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Everything posted by BlueYoshi
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water is supposed to be infested with Biblical references. I've never seen the anime, but I've read up on a few theories that seem substantial enough. See for yourself, is my advice. Other than that, you can opt for Evangelion. However, my views are purely based under speculation, so I can't rectify whether this is exactly what you're looking for, Sosogomi. Again, your best bet is to simply just watch it.
X-Men Legends looks good as of yet. It isn't something I'd consider buying... maybe a rental is as far as it'll go for me, but it looks promising so far. You never know, though, that all may be subject to change in the future, but my hopes aren't high. So, anyway, I was looking at the character roster, and everything seems to be tip-top. Supposedly, each character's attributes are all in accordance to the comic book series that the game takes after, and judging by the success of those comics (and what little I know of them), the game should have a decent plot, which should be a nice change. Right now, the only contemplation I have regarding the game is whether or not having fifteen characters is sufficient. Considering the structure of the gameplay (being four-way co-op), that's a great move, because one of the key characteristics of X-Men Legends is for you to work through different teams and come up with your own customisations, and fifteen is a plentiful number, but then again, it could also raise the issue of having certain 'broke' characters. Having more characters means that there will be a larger span for the developers to work at, so if certain areas are left unfinished, it may leave a hole within the gameplay. But then again, I could be looking into it too much =/ Like I said before, the game plays similar to The Bouncer, as is the RP format. The Bouncer, before its release, was highly acclaimed for its aspects in promoting 'teamwork', but it was very lacking, I thought. Legends says the same, and seeing as there is a much larger character roster, with four players on-screen, I hope that Raven won't come up with half-assed methods that require a single brain-cell to work. That would just suck. If it can be pulled off, then that'll be cool, otherwise, screw it.
It's funny, because I never liked the original RK series. They were whacked-out and the humour was quite immature, but none the less, it's good to see a change from the cold-hearted badass type of guy. Though, Kenshin's appearance isn't all that anyway. However, I absolutely adore these OVA's The Trust and Betrayal OVAs are amongst my shortlist of anime favourites. Everything about them, in my eyes, have been flawlessly executed, from story to character-depth, and above all, the animation is just drop-dead gorgeous, no matter how sophisticated it may seem. The fact that the plot is partly based on true events makes the series less lacking, particularly the romance. I mostly liked the way that the very small bit of fantasy element in the series had been applied to merge with the key events, as it gave a much clearer emphasis on what is and what's not hugely relevant, which gave some meaning to Kenshin's and Tomoe's relationship. I'm glad I saw the OVAs before the actual series though. From what I heard, the impression that people got of Hiko Seijiro was totally slaughtered because of his appearance in the RK story arcs. I can see why, too, as his personality is completely different, so much in fact, that he's like a new person.
[QUOTE=Ouka][size=1]Maybe they just feel intimidated by you or they're fearful that their lives might be in danger if they have any kind of relation towards you. But despite that, I'm completely willing to become your one and only family member. ;)[/compassion] [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size][/QUOTE] Okay, so we're siblings.
It seems no one has any love for this lone Ninja. *sniff* I'll show myself the door.[/sympathy]
[quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu']All last(that I can think of) but not least, is Megaman. I don't know why, but I love almost everyone of the songs in Megaman, especially the Robot Masters' Theme in Megaman 2.[/quote] I totally agree with you. Most of the Mega Man games (or the platformers, to be fair) have had some awesome soundtracks over the years. They aren't the type that you could just, you know, sit down and listen to in order to set moods and such, but they fitted the agenda tremendously, especially considering the premise of Mega Man; all futuristic and bum-tard roboty. It's funny how Capcom have kept a nice track-record of these soundtracks, though, because, in typical Mega Man fashion, they all sound the same and have a somewhat unique ring to them that other games of the same genre just [i]can't[/i] copy lol. Despite all that garbage though, my favourite ever video game soundtrack is Tetris' Song B. It's just that damn good, and you probably know it, too.
Damn it all to hell. I missed Monday's episode!!1111!!!11!!!!11 Yeah, I suppose you two have some good points regarding the structure of the show. I think my main issue with it is that it just gets too boring at times, namely any scene that involves Dr. Melfi, but otherwise, I do find it funny in certain areas. Even still, characters like Paulie and ***** have got pretty humorous attitudes, and they resemble that of the typical mafia thugs you'd see in other films, so good job there. Also, I find it hard to see Christopher as one of the tough guys, since he got totally raped in Goodfellas lol. It's not even funny.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance has a blatantly foul storyline. Even though the game was inspired by Never Ending Story, it was still unearthed and predictable, and lacked substance. I can understand that it's only a 32-bit tactical sim, and story is probably the last thing that anyone would take into thought, but it was profusely bad, and the dialogue was plain atrocious. I don't know what Square were thinking, really, I thought they were a lot more creative than that to come up with a pre-made story. LoZ hasn't got a bad storyline, I don't think, but it's being overused a lot these days, and up to TWW, I haven't found anything all that compelling about them. The games still kick though.
[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082'] Morph Ball? While by itself it can't be used as a weapon, when combined with bombs, it can be pretty useful against some enemies. Such as freezing something with the Ice Beam and then planting a load of bombs on it -- that's especially useful in the original Metroid. Grappling Beam? Short of something like a Super Missile, it's the only thing that can kill some enemies in Super Metroid. (Remember those green, floaty things mainly found in the Wrecked Ship that only get knocked back by your normal beams? The Grappling Beam takes 'em out in one hit.) And that's something I really like about Metroid; your abilities are very versatile.[/color][/quote] Damn. I'm rusty. :( [quote][color=#4B0082]But my problem with them in the Mega Man games is that for half of them that I've seen, if you miss on your first try and ... instant death! (Or at least, you don't get another chance at it without restarting the level.) And I think we've already established that that pisses me off, heh.[/color][/QUOTE] Again, this is down to preference, but I really don't think that this is a bad thing. Sure, it'll piss you off to the point that you'd start getting physical with your controller or what have you, but it's this sense of difficulty that gives Mega Man its reputation and charm. I've played a few Mega Man games, and I know just how irritating they can get, but I always reassured myself with the fact that I'd be even more irritated with them had they not been the way they are. Mario, aside from shooting everything that appears on-screen, is very similar to the outer-layer of most Mega Man games. If you're big, and fall into some spikes or a Petey Piranha, then you get a second chance. If you're small, however, you die on the spot. Mega Man incorporates the latter. Knowing that you'll have that second chance to fall back on is all well and dandy, but it really does make a difference as far as difficulty goes. The Hammer Bros. in SMB3. They were real ball-breakers. When I can't beat them, I just flip to the item select menu and use a Mushroom (if I don't have a star :p) so as I will be 100% sure to beat the bastard/s due to the brief moment of invulnerability you get after losing it. It works, but I feel bad about it afterwards lol. So to speak, to go lightly on the difficulty levels in Mega Man would probably slaughter the kicks that some would get out of it, but it doesn't really give you the choice anyway, heh. Um, so yeah, that's generally why I think that aspiring difficulty can be a good thing.
[QUOTE=poo62.2][COLOR=RoyalBlue]unacceptably low in their quality, huh? sorry about that. I shall now try to make my posts have quality and make them more lengthily. i realy want to become an established member of the community.but i probably never will be due to my rubbish name, poo62.2. why on earth did i choose poo62 for myotaku name!!?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Why would you change poo62.2? It's attractive, funny, and has meaning. How else can you tell us that there are 62.2 poos? Huh? How? How can you? You just can't.
Well, the GBA version of this has a few portfolio extras, but the games that will feature on it aren't so much for graphics, so maybe you're right. Personally, I can do without all the fancy crap because I'm 100% into the games. Anyway, I respect your opinions on which game you prefer, as that's entirely opinionated, but I just thought I'd get into it a bit more. You have to remember that the Metroid games are unique because of their styles. As said in that other thread, Metroid is mainly focused around the exploration aspect and tends to keep combat to a minimum. While I love the Metroid games (I won't deny that), I always found them to be slow and somewhat tedious at times, especially with all the backtracking involved. But Mega Man, on the other hand, totally differs. You'll find yourself doing the exact opposite, as in there is only one way to go, being forward. From what I remember, the way you acquire weapons in Mega Man is to kill the end-of-level boss and frisk him. Hence, you're rewarded for it each time, and as the levels become harder, you'll start to notice that the weapons you previously obtained will help you to a certain extent. In Metroid, you get your weapons when you need them. The purpose of many of the weapons in the Metroid games is for them to aid you to get passed a certain obstacle, as do the accessories. It's only that they can also be used to kill things as well. There's the deal on puzzles too. Metroid isn't big on puzzles, but then again I don't think they exist in Mega Man. The way I see it, the Morph Ball has very little value in terms of combat, and is just there to help you penetrate those puzzles. Plus, the Grapple Hook. You use the grapple hook to get from one place to another, and sometimes you'll need to repeatedly swing over a pit of whatever to avoid dieing or getting hurt while you're confronted with aliens at the same time. So when you compare the two, they are kind of alike. Mega Man is difficult in the respect that you'll have to do things over and over to get them right, but at the same time, Metroid has some challenging puzzles. It's generally up to preferences, really.
Okay, I tried pressing up+select like you said, and it works. The three options "Continue, Save, and Retry" come up. However, when you do save using that method, you will have to restart the next time with four hearts, regardless of whether or not you had more or less than that in the first place. If you choose to continue, you'll restart your game at the starting point of the Overworld no matter where you where previously, with again, four hearts. Other than the fact that it's a quicker to save this way, as they have the same effects, I'd say that the only probable good thing about it is that your death count won't increase, but that never bothered me in the first place. It just looked bad.
[quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']I've just been looking over the screen shots and although they only detail Megaman I, II and III, I do agree with you that the graphics as nice as they'd look on a Gamecube might be more suited to the GBA though I've not seen the graphics for the rest so I might be mistaken.[/SIZE][/quote] It's not so much of which system would suit the graphics best for me, it's just that I'd much rather play it on a handheld system because the Mega Man games are the type in which you can get use to in less than an instant... and is something that most of the GBA games attribute quite successfully.
Gaming What GBA game would you recommend for someone who plays RPGs?
BlueYoshi replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[color=teal]So, what did you get your husband in the end? *runs from Shinmaru*[/color] -
[color=teal]"Save your game progress as it was when you were last defeated" is all it says on the matter in the instructions booklet. Killing yourself to save is tedious, especially when you have the Blue Ring... I've never played these games before because I never had a NES system, that's why I'm into them.[/color]
[color=teal]lol. With all that commotion, I forgot to mention that I was talking about the GBA NES Classics. ...and Nintendo have already ported those games to the GBA.[/color] :whoops:
[color=teal]Sorry, I was referring to everyone when I said "mindless bickering", not just you.[/color] [color=teal]EDIT: Forget it. Scrath "mindless bickering". You'll all probably hate me for it.[/color] [color=teal]Furthermore, I didn't mean it an offensive way.[/color]
[color=teal]I hope I didn't pass off as a complainer in my last post, but Siren is right. Regardless of your [strike]mindless bickering[/strike] comments (and mine), the goal of RPs is for whoever is in them to have fun. I don't see the problem. If you don't like it, don't go there. Simple. Also, Balmon, you shouldn't be worrying about these things since it's not really your jurisdiction... do what you want to do, and let other do what they want to do. Chill out, you'll live longer.[/color] :cool:
[color=teal]This is becoming a bad habit. I bought the NES Classic version of Zelda a few days ago... it wasn't for the fact that I knew it would be outstandingly good, neither was it for any sentimental reason, but because it, and all the other NES Classic games, were going for half the price of any other game, brand new. When I first heard about NES Classics, I immediately could tell which games would be most popular, but after elusively playing Zelda and absorbing in all that retro goodness, I realised that I've seriously underrated each and every one of these. So at this point right now, I'm hugely considering the other titles in the series aside from the impartial Bomberman and Super Mario Bros.. Anyway, I'm looking for opinions and recommendations here. It doesn't matter if you're judging the game after playing it from the NES itself, or from the SP, it's all good. As long as I've got a more than vague idea, then I'm happy. I'll do Zelda if you want. Just to repay a favour. ;) --- Gameplay is flawless. You can't complain... unless I've missed something. The main reason I think this is because of the two-button set-up. You're not confined to heaps of options, you just hack, slash, and go with the flow. There is a lack of puzzles though, but that only makes the game a lot more fluent as you won't find yourself stuck against all odds. Good in it's own way. Lifespan is great. I've played through quite a lot but I feel that I've done very little, heh. I know that there are [spoiler]nine dungeons[/spoiler] in total, and even though I'm already on the fifth, I still don't feel any sense of accomplishment. It must be to do with the basic-ness of the menu. There are drawbacks, however, but they're not legible enough of a reason for you not to play it. When the screen gets over-crowded, the game completely slows down, even the midi. My main issue is the save system though. I can understand that this is an old game -- in fact it was the first game to feature a save system for the NES, or something like that -- but Nintendo could've at least sorted it out before putting it on the shelves. You have to die when you want to save, which means you restart in the Overworld no matter what, with like four hearts. That means you must go all the way to the fairy before hitting the dungeons, which sucks. I've heard of the 'second controller' trick, but I'm not playing on the NES. Also, displaying the number of deaths on the menu screen is mocking. You HAVE to die if you want to save. Not very modest. Whatever though, I just leave it on sleep mode when I'm not playing. It's on right now, actually lol. --- Show me the money.[/color]
[color=teal]This is another of the action/platformer type for the GBA, and I think this is one of the few games to get a PAL release before a NTSC one, as it was developed in Europe. :p I've never heard of this series before, but Bioterror has been getting nothing but soaring reviews as of yet. The visuals and character designs, though just a 32 bit side-scroller, look gorgeous, and the colour schemes are unforgettably attractive lol. In typical Metal Slug fashion, Bioterror contains all the similar weapon upgrades and vehicular based missions, however, unlike MSA, there are a few extra off-limits gameplay modes that completely submerge from the side-scrolling shmup, like sniping, and an up-scrolling helicopter mission that looks comparable to R-Type. There's also the multiplayer mode. While interaction should always be fun, it's not as well-formed as the main game and hardly shows it up, but I'm hoping to see that for myself. I'll probably buy this as soon as I get enough money, so maybe I'll post something new about it then. Should give MSA a good run for its money though.[/color]
[color=teal]Well, despite SNK's previous attempts at getting this right, I'm looking forward to Metal Slug Advance. Surprisingly enough, it's not a simple revamp of any of the previous games, but something completely new, with two new playable characters and a totally original card-collecting theme that have various inputs during in-game play. You can decided whether or not you want the card system to intervene though, just in case you prefer to play it the way it's meant to be played. ~_^ Apparently, the game was reported to be deliciously buggy by a number teams when it was tested at this year's E3, but hopefully they will be taken care of adequately in time for its scheduled release date later this year. Hmmm, there is a much wider variety of weapons in this one too, both new and old from the previous Neo Geo games, though the game sounds short... but Playmore (developer) have claimed that the all-new cards system should magnify a fair level of lifespan, so we'll see how that works out. What intrigues me about this game is its style, however, and considering the premise, I really hope that it won't be an all-out action version of Rogue Spear. Having to play cat and mouse all the time just makes the game utterly boring, and I don't think that tossing in an end-of-level boss will help change that. So I deeply hope that the hostages won't interfere with the core of the gameplay. I can't wait to pick it up.[/color]
[color=teal]There would be little, or no, marketing value in that. And with including the whole DB universe aside, I think that everything you mentioned has already been covered by the existing Budokai games.[/color]
[color=teal]It's clear what the situation here is. New members need time to develop their skills, but then again, I don't see why they don't take the time to that in the first place, I mean, they're simple guidelines that are so generously asked on the rules page before signing up. However, while there are a lot of decent RPs around here, you have to let the fact sink in that for every good one, you'll often find about ten awful ones, many of which are the fanboyish/girlish type. I've seen a dozen Inuyasha and other anime related RPs around here that aren't very constructive, which are practically the opposition of those that members here choose to ignore simply because the concept is unheard of or unfamiliar. I've made one RP since I signed up, one which was basically a translation of a school project I did a while back. It failed... miserably, with only one recruit and one potential recruit. I'm currently in Plumber Bros. Inc right now. I joined that for the sole reason that the concept was really interesting to me. But, had that RP been focused around anime characters who were taking on the job of plumbing, I don't think I would've given two, or three even, craps about it. I won't call that hypocritical, because I obviously have no interest towards anime, I'm more into video games. It's more a case of incompetent members rather than new ones.[/color]
[color=teal]This is basically a compilation of the original Mega Man games that were released for the NES, SNES, and PlayStation in gratification of Mega Man's 15th anniversary. The games included range from Mega Man 1 to 8, plus two more arcade titles that supposedly never hit the US. The games aren't just revamps of the original though, as each one has new features and attachments to the gameplay that all happened to get positive reviews, you know, in a modern meets retro kind of way. Also, there's a load of extra anime footage and bonus extras on the disc, however, they depend entirely upon which console version you choose to get. I'm mostly interested in Mega Man 8. I've never had the chance to play it before, like many others, and it looks absolutely stunning; real sharp and colourful, even more so than Metal Slug Advance. Though I'd prefer it to be on the GBA much more, but whatever. There's also an anniversary release for the GBA too, which consists of all five of the original GameBoy Mega Man games, but I'm not keen on that one since I already have Dr. Wiley's Revenge, which to me is the best of the lot in that department.[/color]
[color=teal]My seven year old cousin broke her arm and was listed to sit in the waiting room with me and my brother until further notice. She kills time by screaming and jumping around while speaking her stupid first language just to annoy me. My face starts to glow red and my left eye starts twitching inconsistently. I have a seizure and fall to the ground. I get rushed into the infirmary, instead, I die. The end.[/color]