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Everything posted by Anne

  1. Lina placed the slim black fitting dress on. It was sleevless and fit tightly to her body the dress ended right above her knees. She placed her high heel shoes on and did up her make up. Looking at her short hair she wondered what she could do with it. With a quick run through of her brush she left it how she normally wore it. Afterward she grabbed a small glock and gun holster and placed it on her right thigh. Looking in the mirrior she made sure it couldn't be seen. Than she took at a small pair of round black earrings. Each of those earring were a small explosive devise that s friend of her made made. Lina had to be careful to make sure they didn't go off before she wanted to. Once she took them off her ear again she would only have five minutes until the went off. When they did the explosion wouldn't do too much damage but enough. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror she headed out of her room. Lina was sure that just about everyone was in the Lobby about now. Taking the elevator down to the Lobby. She got off and seen that Jalena was watching impationly. "Sorry I am running so late." Lina said quietly and waited.
  2. Name: Umeko Akimura Age: 17 Sex: Female Value/s: Faith and innocence Earth Appearance: same as angel Angel Appearance: see attachment Weapon: a long ivory staff with angelic sysmbol down the lenght of it. It stands the same hieght as Umeko.
  3. [CENTER][SIZE=4]Deserted Isles[/CENTER][/SIZE] [I] Some people have the fear of being left behind in a closing store. To be locked in for all night and no way of getting out. While other feels it would be loads of fun being inside a store left alone. There would be no one watching you and you could do anything you want. The thing is not many people do get locked into a store now a day. That is because of security system, guards, and other useful electronic gadgets. But what if you did get locked into a store with no of that stuff and you didn't now if you were going to get out tonight or have to wait until morning. [/I] A crisp summer day brings shoppers to the Final Closing Day sale of the Lots-O-Crap store. Shoppers busily go about try to find the perfect deal. Fights break out of different items that people want. The Hiccup me Sellmo, only two left in the store, was one of the biggest fights that broke out. Employees put bets on who would get it and laughed. Throughout the day people ran in and got what they wanted. Soon it is time for closing. ?Thank You Shoppers for coming to Lots-O-Crap. Have a nice night.? The familiar woman's voice ran on the loudspeaker. Customer hustles up to the front register to give the cashier finally purchases. The ringing of the last customer is heard. The employee's punch out and leave locking the door behind them. You hear them talk about what new job they are going to and how much they aren't going to miss working here. You also hear that this was the last day that was going to be opened and no one was returning for a week or longer. Than reality hits you?You are locked in a store for you don't know how long. Panic you roam around the store you find other inside that were trapped with you. Someone tries the phones but they are disconnected and someone tries to flick on the lights but no electricity. You and the group of other shoppers are stuck inside the building and you don't now when you are going to be saved. The group must work together to try and stay alive in the deserted isles of Lots-O-Crap. Can you make it with out going insane? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well this is the first RP that I created and I hope everyone likes it. The first thing I am going to do is introduce the rules. Ah yes the thing everyone hates. o I want good spelling and grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect because I know mine isn't. o I want a decent length post. o I want people that will post at least three times a week. If you have some type of problem in which you can't you can always P.M. and we can work things out. o Last but not least lets have fun Well that is it for the rules. See that wasn't so bad. Now if you are still here the next part is the sign up sheet. Since this is a comedy it can be wacky as you want but don't make so it unbelievable. [B]Sign up[/B]: [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: (You can be any age from 5 to 96.) [B]Gender[/B]: [B]Appearance[/B]: (You may have a picture or a written description. If you are writing a description please make it detailed.) [B]Personality[/B]: (Just like a paragraph telling how you interact with other around you.) [B]Biography[/B]: (Well just a paragraph or more on why you came to the store, a little about you life. If you have a job, family, ect. Also mention what your character was doing when they were locked inside of the store.) [B]One item that you have one you[/B]: (Okay everyone is going to have one item that they came to the store with. It could be anything you want like a bagel, your pet dog. You wallet, purse and money isn't included in that.) Well that it for the sign up sheet. So go and sign up, please. There will only be ten spots (if I get that many) because too many people get to confusing. So please post away. If anyone has any question or if I made something confusing (which is very likely) please just P.M. and I will try to make it more clearer. I will post my character after a couple of post.
  4. Wow I like everyones so far. Well I made some time on my hands (train was delayed a long time.) So I made a two new banners when inspiration struck. (Actually it was some guy luggage but thats okay.) So tell me which one you guys like better because I can't decide. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/OBsexy-avi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/OBsexy.jpg[/IMG] or [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/sexysix-avi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/sexysix1.jpg[/IMG]
  5. OOC:Sorry I haven't posted much but I have had a fever for two days. So my fience has banned me from the computer.
  6. Maia knew she hit a swore point, but she didn't care. She watched him leave, she gave a small little grin satisfied with herself.. Maia loved giving him a hard time, just to pay him back when he does it to her. She looked throught he book. [I]I hope Koji will be okay. This is first time around a bunch of humans.[/I] She flipped through a couple of page and stopped when she saw a picture. It was a picture of a young boy, he finger traced around his face. [I]It looks just like him.. [/I] She shook the though out of her head. "No that was centries ago, it is not well to dewl on the past." She closed the book and placed it back on the shelve she found it. [I]You were the one who supplied my hatred of humans Nick.[/I] Her face set in a frown and she her eyebrows schrunched up. "Humans they are nothing but trouble." She walked out of the library and composed herself. Walking down the hallway she checked her schedual to see she had P.E. [I]Well I might as well get there now. I'll workout some, relax me before class.[/I]
  7. Maia watched as the group despence to wherever they were heading to. Taking out her schedual she looked what hse had. Most looked boring expect P.E. Her eyes scanned the rest of the way and rested and Home Economics. Maia almost gasped that the thought she would cook and sew. She crumpled the paper up and stuff it into a pocket. The endless chatter and babble of hormones filled teenageers. Getting up from the table she headed out into the halls. While passing a table she heard a group gossiping about them. They thought that they were a gang from another school and they had murdered people. The school wanting to get rid of them sent them here. She almost burst out laughing at the thought of it. Yes some of them had killed humans but the rest was just total nonsesnse. Humans didn't make any sense to her. The hallway was filled with less people and much quieter. She breezed a sigh of relief. "Much better." She mummbled to herself. Walking down she looked out throught the window. Koiji and Kyoske were talking to two of the girls that were in their class. [I]Good, that will make them look better.[/I] Maia found the library. [I]Its perfect in here, nice and quiet.[/I] She found a book that showed all the stundents in the school. She sat down and began to study it.
  8. Name: Verdani (Ver-andy) Oddfrid Age: 24 Gender: Feamle Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/21-7.htm]Verdani[/URL] Personality: What can be said about Verandi besides the fact she lives up to her name.She was named after the Norse Fate of Present. She acts like she is the godess of the world and is a spoiled brat. She has a stubborn streak a mile wide and once she has her mind set on something nothing can change it. Verandi can be pretty friendly to others but sometimes will become bossy. Country: Norway Bio: Verandi has been playing "The World" for seven years. She wasn't into games very much but one of her few friends said she would like it. Trying it she did enjoy it. She tends to lay low though because she edited her character. She become a strong player, but isn't that well know. She moves through the servers without the notice of the adminstration. Verandi has never left Norway or traveled past her hometown. When she was younger she was a flirt and would steal all the other girls boyfriends in school just to make them angry. As she grew older she went to college to become a radio broadcaster. Soon she graducated and had her own talk radio show. Her Mother and Father are pushing her to get married to someone before she becomes to old. She always say no that when she finds someone more stubborn that her. Her family just shakes there head. This is for your character in The World: Username: Lofn Gender: Female Age: 22 Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/catgirl/4-6.htm]Lofn[/URL] Weapon: spear in picture Type: Long Arm
  9. Candy heard Velvet's thoughts. "Are you worried about your family?" Velvet looked at her, "What did you say?' Candy blushed, "I am sorry. I was reading your thoughts. You see i am a telepth and I just sometimes do it without thinking. It seems strange but do all of us some type of power."
  10. Well this is the first sexy gang i was in..lol. I made my own banner if you didn't mind Delirium, thank for the offer though. Tell me what you think of it I threw it together quick though. I gotta work some of the stuff i don't like out of it. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/sexy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] You can see my avi, its up there.
  11. Candy held her pink cat umbrella to keep the rain of her. Now and than she would splash in a puddle. She would laugh and feel like a kid again. She skipped down the sidewalk, she could get away with it, she looked like she was twelve. She was on her way to the grocery store, she need some milk. She got to the intersection and looked before starting to cross. As she was halfway across the street when a white limo came barreling down the street. The limo nearly hit Candy but she dodge it at the last minute. She may have surived almost nearly being run over but her umbrella didn't. Speaking in a somewhat raised voice she called after that. "Watch were you are going." Picking up a rock she hurled it at the car but missed. Deciding that it would be best to leave the street before she looked like her umbrella she made her way down the sidewalkk again. She didn't want milk anymore, she changed her mind alot. "I think it would be good to take a short cut right now. Seeing that I have no umbrella." Coming down she saw two young girls talking. Than she saw a boy run up to them.
  12. Maia walked into the room and she was filled with disgusted form being around all these humans. She wriggled her nose a bit but than placed herself in a state of trnquilty. "Hello I am Akora, Maia, it is a pleasure to meet you all." She bowed in front of the class, but she kept her eyes opened and kept themon the class. Weighing them and contemplating there use. Which wasn't much in her mind. "Thank you Miss Akora, please take a seat next to Chishu, Juri." He pointed out an empty desk next to a blond girl. "Ask her if you need help with anything." Maia bowed "Thank you Mr. Tamagotchi." She walked down the isle to her seat. She kept her chin high and had an arrogant walk that spoke I am not the person you want to mess with. She heard some guys whisper how cute she is and some of the girls call her names. Juri appeared not to like her to much, but she didn't care. "Nice to meet you Maia. Welcome to Cherub High." Juri said that just to be polite. Maia looked at her like she was an insect waiting to be stepped on. "I will warn you once, stay out of my way pest." Juri looked shocked at her. [I]I'll just keep you all in mind. I've decided this is the first place we are going to destroy. Starting with this girl Juri.[/I] She gave a sniff. Maia watched as the other members of Dark Seraphim. She had order them to try and lay low. Maia knew that Koji, Aida, and Kyoske would listen to her but she wasn't sure about Max. He will listen to her this time if he knew what was good for him.
  13. Anne

    My Undying Love (M)

    Clover pushed the blanket up to Steven's neck. Leaning down she went to kiss him. His eyes popped open and made her jump. "You surprised me, I thought you were asleep." "Well I was but now I am up." Shaun said rubbing his eyes. "What were you doing." He looked at her full dressed in her clothing and shoes. "Nothing." She tried to lie but couldn't. Everyone could always tell when she lied about something. "You are lying." "I was going to go and wish Steven a good trip. Also if it wasn't to much trouble to call us when he gets there. Make sure he was okay and everything, you know. Want to come with?" Clover looked hopeful. "No." He pulled the blanket over his head and laid there. "Okay, its is your choice Shaun." She walked out of the bedroom and left the house. A taxi was parked outside, she had called it before hand. Climbing into the Taxi she told the man to go to the airport and please make it as quick as possiable. Arriving at the airport she check the terminals to see which one was going to LA. Only three flights were. How was she suppose to know which flight was his. She sighed. "I guess I will check the early one first." She ran to thte gate had heard Katie before she actually saw her. Quickening her pace she got to the gate. Katie and Imi were pleading with Steven not to leave. [I]Here they are pleading with him and I am going to wish him a good trip. Well if he wants to go than no one can stop him.[/I] Walking up she spoke up. "Hi Katie, Imi, Steven." They looked at her. "Good you are here. Help us stop him for going." Katie stated. At the same time Steven asked were shaun is. "He didn't want to come and I am not here to stop you." Everyone turned and looked at her. "I mean don't get me wrong, I don't want you to go but its your life live it how you want it. If you want to go to LA and be on OC, whatever that is, than fine it is what you chose. I will not stop you but I will not support you one hundred percent. I am happy for you I guess, wow now I am rambling. I'll stop now. I just came to say bye, that all. Oh and if you do decide to go, call us so we now you got there safe." Shelooked at her friends faces, they range from shocke to stunned to angry.
  14. Yukio started to doze off as Mrs. Mana tought her lesson. A sudden thing hit him and made a cloud of dust. "What the hell." He was surprised by what had happened. "Good to see you awake agaain Mr. Maro." Looking down he seen the hard chalkboard eraser sitting on his desk. A white powered covered his face, as a blaank stupified look was broadcast on his face. The classroom tried to stuffle their laughter. Yukio got up and started to walk out the door. "Where do you think you are going." "Well it seems I am going to be walking out the door, now doesn't it." He shoot back in a cool, calm tone. He open the door and left. The classroom uproared in laught as the teacher tried to get control over it. Yukio walked throught the halls, hand shoved deep in his pocket. Looking at the window he seen the P.E. class playing hockey. "Maybe I'll go down and join them." He walked to the male locker room and threw his gym clothing on. His dragon tattoo showing down his arm. It drove the teachers crazy that he had it. Walking out to the field he came out to the coach. "You mind if i join coach." He gave a half smile. "Yeah sure whatever, Yukio." He said waving him away. "What fun this will prove to be." He grinned and gave a small chuckle.
  15. Name: Sandra "Sandy" Marble Age: 18 Gender: Female Pic/Description: [URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery/wm.php?pid=475&mode=normal]Sandy actually studying[/URL] Bio: (I agree with sean, I love writing bios for my characters. I think this is the funniest part) Sandy can be consider the High school preppy valley girl. Is considered to be one of the biggest airheads in school and is known to space out. The funny part is she always get good grades and does fairly well in all her class. Sandy considers the most imporant thing in the world is her hair and looks. She never bullies anyone and is made fun of behind her back. She is head of the cheerleading squad and loves to cheer. Always all the go, she can never stay in one spot for to long. Her older brother Micheal mikes fun of her all the time for being a cheerleader. Her mother and Father support her somewhat but find it is a total waste of time.
  16. Name: Candy Rose Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Only standing 5'3 and weighing 105 pounds, you can Candy is short for her age. She has a very lean build and no muscle tone at all, though she is strong. Her body is well proportained making everything seem right. Her face is round with grey eyes that are shaped like almonds. Her lips are very thin and her nose is slightly hooked. When she smiles she has small dimples that make her appear younger that she really is. All her feactures are very soft with no sharp angles. Candy's air is a sandy brown colour and falls straight down to her where her shoulder blades are. Most times it is kept in a high ponytail. Her completion is very light but not so plae that her skin doesn't look like it has any colour. Candy's skin is very soft and freckles dot her skin every now and than. She has a set of freckles on her left shoulder that form the shape of the bigger dipper. On her back she has a tattoo of a pair of feather bird wings. They are a light blue coloured around the lining and has no colouring inside the feathering. She wears a short hot pink mini skirt that comes to the middle of her upper leg. Her shirt is a light pink colour that is sheckered with white. It is in the style of a cowgirl shirt and has no sleeves. It is snug on her but it fits her perfectly. She wears a pair of plain black sandle which she always wears. She has her ears pierced once in the lobe. She always wears the same earings a small pink rose. Around her neck she wears one necklace that is just a plain silver chain with a lock on it and the key to go with it. One ring is on her finger which was her mothers wedding ring. It is a small gold band with little chips of emeralds going around it. Personality: Candy is a very easy going person. She mostly likes to go with the flow of things and is easy to please. She has a tendcy to slack off if nobody pushes her to do thing. Candy also tends to act younger than she really is. Always able to get along with people though there are few that can say they detest her but she shrugs them off. She never yells, shouts or speaks loudly yet she doesn't speak in a whisper. She makes sure its always enough so people can hear it. She enjoys being around others but at the same time she does like to be alone once in awhile for her sanities sake. -Empathy: No -Telepathy: Yes/strong -Telekinesis: No Short Bio: Candy grew up raised by her father. Her mother, Lily died giving birth to Candy. Her father, Bob, was very sadden and has never even thought about dating anyone else. Her father always gave her everything she need but never spoiled her. Candy has always been grateful to her father for the love he has given to her. On her 18th birthday her father gave her, her mother's wedding ring as a gift. This is Candys greatest treasure and the thing she prizes most in the world.
  17. Ammila walked through the town listening into other conversations about the edited character. She heard a lot of rumor about the character. Some say she was a virus, others a hacker.She had to laugh, she never went by rumors only true facts. She was starting to get frustrated all the others players didn't know where this player was. She decided to go to the inn. Alot of talk always happen there. when she walked in she saw the edited character. [I]I am so dumb this should have been one of the first places I should have checked.[/I] She noticed that they character was sitting with the player Nemesis. [I]Strange, I wonder what they are doing together.[/I] She took at seat towards the door and sat facing them. She tried to see if she could listen in on the conversation but she couldn't. Ammila would have to get closer if she wanted to hear them. She noticed a strange character sitting by himself. It was a wavemaster, [I]I haven't seen him around much. Maybe he plays in a different sever and is just meeting someone here.[/I] She shrugged her shudders and watched them. She would approach them but she wanted to know what she was dealing first.
  18. Anne

    My Undying Love (M)

    OCC: I know this is proubly a dumb question, but I am going to ask it anyways because I like asking dumb questions. Who is Micha Barton and what is OC? IC: Clover watched as Kaite left her standing in the girls locker room alone. She began to breath heavly and felt like the walls were closing in. She couldn't take being alone right now. she quickly walked out of there and went to the girl's bathroom to get Shaun. She saw Shaun come outo f the girl's bathroom, his face bright red. She smiled but it was forced. "Did you find Katie, she wasn't in the bathroom." 'Yes but she went to Steven's house for some apparent reason. Can we get out of here please. I don't want to be around all these people." Shaun looked down at her and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. Clover flinched some, she didn't mean to her body just reacted that way. Shaun's eyes looked sad, taking his hand into her she spoke, "I am sorry, but just give me some time. He nodded. "Lets get out of here and get some ice cream or something. How does that sound." "Like a great idea." She smiled at him. "Anything would be good as long as I am with you."
  19. Anne

    My Undying Love (M)

    Clover wandered around the room seeing if she saw Shaun. Taking in a deep sigh she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around she thought it was Shaun but it wasn't. It was a man with a jackel mask on. "Hey Clover you look nice." The man said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Thank you and who are you?' She said each word with care. He laughed and took of his mask. "Oh its you David." She said with a disgusted tone. "What do you want." "You look like you needed a drink," he handed her a galss of soda. Clover looked at with a raised eyebrow. She gave it a snip and she heard David laugh again. "What do you think I would posion it. "Yes!" She said bluntly. "Well its not." She still really didn't trust him, but she took a small sip. It tasted fine and took another. "See I told you." Clover never like this guy he was one of the druggies in school and has asked her out a bunch of times. Her body started to feel hot and she felt like she was going to pass out. "I don't feel to well." "Really, let me help you. Maybe you need some air." He caught Clover before she fell and help her outside. All the while he had a grin on his face. Clover must have blanked out for a few mintues because it tookher awhile to regain where she was. She was on the school roof. Clover felt paralized and she tried to move but she couldn't. She ws becoming frieghtened and that wasn't like her. A hand touched her hair and she tried to call out. "Come now Clover, I don't think that a good idea. You wouldn't want anyone else to know that you are on the roof with someone else." His laugh became wicked and twisted. Clover was to frieghtened to move. She tried to scream out for Shaun but her voice wouldn't work. [SPOILER]His hand worked it way around her body. as be passed over her breast he gave them a tight squeeze. Clover closed her eyes hoping to make it all go away, that it was all a bad dream. She felt his lips connect with hers as he forced her mouth open to work his tongue in. "You know Clover alot of guys wanted you, but you picked that other guy. You could have had anyone, you know that." He told her has he broke their kiss. He removed his pants and kneeled down beside her. Clover whimpered she wanted to stop him but she couldn't. She felt his hand move down to her crotch. With one swift pull he took off her panties. "I've wanted you Clover." His hand brushed her cheeck. "More than you know I wanted you." Tears streak her face, she just wanted him to stop. She felt him thrust into her again and again. Tears poured out her eyes and all she could think of was Shaun. She felt him climax and his face pressed close to hers. "He won't want you know Clover, no one will. You will be all mine." He laughed and got up pulling his pants back on and left.[/SPOILER] She laid there not moving, she was ashamed of what just happened. A cold chill made goosebumps apear on her skin, than Emilys voice appeared. "Clover I just saw what happened. You know you don't want to live now. Why don't you join me.." Clover looked at Emily's ghost, tears stained her face. It made sense what she was saying. She got up and walked to the edge of the school building. [I]If I jump I can end it right now, I can save all the pain of it all. Emily is right, all I have to do is jump and I won't hurt anymore.[/I] "That right jump..end all your pain and suffering." Emily whispered in her ear. A voice came inside of Clover. [I]Are yousure you want to jump. If you jump you can't ever fix this mistake[/I] Anotherr voice came inside her head. [I]She jump its the best way. It is the right thing to do.[/I] The two voices battled in her head each telling her what to do. Clover cluched her head and walked away froom the edge of the roof. "LEAVE ME ALONE." She yelled at the voices. "I WILL MAKE MY OWN CHOSE." She sat down and rocked back and forth trying to gain a grip on her sanity. She felt Emily there still. "EMILY LEAVE ME ALONE. I HATE YOU NOW AND WHAT YOU HAVE BECAOME." She felt Emily's ghost disappear.
  20. Name: Maia Akora Age: 18 Gender: female Side: Dark Seraphim Description: [URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery/wm.php?pid=318&mode=normal]Alex i'll take picture for 1,000 [/URL] [URL=http://we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Cardcaptors,%20Card%20Captor%20Sakura&p=89&frpg=5&f=#pic]Here Angelic form[/URL] Bio: The only female of the group, she like swooning over the opther in her group. She thinks it is very silly that they have to pretend to be students to find the angel knights. She hates to be among the humans and having to act like them. Maia thinks school is the worst thing she has ever done and would rather got take over the world than go to math. In school she presents herself the ideal student when no teacher is around but when there isn't she bullies the other girls around. She had come to the town of Feather with the three other members of Dark Seraphim to find the Feather Earrings of Light and those who might oppose them. They agreed to go into the school and enroll for the perfect cover. I hope that this is okay Silent Angel. Edit: I added Maia angel form and yeah I would like to be the leader.
  21. Anne

    My Undying Love (M)

    OCC: Weee, i am so excited. I never got to go to my prom. Hope you don't mind S.A. but I am goin g to put in some details of the place. IC: Clover had made the outfit she wore tonight. She had been searching the stores for month but didn't really find what we wanted. She wore her hair in two buns with long braids coming out of the top. Pears drapped over her forehead and around her necl. In each ear was a pearl stud slight tinted grey. Her dress was a sliver/grey colour. Long sleeves came xdown her arms and made a traingle on her hand hocking on to her middle finger. The dress accented her curves and come down to her waist in a point. The bottom of the dress wear made in a slightly see through material with layes. They layers looked like flower petal as they drapped down to her knees. They were layer in a siler and than a white colour. Her shoes wear white and flat and had white ribbons that tied up to her knee in a neat bow. The mask she wore on her face covered her eyes only and was just plain white and seemed to shine. It framed her face very nicely. Clover wished that it would never end it all felt so magically. Like she was a princess and Shaun was her prince coming to rescue her. She looked at the decore of the room. Six pillar on each side had a flower wreath wrapping it way up to the top. The table had a white table cloth on them and than a smaller dark blue on top. A single red rose was placed on the center of each table. Each table had 6 chair around them. Small plants were postitioned around the room to give the fell of a garden. The DJ was set up in a small corner of the room out of the way. A water fountain was near the back of the room. It had three statues of angles, one holding a star, another the moon, and the last the sun. water spilled at their feet. She felt Shaun's breath on her neck and the whole thing felt like she was in a dream. Nothing felt real to her right now and she wished it would never stop. Nothing c ould ruin this night for her she felt. "I love you my Prince" she whisper into Shaun ear. As the music faded and turned into another slow song.
  22. April opened the door to her one bedroom apartment. Juggling a handful of books she walked inside and set them on her kitchen table. She worked at the Library and these books were destroyed so she had to record it. She sat down and took her shoes off. walking over she turned on her computer. Her phone was blinking and she went and pushed her answering machaine button. "Hi sweety its Mo--" She pressed the earse button before she could hear the rest. She hated her parents the only time she was happy was when she was in "The World". Sitting down at her computer she opened the program. A screen popped open and she already knew what it would say. Name: Ammila Password:******* "Welcome to the World." Ammila was in the town center near the Choas Gate. Her broadsword clung into her hand. Walking through the town she went to pick up some more supplies. She heard the other players busy tlaking to one another. Ammila picked up on an intresting conversation. "Did you hear that there is an edited character running around?" "No are you serious and the adminstrator hasn't deleted it?" "Yeah, they say she looks like a wolf and has a necklace with a red cresent moon around her neck." "Wow that amazing." Ammila stopped listening to the people conversation. [I]Hmmm a red cresent monn necklace. Sound alot like the one I have. Maybe I'll go find this edited character.[/I]
  23. Anne

    My Undying Love (M)

    Clover stuck her head out of the shower and called out to Shaun, "What did he want?" Walking out from the bedroom "We are going to met the gang at the mall in two hours. So hurry up in the shower so I can get mine." Clover drinned, "Well you can always join me and save time." Shaun's face turned red and Clover laugh. Pulling him into the bathroom, she yanked down his boxers. Afterwards she gave him a quick shove into the tub. Laughing she got in with him. "You could be a bit more gentler you know Clover." Clover laughed at kissed him. "I was dropping hints to you all night, but all you wanted to do is sleep." [SPOILER]Shaun masaged Clovers right breast. Locking lips they kissed, CLover eyes glazed over has her body became hot. The water from the shower sprayed on them. shaun pushed Clover on the wall of the shower and their hips locked together. Digging her nails into Shaun's back they climaxed. Clover's knees gave way and she would have fallen if it hadn't of been for Shaun holding her up. They stood there for a few minutes waiting for their breath to catch. Getting out of the shower the towled off.[/SPOILER] "I need to borrow some clothing." "Okay you now where my cloths are." "Clover went into Shaun's room and dug around trying to find clothing that fit her best." She came out with a semi-baggy blue shirt on and pants that you could tell that weren't hers. Going into the kitchen Shaun had made up some waffles that you put in the toaster. "Were gonna head out after were done eating." Shaun said pouring her a glass of milk. "Okay. So now we are going toneed to get our prom outfits. I hear the theme is masks this year." Clover asked as she finished her last bit of waffle and the last of her milk. Shaun laughed at her, "What so funny?" Clover asked. Getting up from his chair he walked up to her and lip the top of her upper lip. "You had a milk mustache." He laughed. "Come on lets go before we are late."
  24. Name: Fern Waters Age: 17 Gender: Female In Your Own Words: Well Hi, my name is Fern waters (click [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/banners/pics/sugiyama.jpg]here[/URL] to see me talking to my animal friends.) and I am seventeen. My parents sent to Jameson's Finishing school for YOung Ladies when I was 13. They sent me here in hopes that I would became a fine young lady, and I truely am becaming one. I my not be very strong and bad at all physical things but I make that up with my kindness and love. I don't like to speak bad about other and i would rather make friends with everyone and not have any enemies. It seems I am very good at dancing and the teachers are pressing me harder to preform better. I love to go out and walk through the garden that is were I am most relazed is in nature. One day when I was walking throught he garden I came across a small bird. It came right up to me and wasn't afraid. The the strangest thing happed it seemed like I knew how it was feeling and knew what each chirp meant. The next day I was out for my usual walk agian and I could sense and feel what the flowers were saying and feeling. It was the strangest thing. I told principle of what had happened and he told me I must be imaging it. As the years went by it seems that I can undetstand them better. It also seems that I can control the plants around me it so totally wierd. But it seems this whole school is wierd to me. Student File #1498, Fern Waters: Waters is a highly intellagent young lady and is developing well. It seems her ability to communicate with wildlife and control plants are coming along nice. She doesn't seem to be having any symptoms or anything wrong with here. Fern would be highly valuable in the Psy squad. She easy does what she is told and never questions authority. How is that?
  25. Yukio walked down the hallway, hand thrusted in his pockets in deep thought. He was on his wat to his advanced English class. He always hated that class. A small paper ball rolled out next his and he kicked it. Watching the others around him he thought, [I]They are all usless everyone of them.[/I] "Mister Maro."' Yukio tuened and looked at one of the members in the gang. "What is it?" His voice cool and calm, yet having a tone that easly put one in there place. "It seems there is a new stundent. His name is Imric Kagushi and he just tramsford in today." "Really now." Yukiop grinned. "I shall think I will pay a visit to him after school to welcome him." Yukio gave a slight grin and you can see that he was thinking of something. Reaching his classroom he sat down at his desk. The teacher Mrs. Mana looked over her class at Yukio, "Well it is good of you to join us Mr. Maro." "Yeah, I decided to grace you with my presence." Mrs. Mana rollled her eyes and began the lesson.
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