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Everything posted by SilverCyclone
[URL=http://img140.echo.cx/my.php?image=caffeinehighfin1yl.jpg][IMG]http://img140.echo.cx/img140/6439/caffeinehighfin1yl.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The first comic in what I hope to be a relatively succesful web comic. Comments? Suggestions?
Name: Thomas Kasansky Age: 18 Race: American Personality: Overly dramatic and humerous. He's almost always smiling, and is a very friendly guy. One wouldn't be able to tell he has anger problems bordering on psychotic. He has a strange fascination of people that tends to get him into trouble. Appearance: Shoulder length gray hair, and a deep tan one gets from living on an islands. He has pale gray eyes, and defined canine teeth, giving the overall appearance of a wolf. 135 lbs, 6'5" with the physique of a swimmer. Bio: After being released from extensive therapy for his anger problems, he moved to Santa Clarita to start over. He lives alone in an apartment payed for by his grandfather.
Von rubbed his chin. "Well..." They looked at him. "What?" He smiled, and pointed to the ground. "We dont have to hike..." "Oh...is that wise?" "Answer that with your opinion of me. Am I wise?" "Oh boy..." A huge tremor ripped a gash out of the ground, throwing the other three backwards as the ledge of earth rose upwards. It was still connected to the ground as a giant twisting pillar of rock. Vons eyes glowed a brilliant gold, and as the pillar slowed to a halt near the top of the cliff, he fell to his knees. "Hoo...sleepy all of a sudden...gonna...take...a nap..." "No wait! Von! Dont go to sleep! We cant move you! EEP!" Von fell forward, nearly crushing Ciarra under his body as she dodged out of the way. He hit the ground with a thud, completely out of it. Hashu shook his head in disbelief. "He wasted all that energy, it must drain him more then he thought. Well, it looks safe enough up here..." "Your not serious..." Von slept, his breathing deep and normal as his mind began uncovering memories and dreams alike. -------- ((..........I dunno what Im thinking...........))
The demon ricochet off the wall as Night hurled him, his blade sliding out of its stomach. The hunter smiled cruelly, glancing at the civilians on the ground. "Leave, before I decide that your better prey." They ran, like rodents fleeing a sinking ship. Disgusting really. Night paused as he saw a demon grab one. It grinned. "What now hunter? I have a shield now!" Night smiled and began to laugh. He took three steps forward, and ripped through the human's body, thrusting his hand into the demon's chest. "You think I hesitate to kill? How stupid of you." [I]Master![/I] Night turned swiftly, his eyes falling on Shirow. "Shirow...what is it?" The wolf appeared horrified, glancing at the corpses. He snarled at the hunter. [I]What have you done?[/I] "I am tired of that question Shirow. I want this war to end, and I will do anything to achieve that goal!" He turned, walking deeper into the city ruins. Shirow sped towards Last Haven. Night stopped at a large section of a ruined church. "Why do you fight my control Night? If you let me fight, this will all end." [I]But at what price? Your going overboard! I sent you away years ago![/I] "True...but now I want revenge! Why do you protect her? She betrayed you!" [I]I know...but I just...she was my family...maybe I can get her back![/I] "Open your eyes! Its not like you to be naive! Besides, I think shes fallen for that masked fella anyway." [I]Your lying...[/I] An explosion rocked Night backwards. It had come from the center of New Vista, and the shockwave rippled through the whole city. Night dodged a piece of rubble, rolling behind a chunk of wall. He glanced out from a crack. A pillar of flame, at least thirty blocks in diameter, rose from the city. "No...no no hell no! Its a shadow lord! They summoned a shadow lord!" [I]Give me back my body! You can fight if you want, but let me have control! I want to find Ziarre...I need to know something![/I] Vonegard hesitated, before relinquishing control. Night surfaced again. [I]Fine...but at first sign of a fight from anyone, you will immediately give me control so that I can kill![/I]
Night lay against the wall, his mind being torn around by everything that had happened. He was beginning to lose it. [I]this war...is tearing everyone apart...Ziarre...Phoenix...and I havent heard from Rebecca....[/I] He slowly got to his feet, using the sword as a crutch. "Your...wrong about one thing Ziarre...I...wasnt always this strong..." Night stumbled a few steps before collapsing. He glared at his blood. His fist clenched. "No more...mercy...no more...hesitation..." [I]Master Night...I have bad news...[/I] [I]Shirow![/I] [I]Master Selino...is dead...he...died a few minutes ago...[/I] Night stopped breathing for a good two minutes. He went wide eyed and stayed silent. "...no..." [I]Master?[/I] Night ignored Shirow, sealing his mind off from the wolf. The hunter shut his eyes. "No...no..." Selino, who had been like a father to him, was dead. Night pulled himself under a chunk of concrete, curling up into the fetal position to gather his shattered thoughts. His grip on sanity was shaken, and with each battle, each time he killed a demon, or fought his comrades, he could feel his own soul getting darker and darker. "...I am no different...then those that I hunt...then those that I kill..." He pulled his sword closer, and stared at the hilt. "...I am...Night...I am a hunter...I am...Nigh..." He crawled out of the rubble. "Stay inside little Night! Keep your mind hidden inside this body. I will take care of your problems!" Night dashed off, but no longer Night. ------------- Boru snarled, no longer toying with Phoenix. The warriors' halberds smashed into each other, sparks flashing from the collisions. His wings slashed and bit at the Hunter. Boru impaled Phoenix's thigh with his claws, giving them a wrench. "You are quite the enigma Phoenix!" The malacha'ai threw him into a wall. "Your morals are just as confused as those of Night. Tell me, do you know what your leader did in the first battle between he and the demons?" A kick sent the hunter skidding across the ground. Boru growled with pleasure. "In the first battle between he and the demons, he killed around 14 civilians to get at them. Of course, back then, he wasnt the noble Night. He was his former self, Vonegard Sierra. His grip on sanity was so precarious back then. He didnt care about morals or ethics. He just wanted to kill. But I bet you didnt know that, did you?" Boru gripped his throat, bringing him face to face. "DID YOU?!" -------- ((Yup. He's lost it.))
((Blayze, bloody_moon is kind of on vacation and cant continue your battle with her)) Night smashed his fist into Ziarre's face. She rolled backwards, turning around in mid roll to regain her footing. Night was already on top of her, slamming his blade down. He moved fast, never giving her a chance to breathe. "You filth! I trusted you Ziarre! You were my family! We were all your family! Filth!" Night slashed at hip level, forcing her to jump. He shifted his weight and slammed into her with his shoulder. She rolled again, but Night forgot about the wings. They bit into his ribcage, forcing him back. Ziarre regained her footing, steadying herself. Night glared at her, leveling his sword. "We trusted you! We would've done anything for you, and this is how you repay us?" He leapt at her, bringing the sword down swiftly for a head shot.
(((GAAAHH! I MISS SO MUCH WHEN MY COMPUTER GIVES ME PROBLEMS!)) "RAAAGGHH!!" Von was losing his temper, and his quakes were becoming more erratic. Clods of earth and sand flew overhead. His eyes were flaring with a bright golden light, and he was obviously losing his head. "Coming whenever they howl? Fine! They wont have time to scream!" He crouched down, and raised a huge clump of earth. It took the form of giant hands and crushed three of the creatures. The howls were barely heard through the grinding rock. Von glared at them. "Useless! Useless!" "Von! We need silver!" He whirled, kicking one of them off his back. "What?!" "SILVER!" "FINE!" He slammed his fist deep into the ground, shutting his eyes. A deep rumbling was heard, before a huge crack opened in the ground. Von leapt down into it, followed quickly by the others. He was muttering to himself as he slid down the rock. The balervines followed quickly. "Damn it...quit following us!" He waved his hand and the chasm collapsed behind them. He landed in a cavern with a thud, then turned and caught the others. "This enough silver for ya?" He had breached a rather large mine shaft, and the shining around them told of silver deposits. Ciarra glanced at him. "How did you know about this place?" He scratched the back of his head, then winced. "I dont really know how I knew. I just knew. If that makes any sense." "Well, how is raw silver going to help us?" "Pack it in mud." Von demonstrated, then held it out. His eyes flared gold, and the silver shot off into the wall. He smiled at the others.
((oh jeez...sorry folks. Ive been gone for sooooo long...)) Night was leaning on his blade, kicking corpses away. Kira helped him clear the carnage. When Zet returned, Night shook his head. "This war has taxed us all to our limits. Ziarre has betrayed us, Phoenix has lost his faith...so far, only your three have proven completely loyal. Kira, you, and Rebecca..." Shirow whimpered at his masters words, licking his hand. Night ruffled the wolf's head. His depression was evident as he dragged his blade behind him. He stared at Selino, sleeping in an alcove. "....." [I]NIGHT![/I] The hunter whirled as Alender's voice echoed through his mind. [I]What? What is it?[/I] [I]My mistress Rebecca! She needs help! Please! She is injured![/I] "Damnit...Kira! Find Rebecca! Help her! Zet, stay here and guard Selino with the other hunters!" Phoenix walked into the ruins, but Night grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him along. "Your coming with me!" Phoenix struggled for a moment, but Night slammed him against the wall. He brought his face close up. "The only reason why I havent killed you yet is because you may still have a shred of your former self left! How dare you act in such a way to Zet!" With that, the hunter whirled off to the city.
"What doesn't matter?" Jake smiled up at Beth from the grass, staring at her upside down. His eyes were half closed, indicating that he had just woken up. She stared at him for a moment. "Uh, nothing. I was just talking to myself." He rotated his body till he was laying on his stomach, and his left arm twitched as she spoke "Ohhh...I love your accent...soothing." he muttered to himself. He rose up onto his feet, and found he was much taller then her. "Talking to yourself? Ive done that before. But I always lose the argument." "How do you lose?" "How do I win?" She stared at him, obviously confused. He stretched again, falling flat on his back with a thud. His smile never left his face as he kept eye contact. He liked her. She was easy to talk with. And he couldnt get over that accent. "Im Jake. Your Beth, right? I've seen you around." His eyes spotted her sketchbook, and he sat up on his elbows. "You draw? Can I see some of your art?" "Uh..." "Cmon! If you show me yours, I'll show you mine." He reached into the bag and pulled out a red sketchbook about the size of his chest. He grinned up at her from the grass in a friendly manner. ---- ((Methuselah, if you want me to alter my post in any way, PM me and let me know.))
Viper moved up the stairwell, heading up first because of his natural tendency to shoot all over the place. If the others were ahead, and a guard appeared, he would probably shoot them in the back on accident. He moved swiftly, never lowering his guns. The chaff gave him a...tingly feeling all over. He moved upwards a few levels at a time, aware of the others right behind him. He saw several cameras, but so far the chaff was keeping them occupied. He paused at the next level, waiting for the others to catch up. He turned to panther. "Chief, three guards up there. Two armed with FAMAS, looks like the third may have some stun grenades. Should I take them out, or would you like to initiate a more cowar-I mean, quieter approach?" He was purposefully mocking his preference for stealth, but he did it so often, he doubted if Panther even noticed anymore. Viper checked his guns, waiting for commands. He may not get along with his superiors, but none of them could doubt his skill and value. "You should probably make your mind up quickly, as the chaff will wear out, and we're under a camera." "Are there any up there?" Viper dodged his head out, then whipped it back. "Cant get a clear view, but looks like its clean."
Night walked away from the prone Selino. He had hidden his friend in an alcove, and made Shirow stay to protect him. He walked back to the others, but took a fearful glance back. He turned to his remaining hunters. Phoenix, Zet, Kira, Rebecca, and a handful of others. Totaling twenty, it was a pretty pathetic force. He sighed, kneeling and staring at the ground. He waited for a few minutes before rising back up, his face expressionless. "Boru has staged a coup. He went against the shadow lords, thats the only reason Cold would be there...this is good, since he thinks we're not nearly as big a threat as they are..." "What are you planning?" "I plan on killing them all. But we need more information on what their plans are. There are several skirmishes for the city. We can hold the ruins of Raglad easily, but we need many more hunters. Raglad is where we will bunker down. Rebecca, Kira. You two can fly, so do some scouting around the city. I want to know how many skirmishes, where demons are entrenched, everything. Phoenix, Zet. You two go into the city with the rest of the hunters and evacuate any civilians. Anyone who looks like they may be useful in the fight, offer them a chance to join us. I'll go secure Raglad." "Last Haven..." Night turned. Selino had muttered the words, staring at the hunters. Night walked over. "What?" "Raglad is no name for a fort...call it...Last Haven..." Night smiled before turning back to the hunters. He nodded. "Go. We have very little time before they decide to kill us. We're a thorn in their sides, and I plan on twisting. When you finish the job, meet up with me at Rag...Last Haven." ----------- Boru sat on the bloodstained altar of the church. He had just claimed it as his new throne room. Seora and Kara walked up. Boru pointed to Kara. "Your eager to fight the half breed again, arent you?" She nodded, remembering the duel in the church with Rebecca and Lisette. "Then go. Hunt her down. Seora, I have a different plan for you." "What do you wish my lord?" "I want you to protect my new weapon. She is currently in the city, dealing with the shadow lords' minions. Lead a battalion of demons, and do not let her out of sight. Dont let her die Seora, she's worth more then any of my minions combined." Seora bowed, carefully concealing the rage. "I will do as you ask, my lord." Boru leaned back, smiling smugly. Things were going very well indeed.
Jake leapt down the front stairs, smiling broadly. He waved to a few strangers who were in his class before performing a little jig. Nothing of any particular interest had happened today, but he was in his usual cheerful mood. Almost unnatural at how happy he could get over nothing in particular. He raised his bag over his head, his trim stomach showing from the hawaiian print shirt he wore. He walked onto the grass. He had the rest of the day ahead of him, since he had finished all his work in the library. Finding a large tree, he front flipped in a smooth arc and landed straight on his back with a thud, legs sprawled in front of him. His bag landed with a flop next to him and he smiled up at the sky. He shut his eyes, placing one arm loosely on his bag, before deciding to take a nap before heading back to his dorm. "Eh...screw work for today. Its just too good to do anything of any real importance!" He breathed deeply before settling into his nap.
((Lets get out of the desert then...)) ------- [I]This is...nice...[/I] Von smiled broadly as he continued to walk. He made idle chit chat with everyone as they continued, but never let go of Ciarra's hand. ----*two days later*---- They set foot in St. Helga, which was little more then a small town. A small, deserted town. Von looked around, thinking hard. "...should...should I remember this place? It seems so...familiar, but I cant place it..." The houses were in disrepair, and nothing looked alive. Von tried to open a door, but found it locked. Halas looked at him. "Well, cant get in there anyways." Von smashed his fist through the wood, unlocking the door. He stepped in, breathing in the musty smell of rotting wood. He rummaged through a few things before turning to the others. "See if you can find anything of use to us. Weapons, food, water, weapons, did I mention weapons? Something isnt right with this place..." Von moved up a flight of stairs. A few bumpings were heard as he moved around, followed by a loud crash. He fell back down the steps, landing in a jumble at the bottom. "Ooooohh...damn...rotting wood...watch your step by the way..."
Boru watched with satisfaction as she burned through the Acolytes. He saw several, alongside Cold, dissapear from sight. It didnt matter. He had a new weapon that was ten times more deadly then any his enemies owned. But it was...difficult to control at this point. Experimental to put it bluntly. "Very good Ziarre. I am impressed. However, you lack one thing..." She turned, glaring at him. His claws gripped her throat in a flash, lifting her high. She lashed out, but he tightened his grip. She felt her strength drain. Boru was still smiling. "You lack respect for the one who gave you this power! You lack obedience to your new master! If you dont want to be my minion, then crawl back to your hunters. See if they wish to take you back. But wait, you cant. You betrayed them!" He dropped her. She coughed, kneeling. Rath snarled, but was halted by the pain of broken ribs. Boru leaned down, gripping her chin and pushing her up so that their eyes met. "Remember Ziarre. I gave you this power, and unless you obey my every command, I will take it away and kill you! No...I'll give you to the hunters. My impression is they wont show much mercy to a traitor. Do you understand? Would you like to be weak again?" --------- Night dashed through the woods, hauling an injured Selino. The other hunters streamed through the trees behind him. He finally slowed to a stop, and the others gathered around him. He fell to his knees, laying Selino down gently. "Damn...damn damn damn..." "Sir Night?" "Zia...Ziarre has betrayed us. The demons have taken Sierra Mansion...I cant ask you to stay by my side anymore. Its a death wish. I give you a choice..." The hunter stood, lifting his aged servant with him. He walked a few feet to the north. He turned to the gathering. "Those of you who wish to live...head south to the city. Forget your duties, and live your lives. You will not be thought of as cowards. Those of you who...who wish to fight by my side...follow me. We go to the slums, to recover...to avenge..." The hunter turned, heading to the slums with Selino and Shirow. Several hunters turned around and headed south.
I never wanted to do something so horrible again, so I quit. I couldnt get it out of my head for three years, and youd be surprised at how such a short amount of time can drag on. I never really felt human after that. So yeah, your right in that I shouldnt have done that, and your right in that I can never make amends, but you shouldve seen what he did to her. In my eyes, he deserved every blow. And the street fights had rules to, so its not that hard to believe actually. We didnt go to extremes or anything. We just fought for the money. Kind of sickening really.
"A good fighter is one who seeks a peaceful route instead of the violent one. Those who seek glory by shedding blood are no better then plagues, and those who gain glory by defending what they believe in are rivals of the gods themselves." When I heard these words from my trainer, I didnt understand, but I think I do now. Anyone who believes that they are better because they can throw a punch at someone dont deserve life. Your only a coward if you abandon all you believe in. Backing down from a fight, or even taking a beating is not cowardice. Cowards pick on those weaker then them. Its true, you were afraid, and if it shames you that you abandon your friends to save yourself, it just proves that you are human. Fear is useless to those who deny it, and those who embrace it dont fully understand it. You should awknowledge your fear, dont ignore it, but dont let it win the fight. If they have to hurt others to feel good about themselves, then I hope they pick on the wrong person and get a beating. They arent better then you in any way, shape, or form. Fools who deserve death shall leap into the arms of death. Your afraid of them, yes. I have never entered a fight without shaking with fear. But I know that even if I lose, I'll put up one hell of a brawl before I go down. I truly hope you meet better people in you life. Fear should not defile those who dont deserve it.
I used to be involved in lots of street fights, where you got paid if you won. I was rather good myself...made some friends, and some enemies. I knew one girl, who would watch the fights with her boyfriend. I had talked with her before, but never on a personal level. When she told me she may have feelings for me, her boyfriend found out and beat her. She was in a coma. When I heard, all I remember is wanting to hurt him. I wanted to kill him for doing such a thing. I tracked him down, and jumped him in a junkyard. I woke up covered in blood. His blood, to be exact. I put him in the hospital, said he was attacked by a gang, and ran home to clean myself up. I never wanted to feel such anger, such hatred again, so I quit street fighting and tried to put it behind me. The girl moved, and the guy is a vegetable...I wasnt caught, but it haunted me for 3 years, and I've always been ashamed of what I did. I dont think I can ever make amends for it.
((Wow...you miss quite a bit when you miss a few days...)) Gray had left the others for more favorable atmosphere. He walked around town, trying to find someplace...natural. He sighed, speaking with Enkai. "Cobbled roads and stone buildings provide no solice..." "Why did you leave the others?" "Whats it matter?" "You seem...spiteful to them." Gray paused. He looked at the earth tiger. Mane and Shin had gone off to explore on their own, and Gray stared at Enkai. "Spiteful? No. Not to all of them. I just...dont feel right with them." "Why do you hate her?" He gripped his fists. He didnt like it when Enkai knew what he was feeling. "She...makes me uncomfortable...like a black rose. She scares me Enkai. I dont hate her..." "Black roses are not unnatural flora. Gaia obivously has a reason for her existence." Gray stared at the ground. [I]A black rose...but...[/I] "Yes...your right. But I still cant shake the feeling. She..." "-is headstrong and doomed to die if she cannot learn to trust others, yes. But you are also doomed if you do not broaden your mind." The miner stared at the ground. "Enkai, what if I-" A loud rumbling caused him to pause. He looked up and saw Shin and Mane sprinting from a rather large cart. The miner and elemental let out a yelp before rushing away from it as well. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO SHIN?!" "NOTHING! I SWEAR!" Enkai whipped his head around. "THATS A LIE! ITS ALWAYS YOU!" "ALL I DID WAS OPEN A DOOR! IS THAT A CRIME?" Mane snarled something to the earth tiger. "YOU UNLOCKED A CELLAR?! HOW MANY CARTS CAME OUT!?" "NOT AS MANY AS YOU'D THINK!" "HOW MANY?!" "SIXTEEN, BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!" "SHIN!" The group dashed away, leaping into a side alley as the cart made its way through the streets. Gray smacked Shin. "SIXTEEN!? Damnit, think of all the damage you might have caused! Mane, why werent you watching him?" The wildcat purred apologetically. Gray sighed and sat down, rubbing his eyes. "And you wonder why we never stayed in town for long periods of time..." ((Felt like lightening the mood...))
Boru smiled at Cold patronizingly, the mansion blazing behind him. Inwardly, he was seething. The shadow lords couldnt have known about his coup yet! Why send Cold to stop him? "Has the little follower come to show off?" Several battalions of demons broke off to smash into the acolytes sides and flank. Boru laughed, mildly suprised at his warriors bloodlust. He dissapeared again, leaving Cold to fend for himself. -------- Night leapt nimbly out of the way, still hesitant to fight her. "Ziarre...what have you done?" "Ive become stronger then ever before! I have reached my limit! You should understand Night! You've always known how weak I was!" The hunter raised the sword, his face hardening. "Ziarre, you were always strong. But maybe I was wrong. Falling prey to Boru's deceptions prove how weak you really are! YOU BETRAYED US!" With a yell, the two clashed, Night with the advantage of experience, Ziarre with rage. Shirow smashed into Rath's side, snarling. [I]TRAITOR! WE TRUSTED YOU BOTH! BETRAYAL![/I] Selino himself was shouting at the other hunters, wielding a spear. "Rally! Rally or die!" Night smashed into Ziarre with his shoulder, hoping to throw her off balance, but he reeled from the heat. Backing out onto the balcony, he saw the battle between the acolytes and demons raging. "We...cant fight..." Night turned just in time to throw Ziarre over his shoulder, parrying her lunge. He dashed towards his doors, pausing only to kick Rath savagely in the side. Shirow leapt to his master, still snarling. Night broke through the doors, landing with a crash onto the floor. "RUN! GET OUT OF HERE HUNTERS! WE CANT WIN!" Night forced his way to Phoenix and Kira. He leapt over them, venting all his rage on the demons. "You two! Leave! We cant win this one!" He turned, a demon still sliding off his sword. He joined Phoenix and Kira in the rush, trying to gather the other hunters up. Night paused. "Rebecca! Get the girl! Lets go!" He froze as he saw Ziarre. He glared at her before realizing who stood next to her. "Boru..." With fresh hatred, the hunter picked up a suit of armor and hurled it at them. "I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT ZIARRE! IS YOUR NEW FOUND STRENGTH REALLY WORTH THIS DESTRUCTION!?" With that, the hunter leapt out the window, and the hunters faded from the battlefield, not leaving a single corpse behind. ------- ((Whooo damn thats a long one...))
"Beg your pardon?" "Fire. I can create fire." Von stared at him for a full two minutes. He began to laugh. "Haha! Useful in the desert! Well, its good to know you'll be of use in the next fight. You alright Arian? Ciarra?" The girls nodded. He helped Halas up before turning to one of the bikers. The man yelped and ran. Von raised his fist, making a massive sand hand rise over the man. "Sorry. But you arent going anywhere!" The hand fell on the man, and then dragged him towards Von. Von crouched down, smiling at him. "Sorry buddy. I'll let you go when you answer my question. How far is St. Helga?" "St...St Helga? Around two days that way sir!" Von stood up and stared off at the direction. He flicked his hand, sending the man flying into the air. "Alright. Thanks." He began to walk again, when a thought occured to him. "Hey! Why dont we use *CRASH* the bikes?" Te man fell on the bikes hard, breaking several parts off. Von winced. "Hmmm...nevermind about that then." "Why did you throw him up in the first place?" Von paused then scratched his head. "Because he was disrespectful to you girls. And I wont tolerate that from anyone." He smiled and began walking again, humming the song from earlier.
[B]Name:[/B] Jake Steel [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Apearance:[/B] Shoulder length hair dyed gray. Deep tan, like from living on an island. Brilliant violet eyes, and an athletic build, slim and tall. Around 6'3", he weighs 215lbs, but looks lighter because of his build. He always wears shorts and t-shirts, adding to the islander appearance. His outfit is usually red shorts with some form of hawaiian print shirt, and rarely swerves from this. [B]Personality[/B]: Incredibly social with everyone, even strangers. He makes friends easily, but he always hangs out with complete opposites of his personality, like dark people, nerds, loners, and the like. His boyant attitude and happy demeanor tends to leave an imprint on people emotionally. He gets away with many things, merely because of his attitude. What may be irritating if done by someone else seems fun when he does it. He has a serious side, but rarely shows it, prefering humor to any thing else. [B]Backround: [/B] Jake has never ever had a serious relationship, and even his flings were ended because he found the girl was far too serious for his ever changing moods and fancies. He took up kickboxing at the age of five and has won several medals and trophies from competitions. He left his parents after his talent for artwork gained him access to the Institute. A skilled painter, he tends to use abstract or paintings of kickboxers, but his skill shines through. Though he appears to be a slacker, he is actually very dedicated to his work, and is one of the top in the institute. However, his wild nature and lust for kickboxing has gotten him into trouble more then once.
Gray trudged up to the fountain a few moments later, wiping blood off his axe. He glanced at the others before sitting down on the ground. Mane and Enkai curled up behind his back, and Shin laid down on Mane. Gray stared at the ground for a second before looking at Kadaj. "...You alright?" "..." The miner shrugged before leaning back, closing his eyes. "Sorry I took so long. Had to deal with some fools who believed they could trounce all over Mother." "Mother?" Shin piped up immediately, desperate for attention. "He means the earth. We think of her as our mother since without her, none of us or even you would exist." "Shin...shut up. People like these dont care about it..." "But..Gray..." "I said shut up! They dont care, understand?" Gray turned over, pushing his face in Enkai's fur. The earth tiger looked at the others, and spoke so that the miner couldnt hear him. [I]"He gets like this after killing humans...demons are one thing, but he hates to shed blood on the earth...please forgive his rudeness..."[/I]
A thick mist shrouded the abandoned streets of New Vista. It was in this city that a war had been going on. A war for mankind's soul. Demons clash with vigilantes known as the Hunters. But now, a demon with higher ambitions has arisen. His army treks through the city streets, demons of every kind, acolytes who have sold their souls for power. All converging on one point. Sierra Manor, the home of the hunters. Boru, the Malacha'ai demon who has done far more damage then any other foe the hunters have faced, now has one huge advantage. He has turned the half demon Ziarre against her former comrades. Thus, he knows how to get into the mansion. ------------ Boru stared up at the mansion, a smug smile on his face. He gestured to several demons behind him. "Make it burn brightly." They hurried off towards contraptions forged of bone and steel. Crude catapults that lobbed burning corpses. Boru stared up at the mansion before turning to his new found weapon. "Lead the charge the moment the mansion is in flames. Kill the hunters!" He admired his new weapons look. Surrounded by flames, Ziarre was truly an impressive sight. The catapults took aim. "Fire!" ------------- Night leaned back in his chair. He was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of everything. Stress was catching up, and he was getting older though he hated to admit it. "Right...I should go to sle-!" A burning corpse smashed through his window. He barely managed to roll out of the way before it obliterated his desk. "What the hell!?" War cries and screams from below gave him his answer. He ran out of his office, and froze on the stairs. Demons were flooding the mansion, and his hunters, confused and tired of the previous hunt, were being massacred. He leapt down, slashing with his blade while shouting orders. "Pull yourselves together or die! Fight back! Fight back!" The hunters began to organize themselves, but they were overwhelmed, slowly being forced out of the mansion. Night found himself cornered by several demons. "You vile creatures! I'll send you all back to hell!" Night leapt into the fray, praying silently that the others would come to his aid. -------- ((Welcome to chapter 2 everyone. Your first post should be what happens a few minutes before the siege, and a few minutes into it. Go to it!))
*EDIT* Sorry about that Legacy. I was out of it last night* Viper sighed, staring at the west side of the Comm. Tower. A few guards, who he yearned to shoot, but he sat tight. No point in exposing himself. A wandering eye would only see a bush on a snowdrift, but he was staring out of the roots with his goggles, covered in snow and the bush he had pulled up. "Viper, whats your status?" "Bored as hell..." "Viper..." "Five guards on the west side. Armed with FAMAS and grenades. There were six, but one gave me trouble. I put him away and took his radio. Are we gonna do something soon chief?" "Livewire is opening the door. Move in when I give you the ok. And dont call me chief." "Whatever you say chief. I'll stay put for now. Oh, and chief?" "Yeah?" "I have to go the bathroom. Can I call a timeout?" "...." Viper chuckled as the frequency cut off. He shifted slightly, still staring at the west wall. His guns were held in front, near his face, and he periodically checked them to make sure they werent freezing on him.
((Well, nothing really interesting going on, so lets make something happen!)) Von unfolded a large map. The others looked at him in surprise. "When did you get that?" "It was in the house. I figured we could use it to find someplace better to go then this...barren." He began to rattle off a list of cities and towns. He paused when he read one out loud. "St. Helga..." He froze, still staring at the map. Ciarra shook his arm carefully. "Von?" "That name...sounds familiar..." He snapped back to reality, then traced the path with his finger. He looked at the others. "This place sounds familiar, like I should know it but cant place it. Um...may we go there next?" He looked at them eagerly, folding the map.