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Everything posted by SilverCyclone

  1. I'll lend a hand. I cannot stand idely by and watch OB be sucked into his vorpal will! His reign must end! Let the blight of DW be purged from this land!
  2. Id like to be Boy 1 if theres nothing wrong with that. Name: Sunner Blitz Age:18 Gender:Male weapon: Scream Song Blade - A large sword, pretty simple in all aspects. It can retract into a kind of bladed boomerang that Sunner can throw. Looks: See attached picture. Bio: For the most part, can't remember what happened in Friture, except for the Shadow. Excels at speedy attacks, his hatred for the heartless runs deep. ((If I should change anything, dont hesitate to PM me))
  3. Night grunted as he hit the ground. Opening his eyes, he looked up. Demons crowded around him. Thyrale was holding the shard he had just ripped from Night's body. "You've caused alot of trouble for us mortal." Night rose to his knees painfully. A violent kick from Tylrian knocked him back down. "Dont even try it human!" Night lay there, bleeding heavily. "J...just kill me already..." Thyrale lifted him by the throat. "I will. But not before I have had my fun with you. I want to watch you-" "Master! Hunter's are flooding the lower corridors! Their killing all the guards and are making their way to the second floor!" Thyrale roared, flinging Night against a wall. "WHAT!? HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET IN!?" "I dont know master, but one of them has feathers!" Thyrale slammed his foot into the ground, sending a shockwave out. "Let them come! Tylrian! You will meet them on the second floor! Take you entire legion!" Tylrian bowed, then set off, followed by two hundred assorted demons. Thyrale pointed to five acolytes. "Get on with the ritual! I want to be free of these accursed bonds before they reach the fifth floor!" He turned to Night. "And as for you..." Night stood up weakly. "My brethren will never give up Thyrale! You underestimate the human spirit!" Night was silenced as a slash from the large scythe Thyrale carried tore open his chest. He fell to the floor, twitching, the life slowly draining out of him. "Toss that thing in the courtyard! When the Hunter's get there, I want them to see their great leader speared in the middle of a burning stake!!!" The shadow chains that bound Thyrale began to glow, and Night's barely breathing body was soon speared through the shoulders, in the middle of the courtyard, behind the door the Hunters were battling near.
  4. He stared at her, then his eyes seemed to glaze over. He raised his hand, and rubbed his throat. "Ziarre..." Pausing, he kicked the door shut as Maura's face rounded the corner. He relocked his gaze with Ziarre. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Ziarre's eyes widened. Night had a look of pure murder on his face. "Wha?" "I asked a question. What the hell is wrong with you?" She stared at him. He walked swiftly over. "Ziarre. If there is any problem you have, I expect you to tell me what it is." "There's nothing wrong wiith-" "Then why did you run away?" She froze. Night was staring at her carefully, face still emotionless. "I...I..." Night gripped her arm, not roughly, but firmly. He pulled her closer, and embraced her, regardless of the rain dripping off her. She was momentarily taken aback. His voice was barely a whisper. "Ziarre. I dont care if your half demon. I dont care about any of that. Its not your blood that makes you who you are, its your soul. And if you think that your soul is any different then any of ours, you couldnt be more wrong." Tears were building in her eyes. Night's words were not harsh, but they still cut through her. "Ziarre...I love you. I always will. In life or death, it doesnt matter. I will never leave you. Always remember that." He pulled away, then turned and walked out her door. Ziarre stood there, still wet from the rain. Sounds of happy chatter rose from the stairs, but Night had headed the opposite direction, towards the training room. --------------------------------------------- The combat dummy was cut deep by the angry slashes from Night. He wasnt using his sword, just a simple dagger. He was breathing heavily, and slashed at the dummy wildly. "Stupid...stupid stupid stupid!" He took a final slash at the dummy, then collapsed on the floor. "I know what will happen when he comes. I know what my fate is. Damn them...damn them all..."
  5. Night stared at Maura, who was trying to get a clear shot. "Maura..." She stopped, pouting somewhat. "Use an over hand lob to get it above my head at least." Night reached back, gripping Ziarre around the middle. She looked confused for a second, then struggled. Maura had a wicked grin. She lobbed the water ball up. It flew gracefully over Night's head, landing with a nice sound against Ziarre's back. Night released her, struggling not to laugh. Ziarre stood there for a second, then then burst out laughing, along with Maura. Night stood there, biting his tongue. He knew what would happen if he laughed, but couldnt hold it in. He laughed as well, then doubled over as he held his ribs. He couldnt stop laughing, regardless of the pain. Selino was soon joining in. The room echoed with laughter. As it died down, Night sat down cautiously. He glanced up at Selino. "When was the last time all the Hunter's ate?" "I'll have the cooks work on it now. I'll let you know when its ready." "Good. Get lots of food. Lots and lots of food. Hell, we'll have a party. Its due time anyway." "Are you sure you can handle that?" "I heal quickly." Selino bowed, then sputtered as Maura leapt onto his back. "YAY! Party!" "Miss Maura! Wha-! Would you get off!? I cant-Whooaa!" The pair staggered out the door, Selino still stuttering and staggering. Night held his laughter in for the sake of Selino's pride. He looked down at his torn outfit. Looking at Ziarre, he smiled sheepishly. "Better get something else on...this barely covers me at all." Ziarre cocked and eyebrow. She left the room, closing the door behind her. Sounds of movement came from Night's room. A few moments later, he opened the door, now dressed in a white muscle shirt and loose jeans. He looked down at himself. "I hate civilian clothes. I feel so vulnerable." He smiled again, then held out a crimson towel to Ziarre. "You look a bit wet. Did you take a swim earlier?" Ziarre dried off, then threw the towel into Night's laughing face.
  6. Night awoke in his bedroom, a ticked off Selino leaning over his bandages. Night raised his head slightly. Selino smiled. "You really had us worried. When we finally found you, both you and Ziare were bleeding heavily. Tylrian had fled I suppose. Ah, dont move! Your ribs are near shattered, you have heavy external, as well as internal bleeding. Not to mention the burns on your face. He was using that acid halberd of his, wasnt he?" Night nodded weakly. Then he jolted upwards. "Ziarre?" "Is fine. She's resting in her room. She keeps surprising us over and over. Hold still. This is gonna hurt..." Selino tightened a bandage on Night's arm, causing him to shout in pain. "I am surprised you even have the strength to remain conscious." "How long have I been out?" "Oh, around three days. Ziarre's woke once. She muttered something, then went back to sleep. Oh, and I pulled this out of her hand." The servant held up a yellow shard. Night laughed weakly. "She mustve grabbed it when Tylrian picked her up. Least Thyrale doesnt have both shards now. AAAAUGH!" Selino tightened the bandage around Night's thigh. "True. But he still has one. If he gets the next shard, then he can..." "I know Selino. It wont come to that. Give me the shard." The aged servant handed him the shard. From her view point behind the door, Maura, who had been spying on the request of Ziarre, could barely see Night. Night stared at the shard for a second, then popped it into his mouth and swallowed it. Selino was wide eyed. "Master Night! Was that wise?" Night winced as the crystal made its way down his bruised throat. "Have I ever done anything wise in my life Selino? At least this way, the shard can only be taken if I die." ------------------------------ *elsewhere* Nashyl was leaning against a pillar in the chamber. Tylrian was kneeling before a rather large throne. Though the throne was empty, it was obviously made for a rather large creature. "Im sorry my lord. Please forgive me!" A voice boomed from the throne. "Idiot! If you hadnt fought Night, I wouldve had both gems now! And then you get thrashed by a half breed! You ashame demons!" "Forgive me my lord. I will go to the Hunter's mansion and-" "You will not! You would probably die against them! Nashyl! Continue with the sacrifices. I want an army ready to attack the mansion by next week! We will get the shard, even if we must burn this city to the ground!" Nashyl bowed. "I will not fail you, my lord."
  7. Night was still kneeling when he glanced towards his cabinet. The crystal shard was gone. He had a glazed look on his face. He looked back to Ziarre's face. "I have to go..." She was breathing weakly. Night brushed her hair out of her face. "Im sorry...if...if I hadnt...." Night leaned over. He kissed her. "Im sorry. If Thyrale gets the shard..." He rose to his feet. Buckling on his sword, he turned to the window. Selino walked in. "Master Night! What are you doing?" The hunter ignored him. He had discarded his trenchcoat, now wearing only a black bodysuit. Tears were at his shoulder blades. "Selino. Ziarre is in the bathroom. Take care of her. When...if I get back, then all will be well. If I dont...then prepare for a demon invasion. They wont waste any time. Im going, and I dont care what anyone says." Night leapt out the window. Selino took a step forward, then stopped. "Very well, master Night." He headed back into the bathroom to tend to Ziarre. Night was sprinting through the forest. He exited into the city, not stopping. He was breathing heavily. [I]Is this life worth living? Do I deserve to play with the fate of this world?[/I] Night shook his head. [I]Shut up Night! Now is not the time to doubt yourself You cant stop! For the other's....for Ziarre...[/I] He was crying now, knowing he would not survive what he had to do. He headed into the wharehouse. Tylrian was there. Hefting the halberd, he grinned evily. "Finally. I was wondering if you would even come. Nashyl has already delivered the shard to Thyrale." Night hefted the blade. He ran straight towards the demon. "I wont let you! I wont let you destroy this world!" Tylrian laughed. The weapons clashed, and a shockwave blew outwards, destroying the wharehouse. Civilians ran, screaming. The two continued to battle. [I]Ziarre...if I die...then I will regret this for years. I wanted to tell you...I love you....[/I]
  8. As Ziarre's fangs lowered, a shout came from behind. A rather large blade blocked the killing blow. Night stood there, covered in blood. A swift smash from Ziarre's claws knocked him flying. Rolling to a hault, he turned to the advancing wildcat. "Ziarre! What the hell are you doing?!" Another smash threw the hunter across the courtyard. Night was still for a moment, then slowly rose to his feet. "Ziarre...listen to me. You are a hunter! You fight the demons! Fight your blood!" Ziarre let out a roar, charging towards Night. The Hunter raised his blade, then tossed it to the side. He took the charge straight on. Akuma and Diana ran out of the forest. They watched as Night slammed against a tree. His wounds were severe, and he was coughing violently. Ziarre turned away from him, back to Maura. Maura had entered the mansion. Ziarre took a step. "Ziarre!" She turned, watching Night rise slowly. The red cloaked hunter was staggering, blood dripping off him. "Ziarre...d..dont do this...fight it...dont make me hurt you..." Baring her fangs, she ran towards him. Letting out a roar, she raised her claws. Night lowered his eyes. "Forgive me...Ziarre." He faded away, the claws slashing harmlessely in the air. He appeared behind her. A slash from the broadsword tore open her back. She let out a roar, turning to meet Night. He was gone from view. She took another slash from her side. Whirling, she saw nothing. "Ziarre! Im sorry!" She looked up, where Night was falling with his blade. His eyes were glowing. The blade pierced her shoulder deeply. Night's wounds had finally caught up, and he fell unconscious in her arms. The blade dropped to the ground. Ziarre stared at the limp form, Night's blood running over her claws. [I]His life is in your hands, Ziarre. Fight your blood![/I] The wildcat looked aound for the voice. Night was breathing slowly, his heartbeat slowly weakening.
  9. This is my first attempt at a banner, so bare with it please. I was incredibly bored, so I decided to make this. Personally, considering its my first try, I think it came out alright, but I leave that decision to you!
  10. In the mighty world of Endurian, there live four races. Human, Elven, Kenta, and Ori. The humans have the land of High Noor, to the north. The elves have the forests of Are'Thela, to the east. The Kenta inhabit the grasslands of Razor Plains, to the west. The Ori have the mountainous region of Al'Retar to the south. For centuries, the four races have ruled this continent in a peaceful time. But the Ori's new king, Tor'Rale, is greedy. He has begun a war with the elves for control of the Everstones, powerful magical artifacts that can shape worlds. The humans and Kenta have joined the war, bolstering the elves forces with their own, but the Ori have superior military power. The other races have banded together to form a single army, but they still do not match the Ori's firepower and numbers. The tides of war are rising, and many will drown in it's wake. --------------------------------------------------------------- ((Right. That pretty much explains it. Your character can be Human, Elven, Kenta (which are bear like. Dont worry, I'll have pictures) and Ori (pictures, dont worry) The humans have medieval, as do the elves. The Kenta are close to medieval japan, with katanas, naginatas, etc etc. The Ori have mythical weapons (Like burning blades, magical hammers. Use your imagination folks!) The elves and Ori have magic, the Kenta have elemental abilities. Join up folks! The attached photos are: Kenta (also my character) and Ori. The Kenta is the bear)) NOTE: I take no credit for these drawings. Sign Up ------------ Name: Age: (all races except elves have normal lifespans) Race: Appearance: (A picture would be great) Bio: (short history on your character) Weapon(s): Magic: (If elven/Ori) Element: (If Kenta. Your element gives you specific powers) ------------------ Mine Name: Masha Age: 26 Race: Kenta Appearance: See attached picture of the panda thing Bio: Masha fights for his wife and daughter. A pacifist by heart, he prefers to avoid fighting. But when he does fight, he does so to win. His blade was forged with burning spirits infused inside, giving him control over the element of fire. Weapon(s): Katana, claws and teeth Element: Fire. Has loose control over it, can cover his blade in it.
  11. "Naturally a human would not think enough to look for the biggest room possible." Nashyl turned, staring at Tylrian. The demon smiled patronizingly. "What are you doing here?" "I came to make sure you didnt mess up like last time." "I can do a task without a demon watching over my shoulder all the time!" "Thats where your wrong. Your only human. You can barely do anything without our help." Footsteps caused both of them to stop. "The door to your right leads to Night's room. It's the big double doors. Is that too difficult Acolyte?" The demon faded away. Nashyl dodged into Night's room. The footsteps receded. ----------------------------------------------------------- In the courtyard, Night and Akuma watched the last of the Fel Hound's body burn. "Night! We have to find Ziarre!" The hunter was holding Maura in the air by her pants. Maura was squirming and lashing out wildly with her fists. "Night! She's out there alone! We have to do something!" "We will Maura. As soon as you stop yelling and calm down!" Maura immediately shut up. Night dropped her. "Ziarre's demon blood has reacted. She's a full demon with a human mind, and there is nothing more dangerous. If she doesnt morph back, she will go insane....and become prey for the Hunters." Night whirled around, facing the others. "Find her! Look everywhere! Whatever you do, do not attack her! Bring her back here!" The Hunter's flooded into the forest, and soon, only Night was left. He stood there for a moment, then ran off to join Maura and Akuma, completely ignoring his wounds.
  12. Night stood there, silent for a moment. When he raised his eyes, tears were brimming. "Alright..." Turning swiftly, he kept his back to Ziarre as the soul of his long dead love left her body. [I]It'll be alright Night...[/I] "Goodbye...Cassandra" The hunter was shaking. Ziarre looked at his shadowed form. He suddenly fell to his knees, crying helplessly. Ziarre walked over, crouching beside him. "Sir Night..." He was crying freely now. "Ziarre...dont let anyone know about this...please..." Staring into his eyes, she saw nothing of the proud hunter. She simply saw sorrow. "Of course not. No one needs to know but us." Night rose slowly. "Thank you Ziarre. I..." He paused. Glancing around, he unsnapped the bastard sword. "Oh...shi-!" Two Fel Hounds ripped through the fence at him. Night shoved Ziarre away, the flaming beasts gripping his shoulders with their fangs. "Night!" "Ziarre! Get the others! Hurry!" The Fel Hounds smashed through the wall, dragging Night between them. The Hunter was helpless, unable to reach his sword or his talisman.The Hounds began to smash him wildly into walls, trees, anything that looked sturdy. Blood was peppering the courtyard. They finally let him go, watching as his body flew against the wall. He rose shakily, bleeding profusely. The Hounds closed in, keeping an eye on his sword. Night was shaking from loss of blood. The Hounds saw their chance, and leapt at him. [I]Ziarre! Please hurry! I really could use some help![/I]
  13. Eye Candy is one of the best, but the absolute best one of all (in my opinion) is Flippin Burgers. Every month or so, they have every episode listed. Im waiting for that day again. Glad Im not the only one that likes seeing these. *leans back* See? Im not the only one mom!" This is quality entertainment. Watching fuzzy creatures get killed in horrible ways. Are we insane? No! We're so sane that the world is crashing down on everyone else! Alright Im done now. By the way, if you like that, you may enjoy [url]www.stinkytoons.com[/url] as well.
  14. Seems like I start a new idea on a manga every freaking day. Anyway, Im definetaly sticking with this one. Its called Through Souls. The art (considering what I've drawn in the past) is satisfactory, but the plot is good. An Elven Huntress, Moonsting, is caught by demons on a Hunt. The elves and demons have been warring for centuries, and chance of survival for her is narrow. But the demons decide to kill two birds with one stone. A Hell Soldier (kind of an elite demon) has gone against the Burning Lord, accusing him of losing the honorable ways of old. The demons decide how to punish both problems. Rather then kill them, they chained their souls together, forcing them to be connected for eternity. As you could imagine, this is not acceptable for either elf or demon. They must find the Burning Lord and use his Staff of the Damned to free their souls from binding. Mortal enemies united (literally) in a common goal: To break this damned soul chain before they go insane! Below is the drawing for the title page of the first book. I'll do it in three episode books. Meaning three chronicles in one book. I havent figure the length for each chronicle yet though. Any critique is appreciated.
  15. Gorath had been practicing with his axes on some old tree stumps. Few remained, and he was just getting ready to destroy another when Sempa, the man who had trained him, walked in. "Gorath, you have a letter." The large shaman paused, axes still held high. "A letter? From whom?" "Doesnt say. Read it and find out what its about." Lowering the axes, Gorath walked over, still a bit confused. Reading the note, his puzzled expression still never left his face. "Says I have to go to the Fountain of Control. Nothing else." "Then get going before I beat the crap outta ya! Go! Go!" "Ow! Sempa, where did you get a cane that hard? Ouch! Alright! Im going ya crazy old man!" The large shaman took off towards the fountain with the old man cackling behind him. "He's got a good heart. I'll give him that."
  16. Night was walking down the hall to his room when a hunter stopped him. "Sir Night? About last night's hunt." "What is it Diana?" "Well, I found the...leftovers...of a hunter. It was little more then ash but I could tell from the weapons." "You too? We found a head spike on the fence just a few moments ago. Maura and Akuma are patrolling for anything else. Go join up with them. They could probably use a little help, if they havent killed each other already." The Hunter nodded, then took off out a window, morphing into mist before hitting the ground. Night walked into his room, heaving a sigh. He stopped in midbreath. Ziarre was sprawled on his bed, apparently unconscious. Night stared at her for a second, then walked over. He shook her gently. When she didnt move, he sat down on the edge of the bed, his back turned to her. He was silent for a moment. "...You look so much like her Ziarre..." He still had his back turned and was speaking softly. "The way you speak, the way you move...your almost identical to her..." Night turned, staring at Ziarre's face. "But your not her...thats a dream, a fool's fantasy to believe your her. And I cannot live in a fantasy if I am to protect this world." Leaning down, he picked up Ziarre, and walked to her room. Placing her on the bed, Night ran a finger down the scar on his own face, still staring at Ziarre "I cannot believe what isnt true..." Selino walked in behind him. "She does look like her, doesnt she?" Night practically had a heart attack. "Selino! How long have you been listening to me?!" "Not long, Master Night. But Mistress Ziarre is very much like her." The aged servant left the room. Night stood there, flushing red slightly. He walked swiftly out of the room, pausing at the doorway. Entering his own room, he sat down on the bed, now slightly trussed up. "Damnit...get it out of your head Night! Ziarre is nothing like her! No one is like her!" He heard Ranpu howling down the hall slightly, probably at Selino forcing him out of the mansion. "But then again...maybe..."
  17. Real name: Derian Nickname: Bat Age: 16 Appearence: See attached picture (ignore the elf ears) Tribe: Crushers Skill: Killing. He has no remorse, no feelings at all short of pleasure at watching people in their death throes. He is good at nothing else. Weapons: Dual Blades Bio: Not much is known short of he has no emotions that would be considered...human. A heartless killer, few trust him enough to turn their back on him. His tendencies to hurl himself into combat makes one believe he may have a death wish. He doesnt use "modern weapons" believing them to be cowardly. Has a nasty habit of slitting throats and watching the victim drown in their own blood. ((I know, I know. Morbid to the extreme. If I should change anything let me know))
  18. Night quickly grabbed Ranpu's throat. Prying open his jaws, he reached straight in, grabbed the head, and yanked it out. Ziarre nearly lost her stomach at the sight. Ranpu snapped at it, but Night held the head out of his reach. Examining it, he seemed unperturbed by its condition. "I recognize him. He was new, joined a few weeks ago. But..." The others crowded in somewhat (short of Ziarre) The head was slashed and bitten, with many burns near the neck. "He was killed by a demon, probably a Fel Hound." "Um, dont you mean Hellhound?" "Nope. Fel Hound. Twice the size of a Hell Hound with a hunger that can match Ranpu's. Not something you want to go up against by yourself." Ziarre was shaking from the smell alone. Night noticed, and threw the head to Ranpu. Wiping his hands, he glanced at the fence. "Selino will need to clean that...Ziarre, go back to your room. I really want you to rest. Akuma, Maura, go around the mansion, make sure nothing else is...posted..." Ziarre opened her mouth to argue, but was immediatly silenced by Night's hand. "If there is nothing else spiked out, you can come back here. Now go." Ziarre slowly walked upstairs, Akuma and Maura ran off, and Night stood there, staring at the fence. ------------------------------ "Nashyl, I hope you brought the gems?" Tylrian stood in front of him, eyes ablaze (literally). The demon was second in command to Thyrale, the leader of the demon hordes. He carried a large halberd, its edges dripping with acid. Nashyl had never liked him. Always so arrogant. Nashyl presented the gems, bowing his head. The demon grew furious. "They're broken! A simple retrieval mission, and you failed that!" Hefting his halberd, he was prepared to strike Nashyl. A loud voice interrupted. "NO! The gems are not broken, merely tainted. Nashyl did well enough with Night and that half breed after him. The gems are not useless to us." Tylrian snorted. "We can barely summon a Hell Hound with them now!" The voice snaked out to Nashyl. "Nashyl. Retreive the fragments of crystal in Night's room. Enter the mansion. Do not fail this time. Use these." Two Fel Hounds came up behind him. "They will obey you unconditionally in this task. Use them as a distarction. Do not fail me!" "Yes, Lord Thyrale." --------------------------------- OOC: THe attached pictures are for those with no visual imagination whatsoever. In order: Tylrian, Thyrale, Hellhound
  19. I didnt quite know where to put this so I decided in the PC section. Anyone here a fan of [url]www.happytreefriends.com[/url] ? Its my favorite site for when I feel like watching something funny. Note, It does contain very graphic violence images. You have been warned. But its still funny as he**.
  20. Night stared at her kneeling figure for awhile. Kneeling, he supported her limp form. He didnt say anything, simply sat there, holding her. He shook his head, snapping himself out of the haze. Carefully picking her up, he looked straight into her eyes. He couldnt tell if she was conscious or not. Glancing down the street the acolyte had taken, he turned around and made his way back to the mansion. Ziarre mumbled slightly. "You really shouldnt try to speak. Your far too injured to do so." "But...acol...getting....way..." "I know. Other Hunters are following him. My priority right now is getting you back to the mansion. Im surprised your even still consicous." Ziarre fell silent, limp in Nights arms. Not another word was said on the way back. ------------------------------------ Selino was tending Ziarre's wounds when she awoke a few hours later. The aged servant smiled as he bandaged her arm. "Ah, and she awakes. How are you feeling?" "Like I was run over by a truck..." "Good, then your feeling better. Drink this." Ziarre swallowed the tea gingerly, her throat still sore. A thought crossed her mind. "Where's..." "Im right here." Night walked in. Selino continued to bandage Ziarre. "You gave me quite a scare last night Ziarre. You nearly lost control of your demon side, and even threatened me. Normally, you would be too much of a danger to keep in the Hunters. However, you did do me a great favor." Ziarre looked confused, but was soon coughing as Selino forced more tea into her. "When you busted in, you killed an acolyte, and provided a distraction for me to get what I needed." Night held up a small crystal fragment. It glowed softly. "The gems chipped in the other Acolyte's escape attempt. Their near useless now. With them, Nashyl couldve summoned an entire army of demons. Now they will only work to summon a Hellhound. Great artifacts of the eras seem to have quality of scrap these days." Ziarre stared up at him, yellow eyes still flecked with black. "I...Im sorry for disobeying you sir..." "The rewards offset the consequences Ziarre. By the way, you have a visitor." Night calmly walked off, dawn light creeping up on his back. Opening the door, he sidestepped as Maura blew into the room, Ranpu following close behind. "Ziarre!" Night smiled, then shut the door carefully. Walking a little ways down, he paused, listening to Selino's outraged yells about Ranpu. "You did prove something to me Ziarre. Something much more important then whether your a worthy hunter." Holding up the shard, he walked down the hallway to his room for well earned sleep. The hunters were all back, and would probably be sleeping till noon. The Acolyte had gotten away. But Night wasnt worried about that right now. With only one gem, his threat had diminished by far.
  21. Night had his back turned as Ziarre stared at the floor. Selino was there as well, standing silently off to the side. Nothing was said for a moment. "Ziarre...there are only two reasons why you would leave a hunt. One, your injured enough that you cannot fight. Two, you failed to exterminate the prey, and have come to report why." The red cloaked Hunter turned, his eyes burning into hers "Your lack of wounds leads one to assume that it is the latter." Night's voice was lethally calm. His eyes were flashing dangerously. "I...I couldnt kill the Acolyte beca-" "It was an Acolyte? A demon I may have forgiven but you let a mere Acolyte get away?!" Night was yelling now. Ziarre flinched at the barrage of words. "I couldnt attack. He had a child with him." Night froze. "A...child?" "Yes sir. I didnt wa-" "Quiet! I want no excuses! Fair enough, you did not want to kill the child. But I thought you had more control over your powers to be ABLE TO GUIDE THEM! Is it so difficult to aim for the damn Acolyte and not hit the child!? For Gods sake! Ive seen you use that whip, and your damn good enough to AIM!" Ziarre was silent. Night lowered his eyes, regaining control of his temper. "Selino. Alert the others. Im joining the hunt. I must succeed where Ziarre has failed." The last comment was a mental slap to the face. Ziarre met eyes with Night. He had an almost sad look in them. "Return to your dormitory. As for your punishment...I will deal with that later." Ziarre opened her mouth to reply, but Night had already turned his back and began to buckle on his bastard sword. Selino guided her out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *In the sewers* Nashyl was slowed considerably by the child's weight. Coming to a rather large room, he glared around at the tunnels. A whirlpool appeared, and a rather large demon materialized before him. "Nashyl, the master is getting impatient." "I cant move much faster with this burden, Tylrian!" "You'd better. The Hunter's leader, Night, is searching for you." "What?! ****!" The demon melted back into the water. Nashyl took off down one of the tunnels. He was strong, but Night wasnt stupid enough to Hunt alone. He'd have at least three others with him.
  22. Name: Gorath Whitehorn Age: 29 Description: See attached picture Bio: Trained as a shaman since early childhood, his incredible size is misleading, as he's soft hearted, and tends to show mercy to his enemies. Wielding two large axes, he goes through his foes like a maelstrom. Incredibly friendly, and loyal almost to a fault, he's the perfect shield for others. Able to take and deal great physical damage, his only weakness is his soft heart, which gets him into more trouble then its worth. Weapon(s): Dual Axes Element: Earth Magic: [B]Tremor[/B]-Calls forth a powerful tremor that rips its way to the enemy. [B]Obsidian Axe[/B]-Merges his two axes together to form a powerful double edged axe. [B]Golem[/B]-Transforms Gorath into a large Rock Elemental, causing him to double in size and strength.His axes grow to match his size as well. This takes a tremendous strain on his body, and causes him to fall unconscious afterwards. Side: Good ((If I should change anything, let me know))
  23. Night glanced back at Selino. "Did you alert the Hunters that dont live here?" "Yes sir. All the Hunters are mobilized." Night couldnt help but smile. He never worried about his Hunters when it was a simple hunt. They were rarely in any danger. Night stared back at the city. Breathing in the night air, he savored the moment. --------------------------------- *Elsewhere* The creature stood before his prey. A Hunter, newly joined, glared at the monster, bleeding profusely from a shredded arm. "Your kind will never return! Lord Night will keep you locked where you belong!" The creature laughed, a sick sound. "Your precious Night will not last for long. Although you shouldnt worry. We'll bury him next to his beloved Hunters' corpses!" A swift slash from the burning blade, and the Hunter was little more then a pile of smoldering blood and ash. The creature glared up at the mansion. [I]Just a bit longer[/I], it thought to itself. [I]Just a bit longer[/I]...
  24. ((This idea has been bouncing around my head for around a week now, and it began to hurt.)) --------------------------------------- In a world of chaos and deception, man kind has become extinct, replaced by a much stronger breed of creatures. Werewolves stalk the barren world that once was earth, their packs limitless, their ferocity matched only by their honor. The werewolves lived in relative peace. Each pack had a territory of its own. The Frost Tooth Pack claimed the northern mountains. The Red Claw Pack claimed the Barrens of Areth. The Howl Kill Pack took the Forest of Hi'Noor. Other packs claimed what territories were left, but those three packs remained the strongest. Frost Tooth and its powerful magic kept its enemies at bay. Howl Kill's fierce warriors claimed victim after victim. Red Claw and their honor bound soldiers fought to the bitter end, claiming more then enough foes to give them a reputation. Each pack is led by an aged shaman, who protects the Stones of Lycan, powerful artifacts, that give its user power beyond imagine if one could figure out how to use them. But, a war is on edge. Civil formalities are shattering, and the boundaries mean nothing now. War shall ravage the earth's surface once again, and blood will run as torrents. The fragile ties of the truce are being severed. The Pack Wars begin... ---------------------------------------- Alright. Your a werewolf for whatever clan you choose(For lack of better word, werewolves will suffice as you do not turn into a human). The Howl Kill werewolves live in a dense forest, and excel at hit and run tactics. They are also the main aggressor in the wars. The Red Claw live in a barren desert, devoid of any true form of life. They have great adaptability, and hold honor above all else. They excel at close combat. The Frost Tooth Pack lives in the snowy mountains north of all the other packs. They wield powerful magic to aid their cause. Excel at ranged combat. Each pack has a shaman, the leader of the entire pack. The shamans are as follows: Frost Tooth=Ath'roal Red Claw=Tora'nc (only female shaman) Howl Kill=An'rath. Choose your pack. ----------------------------------------------------- Name: (Anything that might sound tribal is preferred) Age: (Werewolves have normal lifespans) Pack: (Frost Tooth, Red Claw, Howl Kill) Appearance: (a picture would be great) Bio: (short bio of your character's life up to the wars) Personality: (Your character's personality) Magic: (Only Frost Tooth may have magic) Rank: (Soldier, Leader of Army {Only Frost Tooth and Howl Kill still need one} ------------------------------------------------------- Name: Slashrun Age: 26 Pack: Red Claw Appearance: See picture Bio: The only son of werwolf shaman Tora'nc. Because of this, he is well respected and carries the duty of leading the Red Claw army into battle. Honor bound, he tends to get carried away in battle, taking on more then he can chew. Personality: Extremely proud and honorable, he acts on instinct, making him well suited for the battlefield. Magic: None Rank: Leader of the Red Claw army.
  25. Yeah, I believe in it. I have never experienced it personally, but I know it exists. As for how you know...well, you will when it happens. Expressing it...well, like feeling it, you just know how to do it. Its an instinct, it comes naturally. We have all just forgotten how to do it. Until "They" show up, you probably will never know true love.
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