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  1. Hey ReFlux, good idea. NARUTO ALL THE WAY!!!!! I think you should try to find shonen jump. It's a monthly colloction of diffrent mangas, that way you can find what you like best. Also, try reading the InuYasha series. It's pretty violent, but really cool. Anyways, that just my opinion. Cya later fellow manga-er.
  2. You might haved guesed, mines Naruto ^_^
  3. what can i say but: cool. I have my own manga series 2. check it out. It's the "My own manga" post. :D
  4. I have my own manga series called Kicker. It's still not finished but heres the gist of it. A 14 year old 1/2 fox demon and a mysterious cat girl fight against an evil being. He plants dark seeds in peopls hearts and they grow into powerful shadow beasts that erupt out of the victims body. The boy, whos name is Taken, and the ultra-smart clutz cat girl, called Erin, fight these beast so that they can destroy "The Dark One". So what do you guys think?
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