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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [color=darkred]I've tried snaking, but not mastered it. I hardly ever have to use the mini-turbo around bends because I'm usually so far ahead of the CPUs. It's kind of risky though, just in case you eff it up in the middle of the race. I unlocked 150cc Mirror last night, and it's not as hard as I'd imagined. So far I've sailed right through the first three Nitro Cup courses. Even though I found the Retro Cup courses on normal 1500cc so hard, they actually proved to be my best 150cc ranks yet, with 2 Star rankings and an A and a B. I've finally found my dream car in the game for the moment. Dry Bones and the Cucumber are a good combination, and Waluigi in his standard Gold Mantis is pretty ace too. They both do me wonders in the CPU races. When I'm messing around I like to use Bowser though. He's much fun to bash players around with, but sucks with turns. And I'm definitely gonna go back for 3 Star rankings. Maybe not on 50cc, because it is boring as hell just to race through normally (maybe when I'm bored I'll do it, same for 100cc), but I will definitely do it on 150cc and Mirror. I say this now but when/if I go online with the game I'll forget about it somehow. Man, I really wanna go online with this game. Sucks big time.[/color]
  2. [color=darkred]Getting hit at the start of the race is such a *****. It pretty much tells you what the outcome of the race will be. IE: you getting pummeled at the very begining of the race = ending up sixth or lower at the end of the race. Better then than say half way through though. This Mirror mode you speak of is very reassuring lol. I can picture how it is without even playing it, heh. You know what else is irritating? The way the Blue Shell will go for whoever is in first place, even if that character dropped down to second or third place in the timed between it was launched. There have been loads of situation where I've heard or seen the Blue Shell coming, and purposely went down to second, only to still get smashed by it. I suppose I can take some comfort in the fact that it gets whoever is around me aswell...[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]One item I'm really sick of is the banana peel. Man, it's just so common... especially the triple banana peel. I mean, when I get those, I just want to get rid of them as fast as possible. But they're more useful to hold on to with L when being tailed rather than planting them in hope of tagging a random player. Anyway, I'm trying to do the Retro Cups on 150cc now and it's ridiculously tough. I've played the game almost all day and I've only done the first two. It's not that I'm crap, it's just that when ever I'm first, something stupid like the Blue Shell will kick in, or about five other races will just decide to flurry past me just before the finish line on the third lap, leaving me in sixth place. Such a piss take.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]I like them and I hate them (actually the bob-omb's not so bad) but I know I don't hate it on the level I hate the Blue Shell. For someone who is good at the game the Mushroom would be better, but for randoms the Bullet Bill basically carries them away through the course knocking everyone it approaches backwards. The Mushroom is for skilled players, I reckon. I can imagine how frustrating it is when someone turns off their DS just before losing a race online, because my mates use to do that in Pokemon every time. I would've thought Nintendo would've fixed that, but oh well. I wouldn't do that though... I don't see the point.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]I bought the game yesterday during my lunch break, and it rocks. It beats the other games hands down, and that's really saying something. Seeing the retro tracks brings back nostalgic vibes, and I'm glad the opportunity to play the Mario Kart 64 tracks is there, because I never played that one properly. Hehe, I always thought of that one as the one that got away. I've played the game a hell of a lot since I bought it; having gone through 2 levels of missions, and both 50cc and 100cc engine classes. Being honest, 50cc bored me half to death, because it's so damn easy and plain, but 100c is where it shines. 150cc is a bit hard, but I really ain't complaining, because I love it to bits. I don't have any major complaints so far. Just a few trivial things like the Blue Shell, which is frustrating as hell. I swear, they might as well call it the "I'm going to eff you up and prevent you from getting a decent rank for no apparent reason" shell lol. On the note of broke items, the Bob-omb and the crazy Bullet Bill are, well, crazy. They look well ace though. So like, who uses who then? So far I'm experimenting with Mario, Bowser, Toad, [spoiler]Dry Bones[/spoiler], and [spoiler]Waluigi[/spoiler]. I'm yet to unlock the forth character, assuming there is one, but all in good time. As for the wi-fi, well, as soon as I get my BB connection sorted I'll let you all know.[/color]
  6. [color=darkred]This band rocks. Anyone else listen to or heard their music? It's not inspirational or anything, but it's good for kicking-back. From what I've heard so far, I'd say my favourite song of theirs is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off. It has a decent flow about it. Anyone else know of them?[/color]
  7. [color=darkred]Odin is pretty cool, and so are the FFVII Bahamuts, but the FFX Bahamut's stance (crossed arms, straight back, chest sticking out) takes the cake for badazzness. For looks, I like Jumbo Cactuar from FFVIII, and his pimp moustache. Though of course, Ifrit's dialogue from FFVIII is way too much. "What? They have Shiva!"[/color]
  8. [color=darkred]I only have two wants really. The first is Mario Kart DS which I've pre-ordered, and have the cash comfortably sitting in my room in the box on my shelf along with the £5 voucher HMV gave me. :cool: Aside from that, I guess the only main thing I want is ACWW. I'm getting the American version off lik-sang.com, and I've already pre-ordered it, so I [i]hope, hope, hope[/i] that that pulls through. I seriously can't wait till March 31st for it. It just won't happen. I suppose the only want which I won't be getting is Kirby's Canvas Course, or whatever the UK title is. I'm just sceptical about it, and don't see the need to spend £35 on it when there are other things I can buy. Besides, I have MKDS (at least) to keep me busy until the next best thing.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]The game is gonna be badazzz. It comes out in the UK on November 24th, which is this Friday (should've actually been November 7th, but it got delayed). I don't know anything about Mario Kart DS, except for the obvious things like wi-fi connection and the massive amount of courses available, so I've not read chunks of your post Desbreko. I've maintained that by steering clear from all reviews, previews, and hands-on tests. For once I want to be able to play a game and let everything come as a surprise to me, which I'm hoping will happen when I unlock characters and stuff. Only five days to go now. z0rzz[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]For my hand to hand combat dude, I'd be a reversal-type character, but I wouldn't rely heavily on the reversals, so I'd have loads of pokey moves like Lee in Tekken 4. Not damaging, but very, very frustrating for the receiving side. One thing for sure though, I'd have Scorpion's stance from Mortal Kombat. On the cheap side of things, I'd be someone like Ogre in Tekken Tag; have loads of stolen, cool looking, over-powered moves, and some good agility and recovery rates. In a weapons-fighter I'd be, obviously, a Samurai guy lol, or at least be able to use a Katana. Mitsurugi more or less comes to mind here, because he can use quite a wide variety of moves from different stances. Of course, I wouldn't play cheap and be the ultimate Katana-wielder. I'd take a few moves/stances out, and just improve and touch upon what I already know to make the difference.[/color] :)
  11. BlueYoshi

    Nintendo DS

    [color=darkred]The touch screen on my DS isn't working at all. Does anyone know how I can fix this without having to send it off for repairs? I tried the calibration in the settings, but since the touch screen doesn't work I can't do that lol. Also, I tried scrubbing the sides of the screen with a toothbrush as said at nintendo.com, but nothing. The actual screen works, as games do play on it, and I can use the controller and buttons to navigate instead, but that's it. Edit: Thank the gods for store warranty. I exchanged the broken DS for another. One problem though.... it's sliver. -_- So... RIP Electric Blue DS (October 8th - November 19th) I actually though ACWW would look so much better on a blue DS than a sliver. Damn.[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]Cool. I might do that then. As for the wi-fi, I guess I'll worry about that when the time comes. Probably get the proper UK version to go online, but hey it might still work. You never know.[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]So like, I can play a US NTSC version of ACWW on a PAL UK DS?[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]Well that's that then. The game gets stretched back the furthest it possibly could in Q1. Looks like there won't be any cha-chinging for a while to come. :([/color]
  15. [color=darkred]I'm seriously PISSED OFF right now. I just read on another site that the Euro release date for ACWW is gonna be March 31 2006. I don't believe that, but I'm guessing that the real release date will be something similar. Whatever Nintendo are smoking I want some. Man, when I thought Q1 2006 I though of Jan 20th or Feb 6th or something. Not spiggin' March. Nintendo. I'm gonna wipe my *** with the instruction manual of Mario Kart DS.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]I guess the question of being moral in a game really depends on what game you're playing. If I was gonna play KOTOR for the first time, I wouldn't care which side I was on, because it would all be new to me. Maybe after a couple of runs I'd start to think about it, but still, it wouldn't be on a moral basis... I'd just want to play on the side I liked best. In games like Time Crisis and Crisis Zone you're penalised if you shoot an innocent bystander or whatever, so that stops you from doing so, but if that didn't happen then I'd probably shoot them anyway. Not because I'm immoral, but just for the hell of it. Because the opportunity is there. The same kind of applies to GTA, in a way. Most of the time I've spent playing the games over the years I've gone on rampages against the police and the army, and doing missions for whomever. But I wouldn't go around killing ordinary people for no reason (unless it was San Andreas and I wanted to try a new move I learnt, but that's it), because it gets boring after a while. Maybe if I needed money I'd go cracking heads, but then there's the cheat. So no, I don't really care about being moral in video games.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]Iaido is a good choice if you want to find your inner peace, plus it would be effective as a martial art, though I can't think of any situation where you'd have to use it, heh. It mostly involves attacks from the sheath of the sword, so there'll be no Jackie Chan mumble jumble. You'll need a different kind of katana, I think, but a bokken would do. Real blades aren't permitted until you reach a good enough level anyway.[/color]
  18. [color=darkred]Nine out of ten men are *******. The other one is a liar. [b][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1]Hey, I know nine out of ten Americans don't know what that word means, but that doesn't mean you can go sayin' it on an [E] rated board. As a rule of thumb, [/size][/color][/b][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1]don't [b]rely on the auto-censoring. I't misses things. It's always safer not to swear at all than risk a bad word leaking through because of funky spelling, compounding or not being in the database. [/b][/size][/color][/color] [right][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1]-Raiyuu[/size][/color] [/right]
  19. [color=darkred]Weirdsville. Gavin, my dad is always sending me jokes through e-mails and text messages, and that blonde joke was one of them... o_O;; I gots one. What do you call a piece of sand-paper in Afghanistan? A map.[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]Levelling up is the essence of any RPG to me. It's quite possibly the greatest thing about RPGs, actually. It allows for you to get to grips with the battle system and style of play more than you would be able to with any other genre of game, and lets you experience the full capacity of what the game has to offer. I guess the most influencing factor about levelling up is that it gives me a sense of achievement. You know, that I've worked hard to earn a high level... and there's always the satisfaction of knowing that you can go even higher and higher at any point in the game, if you have the time. Totally whooping a boss in any RPG because you're much stronger than it is one of the greatest feeling in the world.[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]Hehe, nice ones Lafleur. If you were here in front of me Thorax I'd bash you in the face several times for wasting precious minutes of my life. :P Anyway, I got one. Three men had died in a car accident, and went up to heaven to be judged by God himself. Seemingly satisfied that the three men were in fact good man, God gave them each the chance to walk the Earth live and well once more. However, there was one condition. Whilst in heaven, each man had to go and gather nine pieces of one kind of fruit, and then shove them up his *** without laughing. If this was to be completed, then whoever accomplished the task would walk the Earth live and well once more, but should they fail, then they will go straight to hell. The first man had gathered nine apples, and was commanded by god to shove them up his ***. The man managed to fit in only three apples, before laughing and screaming out "It tickles!" "I damn you to Hell", says God, and down the man goes. The second man had gathered nine grapes, and was commanded by God to shove them all up his ***. The man was pleased with himself, thinking that he'd outsmarted the smiter of all smiters, and so, continued with the task at hand. Rather easily, he fit eight grapes up his ***, and had plenty of room left for the last one. Just before doing so, the man bursts out laughing, reasons unknown even to God. Rather confused, "I damn you to Hell", says God. In Hell, the first man met the second man and asked, "Why did you laugh? You had almost finished!" The second man looked up at the first man and replied, "I know. But I saw the third person walking down with pineapples in his hands and I just couldn't help myself." ...eh. -_-'[/color]
  22. [color=darkred]Or get pissed legless.[/color]
  23. [color=darkred]I hate that transexual look. I wouldn't be caught dead dressed like that. Personally, I go for the natural more organic approach; scruffy hair, standard jeans, a t-shirt underneath a shirt, and a hoody, plus I let my facial hair grow the way it does... none of that trimming or clipping BS. I kind of like the rock-star look, too. But I wouldn't know because I'm generally too embarrassed to be stylish... when I go outside overly dressed I feel that everyone's watching me for some reason.[/color]
  24. [quote name='Delta']Do you think it's right for people to sue fastfood chains because food there makes them fat?[/quote] [color=darkred]Hell no. But I'd do it if the opportunity was there... though with my metabolism that won't ever happen. :( How many fingers does God have in The Simpsons?[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]Thought I'd say it here. It turns out that Mario Kart DS is gonna be bundled with a Hot-Rod red DS (cool name) similar to the Nintendogs package. So far I've seen varied images of what the red DS looks like, from a simple metallic red one, to one with flames around the rims, like the one below. [img]http://img.engadget.com/common/images/3060000000049406.JPG?0.6381686186500405[/img] I'm guessing that Nintendo will release a Mario Kart DS bundle with a standard red DS, and then release the Hot-Rod red one later on, kind of like what they're doing with Nintendogs. Edit: Petie, the Nintendogs bundle I got wasn't a store special or anything; it was official. The box for the DS I got had an outer layer with that stupid Labrador on it from Nintendogs. So yeah, it was official, but it's not THE bundle that everyone's supposed to be crazy about. [/color]
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