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Everything posted by SilverCyclone

  1. Started watching anime at the age of 9. My friend got me interested in it. He was a die hard fan. First one I ever saw was Slayers. Then I started hunting down other animes. I am now a die hard otaku. Other then Pokemon (no offense but it should've accepted death years ago), I watched very good anime, like Inuyasha, Trigun. I still am a die hard fan, and other then Slayers (which I cannot find) Still watch the good stuff.
  2. Kwaaii! DN Angel! Im looking for the first Dragon Knights book. Ive scanned the first few pages of one of them, and it looks pretty good. But DN Angel is my favorite. That and Megatokyo, but anyway. Once I find the first one, I can truly say I am a fan.
  3. Wow...pretty in depth...sorry to say, its not really my kind of reading, but I know several people who would like it. So I cannot really post criticism. Meaning I just wasted your time.......*takes own life with sword*
  4. Holy crap...*falls to knees, bowing low* Very well done! Im hooked! Must see what happens! I find nothing wrong with it, other then I have no clue whats been happening. But I can live with it!
  5. Bloodsing is currently recovering from a nasty snowboard accident :devil: , and has asked me to check this account. He has good artwork, but he can never find any tones. The site you gave should help both Bloodsing and I. Thanks from both of us. It was a pretty cool accident though...landed on his head...*trails off*
  6. Heh, forgot about the friends thing! Ive been so busy on other characters. Good idea though, really worth considering. One of her friends has the clumsy, absent minded part already. Plus alot of comedy will come from Avenite when he finds the miracles of alchoholic cider. Minions apparently have no resistance whatsoever. The scanner problem is fixed. I have artwork ready by tomorrow. Glad I finally came up with an idea that is original.
  7. If you were locked in a mental hospital, I'd be the one sitting in a corner muttering to myself. But thats beside the point. Sounds like a good story. Whats a nexus hunter? Anway, try something simple lke "Otherworld" or "Damned"...not sure why the second one is good...first thing that popped into my mind. Other then those two, its hard to title it...
  8. Manga! Just recently been cruising the book stores for em. Looking for Love Hina 1, but cant find it. But I am reading: Megatokyo Hellsing .Hack X1999 Onegai! Teacher Past that, Im still searching. Many series look very nice, but I cant find the first volumes :flaming: . My collection contains mostly animes.
  9. Sh** :angry2: ...My scanner wont be fixed until summer. However, I am making a deal with a friend of mine. Art should be ready by...Thursday at most. While the scanner is an inconvenience, my friend should let me use his :help: . I've finished concept art for Avenite :demon: , and another character whom I will not devulge. And I need opinions on character ideas for Yuki. Should she be clumsy good natured, or kind of dark, emotionless? Im leaning for the latter. But I would welcome any opinions of any kind.
  10. Favorite male anime character...gotta be Alucard from Hellsing. Calm, cool, really nice hat. What's not to like!? Favorite female anime character...Seras Victoria from Hellsing. God that accent :love: !
  11. guns_n_candy: Yes, she is specially picked to read the book, but the reason why is unclear until later in the series. And the demons either need a master to draw energy from (known as "Eder" in the book) or return to their world. Unfortunately, the more demons the master has, the more energy is needed, and if the master isnt strong enough, he/she will die. As a result of being summoned without a master, they will either die from lack of Eder, or feed off the humans, the latter being the preferable choice. Yuki is what's known as an Overlord, a person who rules over demon minions. And yes, there is a difference between minions and demons. Thanks for the apostrophe thing to, I am way to easily confused with big words like "tie" or "the". Thanks for the feedback. I probably shouldve been a bit clearer on those items.
  12. Intricate...sounds good. I'll look for it next time Im at the bookstore.
  13. New manga idea. Whatcha think? Yuki is your normal girl. She has a job at the library, she has an apartment, and she has many friends. A normal life. Until she stumbles upon a book. An old book written in runes. When she accidentaly summons a demonic minion, all hell breaks loose. Literally. Now she and her minion Avenite must hunt down the other demons before the portal closes. And the demons stay with her forever. Avenite is a shapeshifting demon minion, a servant to Yuki. I got the title because demons tend to have very tedious amounts of loyalty. Any feedback is more then welcome, and once my scanner is fixed (falling off a counter tends to put it out of commission :bawl: ) I'll get some artwork on here.
  14. Sounds good. Some artwork would help. I personally dont have any trouble visualizing the characters, but thats because I read Redwall. It sounds interesting.
  15. Thanks. This clears up quite a bit. I'll definetaly check out the site. Judging by my artwork...Im probably not gonna enter until around...ooh, the 12th contest :sweat: My current level of artwork is...less then perfect :sick: ...oh well. Thanks for clearing this up.
  16. Ive been hearing alot about a contest for Tokyo Pop. Can anyone clarify a bit? Or am I just a bit slow on the uptake and it was a one time thing? Im not that intelligent im afraid.
  17. [quote name='Subaru-sama']What does any of this have to do with Gummy Bears and elbow grease?[/quote] You two lost me...but the story does sound good, and funny. Lots of luck to you...gummy bears and elbow grease? The people you meet on this place! Oh well. At least Im normal :cool: *pets the purple dragon on his left shoulder*
  18. Your plot seems to revolve around chaos. Why not call it that? "Chaos" :devil: . I like the plot and the artwork. *tips his napoleon hat*
  19. Man...Im poor (not really, but you know what I mean), so I only have a Playstation. I used to have a sega. Thats how poor I am :bawl: But anyways Playstation- Gotta be...AA! I forgot its title, but your a bodygaurd in a hotel and vampires attack. You can choose your blood type, be human or vampire. It was the worst game Ive ever played on this console. Anyone know what Im talking about?! God I am so poor... :blowup:
  20. The third is the best in my opinion, because I have an older brother :devil: . Second one needs to have better font. First one is nicely done. And the fourth is just funny. I wont comment on the fifth becuase I find nothing good or bad about it.
  21. Samaru :flaming: ! Miroku is one of the best characters in Inuyasha! Granted, he does have a few annoying personality quirks...like how his hand is magnetized to female butts :rolleyes: ...but your entitled to your opinion though. My least fav. has to be Kikyo. Dont know why everyone loves her...she's just so cruel to Inuyasha! Evil! Evil plain and simple!
  22. I can see how it resembles Risky Safety now. Its incredibly difficult to find an original idea :flaming: . Oh well...I have lots of spare time, so artwork will be ready sooner then I expected. Sorry everyone. If you were hoping for some artwork, you'll be a bit deflated. I talked it over with my staff (me, two other friends, and my dog :sweat: ) and we decided to scrap the Sprites project. Waaaay too much like Risky Safety, respectfully. However, Skull Industries, as we have called ourselves because we were way to bored :alcohol: , is now working on another manga. We're hoping its an original idea. God we're hoping...its called "Loose Fit" and when my scanner is back up and running, I'll post some artwork and the explanation of the plot. Hope you will all like it :demon: . [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future, please do not double post. Also, you are only allowed to have one image in your signature. Please choose one of them to keep and remove the other, thanks. -Lady K[/b][/size][/color]
  23. [QUOTE=klinanime1]That sounds a bit too much like Risky Safety to me. (I think that's the name of the manga)QUOTE] Risky Safety? Never heard of it...I'll check it out though. Artwork should be ready by the weekend. Thanks.
  24. Currently working on a manga called Sprites. Its about a young girl, Ayame, who accidently summons two sprites from opposite realms. One, Devi, is the evil half, inspiring nasty, and funny things :devil: . The other, Ang, is the good half, trying desperately to keep Devi in line :laugh: . Its a comedy mostly, but there are some nice action scenes where the two sprites have to work together to help Ayame from bad situations. Any critique is more then welcome.
  25. Intricate plot line...sounds good, so long as its got some nice battle scenes :devil: .
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