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Everything posted by artmasta

  1. well only 2 member spots left. Well Terra I don't need to give a storyline because if people saw Digimon: The Movie, theres no need to make up a storyline becuz if I did, there wouldn't be that many people joining this RPG..
  2. This is a Digimon RPG I am starting about the return of diaboromon..All who would like to join please sign up here. 4 SPOTS LEFT!!! Please include Name: Age: Your Digimon: DigiCrest: Evolution Forms: Attire: (clothing) Mine are as follows Name: Akira Sonemite Age: 13 My Digimon: Agumon DigiCrest: Courage Evolution Forums: Greymon, Metal Greymon, and WarGreymon Attire: Black hair with white streaks, Matrix sunglasses, silver shirt with the Birdhouse logo, Baggy Cargo bunched up shorts, Tony Hawk shoes, and a backpack with a custom skateboard..
  3. This is a Digimon RPG I am starting about the return of diaboromon..All who would like to join please sign up here. 4 SPOTS LEFT!!! Please include Name: Age: Your Digimon: DigiCrest: Evolution Forms: Attire: (clothing) Mine are as follows Name: Akira Sonemite Age: 13 My Digimon: Agumon DigiCrest: Courage Evolution Forums: Greymon, Metal Greymon, and WarGreymon Attire: Black hair with white streaks, Matrix sunglasses, silver shirt with the Birdhouse logo, Baggy Cargo bunched up shorts, Tony Hawk shoes, and a backpack with a custom skateboard..
  4. artmasta


    I would like to have your honest opinions about Digimon returning to Fox or beginning onto the Cartoon Network. Please be honest on your opinion
  5. well you cant really see any of the characters that you have in the banner... Yes I know its pretty old having watched it myself..
  6. [U]Chapter 1: The Beginning[/U] On the planet of Vegita, there was a race of beings, but these being are no ordinary beings. These beings were saiyans, and as saiyans were, they destroyed lfe forms on planets and then later sold the planet to the highest bidder. A planet known as Saiyahorn was taken over by the saiyan race. The saiyahorns had no choice but to fight to live. It was a brutal battle but as always, the saiyans won. About 3 months later a changling/namek/android named Jari-Kinjone placed a bid for the planet. Kinjone got Saiyahorn but at a terrible price. One saiyan wanted to stand up against Kinjone, but never found the time to think of a plan. The on the 7th day after the bid, the saiyan named Napcorn, made a plan and took a few more saiyans with him to test it out. It worked for awhile, but then Kinjone sent his army to stop Napcorn. Kinjone knew Napcorn couldn't be stopped. Tell me what you think so far. I will edit later on as I use more imagination.
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