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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [quote name='Swedish Chef']From what I gathered they are except Aerieth whom was originally Mandy Moore I think and now she's being played by Mena Suvari of whom I do not know.[/quote] [color=darkred]Mina Suvari? Do you mean the same Mina Suvari who was in American Pie and American Beauty?[/color]
  2. [color=darkred]March 28th is a pretty good date, I think. Obviously it'll come out quite a bit later in Europe, which means I'll have plenty of time to play ACWW which gets released in Europe on March 31st. I really hate it when games are released at the same time or within the same month or something. One, I can't usually afford to buy more than one, and two, I can never allocate enough time to play more than one game. This happened with Metroid prime 2, Paper Mario, and FF: Dawn of Souls... I only managed to complete Metroid Prime 2, and finish half of FFI from the two games on the cart. I still haven't played Paper Mario properly. I don't why, but I just lose interest if I have to get a game way after the original release date.[/color]
  3. [quote name='animeghost']my fav would have to be the ff7 becavse at points it is very mollo and then it gets very roufh and surpries you and all of the pecies of ff12 that i have herd because it is very random i just love it.[/quote] [color=darkred]animeghost, it's quite difficult to understand what you're trying to say because of your post quality, so could you possibly try and clear that up in the future? Thanks. I'll let your post stay seeing as you've explained a fair bit, and it's sort of legible. So yeah... As for Metroid Prime's soundtrack, I agree with Desbreko; it's not the kind of music you'd listen to to get a kick out of it. It has more of an atmospheric themed soundtrack, as in the music is set to suit the situation you're in, though I felt that a lot of its was accompanied by sound effects which came from the monsters in the game, as well Samus'. Regardless, my favourite theme from Metroid Prime is that of the opening sequence. You know, the one where you choose a file to play on. That track is so spiggin sweet.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]There aren't any faqs for the game at gameFAQs.com, so I can't imagine where else there might be one. It's a bit too early I think, so my advice to you is to check again later on, unless anyone else has another suggestion.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]The uncle Phil look of death. Nice. I don't understand Football at all, so I'm not in any position to judge it. Heck, I don't even like "soccer" and I'm British.[/color]
  6. BlueYoshi


    [color=darkred]I didn't like this show when it first aired a few months ago (lame-*** UK scheduling), but I recently borrowed a few episodes on DVD from one of my mates (only Season 1 -_-), out of interest, and I've found the show to be simply amazing. I actually get a buzz out of watching it, which hasn't happened in a long, long time. I think, for me, the most elegant thing about Lost is the way that so many enigmas have been set up, most of which lead to a totally new and different one ([spoiler]the hatch, quarantine, the numbers, etc.[/spoiler]) There's a load of inter-textual references in Lost as well. [spoiler]The crashed ship containing the dynamite was called the "Black Rock", which is interesting, because there was a film made some time ago (1955) aptly named "Bad day at Black Rock", which is basically about a ship, which crashes, but not just any ship; a slave ship... which is what the Black Rock in Lost appeared to be. The ship appears old, which would explain why it's so deep into the jungle on the island, as opposed to still being a wreck on the beach.[/spoiler] And about these numbers... [spoiler]a friend of mine was telling me his theory on how the numbers are supposed to represent the seat numbers of certain passengers on the plane. Apparently Jack's and Ana Lucia's seat numbers are included in the combination.[/spoiler] One more thing, though slightly irrelevant. My dodgy connections landed me a copy of the first episode of Season 2 today, and I swear to god, [spoiler]the dude in the hatch is Liquid Snake from MGS all over. He talks like him, looks like him, and spouts out the word "brother" like anything. When he had Locke at gun point, the way he revealed himself by calling Jack "brother" just had Liquid splodged all over. Again, inter-textuality, though this time to video games, even if that wasn't the intention.[/spoiler]. But yeah, awesome, awesome TV show.[/color]
  7. [quote name='emmanuel_xavier']hm..when will this game comeout...i wait and wait....i hope square enix will make this one is better than last one.....PEACE :animesmil[/quote] [color=darkred]As Sandy already said, Japan's release date is set for March 16th 2006. As far as I know, the American release date should be in Q2 of 2006, but I'm not sure if anything else has been announced that's a bit more specific.[/color]
  8. [color=darkred]You can find an existing Dragon Quest VIII thread right [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50593]here[/url]. I'm going to close this thread rather than merge it because your post doesn't really amount to Otakuboards' standards (check out the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url] for more info). Remember, when posting in the other thread, try and elaborate a little further... get into things like what's so fun about it, or what makes it easy. Thread closed.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]England only has two types of weather: crap and crapper. The latter being the current weather. But that's only in the winter. Seriously though, I can sometimes take the cold, but what's worse is the whole "miserable" vibe that it often gives out. The summer can be pretty tasteful though. It doesn't get very hot, but it's hot enough, which suits me fine.[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]I was pretty drunk when I did this yesterday, which explain Roots Manuva (wtf?). Here goes again with a band that rocks like fifty times more... Artist: Panic! at the Disco Male or female: Boys Will Be Boys Describe yourself: I Write Sins Not Tragedies How people feel about you: Relax, Relapse Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: I Constantly Thank God For Esteban Describe where you want to be: Camisado Describe how you love: Nails For Breakfast And Tacks For Snacks What you'd ask for with a single wish: Intermission Share a few words of wisdom: The Only Difference Betweem Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Say goodbye: Build God, Then We'll Talk[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]Artist: Roots Manuva Male or female: Hey Yo My Man Describe yourself: Highest Grade How people feel about you: Too Cold Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: Evil Rabbit Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Witness The Fitness Describe where you want to be: Where My Mind Is At Describe how you love: Juggle Tings Proper What you'd ask for with a single wish: Dreamy Days Share a few words of wisdom: Mind 2 Motion (swing your skirt ;)) Say goodbye: zero 7[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]In my opinion most of the best video game soundtracks come from retro /older games, many of which have been mentioned already, like Super Metroid, LoZ, and a few of the Final Fantasy games. My favourite one comes from Final Fantasy X; Zanarkand Ruins. I'm usually into loud, fast, dance music which basically lets me go wild and crazy, but I just find Zanarkand Ruins extremely soothing, particularly the opening of it. I remember going to the Zanarkand Ruins to level up in the game just for the sake of the music. It ran through battles too, which was pretty cool. I'm pretty fond of the piano main theme as well. Metal Gear Solid for the PSX had some cool tracks as well. I love the boss music, along with the alert mode track... both tracks gave out a vibe beyond merely making you feel "tense" through out the course of the game. I even bought the official soundtrack CD o_O[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]What you've written in that one post is extremely lacking and doesn't meet Otakuboards' standards. In the future, give your posts more detail... as in, dish out your thoughts on the subject rather than just stating the obvious. Needless to say, I'm closing this thread.[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]Ramen_Mido, could you possibly try and elaborate on your posts a little further in the future? Get into aspects such as why you prefer Budokai 3, or why Tenkaichi isn't as good or up to your standard. Stuff like that. Anyway, Since Budokai 2 came out, I've been crazy about these new Dragonball installments. I haven't played Tenkaichi yet, but I plan on doing so -- having in-game battles that compare to the anime sounds awesome. One thing I really like about these games though are the wide range of characters available, even if some actually have the same fighting styles as others. I guess from a narrative point of view, a massive range of characters would really attract die hard DBZ fans. Regardless, the main charms of the game, as I remember, came from linking heavy combos with trademark special moves. Even though it gets a little repetitive after a while, it's still eye-candy, and almost everyone is easily impressed upon seeing them. The story line has always sucked, so I'm not expecting much from that end. Plus, it can get horribly frustrating at times too ([spoiler]Kid Buu![/spoiler]).[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]There's not much input in your post, particularly for the starting post. There's another Halo thread [u][url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48245&highlight=Halo/]here[/url][/u] in which you can post your thoughts about the game. Remember to explain why you like it, as well as just stating it, so you can get some conversation going. You can use the posts that others have made in that thread as examples to go by. Anyway, I'm going to close this thread to prevent any more spammy replies from others. Thread closed.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]I managed to get a refund from Lik-Sang the other day, because the fact that my game still hadn't arrived after all this time is ridiculous. I sent them a really provocative e-mail, but still kept it at a somewhat professional level, because I'm cool like that. So anyway, yeah, I guess I'm waiting on the European release now. The Americanised Super-Toilet will be my prize possession.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]I'm still waiting for my game to arrive from Lik-Sang. I've made several enquiries and it seems that the shipment got lost in the post along with many other orders... and ACWW is the only game it happened to. I can't believe it. This is the first time I've ever ordered off the net, and of all the hundreds of thousands of games this could've happened to, it happens to the one I order. Worst part is that all I can do is sit here and e-mail Lik-Sang about, while they give me crap about filing investigations that take 4-6 weeks to undergo. Should've just waited for the Europe release. Lik-Sang + Post = ******* cockroaches[/color]
  18. [color=darkred][b]Play It and everything/one in it:[/b] It's the only reason I still visit this board, and I don't post much in any other forum on this site. I may not post much in Play It either, but a load of the threads in it are very interesting. Plus, it's one of the few places on the web where you can properly talk about something without receiving newbish replies... some powerful stuff in Play It.[/color]
  19. [color=darkred]I never really make bad decisions when I buy games, because I usually know all about a game I want to buy prior to its release through mags and internet reviews. I guess I usually make those kind of bad decisions when I'm buying DVDs. The one game I was truly dissapointed with despite knowing all about it and being aware of the hype it was under was The Bouncer. That game was nothing like what I thought it would be. It was just a 3D beat 'em up... a poor one at that with a shite story. Seriously, I had much more fun playing Rival Turf and Streets of Rage. Not that they were bad games.[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]Nothing really. I'm just still waiting for my effin copy of Animal Crossing Wild World to arrive in the post from liksang. Seven to twenty working days my ***.[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]I'm a fan of the F-Zero franchise too. I think they're the best racing games out there... even better than Mario Kart. I like the idea of having missions in the latest GBA version (forgot the name), as it gave it something to go on like the Story mode did in GX. I really hope Nintendo release a F-Zero game for the DS sometime. I'd love to see what they could do with the support of the second screen. Though if they just attached a map of the course or something then I'd be dissapointed, but I'd still be excited about it.[/color]
  22. [color=darkred]That guy had too many names man.[/color]
  23. [color=darkred]I cheated on that fight and I still had to fight him >:O I thought the Big Guy from Resident Evil 2 was pretty scary. The dude you fight in Scenario B. Everything about him was scary, especially the scene where he gets back up after you leave the room. Plus, the part in the underground where you can see him coming from the camera monitor, and the he hammers it. He reminds me of my dad.[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]Sweet. Just found out now about the official ACWW website. The loading is taking forever so I haven't been on it yet. Anyway here's the link for anyone interested:[/color] [url]http://www.animal-crossing.com/wildworld/[/url] [color=darkred]------------ Man, it's impossible to get onto animalcrossingcommunity.com right now. Damn lag. Tomorrow is the day then. You Americans are getting the game first thing, I trust? As for me, I'm expecting it later in the week. Hope the post doesn't slow down with with it being Christmas and everything. That would be gay.[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]Pokemon Red, Tekken Tag, Tekken 4, Tekken 5, and FF Tactics Advance are all games I've spent a hell of a lot of time on, but I think ACWW will be the main one once I get into it.[/color]
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