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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [color=#8B0000]My fish and bug collection is coming along really nicely. I think I've more or less caught everything that appears in the summer, so now I'm waiting on the winter and autumn to catch the remaining few. I think that if anything needs attention it's my fossil collection, but I guess that can't be helped...[/color]
  2. [color=#8B0000]What's to know about my hometown. It' a dump and I hate it. The only reason I started to well in college is so that I'll have better chances of getting into a good university so I can leave this crackpot once and for all. In all fairness, there are only two good things about Birmingham: the local GameStation (inside it is awesome, everything reminds you of the booths they have at E3, and there's a 90% chance that they'll have what you're looking for, old or new), and the musical instrument store, who must be sick to death of me... whenever I'm bored I'll just pop over and test out all the guitars which I can't afford. :p I guess I should be a little grateful though; Brum is no where near as bad as Coventry, where I use to live.[/color]
  3. [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Bombu, I caught a scorpion just the other night. Unfortunately I was forced to donate him to [strike]Hooters[/strike] Hootie, though.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkred]I know what you mean. I hate it when I catch something that's super rare and would be worth a fortune, but I have to donate it to the museum. I guess money comes and money goes, though. Scorpions and Tarantulas are a real ***** to catch, because not only are they rare, but there's also the chance that they'd give you a good biting before running off, or they'll jump into the water before you even get the chance to get your net out. The best way to go about catching them in my opinion is to let them run towards you, and then with the right timing, hit the A button. It's worked loads of times for me, just as long as they don't decide to dump themselves in the water. And thanks for the Iron Man tune. Even if there isn't enough room for the whole tune, it still sounded pretty cool.[/color]
  4. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']I'm not sure if you guys know this or not, but you can tell where houses can go up when villagers move in. Any place there's a sign, that's a spot where a villager can move in. So it's a good idea to avoid planting stuff within two or three spaces of a sign.[/color][/quote] [color=#8B0000]That's good to know. It's a shame I already relocated all of my flowers... :animedepr Today was a good day for me. It rained, so I got the chance to go out and catch some rare fish. I caught two Arowanas, a Gar, and a load of Giant Snakeheads, and sold them off for a healthy sum at Nookway's. Not only that, but I caught a Tarantula and a Scorpion, which I haven't sold yet.[/brag] Plus, I paid off my fourth mortgage. So all is well over in Orion.[/color]
  5. [color=#8B0000]My dad came back from a month long trip to America last week and brought back a box load of this stuff, and man, I'm totally addicted. We don't get jerky here in England, but by watching hours upon hours of western television, I've always known of it. I've only tried it in its Saltish and Pepperish form so far. Pepperish is a bit spicy, but I still love it... except for when it's rock hard -- it's hardly edible. So, who else likes beef jerky, and what are your favourite flavours?[/color]
  6. [color=#8B0000]I don't mind the inaccuracies that Wikipedia may contain, because I tend to go through multiple sources whenever I look something up. It very much depends on the topic, though. But yeah, I use Wikipedia a lot when I want to learn about the history of certain things. I've found it most useful for when I'm researching most things music related, whether it's a band I want to know about -- old or new -- or simply a term or definition that I don't know the meaning of. Even if the site may contain inaccuracies, it has definitely broadened my knowledge on the subject.[/color]
  7. [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Today I went back to get my Golden Shovel and low and behold a house had appeared![/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=#8B0000]I've been planting flowers all over my town like crazy for the last couple of days, and one of my residents, Coco, just moved out yesterday, which means that someone else is due to come in. I swear, if that someone parks [i]their[/i] behind on any of my flowerbeds, they'll be getting an overdose of multiple net beatings. So now, I've just gone and relocated some of my flowerbeds to the spots which are least likely to become new houses. Here's hoping, eh.[/color] Edit: White, do you mean Iron Man as in Black Sabbath? If you do, then pass it over!
  8. [color=darkred]I haven't bothered with the town tune in this one, but in the original Animal Crossing I was using the theme from Super Metroid when you collect an item. Man, I don't think I can ever get tired of that sound. Even I Nook's if closed, the game is still worth playing. When he was shut on both occasions in my town I just went out and did a hell of a lot of fishing and bug catching. I stored everything that I'd caught that was rare or expensive (mostly Red Snappers for me) in my house, and then sell it off to Nook the next day. When I sold everything off the next day, it all added up to about 70,000 Bells. The only problem is that there's only so much you can store in your house, since having too much stuff may bring the floor down, or something. I don't think they're serious about that though, heh. It gets boring just fishing and catching bugs all day, but it pays off. I only pulled it off because I was so addicted to the game at the time.[/color]
  9. BlueYoshi


    [color=darkred]There is already a thread for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which you can find [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53510]here[/url], so please post your thoughts there instead. Next time you want to make a thread about a specific game, be sure to check the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46746]Play It Thread Directory[/url] located amongst the stickies at the top of the page. If a thread for a game already exists, then simply click on the link to be directed to that thread and post there. On the other hand if a thread doesn't exist, then feel free to create one. Thread closed.[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]Hmm, in that case I'm not sure what else needs to be done. As far as I know, green only refers to flowers and trees. I've heard that Phyllis at the civic center will sometimes give a more specific message of what else is missing than Pelly would, so if you talked to her than maybe you could figure it out.[/color]
  11. [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]A likely story. ;)[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkred]Heh, I even took her to the shop with me so I wouldn't look like a fool. :catgirl: Regardless of Peach being the main character, I'd say that if you like games such as Megaman, then at least give it a shot. The game is orientated mostly around using abilities and the Vibes to get through levels, rather than it being a platformer true to the Mario series, which is different, but fine.[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]It's weird because when you're told that you need more green, it could also mean that you need more trees, and arranging the trees so as to get a perfect town has got to be one of the trickiest things you can do in the game. For example, you could chop down a tree in one area, and then be told that there isn't enough green, and then plant another tree in another area to make up for that one, and then be told that there's too much green. So it takes a bit of planning, and can get quite tedious at times -- I got fed up just chopping them down to make space. It's definitely easier to arrange your trees in the original Animal Crossing because the map is divided into acres.[/color]
  13. [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]I would like to see a[/color] [color=yellowgreen]green[/color] [color=#555555]or[/color] [color=orange]orange[/color] [color=#555555]DS Lite, though. ;)[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkred]Of all the colours I've seen the DS come in, the Ice Blue is my favourite. My first DS was light blue (the Nintendogs one) but unfortunately it broke down for some unknown reason just before Mario Kart DS came out. I ended up exchanging it for the standard grey DS because the blue one was at high demand, and I didn't feel like waiting. I'm actually considering waiting before getting my DS Lite just to see if the Ice Blue one will get released here, which I'm sure it will. I mean, I can always play FFIIIDS and LoZ: Phantom Hourglass on my sister's while I wait.[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]My favourite soda is Rubican Mango. It's basically mango juice, but fizzy, which is awesome because I've loved mango juice since I was kid. Rubican are known for making all sorts of crazy fizzy drinks that people probably wouldn't drink as a soft drink, such as guava juice and kiwi juice. I feel guilty when I drink coke, because I'm aware of all the bad it does. I only ever drink it for pleasure though, and not out of thirst, kind of like how other people drink beer. But the cheap tack like bubblegum juice and cherry-aid, I can't stand.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]This might sound like a bit of a cliche but I'm seriously afraid of spiders. It's just the way they crawl, and some that I've seen in my house run along the floors and walls at furious speeds. While I find them interesting, and enjoy researching them and finding out what makes them tick, I know for sure that I'll live the rest of my life having never touched one, which is fine by me.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]Has anyone managed to create a perfect town yet? I only recently started to attempt to do it because I was so fixed on paying off my mortgages, but catching fishes and bugs for the most part of the day can get pretty lame. One of the first things I did when I was able to buy an axe was cut down all of the trees that crowded my town, so thankfully that's out of the way. At the moment I'm concentrating on filling my town up with flowers, which isn't as bad as chopping down trees, but it'd help a tad bit more if I had Nookington's in my town. It's tough to achieve perfect town status on just four bags of flowers a day.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]My sister bought this game about a week ago, only because she's obsessed with Princess Peach and her innocent, pretty in pink image. However, if you're willing to put all of that off and just play the game, it isn't that bad. When I played through the first couple of levels, I thought that I was in for just another Mario-themed platformer, but as you progress, you'll realise that the game has its own blend. The Vibe Panels aren't one hundred percent original for a platformer as such as Super Princess Peach, but they certainly direct the gameplay in a further direction from that as your typical platformer, since they enable more opportunities for the player to explore certain areas and look for hidden items. The exploration factor isn't great, but then again, I was never expecting it to be. Unlike the Mario games, there is the option of buying items at a store with the coins you've collected from previous levels, which is accessed through the overworld map. There isn't anything spectacular in the shops, just things like soundtracks and mini-games, but the main focus is on the different abilities available, like the Floatbrella, which lets you float, or the Chargebrella, which lets you project long range attacks. I think that the option to increase your life gauge is a bit meaningless, because it's just so hard to die, but on the other hand, increasing your Vibe Meter is vital, because boss battles are completely dependent on the Vibe Panels. Whilst the game can be fun to play as a simple side scrolling platformer, you will at certain points need to switch between the buttons and the stylus to access the Vibe Panels, which is a real pain. For example, there were times where I had to jump, and then use the Joy Vibe to reach a high platform. There isn't enough to time to make the switch between the buttons and the stylus, so I had to use my thumb to push the Panel because it's a lot quicker, and I'm against anything other than my stylus touching the touch screen in any way or form. There are some pretty cool touches to the game, though. There are loads of familiar faces amongst enemies that span from Super Mario Bros. 2 all the way to Super Mario Sunshine. I was well surprised to have to fight [spoiler]Petey Piranha and Gooper Blooper[/spoiler] again, even if you had to beat them through the same means. Overall, the game is quite fun. It's not awesome, but it'll hold out until I manage to scrape enough cash together to buy New Super Mario Bros.. Anyway, I'll stop before this gets any longer than it already is, heh. Has anyone else played this?[/color]
  18. [color=darkred]I'm 19, but I look like I'm 15 or 16. It's kind of irritating, because when I go out to clubs or want to watch a certain movie, I'll sometimes get asked for ID, and then I'll have to pull out my driver's licence... the one with the uber-awful photo of me on it. I mean, even my 17 year old brother looks older me, in both height and appearance, but not in behaviour. :animesigh It's not all bad though; I get away with paying child fares on the bus as opposed to the extortionate adult ones.[/color] :D
  19. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']And now I want one of those black Lites even more. :animecry:[/color][/quote] [color=darkred]I'm getting my black DS Lite come September.[/color] :bdance:
  20. [color=darkred][B]What year did you graduate from high school?[/B] In 2002. [B]What "clique" did you belong to?[/B] I was a saint during my years of high school (or secondary school), so as you'd imagine, I hung around with the clever kids who were into study sessions and Pokemon Trading Cards. [B]Do you remember your friends, do you keep in touch?[/B] Not really. I made an attempt to contact one of my best friends from secondary school last year, only to find out that he's now living abroad in Afghanistan. [B]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/B] Birmingham, England. [B]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B] Never had one. I was loved by all.[/color] :angel:
  21. [color=darkred]I only have three pairs of trainers: Converse Stars, Converse All Stars, and some Nikes for sports. Of the three, I only wear the Converse All Stars on a regular basis, and since I'm not very fashion conscious, I've worn them to the point that they're absolutely torn and tattered. I don't mind though, they're comfortable and extremely light. On the other hand, for the past two years running my brother has only ever bought Converse All Stars. He has them in black, grey, red, black with flames, blue, black, black, black, and black, and what's worse is that he keeps them all. I don't like them because they're of a poor quality, thus they rip prematurely, and you're bound to get your feet soaked in the rain. They also remind me of Sideshow Bob.[/color]
  22. [quote name='PersonV01']ic. thanx. lol. unfortunately, i dont have a ds. im limited to the gba.[/quote] [color=darkred]It would help if you were to be a bit more clear and specific in your initial post as to what exactly you're looking for because it would save other people a lot of confusion. So you want a Yu-Gi-Oh game for the GBA, don't own a DS, but would like a way to play online. Just say it! That way, not only would you get the responses you're looking for, but you wouldn't have to keep on making extra posts after someone replies.[/color]
  23. [quote name='Zidargh']Well said, mate. (Need to get in touch 'cause it'd be nice to chat about the whole uni' thing. Hope you did well with your results.)[/quote] [color=darkred]I thought results day was yesterday and not Thursday, so I missed it. No need to fret though, my college are posting them to me even though I live some two minutes away.[/color] :animesigh [quote]Yes I don't really think there was any need for potential flaming, and guys, just because I like games doesn't mean I'm not a sociable guy.[/quote] [color=darkred]I realise that you used the word "potential", but the last thing that I took any of these posts for was a flame, honestly, and I hope nobody took mine for one as well. Everyone has there own view on something, which is fine. I just thought that my view was taken the wrong way, and I decided to clarify it.[/color] [quote name='Charles']I don't think the DS is meant to be anything that's meant to occupy enormous amounts of potential social time.[/quote] [color=darkred]Yeah, that's true in most cases, but with me it depends on the game, really. When Animal Crossing Wild World came out I was hooked on it for weeks before losing interest, and the amount of time I spent playing the game was no different than the amount of time I spent playing, say, God Of War, except that Animal Crossing had a much longer lifespan.[/color]
  24. [quote name='Charles']A lot of these replies are stupid. The DS Lite is the best system out on the market and the games are amazing. Just because you own a DS Lite doesn't mean that you can't have a social life. You'll realize that there can be a lot of down time between classes in the morning when there isn't a lot of partying and stuff going on. Universities aren't like what you see in movies--and while drinking is okay, doing it all the time and too much will just leave you with nothing but feeling like ****.[/quote] [color=darkred]Don't get me wrong, I own a DS Lite myself and I think it's a fantastic system, and there are some awesome games out for it, but from my personal experience, which I'm sharing with Zidargh, I would prefer to socialise with friends than play games a lot of the time. But that's just me. I mean, if all of my friends owned a DS or at least played video games half as much as I did, then that'd be great as I'd probably get the chance to play with them. Anyway, yeah, I just wanted to clear that up since I thought I came off at the wrong end of the stick. The DS Lite is an amazing system, and I'd recommend it over any of the current systems out right now, but if you're at a limited budget and feel that you may want to spend your money elsewhere, then you should probably save it, or at least get one later on. But of course, it all boils down to your personal interests.[/color]
  25. [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Except for Monk is also mentioned in the list of classes that Sandy posted. ^_~ Not sure if this is what you meant, but Martial Artist is probably just like an advanced Monk or something. Like Thief and Assassin.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkred]Oh right, I didn't notice that. I can't think of what the difference between the two might be, but your guess is probably likely. And I thought Monks were powerful enough.[/color]
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