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Everything posted by BlueYoshi

  1. [quote name='Zidargh']The handheld console tempts me with its new presentation and bonus features (brighter screen), and I've been looking for something new to have before I go to university. [/quote] [color=darkred]Simply put: don't get one. Uni time shouldn't be spent sitting in your room and playing on handhelds. Spend you're money at bars and concentrate on getting laid.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE=White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma] Invoker, Magus, Devout, Scholar, Geomancer, Sage, Viking and Martial Artist are all new Final Fantasy jobs to me. And although they all seem pretty easy to guess what the jobs are, I'd like for someone to explain to me what these foreign classes are for.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]From that list, I'm only familiar with the Geomancer and Sage job classes from the Final Fantasy Tactics games. The Geomancer's attacks and abilities depend on the environment you're fighting in, so if you were to attack an enemy in a desert environment, the Geomancer would use quicksand, and so forth. Given the DS's graphical capabilities, it'll be interesting to see how far the Geomancer's attacks would stretch visually, because I'm looking forward to some awesome looking magic and summon spells overall. Sages can use all kinds of magic -- black, white, and even summons -- though this has varied throughout past Final Fantasy games, but in Final Fantasy Tactics, their abilities depended on their statistics. As for the Martial Artist, I'd imagine that it's just another name for a Monk.[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]My room is quite spacious because apart from the essentials, such as my desk, my bed, and my wardrobe, I don't have that much furniture in there. My walls are painted a very pale shade of yellow, and the ceiling is white, with black beams which are parallel to each other from one end of the ceiling to the other. They were already there when my family moved in, and I thought they were quite cool, so I decided to keep them. The downside being that I've been accused of having a barn for a room. :animesigh I use to have posters and whatnot from video game magazines spread out all over my walls, but I took them all down some time last year since I felt like a change, even if it meant having a lamer, plainer atmosphere. But, the coolest thing about my room is my shelf, which is located right next to my bed. It's huge, and is filled almost exclusively with video game related merchandise, such as figurines from past Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid games, stacks of old gaming magazines, cardboard cut-outs of Nintendo characters, and the original packaging for almost every console and game I have owned since I was like five. It's truly awesome.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Shy][size=1][b]#2[/b] [indent][i]Keep them away from small children, And spammers alike, Et tu, Solo Tremaine?[/i][/indent][/size][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Anime smilies? Such as ^__^[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]With me, I don't set out to look for particular genres in games, so I don't really have a favourite, but there are genres that I tend to enjoy more than others, such as Action, Adventure, RPG, Platformer, and in some cases, even Puzzle. However, the one genre that does stand out for me more than any other are Strategy RPGs. One of the biggest things that I enjoy the most about them is how the battle system offers a much deeper sense of involvement between the player and the game, because you aren't limited to just choosing an action with the cursor, but you have the ability to move your characters around and figure out what works best. The battle terrains tend to change too, so you can't stick to the same strategy over and over, which also urges you to switch between job classes, and again, not just to the one. For example, in a mountainous/rocky terrain you'll find a gunner or an archer to be more useful than an over-powered swordsman. Other strategy games and god-sims, such as Command and Conquer and Advance Wars fit the category too, but I don't get that same kind of vibe that I do from Strategy RPGs.[/color]
  6. [color=darkred]Man, the more this goes on the more and more it sounds like Gene Simmons' Rock School.[/color] :animestun [quote name='RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]I really wish I was able to also try out for guitar, but I am currently way out of practice. Also, the only way I can get an mp3 out of it is to use my webmic, which blocks out most external noise. I've tried using it before to play a song for someone and it just came out horribly quiet. I need something where I can just plug my guitar into my computer and fiddle with it. Until then, I cannot compete or play for you guys. :-/[/font'][/size][/quote] [color=darkred]It's just a thought, but you should download Guitar Pro if you haven't got it already. It's incredibly useful for any guitarist -- you can get tabs for existing songs, or make your own. Either way, you can play pieces back to see how it sounds, and it would be a good method of sending files across, assuming the receiver also has Guitar Pro.[/color]
  7. [color=darkred]Yeah, I also read something about Freelancer being the default job class when you first start the game, though I don't know much about it. Apparently a few of the jobs have been altered a little so they're a little more balanced compared to the original, such as the Ninja, and most of them will be useful in some way or another throughout the course of the game, so I guess players will have to mix up their character line-up a bit.[/color]
  8. [color=darkred]Wow, I'm surprised that I haven't commented here yet. I thought I already did. Since Animal Crossing Wild World came out FFIII DS has been at the top of my list. The new 3D lay out looks awesome, and what's more is that the dungeon maps are almost identical to those of the original, which is great because I haven't beaten FFIII yet; I've only gotten as far as what looks like a ghost town, which I forgot the name of. I suppose the best thing about the new DS version, for me, is that there are no more ridiculous load times, which was a real pain in the original, especially when you wanted to access the menu. I was really pleased with how this problem was fixed in FFI&II Dawn of Souls. It'll be interesting to see how the Wi-fi compatibility pans out, too. I never got into FFIX, so the whole "Mognet" thing will be new to me, and apart from FF:CC and FFTA, I've never interacted with outside players.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]This game sucks.[/color] Edit: *joins the club*
  10. [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Yeah, I'd definitely be interested. You can come visit my noobish town, with the wooden store and a one room house. Oh.. and speaking of fishing...[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkred]I guess you and I are on the same wavelength because I've just restarted my town. I feel a bit uncomfortable with resuming my current town, the main reason being because I haven't visited for a good couple of months and everything seems a bit half-assed. There's also the fact that my sister decided to play in my town without a clue as what to do, and did some damage -- she obviously found the connection between "axe" and "tree". I don't mind restarting, though. It should be fun to redo a lot of the stuff since I never found many of the tasks in Animal Crossing to be boring.[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]I'm well into Metallica at the moment. I think a lot of their work is good, but really, nothing of theirs can compare to their awesome first three albums. I admit that I've always been into Master Of Puppets, but I'm becoming more and more fond of Ride The Lightning and Kill Em All, especially towards such great tracks as The Four Horsemen and Creeping Death.[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]I haven't been able to decorate my attic since I started my town. Not much goes on in there anyway, so I'm guessing you probably can't decorate it. Anyway, my sister bought a DS Lite a few days ago, so I decided to continue my file in Animal Crossing Wild World after three months of nothingness. Not much has changed in my town, except that now there are weeds everywhere, I have one new resident, and cockroaches have completely infested the front room of my house -- I'll have to look into a way of getting rid of them, but squishing them is still cool. :cool: As dull as things may be, though, I'm having a lot of fun bringing my town back to life. One thing I've noticed is how there are a lot more bugs to catch in the Summer time than there were during Spring; all I found were a few kinds of butterflies, a cockroach, and a spider, and most of the time I was fishing, which as a result I'm just over half way of completing my fish collection at the Museum. I've only recently got broadband, so as soon as I come into a spot of cash I'll try and get my Wi-fi connection going, if anyone is interested.[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]Even though we'll be getting gaming news either way, I will miss the hype, attention, and all-round madness of the E3 period. I usually look forward to the May/June issue of Nintendo magazine because it's more or less dedicated to E3's Nintendo booths, and is packed with all sorts of blogs and pictures, which I thought was a good alternative to actually being there. It's way more fun than reading about it at IGN or GameSpot. Ah well, there's always TGS, but it's not the same.[/color] :animedepr
  14. [color=darkred]I agree with Desbreko. As much as we urge members to run a search before making a new thread on a particular topic, it's still no trouble to simply merge duplicates with originals, all thanks to the Play It Thread Directory. But the problem of members duplicating threads still remains.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]I found the Shenmue video to be the funniest of the lot, followed by the Metal Gear Solid one. It really isn't that hard to impersonate Ryu from Shenmue since the guy is basically a robot (I remember doing my own silly impersonations of him amongst friends after I played through the game), but I thought it was the extra touches like the music and the dramatisation of his presence in the introduction that made it. And that little QCE sequence at the end was hilarious, if only for its sheer randomness[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]Not all of the things that The Angry Nintendo Nerd was ranting about were actually that bad. Some of the stuff he had to say about Back To The Future was based around the things that were going on in-game, such as deadly hoola girls, and blue birds that chase you. Not that the game didn't suck. On a side note, I thought the videos were well made. The Angry Nintendo Nerd did a good job of getting the message across, and to some extent, some of his ranting was quite similar to the kind of things that I would've said. I found it hilarious when he spat on the cartridge for Karate Kid and threw it in the toilet, though his rant on Dr Jeckyl and Hyde was pretty lame; it would have been cool to see a bit more gameplay, rather than him drinking booze or whatever and acting all dramatic. I can really relate with him with the switch between night and day in Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. I swear, having to wait for that message to come and go, and then waiting for the stupid background to fade from day to night is one of the most annoying things you'll ever come across in a game, especially if your as impatient as I am. And it's beyond stupid how you can't skip that, but you can skip the hints that are peppered around the dungeons.[/color]
  17. [quote name='Split Keyblader']I found an awesome interview. It's between Tetsuya and some interviewer. If it's okay with the moderators I will post a link. When you take out the X in ORG. 13 members name you get a word. Take out the X in Xehanort and you get "no heart and "anothr." Plus something else amazing. But can't tell you (Want it to be a surprise.)[/quote] [color=darkred]As long as the link is relevant to Kingdom Hearts 2, then it's fine. Just make sure the link isn't solely dedicated to advertising, because that isn't allowed.[/color]
  18. [quote name='Sangome][size=1][color=darkorchid][font=arial]Ah, I think we should go back to the topic of KHII, ne?[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [color=darkred]Yeah, you're right. It's fine to compare between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, but comparing them to FFVII, or any other game, is not allowed. Just because the games feature the same characters it does not make it okay.[/color]
  19. [color=darkred]There is already a thread to discuss and recommend RPGs, which you can find [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52091&page=1&pp=15][u]here[/u][/url], so please use that one instead. Thread closed.[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]Eh? I ran a search before making this thread and found nothing. That's weird. :animestun But anyway, the thing about the game being repetitive is that it's a hack and slash, so you can't really expect anything groundbreaking. There's only room for a few good ideas that'd make the game more interesting to play, such as the QCE I mentioned. I think that the developers just wanted to make the game as fun as possible for the player, and in my opinion, they succeeded. One improvement that could be made though, is to lengthen the time in which it takes to level up the magic and weapons. I had everything maxed around the time I reached Hades, excluding Medusa's Gaze, because it's useless. So yeah, using the same magic over and over is pretty boring. I thought the progressive story was awesome, too. Alongside the gameplay, it was a factor that urged me to continue playing each time so I could find out what exactly is going on, since you're pretty much left in the dark from the beginning of the game.[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]It's been over a year since God of War came out, but I only just bought the platinum version a few days ago, and after already beating it, I can only say that it is the best hack and slash that I've played since Soul Reaver first came out for the PlayStation. The gameplay is extremely well polished. You'll hardly ever enter a room without running into any enemies, and despite how hectic the game can get at times, there are never any hints or spells of slowdowns and glitches. Controlling Kratos -- the main character -- couldn't be any more flexible, since you're given complete control over him. For instance, being able to change the direction in which you attack whilst in the middle of a combo. The controls are very user-friendly, and aren't difficult to get used to at all, which compliments this. I got to grips with them before encountering the first Hydra, which is pretty quick. Another thing that's great about the game is the ability to grab, and the different types of grabs that you can perform on different enemies, where some give the opportunity to use Shenmue/Resident Evil 4 style QCE, but in a more fun way, like having to turn the analogue stick accordingly in order to rip off Medusa's head. And, this doesn't apply only to action sequences; there are situations where you have to spin the analogue stick to turn knobs and cranks and whatnot. It produces a much deeper level of interaction than the ordinary hack and slash. The puzzles aren't terribly difficult, but only because I believe that the game was made to stay true to the hack and slash genre, and not drift into the puzzle area. The developers, in my opinion, wanted players to experience the innovation involved and enjoy it, rather than to get stuck at a dead end somewhere every now and then. With any luck, God of War II should come out during Q1 of next year, and I'm eager to see what else the developers will do to make it more interesting. It would be cool to see another level of depth added to it, such as having to manually take in red, blue, and green orbs in a Soul Reaver kind of way, or at least to make it compatible on a harder difficulty. So, has anyone played this, then? If so, what are your thoughts? And are you looking forward to the sequel?[/color]
  22. [quote name='Papa Smurf']Because it's not racist in the least. It's a white woman getting in the face of a black woman. Big deal. That's not racism. If you had the white woman whipping the black one? Yeah, that'd be just a tad racist.[/quote] [color=darkred]Yeah, absolutely. The women in the ad are simply a form of representation of the two PSP colours, and I honestly don't see it going any further than that. At the end of the day, it serves its purpose; people want to go out and buy a White PSP. I'm not saying that the ends justify the means, because there isn't anything that has to be justified. I bet that even those who had planned on getting a White PSP before the ad was released won't let it influence their decision in getting one. Sure, the ad may be controversial, but it's powerful nonetheless.[/color]
  23. [color=darkred]Well, Italy won it a few moments ago on penalties. I'm glad that the match dragged on, only because it would've been way too boring for a final if it was concluded on the penalty that France were awarded five minutes into the game. Overall, the match wasn't that exciting, or at least no where near as intense as yesterday's match between Germany and Portugal. Oh, and what do people thing about Zidane's little head butt? Regardless of the circumstances, he shouldn't have done that, especially since it was his last game before retiring. It'll always be remembered, but it would be a shame if he is condemned for it years down the line, given his amazing performance over the years.[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]As mentioned in another thread, I'm a trader. I usually tell myself before buying a game or console that I'll never part with it, but that never lasts, because I'll give it in so as I can buy the next big thing. It wasn't always that way though; within the first year that I bought my PS2, I had a good thirty games along with loads and loads of hardware such as memory cards, joy-pads, multi-taps, and even the official Sony PS2 DVD remote. It was the same story with my GameCube and my GBA too. I never sold them off in bulk though, heh. That would've been way too painful for me. I do, however, still have all of the guide books, magazines, and video game related articles that have been published over the years, and am currently rebuilding my video games collection, owning over ten games for the PS2, but I have no GameCube to boast about.[/color] :(
  25. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']I'm pretty sure that The Lost Levels in Mario All-Stars is the same as the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2. I've never heard anything about The Lost Levels' difficulty being toned down for the US/European release. Only that Doki Doki Panic was released on the NES as SMB2 outside of Japan because the real SMB2 was thought to be too hard.[/color][/quote] [color=darkred]There were minor things in the Japanese version that made it harder, like the fact that Poison Mushrooms aren't as distinct from normal ones as they are in the All-Stars version, and apparently checkpoints are only available at the beginning of each world, so you won't start at the level you lost on after losing all of your lives.[/color]
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