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Everything posted by Anne

  1. This sounds wonderful. You really did a great job. Name: Iris Bloom Age: 18 Gender: Felmale Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/cg_works.jpg]Here][/URL] Personality: Iris is s smart girl. Normally kind and will not cause any trouble. She likes to try and out wit people if she can. She is very serious when it comes to anything. The only time she reallly is at peace is when she is a forest or surrounded by animals. When she is doing anything Iris giver her full consitration to the task. She wants everything to run perfectly. In battle she gives just as much constration or sometime people think even more. She is a fierce fighter and is better than any other girl in her tribe. She is proud of herself but doesn't have an ego. Iris has never let anyone down and never plans to do so either. NEver breaking a promise or vow she keeps them all. No matter how silly they can be. Also Iris never lies and to this day she hasn't even told one. History: Iris has her normal type family. SHe has her mother, Rosa and her father, Edward. She is the oldest child of their four children. The second oldest if John and he is sixteen. than thier is Tammie who is ten, and finally there is lille Ami who is only two. Ami loves to follow Iris around an copies everything they do. Iris somethimes thinks this funny while other times it can grate on her nerves because she is trying to do work. Iris also has another follower which is a grey wolf which she calls Ribbons. Ribbons has been following around ever since she was five, when he saved her from drowning in a river. Now Ribbons never leaves her side and sometimes causes Iris trouble. From an early age she grew up like any child in Auro?shi. She was taught by the professors like any other child. Yet she was a quick learning and suck in everything the taugh her. The professors would get upset though with Ribbons being right there with her. Iris tried to keep the female wolf away but she would always follow Iris. Finally her and the professors gave up trying to keep Ribbons away. Iris was sure that the wolf found tjis high amusing. When Iris turned sixteen her father started training her with a sword. She was a bit clumsy at first but soon grew to flow with it. She soon grew to became the best female swordswomen in ner tribe. On her eighteenth birthday her father gave her the sword she carries with her for a present. Her father traded it from a man from Lei-Su for two bottles of their wine. The sword was a perfect match for her. She had her dagger already but the sword was grand in her mind. She gave her sword the name Serene after the Goddess of their relam. She did this to show god faith to her family. She never gave her dagger a name. This is because her dagger is her back up weapon when her sword fail. Iris is always training to become stronger. Whenever she is not helping to make wine she is practicing with her sword. She is unknown of her power but feels she is special from all the rest in her tribe. Iris is not a one hundred percent believer in the gods but says the pray so not to break with tradition. She will never tell her family members what she thinks about the gods but will tell Ribbons because she knowns that she will not tell anyone. Realm: Auro?shi Magic/Weapons: Iris can not use any magic at all. The best thing that can even come close is that she can feel what Ribbons is think and feeling. So Iris relies souly on her physical stregnth and her weapons. Weapons: [URL=http://www.swordmerchant.co.uk/images/imagesgoddess/goddess.jpg] 1. Iris's sword, Serene.[/URL] She named it after the Goddess of her land. [URL=http://www.swordmerchant.co.uk/images/imagesgoddess/goddesshiltall.jpg]Click for closer detail of it.[/URL] [URL=http://www.swordmerchant.co.uk/images/imagesk/herc.jpg]2. Dagger[/URL] She keeps it on her right leg under her dress. [URL=http://www.swordmerchant.co.uk/images/imagesk/hercbare.jpg] Click for closer details of it.[/URL] I hope this is okay let mem know if anything needs to be changed!
  2. Aura suppresed a giggles and bit her lower lips to keep a smile off her face. "Come now stop before something gets broken." She smiled. "Besides the food is getting cold." The two looked at each other and made a break for the table. They sat down and started to gulp down there food. Ark shook his head. Aura laughed. "Don't eat so fast you will choke. There is plenty for all." She turned and watched the news for the daily weather report. "Today mid eighties and a high humidity. We don't expect rain for the rest of this week. This will not help the forest fires that have broken out--" Aura gpt up and clicked the television set off. She sat back down and watched the other eat.
  3. Name: Mei Codename: Little Dragon Gang Name: Blood Brothers Age: Expert Apperance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/Mikored.jpg]Here[/URL] Mei stands 5'7'. She is always seen in her red dragon kimono. Mei always keeps her hair down and never places it up. Her katana is kept on her left side because she is right handed. Personality: Normally very quite and doesn't talk a lot. She does open her mouth thought to make sure her opinion is heard. She always say thing straight foward and never bets around the bush. Mai never lies or twists the truth, she will either not say anything or tell you straight out. Bio: Her mother was a hooker and left her father to take Mei. Mei's father was an assasin and taught her everything he knew. His codename was Dragon and since she was his offspring he called her Little Dragon. He failed and was killed on his last mission. His Katana made its way back to Mei. Now she carries it with her always. She dropped her last name not wanting to connect herself to her mother or father. Weapons A Katana (in piccie0
  4. Trinity had found her quarters fairly easily. Taking out her belongs she placed them randomly throughout her quarters. Lots of the things were things she collected when she was placed on other starships. Yet most of her belongs were books, which were stacked randomly about. [B]Trinity:[/B] Well now that is done. She went over to a smaller pile of books and looked down the spine of them. Trinity ran her index finger on each on look for the right book. At the bottom of the pile she found the book she was looking for "The Culture and Language of the Baneans ". A red leatehr bound book with gold lettering. Trinity moved the six other books from the top of it and placed it on the floor. Picking the top book up she read the cover. [B]Trinity[/B]: "War and Peace" I thought I lost this. She placed it back down on the pile and grabbed up the read book. On a small table she grabbed a small bowl of takka berries with cherel sauce. Trinity sat down indian style in the chair with the bowl in her lap. Trinity opened the book to were a page was folded over.
  5. This looks like it will be very intersting. I am game. Name: Ivy Heartfort Age: 35 Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/oruha.jpg]Head shot of Ivy[/URL] Ivy stand 5'7' and is slender. Her black curly hair offset her emerald green eyes. She is always in neat atire no matter were she is. Ivy normaly wears something with green. She always wears here four leaf clover necklace with matching braclet. Biography: Ivy went to the same high school as Edgar and was friends with Amy and Jessica. She was heartbroken over the both of them but she would succed at something because they would want her to. Ivy graduated one of the last in class. She never was very good in any subject except English. She went to a local community college to get a teaching degree to help children. She got a teaching position in the same high school were she had gone to school. She has been teaching there for eight years and all the students llove her. Ivy has never left her hometown though she plan to every once in a while but something always keeps her staying. Over the years she has keeped in touch with Edger off and on. Relationship with Edgar: Ivy knew Edger through Jessica and Amy, so they would all hang out once in awhile. After her two friends death she tried to confort Edgar. Now she calls him every once in a while to keep in touch with him and try to help all she can. Ivy has made it her mission to help him rebuild his life for he always held a special place in her heart. Let me know if anything needs changed.
  6. I'll be the prietess. Name: Aura Ryetell Race: human Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/aura.jpg]click[/URL] Aura stands only 5'4. She only wears her head dress sometimes because it is heavy on her head. The blond streaks in her hair are natrual and her purple hair has been dyed. Weapon: A thin golden staff that comes to her shoulder when the butt is laid flush to the ground. The top has three ring that form together that support a golden orb. Around the three rings are smaller ones. Whenever she moves the staff around rings clang together. Aura has carries charms with her. All of them are ward charms that keep weak evil beings at bay.
  7. Anne

    After The War....

    "Go Fish!" The little girl laughed. Elke smiled and drew the card. "You are good at this Lily." "I know. Do you have any aces." "Yup, here you go." Elke handed the card two Lily. Lily was one of the children on the base. Her mother and father worked on the base. She had come down with a fever and grew sick. "Yes. Do you have a five?" Elke handed her last card over to the kid. "I won!!!" Elke laughed and layed down on the bed. "Yes you bet me Munchin." She got up and gathered the cards. "Now its time for you to get some rest." "Do I have too?" Lily tried to give cute puppy eyes but they didn't work with Elke. "How are you going to get better if you don't get some rest?" "I dunno." "See, you to bed and we will play again later, promise." Eleke tucked the girl into the infermery bed. "Okay. Elke?" "Hmmm." "We should challenge the British to a game of Gold Fish. Than you guys could send me and I could win the war for us all with a game of Gold Fish." The little girl was very serious Elke didn't want to laugh at her. She was only trying to help out everyone. Though her idea was very funny. "I don't think that would work little one." A mans voice came from behind them. Elke jumped and turned around. "You are Ms. Timmerman right?" "Yes. How can I help you Sir?" "Lets step outside." Elke followed the man outside the room where Lily was. "You are going to be resigned Ft. Gordon, there you will recieve further instructions. We have a chopper outside ready to take you." "Why there? I have been at this base for the past couple of years." Elke asked. "War has started Ms. Timmerman. You are going to be helping some troops in the war.I am not sure what Unit you are going to but I know that you will be a head nurse there." "OKay I understand. I will just go and get my thing and be ready in a few minutes." Elke ran to her corters and grabbed somethings and headed towards the chopper pad.
  8. This looks like great fun. Am I up for the challenge *Nods head* Yes I am. woman Guide: Name: Claire Tatear Age: 23 Gender: Female Appearance: Claire wears the normal garbs of her hometown Akubra, which consist of a tight black tunic with black pants. Along with them wears brown leather boots and gloves. She also has a beaded onyx necklaces and matching ring placed on her right hand index finger. Her body structure is of a light build. She has a slim figure but has a soft curve. You cannot see any of her muscle because her body seems kind of lanky but she does have them. She stands 5'5 and weighs 115 pounds. Her facial features are soft. Some say she is pretty but Claire doesn't believe it. Claire's hair is a chestnut colour and comes to the middle of her back. The bangs of her hair match the same length as the back of her hair. Her normal is she pulls it back into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. She use a brown strip of leather to tie it back, she leaves two strands of bangs out in front. Claire's eyes change colour depending on her mood, the range from black to grey to blue to green. When she is angry her eyes are black. When she is natural or not feeling well they are grey, the worst she feels the greyer they became. When she is happy or excited they are blue. The time you have to watch out for though is when they turn green because they she is playing something that will get her into trouble. Her skin tone is light but she has a cookie coloured tan from being outside a lot. She always tries to keep a smile on her face no matter how she is feeling, but her eyes normally give her away. History: Well-let see were should I begin. Maybe at the begging that always make sense. Well I have always lived in Akubra and the only time I ever leave the place is when I guide people to places. Now I don't remember much when I was kid, my memory is not that good. *Giggles* only ways my Papa was a mapmaker. That is how I know to get to some many places. He taught me many things, but the most important he taught me was how to read the land. *Nods head. * He was a great explore, but he wasn't a very good Father. He would leave Mama and me a lot of times to go to on place or another. It didn't bother Mama much though, but she wasn't a very good Mother either. You see she was a thief and though she may have been skilled at it she still managed to get thrown in jail. *Sighs* Many of times I would have to go and bail her out. *Shrugs shoulders* It doesn't matter much now. *Thinks*Well I guess I should tell you important events in my life. When I was five my Mama was caught stealing again and got a knife to the back. It really was her fault. I told her time and time again to stop stealing but should she listen Noooo. Sisal, was the man's name, he felt bad for me and took me in and watched me whenever my Papa was away. While I was there Mr. Sisal would always train me in the martial arts. I became rather good if I do say so myself and I am. Whenever Papa came home I would show him any new moves I learned and he would tell me about his travel and show me any new maps he had made. I think the worst moment in my life was tough when I was sixteen. My Papa was just setting off to a new place and I was heading to Mr. Sisal place. When I got there though he was laying on the floor next two his easy chair that he always sat in. He was cold and I didn't know what to do. I was so scared. *Tears form in eyes* I did let out a scream in some point in time though because he neighbor came running over. The town doctor said that his heart had failed him. For two days I just sat in house and cried. Lets talk more on to happier thing how about. Well I started to work when Papa left so I wasn't by myself all the time. I had many jobs and once I even tried thievery. I got caught and had to spend the night in jail. *Shudders* I never want to that again. I learned my lesson the hard way. So I was kind of in a pickle as they say. I needed to find a job that pays well. Than hit me, well actually it was a ball that a kid threw at my head, but no the less I got an idea. I would be a guide. Papa had tons of maps to everywhere so it wouldn't be too hard. I got my first group when I was nineteen. I had managed to get them to where they wanted to go without any problems. Papa was so proud of me. The next year Papa disappeared on one of his explorations. It has been three years since I last saw him but I am sure he is alive out there somewhere. So whenever I take whomever I am guiding to a place I keep an eye out for him or his name. Though I have seen many wonderful places I always return back to Akubra and wait for my next job.
  9. Samira laught at Imogen. She watched her storm off to her room and she smiled. She hooped over to Imogen door and she leaned up against it. She enjoyed messing with her though she hardly meant any of it. "Well if you don't want him I will take him. He really is cute." Inside she heard Imogen make a noise. Samira laughed again. [I]I wonder if she really does like him.[/I] Leaning up against her door Samira contemplated about that. [I]It really would be a good match, but could someone love a Gundam pilot. What the hell, I love one. I bet she is.[/I] Samira giggled and smiled as she started to form her own plan.
  10. Anne

    Deserted Isles

    August wandered around the store, everyone had left her. "Now lets see what do I want to explore first." She come to the pet isle and ran to the fish. "Hello Little fishies. Did you get left here, too?" She pressed her face up against the glass and made faces at them. "Well that has gotten boring." She skipped down the isle and took out her lillipop. She cam to tall door that pushed into a place. "This looks like fun." Pushing the doors open she was in there warehouse. Boxes were piledup. "This is so cool." A noise came from behind a box making August jump. "Helllo anyone there," A gaurd came from behind the box growling. "Well hi puppy, you are such a good doggie." The dog barked at her and started charging. August started to run. "Please puppy go away." She ran out from the warehouse with the dog at her heels. "Help me someone. PLEase puppy go away." She screamed in a shrill voices.
  11. Well I have been cosplaying for six or seven years now. I have lost count on mhow many outfits I have made and what characters I have been. I do the whole shabang, wigs, contacts and ones even cutting my hair. Normally I am not that chosey I have played guys and girls. I think my first person I cosplayed as though was Sakura in her cat battle outfit. I think my favourite male I played as Zidane from FF9. His outfit took 6 month to be complete and took an hour to do the makeup. My fabourite female I have cosplaye dso far was Sumomo/Plum from Chobits. It was so much fun I would dance around whenever my friends cell phone would ring. I carried around a tamperine and a small chalkboard for props. i don't just cosplay at cons but I will just make the outfits and wear them around as regular clothing. I also wear my wigs with them. Yes I am an obssessed cosplayer and proud of it.
  12. Samira looked up at Faitha and gave it a small pat one the foot. She watched the other get ready. Allesandra was putting on her polits suit. Samira never like to wear one of those. They were to tight. She is quiet happy in her dancing outfit. Garett was being his normal self while Imogen prepared herself. [I]Three suits huh. I wonder why all of need to go. I mean really I need to catch up on some well deserved sleep. Yet Faitha needs to get out and straight her legs to. Oh well doesn't matter bedating it in my head we are all going anyways.[/I] Climbing up her suit nimbly she strapped herself in and waited till everyone else was ready to go.
  13. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Cubical%20Madness/Cubical-maddness-banner.gif[/IMG] [/CENTER] On an ordinary block, on an ordinary street lays an ordinary looking office building. A sign hangs ob the five story building that says cubical Madness. Yet this is no ordinary office building. Why you may ask? Well I will tell you, it is run by the devil. Not the horned, pitchfork wield devil, oh no it is far scarier by all means. It is run by the devil herself. Are you confused now, didn't you know that the devil was female. Oh yes the devil is female and she goes by the name Angel Tyer. Many of men have joked about saying that the devil was female, but now we are getting of track. Angel owns her own business office in which she hires all different types of humans or other beings to do her work for her. Though none is quite sure if they really sell to people or not. [I]?Mister Norse, I have noticed your work has been inadequate.? The slim seductive female spoke behind the marble desk. Men of about mid forties looked down at his hands. ?How many years have you worked for me?? ?About thirty Miss Tyer.? His voice said kind of shaky. Angel reached down and removed something in from her desk. She placed a slip of red paper on her desk. ?This is for you Mister Norse, a red slip. Will you except the Challenge or will just leave?? Angel placed a grin on her face. [/I] People who come to work for Cubical Madness should be warned that at anytime Angel could give you a red slip. A red slip is like a pink slip, but with some differences. When a person get a red slip they can either leave the job without challenge her or you may challenge her to keep you job. The challenges you are supposed to do are very simple but normally have a bit of a twist. Her favourite one to use is Hop Scotch, the person who is trying to get back their job plays like normal but if he lands wrong a trap is sprung. Very few are able to win back their jobs, but when they do they are very respected by their other workers. [I]?Well Mister Norse, which is it?? She folded her hands and placed her head on them. Norse fidgeted in his seated and looked at the piece of harmless paper. Picking it up he stood up from the chair. ?I will just go.? Angel watched him leave and than pressed the speaker button on her phone. ?Rhonda please place the Help wanted sign up.? ?Yes Miss Tyer.?[/I] [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Okay to sum it all up, this is going to be about working in a business called Cubical Madness. The owner of the place is called Angel Tyer. This is going to be like a real work place you will form friendships, relationships, and do other work related activities, like have company picnic at the local park. Everyone will work in a Cubical and try not to get a red slip. You can play as Rhonda the front desk worker located on the first floor. Angel will an NPC unless someone really want to play as her but you will have to PM or IM first. [B]Okay rule time:[/B] *I want decent length post, at least two paragraphs long. Please check spelling and grammar as well. The best thing to use is either Word or other type of typing program. *Please post at least four times a week. If you are going to be gone just let me know and we will know to keep you character in. *Most of all lets have fun. [B]Some few important notes:[/B] *Please put the time and date at the start of your post. That way there is less confusing. *I will put up a schedule when what time you work and when breaks are. Everyone will have the same time break, though I may change when people work. *Also I will be telling you at which cubical you will be in. Now that over I have also done up maps that will be easier and make things less confusing. Each one is a link. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Cubical%20Madness/floorone.jpg]Floor One- Front desk/information[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Cubical%20Madness/floortwo.jpg]Floor Two-Break room[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Cubical%20Madness/floorthree.jpg]Floor Three-Cubicals[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Cubical%20Madness/floorfour.jpg]Floor Four-Angel's Office[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Cubical%20Madness/Legend.jpg]Legend-What all the symbols mean[/URL] Well now that all that information is done here is the sign up. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/Cubical%20Madness/signup.gif[/IMG] [/CENTER] *You do not have to put it on a background. I have no life so I just did one up for the fun of it.* Well that is it. So everyone sign up, please. I will post mine after other have posted.
  14. Anne

    Deserted Isles

    August skipped around bring out her lollipop. "Hi, Hello, Guten Tag, 'Ello, 'Io, hey and all those other way you say hello. My name is August Moon. It is a pleasure to me you. My Mommies always say to say that because it is polite." She licked her lollipop. "So how old is everyone, where are you from, whatcha doing here?" August began asking quizzaly. The group looked at her and proubaly want to gag her. "I thought I was the only one who got stuck here. Actually I hide in the moo-moos. They have such a funny name." "Okay would you be quite now." Shaun said disgruntled. August pouted and put out her lip. Tears started to fill her eyes. "You are mean." "Look you made her cry." Jennifer said. Shaun looked stun. "Look I am sory. Please stop crying." "Okay!" Once again she was smiling and humming twinkle twinkle little star to herself.
  15. Meredy snorted at Shaun and is friends. She stood waiting for the compition to start so she could take photographs for her scrapbook. Turing her attention she watched other people who were sking. She heard a yell and she turned her head to see who it was. A figure was falling down the hill. She gasped, but she quickly snapped a few picture of it. The figure landed near Shaun. It turned out to be a French girl. People were yelling calling for an ambualnce or the rescue team. Mereday looked worriedly but didn't come to close. She took her camera and started to take pictures. Shaun had gotten over to her to see if they could help her. Shaun's group of friends began swarming around her as well to see if the could help.
  16. Name: Elke Timmerman Age: 23 Country: America Line Of Work: Nurse Bio: Born into as an only child in Berlin, Germany. Her father was an American soldier that was stationed at the base. Her mother was a born citizen of Germany and worked as a nurse on the base. Her Father had been injuried during a normal cleaning of the weapons and meet Elke's mom. The two soon fell in love and married. A year later Elke was born. When Elke was five her father was being shipped back to America, so they went with him. Elke grew up and had all her schooling done in America. She doesn't have any accent but knows both languages fluently. When she turned 18 she joined the Armed Forces like her Father did. The only problem was she wan't physcally able to stay in. When she finally she left she decided she would help the soldiers in another way. Elke began training as a nurse when she turned 19. She soon learned that she loved it. She enjoyed taken care of the sick. Now she will go to any lenght to help someone in need. Her Father passed away when she was 21 from cancer in the lungs. She was upset that she couldn't help him. She now is 23 and is works for the Americans. She stands by ready to help any soldier that gets injuried or sick. Appearnce: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/General-00119.jpg] Click here[/URL] (I think that this is needed) ~~~ Well I hope this okay.
  17. Anne

    Deserted Isles

    [CENTER][B]Deserted Isles[/CENTER][/B] Some people have the fear of being left behind in a closing store. To be locked in for all night and no way of getting out. While other feels it would be loads of fun being inside a store left alone. There would be no one watching you and you could do anything you want. The thing is not many people do get locked into a store now a day. That is because of security system, guards, and other useful electronic gadgets. But what if you did get locked into a store with no of that stuff and you didn't now if you were going to get out tonight or have to wait until morning. A crisp summer day brings shoppers to the Final Closing Day sale of the Lots-O-Crap store. Shoppers busily go about try to find the perfect deal. Fights break out of different items that people want. The Hiccup me Sellmo, only two left in the store, was one of the biggest fights that broke out. Employees put bets on who would get it and laughed. Throughout the day people ran in and got what they wanted. Soon it is time for closing. ?Thank You Shoppers for coming to Lots-O-Crap. Have a nice night.? The familiar woman's voice ran on the loudspeaker. Customer hustles up to the front register to give the cashier finally purchases. The ringing of the last customer is heard. The employee's punch out and leave locking the door behind them. You hear them talk about what new job they are going to and how much they aren't going to miss working here. You also hear that this was the last day that was going to be opened and no one was returning for a week or longer. Than reality hits you?You are locked in a store for you don't know how long. Panic you roam around the store you find other inside that were trapped with you. Someone tries the phones but they are disconnected and someone tries to flick on the lights but no electricity. You and the group of other shoppers are stuck inside the building and you don't now when you are going to be saved. The group must work together to try and stay alive in the deserted isles of Lots-O-Crap. Can you make it with out going insane? [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] August looked out from the rack of Moos-Moos she was hidding in. Taking a few licks of her lollipop she put it back in her pocket. She had alway thought that Moo-Moos were funny sounding and funny looking. Looking at the dark store she smiled happily. She had always wanted to be trapped into the store. August came out fromt he rack and started to skip about the place. She skipped to the to section . She had wanted a Hiccup me Sellmo, but her Mothers had said no. She searched the isle looking to see if she could fine one but couldn't. August grabbed a cute doll of a Sokemon and started to play. A noise starled her from her play and she went about to investagate. Searching the isle she went about quietly. Coming to an isle she found another person that was stuck in the store. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Okay everyone post away. Here is a list of everyone and there characters names: Me- August Moon Yunsung- Spencer Charles The Nameless- Jake Andrews Delirium- Jennifer Lowes Icarus2K- Shaun Glacier foxtu78- Amy Anderson
  18. Candy rolled out of her bed. She pulled the curtain opened on her bay window and let in the sunlight. Taking a deep breath she went to her kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Looking through her sparce food she forgot she didn't get milk last night. "Oh man." She flopped down on to a kitchen chair and looked at the table. Her stomache rombled. She always had milk with her breakfast. "Oh well I will skip now." Walking over to her fish tank she sprinkled in some food. "There you go guys." She smiled at the fish. "Just because I am not eating doesn't mean you don't." She walked away and looked at the pack she had made alst night. Onside one bag she ahd medical supllies. She felt it was always good to be prepared. Than she had another bag inside was no prasiable food and clean water. Taken her packets one on each arm she decided to start heading out.
  19. (Sorry I haven't posted much. I had midterms.) Maia wander the hallways and listening to the gossip of the other students. She still heard rumors about her and ther other. She thought the funniest rumor was that her and Max were dating. Just the thought of it made her almost burst out laughing. She made a smirk came across her face. "I heard one of the new kids attacked a teacher" "Really? Which one?" "I am not sure I heard it from Hana." Maia stopped in her tracks. The smirk was wipped of her face and her face was set into a scowl. [I] I wonder which one did it? I now it was Koiji he just wouldn't do that. Aida would obey my orders. It was either Max or Kyoske.[/I] Maia griited her teeth. "You are Maia the new girl right?" A voice came from behind her. Maia turned around to see a boy tstanding behind her. "Yes I am, so what do you want?" "I am Issac and I just wanted to talk." Came from the boy.
  20. [B]Name[/B]: Trinity Marley [B]Age [Terran Years][/B]: 35 [B]Date of Birth[/B]: August 2, 2352 [B]Marital Status[/B]: single [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://www.usanetwork.com/series/the4400/images/behindScenes/castBios_Jacq_middle.jpg[/IMG] Jacqueline McKenzie [B]Height[/B]: 5'8? [B]Weight[/B]: 135 pounds [B]Hair Colour[/B]: Black [B]Eye Colour[/B]: Grey [B]Species[/B]: 1/2 Human and 1/2 Trill [B]Sex[/B]: Female [B]Place of Birth[/B]: San Francisco, Earth [B]Languages[/B]:Trinity knows all the spoken languages on Earth, Bajoran, Klingon, Cardassian, Romulan, Ferengi, and Vulcnan, and Talaxlan fluently. She knows enough of other languages to talk to other life forms. [B]Interests[/B]: Trinity has an interest in different languages. She has found she can easy pick them up. She also enjoys meeting new people and getting to know their culture. Her true desire is to master every language out in the frontier. Knowing that this will be a hard goal to accomplish she doesn't care. [B]Position Applied For[/B]: Chief Communications Officer [B]Education:[/B] *2357-2362 Primary Education, San Francisco [This is 5 years] *2362-2367 Secondary Education, San Francisco [Again, 5 years] *2367-2371 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco [This is 4 years] [B]Service Record[/B]: *2367-2368 1st Year Cadet *2368-2369 2nd Year Cadet *2369-2370 3rd Year Cadet *2370-2371 4th Year Cadet *2370-2378 U.S.S. Arrow, Communication Officer *2378-2386 U.S.S. Billings, Asst. Communication Officer *Present U.S.S. Brightstar, Chief Communication Officer [B]Background[/B]: Trinity grew up on the planet Earth on the streets of San Francisco. Born from a Trill mother, Professor Silvia Marley, and a human father, Fredrick Marley. She had always desired to go into space and to see all the worlds. Even while she was little she would look up at the stars and study them. Her Mother was a teacher at the Starfleet Academy. She taught different languages to the Cadets. Her mother would let her sit down on her lectures and this began Trinity's love for languages. Her Father was an engineer on the U.S.S Arrow so she didn't see him very much. Trinity would spend many days at the Starfleet Academy Library studying about the different cultures around the universe. She would spend countless hours there reading different things, her mother normally would have to drag her away to get her to go to bed or bribe her by saying she would tell her new information. Her mother would teach her customs on the planet Trill. One of the things Trinity's Mother told her about was the symbionts. Her Mother was one of the very few that were joined with one and that because of the human in Trinity that she couldn't be a host. This didn't affect her by any means though. Trinity never got to see her Father much but she was very pleased when he was able to come to Earth to visit her and her mother. Her Father would tell her stories about the places her visited and the people he met. Sometimes he would be able to bring her something home. With all the stories this just fueled her passion more for the different cultures and languages. When she started her school she had already a wider knowledge than most kids. She was always top of her class and studying harder to do better. She wanted to make her Mother and Father proud of her. As she was nearing the end of her secondary education she knew that she wanted to go into Starfleet. Her Father wanted to be an engineer like him but Trinity knew that is not what she wanted to do. She told her parents that she was going to go to try and go for Communications. This did not surprise her mother at all, knowing her daughters love. During her first year as a Cadet she found it very exciting. She managed to get the best in her class. She than found her first love during the starting in her second year. His name Malcolm and she was head over heels for him. When she finally got to know him her feelings changed. Though he had good looks, brains, everything she wanted, but his personality he was an arrogant, self centered man. Trinity soon grew to despise him. Many of the Cadets that she went to class with believed that she was getting the good grades because her Mother was one of the Professors. This was not true though; her Mother actually was harder on her than any other of the Cadets. But with all that pushing it only help her to strive harder. She soon graduated from the Starfleet Academy in the year 2371. She was thrilled that she finally was going to be able to explore and learn new things. Trinity was first stationed on the U.S.S Arrow as a Communication Officer. It turns out her Father was still stationed on the ship. This helped her not miss her home as much. At first she found it a bit confusing being on that big of a ship. But with the help of her Father she was able to get things straight. Trinity spent eight years on the U.S.S. Arrow. Next she was transferred over to the U.S.S Billings. There she became the Asst. Communication Officer and her father was proud of her. Trinity was stationed on the ship for another eight years. She filled herself with the sights and sounds of all the other places she visited. Now she has been promoted to Chief Communication Officer on the U.S.S. Brightstar. She is a bit surprised by getting this new position. Trinity knows she can do the job though. She plans on doing what she is set out to do. On this new ship she hopes to make new friends and new people. [B]Personality Profile[/B]: Trinity enjoys learning. She always has her nose in one book or another. She may come off by a bit stuffy but she is rather friendly once you get away her away from her books. While she is on duty she keeps to what she has to do and doesn't stray from that thought. She hardly ever gets angry at anything or anyone but rather keeps a rational head when about situations. She can very easly pick up languages without even trying to hard. Trinity at times will get wrapped too much in her books or studying others around her. She also is very trusting in people giving them the benefit of the doubt. Will always be willing to give them another chance to prove themselves to be a better being. [B]Special Notes[/B]: Trinity always carries a book with her for reading.
  21. Lofn looked at Travesty, "It will begin soon. We can not rush this to fast or else it will fail. Besides it has already started but is not yet apparent to noticable. Soon we will will reveal the true power. Remeber fools rush in were angels fear to tread." She smiled at Travesty. She sighed, "I knew you were going to say that." A yell was heard and than a crash. Lofn feel into the water when something feel on top of her. ?Owee... Cat! Are you all right, Cat?? Lofn heard the person call. "Hey you should watch were you are going." She growled. Travesty was stiffling a giggle. "Are you okay Lofn." "Haha..very funny." She shot at Travesty. Looking Lofn noticed that the girl was Eternity. "Eternity you should be more careful. What were you doing up there anyway?" "Sorry. There was a cat." Lofn rolled her eyes.
  22. Anne

    Deserted Isles

    They look good so far everyone. Here is my sign up. [B]Name[/B]: August Moon [B]Age[/B]: 8 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/flonne2.jpg]Click[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Very friendly, she loves to meet new people. She often is seen talking to someone. Her Mother needs to keep a close eye on her because if not she would wander somewhere and get lost. Always has a smile on her face and at times can annoy people. August is a very curious person is always asking questions. [B]Biography[/B]: August comes from an unusual type of family. She has two mothers and no fathers. Her mothers Mary and Julie adopted August because they couldn't have their own kid. So in her household they only celebrate mother's day. August is very happy and doesn't care that she doesn't have a father. She thirst for knowledge and is always reading or asking questions. She had gone to Lots-O-Crap for a new outfit. Her Mothers were shopping around the store and accidentally left without her. August was hiding inside the racks of the clothing eating her lollipop. She became stuck when closing time came around. August thought it would be fun to get locked inside of the store, so she stayed hidden inside of the rack. When she came out she wanted to play with all the toys that had left in the store. [B]One item that you have one you[/B]: A Key Lime Pie Lollipop. (August doesn't carry a purse. Thats a lot of stuff iin your purse, sounds like mine. My friends call my purse the Merry Poppins purse because I have everything anybody needs in my purse but it is so small none believe it can fit everything.) Sign up are still open. So come on people sign up. I will start this thing tomorrow.
  23. [B]Character Name[/B]: Aislin [URL=http://www.babynames.com/V5/wav/aislin.wav](How to pronounce her name)[/url] Talbot [B]Code name[/B]: Dreamer [B]Appearence[/B]: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/iwato.jpg]Here[/URL] Her eyes a bright emerald green and her hair is a deep fire red. Her robe is a light blue with a darker blue sash. The leaves around her head are a deep forest green. [B]Abilities[/B]: She uses the large leaf to spread a power to allow her to project her illusion on the person or to let her put the person alseep. [B][U]Hypnotic[/B][/U]~ Places person into a deep slumber. They can not be awaken till she lets them out of her spell. [B][U]Nightmare[/B][/U]~ While someone is asleep she can send them what ever there worst nightmare is. The person will not be able to wake up from it until she allows them to. [B][U]Illision[/U][/B]~Places the person into a trances. They are neither alseep or awake. In this state she can control what she wants them to think or do. The person also believes that they are still awake and of there own free will. Aislin can project images of what she wants them to see. [B][U]Dream Walker[/B][/U]~ Allows her to enter the persons dream. There she can minuplate them and twist them to her way. She can also control their dreams if theu are weak enough. While dream walking she uns a risk of getting hurt. If the person is strong enough they can harm her in there dreams. Whatever happens in the dreams will happen to her in real life. [B]Personality[/B]: Aislin was a normal woman. She was kind and gentle when she wanted but had a tongue that could but any person in her place. She can read people easly by motions they do and she nows how to handle them. She doesn't like to hurt other peoples feelings but she will not lie to them. Aislin never lies no matter what. She believes that lying is the worst thing you can ever do. She has a soft spot for kids and animals. No matter how angry she can be at them they always melt away her heart. After the expiroment she seemed a little more distant and anger more easly, but she pushes herself to be like she was before. [B]Bio[/B]: Aislin grew up in a happy household. She had her Mother, Father and two older brothers.The grew up in a middle class life though they weren't the richest family onthe block she didn't care. Always happy with what she has and never asked for anything. Her older brothers would always pick on her because she was the baby of the family but the never ment any of it. Her oldest brother Mike went away to college to study to be a doctor when she was four. She missed him and the tea parties he would play with her. When she was ten her other brother Ron went to college to study to be a enviromentist. This left her sad but they always wrote her letters. In school Aislin always did a good job. Whenever she needed help her parents always did. Study and good grade may have never of come easy to her but she always worked hard to earn them. She had many friends around her but she also had a bunch of eniemes. Her telling it how it is addittude would seem to get her in trouble a bunch of times. She didn't care whether or not they liked her. If they wanted her to lie to be their friend than they weren't a true friend. As she grew older she had a crush on a boy named Steven. He had moved away before she could reveal her true feelings. She was sadden for awhile but she bounced back to her normal self. When she graducated from her school she was had the highest honor. Everyone asked her what she was going to be going to school for. She always calmly shook her head and said she is not going to college. Everyone who heard this from her was shocked. Than they asked her why. She would say she wants to be a prietess and help anyone she could. So that is what she did. Once she had her mind set on something than she would go through with it. She trained under a priest and seem to be doing good. She would often go to orphanges and bring them food or other supplies they need. On her twenty eights borthday she was out for a walk in the local park. She thought that the day felt a bit strang ebut she just shrugged it off. Down a path Aislin saw a small puppy that looked like it was hurt. Since she was worried about it she went to make sure it as okay. when she got there she felt soemone grab her. She struggled to get away she couldn't. This was the day that would turn her life around. On that day Aislin was caputred and turned into a Bioweapon. Well I hope this is okay.
  24. Name: Samira Najila Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/anime_babes033.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Mech: Name~Fathia Fathia is an ideal mecha for the ground. It can hold its ground underwater for a short amount of time but not much. It is just about useless in an aerial combat. It rather bulky but can move kickly on land. Decorated in shades of green so it is better camouflage. A small booster is one the back, so that it can pickup spped when she is going to attack. Her weapons consists of two swords that can be formed together to create a long spear. If those weapons fail she has two small gun barrels hidden in the head of the mecha. THey can only shoot 1,000 rounds of ammuntion. Country: L4 Colony Cluster (if that is okay) Personality: Samira is a fun loving kinda gal. She always is on the go and gets exicted easly. She gets to be very laid back and can be considered a bit lazy at times. Yet when it comes time for her to do something serious she does it with a air of confidence. Whe she gets serious others around her know not to take what she says lightly. Samira can be rather flirty at times but will not flirt with anyone elses man or women. She has a deep desire to help her parents that were captured by OZ. Bio: Samira was born on the L4 Colony Cluster and grew up working in a circus (not the same as Trowa's). This didn't travel around from place to place but stayed in one spot. He mother, Renka, trained the horses to preform and her father, Bishop, worked with the loins. When Samira was younger she helped her parents feed the animals and take care of them. When she thirteen she began to preform as a tightrope walker and a dancer for the circus. She grew very good at what she did and her beauty help as well. Though her outfit may seem a bit revealing, she loves it very much. Though she loved her colony very much she dreamed of seeing Earth. The planet always looked like a ball of glass, so fragile and beautiful to her from space. Samira would always tell her parents that one day she would go to Earth and live on it. At the age of sixteen a bunch of OZ soldiers came to the circus thinking they were hiding weapons. Her parents and the rest of the performs hide her because she was the youngest. Her parents told her to flee and get away quickly. Samira hid out in the park until everything grew quiet. When she returned she found everything destroyed andher parents were gone. A yound man with good looks told her thamost of the people were captured. She soon found out his name was Quatre Reberba Winner. Samira for the first time was partaken with a man not a man partaken with her. Helping her escape the colonies he sent her to Earth. One her she decided to help her parents. Not knowing were to start she started to collect weapons. Using her dancing as a way to get money for funds. Soon she got the idea to build her own Mecha to help her family out. On her travel she met Imi and two others like herself. They decided to join together. Imi told her about how all weapons were going to be destroyed. She didn't want to see anybody else be hurt like she did her family. She wanted to help proctect what she could. Her heart also want to met the Arabian beauty Quatre that stole her heart. ~~~~ How is that? Hmm I wonder can you tell who my favourite Gundam pilot was. Yeah Quatre.
  25. "Thanks for tuning in all you out there. This is the Goddess Verandi signing off to you all." Verandi purred through the microphone. She waited till the red light was off and pushed her chair back. Another voice came on. Walking out of the sound proof room she grabbed her coat. "Nice job Verandi." The producer said standing behind the sound tech. "Thanks boss. Well I am heading home." She wink at them and blow them a kiss. The night had a bit off nip in the air as Verandi walked home. Opening the door to her apartment she took off her shoes. She likes to keep her house clean, so she makes everyone take their shoes off as soon as they enter the door. Taking her long jacket off she hung it on the hook. Walking out into the living room and over to her desk. Flicking her computer on she went back to the kitchen. She grabbed a shot glass and took some burban out of the cabenit. She went back to her desk out and sat down. She clicked on the enter "The World". Name: Lofn Password:******* The screem flashed and than "Welcome to The World" came on the screen. Opening her messages she noticed they were all from newbies asking for help. "Now how did they find my name." she deleted them all. Going to which is know by most player as The Net Slum but which to Lofn was Paradise. She walked around and looked at some of the other edited charaters. Lofn was probaly one of the strongest players out there in "The World" but the one least know. Listening in to others conversation about rare items and other things. She shook her head, "This isn't the reason why I had come here." She mumbled to herself. She went about and stood under a larger bridge. She had come here today looking for other members to join her under the name of the Dark Crusaders.
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