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Everything posted by SilverCyclone

  1. [b]Name:[/b] Steel, Thomas D. [b]Codename:[/b] Auto Viper [b]Rank:[/b] Private 1st Class, Weapons Expert [b]Serial Number:[/b] 666-1 [b]D/O/B:[/b] 6/12/1989 (21 years) [b]Special Skill:[/b] Weapons expert, can use any firearm with deadly precision and skill. Weak points include explosives and heavy artillery. Strengths are full auto weapons. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Bullshaft full-auto rifle, scope and silencer attached. [b]Notes/Appearance:[/b] [url=http://mgs.gry-online.pl/mgs2/fanart/soldier.jpg]File Attached[/url] [b]Notes/Personality:[/b] Cold hearted killer, known sadist. Useful for clearing out large masses. His sadistic nature also suits him for interrogation. Diagnosed with minor suicidal tendencies and a volatile temper. Ties of loyalty are weak. [b]Notes:/Past:[/b] Ex operative from numerous black ops missions, forced to retire after endangering entire squad. Paratrooper at one point in time, spent several years as weapons tester, and exactly four years as an interrogater for 'difficult prisoners'. Has extensive knowledge of firearms, seems to avoid explosives. Driving skills are questionable. Considered excellent firepower if one is willing to take the risks. May have relationship with former member Revolver Ocelot. ---- ((I have been waiting for an RPG like this! PM me should I change anything!))
  2. Ah well...I still gave it a try. [IMG]http://img119.exs.cx/img119/5497/silenban2.jpg[/IMG] use Shredaas. Its better and wider! :laugh:
  3. ((Sorry I havent posted in such a LOOONG time, but I was incredibly busy)) Gray laughed at this. [I]Another dark mystery person who doesnt like being helped...pathetic watching them shrivel and die from stagnation...ah well. Her choice, not mine. Least I got to kill something.[/I] "I dont really care if you can do it yourself, if I can kill something that hurts mother earth, I dont care what you do or say, I will kill it." He was whispering to himself, not really caring if anyone heard. He was still smiling though. He strapped the pickaxe to his back and shouldered the axe. Gray mounted Mane and Enkai stood next to the miner. "Well, see you all at the town. Still smiling, he mounted Enkai and took off, not really caring what the others did. Enkai was fast, not nearly as fast as a horse or dragon or flying creature, but none of those could manuever on the ground like the earth tiger. "Maybe we can buy a drink at the town!" Gray slapped Shin upside the head. "Shut it. We dont have money, remember?" "Oh, yeah..." Enkai laughed and picked up speed, Mane keeping close by. ---------- They finally began to slow at the town gates. Gray dismounted and stared at the massive entrance. "Huh...well, lets go in." "Hold it right there." Gray turned and saw several dirty men crawl out of the shadows. He stared at them with boredom. "I hate bandits...no respect for mother earth." With a snarl, he leapt into them, bading his companions stay out. This would only take a moment.
  4. Von chuckled and continued to sing, tossing the ball back and forth with her. He stopped singing suddenly and cocked his head. He continued tossing the ball, often catching it without looking. [I]Hmm...odd...I feel so...happy...with her...strange feeling...but....nice...[/I] "Why did you stop singing?" "...Arian and Halas are coming..." He began to sing again, and continued to toss the ball back and forth. When Halas entered the door holding a box, Von swiftly threw the ball at him. "Think fast!" He grabbed it and stared at Von, who merely smiled back. "Wanna play?" Arian came in behind, also holding a box. "Did anyone else see these?" Ciarra looked up. "Yeah. We did." Halas tossed the ball back and Von returned to Ciarra. "Not that Im complaining or anything, but are we just going to stay here the rest of our lives? I mean, its a nice place but Im kid of edgy. I want to learn more about our pasts, and who did this. Besides, I think the old lady may get irritated with us if we overstay our welcome!" He missed the catch and fell backwards as the ball hit between his eyes again.
  5. Night tapped the desk impatiently. He was frustrated at the brace. It was pissing him off to no end. He couldnt speak, he couldnt even get attention to ask for something. Selino finished with the bandages. Shiro nudged his masters arm, still bandaged around the ribs. "There you go. You'll be good as new in around seven hours." "Mmm! Mhmmm!" "Sorry? Couldnt quite get that." Night glared at the servant. He tuned out the world and began to fill out papers on his desk. In his current state, it was all he was good at. ----------- Boru smiled at Ziarre. He waved the demons aside, and helped her stand. There was a murmur among the gathering demons. The malacha'ai raised his claw to silence them. "Silence. She is no enemy. She is a half breed from the hunters." Cries of outrage came from the gathering, and one demon leapt onto the raised platform. "I refuse to ally myself of one with such foul blood! I'll kill her here and now!" Boru smiled as the demon charged. He placed a claw on Ziarre's back. She felt warmth seep through her body. Her eyes took on a red tinge and she felt...strength. Like never before. She felt the very soul of fire touch hers and embrace her in its warmth. "Kill him Ziarre. Kill him and prove your strength!" With a whirl of her hands, a jet of fire shot out. But before it hit, it raveled around the demon's throat, changing into a fiery saw. It sliced through, before snaking back to her gracefully, almost looking like liquid. It took the form of a giant lizard, and nuzzled her neck before dissapearing. The corpse fell to the ground, twitching. Boru turned to the gathering. "She is the very essence of fire! That which gives us demons our birthright. We will kill all who oppose! We will conquer! We will rule this world once again!" The mass erupted into cheers and yells. Boru turned to Ziarre. "And you...will lead the charge to the mansion. You will destroy those who used you. You will be my greatest warrior, Ziarre. The soul of fire." [CENTER][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=620457#post620457][SIZE=4]Hunters Chapter 2: Maelstrom[/SIZE][/url][/CENTER]
  6. Kara smiled as she recoiled from attacking. It had been far too long since she had a challenge. With a smile and a snarl, she whipped out a long fire whip, cracking it towards Rebecca. "I dont want the Queen. Thats Seora's job to kill her. Your mine!" She leapt forward, ready to bring the whip down when she suddenly shifted direction and sailed over Rebecca's head. The demoness landed behind her, snarling in anger. "Damnit Boru! I want to kill her!" She rose and turned to the other two. "Our little quarrel will continue later. My master wishes to speak with me." With a crack of the whip, she was engulfed in flames and dissapeared. ------ Boru rose from his throne. He ran a claw over the scar on his stomach. Seora stood nearby, waiting. Kara appeared, snarling at the malacha'ai. "What is it now? I was busy!" "We're launching an offensive against the hunters." "What?" Boru hefted his halberd. He stared at her with blazing eyes. "I said, we're launching an offensive against the hunters. The shadow lords have ordered it, but I only agree because I have other plans. Find Cold, tell him of the attack. We need all the firepower we can get." Kara stared at the demon for a moment before bowing. "As you wish, my lord." Boru turned to Seora, who smiled at him. "Dear me...is the mighty Boru a bit pissed off at a certain hunter?" "That...mortal...wil pay for what he did. Get to the summoning. I want an army ready by next week." "As you wish, my lord." The demon sat back down on his throne. It was adorned with skulls and bones of countless enemies. He smiled at his claws. "You will drink of the blood of Phoenix soon enough." -------- ((Thats right. A full demon and hunter war is about to break out. However, it'll be continued in another RPG which will be named Hunters Chapter 2: Maelstrom of Blood. In this one, all will come to an end. But I still need some time for something special, so keep posting. I will let you all know when the new one is ready. It'll be explained in recruitment, or if you cant wait, PM me and I'll explain.))
  7. New idea. I want to make sure its original at least. ----- Religion has completely taken over the world. A group known as the Conference have declared themselves spiritual and political leaders of the world. Any one who goes against them is labeled a heathen, and is killed by the Holy Army. They call themselves the messengers of god, but are corrupt with greed and power. The only one the people truly label as the messenger of god is a priest named Soji, who is the only survivor of St. Hilda's Slaughter. Using his gun "Divine" and incredible powers that range from immolation to possession, he kills those he deems as heathens, always heading towards the Conference. His apprentice, a young girl named Akari, travels alongside with her dual guns "Crucifer" and "Purgatory". Both are labeled heathens by the Conference, and are sought after by the Holy Army. But killing them isnt gonna be easy. ---- Thats the basic premise. There's gonna be many more branches of the plot and it'll get much deeper (especially when the St. Hilda's Slaughter incident is revealed) but thats basically it. Any suggestions on how I might improve the plot or any feedback? And dont worry. Soji isnt one of the pacifist gun slingers like some others *cough cough Vash cough cough*. He believes in 'Divine Punishment', if you get my drift.
  8. ((eh?)) Von bent down and picked up a box. It was dwarfed in his palm. He hesitated before cracking the lid slightly. He stared into it for a moment before heading in. He took another glance. The gift was a tennis ball. Von smiled at it, and began to bounce it against the wall. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. "What are you doing?" Von missed his catch and the ball thudded between his eyes. He fell on his back and the ball rolled to Ciarra's feet. He grinned up at her, reaching back and grabbing the ball. He rocked back up and began to bounce it again. "Interesting...its so simple, yet so much fun to!" She smiled and sat down next to him. He threw it yet again, and began to hum a tune. It was slow, and his deep voice made it quite an enjoyable sound. It was a strange tune that repeated itself every now and then. "Thats a nice tune. What's it from?" Von froze, his eyes wide. The ball bounced against his chest. He was shivering, completely ignoring Ciarra. --------- Von looked up from the base of the tree. He had been sitting there for a long time, enjoying nature. He heard the voice singing the song walking down the path. A young girl skipped down the path, singing to herself. "...and should the moon fade, and trees shudder, then wrap your arms around me, keep me warm from the breeze and I'll tell no other, And should the moon fade, and the trees shudder, I'll keep you and you'll keep me, Together we'll wander the morning dreams..." The girl's voice faded off and Von smiled. He began to hum the ditty. ------------ "Gah!" He gripped his head, suddenly back in the house, sitting with Ciarra. "Von! Are you ok?" "Ugh! Whoo! What a rush!" He smiled and laughed. "I had a memory. Painful. But still a nice feeling." She stared at him with worry. He smiled at her. "Not a problem. Im fine, really. It was nothing big or heart crushing. Where was I?" He began to bounce the ball against the wall, now physically singing the words. ((Real song. Hard to remember the lyrics, but its a nice tune. Irish actually...))
  9. Oi...girlfriends are difficult to figure out...especially the coy ones. I personally have completely given up on trying to figure them out, but as for your question: Dont kiss yet, unless she makes the first move. You never want to get that *yank the head away with a 'what are you doing?!' look* Holdings hands and around the waist is probably fine. Unless she's trying to keep it a secret, I doubt she'd get mad for that. In fact, she would probably feel a bit more comfortable around you. And definitely *and I cant stress this enough* smile and be happy! After all, you've got someone to like you *and maybe, if all goes well, love you* and theres nothing better then that in life! Oh, and for the love of all that is holy and true do NOT listen to Xander Harris! Good luck!
  10. ((Ugamon, I'll lay off the cruel remarks when you finally get my name right! Its SILVER, not SLIVER. And you still have many mistakes buddy. :laugh: )) "Optimistic, irritating. Depending on how long you stay around me, your opinion may change!" She laughed, and Von suddenly turned around. [I]Gah! Im blushing! She's way too cute! Damn! Cant let her...wait a minute...IDIOT! ITS TOO DARK TO SEE YOUR FACE![/I] Von stood up. He grinned down at Ciarra, hiding the fact that his left hand was shaking. "You want to fly? I may be able to help." "Huh? But you can only manipulate earth." She looked up at him. He raised a finger to his lips. "Lets keep this our secret. I dont think the others would approve of me using my powers in such a wasteful way." He raised one hand and clenched it into a fist. A flash of gold light circled the pair. Ciarre got up in shock, stumbling slightly. Von caught her around the waist and steadied her. "You dont have to come if you dont want to. I understand if you dont trust me enough or if your scared." Ciarra's mouth dropped. They were standing on a hovering platform of dirt, a few inches over the ground. Von filled in the crater below before looking straight into her eyes. "Well? Its safe, I wont let you fall. My one request is that you dont tell the others."
  11. ((everyones just getting stronger and stronger. Lets try to keep this toned down!)) Night glared at the ceiling from his bed. He was strapped in around the middle as a precaution. Selino knew about his moods. His entire lower face from the nose down was wrapped in gauze, hiding the dislocated jaw. Though the medicines would heal it in around a day, it was still miserable none the less. [I]Damnit! If I had just gotten up, I could've killed him when I had the chance![/I] A whimpering caught Night's ears and he glanced at the door. Shirow walked in, bandages wrapped around his middle. He crawled onto the bed and collapsed on Night's legs. The hunter stroked the wolf with his free hand. [I]You did good old friend. Glad to see your alive.[/I] [I]Likewise master. Im...just gonna...rest my eyes...[/I] The wolf fell asleep, making small growls in his dreams. Night soon followed suit, also making small growls, albeit much deeper. ------------------ Kara watched the battle unfolding in the church. The demoness licked her claws. "Wonder how the girl tastes..." With a small flutter of her wings, the demoness landed behind the succubus and reached straight through her chest. The demon's heart was clenched in her claws, still beating. Kara leaned over. "Change of plans dear. Go back to hell." Kara faced her opponents, a sadistic smile on her face. "Lord Boru believes that you two are going to get in his way. Im supposed to kill both of you and bring the girl to him. Wonder if he'd believe that she died during the battle!" With a hiss, Kara leapt straight at Rebecca, green flames leaping from her eyes. She was much stronger then some demon. And in her eyes, no half breed could measure to her power as well!
  12. Von scratched his head, thinking about how to answer her. "I...dunno if i'm ok. I try not to think about it." "Why? Arent you worried?" "About what? I've seen people who worry, or think too much. They all look...just so unhappy...and I dont want that. I would never want to be unhappy like that, which is why I make the best of everything. I mean, it could be much worse." "We have no memories, and are obviously being hunted by someone. How could it be worse?" "Well, we could all be dead or we could NOT have our powers to protect ourselves." "Light hearted way of thinking." He smiled, and leaned back, staring at the sky. "Well, wouldn't you rather be happy then sad? It makes sense to want a good thing. I would rather love then hate, be happy rather then unhappy, be alive rather then dead." "Well, yeah. Everyone does." "Then why dont they? So far, it seems like everyone believes they have to worry. I just dont understand those people. Im not sad or bitter because I dont want to be like Kredion!" He rocked back up, staring at her. "Does that answer your question?"
  13. [I]H...he completely shattered my jaw...[/I] Night coughed, spouting out blood. He glared at Cold, who stared back, making sharp gasping noises. Night had crushed his ribs. However, the hunter couldn't move, the pain was too great. Night suddenly remembered Shirow and that creature. He looked to the side, where he had last seen Shirow. Nothing but blood. [I]S...shirow?[/I] [I]Master! Are you alright? GAHH![/I] "Shirow!" Night's shout came out in a torrent of blood, gargled to sound more like Shliroo. The hunter doubled over, head between his legs and blood pouring out. Farther away, a loud snarl and a howl echoed. [I]Damnit! Im losing too much blood...huh? Footsteps...[/I] Night raised his eyes, as did Cold. Selino stared at the scene. "Master Night. Are you quite alright?" "S...sel-blegha!" "You shouldn't speak with a broken jaw master. All you'll do is cause more blood to come out." "K...kilsh...him..." "Im afraid I cannot kill him master." Selino turned to the creature holding Shirow's limp form. "Release Shirow, and your master will remain unharmed creature." "I can kill you before you reach him old one." Another Selino walked out of the shadows. A third and fourth came out as well. "True. But one of us will kill him. Which will it be?" A dagger raised over Cold's exposed neck. A moments hesitation, and Shirow was lowered to the ground. Selino stepped away from Cold. The creature gathered Cold up, and Selino and two hunters gathered Night and Shirow. The warriors glared at each other, neither able to speak, but the message was clear. [I]This isnt over...[/I]
  14. Boru reappeared several feet away. He was gripping his stomach and glaring at Phoenix. "You miserable piece of filth!" The crate next to him erupted into flame. His glare turned to Ziarre. "Ah. The half breed. Shouldn't you be setting fire to some building?" "Shut up!" "Poor poor Ziarre. All alone in this little war. The hunters think your weak, that you cant handle anything on your own. It must be difficult having to hold back when your full powers could cause so much glorious destruction." "I said shut up!" Boru winced as a jet of fire blew past his shoulder. He was bleeding from the stab wound pretty bad, but he didnt show it. "Now why should you, a warrior with strong demon blood coursing through your veins, protect those who dont care for you? You defend strangers who would jump at the chance to kill you. Your allied with people who believe that your just going to get in their way. Why, Ziarre?" Boru was talking softly now, and had backed up against the wall, leaning on it heavily. [I]Damn that hunter! He did more damage then I thought![/I] "Why should you defend those who dont even believe in you?" "Ziarre! Dont listen to him!" Zet took a step forward, but a sheet of fire rose up in front of her. Boru lowered his claw, still staring at Ziarre. "You could be powerful Ziarre. So much stronger, able to defend those you love and kill those you hate. You'd want that, wouldnt you? I can give that to you. You wouldnt be able to control fire. You would be the very soul of it." The Malacha'ai stepped into the shadows, dissapearing. The sheet of fire died down, allowing Zet to get to Ziarre. The pyrokinetic heard Boru's voice echo in her mind. [I]You are powerful...but only if you dont hold back....forget the humans. They hinder your strength, while with me...it would multiply.[/I]
  15. Von finally stood up, kids hanging off his arms and shirt. He tried to walk, but only made three steps. He saw Ciarra sitting on a swing and waved. But he doubled over when the kids leapt onto his back. They were enjoying taking down the huge man, not realizing he could crush them. Staggering around, he finally collapsed, breathing heavily in mock exasperation. "No more! No more! You win! I surrender!" He waited till they cleared off his body before even attempting to get back up. Tripping, he saw that one kid had tied his boots together. He bent down, attempting to undo the intricate knot. "Didn't think I'd see you here. Where are the others?" "Still at the food place. What were you doing?" "Ah, that. Just having some fun with the kids." "Arent you a tad old for wrestling in the dirt?" "Your never too old for fun! If you ever think that, you'll end up bitter." Von sat on the ground in front of her since the swings would've broken under his weight. He stared at Ciarra for a moment. "You okay? You dont have to answer that, it just seems like somethings wrong. If you want to be alone, I can go back to the house."
  16. Night's blade barely missed. "Shut up! If your gonna fight, then do so! Dont waste time with talk!" Night swung his blade at waist level. Cold leapt over it, then gagged as Night grabbed his throat. The hunter slammed him into the ground, taking a slash to the chest from the rapier. "Your a fool. You enter combat unprepared?" "Dont take me lightly hunter." A jet of ice hit Night full on, forcing him backwards. "I never underestimate, only overestimate!" With a snarl, Night moved forward, throwing one of his feet out in a kick. He missed, and received a violent jab from the hilt of the rapier. He flipped outwards, glancing at Shirow. The wolf was much faster, but wasnt inflicting nearly enough damage. Night whirled, swinging the sword in a figure eight. It glimmered before smashing into the rapier. They were nose to nose again, pushing with all their might. Both were powerful men, and were skilled warriors. Night had already made the mistake of losing his temper. He struggled to calm down, his breathing returned to normal. Cold noticed the change and broke free. Night grinned, changing his stance slightly. He now held the sword with one hand, the other hand stretched out in front. Cold realized what was happening. "Ah...now, Im fighting the famous hunter Night!" "Thats right. You came at the wrong time creature." Night moved forward quickly, no longer a blind charge, but a controlled movement. His blade was almost invisible, moving as fast as it was. The hunter had the advantage of experience, but Cold had his ice magic. Between dodging ice and the thrusts of a rapier, Night was hard pressed to find openings. --------- Boru threw Phoenix to the ground. He licked blood off his claws, laughing. "Get up hunter. I've had my fun with you, I want to kill you now. Stand up, or you wont be able to fall when im done with you!" The demon walked over, gripping Phoenix's throat. He raised a claw, aiming for the jugular. "Fine. Then die on your knees!" A jet of flame hit Boru's claw. He recoiled, gripping the burn. "Damnit!" He glanced up at Zet and Ziarre. His eyes locked with the pyrokinetic. "Well well. Two half breeds. And one of them was the one I met in the tech section. Night really is lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful creatures, even if they are weak!" He slammed his halberd into the ground, ripping a trench of demonic energy towards the trio. ------ ((s'alright))
  17. Von was outside, making small buildings of dirt with his powers. He would make a town, destroy it with a few cartoonish roars, then rebuild. He was careful to at least make it seem like he was just fooling around. No one saw his powers. He continued the pattern. Build, destroy, build, destroy. "ARRGH! ITS SO BORING!" He hopped up, leaving his small city intact. He threw a few punches and kicks. "Damn...damn...damn...DAMN! I WANT SOMETHING TO DO DAMNIT!" [I]Then stop complaining and do something moron![/I] "Duh!" He wandered the city for a few moments (in the opposite direction the three had taken. He didnt want to be near them at the moment) before finding a park. "Eh, what the hell." He proceeded to play on the playground. Eventually, some kids came up. Without a word, they leapt onto his back and began to wrestle. The parents nearly pounced on them, but after seeing how happy Von and the kids were, relaxed somewhat. Von was pinned by around 15 different kids of varying ages, and was laughing happily, like an overgrown child. [I]Happiness...is definitely a good thing![/I] ------ ((Before anyone thinks this is wierd, kids have actually done that to me!))
  18. "Theres nothing more satisfying then the screams of hunters." Boru laughed as he raised his claws over Phoenix. A flame coated his hand. "You may want to bite down on something." ----------------- Night was fuming in his library when he heard the flapping of wings. He turned, staring at the demoness that leaned against a bookshelf. "Your one of Boru's lackeys..." "Harsh words Night. I want to talk, nothing more." "Sounds familiar. What about?" "Not offering a lady a drink?" "Im rather fond of my blood, thank you." She laughed, walking slowly over to his desk. Shirow was going insane, growling and snarling at her. Night ran a hand over the wolf's back. "Its alright Shirow. She wont try anything. Not here." The demoness smiled coyly. She sat down on the edge of the desk, crossing her legs. "Where to start. Oh, how rude. My name is Zhera. An honor to meet the famous Night. But I didnt come for pleasantries unfortunetaly. Rebecca has gone off for the Queen of Hearts on her own, and-" "WHAT?!" Night leapt up, gripping his sword. Zhera licked its tip. "Let me finish. She's gonna have a rude awakening. And Phoenix is with Boru. At least, if my master hasnt killed him yet." "You..." "Goodbye Night. I do hope that I can see you again under more...pleasurable matters." She faded away. Night didnt hesitate, he smashed through the door, followed by Shirow. "ZET! ZIARRE! PHOENIX IS IN TROUBLE! I NEED YOUR HELP! BOTH OF YOU!" He dashed out the door, hoping they would catch up. He was strong, but not even the three of them would have an easy time with a Malacha'ai. Hopefully, Rebecca wasnt in an equal amount of danger.
  19. ((Its true that we wouldnt have done so if you had posted sooner, but nothing we can do now. It makes for an interesting RPG if you have characters that conflict.)) Von stared down at the phone. He started to chuckle, quietly at first but steadily increasing. "That ass...How do I know when he has the phone? Hahaha!" He turned, glancing at the girl who called herself Selena. Well, he had enough talking today, so he merely smiled at everyone and went out back, pocketing the phone. He sat down on the porch and stared at the sky. Lost in thought, searching his own shattered mind for any remnants of memories. He found none and sighed. "...for a group of depressing people...they are definitely very fun to be around. Hehehe. Even if I do fight with them. Hehehe. Well, I figured I would make enemies." He walked back inside, turning to the remaining group. "So. What do we do? Stay here and rot, or what?"
  20. Gray kicked the demon off of Robin. He flashed a smile at her before snapping the creature's neck. He slammed his fist into the ground, tearing a trench open and killing several other demons. Gray picked up Shin, who took a hold of his pickaxe. "Keep em off my back Shin!" The dwarf sat on the miner's shoulders, hacking at heads of demons. Gray pulled out his axe and pick. He leapt upwards, Enkai and Mane following suit. He landed amidst a group of them, wreaking havoc with his huge weapons. He was impressed and a little shocked when Kadaj lost it. "Damn but he's strong. Very strong. Glad Im his ally!" Enkai smashed three demons against a wall. Gray let out a yell, throwing himself between the other elements and a mass of demons crowding the doors. "Not bloody likely! I just met these people, and I rather like them, so if you dont mind, you wont be KILLING THEM TODAY! So unless you like the feel of earth crushing you, I would turn around and get the hell out of here!" Gray, Mane, Enkai, and Shin threw themselves with roars into the entrance, their massive frames blocking the doors. He caught sight of someone with dragons. Gray called up to him, still swinging his massive axe with a shredded arm. "Oi stranger! Mind lending a hand here? They're denting my axe."
  21. ((*holds up garbage can lid* Hah.)) "Hmmm...your all so depressing." They turned to look at Von. He closed one eye. "If you really feel that you should leave, then go. But I had a rude welcome when I woke up, and Im pretty sure you wont have it easy yourself, regardless of your power." He walked over and clapped a hand on Kredion's shoulder. "Besides, your chances of finding this...Hashu or whatever, would greatly increase if you had others helping you. Course, its not my decision. Everyone can make their own choices about it, but I dont plan on letting you go alone. I dont care how fast you move, I will continue to follow, and thats that." It was silent for a moment. Von suddenly burst out. "Then again, your so incredibly depressing I think I'd prefer to stay with the two cute girls over there." He pointed at Ciarra and Aria.
  22. ((Punk...)) Von scratched his head. "Yeah, your probably right. But I refuse to become depressed. Because so long as Im alive, theres a reason to be happy, right?" "Your an idiot." "No. I find the best of things in all things. If you sit down and accept your fate, you'll just end up miserable. I dont care what your dream said, I plan on learning my past, whether it kills me or not. So, maybe you think Im an idiot, I prefer the term ignorant. Until it comes to me, I wont worry about the future. That'll just lead to sorrow. How you lead your life is none of my business, but you should try to realize something." "Oh yeah? Whats that?" "That no matter how strong the shadows, even the weakest light can shatter them." Von began to clean up the mess, humming softly to himself.
  23. Gray had taken a liking to Kadaj. Course, the miner was a friendly guy. After awhile of running (during which Shin never shut up about slowing down) they found the inn. "Hmm...feel that?" Gray glanced at Kadaj, who nodded. "Yes...quite a few people in there..." Gray strapped his axe back against his shoulders, and walked into the inn. A few eyes stared at them, but Gray focused more on the other people with beasts. "Well...not unexpected." Shin hopped off of Mane and went straight for the bar. Gray grabbed the dwarf's shirt and lifted him off the ground. "We dont have any money. You spent it all at that damn gambling game at the last town, remember?" "Oh...hehe...right." Gray chose a large table near the others. He sat down and kicked a chair out for Kadaj. Enkai and Mane curled up next to the miner's feet, keeping a watchful eye on the others. Gray leaned across the table, whispering to Kadaj. "Interesting...what shall we do? Let them make the first move, or do we? I personally think it wise to wait and see."
  24. ((Huh...well, heres a small bit of humor...)) Von leapt back as the guy sat upright. He had been holding him down, since he had begun to struggle. He immediately let go as he saw he was awake. "Bout time. You were worrying uuuuAA!" Upon leaping back, Von's foot stepped in the bowl of water. He reeled for a second, before landing heavily on his back. The bowl landed gracefully on his face. A few moments passed before he got back up. "Well! That was fun! So, what were you dreaming?" Still sitting on the floor, Von looked at Kredion, pulling the bowl off his head. "And dont say nothing. You dont thrash that much without a good reason."
  25. I would make sure that they never threatened anyone again. Its stupid that for just trying to stay alive you get punished. And if the attackers are let go, I would probably go berserk. Ive seen similar cases in which the attacker sues the person for harming them while they were trying to steal the victims belongings or hurt said victim. I mean, how stupid do people have to be to let such horrible acts go on?! I think the juries who make the decisions have the mental capacity of a rock, if even that! But i do agree with you Heero in that if I do get charged, it should be for murder, not attempted. I would jump at the chance to hurt someone who thinks they can push others around.
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