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Everything posted by pariettilion

  1. hmmm....I'm currently reading/collecting love hina ah my goddess Fruits basket angel sanctuary the ring series (yes, there's more than 1 book) After I'm finshed w/ love hina and ah my goddess I plan on picking up clover alice 19th battle royale
  2. not sure on the theme.... But, I did 2 VERY rough character drawings (aries and the leader of the gang) [img]http://ee.1asphost.com/parietti/Image13.jpg[/img] [img]http://ee.1asphost.com/parietti/Image12.jpg[/img]
  3. that kinda reminda me of OH! my goddess. But then again, it's all about how u make ur story orginal
  4. I really love linkin park, they are perhaps my fav. band. Although its true, some of the music is really repetitive, I still love most of their songs. My fav. songs are In the end, and some where I belong. But, I my most favorite song they ever did, which was a bit less noticed was My December, (I think that's what it's called it goes like "This is my December, this is my time of the year" anyway, I love that song, there's not as much screaming and all, its a bit slower.
  5. ...so, does it sound orginal? I've noticed that the problem with a lot of manga ideas around here is that they aren't very orginal. By the way, I edited a bit, grammar wise I mean. Some of the sentaces didn't make scence.
  6. I picked up the first book of Angel sanctuary and I loved it! The art is awesome and I love the plot, it's a little bit confuzing but still very cool. Did anyone else read this/know about it? What did u think? Like I said, the art is awesome: [img]http://ee.1asphost.com/parietti/17.jpg[/img]
  7. It does matter what you are into and stuff, but I can recommend Chobits, oh my goddess, love Hina. For a more developed plot try Angel sanctuary, it rox!
  8. So, I've had this idea for a manga that I want to do for a while now, tell me what u think Kajua is your regular girl, until one day she is sent to a special school after fighting in school. The Rosa bates school for the youth, or more commonly known as Fahrenheit high is where she is sent. Fahrenheit is a place for kids with behavior problem, but also have achieved some kind of academic history (so u have to be smart too) She meets this girl named Kirii on the train there and they kinda become friends. Kirii is also going to the same school as she is. (Kirii is the meek and not loud type, so Kajua can't simply figure out why she would be going there too) Things are fine when she gets there, she meet a strange teacher who tells her of his theory of the world, that every action, and even thought has already existed, (In the general way.) she shrugs it off, then goes to lunch and meets Aries-a dark haired boy who seems kind of solemn on his own. Later, she finds out that Aries had multiple personalty syndrome, his other side is sly, a good fighter and also a bit of a trouble maker. Aries, Kajua and Kirii end up all becoming like friends, but of coarse they have enemies. Their enemies are an Asian gang. In some way, they rules the school. We later find out that the leader is someone that Kajua kinda knew from the past. Kirii starts having dreams (really in the beginning though) because she is a good artist, she draws the people in her dreams. Mainly is it 2 different woman, we learn that their names are Maria and sukie, kirii's dreams about them are different, but in a strange way the same. Kajua has the feeling that she has seen these 2 before, sukie supposedly is from old Japan, in all the dreams Kirii has about her, she is fighting some strange looking thing/person. Maria is from The Roman times of Italy, she seems to be some kind of a witch. It's a really long plot and confusing story but chase ahead and Kajua finds out that she is the reincarnation of these 2 woman, sukie was actually a demon and the greatest fighter of all time, Maria was the daughter of a noble and a witch. Whenever Kajua gets really mad or sad, the aspects of these 2 woman kind of 'show up' we also find out that Kirii, most of the gang members and even Kajua's strange teacher were real people from the past that sukie and Maria were in contact with. In Maria's time, Aries were twin brothers that both were fighting love wise over Kajua. In Sukie's, They were distant war lords. Her teacher's ideal about the past is actually true, every action and though have already been played out, and supposedly...Kajua and her friends will lead the life that sukie and Maria both lead. Also there's a small side story involving the school itself, (why its named after this 'Rosa bates person') Yes, I know all Very strange. I haven't even got into the character structure yet. But, please tell me what u think.
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