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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. BlueYoshi


    [color=#8B0000]The European conference will take place this Friday, so that'll be interesting. I personally wouldn't mind if the Wii was to get released here at a much later date to the American release, because I don't plan on getting one for a while to come, though I'm sure it won't be too soon before it is actually released. I'm not thrown by the price, though. I was pretty much expecting it to be in that range from the beginning, so I'm not complaining, and the same goes for the Virtual Console Games. So despite the GameCube's price of £120 at release, it's not bad news at all considering that Wii Sports will be included in the package.[/color]
  2. [color=#8B0000]Haven't you gotten used to Europe getting screwed over and over when it comes to release dates yet? lol As if having this news spread all over IGN.com and GameSpot wasn't enough, it was broadcasted on television news and managed to create much more of an uproar than Steve Irwin's death did.[/color]
  3. [quote name='Papa Smurf]If you don't have the N64 Expansion Pak, forget about playing single-player mode. Only [u][b]35%[/b][/u'] of the game is available to non-Expansion Pak users; that 35% is barely some minor double player gametypes. Barely any combat simulator.[/quote] [color=#8B0000]Didn't the game come with one when it first released? Either way, I never got into the game much because when I rented it, the Expansion Pak wasn't available to me (so much for customer goodwill), so I only got to "enjoy" the 35%, which didn't do itself any justice. Magazine reviews told me that the remaining 65% sucked, so I simply didn't bother with the game.[/color]
  4. [quote name='Swedish Chef']Let me be honest here. I enjoy Zelda. I Love almost all the games but now a live action movie? No.[/quote] [color=#8B0000]Well, like Bláse said, the movie just might have a better shot in narrative terms than a Hollywood blockbuster would, because the directors and screen players will have more insight into the Zelda series than those of greedy movie producers who are looking to milk the series' name. So, essentially, and hopefully, it will run by the basis that "it's for fans, by fans".[/color]
  5. [QUOTE=Kenny_McKormick]There is a Zelda movie out there.... it's based on OOT...... check the trailer out.... [URL=http://]www.legendofzeldaseries.com [/URL] ..... i'm still trying to get back to the director to see if it's official and when it's coming out...... :animesmil[/QUOTE] [color=#8B0000]That link doesn't work for me, but I think the movie you're talking about is the fan-made one due out some time during the Autumn of this year, which is loosely based around OOT. Anyway, the trailer looks kind of cool, and I like the soundtrack the creator used -- it really does a good job of making it look all that epic. But does anyone else see the cheese in Link's costume? I mean, the blonde wig the actor playing Link wears looks terrible, which I guess I could let slide since it's fan-made and I understand there's a tight budget, but that green costume looks god awful.[/color]
  6. [color=#8B0000]Yeah, the TV remote control has got to be up there with engines and toilet seats. The invention that I'm most thankful for is the microwave. If there's one thing that I like to do in life, it's eat -- and I do a hell of a lot of it. I eat for pleasure most of the time, and if it wasn't for the microwave, I wouldn't be able to quickly heat up my favourite snacks, or leftovers from my mom's cooking, or tea that's half made and gone cold (happens a lot with me). So yeah, to the microwave. And nuked food.[/color] :beer:
  7. BlueYoshi


    [color=#8B0000]Just like James said, Nintendo fixed the issue regarding N64 pads wearing out. It was only the early pads that were causing problems in terms of wear and tear of the analogue stick becoming loose and the pad getting worn in general, and as I remember, Nintendo released a newer improved model to counter these problems. My original N64 pad (the one which came with the console) suffered from major wear and tear problems, and if you were to hold it right now, the plastic casing would feel very greasy and smooth, and the analogue stick would be extremely loose. However, the pads I bought later on in the N64's life-cycle don't pose any problems of the like even to this day, and I've used them just as much as I've used the original pad.[/color]
  8. BlueYoshi


    [quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma']Bombu; I'm not exactly sure how you're dad could have scratched the CDs with one of those players... is it possible he scratched them some other way and just didn't realize? Because I use those kind of slot-loading car players all the time and they've never scratched my CDs.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=#8B0000]I'm pretty sure it's to do with the CD player because I've even put my own CDs in there and they've come out with little scratches. I know they weren't there before because believe me, I'm a real whore when it comes to maintaining my software's health. But like I said; it's probably down to the CD player itself.[/color]
  9. BlueYoshi


    [color=#8B0000]Both Wii games and GameCube games are inserted through the same blue slot-loading device.[/color] [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]When you say your CDs got scratched I'm going to assume you meant because they kind of fell out when you stuck them on the disc tray. If that's what you meant, this'll actually be impossible with the Wii since the way you put in a CD is you just slide it in a bit and it sucks the CD right up (like what you would find in a lot of cars).[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=#8B0000]That's another reason why I'm worried about the scratching occurring. My dad has a slot-loading CD player in his car, and it still causes his discs to scratch. This is most likely down to the fact that it's a cheap CD player, but concerning Nintendo's quality control regarding the incidents of cracks appearing in white Nintendo DS's, I'm just a little bit paranoid.[/color]
  10. BlueYoshi


    [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Now to what I really came here to talk about. It turns out that my dream is a reality, the Wii isn't actually always slanted. It's only the stand that it sits on (proof [url=http://gigazine.net/img/2006/05/10/Wii_Hardware/Wii_take_0501.jpg]here[/url]). I'll definitely be sitting my Wii horizontally ontop of my TV since there will be no cords at the front. :animesmil [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=#8B0000]When the PS2 first came out, I decided to have mine set up vertically with the stand, as opposed to the horizontal set up. Little did I know at the time that the vertical set up caused some nasty scratching to my game discs, due to the positioning of the PS2. Even though there isn't much of a difference between the Wii's slanted set up and its horizontal set up, I'm still hoping that it doesn't cause the same thing to happen again.[/color]
  11. [color=#8B0000]Happy fifth, Dessers.[/color] [img]http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/5416/skeletortk2.png[/img]
  12. [quote name='Mimminx]The first thing that popped into my head was [B]Bombu[/B'], haha :p[/quote] [color=#8B0000]I ain't not no Mario enemy, foo![/color]
  13. [color=#8B0000]You need to put more thought into your posts, animeloyalist91. What you've stated simply isn't enough and is barely legible. I'm going to close this thread for now, and if you choose to create another thread about this game that will meet our standards, then I'll delete this and we can take it from there. Feel free to PM either White or myself if you have any questions. Thread closed.[/color]
  14. BlueYoshi


    [quote name='Jakehammaren']Nutallica? Oh, I mean Metallica... they lost it with the Black Album, and it only went downhill from there. Kill 'Em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, and ...And Justice For All were all great thrash, but then the Black Album hit and everything just sorta went wrong. Oh well.[/quote] [color=#8B0000]Agreed. I love every track in those four albums, and I prefer them to everything they made after that. I'm not saying that the other albums are bad, because they do contain some great heavy metal tracks, it's just that Metallica are much more critically acclaimed, in my view, for their earlier thrash metal influence than they are for their newer stuff. Maybe if Cliff B was still alive things would have been different for them.[/color]
  15. [color=#8B0000]I've lost the will to live. We get the game in 2007... I had my heart set on a September release date.[/color]
  16. [color=#8B0000]I never use to buy many games when I was a kid; I'd usually go down to my local video store and rent any game that I felt like playing, but Lylat Wars (known as Star Fox 64 in America) was one of the few that took a hearty place in my collection. As I remember, it was the first game for the N64 to utilise the Rumble Pak hardware, which was pretty cool, but I didn't like how heavy the N64 pad became when it was yanked in. My favourite aspect of Lylat Wars was the Star Wolf team. It was such a cool concept to me to have a rival squad to fight against, no matter conventional it is. I mean, after hearing Star Wolf come out with his awesome one-liner of "What the heck?!" I was hooked for life.[/color]
  17. [color=#8B0000]The character designs aren't all that impressive, which is wierd because they've been taken on by the same guy who did the character designs in Tales in Sypmhonia, which I thought looked decent... even though Lloyd looked a little bit over the top. Than again, I don't care much for the character designs; as long as the battle system is handled well enough to make the game just as fun as its predecessors, then I'm happy.[/color]
  18. [color=#8B0000]I doubt this game will be released in Europe for a while to come, but I'm still going to make a thread about it because it's games like this that define what the DS is all about, though not much is known about it at this point. Tales of the Tempest is Namco Bandai's first Tales instalment for the DS, and it looks stunning. The game really pushes the boundaries in terms of graphics as far as handhelds go, as it makes use of the same graphics style as that of Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube, even if they look slightly less defined. The linear motion battle system is set to return in a similar way to Tales of Rebirth, but it's not yet known how this will specifically be incorporated. Judging by the videos I've seen, the gameplay resembles many other of the Tales games, which is great, because I was hooked on Tales of Symphonia for weeks before I finally got out of it, though I can only hope that Tales of the Tempest can live up to that standard of lifespan, being a handheld game and all. I've got extremely high hopes for this game, and I believe it has the potential to join the other current and upcoming giant titles on the DS. Anyone interested?[/color]
  19. [color=#8B0000]I haven't played the game yet, but the trailer is awesome. When I first saw it, I immediately thought of State Of Emergency, but as I read more about it I realised it's more than that. The fact that there are instances where you have to help or protect other civilians verifies this, and proves that it's not just another close minded hack and slash. About the trailer though, there was something I saw in it that had Resident Evil 2 written all over it... you know, in the gun shop.[/color] :animeswea
  20. [color=#8B0000]Man, this brings back memories. I remember asking for a Reservoir Dogs banner and avatar when I first joined here. I think it was James who eventually made them for me, and they rocked.[/color]
  21. [color=#8B0000]Does anyone here actually get full on Ramen? My favourite flavours are Duck, Chicken, and Beef, although I stray to other flavours from time to time if they're available. I can't stand Curry flavoured Ramen though; not only does it taste bad, it has a horrible smell that I just can't overlook.[/color]
  22. BlueYoshi


    [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]I think this means that we can still battle people via Wi-Fi, it's just we can't have tournaments in the Battle Tower.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=#8B0000]I was having a bit of trouble interpreting that part of the article, but I haven't read anything about it elsewhere, so I'm not getting too excited.[/color]
  23. BlueYoshi


    [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Even with the craptastic Wi-Fi compatibility, I'm still psyched. I can always just trade and battle with my one other friend who still likes Pokemon games, heh.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=#8B0000][url=http://www.ds-x2.com/index.php?id=5582]Link.[/url] At least you'll have someone you know to play against. I always manage to get my main Pokemon to Level 100 before any of my friends do, so our battles are generally one sided, and they lose interest in the game before they reach Level 100 themselves. I believe Pokemon Red was the only game where I had a full on battle with one of my friend's brothers... and I won.[/color] :animesmil
  24. BlueYoshi


    [color=#8B0000]N-Europe has stated that the game will be released in 2006 in Europe, Australia, and America, but no dates have been confirmed. I wouldn't mind if Europe were to get the game a little later than America though, just as long as the two release dates aren't ridiculously apart from each other, like with ACWW. One thing I'm disappointed with about the new Pokemon games is the way that the Wi-fi compatibility works, since you won't be able to directly battle other players. Instead, you have to download another player's Pokemon squad to your DS, and play against them as a CPU opponent. I'm pretty sure that the issues concerning AI and such will be resolved by being able to choose the difficulty of your opponent or something, but it's just not the same as whooping someone in person.[/color]
  25. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue']And now that I live away from home she usually makes a batch every other month and sends me a box with homemade Jerky in it. [/COLOR][/quote] [color=#8B0000]You should get your mom to send me some of that Jerky. You know, to show us Brits how it's really done.[/color] :bdance:
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