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Everything posted by SilverCyclone
(((Its what you get for calling me a lug.)) Von was rushing back and forth at the commands of the woman with random things. Washcloth, medicine, water, cushion. "Jeez! Just tell me what you need in one load maam!" [I]Odd...Im still not getting tired...thats not normal. My legs should be fatigued or something! Its not normal...Im not normal![/I] "Shut up shut up shut up!" He froze as he realized the group was staring at him. "Oh crap...did I say that out loud? Uh....just having a little argument with myself..." He continued to rush back and forth, getting a little annoyed with the group. [I]Depressing sons of....Why are they all so miserable!? It could be worse![/I] [I]Shut up. Take your own advice and stop complaining about how your not tired.[/I] "Yeah, yeah..."
"What the...?" Von turned as the guy hit him as he fell. Von crouched over him, tapping him lightly on the face. He turned to the others. "OI! He doesnt look too good!" Lifting him easily, he rushed him inside. He stopped in front of the old woman. "Uh...he just collapsed! Where should I...?" "On the couch! On the couch!" Von stepped over a low table as he rushed to the couch. Depositing the guy there, he immediately jumped back as the others came in. Von sidled against the wall, not sure how to react. Sure, he made friends easily enough, but these people were just depressing him. He glanced back at the guy who passed out. [I]Depressing people who fall unconscious randomly...nice...I have a feeling i'm gonna make a few enemies in here...what a wonderful day...wake up among debris and dead people, meet a group that I think are from my memories, find out that most are just depressing, and then have a guy collapse...just bloody wonderful.[/I]
"Selino. Where are-" Night paused halfway down the stairs as he saw Ziarre. He was silent before continuing down the steps with a shake of his head. He ignored her as he passed by. "Selino, where are the damage reports from the tech fight? Alan just called and he wont shut up about how much damage is down there." "Sir?" "What?" Selino stared at him in surprise. Everyone was acting so differently of late. A sharp barking was heard from the stairs. Shirow snarled as he passed Ziarre, even taking a snap at Rath, who lashed back with a claw. "Damnit...Shirow! Stop it!" [I]But Master! She smells different then the usual Ziarre![/I] "I dont care! Get down here! Why the hell would I care how she smells?" The wolf trotted towards his master, still growling lightly. Night took a firm hold of his collar and walked towards the library, obviously pissed at something. Selino looked at Ziarre, who dissapeared to her room. [I]What is happening to her...even Shirow senses it....[/I] --------------------------- Boru was kneeling with his halberd in the center of the warehouse. He sniffed the air happily as he caught the scent of Phoenix. "Come quickly little mortal. I cant wait forever..." The demon rose, his wings spread out behind him. "This...is gonna be a fun slaughter!" --------------------------- The demoness stared at the mansion. Behind her, three hounds waited. She was perched with crossed legs on a pillar in the courtyard. She smiled as she saw Night walk into the library. "Well well...you look pissed at something dear...dont worry. If Kara plays her part, you wont have to worry about your little half breed or that nasty Queen of Hearts...nor the child, for that matter." She dissapeared with the hounds into shadow. -------------------------- Another creature flitted across the halls. No one saw it, no one heard or felt it. It headed down stairs. [I]Where is my blood...where is my prey....[/I] ------------------------- A rather young demoness watched the three in the church. [I]A succubus...they always ruined the best fights. It wouldnt even be a warm up for those two! [/I] She licked her lips. But that child was absolutely mouth watering. [I]I'll wait and see what happens. Maybe I'll get lucky and one will kill the other. If not...[/I] She licked her claws with a sadistic grin.
Since most of the people had ignored Vonegard, he decided to get to know the two girls better. Much better. He struck up a conversation with them, and found that he had missed two fights! This depressed him somewhat. "Damn...well, Im sure you two gave them a good ass whupping!" He was flirting shamelessly, enjoying himself. He wasnt being rude about it, he didnt touch them or anything, he was just obviously flirting. He had been filled in on what he had missed. "I see. Well then! I will follow you both wherever you go, and defend you with my life. What else would a guy do for two lovely ladies? Though Im sure you can handle yourselves, never hurts to have a helping hand!" While striking a pose, he tripped, falling flat on his face with a thud. As the dust cleared, he bounced back up. "Not to worry! I did that on purpose to prove a point!" The girls were struggling not to laugh. They werent doing too well. "and what point is that?" "That you should always tie your boots. One moment!"
Gray stared at the man as he left the cover of the trees. He shouldered his axe, shifting his gaze to the carnage around him. A rather large tiger padded out next to the miner, along with a wildcat and a dwarf. Gray finally returned his look to the man. "Beautiful bird. Enkai says you dont have the scent of chaos on you, nor do you look like a slaughterer. Perhaps a killer, but nothin on this scale. Sheath your blade, and I will put up my axe. I mean you no harm." Gray strapped his huge axe across his back, waiting for the man to do the same. A moments hesitation, and the blade singed into the scabbard. Gray breathed a sigh of relief. "My name is Gray. The dwarf is my apprentice, Shin. The cats are Mane the wildcat, and Enkai...my tiger. Who are you?" "Your certainly trusting." "Nope. Notice, I never once told my friends to lower their guard." Enkai and Mane had their claws and fangs bared. Shin was holding a large pickaxe. "You look strong, but I doubt you can take all of us. I just want to at least try to make friends before jumping to conclusions. So I try to be as friendly as possible first." "Either your very wise, or very foolish. My name is Kadaj. This is my companion, Tyiar" "Nice to meet you both, Im sure. Well, its obvious that neither of us did this. Enkai smelled the blood a little ways down. We came to investigate. I thought I saw a horse, but it may have just been shadows. Why are you among the ruins, if you dont mind me asking?"
((Right, right. Sorry about that everyone. I'm getting the hang of it.)) "Finally. Found them! Eh...should probably get clothes before meeting them all." He gently pushed the door to the house open. He had to stoop to avoid hitting his head. He looked around before seeing the old woman. Vonegard smiled warmly. "Hehe. They said you have clothes. I dont want to trouble you, but as you can see I am a little underdressed!" "Another one? Oh my. Well, lets see what we can find." "Thank you very much." It took twenty minutes before he was dressed. Very, very big slacks and a brown t-shirt. The shirt was a little small, but comfortable. He took the three belts strapped across his shoulders and buckled them on. Just for looks. He thanked the woman again before heading outside. He saw several others who stared at him, along with the two girls who had greeted him. "Hmm...cute...I'm Vonegard. Im assuming your the people from my memories, right? Sorry, but I dont know your names, and I can already sense one of you is mad with me. Hehe." He glanced around with a smile. He was trying desperately not to laugh. [I]Kind of depressing here...maybe I got the wrong people...[/I]
Night was asleep on his desk, several papers still clenched in his fist. Selino shook him awake. "Master Night. Master Night, wake up sir." "Ugh...huh? Selino...how long have I been asleep?" "Around an hour sir." "Any word from Ziarre? How is everyone?" "Unfortunetaly, Lady Ziarre has completely dissapeared. She wont answer my calls, and Im pretty sure she is no longer on the grounds. Lady Zet has made a full recovery." Night glanced at the clock. 3 in the morning. Great... "Good to hear that. What about Phoenix?" "A complete recovery, and he has headed out once again. But, uhm..." "What is it?" "Lady...Rebecca has left. She didnt tell me where she went, or why. She merely told me to inform you when you awoke." The hunter slowly got up. What the hell was happening...why were all his Hunters suddenly acting so strange. He rubbed his eyes. Leaving without telling him where they were. And his four best and favored hunters were the main perpetrators of these acts. He felt like a father with rebellious children. And it pissed him off to no end. "...I need a vacation...and liquor..." "I can supply you with one of those needs sir." Night laughed, unaware of the shadow that flitted across his window. [I]Cant kill Rebecca...cant find Ziarre...Cant kill Zet...Cold...Lisette....child...Boru....Phoenix...Night. No good targets...hehe. But Selino...heehee![/I]
((My own little world, Ugamon? What do you mean by that?)) Vonegard had entered the town, finding little to interest him. All he knew was that the voice had left his head. His mind was slowly returning. He remembered his name, he remembered everything that a normal person should remember. But when he dived into his memories too deeply, he encountered a fog. Other people...there were others. I need...to find them. "But how..." A thought struck him. Of course. He needed to attract their attention. They weren't like these frail creatures around him. If something happened...they would go towards it, wouldnt they? "One way to find out..." He walked into a small alleyway. Cramped, he placed one hand flat on the ground. A steady pulse of seismic tremors vibrated the city, too small to be picked up by normal humans. He concentrated for a moment before he found what he was looking for. "Found you. Now...gotta get there..." Exiting the alley, he broke into a steady lope towards his destination. Wreckage. A large group of people around one area. Thats where he would find them. "Interesting...Im not getting tired...thats not normal...Hehe. I guess neither is waking up among debris and dead bodies. Ahahaha! Maybe they have clothes that actually fit me...these are uncomfortable."
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
SilverCyclone replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Wow...Most physically painful experience occured a few hours ago. Running in my PE class (on asphalt) a tripped and slid (actually, sliding is an understatement. More like dredged, ate it, and left half my skin and blood on the ground) around 5 feet on my palms and right knee. The knee is still bleeding, and my palms are shredded. I went to the nurse, cleaned and bandaged it, but only the knee patch is still on. That is definitely the most painful experience so far. God...it still stings as I type this! *grabs Neosporin* Sweet relief...take me away from the pain.... -
((Oh hell...I am late...sorry folks. Intense computer problems, usually with small fires. Here goes nothing...)) Vonegard was the last to awake. He found himself alone under a large desk. Pushing it off, he slowly climbed to his feet. He stared at his feet for a moment before looking at his surroundings. A thrashed room. Thats all he saw. Picking up a piece of glass, he looked at his reflection. He was big. Very big, with long hair. Dropping the glass, he tested his legs out. A moan reached his ears. He found a man under a piece of debris. Vonegard pulled him out, the looked at him carefully. [I]He looks nothing like me...he's so small...so frail...[/I] The man said something incoherent before gurgling. He fell limp in Vonegard's hands. He rose, and slowly walked out the door. A few more men down the hall. So small...fragile things. "Shit! There's one more!" A loud noise. A hole in his shoulder. Red liquid. Feeling...fear? No...anger! With a roar, Vonegard slammed his fist into the ground, sending a tremor to the soldiers. They were killed instantly. This...satisfied Vonegard. They were frail. He was not. He stripped them of their outfits. The men didnt attack those who had these on, Vonegard reasoned. A few minutes later, he was wearing a ragtag assortment of clothes, but none of them fit properly. He had torn the long pants to make crude shorts, and the shirts were little more then open chested vests. A few belts hung across his shoulders, three count. He was still barefoot. He stepped out of the building, into bright light. Still...no feeling, but a voice. Female. He saw a jeep. Old, beat up...inconspicous. He climbed in, and after a few futile attempts, finally got it started. He drove off, weaving to and fro, to where he saw tufts of green and white. Buildings...and trees. Thats...where the voice in his head was calling him. Thats where he would find whoever spoke to him. He pushed on the pedal harder, pleased by the roar of the engine. He glanced in the seat next to him and found some of the objects the men had attacked him with. He threw them in the back seat, and continued to drive. ((Man...I still cant get over how late I am...I figured I'd make Vonegard have very little memory at all to make him interesting.))
Boru landed near the docks. He glanced around and saw a female demon flying towards him. She landed next to him lightly, her black hair falling around her face. The Malacha'ai stared at the wharehouse. "Well?" "The Queen of Hearts has stolen a child from the Hunters. She wants one of the half breeds in return for it. Cold dissapeared after you interfered, and that apparition of his has yet to be found, not to mention that Kara's getting impatient. Wonder why she hates the half breed that was with Night at the exchange." "So many pawns getting in our way. What of the other half breed, the one that attacked me?" "She went to the mansion, but after that I couldn't find her." "I see...hmm...Cold has a vendetta against Night, and you seem to want to kill this...Queen of Hearts." "For my own reasons, yes." "Now, the Hunter we just handed back wishes to kill me..." "How do you..." A small imp crawled onto Boru's shoulders. "I have my spies as well. Phoenix is tracking me now. I wont dissapoint him. I'll wait here, then kill him when he comes." Boru walked into the warehouse. At the entrance, he turned back to the demoness. "All these rivalrys will get in our way. Get the pyro to the church in North Telbar, then kill her. Thats where her blood must spill." "And Cold?" "We'll deal with him when he's taken care of Night. No Acolyte will show me up. Deal with the Queen in whatever way you see fit." Licking her blade, the demoness bowed. "Thank you, Lord Boru."
What if only one person had to die, in order to defeat death? Once that person's blood spilled, Death would be satisfied, and all would be immortal. Would you kill the person to end all death, or would you drink the blood, and become immortal yourself? Now, what if that person was only a child, a young girl to be exact. Could you still bring yourself to kill her? After all, its for the greater good, right? One who is evil could drink her blood, she that is fallen from heaven, and become immortal. Some will protect her, and die in the process. Others will defend the defenders at the cost of their very souls. But most will attempt to slay her, either to free the world, or to become Hell incarnate. Which side will you stand by? Will you shed the blood of the wicked, or the blood of an angel? ---------- ((Hmm...I am disturbed...anyways, yet another RPG. In this one (set in ancient times), there is a young girl who's blood will satisfy Death and make the world immortal. Naturally, this creates many enemies. However, some people believe that by being immortal, humans will descend into utter chaos. They will protect the girl. Getting interesting? Theres more. Still some believe that only they have the right to be immortal and plan on drinking her blood to become immortal. You can join any side, be it defender (save the girl) killer (kill her for the world) or evil (drink the blood). I need someone to play the girl. PM me and I'll send you her partial sign up (certain things are set, while you make up the rest). You have a choice of four races: Humans, which can be on any side. Elves, also any side. Half Angels, which must defend her. Curst, which must be evil. Here's the sign up: Name: Age: (elves and half angels cant go over 300 years of age) Gender: Race: (human, elf, half angel, or curst) Side: (defender, killer, evil) Appearance: (picture or really good description) Personality: Weapons: (max of three. Think fantasy/medieval) Spells: (if any, max of four) Reason for Defending/Killing: (why are you defending her, or trying to kill her, or trying to drink her blood) -------- ((Mine)) Name: Eridin Moonstrider Age: 125 Gender: Male Race: Half Angel Side: Defender Appearance: [IMG]http://www.pcgames.de/screenshots/original/SpellBreaker.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Ruthless to an extreme, he will do anything it takes to protect the girl. One of the half angels who have sworn to find and protect her, his headstrong nature and pride make him a very aggresive fighter. His temper gets the best of him, and since he hates the fact that his anger conquered him, he tries continously to regain control over it. Weapons: Double edged blade that he throws like a boomerang and a full body shield. Spells: Divine Intervention- He raises a powerful barrier to defend against physical attacks. Shockwave- Slams his blade into the ground, sending out two waves of flame from the upper blade. Reason for Defending- Believing that the only way he can conquer his anger and atone for his sins is to defend the girl, he defends her to cleanse his tarnished soul. Though his fate was prophesied that he would die fighting for a divine child, he accepts it without hesitation and hopes that when he does die, he will be worthy of heaven.
Till wandered randomly. He glanced into several windows. "Why am I following these people...they're making it up as they go." [I]Like you can do any better?[/I] "True..." He made sure he wasnt seen through any of the windows. "Son of a..." He continued walking till he had made a full circle around the building. He saw Hunter a bit farther down, but quickly headed up stairs to avoid her. He continued his search. [I]Why are you avoiding her?[/I] "None of your business. Oh, great idea Till. Argue with yourself. Thats not suspicious." [I]You should probably shut up right now.[/I]
Night gripped his blade tightly. He was still wearing his body suit, his sword hanging limply at his side. He glanced at Rebecca. "Remember. No killing unless he provokes it." They entered the ruins of Raglad. Night was faintly aware of something moving in the shadows, but he was quickly diverted to Phoenix's limp form. "We're here demon. What do you want?" "As I told the half breed, I wish to talk with you." "Release Phoenix, then we'll talk." Boru rose, and with a swift movement broke the chains with his hand. He picked Phoenix up by the wrists and slung Kathra over his shoulders. "We meet halfway, no weapons." Hesitant, Night handed his sword over to Rebecca. He walked to the center, coming within two feet of Boru. The demon handed the captives over slowly. "Tell me Night. What happened between you and the half breed? This isnt the same one as before, though I must admit this one is rather easy on the eyes. Was the other one afraid of showing her face after I threw her around like a rag doll?" "Shut up. If you just came to taunt me, then this exchange is over." "Very well. The exchange is over. I look forward to the next time we meet, when we can have a proper chat." "Likewise." The two turned, Night heading back to Rebecca. Boru paused. "I also hope you'll always bring such a beauty with you whenever we meet." The demon leapt into the air, heading towards the docks. Night watched him dissapear before handing Kathra over to Rebecca. "Lets go...We still have to find the girl." The two left the ruins, unaware of the figure that flitted through the shadows as it followed them back. [I]Ziarre...Zet...Phoenix...Rebecca...Cold...Queen....Night...Boru....so many targets....so many...which to choose...[/I]
I agree with The Unholy Newt on this one. It wont be your last time, and sadly, it does get easier to deal with the more it happens. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and throw yourself back into the masses! If you keep at it, you'll find someone you like who likes you back! I've been rejected at least....well, lets not dive into that....but I never give up and now have several friends of the opposite sex who enjoy me. Im also thinking of asking one of them out soon as well... Good luck to both of us and happy hunting!
Sign Up Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [M-LSV]
SilverCyclone replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Name: Gray Age: 30 Sex: Male Appearance: Black hair, grayish black eyes. He has a very deep tan, almost earthen toned skin. He stands around 6'4" and has a rather bulky body. He always wears a brown vest over a green tunic. White pants with large black boots. Thick brown gloves and three belts across his waist. He has defined canine teeth, giving the appearance of fangs. History: A miner from an old village, he was one of the best. Because of his size and natural strength, he was incredibly productive. However, when the mines collapsed, his village became broke and was eventually razed. He began wandering and made a living in a valley where he mined rare ores. He met Enkai when a mine collapsed around him. Because of Gray's respect for the earth, Enkai helped him and the two became fast friends. Gray wanders, searching for something to occupy his time. He's been a soldier in an army and horse wrangler, but his prefered job is mining. Since he had been found by the villagers, he is assumed to have no parents. He hates anyone who enjoys hurting other people, and while a pacifist, has fought for many people he has never known. At one point, he stayed with a tribe of dwarves to further his mining skills, at which he also learned how to smithy. As a result, he can repair or create weapons. He also agreed to teach a younger dwarf all he knows, and now has three companions including a wildcat he found in a collapsed mine. Element: Earth Elemental Partner: Enkai the Earth Tiger Weapons: A huge axe that he keeps strapped across his back and a mining pick. Skills: metal forging (he's basically a blacksmith), mining, and horse riding. Spells: Downslide - Gray causes a tremor to shake the ground, ripping open the ground and throwing anyone not anchored off their feet. Companions: Mane, a large wildcat with a temper that he rescued in the mines. Only listens to Gray. Shin, a young dwarf who's learning mining from Gray. He uses a pick axe in battle. He's completely loyal to Gray. ------ Hows this amgoddess? I look forward to this! -
Night had been tossing books from his shelves, glancing at the titles, when Rebecca had come in. At her last sentence, Night had reflexively tightened his grip on a book. Though he loved all his Hunters, he enjoyed talking with Rebecca the most. "It wont come down to that. We'll find another way. There is no way in hell I would tell any of you to do such a thing." He leaned back in his chair, going over the recent events. "So...the child has been kidnapped [B]again[/B], and in order to get her back, I have to hand you over to this Queen of Hearts. I still have had no contact from Zet or Ziarre, Phoenix dissapeared after the battle without a word, and on top of it all, Alan's breathing down my neck." "If I may ask, who is Alan?" Night clenched his fist. The hate was easily recognized in his voice. "He's a lapdog for Black Ops, the branch responsible for covering up our "collateral damage" and keeping us a secret. They usually stay out of our way, since we have such a large task, but they're getting bolder of late. Oh, they also believe that half demons should be killed as well. The fools..." Shirow sniffed at Rebecca's hand, licking at the blood. Night glanced at her carefully. "What do you know about Malacha'ai?" "Not much...they were an elite group of demons who led the first assault on the humans. Why?" "We have one, named Boru. If he's here, that means that something is being planned. But, we have to deal with that Queen of Hearts before anything else. If we just knew where she was, we could fight her, but our spies have never even heard of her short of the police reports." ------------------ Boru watched the fight in the tech district. He flapped his wings lazily, his grip loose on the large halberd. Another demon, female, rose up next to him. "Watching a little entertainment, Boru?" "Yes...that Cold is quite a fighter. But I think he's overconfident." "Is that the pyro, Ziarre? I can kill her from here." "Patience. We need to wait for the emissary. He should be here in a few minutes. Weren't you sent to see to that Queen of Hearts?" "Yes. She's a strange one. Obssessed with collecting hearts. What do we do about her?" "Nothing. She's inflicting quite a bit of damage to the Hunters. She apparently has something against that half breed, Rebacce or whatever her name is." "Hah! Look! One of the hunters has been stabbed! Ah, such sights are a rare piece of beauty!" "A pity this cant go on..." Boru flew down, slamming his halberd into the ground and separating the combatants. Cold snarled as Boru looked at him. "What do you think your doing?" "Stopping you from killing someone we need. The master would be dissapointed if you killed her here. I need your services elsewhere." The demon turned to Ziarre. "As for you Hunter. You have shown great skill in battle, but you are far tioo weak to be of a threat. Return to your Night, and tell him that I want to speak with him face to face. Midnight, at the ruins of Raglad." A jet of flame shot towards him, but he knocked it aside. It took him two steps to grip Ziarre's throat. "Dont tempt me half breed. I would kill you, but your blood is not necessary here." He threw her aside, then turned to Phoenix's limp form. He slung him over his shoulder before leaping into the air. "Midnight Hunter. Or else your friend here dies! Hahaha!" ((long, I know))
Name: Vonegard Sierra Experiment Number/name: 2453/ Geo Age: 23 Appearence: Dark brown hair about shoulder length. Deeply tanned skin and brown eyes flecked with a dark crimson. He stands around 6'7" and has an athletic build. Around 145 lbs. He wears a vest (dark green) with jeans. Under the vest, he has a brown turtleneck on, but it has a long tear down the chest. He wears hiking boots, and thick gloves. Personality: Fun loving, he's never serious. He flirts shamelessly, and is never put off, even when the person he's talking to hates his guts. He always smiles and is pure of heart. Though innocent, his smile vexes anyone who stares at him for too long. He has an obssession for donuts, and because of his fun attitude towards life, makes friends easily. Genetic Power: Controls earth. He can make earthquakes, or just mold dirt into shapes. He has complete control over any form of dirt, mud, or sand. No rocks. Brief History: He was a rather popular young man in his original home. He lived alone, and worked as a laborer for hire. If he had free time, he would walk in the woods near his home. At one point, he was caught unawares on one such walk. His trusting nature led to his capture. He was drugged when one of the men offered him a drink, and became an experiment. ((Sounds fun. If I should change anything, PM me!))
Night stared at his limp coat where he had left the girl. His fists were clenched tightly as he struggled to calm down. "Son of a bitch..." "Master Night?" The Hunter turned to the others. "Return to Sierra Manor. We have to think of a way to deal with this." [I]Malacha'ai...cards....we're all being split up....this war is getting far too difficult to make sure my hunters are safe...[/I] -------------------- Night walked up the steps. He paused as he saw the man with a lit cigarette standing by the door. "Damnit...What do you want Alan?" The man glanced down at the hunters. His nose wrinkled as his eyes passed over Rebecca. "I came to talk Von..." "You'll call me Night or I'll make sure you never speak again!" "Fine. Can we talk in private?" As they walked in, Alan glared at Rebecca, who merely glared back. Entering Night's office, Alan sat down without a word. Night began to discard his bloody clothes. "Well, Night. You and your...hunters....have been causing far too much collateral damage. My superiors and I feel that you should leave all further cases to us." "In other words, they sent their lapdog to sick me." "You put far too many lives on the line. And the mere fact that you place your trust in those...half breeds proves that your unfit to fight this war." Night's fist connected square with Alan's face. The man slid across the floor. He glared back up, but Night grabbed his throat and threw him against the doors. "NEVER SPEAK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY HUNTERS! THEY ARE MY FAMILY, AND PUT THEMSELVES IN DANGER FOR ALL HUMANS!" "They are no better then the demons themselves! Have you seen the flames in the tech industry!" Selino was walking by the office when Alan flew threw the door. Night advanced on him, cracking his knuckles. The man dashed out the door in fright. Night, now in a black bodysuit with his silver hair falling to his shoulders, cracked his neck. "Selino! Has Ziarre or Zet contacted us?" "No sir. I'll be sure to let you know when they do." Night walked back into the office and slammed the remaining doors.
"No no. Its incredibly clever. We head right to the heart of the enemy, hitchhiking mind you, and save them the trouble of hunting us." "I told you, there are many places to hide." "Or many places to get shot where no one would hear the gun..." With that Till waited for the cars to show up. He raised his arms and covered the group from sight. "Before you ask, yes, im fine. Its alot easier to use my power in close proximity then anything else."
The child was only around seven or eight years old. She was clinging tightly to Night's coat, eyes shut. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Nice catch Rebecca...drop me on the roof, over there." They swooped down near an air conditioner. Night deposited the child, and his coat, behind it. He spoke to her softly. "Whatever you do, dont move from this spot until I come to get you. Dont make a noise. I will come to get you." The girl buried herself deeper into the coat. Night turned to the battle. He made a flourishing bow to Rebecca. "Ladies first." They both leapt into the fray. Night fought until he was back to back with Ziarre. They whirled around, doing considerable damage. "Ziarre. Zet is still in the tech center. She said dont come back, but I wouldnt feel right not telling you. I wont bother ordering you to not go, or to go. Its your choice." The hunter broke off, stopping a group of hounds from reinforcing them. The others were already mopping up the remnants, and only a few stragglers were left of the fight. Night looked around carefully at the ruins of Raglad. "Well...looks like we need a new meeting place..."
Night spun around, dealing out slashes and stabs. However, he was beginning to falter as more demons pressed around him. Killing three with one slash, he left his back open and was thrown against a wall. Rising shakily, he defended against the hounds and demons. A brief interval allowed him to glance around. Phoenix, Ziarre, and Rebecca, along with the companions, were the only hunters who had responded to his call? Something was wrong, it wasnt like his hunters to ignore a request for help. He froze as he saw a demon on a flight of stairs. It was almost human, short of its glowing red eyes, gray skin, and silver hair. Night froze as he realized what it was. "Ziarre! Phoenix! Rebecca! Its a damn elder! Its an elder demon! Kill it!" Elder demons. Able to summon entire armies, they were the bane of every hunter who had ever encountered them. Night himself fought one before, which is when he recieved the scar on his face. Night shoved through the fray, trying to reach the stairs. The elder dashed upwards, gripping something... "The child! Ziarre! Rebecca! Are you alive!? Phoenix?! We cant let it get away!" Night was cut short as a demon landed in front of him. It unsheathed a sword. "You should worry about your own skin hunter!" WIth a snarl, the creature leapt at Night, who met it head on. The blades sang out as they smashed again and again. "Damn it! Your no ordinary demon!" "Heh. Thats right. My name is Berus, and I am Malacha'ai!" Night shoved forward, forcing a breach in the masses of demons. He sprinted up the stairs, panting as he raced to catch the elder. The other demons poured onto the stairs, giving chase to the hunter. When Night burst onto the roof, the elder was standing at the edge with the child. Night leveled his sword. "Let the child go or i'll kill you!" "You'd kill me anyway Night of the Hunters." Night took a step forward. The elder held the kid over the edge. "Dont be so hasty. We wouldnt want to clean her up with a vacuum, would we." "Dont you dare!" The demon laughed. Night could hear the others storming up the stairs. With a shout, the demon hurled the child over the edge before leaping off the other side. Night dashed to the ledge and without a moments hesitation leapt over.
As Kit walked off, Tom realized that it was something he had said or done. He jogged up behind Kit and spun him around. "Hey. Didnt mean anything by switching off and on between you and Kani. Im just a little nervous." Tom grabbed Kit's arm and led him back to the bench before he could object. When Syn came, Tom was intrigued by his ramblings, but when he walked up behind him, Syn had stopped. Tom helped him onto his feet. "You shouldnt doubt your life. Its not worth living if you dont feel it is. I learned that along time ago." He was trying very hard to be friendly with the others. He didnt need to have grudges so soon after meeting them. Tom walked back over to Kani. He sat down and stared at her. "Wonder why I feel so spiritual of late...so...what now?"
Night stared at the ruined warehouse from his perch on Raglad's roof. He glanced down as Ranpu made his way into the building. Glancing back, he saw dark figures flit in and out of the fires. "Acolytes...and demons..." He backflipped onto the ground, leaving cracks on the floor. Rising, he took the note from Ranpu. "...crap...Phoenix. Zet wont be coming....I just hopse Rebecca and Ziarre arent detained elsewhere as well. Judging by the number of acolytes here, they did a very big summoning." Night stopped when his cell phone rang. "Hello?" "Tell me Hunter...have you ever seen the world through a veil of flames?" The hunter immediately threw himself backwards, grabbing Phoenix and Ranpu and hurling them out a window as Raglad became a firestorm. He yelled as the flames burned through his cloak before finally leaping out a window. He landed heavily near Phoenix. "Argh! Damnit! Phoenix! Are you-" He was cut off when a hell hound smashed into his side. Before Phoenix could help, another smashed into him. "Its a trap! Fight!"
Till's breathing was very slow, almost stopped actually. He remained unconscious for quite some time before coming to with a groan. His vision was blurry, and he was aware of being carried. [I]Did they catch me...is this the government?[/I] He decided to try a little test. Hooking his leg around the carrier, he tripped her and rolled away the second he hit the ground. He regained his footing a few feet away, still groggy. He strained his eyes, falling into a boxing stance. "Till! What was that for?" The illusionist glanced at Frankie, now rising from the ground. He began to recognize the faces. "Oh...sorry...I didnt know who was carrying me...sorry....how long was I out?" "Around 45 minutes, give or take. Can you run?" Till tested his legs by executing a few jumps. He stretched his arms and neck. "Yeah...I think so..." A few moments later, they were all continuing their run. Till slid easily next to Frankie, and after a few moments, thanked her and went next to Alex. "Thanks...for not leaving me back there..." His voice was emotionless, as was his face. He then sped up to Hunter. He wasnt as tired as the others, so he easily weaved in and out of them. "So, whats the plan anyway? What did you all decide to do while I was napping?"