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  1. Closing up shop for the day, Honey went to the meeting spot for one of the r.a.g. operatives. She was dressed in a black trench coat, sunglasses, combat boots, and a scarf around her head and neck. "I need to get over losing him" Honey said to herself,"I'll just have a little fun on my way to the meeting. That should cheer me up!" She put the pedal to the floor and zoomed down the street in her Mustang convertible."Whooohooo!" Honey shouted as the wind flew through her hair and her scarf flapping in the wind. Getting a little nostalgic she broke down crying in her car, still going a good 30 miles over the speed limit. Weaving across the road and not knowing it, Honey clipped a delivery truck and went into a spin. As she felt a dizzying sensation she opened her eyes to see fast moving blurs of color through her windshield. Getting her car under control was easy, she was use to peeling out of parking lots fastly on her missions with John. Just the thought of his name caused another breakdown. Honey pulled over and gave herself a peptalk. "Get control of yourself girl! You have an organization to run and no time to fool around like a toddler!" Feeling a little better, Honey did one last peel-out as if to leave the past behind her. She reached the old warehouse is notime. She entered and waited for her operative to arrive. "Chantel...you made it.." Honey walked across the floor and started to the explain the news of john. "We've lost one Chantel, and now their are only a couple of us left. Your new mission will be with me." Honey walked into a shaft of light and pulled of the sunglasses and scarf. "My name's Honey, I think we'll get to know each other well." Chantel took a step, she cocked her head and said,"I thought you were a guy!" Honey twitched and said "That was my husband who gave you your missions, he's the [I]dead [/I] one that's why I'm giving you your mission." Honey went and then explained that they were going to be "entertainment" for an official named Travis Evaculus. They would slip some poison into his drink, the poison would cause a massive heart attack and then turn into water the body shut down. They would escape by playing two maids at the hotel Mr. Evaculus was staying at. "Meet you at Rouge La Creme at 4:30 in the afternoon okay?" Honey asked Chantel, it was the establishment the official was to be picking them up from. "Sure see you there" Chantel left and Honey sighed. "Time to go pull out some Victoria's Secret." Honey drove back into town and decided to stop at a cafe near one of Marie's buildings. She ordered a mocha and sat and spied to see if anything abnormal happened. She'd been sitting there for a good 15 minutes when she spotted a man walking into the building. 'Damn, he looks good!' Honey thought,'I wonder where he's going.' She didn't see him walk into Marie's building because a customer of her shop came and started twittering about a floral arrangement. (umm..this is probably crap...i did this at 2 in the morning>.
  2. John had just walked out the elevator of his building when he noticed an unfamiliar white van parked near the stairs. Not thinking to be on guard, he kept strolling to his car. Whistling a victory song for the latest mission to bring down Marie. John didn't know that Marie had got a picture of his face in the last mission, he never knew he'd never see his wife again. As he drove out the van followed. A light passed directly into the van's windows, several men in black suits with white ties could be seen. His phone rang as soon as he got to the light on the street. "Hello?", he said in a deep baritone voice. "John it's Honey, a new package came in today. Hurry over to see it, okay?" It was his wife. He knew an official had been spotted and that he would need to make a plan of attack. He was three blocks away from the flower shop when the van side-swiped him, and pushed him into a spin. His car stopped in the middle of the road. Seven men exited the van, all holding semi-automatic guns. The street filled with shots and birds flew. When the fire ceased and smoked cleared all that was left was a swiss-cheesed car with blood everywhere in. The body and car sat their for two-hours until Honey decided to go to a store a block from her shop. "It couldn't be?" she said as she recognized the mercedes-benz that had jus been purchased last week. She started running and screaming her husbands name. She got no response. As she got to the car she screamed "No! No! NO! Why him?! Why him?! WHY HIM?!" She grabbed the dead body and hugged it to her chest. She saw that his eyes were still open and started to rock, back and forth as if trying to get him to say something. The police finally came and took his hole-ridden body from her. Honey, even though filled with grief, got his cell phone and wallet. Knowing these things would help her keep R.A.G. running smoothly. She missed him already and she'd take down Marie even if she died trying.
  3. Name: Honey Age: 19 Gender: female Job: Assasin at night, during the day owns a flower shop Side: R.A.G. Bio:Knew nothing of government or rebels until her parents were killed by the government for questioning all the watching. She then dropped out of school and became a recluse, learning as much as she could about Marie and government officials. She stopped using phones and found places where Marie couldn't watch to go. Honey wondered why John had so much money and why he always went on business trips. When asked he took her to the killing of a government official and showed her what he did for money. Astonished and shocked she joined him in the fight against Marie. Appearance: 5'4", with brown skin and scars from the pain of trying to seek release from the greif of losing her parents. Shoulder length black hair, and almond shaped brown eyes. Wears glasses because she can't see worth anything with out them, contacts on missions even though she can't stand them. Sense of style is that pants and t-shirts are the only thing you need to be fashionable.
  4. The bird flew from the training ground to a little house out in the forest. Flies can be seen buzzing around the place, while a scream erupts from the inside. The bird lands on what is left of a pile of bodies. Kinesha is seen cutting into a man's stomach while he lays with his throat cut open. "You've returned my minion, you're a little early, but I don't mind. Now tell me, what did you see?" The bird widens and expands into a screen, on it you can see the the warriors climbing the poles, but being sent down in a couple of minutes. "Ahhh...so these are the ones that defeated my teacher. Well...:she slammed a knife into the man's stomach and gurgling noises are heard:...I think some one should go pay them a visit." As Kinesha's eyes scanned the room her eyes widened in surprise. "Well, maybe my free time can be used against them" Kinesha holds out her hands and the room warms slighty. The pile of leftover bodies slowly rise and piece together. "Go and kill the ones who have destroyed my teacher, bring back their bodies though, those'll come in handy. You bird thing, turn into a crow, I need a lookout for these pitiful things" The army of the dead leave the house, marching in a single line of bones and rotted flesh. The body leading the pack is of a once alive little girl, holding a doll, with her eyes cut out.
  5. In the shadows a figure stood waiting. She pullled a tooth from her necklace and uttered these words, "Minion find the ones who destroyed my teacher" The tooth turns into a small song bird marked with red feathers in it's wings. As it flies away a small slit of sun catches the figures face. "Sirus I will avenge you, they will pay" The figure walks out from the shadow to reveal a regular teenage girl. As she walks away a mutilated rabbit is left on the path.
  6. Name: Kinesha Loa Clan: Roxoski Age: 14 Sex: female Weapon: 16" Amythest Boomerang, legion of minions Skill: Torture and Healing Description: Mid-back length dark-brown hair, steely brown eyes with a blue ring around them, obsidian ring attached to an amethyst braclet on both arms, v-necked low cut black silk dress, 3 necklaces made of animal teeth tipped in silver. Bio: Kinesha grew up a lonely child until she discovered her talent in torture. She tortured guards, animals, anything she could get her hands on. At the age of 8 her healing power kicked in. She had went to far and made a fatal injury to a cousin's head. As she started to cry the wound healed. After she had been reported by her cousin she was tought to use this in a deadly way. Now at the age of 14 she has been sent to do what another failed at, to take over the village. She was taught by Sirus himself how to improve her battle skills. After hearing news of his death she wanted to find the killers and tourture them. Her plan is to destroy who ever is related to Sirus' death. Can I join?
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