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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Isn't this kind of like the Games you STILL play thread? In any case, my list is the same, and since that post was rather long... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Naw, it's fine. Even if people still play the game it's no problem. As long as they've played it for more than 100 hours that is.[/color]
  2. [quote name='P014K']I think this list is about right; [url]http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5937559/the_100_greatest_guitarists_of_all_time/[/url][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I never agreed with that list, ever. I mean, Randy Rhoads is at 85 and Kirk Hammett is number 11. I think the guy who made that list was pretty much into his blues.[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]I'm not into the PS RPGs, but I love the recent games. I played PS Episode I & II on the GameCube to death even though I never actually went online with it... I only managed multi-player with a few friends. But still, I enjoyed it well enough because it made a change for me from the turn-based battle systems I'm used to playing in other RPGs. I like having complete freedom to attack, block, and run around where I want, although it felt a bit slow at times. But yeah, cool games. I might get Phantasy Star Universe on the 360 now that I have access to one.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]I'm playing a lot of games at the moment, but they're all replays. The latest game I'm playing is Yoshi's Island 2 on the DS, which is awesome. I played the first one both on the SNES and the GBA and loved it both times, so being able to play a more innovative version of them is great. I would've been happy just aiming eggs and jumping platforms again, but the addition of extra characters makes it more interesting and how each one has a different ability which is needed to complete each level really keeps you on your feet. One of the better platformer games on the system if you ask me.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]The oldest games I own which still play are Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, and Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation. One of my friends owns many older generation consoles so when I'm at his house we have a long Mario Kart 64 session, amongst others. My brother came back to town with all of his consoles a few weeks ago and I've been playing Gears Of War almost exclusively since then, and when I'm done with that I think I'll go back and visit MGS3: Subsistence and Resident Evil 4. It's been a while since I've played either.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Avenged666fold'][B]Xbox 360[/B]-[I]Gears of War[/I]-[U]STUCK AGAIN! [/U] [B]DS[/B]-[I]Pokemon Pearl[/I]-[U]Stuck on the elite [B]5[/B][/U] [B]Ps2[/B]-[I]God of war 2[/I]-[U]Forgot where I'm stuck...[/U] [B]PC[/B]-[I]Rosetta Stone[/I]-[U]Stuck on conjugating verbs...[/U][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Lists = Not cool Lists + info = Very cool[/color]
  7. [color=darkred]I just came back from it ten minutes ago, and I didn't like it at all. I've got no problem with the storyline because I wasn't expecting it to be so great and wholesome, so I went ready to accept whatever was on offer, but it was the humour that was the let down; it just didn't make me laugh the way the episodes do. To its defence though, I think I was the only person in the cinema who laughed when [spoiler]that kid asked Tom Hanks to tussle his hair[/spoiler]... that is pure Simpsons sillyness and I love it. Yeesh, I would say more but I'm well tired right now.[/color]
  8. [quote name='Charles']Perhaps you should consider THAT before choosing a user name. Then again, you could be referring to the term "vegeta" as a food--and vegetables do indeed rock. So, you're vindicated.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I used to think he was called Fajita. :nope: But really, have any of you guys seen how much Japanese people obsess over David Beckham?[/color]
  9. [quote name='Matt']I never liked [B]Tekken[/B] to begin with. It was just too slow, in my opinion, especially when compared to Soul Calibur and [B][URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Blade"]The Last Blade[/URL][/B]. Plus, everyone seemed to do far too much damage, and the cyborg character, once he got you in a his spine breaking move, as far as I know, there is no way you can get out until he either kills you or depletes you of almost all your health.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Tekken slow? Are you playing the PAL version of the games? They are always slow compared to the NTSC versions, but I think the PAL version of Tekken 5 (or was it Dark Resurrection) plays just as fast as NTSC. Metal Gear Solid 3 was like that as well, so I had to wait till Subsistence came out before I could properly play the game. [quote]The craziest thing I've seen in Tekken was one of King's strongest grabs done on me. I cried. It was the one where with his last move, he jumps in the air and spirals down ward.[/quote] Heh, I know that move. It's pretty tough to pull off and can be easily countered, so I think the amount of damage it does is justifiable. In its defence though, you have to press square and triangle at the same to break that hold.[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]I'm insecure about admitting my embarrasing secrets to anyone because when I use to mention things to my brothers they'd seriously take the piss out of me for it. It's fun for a while, but when they start telling everyone I know and just mention it freely then that's annoying. I wouldn't do it to them. Holes of arses. So yeah, they die with me.[/color]
  11. BlueYoshi


    [color=darkred]Alright, thanks for the help Gavin. I'm Wi-Fi retarded, so that doesn't appeal to me, but it'd be cool if I did get it sorted out. As for Pokemon, I'll have to give it more thought.[/color]
  12. BlueYoshi


    [color=darkred]Yeah I know, but this time around I'm a little tired of the same formula, so I was wondering if there was anything new about it that would make it more interesting.[/color]
  13. BlueYoshi


    [color=darkred]I'm considering buying this game (haven't decided which one yet) and the only thing holding me back is the possibility that it's the same as the previous Pokemon games, but just revamped a little, so could someone give me a little insight as to whether it'll be money well spent? I think I trust you guys enough.[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]Guys, recommending what games to get or not to get is cool, but your discussion is starting to get a bit personal and off-topic and is sort of derailing the purpose of the thread, so please could you continue this over PM or IM?[/color] :)
  15. [color=darkred]I also nominate 2007DigitalBoy. There are a lot of members on these boards who are so serious when posting in discussions that it's depressing, and a lot of the time this stops me from particpating in some threads, but 2007DB is the contrary because of his general light-heartedness and how he can obviously take a joke without getting all personal about it. Plus, he has posted in the majority of threads recently, so being active and cool is, well, super cool. :cool: I still hate your dark orange font though. :cussing: [/color]
  16. [quote name='Konata']I'm not against cosmetic surgery because it can really help out a person. But I don't plan on undergoing cosmetic surgery, simply because I'd probably feel uncomfortable doing it. I mean, your new look wouldn't be "you." Plus I would rather use my money for higher priorities of mine like education.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Yeah, I'm with you. I don't see anything wrong with cosmetic surgery whether it's for medical reasons or just wanting to look better, because either way the patient will feel better about themselves. I personally wouldn't get it for no reason, however. I don't see it as "god made me like this so I'll stay like this", but more as I'm me because I look like me.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]My most overplayed song lately has been Regular People (Conceit) by Pantera, only for the completely infectious main riff. The rest of the song however, like the verse riffs and so, are pretty boring because they are common in other Pantera songs too. The same goes for Phil Anselmo's vocals.[/color]
  18. [color=darkred]The cool thing about working behind the bar at a nightclub is that if anyone gives you hassle you simply radio the bouncers and whoosh. Problem solved.[/color] :)
  19. [color=darkred]I guess whatever can be said here can also be said in [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57537]this[/url] thread seeing as old games are the focal point, and I'm sure the side-effects of playing them can come into it in some way. Remember though, you're advised to take breaks in between gaming sessions. Thread closed. Edit: .....I forgot to close this >_>[/color]
  20. [quote name='optiplex1990']i was woundering how do you make it where you dont need the cd to play a game[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Isn't this stuff illegal though, I'm not too sure? I mean, unless you actually own the game you're trying to play without a CD?[/color]
  21. [quote name='Endymion'][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"]Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, from Starcraft is probably the best video game villain. Can't wait to see why kind of mayhem she causes in the sequel.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Hey Endymion, in future could you put more to a post if necessary. At least state why you like that character, even if it's only for a couple of words.[/color]
  22. [color=darkred]Two of my favourite villains, Wesker and Alexia, come from the Resident Evil series. I like the sense of enigma that each character has, like finding out that for the early stages of the game [spoiler]Albert is actually Alexia, and just dresses up like her[/spoiler]. It makes you wonder who the hell Alexia really is. The same goes for Wesker (as in, Resident Evil 1 Wesker), you just know he's up to something from the moment [spoiler]he disappears after finding the blood on the floor in the dining room[/spoiler]. And then there are those encounters with him in the later stages of the game. I also really like how his character plays a big part of the Resident Evil storyline as a whole. It's really cool how that one character all the way back from 1996 has managed to shape the Resident Evil history.[/color]
  23. [quote name='Break']Did you actually say that? lol... Actually, I'm afraid epic sort of does mean - how did you put it? - "medievel, swords, gauntlets, and all that". GTA is definitely not epic. Perhaps there is leeway for games to be considered 'epic' if they are 1) big and 2) good.[/quote] [color=darkred]Well, really now, there's no bother in comparing what we both consider to be epic because I'm set on what I consider to be epic, and obviously so are you. If you want to look at the generic perspective of epic, then fine, go ahead. But as for the scope of something being epic, it certainly isn't limited to medievel, swords, and gauntlets. Look at a game like Gears of War, for example. It has stunning graphics and great gameplay, and provides a breath of fresh air as far as third person shooters go, but because none of the above attributes of "epic" are present, does that mean it's not epic? Now take your version of an epic game, one which does consist of those attributes and turn it around so as that there are big guns and body armour instead. Does that mean it's not epic anymore? Epic isn't limited to a storyline you know, it's a partial factor, sure, but not the only thing. :rolleyes: And you have to remember another thing, Gran Turismo was released in 1998, almost ten years ago (I never mentioned in my previous post that they were realistic at the time, haha). Of course it doesn't seem so huge now, but if you played it during that era, you definitely would have considered it as a worthy game, just as I do, and that's what makes it epic for me. Sorry it doesn't fit into your criteria of swords and sourcery.[/color] [quote name='Break']Definitely the second one, if you want the real definition of "epic". If you want the modern, half-arsed one... apparently it can be anything from the realistic cars in Gran Turismo to paying for a prostitute in GTA III lol.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]There is a bigger picture to consider in GTAIII, rather than focusing on the pettiest thing the game has to offer, but you're ignoring it; GTAIII has inspired many other popular sandbox games due to its compatibility. So what if the game doesn't have a great storyline or deep character driven plots, it doesn't mean it doesn't count for anything in the epic sense. Needless to say, my version of epic somewhat contrasts the former of Sesshomarufan's statement.[/color]
  24. [quote name='Sesshomarufan']As far as Guitarists go for heavy metal stuff, people often overlook James Hetfield from Metallica. He did some great stuff and how many people do you know have the tabs for at least one of Metallica's songs? I can play "Ride the Lightning" and "Seek and Destroy" just fine, without the use of another guitar.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I think it's impossible to overlook James Hetfield. He, amongst a handful of other people steered metal in the direction it's in now with his songwriting. Not only that, but he has such an aura-ful presence when he is on stage, and many say that Metallica's strength has been and always will be their live act, but I personally believe that their live act is mostly down to Hetfield. As for Pump It, I watched the Black Eyed Peas at Live Earth on the television... I don't see the point of their existance in music.[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]It's not very strange, but my pet cat simply can not stop eating. When I get up from wherever it is I'm sitting, he'll follow me thinking that I'm going to put food in his bowl. If I'm sitting down, he'll miaow constantly and jump all over me. If I'm eating something, he'll want it, whether it's a biscuit, a satsuma, chewing gum, whatever. My other cat is a saint compared to him... he's just the devill.[/color]
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