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Everything posted by BlueYoshi
[url]http://uk.faqs.ign.com/articles/387/387912p1.html[/url] [color=darkred]Check that link out. Just remember not to mess around with the interior of it otherwise you will lose your warranty, assuming you have it.[/color]
[color=darkred]Me neither. My friend is always trying to force those two in particular on me. There are very few death metal and screaming/growling/throaty bands that I actually enjoy listening to. Arch Enemy, Carcass, In Flames, and Children of Bodom to name a couple.[/color]
[color=darkred]Did you blow into the disc drive to get dust out?[/color]
[quote name='Jakehammaren']You can indeed be a brilliant screamer. It's called being Mikael Åkerfeldt from Opeth. He's got a very well, controlled harsh vocal that is better than almost everyone in the music world, and he does it without destroying his voice, as can be heard in his incredibly smooth clean vocals. All hail the mighty Opeth![/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Yeah, that guy is pretty insane. I think that the Cannibal Corpse and DevilDriver vocalists are pretty good too, from what I've heard that is, since I don't really listen to them. But everything in music is an art, I reckon, whether you play the triangle, or scream instead of sing. It still requires skill (unless you're in Slipknot and your required skill is to run and jump around the stage).[/color]
[quote name='Clurr'][FONT="Arial"]Do you know how they compare to a bass guitar? Because my guitar is extremely lightweight (it's a lot smaller than most guitars), but I also play bass, so the weight of a guitar shouldn't bother me too much.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I'm not too sure. The last time I played either was about a year ago in the guitar shop so it's tough to compare...[/color]
[color=darkred]I lied when I said I wouldn't recommend anything. Just acquire a Spectrum, punch in Robocop, post here telling us how awesome it is, and then let me put this thread out of its misery. Also, Castlevania I > Kenshin DX (and Billy Shears too if he wasn't being sarcastic).[/color]
[quote name='Clurr'][FONT="Arial"]I really don't like oblong guitar shapes, like the Flying V, for some reason. I tried playing one once and it felt all wrong. I'm pretty prejudiced against anything that isn't a Les Paul, and I've never even played one. I just think they're the prettiest. :][/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]That's cool. I personally hate the look of Telecasters. Flying Vs are just a bit tough to sit down with, but it just takes getting used to just as playing standing up takes getting used to. But Les Paul's are [i]freakin heavy[/i], whether you're standing or sitting.[/color]
[color=darkred]I play a second hand Aria blue Stratocaster, which isn't bad for a first guitar. I've been playing for a year now and I only recently started to take it very seriously. The amount of practicing I've been doing this past month has done so much more for me than the past year of messing around whilst watching TV or something has. Metronomes rock. \m/ -__- \m/ My amp is pretty poor as well, but again, for a first amp I'm not complaining. It has decent overdrive and not that much feedback (but enough to make whatever I play sound bad lol). I'm really into playing heavy metal, which is the most complex and demanding guitar genre, so my long guitar practice sessions are warranted. The cool thing about it though is that it sort of sets a guitar precedent... learn the tough stuff and you can play RHCP songs no problem. My favourite guitarists are Dimebag and Randy Rhoads. Dimebag wrote the catchiest and most basic riffs (his solos on the other hand...), and had the most monstrous tone I have ever heard. Even heavier than Machine Head's in my opinion. Randy Rhoads was Randy Rhoads. Simple as that. It's a huge shame that they're both dead. Anyway, for my next guitar I'd like a white Gibson V. They're affordable and are pure sex to look at, but my ultimate guitar would be a black Dean Razorback ML. They're just ****ing evil.[/color]
[color=darkred]I think that everyone loves the generic fruit like apples, strawberries, oranges, and grapes. There are other fruits that are slightly more uncommon in some households and having middle-eastern parents, they're always trying to force them on me, seeing as they're the kind of foods and treats they grew up eating as a substitue for chocolate. But believe me, the table in my living room is always packed with bowls of melon, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, etc. It doesn't end there either, because they're dead keen on their vegetables too.[/color]
[color=darkred]It depends on the game, really. I spent a good while playing God Of War all on my own when it was released without feeling lonely or getting bored with a lack of competition, because there was challenge and it was a fun game. But with a totally different game, like Mario Kart, I'd prefer to play multi-player over the single player cups. I'd still try to beat all the cups and get as many triple-star rankings as I can, but if the opportunity to play multi-player came I'd take it. On the other hand, I tend to stay away from two player games that aren't directly competitive, such as those where you and the other player are on the same team.[/color]
[quote name='Sesshomarufan']I think the clunky controls and horrible camera angles made the previous games more scary than the action itself. I find RE 4 to be a culmination of all the previous games, but it also has new and exciting stuff that it brings to the table. How can you not tell me that smart parasite infected people aren't more freaky than zombies? They figured stuff out man! Those dudes with the Chainsaws were pretty creepy too. Let's not forget the parasites that could munch off your head with one stroke too. Plus those action cutscenes were pretty intense, like the knife fight. That was crazy.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Don't forget the voice acting. They should call it Dialogue Evil or something. Go around roughing up letters of the alphabet or something. Anyway, it's not so much the things you fight, but the atmosphere and surroundings. Stuff like hearing your own footsteps, or hearing a hunter off-screen, and the weird, weird soundtrack. But I agree with the chainsaw guy. The feeling you get when you see him running up to you from a distance, haha. It's like "oh **** oh **** oh ****".[/color]
[quote name='Jakehammaren']Wikipedia is a very, very bad resource for researching metal, as any metalhead will be quick to inform you. If you're ever interested in checking out some true metal bands, hit me up with a PM and I'd be glad to introduce you to a few.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]God, I hate Wikipedia. People talk total crap on there. I don't believe anything I hear about a band -- any band -- unless it's from a direct interview or in a magazine... possibly a handful of websites too. As for my genre, I'm pretty open-minded about all music; hip hop, rock, some indie, this, that, the other, but of course, my forte is metal. There are only two genres I don't listen to though. Emo and metalcore. I simply ignore emo, because it is usually just a fad amongst teenagers, but metalcore I can not stand. My friend loves the stuff and tries to get my into it too, but because I refuse to listen to it it makes me a "picky person". I don't see what's so great about a trade-off between clean and screamed vocals and ending almost every riff with a pinched harmonic. Obviously I'm talking about Killswitch Engaged here, who are at the forefront of metalcore, but yeah.[/color] :rolleyes:
[quote name='Semjaza']You're still running around and killing zombie-like enemies and solving stupid puzzles. Seems like a natural progression to me and certainly a heck of a lot less clunky.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Yeah, but I prefered the survival aspect to the series, more like what RE1, 2, and Code: Veronica had to offer. RE4 is mostly action orientated, and yeah, there are just as many puzzles and just as much back tracking, but it just isn't as scary and intense as the others.[/color]
[color=darkred]I've gathered that Desbreko knows what's best in a game for himself, so I won't recommend anything here. But one thing: Resident Evil 4 is by and far no way the best in the series. It doesn't even compare because it is so different to the rest. Besides, everyone knows that Outbreak pwnz them all.[/color]:p
[quote name='Break']I've also realised old(er) games are much harder than newer ones because objectives were not as clear, and this is much evident in FFVII, when a lot of the time you were shoved onto the world map after being told where you have to go, but not [i]where[/i] this place is. It took me literally hours to figure out where I was supposed to be heading. Maybe I'm just stupid. And the submarine as a convenience? Hardly! It got me lost more than I did on foot![/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Dude, you need to check out The Angry Video Game Nerd's rant on Castlevania 2 for the NES because it is the best example of what your saying. Holy hell.[/color] [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=V4we8iFk-fY[/url]
[color=darkred]Whoa, I see some GameCube games as old; stuff like Animal Crossing and Phantasy Star Online. I don't think anyone else would possibly call these games old, but when I mention amongst mates how we use to gather around and play them back when they were release, we can't help but say something like "those were days". But anyway, I was at another friend's house for the past couple of days and even though a PS2 and a 360 was present, we chose to play the N64 and SNES games by battling out on the two player classics like Mario Kart 64, Mortal Kombat 2 & 3, and Goldeneye (though there was a small Gears Of War session, too). It's amazing how timeless some of these games really are, and now I've got the urge to go back play other classics like Super Metroid and LoZ again.[/color]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]They're just not that big; they both take place in a (small) city, and they really don't feel like they take that long nor do they feel like they have a large scope. Further, neither of them were all that impressive in terms of either gameplay or the actions taken by the main character. Granted, the final missions in both those games were epic battles, but one epic battle isn't enough to make a video game epic.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]You have to consider that even though the concept of being able to roam a free environment and do whatever you want wasn't new at the time, the scale of which both GTA3 and Vice City took this concept was something else. It provided a 3D model metropolitan atmosphere which opened the way for a whole new level of freedom in gameplay, and aside from doing the missions (and some of them were [i]hard[/i]), you could just drive or walk around or do some of the kill frenzies, and much more. Take FFVII for example. Everyone loves it and tries to give it a mention wherever possiible, but in terms of gameplay it is very simple (especially when compared to more contemporary RPGs) -- the battle and materia-system were very user-friendly, but I, and others, still see it as epic. You think GTA isn't that great gameplay wise, but there's no denying that it's a hell of a lot of fun. If all games were to be judged because they never had a large enough scope, that'd just be wrong. Video games are evolving rapidly and efforts are being made to make each one as epic as the last, whether it be through a great storyline, original gameplay, or simply by offering something that other games can not.[/color]
[quote name='Billy Shears'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]I would have to say that God of War II was quite more epic than the first one. I loved the first one to death, but the second one had the sense of awe in almost every second. I was blown away by the [spoiler]Pegasus level[/spoiler], just because of the sense of speed and height. Regardless of the Greek mythology setting, it seemed more realistic than say, the GTA series.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]What do you mean by this? More realistic in gameplay and graphics, or in the sense that GTA is more far-fetched than God Of War. If something is epic, it means that it is big, bombastic, boastful. There is a common misconception that epic means medievel, swords, gauntlets and all that, and I can see where it comes from what with movie trailers and the like conforming to this archetype of setting, but in their own rights, both God Of War and GTA are epic. Realistic is a different matter.[/color]
[color=darkred]I don't think I'm anywhere near the most depressed person on the planet, so I'll settle for a 2, but I am feeling pretty rock bottom at the moment. I've been this way for a week and a bit and I'm not really sure what's causing it. All I can say though is that if it wasn't for music I'd have gone coo-coo and shot up my local grocery store or something.[/color]
[color=darkred]The moment I read the thread title I knew that someone would have mentioned FFVII lol. But man, I hope this thread doesn't become restricted only to RPGs and games that look like they took place 19849073 years ago, because there is some mighty epic stuff out there -- the GTA series for its massive (though partly restricted) universe, or Gran Turismo for the stunning realism of the car models. But since I'm also feeling generic at the moment I vote for Assassin's Creed. I mean, it takes place during the Third Crusadezors... that and the computer AI seems impressive. :)[/color]
[color=darkred]In the spirit of what happened, and James' point, I think that OtakuBoards is like a fix. You just can't keep away from it lol. Members leave and come back... it's like a recurring cycle. Even I've left a few times, and yet here I am.[/color]
[quote name='Sesshomarufan']Can you still remember the original line from the song? Kick, punch, it's all in the mind...Oh yes.[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Kick, the punch, it's all in the mind, if you wanna test me I'm sure you'll find that all the things I teach ya are sure to beatcha nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher It was the most overplayed demo disc I ever had...[/color]
[color=darkred]I only drink tea. Home tea -- my own tea -- not from any cafe. Not just for refreshment, but when I'm thirsty too. I can't drink it on a empty stomach otherwise I won't enjoy it, so I'll only have it in the morning if I'm having breakfast, which is rare for me... but after any meal is the best time for it. I also like Early Gray, but again, it's rare for me to drink that since we only have regular tea bags at home.[/color]
[color=darkred]The worst ones are on youtube, where some guy will start a chain letter, and the next guy to respond flames them and tells them to stop, in which case they do not and only persuade this kind of behaviour.[/color]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange'].also, both the13thman and wet cement use this color. Personally, I think when the 13thman uses it it's even more annoying than when I do >_>[/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkred]Man, I thought you were the 13thman. That guy seemed to disappear and then you popped up, so I figured he changed his name. You both use the same font colour, so it made sense. And "DarkOrange"? That has to be the biggest overstatement since General Custer said "those Indians look a little bit pissed off". There's nothing dark about your orange. It's just orange![/color]