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Everything posted by SilverCyclone
Night gazed out at the sleeping city from his balcony. A soft breeze blew threw the trees. His gaze shifted from the large stone courtyard to the pathway leading up to the large castle. His family had owned it for centuries, and he now used it for his own purposes. Turning, he walked back into his chamber. The wind suddenly shifted direction, blowing the balcony doors wide open. Night stopped. His retainer, Selino, walked into the office. "Shall I summon the Hunters, sir?" Night looked at the old man. "Yes. The Acolytes are on the move. They've started early this time. That new Acolyte, Nashyl. He's becoming a problem...he's much smarter then the others." "Sir?" Night smiled. "Nothing Selino. Summon the Hunters." The aged servant bowed, then headed off to the dormitory where the Hunters with no homes stayed. Night turned back to the balcony, casting his gaze across the city. Though he could not see them, he knew Acolytes were roaming, finding sacrifices, performing crude rituals to summon dark creatures into being. This war had gone on for a millenia. Night's pale eyes turned to his chambers, to the large bastard sword hanging above his bed. A small smile crossed his face. His Hunters would be roaming the streets in a matter of minutes, searching for Acolytes and Demons alike. THey did not take prisoners. "The hunt has begun..." ---------------------------------------------------------- ((There ya go folks. All you have to do is roam, searching out acolytes and demons. Night will call you on a cell phone if he has a job for you. For evil people, you have to summon demons and find sacrifices for your masters. Remember, the more important the person is, the better sacrifice they make. Go to it!))
Well! I had almost given up hope that anyone else was interested! Still very good characters. I'll start the RP tomorrow and PM everyone. Sign ups will stay open for three more days. ShadO MagE, since you appear to be the only evil person, I'll allow you to have minions, either human or demon. Very nice folks!
Avus watched the corpse carefully. He had been staring at it for around an hour from a tree. Nothing but staring. The being that had killed it was...unsettling. The fur on his neck rose, and he growled low. The being was gone. Carefully, Avus made his way down the tree, jet black fur helping him to blend in. Leaning over, he poked the corpse carefully. Leaning down, he noticed it was a man. Soldier. Sniffing it, he lifted it easily over his shoulders. FWWIIIP! He crouched swiftly, an arrow zipping through his ear. Snarling, he turned to the attackers. "THERE HE IS! HE'S KILLED ANOTHER!" Hunters. How could he have missed theyre sent? Snarling, the large werewolf took off down the path, keeping a firm grip on the corpse. He had waited far too long for food to pass this up. He easily outran the hunters, stopping at a clearing to take a hasty bite at the corpse. He stopped eating. His ears pricked up. The wind had stopped, and he knew what he would see when he turned around. Slowly turning, he looked behind. A large cloaked figure was there, tattered edges of his cape fluttering without wind. Avus stared, petrified for a moment. The creature's red eyes glowed back. Then the werewolf kicked in again. Snarling madly, he lunged. A right hook from the creature knocked him through the trees. Avus reacted rapidly, taking the blows with his shoulder. Howling, he threw himself at the creature again, slashing rabidly. The creature simply dodged easily. When the werewolf tired out, it laughed, a cold noise. Avus was running out of energy. Glaring up, he stopped mid snarl. The creature was gone. Not a trace. No energy. He slowly shrank, still staring. The fur shed, revealing a relatively young man behind. Rubbing his eyes, Avus stared around. "Am I simply entertainment for you? Is that why you dont kill me? Or is it because Im not yet a threat, living off your leftovers!" Avus slowly walked back to his camp, a hollow tree, dragging the corpse behind him. Settling down, he began to feed.
Revus stared down at the two from his perch on a roof. He knew they were PC, but he always liked surprises. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at the car. "And then there were four..." Leaping down, he landed softly behind the man with the laptop. He swung the gun around, aiming it at Revus's eyes. The werewolf cracked a grin. "You can fire, but unless the bullets are blessed, wont do much. Im from PC." Glancing at the girl, he winked. Her blank expression never changed. Shrugging, Revus turned his attention back to the laptop guy. "I am assuming your all here to meet this Curry fella?" The gun never left his forehead. Another grin broke out. "Not the friendly type? Who's in the car?" "We dont know" "Pity...anywho, aim the gun a little lower if your going for a killshot. At the range your at, I wont have much trouble dodging a headshot." The gun wielder stared a little longer, obviously doubting what he said. The werewolf smiled. Suddenly, his head whipped to the side, leaving several after-images. The gun wielder found him staring at very large fangs, the barrel of the gun behind the werewolf's head. "I have trouble moving my body that fast. Aim for my heart. Nothing more" The gun lowered to chest level. Revus smiled again, then glanced back at the car. He didnt really care if the other two percieved him as a threat or not. Raising a hand, he waved at the car.
A dead wind blew from the plant. It was not the fresh air that usually blew out of the plant, but the leftovers. It hit Shade like a brick. Backing up, he grimaced at the journey ahead. Walking over, he unsheathed his blade. Raising it up, he turned a corner, face to face with an engineer. "Where is it?" "Over by the generator." Shade walked over, finally catching a glimpse of his target. An incredibily large rat. Shade swung his blade, missing the rat by a millimeter. The engineer ran over. "You missed?! How could you miss?!" Shade hid the smile. Turning slowly, he feigned dissapointment. "Its the damn smell. Is it always this stale in here?" "Always. Its all the leftover oxygen not fit for the colony. Its pumped through here so it doesnt all go to waste." Shade nodded, sheathing the blade. Glancing back at the hole, he saw the rats snout poking out. The assassin smiled. The rat was one of the smartest he had ever met, and though it seems odd, one of the most honorable. Shade laughed at this, it never ceased to amuse him that even the lowest of creatures sometimes had honor. Shade has never physically tried to kill it. He abhored death to innocent creatures simply trying to survive. The only ones he excluded from this ethic were the Esrians. He had lost his wife to a raid around three years ago. He almost went insane. He kept his sanity for his daughter's sake. They now lived together on Colony 21. He worked as an assassin and part time exterminator. Looking back towards the colony, he sighed. "The peak of human ingenuity..." The assassin made his way through the drab slums and generators of his colony.
Cougar rose out of the shallows of the river silently. Spitting out water, he made his way to shore. Kneeling, he regained his breath slowly, silent the whole time. "Damn! Damn damn damn!" Pounding the ground with his fists, he looked back upstream. The flames from his camp rose high into the sky. Tears brimmed, but were not shed. Cougar had no time for that. Checking his blade, he made his way into some underbrush, nursing his wounds. The memory of the slaughter flashed back into his mind. When they were attacked, he had helped as best he could, but a wise warrior knows when to flee. He had dived into the river with numerous others. Who knows how many actually survived. When he finally broke the surface, he found that he had swam quite a ways downstream. The others were nowhere to be seen. Cougar knew the chances of survival for them were slim. He had lucked out himself. Hunching over, he warmed himself up in the shadow of a gnarled oak, crying softly into his knees. He never showed this side of himself to anyone. But he was alone now, and didnt care. All his friends and comrades were dead, or prisoners. After a few minutes, he raised his head, tears replaced by fury. Rising to his feet, he ran off, not caring where he went. He would deal with that later. "My friends...I will gain revenge...I swear it!"
Zauriel sat against a tree. Staring at the glowing orb, he watched the symbols flash through it. "...the haru are being chosen...finally..." The angel picked up his sword, and headed off through the woods. Still staring at the orb, he waited till a symbol flashed into view. He pocketed the orb, then set off at a steady lope. He was held up once by a few demons, but they were quickly dispatched. Wiping the dark blood off his blade, he sighed. "Maybe its a mistake to trust humans to save the world. Oh well. I really hope Im wrong about that." He stopped at the outskirts of the woods. Looking around, he saw several demons at the edge of a river. Growling, he launched himself at them, failing to see the archers behind them. Several arrows impaled him, but he gave no heed. Landing on a demon, he stabbed it through the head. Giving a twirl, he beheaded another two. Snarling, he took slashes and stabs. More arrows rained down on him. After killing the last of the melee, he ran into the archers. As good as they were in ranged, they fell quickly to his blade. He staggered a little bit, blood draining out of his body. He ripped an arrow out of his side, then collapsed into the river, his limp body floating downstream. He soon fell unconscious, drifting slowly away.
Name: Endow Rikiri Age: 24 Appearance: Attached picture (yup, thats Jin) Personality: Bull headed, he's loyal to his friends almost to a fault. Usually cheerful, he's a happy guy most of the time, though he gets angry really fast. Enough pride to choke an elephant. Bio: An orphan, he never knew his parents. He was abandoned in a village where an elderly couple took care of him. He fights the parasites for his "family", and tends to get a bit overzealous in his fights. Class: Light Shocker Ability: Paralyze enemies for a short period Specialty: Make an incredibily (sp?) bright flash that blinds everyone within range for a short time. Weapon: Gauntlets ((If I should change anything, PM me please))
Ahchigo bent over, picking up a piece of wood from outside the house. It was little more then a hut on the outskirts of his village. He glanced at the door. A sharp hissing noise was issuing from it. "Sempa..." An old man came running out, soot all over his face, and smoke billowing out behind him. Ahchigo smiled. The old man was coughing loudly as he waved smoke away from his face. "Almost had it that time, I did. Huh? Oh, Ahchigo! Were did you come from?" "The Forest you old dud. What exploded this time?" "I tell ya, Im close my boy, very close! Ive almost perfected it." Ahchigo smiled again, following the dittering old man into his house. Contraptions of all shapes and sizes littered the area. Ahchigo poked at one, its top whirring around sporadically. Glancing at the old man, he barely managed to catch the map he threw at him. "Sempa, what in the hell are you..." The fighter's voice was cut off as another cough erupted from Sempa's throat. "No time for talk boy, no time. Council wants you to head to Geldra. Here, take this." Ahchigo caught random items thrown at him. "Geldra? But why would they want me to go there?" "Your the only one the bloody wolf will speak to. Theres a rumor circulating that orcs are attacking random villages. They want you to speak with Geldra about it." "Geldra doesn's speak. She communicates with emotions. If any others would bother to realize this, they could talk to her as well..." Ahchigo felt his temper rise. He was surrounded by idiots, short of Sempa. "Well, I know that. But anyway, take this...and this...and this..." Ahchigo glanced at his bursting pack. "Uhm...Sempa...anything else?" "Oh yes! Take this! Tis a littel doodad Ive been working on in my spare time." Handing Ahchigo a small orb, he stood back, beaming. "Great...what is it?" "Why ya ignorant fool! Anyone can see that its a...its a...Thoodang! THats right!" Ahchigo glanced at the orb. A small button was on it. Pushing it, he placed it on the ground. after a moment of whirring and smoking, five blades shot out of its sides. Ahchigo barely managed to dodge them in time. Sempa was giggling like a maniac. "See? Useful in a tight spot. Notice the cords attached to the blades? They're unbreakable!" THe blades whirred back in. Ahchigo smiled happily. "Well well Sempa. You've created something destructive on purpose!" "Gah! Begone you ungrateful turd!" Laughing, Ahchigo headed out north, in the direction of the Spirit Wolf Geldra.
Very nice characters folks. Im hoping some people will join as Acolytes or even demons for the evil side though.
Revus opened an eye. He was resting on the rooftops of the city. Typically, this was frowned upon, but he didn't care. His compulsive nature, while annoying to most, made him perfectly suited for his job. Pulling out sun glasses, he left by the fire escape. When he finally got to the ground, he glanced around. Sniffing the air, he left at a quick trot to the payphones. A man was talking on one of them. Revus waited patiently, chatting with the woman behind him. When he finally got into the booth, he dialed the number. " 'Bout time Revus. Was wondering if you even got the scent." Moore's voice filtered through the receiver. The scent was a message sent out to a specific location where he would go to get his next assignment. He rarely went to HQ, unless necessary or if he was bored and felt like nabbing some sleep. Revus's deep voice filled the phone. "What is it this time?" "You got a new assignment, and a new boss. Head to the piers in San Bajo." "Is it narcotics again?" "Not far from the truth. We got a problem with Tact Bio. Head to the piers. Your boss, Curry, will explain it." "Curry? Huh...sounds familiar..." "Shut up, and get moving! I didn't call to chat." "Aw. Your breaking my heart!" Hanging the phone up, he left the booth. He was in the Narcotic's Division. His amazing sense of smell helped him hunt down dealers with a familiar scent on them. Usually renegade vamps. His amazing strength and speed gave him an edge in physical combat. He tightened the gloves that covered his claws. Running a hand through his silver hair, the werewolf made his way to the docks. "This should get interesting..."
Ahchigo glanced around. He had been wandering the forest, but found nothing worth a fight. Sighing, he began to walk home. Ahchigo: "Damn...nothing to fight...oh we-oof!" His breath was cut short as a rather heavy blow to the back of the head brought him to his knees. Glaring, he lashed out with his fists, forcing his attacker to back up. He stared at the large bear.Smiling, Ahchigo bashed the mouth of his attacker shut. A whirlwind of fists surrounded the bear, forcing its retreat. Ahchigo laughed happily. Not a single bruise. Whistling happily, he walked back towards town, leaving the bear to nurse his wounds and growl at his back. The bear would be fine, just a day or two of rest. Ahchigo: "Nice warm-up back there...wish there had been more though. Oh well."
What do you find attractive? [Threads merged]
SilverCyclone replied to MaxSonic's topic in General Discussion
Hmm...well, im way to tall for my own good, so someone at least 5 feet. Really, physical features dont really matter to me if I can have fun with her. I know, I know, alot of the girls reading this are thinking "He's spouting bull crap!" But its true...mostly...If she has a good sense of humor, a pretty smile...oh, and clean to! Gotta be clean! I dont really like tattoos or body piercing as they tend to go overboard. Last time my friend set me up on a blind date, she had a nose ring, and a tattoo on her arm of a rat bursting out of the skin. I screamed (albiet a bit high for a man) and I havent heard from her since. I think it went well. Especially when I kicked the crap out of my friend. -
Demons once ruled the world. They had floating citadels, entire armies of damned souls. Then the humans resisted. They fought back, toppling the dark palaces of their former masters. The demons were driven to the Underworld. They now exist only as fairy tales. This is not true. Demons begin to swarm the streets. They begin to hunt and feed as they did many centuries ago. But now they have to worry about being hunted. A group of vigilantes, Hunters, as they are known, stalk the streets to preserve the natural balance of life and death. They excel at killing, and have only one purpose...to slay demons. Wielding the powers of mystical talismans, they defend mortals from a fate worse then death. Alright. Heres the basic premise of this RPG. You are a Hunter, a human trained since birth to hunt and kill demons that wander the night. Your weapons may include anything from a sword to a gun, so long as its been blessed. You cannot be full demon, but feel free to be half demon. Half demons cannot have blessed weapons, but they do have magic (within reason please. No Insta-Kill). If you want to play a demon, PM me. You can also play an Acolyte, allies to the demons. No blessed weapons, but some magic. Enemies include minor demons, which can be killed without blessed weapons, demons, which require blessed weapons to kill, and Acolytes, humans that worship demons. Talismans (the talismans give you a specific power. Yes, two people can have the same talisman) [B]Shadow Talisman [/B] - Allows the wearer to meld into shadows, concealing them from sight. Can't move in this form [B]Blood Talisman[/B] - The wearer regenerates minor (Non life threatening) wounds. [B]Typhoon Talisman[/B] - Incredible Speed [B]Blade Talisman[/B] - Incredible Strength [B]Soul Talisman[/B] - Increases the power of any magic the wearer uses. [B]Breaker Talisman[/B] - Increases defense against demonic magic. [B]Wolf Talisman[/B] - Allows wearer to transform into werewolf for increased strength. [B]Mist Talisman[/B] Allows the wearer to take a mist form for stealth. I need: Name: Age: (Half-demons have extended lives) Race: Bio: (history on how and why your character became a hunter or acolyte) Weapon: (If your human, its been blessed, unless your an acolyte) Appearance: Talisman: Magic: (If any) ------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Night Age: 32 Race: Human Bio: The lead hunter, all the other hunters get their missions from him. He rarely goes on a mission himself, but when a demon is too strong, he takes care of it. A master swordsmen, he uses the power of the Shadow Talisman. He started the Hunters when his parents were killed by demons. Though just a human, he is a skilled Hunter, and has handpicked the others in the group. He thinks of the others as his extended family, and will do anything to help them. Weapon: Bastard Sword Appearance: See pic Talisman: Shadow Talisman
The Popular and the Pauper...very nice! Thanks! I think I may switch it around somewhat, as the kid isnt poor. But my brains gone down right now. Thanks! Oh yeah...MONTY PYTHON RULES! WAHAHAHA! Sorry. Lost it there. Both titles are equally good. Thank you.
I recently came up with a manga idea that was a little shaky at the beginning, but thanks to my badgering freinds, has developed into a strong plot. Unfortunately, I cant come up with a title! Heres the plot: Yumi is your basic teenage student. She has friends, good grades, she has it all. Until a new kid comes to school. An immediate cast out, he gets push aside simply because he's new. But for some odd reason, he's completely happy with his life. As Yumi falls for him, she discovers how empty her life really is as her "friends" abandon her. But something else begins to fill that void. Something much better. Its your basic romantic/comedy plot. But for the life of me I cant think of a title! I've put my other manga on hold for the meantime. Any suggestions? Im gonna post some artwork tomorrow probably. Any help is welcome with open arms.
Name: Cougar Age: 36 Gender: Male Bio: Incredibly bad tempered, Cougar is skilled in stealth and quick kills.Though getting on in years, Cougar will not accept old age as a sign of weakness. He is usualy called on for stealth jobs, and has never failed. Though incredibly violent to others, he does have great respect for his brigade, though would rather die then show it. When the Brigade was attacked, he fled into the river to survive and gain revenge on his fallen comrades. Appearence: Pic (yeah, i got it from one of the Suikodens)) Weapon: Katana Rune: Head: Gale Rune Left: Viper Rune Right: Fury Rune Race: Human ((How's that? This sounds like fun))
Name: Shard Age: 25 Class: Mercenary Appearance: See pic Bio: A fighter for hire, he lives with his father, who was crippled when a cave collapse shattered his leg. When not helping with the farming, he goes to neighboring cities, working as a mercenary for various tasks. Carrying little more then a sword and some basic armor, he excels at melee combat. Being the only young man that didnt leave to one of the more prosperous villages around them, he tends to help everyone in his village out, along with his pet, Scree. ((For Scree, just switch the lower body with that of an eagle. If I should change anything, PM me.))
Helreppo was standing near the Foreblade, shouting orders and random questions to the sailors running around. Achiion landed near him, cloak fluttering somewhat. Ach: "Loading near done? I am eager to get under way." Helreppo: "Nearly. Could you grab that box over there? Some trader came by earlier and said he needed it to be dropped off at the Wavers. Payed me with a claw of some sort." The merchant pointed to a sturdy metal box at least the size of an ogre. The wraith walked over to it calmly, shooing the sailors away. Helreppo caught a glance of Kal and Bean, hauling a rather large creature into their ship. When they were done, Helreppo gestured for them to come over. Glancing back at Achiion, who had just sunk his claws into the box, he handed Kal a map. Helreppo: "This is the route the Foreblade will be taking. All you have to do is follow it and make sure nothing happens to its cargo or its sailors. The crew are experienced fighters, but your's are probably better by far. Achiion! Dont drop that now!" The wraith glanced at the merchant, hauling the crate over his head into the ship's hold. Helreppo laughed, then continued explaining the route to Kal. Inside the ship's hold, Achiion finally put the crate down. Staggering somewhat, he kneeled down to get his bearings. Another sailor walked over. Sailor: "Are you ok?" Ach: "I...I dont know...gimme a while..." The sailor walked off. The wraith began to shake violently, his breathing ragged. Ach: "D...damn it...Im losing it...ugh..." When the feeling passed, Achiion stood up carefully. Gripping his head, he checked his shoulders. Ach: "No wings yet...good...good..." He walked out, supported by the walls, to Helreppo.
Sign Up College Daze(Rated R for sexual themes and language)
SilverCyclone replied to Citrus's topic in Theater
Name:Tatsuko Odaka Age:19 Appearnce: See picture Bio: A quiet loner, he has an incredibly odd sense of fashion. Relatively smart, he hides his dog, Shiro, in his dorm. Knows a little kickboxing from his years in America visiting his brother. Kind and caring, he talks softly all the time, sometimes almost to the point of not being heard, until he loses his temper, in which case he becomes a berserk fool, often choosing the quickest path then the safest. He now works as a trainer in his grandfather's dojo. ((Is this alright? Im slightly confused as to the plot)) -
Achiion balanced on the tree tops. He had left Luskan for the peace of the forest. Glancing at the docks, he breathed in deeply. Landing lightly on the forest floor, he walked slowly towards a large oak. The wraith straightened up somewhat, turning slowly. Ach: "Spying on me this late, Diana? Thats not your nature." The elf maiden smirked. Diana: "When are you getting here? We cant keep holding the supply." Ach: "Calm yourself Waver. Your just a projection. Dont yell at me until I see you in person. Anyway, we leave tomorrow. We finally hired a guard." Diana: "Not another mercenary...they arent worth the money" Ach: "Its the drow captain Kal'Daka." Diana fell silent. She stared at the wraith for any signs of joke. Diana: "You didnt tell him everything, did you?" Ach: "Only about Kel and the pirates. He doesnt know anything else." Diana: "Your bringing a drow as a guard? He'll backstab you the first chance he gets!" Ach: "You trust a wraith, but not your own kind?" Diana: "Dont ever say that! Drow are not elven kindred, no matter the resemblance! And your entirely different from a drow..." Ach: "Am I? You saw what happened when I lost control. My powers are too great for my own good." Achiion stared at his claws. Diana's image wavered. Diana: "...Fine. If you trust this...captain...then I will to. So help me Achiion, if he harms any of my people-" Ach: "Then I will kill him myself. By the way, theres also a goblin and an ogrillion as well." Diana: "Damnit Achiion!" The image faded away, still cursing at the wraith. Achiion smiled, then faded into shadow. OOC: Sorry its so long. Got carried away here...
I was considering reading it for awhile, and started on the first book. Unfortunately, the whole brother sister thing put me off. You know what Im talking about. Other then that one little...detail...it was a good manga.
Name: Ahchigo (Ah-Chee-go) Age: 21 Race: Human Gender: Male Description: See picture Weapon(s): Fists. Bio: Trained in melee combat, Ahchigo's hands are lethal. He can split rocks, bash walls, even smash through ten feet of concrete. He's headstrong, and half the time leaves a battle half dead. His fiery temper and quick reflexes have earned him the name of Firebolt. He does have a weakness though: Cute girls. Around them, he's completely useless, often stuttering and tripping over his own words. But in a fight, there's no one you would rather have on your side. Loyal to his comrades, and enough pride to choke a horse. He doesnt give up, no matter the odds.
Name: Zauriel Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Angel Essence: N/A Bio: Zauriel was once tainted by the demons, but devoured his own wings to overcome it. A powerful fighter, he tends to bite off more then he can chew (pun intended) He tends to be a bit overzealous in his cause, but that can be overlooked since his motives are true. He now wanders around, searching for the Chosen Haru in order to help their crusade. He uses a magic orb that glows brightly whenever a chosen Haru is nearby. Quick to anger, he tends to push others to their extremes, which is sometimes not necessarily a bad thing. Occupation: Wanderer Description: See picture Weapon: Divine longsword ((Is this up to scratch? This sounds interesting))
Name: Shade Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Human Description: See picture. The girl is his daughter (natch). Weapons: Longsword. He's a great swordsman, and can even block bullets with his blade. Unfortunatley, he cannot move while doing this. Tools: Has several lockpicks, and an electric lock jammer, which doubles as a stun-gun. Also, a handgun with explosive rounds. Personality: Calm, cold, heartless. Holds honor above anything else. A loving father as well, he fights for his daughter, and his wife's spirit. Biography: Not much is known about Shade. He's an assassin, taking lives is his profession. Though he seems like nothing more then a cold hearted killer, his personality goes deeper. He became a professional assassin when an Esrian attack killed his wife. He now lives with his only daughter, Kera, in Colony 21. He became an assassin to avenge his wife's death, and is a highly skilled warrior. He uses stealth when it is necessary, and usually only uses his sword. The handgun is a backup weapon. While not a perfect marksman, he is good enough to kill with one shot. EDIT: (im gonna add some info on Kera. It'll probably help later) Age: 14 Personality: Headstrong, she is constantly trying to prove herself to Shade. She hopes he will take her on an attack someday. She practice daily with her daggers, and is skilled in using two at once. Though proud (father's side) she will obey him under any condition, no matter what the order. She shares a special connection with him, and tends to know what he feels, even if their a long way aways. Weapons: Dual daggers, Bullpup Shotgun ((I tried to balance him around so he wouldnt be to strong. I dont know if its ok if he has a daughter. Hope this is up to scratch. PM if I should change anything))