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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [color=darkred]I see. I'm at uni and in between lectures there is absolutely nothing to do, so would you recommed purchasing it, overall?[/color]
  2. [quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]I'm playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions also. For all you younguns out there, it was the quintessential Turn-based RPG back in the day and it got a rather poor port to the PSP. Oh well. Tactics is still Tactics which makes it great in its own regards.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]What don't you like specifically? I'm interested to know. I heard it had poor reception in Japan but was really praised in the US.[/color]
  3. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Gray"]By today's standards, yes the graphics for Legend of Dragoon would be pretty bad, but you gotta remember, that game was released here around 97-98 right around the same time as FF7. So having full 3D sprites walk around in a pre-rendered universe was pretty cool back then. Now a days, this is the norm. So it makes sense that you would think that the graphics seem a little dated.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]You know, that's interesting. People say that for whatever the visual capacity of a game was back then, it was good, but for me it's sometimes been the opposite. I remember when I first bought FFVII, and I knew nothing of the game because I was drawn to it by word of mouth. I didn't know how it looked, how it played -- nothing. But I distinctly remember looking at the back of the instructions and seeing a clip of Cloud in the reactor and thinking "what the? this game sucks!". Of course, it made no difference because that game got PLAYED, but I guess I was just used to games more like Resident Evil at the time (which I did consider as good graphic-wise back then). Thought I'd share that.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]I hope they don't butcher the Sega thing though. I think that as far as the Sonic universe goes, I could only really accept a further Tales and Knuckles, but the likes of Eggman, Amy Rose and that fat cat would ruin it because there'd just be too many, and I'm sure that the former three would have priority of the latter since they're the three most popular characters. But yeah, Sonic does sound interesting. Alex, I see your point about how Sonic has been "modernised" over the years, but I don't think that's relelvent to him being included in SSBB. Just enjoy the occassion you cynic. lol[/color]
  5. [quote name='James'][color=#606060]It would be great if Nintendo chose to package SMG with Wii consoles sometime next year, especially if they do a new colour or something.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I'm actually considering getting a Wii just for this game, and that idea would be very appealing to me.[/color]
  6. [img]http://usin.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/real-kitt-eject.jpg[/img] [color=darkred]You can if you are cutting-edge.[/color]
  7. [color=darkred][b]Pokemon Red:[/b] When this was released on the GameBoy, nothing else mattered to me. I'd wake up and play the game all day, just leveling up my Pokemon, catching ones I didn't have, or catching ones that met specific criteria for trades with my Pokemon Blue buddies. I tell you, the amount of money I spent on batteries I could have bought a Wii, a PS3, and a 360 three times over. It was worth it in the end though; I was the undefeated champion in my area code. Same goes for Ruby and Fire Red. [b]Final Fantasy VII:[/b] Not only has everyone played this game, but have played the living **** out of it lol. It didn't take me 100 hours to actually beat the game, but doing all the hidden stuff, leveling up, etc. Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't actually spent 100 hours on a single file... the most I've spent on one was around 80 hours, which has [i]everything[/i] done on it, also known as my master file, heh. Of course, counting all the hours I've played in each file since it's release nine years ago, it clocks well over 100 hours. [b]Final Fantasy Tactics Advance:[/b] I think I got bored of this one just a few hours after reaching the 100 hours mark. But yeah, I did the usual. Acquiring new jobs, getting bonus characters. I'm still pretty upset about how I trapped myself into never being able to complete all 300 jobs though. I only got 283. :( [b]Tekken 3, Tekken 4, Soul Calibur 2:[/b] These games were all the rage amongst me and my friends. Not much to say about them really. It was mostly time spent in versus mode kicking each other's butts. [b]Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:[/b] I reckon that only recently (like, the past month) I hit 100 hours because it's the only game I've been playing lately for some odd reason. I guess I just love the whole jungle environment and the many opportunities to get by without being seen. This is one of the games where I wasn't interested in getting everything, but just simply playing it. I reckon there are a few more but I can't remember them for the life of me, so I'll leave it at that.[/color]
  8. [color=darkred]Is the treasure hunting aspect present in PH?[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]I will buy Desbreko's nads for one bar of gold (so I can hit them with it).[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]At this very moment I'm listening to Showbiz by Muse. In typical Muse fashion it's very eery, but still has that cool lead guitar track that they're famous for.[/color]
  11. BlueYoshi

    Halo 3

    [color=darkred]It's all kicking off. I saw people cueing up last night at 12 am.[/color]
  12. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi'][B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]FlyFF. It isn't that bad, though it really helps to have friends in-game. Version 9 made a mess of it though, and a lot of people quit.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]In future can you please elaborate more in your posts. For example, explain why the game was a mess in Version 9... you know, that kind of stuff. You're more likely to get a response to your post this way. Thanks.[/color]
  13. [quote name='Zidargh']I see, thankyou very much. Silpheed Pilot and I were thinking of meeting up via Animal Crossing so any are welcome to join. One last question, I asked SP but I just wanted to confirm as to what the maximum number of residents is? I only ask because it can seem a little sparse in the sense that I'm often wandering without any residents in sight.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I'd love to mate, I've wanted to go online with this game for ages but I don't have access to Wi-Fi at home... maybe when I get to uni though. Could be some nice hotspots there.[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]Sometimes game difficulties annoy me. My biggest example on the matter lies in the Metal Gear Solid games. I enjoy playing on the hardest possible difficulty just for the sake of trying to get past guards and employing all of the stealthy attributes that the games boast, but then I arrive at a boss fight, and they are damn near impossible. They might be good for gamers who get their kicks from bosses, but call me boring; all I want to do is get through the game without getting spotted and not wasting time fighting boss battles I'll never win.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]How many more "otaku" threads are there gonna be...[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]Yup, they're real challenges, and if you win you get an item. Just don't make the mistake of giving away a rare fish or bug in a challenge before you've donated one to the museum.[/color]
  17. [quote name='Billy Shears'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Why do people think that the guys in Slayer can solo? What do they do? Its all unnecessary dive-bombs and squealing bullcrap. Its just really fast tremolo picking that is completely atonal and has no pitch. I respect Slayer and think they have some good songs, but their solos are garbage. Go listen to the solo in "Angel of Death" and tell me if it sounds like something other than a chainsaw and a running faucet. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Haha, the Angel Of Death solo is supposed to be one of their better ones, and it still sounds like poo. Kerry King really abuses the tremolo bar in a lot of his solos. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but Matt Bellamy of Muse is really inspiring. There's no shred, but his playing has such a distinct sound because he's a very hybrid player as he fuses many genres of music together, such as metal, indie, dance etc. Plus he's a master of wierd effects, and they sound great within his songs.[/color]
  18. [color=darkred]What does it say exactly about the USBs malfunctioning?[/color]
  19. [color=darkred]I think this would be more appropriate in MM&TV, so I moved it. :)[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]Yeah, pretty much what AzureWolf said. If you want to be self-taught, then that's fine, but don't pass up the opportunity to get help from your peers when it's available. I'm a self-taught guitarist, and had it not been for jamming with mates there would be lot of stuff that I wouldn't know about playing guitar today. On that point, jam with friends as well. Not only is it fun, but it gives you a good idea of how you're progressing with the instrument.[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]Very cool. It looks like Nintendo are pulling out all the stops to try and make SSBB as fun as possible, not just concentrating on combat. I like that because it has something for all gamers across the board; for old-schoolers there's the Super Mario Bros. main theme, and there is Delfino Plaza for newer players. But, what theme I'm hoping for? I've always been happy with the intricate Metroid/Samus related sound effects because of how they sound exactly as they do in Super Metroid, especially the Morph Ball bombs. The Super Mario World title screen theme should be nice though. That theme is like a nostalgic orgasm for me.[/color]
  22. [quote name='Matt']...That is amazing. I should order more games off of that site so that I can demand a refund, and thus, get a game for free! :D[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Sorry friend but Lik-Sang are no more. lol[/color] [url]http://www.lik-sang.com/[/url]
  23. [color=darkred]I know this isn't what Matt means, but I got Animal Crossing: Wild World for free. I ordered the American version off Lik-Sang when it was released over there because I didn't want to wait four months for the European release. Anyway, it took so long to come that I might as well have waited for the Euro release, so I demanded a refund and got it. One month later it arrived at my doorstep and I kept it as compensation for severe psychological damage.[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]I don't want to be a control feak simply because my dad is one and I want to be the complete opposite of what he is. I hate the ****er.[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]Plus you never said where you're stuck, so... And another thing, in general, would it kill to say a little about the games rather than just saying you've played Phantasy Star ____. The thread is getting a little vague.[/color]
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