. Most times she can keep it in check but the she can't keep it in check all the time. Sable has a bad habit of biting her nails when she is nervous or afraid. She doesn't tell any lies because people can easily see through them. Her biggest fear is fire. She never comes very close to it and will go out of her way to avoid it. She would rather freeze to death than start one. Class: Shrine Maiden Weapon: None Magic: White Bio: Sable was always a happy go lucky child. Her mother was a shrine maidan and Sable wanted to follow right in her footsteps. Her father loved adventures and would often take Sable out on them. Sable was there only child and they would always spoiler her. This never affected Sable much though; she was always well behaved and mannered. When Sable was eight on a cold, full-mooned night, the shrine caught fire while everyone was asleep. When it was discovered it caught fire everyone acted quickly. When everything was said and done it turned out no one had dead. There were a couple of people who had minor burns nothing serious at all. No one knew how it started or who discovered it in the first place. After that night sable always feared fire and its power. Sable grew older and the shrine was slowly rebuilt. Everything returned to normal and Sable began her studies again. As she grew older she got more responceability. Sable was always doing her best to make sure everyone was proud of her. She was always happy when she was making someone else happy. When people came to the shrine looking for help she would always be the first person there. Sometimes this would lead her into trouble, but it didn't matter much to her. On the day of her 20th birthday she decided that she was going to go out and travel the lands. Everyone looked at each other in worry, Sable would never be able to survive without building a fire and everyone knew how scared she was of it. She would go nowhere ever the cooking pit, so how could she do it on her own. Everyone got together and kept delaying her departure with different tasks. Sable knew what they were doing and felt joy that they were doing because they cared for her. During the night of a full moon she set out quietly on her journey to see the world. [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Sarah Gitsy [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Sex[/B]: Female [B]Personality[/B]:Sarah is always looking for love. She is eitther scoping out men or shopping for new outfits. Some people snuff her for going out with some many guys, but she feels that there are worse things she could do than go out with a boy or two. Sarah never tells the a lie but rather like telling people the truth no matter how much it may hurt them. She tends to slack off a bit every now and than. Though it seems to be more than nessary. [B]History[/B]: Sarah Gitsy was born into a new era where it is peaceful. She grew up as happy as can be. Her family household was just as normal as anyone elses. She had her mother and her father, she always wanted a younger sister but her parents never had any other children. Her mother is a fashion designer so Sarah got her love for clothing from her mother. Sarah believes that this world will always be in and peace and can never believe that it would be any other way. In school she learned about the Sailor Scouts and how they saved this world and brought peace to it. They were her heros and she idealizes them. Sailor Venus was always her favourite out of all them though. Venus stood for love and she always was a hopless romantic. At any movies or books she read that had romance she always cries by the end. During one of her usual days she was going to school she found a small cat. Sarah wasn't allowed any pets but she felt just feeding it wouldn't hurt any. Than the cat began to talk to her. Sarah freaked and than decided that she just crammed to hard that night for her history test. It seems that she wasn't going insane. The cats name was Ra and an evil force was going to destroy this world once again. At first she didn'e believe it but as she listened she believed the cat and agreed to help. Now she is like her hero Sailor V. [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/SarahGisty.jpg]Sarah in her normal clothing attire[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/drawlings/SailorV.jpg]Her sailor outfit[/URL] [B]Planet[/B]: Venus [B]Weapon[/B]: Her beaded necklace and head piece. When she takes them off the grow longer. [B]Attacks[/B] - 1. Simple - Venus Cresent Beam Smash 2. Intermediate 1 - Venus Love me Chain 3. Intermediate 2 - Cresent Boomerang 4. Advanced - Venus Wink Chain Sword 5. Ultimate - Venus Love and Beauty Shock[/SIZE]
  18. OCC: I'm finally back. Sorry it took longer than i thought it would. IC: Clover wander around a back allyway. She knew this was one of Daniel's regular hang out spots. A rat ran out in front of her and she yelped. She hated rats, more than most things, she hated rats. She looked up and seen a woman hanging her wet laundry out to dry. Clover headed farther back into the alley. A group of young teens where gathered around in a circle. They sat on old boxes and crates. Daniel sat on a wooden crate with his back up against a broken chainlinked fence. They were all smoking and laugh. Clover grinned and went over to him. He gave a shudder as she came closer. She placed her hand on his shoulder and melted into his body. His body went stiff and his cigar fell out of his mouth. His friends looked at him and laughed. [I]Hi Daniel. Remeber me? What is going on? How the hell am I suppose to know you? Come now you don't rember me. Why they hell not, you ruined me and my life. Man I .... Shut up and lets have some fun. I will tell you later who I am.[/I] Clover stood up in her newly gotteen body. "Dude you must be tripping." One of Daniel's friends laughing. Smiling Clover started to walk away.
  19. Name: Clover Valerio Age: 17 Gender: Female Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Shaun Glacier Description: [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Macross%207&p=64&frpg=4&f=#pic]Clover[/URL] The Person you're possessing: Daniel Burnings, a drug addict, Clover knew in school. During the prom he drugged Clover and raped her. Hating him for what he did to her and affected her life she wants him died. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/Grown_Naruto.jpg]PIcture of Daniel[/URL] Bio: Clover grew up in a broken home. She lives with her father and was never aloud to see her drug addicted mother. This didn't bother her though. Clover favourite pastime is to knit and crochet sweater for her boyfriend Shaun. She had a huge crush on Emily for the longest time. She came close as to being a stalker. But Clover soon got over it because she knew she could never have Emily. Come time to time she thinks about her. Shuan is he new boyfriend and she loves him more than she did Emily. I am going to be gone until Monday or Friday at the latest. I will ask Reise if he can just throw in Clover some of his post.
  20. I have a few problem with your critique as well. I know I am not the best at spelling and grammer. Actually I missed most of first and second grade, that why it is bad like that. So I am glad you told me, because I am trying to improve it. Second I used giglges because laughing normally means like a fully hearty laugh in which it is normally loud. What I wanted to say was that she was laughing in a low manner with her mouth closed. Not loud for everyone to hear but to herself. I didn't know the word they would have used for that in the Medial ages so I used that. Lastly the eye changing thing. Like Mistress Roxie said people eyes change noramlly. I know because my eyes do all the time. My eye colour can change four to three times a day. Mostly when my emotions are very strong. Never had my eyes turn voilet but I wouldn't say it doesn't happen. Yes and it is called hazel. So no she isn't the only one in the world. There is at least two of us. I guess I am a freak, oh well. Finally I want to say Thank you and I will keep in mind what you said in your critique for it helps me and like I said before I am trying to improve my spelling and grammer. I also want to tell everyone have fun.
  21. Aura had gotten a ball of yarn and let the little kitten play with it. She giggled as it swung its paws to play with it. Taking up the ball of yarn she also grabbed the kitten. "Meow." "You are so cute, but you need a name. I will have Athene help chose a name for you later, but first I need to straighten up around here." She set the kitten down and went and got her broom. Aura began to sweep around the temple. A sudden feeling made her head whip her head up. She scanned her eyes around the surrounding area. She didn't see anything, but still had that feeling. She went back to her sweaping but Aura keeped looking around every once in a while. The kitten followed behind as she swept the dust into a pile. Aura could hear Athene and Ryojin talking but could understand what they were saying. Aura moved to her kitchen next. Taking out a small saucer and some milk she placed it down for the Kitten. "Here you go. I bet you are hungry." She scratched behind his ears and stood up. She looked out the small window on the door. "Wonder when ArK is going to be back." Aura began to prepare tonights dinner.
  22. Trinity's eyes scanned across the pages of her book. She turned the page of her book and reached her hand down for another takka berry. When she placed her hand down she felt nothing but the cherel sauce. Her eyes glanced down and saw none left. Trinity let a sigh and licked the sauce from her fingers. She burried her noise back into her book sometimes mummbling something to herself. [B]Trinity[/B]: (Mummbling) So thats why. I alway put the emphazises on the worng part. She scanned through some more of the page and turned it again. Trinity looked at the book and noticed that she had almost finsihed reading it. She folded the top corner of the page and closed the book. She placed the book and empty bowl on the table and streched. She strachted the top of her head messing her curly bacl hair up. It than hit her she had been reading for a couple hours now. [B]Trinity[/B]: Geezzz I do it this all the time, I am so messed up this time. Her door slid open and she poked her head out into the halls. She didn't see anyone move about the rounded halls or come out of any other door. She made her way to the Turbo Lift hoping not to be seen. She went over in her head wait she was going to tell the Captain. [B]Trinity[/B]: (Thinking) Yes well I was reading a book and I lost all track of time. Though it was true she just felt silly even thinking it. She rubbed herthe temple of her right forehead. She felt the Turbo Lift lift stop annd open up to the bridge. She could see some of the other senior officers standing there. She could see Captain Andrus talking with Lieutenant Ikor, Lieutenant Azalee, and Commander Aside. A couple of starfleet engieers working on different consoles. Trinity caught the glimps of the main transmission console. She smiled that was like her second home.
  23. My turn to apologize to you people. I am sorry that I haven't been posting very much. I was very ill. If your really want to know you cna ask but it isn't that worse while knowing. I edited my first post to work myself back in. There will be more post by me now that I am doing a bit better but still bare with me. Sorry once again.
  24. Ivy walked into her last English class of the day. It was a mixture of Senior and Ju nior, the majorty seniors. The face that looked at her were not so eager and would rather be anywhere else than her classroom. She walked to her desk setting papers ddown she had just photocopied. It was there test which her none happy students wouldn't like. "Afternoon class. Hope you all had a good day today." Her voice spoke with a bunch of groans left out. "Please open The Grapes of Wrath to page 150." Bags shuffled and books scrapped as her twenty-five students got their books. she turned and began writing on the board. A paper air plane flew past her face and landed on the ground next to her. She heard muffle giggles and snickers. She turned around to see just about all the face of her students try to remain straight. Ivy bent down and pick it up. Turning it over in her hand she examianed it. "Well Nate this has got to be one of you better ones." "Miss Heartfort how did you know it was mine. Isn't there a law that say I am innocent till proven gilty." HE shot back at her. "Well yes there is Nate but only on person in the class make airplanes in such a" she pause for a second. "in a unqiue desgin. She walked over to ner desk and grabbed a slip of pink paper from a draw. Taking a pen from a coffee mug she scribbled something down. She picke dit up and folded it into an airplane shape and aimed it over at Nate. He caught it in the air and opened it. "Hey Miss Heartfort this is unfair. How can you give me detention? I was only joshing you." "Easy Mr. Rorrer, I will see you tomrrow afternoon." He threw the slip on the desk. Ivy started to hand out the test. "Okay you have a half hour and it is closed book. Begin." A half hour later the school bell ring and the students placed their test on her desk and left. After all her students left Ivy leaned back into her chair and closed her eyes. She opend them again and looked at the uneven pile of test. She gathered them up and threw them in her briefcase. She decided that she would just grade them at her house. She knew her students and the creative answers they would give. She was defiently was going to need asprin. Leaving her classroom she headed to the main door. "Later Ivy." "Later Harvey. See you tomorrow." Havery was the head secruity gaurd and kept an eye on the main doors. Ivy walked down the sidewalk. she had left her car home today. She didn't live that far from her small house and it was a nice day. Walking past a bar sg=he back tracked. She hadn't had a drink in a while and looking down at her briefcase she was going to need one. Enter into the cbar she sat down at her normal stool at the counter. "Well look who came to see me. Ivy its been a while." The bartender came over. "Yeah well I have been busy." She sighed placing her briefcase on the stool next to her. "Yeah welll if i has to work by those cretens, I mean kids all day I would be drink evryday to. Sam drink as usual." Ivy nooded. "You are the only person I know that drinks an Angel's Kiss here." He mixed the White Creme de Cacao, Sloe Gin, Brandy, and Light Cream he poured it all into a pousse-cafe glass so they didn't mix. "well i just love the taste of it. I am just lucky you can make it for me." He handed Ivy her drink. "Thanks." She sipped her drink lazly and watched out the window.
  25. Aura ran over to Athene and kneeled down on the ground. Reaching down she shock Athene. "Athene, please wake up we need you now." Aura looked back to see Ryojin was being attacked by the demons. He was fairing very well on his own, but he was out number. She turned back to Athene and tried to awaken her. A rusle from the tree ahead braught her face up. A demon came towards Aura as she gasped. Quickly she grabbed a charm out of her sleeve and held it out towards the demon. It winced it pain and vanished. Aura sighed a breath of relief that it was a weak demon that was effect by her charm. Turning her head back to Ryojin she seen that he was cut on his arm but he was still going strong. "Come on Athene now would be a great time for you to wake up for me." Panic was ringing in Aura voice. Just like magic Athene eyes flicked open. Aura smiled at her. "I am glad you are awake now. Are you okay?" Aura held consernce in her voice. "Yes I think I am. My wings a bit singed and bruises. Are you okay?" Athene looked into Aura eyes. "Yes I am. You took all the damage when we fell. I think Ryojin needs some help though." Aura held concern in her eyes. Athene got up and was a bit wobbly. Aura jumped up to help her. "No I am okay. Stay here and I will help Ryojin."
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