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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [color=darkred]Since that's been cleared up, I guess there's no point in keeping this thread open. Thread Closed.[/color]
  2. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Who was being hateful? What did I miss?[/quote] [color=darkred]I was talking about the two posts I deleted. I thought it'd be safer to delete them rather than let the "argument" continue, but that's all in the past now. :)[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]People, can we please try and keep it friendly in here? I've just had to delete two inappropriate posts as a result of all the hate. Talking about Resident Evil is fine, but getting all heated about it is pointless and stupid, so here's a warning: if this continues, I'll be closing thread.[/color]
  4. [quote name='SkyBlu][COLOR=DarkRed]Herman Li - DragonForce[/COLOR'] - Oh my god there is no word in the english language to descibe how good this guy is. His guitar style is non-stop speed. And it's nothing like thrash metal - all speed no musical thought. His riffs are works of art, and his solo's even more. But he really shines when you see him play. His fingers are a blur, and he can play either side of the fretboard! When it comes to a guitarist to idolise, I idolise this guy.[/quote] [color=darkred]Yeah dude, I totally agree, he [i]is[/i] that good. His non-stop style suits power metal, too, since he's able to play so fast and thoughtlessly. His hair looks cool, too. I feel sorry for Sam Totman though, heh. Since Herman is always in the spot light, he's always often referred to as "the other guy".[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]There are already enough threads relating to this topic around Play It, so I don't really think that another is needed. I'm sure if you search the database, using the "search" tool in the navigator down the left hand side of the page, then you'll come across one of the existing FFVII remake threads. With that said, I'm going to close this thread seeing as it won't be needed. Thread Closed.[/color]
  6. BlueYoshi


    [color=darkred]Is Season 3 airing over in America or something? It's hard to tell from any of the posts, what with the spoilers and all. :animeangr Season 2 started last Tuesday here in the UK, leaving us at episode 3. It 's pretty boring so far, but I [i]know[/i] it'll get better, it always does... plus some of the posts here reassure me of that fact.[/color]
  7. [color=darkred]I rented the game a few weeks ago, and was very disappointed with it. The controls are [i]very[/i] shoddy, and navigating around the control pad takes a lot of getting use to. Well, it did for me. I'd say that the control system of GTA is much simpler and user-friendly than that of The Godfather. Driving around is another issue. Turning and whatnot feels extremely stiff, and acceleration is anything but smooth, but the biggest problem of all is getting around town. I mean, navigation on the map is ridiculous. It seems as if there is only one specific root that you can take to get to a certain part of town, unlike, say GTA, where the world is your oyster. Frankly speaking, I'd say a 7 is pretty generous.[/color]
  8. [color=darkred]"Master of Puppets" is one of my favourite Metallica songs, and I'm fond of all of the lyrics within, but the line "chop your breakfast on a mirror" moves me. Honestly, I think Metallica are responsible for some really deep, meaningful lyrics, and James Hetfield's voice contributes to making them sound so much better.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]It's up to the player, really. Remember, depending on how you treated either Tifa or Aeries throughout the course of disc one determined which of the two would approach Cloud to go out on a [spoiler]"date"[/spoiler] in the Gold Saucer. So, as long you're aware of the interactivity taking place, the ball is in your quarter. And... that's as far as I've ever thought about the subject.[/color] :animesigh
  10. [color=darkred]Just a reminder, posts merely stating lists of games are not encouraged, especially in threads like this, so any further lists will result in the thread getting closed. Of course, it's okay if you make lists explaining [i]why[/i] you like them. Ta.[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]There is already a thread on KH:CoM which can be found [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43933]here[/url]. If you have any questions, then please direct them to that thread. Remember, before creating a thread, it's best to run a quick search first, just to be sure that thread topics aren't duplicated. Thread closed.[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]So I got a second hand electric guitar last week for about 80 beans, plus an amp, which was around 50. Everything totalled to about 140 quid, including picks, a strap, and a carry case, so I'm pretty happy with the deal I got. I'm finding playing to be somewhat smooth, but it's still hard, especially fretting. Right hand techniques are pretty simple though, and the dreaded fretting-hand pain has come and gone (:animesmil). I don't know why I was [strike]scared[/strike] worried about it so much, heh. Anyway, I have a question about tuning. I can tune my guitar in the standard tuning by ear, but I'm thinking of getting an electric tuner (as recommended), since it'll be much easier, and more accurate. But the thing is, do electric tuners tune guitars in other tunings, such as drop-d and drop-c, etc. This is one thing I'd really like to know before I get one, so help would be appreciated. Thanks.[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]Been a while. Whee ^_^ [b]1. Pick a Band or Artist:[/b] Trivium [b]2. Are you male or female:[/b] err... [b]3. Describe yourself:[/b] The Deceived [b]4. How do some people feel about you:[/b] Falling to Grey [b]5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[/b] Master of Puppets [b]6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[/b] The Storm [b]7. Describe where you want to be:[/b] A View of Burning Empires [b]8. Describe how you love:[/b] Ember to Inferno [b]9. What would you ask if you had just one wish:[/b] Rain [b]10. Share a few words of wisdom:[/b] Pull Harder on the String of your Martyr [b]11. Now say goodbye:[/b] A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]I clicked on those links, and it seems that you have to register or already be a member to view those images. Posting messages asking who a particular character is doesn't quite cut it in terms of creating discussion, especially when the answer to your question can just as easily be found on google or something. Thread closed.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]Um, this forum only accepts console games, hardware, and software. Not flash games or anything else of the liking. So needless to say, I'm closing this thread. And no, I don't think it'd go in the PC/Mac forum either. Thread closed.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]Thanks a lot for the info guys, but I've got a few more questions... What's the real difference between a normal electric guitar, and a bass guitar? Like, what kind of sounds can I get from an electric that I can't get from a bass, and vice versa? Also, I heard that it hurts your fingers when you first start playing. I don't mind a bit of pain (no pain, no gain, eh), but how long does it hurt for? Silly question, I know, but I'm at a pretty crucial date school-wise, and I can't have my fingers busted just for the exam period, heh.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]Would you think it would be advisable to buy a second hand guitar right off the bat?[/color]
  18. [color=darkred]Thanks for the info guys. Dooxy, do you play electric or acoustic? Could you give me a vague guide as to how to go about buying a guitar, because I know that you can't just walk into the music store and ask for one... you need all sorts of research and stuff, right?[/color]
  19. [color=darkred]I'm looking forward to Kerrang's "Remastered" tribute to Metallica more than anything. Check out who's doing what: Machine Head - 'Battery' Trivium - 'Master Of Puppets' Mendeed - 'The Thing That Should Not Be' Bullet For My Valentine - 'Welcome Home (Sanitarium)' Chimaira - 'Disposable Heroes' Fightstar - 'Leper Messiah' Mastodon - 'Orion' Funeral For A Friend - 'Damage, Inc.' I'm personally looking forward to Bullet for my Valentine's and Trivium's remastered versions of their songs, seeing as they're two of my favourite bands.[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]I'm thinkning of learning how to play the electric guitar, but here's the thing -- I have absolutely no idea where to start. So, I was thinking if maybe anyone here can help me out a bit in terms of buying the right guitar, which type to go for, and most importantly, how to self-teach myself, or if it would be better to get a tutor or something.[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]First off, I've merged the "rpgs" thread with the "good rpgs" thread, since they're essentially about the same thing. Secondly, I've just deleted like, four more posts which merely list favourites, with no regard for explaining why these games are favoured. This is the ultimate, final warning on the issue now. One more post like that, and this thread is getting locked, so for the sake of keeping this thread open, spruce it up lads (and ladettes).[/color]
  22. [color=darkred]I honestly don't see this going any further than replies like the latter, thus generating no real discussion. Thread Closed.[/color]
  23. [color=darkred][url=www.gamefaqs.com]GameFAQs.com[/url] is usually a good place to go whenever you're stuck on a game, or alternatively, you can check [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48327]this[/url] Conker thread. I just skimmed through it and the people who have posted in that thread seem to have mentioned a thing or two about rankings. If you have any more questions on the game, then please refer to that thread. Thread closed.[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]You can find links to threads on each of the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games in the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46746]Play It Thread Directory[/url], so please use those if you want to talk about any of the games within each of the two series. Thread closed.[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]I've merged the "Hidden Gems" thread with the "Game Recommendation Thread" thread because they're ultimately both threads that aim to detail games that people would like to, well, recommend. The option is still open to post in the format that Lan intended, however.[/color]
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