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Ok been awhile since my last RP, lets see what I can still do. Sorry Arcadia, last time I was hear the rating thing was still being messed with. Thank you though. They say that once a month when the moon reaches its highest point in the sky that a mystical dragon walks the earth. This dragon is one of a kind and is born of the time when the moon is at its apex. Legends say that if one was to come across this dragon that it would bestow one wish to that person. No matter what the wish may be or how large it my be. However an elf could spend it?s whole life searching for this dragon and die before he did so. For the dragon never visit?s the same place twice. This is so a creature with evil intent could use the dragon to its own gain. But no mortal creature is looking for it though. A great demon from the Abyssal Plane has taken a interest in this creature. It seeks to find the creature and wish to live forever on the Physical Plane. Where it can kill and cause chaos for all time. This demon is a great balor by the name of Vilarr. Several mages have been informed of this great evil?s plot, even the mighty Caderly of the Spirit Soaring has found out. This creature must not find the Midnight Dragon, or the great Balor will unleash hell on earth. With the new month coming up, there is little time it seems. For the moon is taking shape quickly and it is said by the 25th day in the month, the moon will be full. So in that time someone must stop Vilarr. Ok as you can see, this RP will require some knowledge of the Forgotten Realms world. I mentioned Caderly, but I would like to keep the ?stars? ,if you will, out of the RP. So lets try not to ?run into? Drizzt or Elmenster. Now it should also be clear that were working under a time frame, this is so the RP doesn?t drag out. However if it seems like the RP is going well, and 25 days for the group just won?t do. I can always make the Balor miss the dragon. Now as for you characters, I would like to run a bit on the D&D system. Not meaning the whole roll dice for stats, but the choices. Keep the classes and races within the world of Forgotten Realms. I will allow some customization on the class and races, you?ll see when I post it. As for any half breeds, I don?t mind but lets not go to over the top. Nothing like a dragon and a demon or anything. Ok, here is my Char, follow the format. Name: Wullf Maximas Age: 20 Height: 7 feet even Weight: around 350 lbs Race: Pure breed werewolf. Never changes into human form. (this is the customizing on class and race I spoke of) Class: fighter Weapon: Enchanted long sword. Never dulls and when focused can send a short cutting wave. looks like a straight bladed scimitar. (talking like a foot or two in front of the blade, not much) Magic: none Abilities: Fast running, and animal like senses (smell, hearing?etc) don?t go nuts on the abilities and magic. Keep it with in reason. Description: Wullf has silver fur running all over his body. His actual hair is also silver but just a shade darker. His hair flows freely behind him and comes to about his hip. His eyes are a steal blue. They can be peaceful one minute and then cold and mean the next. He wears his fathers leather tunic. Said to be made from the hide of a black dragon, but no one can back it up. Blue pants and black leather gauntlets and leggings finish off his outfit. A hole is cut in his pants to allow his long silver tail to wag freely. His sword is cared on his left hip. The sheath is help up by a belt made by his mother. It has the image of a silver dragon on the center clasp. His feet are bare and both hands and feet have claws. Short bio: Wullf?s parents were killed in a attack on his pack . An army of men swarmed over his home. The werewolves did well to stand there ground, but in the end many were killed. Wullf survived and became the head of his pack. After hearing of the midnight dragon, and the packs mage tell him of the Balor?s plot. Wullf decided to head out and try and stop the demon. He wanted to make a good name for his people, and maybe bring some kind of peace to his home. Ok, that should do it. Now I?ll leave this thread up for awhile. Be about a week and then would like to start.
Name: Wolf Age: 30 Gender: male Race: human Appearance: Standing 5"9" and about 170lbs, Wolf is a farely sized man. His face looks like finely chizaled marble, mooth but yet hard. His hair is thin and white, reaching to about his shoulder blades. Its keep in a nice ponytail with a piece of black leather. Normally dressed in a simple white tunic and brown pants, and he always wears his long hooded cloak. Although he has since to need the hood anymore, he simple wears it to remind him of his past. Under his long flowwing cloak he has his travel pouch draped over one shoulder and his sword belt around the other. His cloak is cut enough at the top so Wolf can extract his long and thick sword. His boots and gloves are simple black leather with silver lineing. Bio: Wolf was found a few yards outside Tera' lamore. He was found as a young boy by the guards of the city. They found him with a medallion of a wolf around his neck. When asked his name the boy could not reply, so he was simply given the name Wolf, because of his medallion. He was raised by the guards of the city, none really took him in. They simply gave him a place to sleep and took care of him when need be. When he was older he was taught to fight and trained to become a guard himself. His progress was so fast and grand that he was sent to the captin of the King's army. From there he furthured his training and became a well respected member. Over time he worked his way up the military ladder and became a high officer. Now with the coming threat, Wolf has been asked to be apart of the emissary group to Blazefire Mountain. Weapons: A very large sword, from point to guard it comes to Wolf's shoulders. The handle makes the weapon about even with the man. The weapon his bladed on one side (think of clouds sword from FFVII, but a bit more medevil). He also cares a small crossbow, and short sword. Personality: For the most part Wolf is quite. He does what he's told and stays out of other way. He does however have a strong since of justice. He won't hesitate to step into a quarl if someone is being wronged or otherwise. Magic: [COLOR=Cyan]Fang Strike[/COLOR]: He focuses energy to his sword, and then makes a strong slash. The energy can accually cut a few extra feet beyond the blade but not much. The focusing part leaves Wolf open for a time inorder to consentrate. [COLOR=Indigo]Moon Shield[/COLOR]: By put his sword into the ground and focusing his energy he can make a circular shield around whoever are in the area. This taxes him quit a bit, for each hit to the shield makes Wolf's focus harder to keep. alright, i think that does it. If theres anything i need to change PM me. Hope this goes well. :D
I was kinda wondering when this RP was going to get underway. I have no problem waiting, if your hopeing for more sign ups, but a friendly update would be most helpful. :D
alright i'd like to give this a go. Name: Akami Metsumata Gender: male Occupation: comic artest Description: Akami stands about 5'7", with long blonde hair held up in a pony tail. He has silverish blue eyes, and usually wears jeans, an under shirt and unbottoned overshirt. Bio: He spends most of his day drawing, and tryin to think of new ideas for his company. He accually got his dagree for comic aniamtion and has since been doing that. Most of his ideas usually get put into T.V ads or some small shows. When he's not drawing he's playing 'the world', for the most part it helps him come up with new ideas, and stay on the fantasy guide lines. world Name: Urufu Gender: male Level: 1 Class: twin blade Weapon: twin goblin styled swords. called dragon fang and wolf fang. Weapon level: 50 Abilities: double thrust low, Fire strike (dragon fang) Moon strike(wolf fang, and its a darkness element strike) Description: Stands 5'9", and has short white hair, and dark blue eyes. He wears a black sleevless tunic, with a white long sleeve shirt under. His boots and gloves are Black, and pants are white. He has a long white scarf that flaps behind him. Alll his black gear has silver rune etching. His swords are help behind his back, with the handle's faceing down. Play time: about 2 yrs thats should do it :D
ok, i'm a new .hack fan, and i love the anime. I'm also an rpg fan, so you see the connection. I was wondering, what are all the classes in 'the world'. if theres a website that can explain all of that and more, that would be great.
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
WolfMaximas replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
Kal looked at his red skinned friend and then at Achiion. He gave an unarming smile and then spoke. Kal: I have no quams about having you board my ship sir Achiion, and the adventure alone sounds rewarding. Helreppo: Aye that it will be, and think. If the elves learn it was you who helped my ship they would surely enough grant you pass through there city and such. Kal: They might indeed. Well then i belive this matter seattled. Good Achiion we sail come the sun's brake. Will be having one more extra crewman as well. Bean: you mean that thing? Kal: That thing will scare off half the pirates, and prove usefull in beating them to the merchant ships. Achiion: Your refering to that large ogrillion man from the docks. Kal: Aye that I be, and I have no doubt he would welcome the chance to thrash some pirates. And, with sir Achiion aboard i don't think he'll try and devorer any of my crew. Kal threw a wink at Bean, who looked at Achiion and smiled. Indeed no ne would be foolhearty enough to challenge such a creature. Achiion: Well then, I will arive at your ship before day brake. Hopefully you won't need my ad, but... Kal: always good to have another arm for pullin. Kal smurked with his statement. Achiion: I should have guest you wern't going to let me have free sailing. Kal: All my crew pull their weight. You would do well on the watch i belive. The three laughed and then left the office. Kal and Bean headed insearch of the ogrillion. While Achiion took care of his own buisness. Bean: How will we find this ogrillion? Kal: I don't think that will be hard. Kal pointed at the wrecked bar and smiled at his goblin friend. Bean: Oh my, the beast has been here thats for sure. Kal smiled again and the two trudged off to find their chaotic companion. -
ok Drizzt since i like the character you choose as your name, i'll give you the benifit of the doubt and help ya out. Name: Kal'Daka Moonstar Age: looks 20ish (not to sure on the elvish age thing) Race: Half dark elf, half werewolf appearance: Element: Fire Personality: Weapon: Falchion (those who don't know, think two handed scimitar) Background: The info i left i will fill in, but i have to go to work, so i will edit the finshing touches later, don't want it to be sloppy now do we :D
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
WolfMaximas replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
Bean: Not here less than a minute and we already have work. Kal: See, what did i tell you. Kal smiled then remembered the other creature. How could he forget such a thing that large. Kal: Good man, what is your name and wear do you come form? Kal spook to the creature in the best orcish he could. altough it was not a hard virable language, but the grunts could soor once throat. ????: I be Shmeezer! The ogriilion proclamed in the common tongue. Kal: Good, you speak common. Are conversation would be dreadful to my throat if i had to continue in orcish. Shmeezer: I the language be hard for those not of orcish blood. Kal nodded to the large man, then looked at bean who was eyeing the creature with caution. Kal: Take no offence to my goblin friend, his clan was wipped out by orcs. Shmeezer: As are most goblin clan. Kal: Now then what is your buisness here? Shmeezer: That, would be my buisness alone. But if i be needin transportation... The ogrillion smiled at Kal'Daka, who smiled back at the jester. kal: I think we could spar having someone with your strength maining some of the sails. Make the trip alot smoother. Shmeezer chuckled his aprovale and walked off, ovoiding the looser boards of the dock. Kal: Well now my friend, it seems we have alot going for us at the moment. Bean: That we may, just keep him away from me at all times. Sorry cap, no disrespect. Kal smiled to show his goblin friend there was none taken. the two walked down the port street in search of the adress the merchant had given them. -
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
WolfMaximas replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
Atop the high crows nest, the redish skinned goblin looked threw his spyglass. He jumped at the sight of the port of luskan. He grabbed hold of a near by rope and jumped from his perch. The little goblin sailed all the way down, but just an inch before he hit hard the rope went taught. It spung him back a ways, then he let go. bean ran to the captins quarters and pushed open the door, Bean was never one for politeness. Bean: Capin, we've come to Luskan! Kal stood up from his set and smiled. Kal: Great, then let us find an open dock, and way anchor. Bean: You got it, will there be any need to be ready for a quick get away again sir? The small little goblin smiled with the remark and chuckled abit. Kal: No, there will be no need this time. The people of Luskan know us and are reputation. They should harbor us for a few days. Bean smiled and ran out to call to the rest of the ship. The crew buisied themselves so to make the minutes before port pass quick. Bean sat cross legged on the tip of the ship. he watched the port get closer and closer. As they did he saw two very out of place shapes. He drew his spyglass and looked closer. He saw what appeared to be...a Ogrillion and something else. He couldn't make out the the creatures form, it seemed almost like it didn't have one, but at the same time did. At that time Kal had caught hold of the sight as well. His elvish eyes saw the two forms quite well, but he used his spyglass to confirm his ideas. kal: Thats a....Wraith. Bean heard the whispered word fromhis friends mouth. The little goblin shook all over at the sound. Wraiths had almost a worst reputation then drow. Bean: surely if the town of luskan can let such a thing as that wraith walk the streets, they should easily accept you and me. Kal: One would assume, but then again you know what you get from assumeing. Kal smiled and closed his apyglass. He walked to the the main mast and put his back on it. He put a palm to his chin and thought for a minute. Then he called to the wheelman. Kal: Make for that dock there! Pointing to the dock where the two figures were. Bean jumped beside the captin and looked at him with confusion. Bean: What you be up to Kal? Kal: Such odd creatures are not a common sight in Luskan, or anywhere for that matter. Let us see why they are here. The great ship turned with the wheelman's turn of the rutter. the ship caught some small wind to push it a bit more. kal: Alright men, put the sails up and let her cost in. They crew rushed to the get the sails up, and just as they did they anchor was dropped. the large ship began to slow with the wait of the large metal weight hanging form its side now. The large anchor slamed into the ocean floor and began to drag. each inch slowing the ship just a bit more. Fianally the ship stopped just shy of being perfect. The two figures on the dock watch with most confusion, as to why a ship had docked next to an Ogrillion and a Wraith. A long wooden board came out form the ship and the tall captin stepped out. His hair caught a draft of wind and blew a bit in his face. The half drow half brushed the hair back, and eyed the two. Kal: My name is Kal'Daka Moonstar, what be the reason the likes of you two be doing so out in the open? Wraith: The same could be asked of yourself, drow. The captin smiled and bowed low to the wraiths comeback. Kal: Tell me your tail, and i tell ya mine. -
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
WolfMaximas replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
A wooden planked dropped onto the main dock. Men walked off with thoughts of food, women, and other less admirable things.The last two off were Kal and Bean. Both covered in hooded cloaks the two walked slowly towards the main street. Kal: The ports of Watersdeep, been awhile since i've set foot here. Bean: Been awhile since any of us set foot anywhere. Kal: Point well made, lets try and keep the crew out of to much trouble. The two walked on to the nearest pub. Knowing there crew would come to the first ale hole in sight. They entered quietly and found a table. Both keeping there hoods drawn tight. Neither a drow nor a goblin would be very welcome around here. A bar maid came over and asked them what they wanted. Kal waved her off, but Bean ordered a pint. Kal: Quite a large order for someone your size. Bean: I can not help if me belly wants it. Kal laughed silently at his friends comment. Then he eyed someone he hadn't thought to see. One of the mages they had escorted. Kal stood and walked slowly to the man. The mage was sipping on a pint himself. Something quite odd for a mage. Kal: You don't normally see people like yourself in these places. Mage: No, you don't. But today is diffrent. Kal: how so? Mage: My fellow scholars and I have come to a grave conclusion, or the best conclusion we can. The dragons seem to be amassing for no known reason. Kal: I could have told you that. Mage: Yes, so could everyone. But, thats not a good thing. Dragons don't socialize with other dragons of lesser classes, and to say the least seeing a red and a white togther is that. The only plausible solution is that there prepareing for something. Kal: prepareing for what? Mage: Thats what we don't know. We need help from Silverymoon. Kal: I'm guessing thats where we travel next? Mage: We? Who are you? Kal: Kal'Daka Moonstar, the captin of the Marshiin. Mage: Oh yes, the ship that escorted us. Your the drow captin. As if a white dragon had breethed on the bar itself, the whole place froze. Thousands of eyes were now trained on Kal. The mage reliseing his mistake, backed off his stool and out the door. Bean had put a foot on his chair, and a hand on his scimitar. Kal slowly backed towards the door, with his ears perked. He could hear the slideing of steel from scabbards, and the clicking of crossbows. Kal: If its not one thing its another. kal waved his ahnd and conjured up purple flmaes that danced on everyones head. the flames were not harmful, but they didn't know that. Men rolled and turned everywhere to get the fire out. Bean had the door open for Kal, and the two dashed out. kal's men had heard the yelling of a drow, and knew at once what had happened. The whole crew ran for the ship, and even dove into the water near by as to grab on to low hanging ropes from the ship. Kal and Bean were the last two on, and before they even brout the plank up the ship was moving. Kal's crew had played this act out more than once. They had masterd the getaway, and did it just as well this time. Before the first guard could arrive at the docks the Marshiin was in open waters. Kal: Good work men. I am truly sorry i spoiled your fun again. Sailor: No problems capin, we no how it be for ye. We never once doubt ye here. Kal: thanks, now lets make for Luskan. Bean: why Luskan? Kal: well, if we can't make money from being hired as an escort, will just have to become one. The tradeing season is coming about. Bean: Ah, the pirates be runnin thicker than the merchant ships themselves. Kal: Aye Mr. Bean, make ready the sails, and take your post. Crew: Aye aye captin! -
Normally in small towns when a dragon passes bay its a sign of danger to come, but as of late its been a common sight. Almost like watching birds fly by. To say the least this has wisemen and scholars baffled. Even the Harpells from Longsadle, or the mages of Silverymoon can explain it. Something has to be wrong within the dragon world. The only good news is that none of the metallics seem to be gathering. Maybe they could sheed some light on these gatherings. (ok, thats what you get. from here on out we can do just about what we like. I'll add plot twists to try and keep us on the right path. Your character can start anywhere you desire, but atleast half of us need to meet togther at some point.) The Moon broke from the clouds and illuminated a small ship. The small wooden ship danced in the waters off the docks of Watersdeep. There the crew rested from there long journey here. They had escorted a ship full of mages and scholars, why they needed escorting one would never know. But they were here, and would be here until the wisemen got done with there buisness. A drak skinned man stepped out from the underdeck and watched the moon's light play in the waters. He stood quite tall for a man of his race, but that only added to his mystery. He watched the waves for a short time until a small figure dropped down beside him. The creature was small, and with redish skin. It hopped up on the side of the ship to be eye levelwith the drak skinned one. ????: Captin, how long we here for? Captin: Until those blasted mages finish there buisness. ????: Can i speak lightly cap? Captin: Go on Bean, were not formal here. Bean: What are they here for Kal? Kal: probally about the recent dragon activity. Bean: Never liked those bloody dragon wyms. Always make me skin bump up. Kal: No worries, my goblin friend, its none of our buisness, and besides were getting paid for this. Bean: I, that we are. Been a good to many nights we've gone without dinner. Kal: Tomorrow morning we eat well then. Will get the crew up and give them some coin to spend in town. Most will go right for breakfast... Bean: But most will go right for the pub. The two laughed the comment away, and returned to there quarters. It had truly been awhile since Kal walked around on land. He had forgotten about being part drow on the open sea. This would be an adventure in its own right.
no hard fellings taken at all. I do relize his height and weight are a bit much. Thats the point in the werwolf blood. The age thing i've never been good at, so I might cahnge that. As for the D&D question, this is more like the Forgotten Realm books, like Drizzt and his bunch, or Elminster. Anyway, before i completly spam my own thread, the group looks good. i think i'll stop sign ups as of now. Everyone looks good and I will start up the Rp hopefully sometime this day. probally not now, i'm on a slow comp, so a bit later. Alright, thanks to everyone once again for helping me with this Rp, and lets have some fun with it. :D
Kal was getting closer now. He could smell the others and something else, death. Yes, it was very potent at this point. He could smell that there were many dead, and if he didn't hurry there could be more. He had to trust that his companions could deal with this maniac. He trusted all there abilities but knew one more always helped. He sped up and found himself faceing the apartment complex a short time later. There he watched a dead body hurled out of the top window. Kal: hmmm, do i have to guess were that came from. The werewolf went to the door and saw Alex clutching his head. Kal: Alex, you alright? Alex: Kal, good to see you here. Yeah i'm alright, that guy has to be telekinetic. Kal: Some one who literaly pushes people around with his mind. Alex: No time for jokes, Tyler and Akmah are already up there. Kal: I'm guessing that last body was ment for them. Well then heres were i come in. Kal raced up the stairs and upon entering the room he saw Tyler dodge another body. Kal lept around the room to make it harder for the telekis to get a beed on him. As he skipped over a dead body he went for his shotgun. He was inches from pulling the trigger when his body became weight less. Kal: oh crap! Kal was thrown into a near by table close to Tyler. Tyler: Nice to see you here. Kal: Nice to see you two still alive. Whats this nuts problem? He wake up with a major hangover or something? Tyler: Don't have a clue, but next time i get close to him i'll sit down and ask him. Kal rolled his eyes at the witty paryy to his. Kal pulled his katana and began dodgeing bodies and furniture. Kal: alright then, any ideas?
ok, i would really like a drizzt avatar, and would alos like detailed intsructions on how to add it on. thank you in advance :D
As the speedy honda rolled out, a shadowed figure came into view. All of him was covered in a long black coat with a hood. All that is accept for a very prominent snout. Only the end with the triangular like nose tiping the grey snout. The figure pulled back his hood to reveil a wolf head. The wolf found himself to be quit secure on these grounds. Here he didn't have to hide his face or anything else. At that time a grey bushy tail sweep out from the bottom of the coat. It was a darker grey then that of the creatures face and tipped at the end with white. The large wolf watched the car speed off and could only wonder. He walk into the complex and to the secretary's office. He entered without a sound, and if it hadn't been for the creeking of the door no one would have ever known he was there. Raccon: Ahhh! You scared me half to death Kal! Kal: Sorry, whats with the others speeding off like that? Raccon: We got a case, some nut in an apartment complex. Kal: Apartment complex? Raccon: Yeah i know sounds like something for the police, but for some reason we got it. Kal: Well then, i guess i better go to, and make sure they don't get into to much trouble. Raccon: Becareful Kal, we wouldn't have gotten this if there wasn't something wrong with this guy. Kal: I know I know, I've been here long enough to know nothing is ever what it seems. Kal walked out just as quite except for the blasted door again. Outside he put his nose to the wind and sniffed in. He couldn't have missed the vapors from that car, or the sent of the others. Kal bent low and then bounded off on all fours. His speed was greater than most small engine cars, but he knew he would arrive late against one of the Paranormal's vehicles. He just hoped nothing to terrible awaited the others.
sorry for my lack of showing as of late. i'm close to graduating, and its all but calm here. since someone pecked and intrest in my idea, i'm gonna hope it might get more. thank you Daermon for helping me out. well, i'll let this go for a bit longer now that i'm back for a good while. if not that many people get intrested then i'll scrap the idea. that means hopeing for atleast 3 more but 2 would do nice.
All right, since my last RP idea didn't hit off so great, lets try this instead. Maybe I'll come back to the other one later. This will follow the world like in the Forgotten Realms seris by R.A Salvatore. Which means, any race ever mentioned in those are fare game. There will be a basic plot line, but most will be done as we go. I'm hopeing this may stir more people to do some good old fasioned medevil RPs. Plot: Everyone knows that dragons are known to be some of the strongest creatures alive. Even some of there dead are very powerful. And, for the most part they stick to there own ways. Very few, like the Golds and Silvers, every speak to a lesser race without an intent to eat them. However something has been amiss as of late. Dragons seem to be amassing in groups. Even great Reds and the low Whites are being seen togther. Why is this happening, and what is it for? These are questions that need answering. Now, since I did mention about the good dragons,Golds Silvers, there can be ONE of each in the RP. For Golds and Silvers have the ability to change into humans. If you want to be a dragon PM me with your sign up, and i'll pick the one i think best for this RP. Sign up: Name: Kal'daka Moonstar Race: Drow/werewolf Age: 120 (20s) Height: 6'4" Weight: 139 lbs Weapon: two-handed leaf sword, with only one side bladed Appearance: Kal, wears a long sleeve white shirt, with a black sleeveless vest. The vest is trimed in silver, as are his black gloves and boots. His pants are also white along with his sash. His sword scaburd lay on his left hip.He looks just like the next Drow, accept for his eyes. His hair is white and short, short everywhere but two starnds running over either ear, and a small ponytail in the back. Kal's eyes are of a sky blue. Bio: Kal was born of a female Drow, and a Male werewolf. His parents were killed when Kal was coming into his 20s. He never saw the killers though but saw his parents mutalated bodies. Kal wondered the world until joining and evetually becomeing capti of a pirate ship. Since then he has sailed on a path to stop cruel pirates, and to find out how his parents died. OK, hopefully this will do better. :D Edit: Well, my hope was that anyone who has read any of the forgotten realms books should rightly know the diffrence between Reds and Whites. Plus i did state that any race mentioned in the forgotten realms seris is fare game. This means from Humans to half drow to dwarfs. if there is clarefacation needed on the dragons then i will do that. dragon higherarchy: Gold: kngihthood qualities, use cone of fire Silver: generally like humans, use cones of ice and storm control Red: very ill tempurted and love to fight, use fire Bronze: very intreging, loves to rent thier abilties off for war, uses fog cloud, light, repealing gas Copper: jokesters, uses acid and slowing gas Blue: very territorial, use lightning Green: very easily provocted, use poison gas Brass:would rather talk then fight, use fire and sleep gas Black: love to hate everything, uses acid White: simple predators, not to smart, use ice there hope that helps any not knowing. the "uses" mean there breathing weapons, except for the silvers storm control.
alright, i've been tencering with a book idea, and have decided to try the main jest here. My hopes are that some new ideas i hadn't thought of will surface. Don't worry about me stealing anyones chars, i have far more honor than that, and plus i have my own chars for the book. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waves smack the bow of a small ship. Small, but yet well sized for long treks and brutal battles. The dull red paint chips and washes away with the sea. Most of the battle windows are shut and locked. The ropes from the main sail and the others sway in the wind, and give off that unmistakable wrecking sounds. The sails themselves flap and snap with sudden strong gust of wind. The wheel moves back and forth as well, but makes no real distinct headway in either direction. The moon moves out from a cover of clouds and makes the sleeping ship shine. At the back of the ship a candle can be seen flickering. Inside the captin sits reading a long parchment. The tongue in which the parchment is written is not known to many, but is to the captin. A gust of wind blows threw cracks and blows the thick white hair hanging over his ears. As does his short pony tail. The breezes throws the candle light over the seamans face. Dark blueish skin shines with a beautiful luster. His deep blue eyes seem to glem with the moon light. A smile runs over his face as a line from the parchment is read. It drops to the ground and those blue eyes produce tears of joy and sorrow. Then, with a burst of energy he stands and dries his tears. He looks at the parchment and clenches a fist. "I shall avenage both of you" from the mans low growling, but sweet, voice. ------------------------------------------- Alright theres your tesser. The time period is like the forgoten realm series (yes, this was spwaned from the Drizzt series, but has few similarities). So this means no cannons, those "battle windows are for cross bows. Now before i give to much away in the simple recruitment section, this is what i need from you. Need some crew members, but most of the adventure will not take place on the high seas. As for villians or side members, there more than welcome, if you can make the story work. please PM me with your ideas, and if i seem to like them, i tell you the jest of the story so you know were to make the needed adjustments. Name: Kal'daka Moonstar (Kal) Race: half dark elf, half werewolf (the umm, "how is that possible" part will be told) Age: 97 (remember elf blood, thats not that old) weapon: large leaf blade sword, with one blade, and a schimatar top. (two-handed weapon) Appearance: Kal looks like the next drow, but has certain features that any other ebony elf could spot a mile away. for one, his eyes do not change to the night vesion, they don't need to. Thats the werewolf part that helps there. His hair is shorter than most drows. he does have the long side hairs, that help give him that wolfish toon. Plus his small pony tail, but as for his main hair, it slightly pointed in two spots ( no, don't think wolverene here). His atire is simple, a short black leather tunic with no sleeves, edtched in silver designs. His boots and large pirate type gloves match his tunic. A white shirt under the tunic, and white pants. A white sash wraps around his waist and ties to his right, leaving enough to catch the wind for those dramatic moments. His sword belt is under the sash and falls to his left. Bio: That will be revealed through the story. (but you do need one) ok, that should cover it. i will wait awhile to start this. but will only accept a few to join. to all those who don't make it, there will be more, so never frit.
Name: Kal Gender: male Race: werewolf (hybrid form) Age: 32 Weapon: sawed off shotgun Side weapon: katana Appearance: When standing upright, Kal hits about 6'8", but normalyl is hunched over just a bit. His fur is a light gray with some dark grey around his mid chest and eyes. His overall appearance is that of a wolf that walks on two legs. his neck hairs however is abit longer, and is braided to his back. Kal wears a long tatered trench coat with a hood, that is pulled over his face most of the time. baggy dark blue pants so to keep from hindering his running abilities, with a brown leather belt to hold it. On the left side of the belt is his sword, and on the right his holster for his shotgun. Kal wears no boots of anykind, just his bare feet. Bio: The six foot wolf was found by a bunch of hickers in the woods of england. The men first thought of him as a simple wolf, but soon found he was quit diffrent. The hikers, having no knowledge for something like this, reported the huminoid pup to the local wildlife martial. after many calls and scratches of the head, Kal was finally taken in by the Parinormal Inc. There they raised him to help in future situations that didn't end as peacfully as his. that should do it, hope this goes well :D edit: guess i should have said, he never changes from his form. He's a pure blood from human and werewolf parents. was gonna wait for the RP before that got released.