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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [quote name='Shaholl]Good music-wise, I know of a band called [B]Apocolyptica[/B'] . They're known for performing Metallica's greatest hits. The only strange thing about them is that they don't have any electric instruments. They are a string quartet and a drummer. They play so well, that most of the time, I'm unable to tell that what I'm hearing is a violin or a standup bass instead of an electric guitar.[/quote] [color=darkred]Don't the members of Apocolyptica play with cellos? I've never heard of them using anything else.[/color]
  2. BlueYoshi

    Last Movie

    [color=darkred]I went to see Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan last niht, and I can honestly say that it is one of the funniest most side-splitting films/documentaries of this year. From the beginning to the end I was in stitches -- so was the rest of the cinema audience. It was that damn funny. I especially loved the beginning sequence where Borat is introducing his village and its residents, where he says stuff like [spoiler]"This is the town rapist", and "This is my sister Natalia; she is the fourth best prostitute in Kazakhstan"[/spoiler]. But hands down, the funniest part was when he was [spoiler]wrestling with his colleague Azamat naked because he caught him masturbating over Pamela Anderson, and then they start running around the hotel the were staying at chasing each other[/spoiler]. I was in tears all the way through. Seriously funny stuff.[/color] :D
  3. BlueYoshi

    Last Movie

    [QUOTE=Shinje][color=crimson] The last movie I watched was The Princess Bride. I will say that it is by far, one of the wittiest, funniest movies I have ever seen. The action, quick witty dialogue.... The total satirising of those "gotta rescue the princess" movies, the whole shebang was a complete riot. I can't beleive it's taken me so long to see this movie.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Yeah, and the fact that Andre "The Giant" stars in it is an added bonus. The last movie I saw was The Departed, which was two weeks ago at the cinema. It was a well made movie, and I really applaud how convincing some of the characters were, especially Matt Damon. I think his character did a great job of making the audience think to themselves "man, what an asshole", even though Jack Nicholson was the main antagonist throughout the movie. The climax was a bit insane, and I know that nobody saw it coming, but that's the effect of having an encyclopedic knowledge on film, as Martin Scorsese does. I've heard that the movie is a direct take from the Hong Kong flick "Infernal Affairs", but I've not seen it. Nevertheless, I think the only beef I have with The Departed is the way that [i]all[/i] of the chracacters pronounce the word "cop"... it sounds more like [spoiler]"co-op"[/spoiler].[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]There is no need to revive old threads -- especially threads that are some three years old, because most of the members who posted in them no longer visit the site, thus holding the thread obsolete. The answer to the question was answered anyway, so there's no need for this thread to stay open. Thread closed.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]Angel of Death by Slayer will always be my number one song amongst a few others. The riffs, the solos, the drums, and even the vocals are all amazing. The lyrics aren't great, but they suit the music incredibly well. Disregarding the songs theme, it's a bloody evil song. I went to see them on Wednesday by the way... they rocked the house and brought the roof down. \m/ >_< \m/[/color]
  6. [quote name='Shinmaru]Super Metroid's OST is also a perennial favorite of mine. Every song on there is just [i]perfect[/i'] for that game lol. I'd say it's still one of the strongest examples of how great music can better immerse people into a game's environment.[/quote] [color=darkred]I agree. Some of it is slow and progressive, and others are straight up and consist of fast tempos. A good example of this is the OST to Kraid's lair; it's just so powerful the way it kicks in during that first visit, where you've just left the elevator that leads down to it. All in all though, I like Metroid's OST in general. The themes of the soundtracks completely fit in with the mood of the games and, as you said Shinmaru, help the gamer to really experience the atmospheres produced within. I think my favourite Metroid score would have to be the one that plays during the title screen for Metroid Prime. Man, that's so cool. Honorable mentions would include FFX's Zanarkand Ruins and various ocarina tunes from LoZ: OoT.[/color]
  7. [color=darkred]I don't have my driving liscence yet, but I can drive. My dad has already bought my first car for me, though I can't touch it until I do get my liscence. It's a chrome Rover something (I never take the time to remember letters or numbers or car models), which is bigger than I'd have thought my first car would be. The only problem I have with it is that it's an automatic... I don't mind, but I'd prefer to get into the swing of using a manual car for starters so I can comfortable with shifting the gear stick, rather than just putting my foot down.[/color]
  8. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']Frankly, I'm surprised anyone finds any of the games in this series to be "scary". There's kind of a difference between feeling anxiety and fear as opposed to being surprised when some thing jumps up suddenly... and, really, the latter is about all RE has ever really offered.[/quote] [color=darkred]I know. That's why the games are only really fun when you play them the first time through, because you have no idea what to expect. They're only good on replay value if you're into unlocking secret stuff. On the other hand, if you play the games to death they become extremely boring. I discovered the trick to walking backwards in Resident Evil 1 when you first encounter the dogs, where they come crashing through the windows in that narrow corridor, after my second attempt at it. And having to shift crates or boxes at a very slow pace loses its appeal after a while. Then again, I suppose if people just wanted to extract the action elements from the series, they'd play Resident Evil 4 instead.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]Turkey slap? Is that it? In last year's Big Brother there was this big, fat, obnoxious girl called Kinga who got really drunk and shoved the neck of a bottle up her [spoiler]crack[/spoiler]... and the show still goes on. It really is a disgusting program and I have the upmost contempt for it.[/color]
  10. [quote name='Crazy Kev']I am probably like one of the biggest RE fans out there! I've played 2,3,4, dead aim, and I think more that I forgot. Dang, RE is one of the best video games series ever made, EVER!!!!!![/quote] [color=darkred]My friend, I'm sure you like Resident Evil a lot, but your posts are going to need more elaboration than that if it's going to subside to OtakuBoard's standards. Try commenting on why you like the series so much, or who your favourite characters are, or whatever. That way, you stand a chance of generating discussion and conversation rather than creating an idol post which will most likely be skimmed through.[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]I personally despise the program; it's so trashy that one would think its selling point is sex and alcohol rather than it being a "unique" reality TV concept, and I find it extremely disturbing that my eight year old cousin is so interested in it that she never misses a program, considering its content. Despite the above, the thing I hate the most about it is how it completely dominates society and the channel it comes on (Channel 4 is the most entertaining channel in the UK if you don't have cable or satellite). It has so many spin-off shows that are all shown once a day, every day for the remainder of the summer -- it even took The Simpsons' slot on Friday nights. And then come Christmas, we get celebrity Big Brother. Yay.[/color].:animeangr
  12. [color=darkred]That may be the case regarding the forum overall, but I think Play It has had sort of a boom in popularity with the upcoming releases of the Wii and the PS3, and posts aren't even limited to those subjects.[/color]
  13. BlueYoshi


    [color=darkred]I honestly can't think of a better feeling than the moment when you're pre-ordering a games console before its release. Pre-ordering a Wii and flunking my exams would be worth getting that feeling.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE=kaisap112]"...for a blue mage to learn a monster's technique, the monster has to perform it on him." Which makes it nearly impossible to learn some techniques, for example Roulette. :animedepr[/QUOTE] [color=darkred]It's not impossible. You just need to make sure that your Blue Mage has the Auto-Life status effect active when going to learn it, so make sure you have an Angel Ring equipped or something.[/color]
  15. [color=#8B0000]I love vodka. I can drink it raw, but I prefer to have it mixed to suit my taste buds. I usually go with grape juice because it's very smooth, and goes down a lot easier. One thing I'll never do again is mix any kind of alcohol with a fizzy drink; it just absolutely destroys my throat. So much that I could barely talk the next day... then again, I did have a lot to drink that night, haha. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a piss head. :catgirl: As well as vodka, I do enjoy a snifter of light beer every now and then, but I despise whiskey. It is horrible raw, and even worse mixed.[/color]
  16. [color=#8B0000]Following the major enhancements in the next generation of console gaming, and seeing as there is a tendency for various tech support related threads to pop up in Hardwired which can be answered quite swiftly and generate little to no discussion, the Hardwired staff have decided to create one thread in which [i]all[/i] of your hardware and software technical support related queries can be answered. Whether it is a damaged memory card you're dealing with, or want to know how to get online with a certain system, or even something as simple as advice on how to keep your CDs in tip-top condition, then this is the place to ask. Just please note that [b]this thread is [u]not[/u] for getting help in any game you may be stuck in.[/b] Aside from posting in this thread to get the technical support you need, there is a selection of great online resources that are worth checking out, which I've provided in the links below:[/color] [url=http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/]Nintendo Tech Support[/url] [url=http://www.nintendowifi.com/customersupport/SupportHome.jsp]Nintendo Wi-Fi Tech Support[/url] [url=http://www.us.playstation.com/Support]PlayStation Tech Support (America)[/url] [url=http://uk.playstation.com/pdcf/index.jhtml?locale=en_GB]PlayStation Tech Support (Europe)[/url] [url=http://www.yourpsp.com/psp/psp.html#setlocale=true§ion=support&locale=en_gb]PSP Tech Support (Europe)[/url] [url=http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/support/]X-Box/360 Tech Support[/url] [color=#8B0000]Some of the sites include advice on other systems as well as the current generation, so for example, the PlayStation Tech Support page for America will include advice related to the PSP, and the Nintendo Tech Support page includes advice for pretty much every Nintendo console to date. You can expect the list to be updated with technical support corresponding to the Wii and the PS3 following their releases, but where any other console is concerned, those sites should provide more than a mouthful of information. So, if you feel stuck with any of the advice provided for in the above websites, or fail to understand all of the technical jargon, then this is the thread you want to post in. Oh, and, it's important to note that almost any warranty that comes with a system's purchase will become void once you open the console's outer shell casing, so in the event of any necessary internal repairs, it's best to consult customer service than try and deal with it yourself.[/color]
  17. [color=#8B0000]I planned on getting a DS Lite of my own, but I don't think I'll be getting one any time this year because college is so damn time consuming. The same goes for the Wii, unfortunately. The hours that I've put into this game are ridiculous. During the summer holidays, where I had nothing but time to kill, I played this game from morning to bed time, with the odd one hour interval in between those boring eventless times where there was nothing to do. Apart from chopping trees, I think that planting and watering flowers to get a perfect town was the most time consuming thing that I did. It was fun at first, because my town started to look different compared to the dull one that I was use to seeing day after day, but after a while it gets really tedious. But, the thing is, once you've planted a cozy little flower bed (well, a big one in my case), you think to yourself, "damn, it'd be a shame to stop now", inevitably dragging yourself in for the long haul, which I was a victim to. Though, seeing I haven't played the game for a while, they're all probably dead by now. :animesigh Seriously, the above is just a small taster of how addictive, and somewhat demanding, the game can be. On another note, I like the rotating overworld. At first I was skeptical about it because it was different, but the moment I first put the game on I knew that it wouldn't be a bad thing. As opposed to the GameCube version, you can actually see ahead of yourself, which makes ACWW no where near as restrictive.[/color]
  18. [color=#8B0000]Yeah, kalon is right. Just think of the Enemy Skill Materia from Final Fantasy VII. If you've played it, that is.[/color]
  19. [quote name='queenbakura']I recently saw an ad for the new game in the Namco Tales series in my Shonen Jump. I wonder how Tales of the Abyss will compare to Tales of Symphonia. I recently beat that game and I loved it so much. So how will Tales of the Abyss be? Thoughts? I think that you can move in every direction in battle in it.[/quote] [color=#8B0000]The game isn't really new; it's been out in Japan for almost a year now. It's just that the US is set to get it in October. It's not one that I'm particularly interested in, for the fact that the next Tales game that I plan on getting is Tales of the Tempest for the DS, and that I don't know of any news stating whether or not the game will be distributed in the UK. The battle system incorporated into Tales of the Abyss has got me a bit leery, as it operates in a similar way to the battle system featured in the Star Ocean games, which I don't suppose is a bad thing, but the latest game in the series, Till the End of Time, wasn't very popular amongst some of my friends even though it did okay in most reviews. I don't know though. I'll have to play it if I get the chance.[/color]
  20. [color=#8B0000]The newest game in my house is Super Princess Peach, which is my sister's game. The last games that [i]I[/i] bought were God Of War and GTA: Liberty City Stories for the PS2, which were back in July or August, I think, because they were only £20 a pop (God Of War being platinum). I played the hell out of God Of War, but hardly touched GTA: LSC because I got bored with it a few missions into the game. Luckily, my brother took an interest into it, so it wasn't a complete waste. I am, however, looking forward to Vice City Stories, seeing as Vice City is my favourite in the current series.[/color]
  21. [color=#8B0000]It's nothing to cause uproar about, really. I can understand people's point of view about their complaints of how TWW made the transition to the cel-shade graphic style, and while I might disagree with them, it was still a big change nonetheless. This issue really doesn't compare.[/color]
  22. [quote name='Shinmaru']It's the same for other slurs as well. You have no idea how often (and how casually lol) I hear my friends drop 'wetback' into conversations. The term is just so silly to us lol. "Oh, those darned illegals - we'll show those bastards, why, we'll think up a stupid name for them all like they're some vague menace coming to destroy us! Damn wetbacks! Ooh, I should write that one down!" Forgive me if my ego isn't fazed by your idiotic phrases, buddy. :rolleyes:[/quote] [color=#8B0000]I'm just curious as to who makes these terms up. I mean, the term "giny wop" (derogatory for an Italian), which you might have heard in many films, stands for "going in New York with-out passport". Really, what the hell is the point of this? The very fact that the term is dumbed down to an acronym [i]spells out[/i] that it's suppose to be offensive, and that anyone who uses it in a casual manner to an Italian is just rubbing their nose in it. I've had the term "sand-nigger" thrown at me by friends as a joke, which is suppose to be offensive towards Arabs. When I hear it from them, I laugh -- at them, because if you saw me you'd think I'm Jewish. And there's nothing "nigger" about me... I'm milk white. Honestly. A lot of these terms are just stupid.[/color]
  23. [color=darkred]This is my third user name, and it's the one I've stuck with for the longest. I first heard about "Bombu" during college in an English Literature class, where my teacher was talking about some fictional comic book character, and was using it as a text for us to study. I thought about using the name for a while because it sounded cool, and then I later accidentally discovered that a Bombu is, coincidentally, a "life-form of raw energy" from the Metroid Prime series, heh. They come in two forms: Pulse Bombu and Scatter Bombu, but I settled on Bombu because shorter is sweeter. Here's a pic of a Pulse Bombu: [center][img]http://metroid-eu.com/prime_creatures/bombu.jpg[/img][/center] I took it as a sign, and thought what the hell.[/color]
  24. BlueYoshi


    [color=#8B0000]I'm sure you all heard about it, but the European and Australian release dates were announced today. The Wii will be released in Europe on the 8th of December for £179/249 euros, and in Australia on the 7th of December for AU$399.95. Both console packages will include a Wiimote, a nunchaku attachment, and Wii Sports, which I'm relatively pleased with. I'm a bit gutted by the price of the Wiimote, though. Since the N64 era, I've always ended up getting at least four controllers for my consoles for multi-player purposes, so paying £29 for each one would be expensive in its own right. But still, I don't mind; I'm thinking of buying a separate Wiimote, which would make two in the house, and two classic controllers, where we can rotate the Wiimotes between us. I mean, the only person who's as serious about playing video games as me is my older brother, so I'd imagine that everyone else would be casual players, causing no need for me to fork out on extra Wiimotes. Two is enough.[/color]
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