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Everything posted by Bloodsing9

  1. Gotta love Hellsing :tasty: ! Alucard'sm music is just so...spunky...
  2. I watch it. God do I watch it. Ive lost many a friend because I wont shut up about it. Ive read a few of the mangas. Im such a fan I know the names of several voices. Gotta love Sango! My one problem with it is that now that CN is airing it, all these people are sitting around saying how much they know! Can they name several of the voices? No :smirk: . Can they remember every line to pretty much every episode? No :mad: ! Can they even spell Tetsugaia right!? NO :flaming: !! WHAHAHAHA!
  3. Rising artist here. Starting out and need to know a good place to buy some tones. Relatively cheap (god Im poor... :flaming: ) Need some good supplies as well, but mainly tones.
  4. Holy freakin hell! :eek: Now all my artwork looks like *******! Im learning the ropes personally, but that is a great piece. You should consider making a color copy. Nice plot idea too.
  5. [Im going with Lilith on this, and suggest Hellsing. Its got a dark comedy tone to it, as well as lots of action, (esepcially in the anime). Inu Yasha is good, but I've only seen the anime.
  6. Im new here, and am trying to see if my manga idea will hit off with any one. Currently I have two different mangas in the process. One, my personal favorite, is called Bloodsin. Its about a vampire and an elf who try to kill a powerful necromancer from turning their world into Hell. Its a comedy/romance/action. Theres more to it, but thats the gist. The other is an action/romance called Duo Angel. Two angelic warriors fight to save the world from Lucifer and the armies of Hell. Any feedback would be most appreciated.
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