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Everything posted by SilverCyclone
((Not sure if your at the plaza or somewhere else, so if I make a mistake, let me know Aqua)) Tom reached down and helped her up. Actually, he did more. He lifted her easily off the ground and placed her on the bench. With a rough shove, he awakened Kit. He then examined the cut. "Heh...just a scratch. Probably get them all the time." "There was no need to carry me..." He grinned, tearing a small piece of cloth off his shirt and tying it around her ankle. "Yeah, I know. But I've always wanted to do that for a girl. Sort of a romantic ideal sort of thing..." He suddenly realized what he said. "Not that I fantasize about that sort of thing! I mean, who wouldnt, your very...no wait, I mean...Dah! Wait, let me rephrase...no wait, I mean I would fanta-NO! You see I-!" He suddenly turned to Kit. "HI KIT! How ya doing you got here fast did you skip last period as well?!" [B](intentional punctuation misuse)[/B] Tom took a deep breath and calmed down. "Alright...now you know I talk really fast when I get nervous...So, Kani. Why did you call us here?"
((Action needs to be kicked up? Alright then...)) ------------------ "Your late Phoenix..." Night was staring out a window, the reports dangling limply from his hand. Shirow was sitting near the fireplace, watching carefully. "But, considering the circumstances, we can let it go this once. Now, we have a problem. On one of their raids, the police stumbled on a small gathering of acolytes. This alone doesnt present a problem, but there was also a rather powerful demon. They havent killed all of the police, there's still two officers left. Kill the demon and the acolytes, try to save the police if it doesnt put you in danger, otherwise let them die. Then meet up with Zet in the tech industry. Its not that I doubt her skills, I doubt her ability to refrain from collateral damage." Night handed him a paper with the coordinates. Phoenix bowed and left. Shirow looked at Night. [I]Whats wrong master?[/I] "Hmm...I dont know. I cant shake the feeling that I will regret sending Zet to deal with that meeting alone..." [I]She's very powerful master. You shouldnt worry.[/I] "Perhaps not...Shirow...do me a favor...I want you to prowl the city. Be my eyes, so to speak. Im tired of sitting on the sidelines. Lets find-" A rather large explosion rocked the mansion. Night hit the ground and rolled to avoid one of the suits of armor he kept in his room. Getting back up, he ran to the balcony. He could still see the explosion dissipating in the slums. "Well...least we dont have to sit idly by...the slums...well, police wont bother with this one..." Leaping off the balcony, he nearly landed on Phoenix. "Follow me! Now!" Night flipped open a cell phone and began to dial the other Hunters. "We have a situation in the slums. Im on my way with Phoenix, meet me at Raglad." Raglad was one of the many abandoned houses in the slums, but it was one of the few that the Hunters could always retreat to in times of emergency. Night sprinted to the slums, Shirow close behind
I practice shamanism, but it may be a different host then yours, as you can convert if you meet your guarding spirit. I practice the Wolf. I worship them, and will never hurt any animal intentionally. It kind of distances me from other people, but I prefer to be with the small group of friends I have now then any other person. I became a shaman, wasnt born into it sad to say. I came face to face with a wolf while camping, and I felt...strange...thats when I learned about this religion, and I do believe with all my heart that animals have spirits and should be respected and revered. I've met the wolf twice since then, once when I was on another camping trip and the other when I went hiking with a friend of mine. I can tell its the same one, as its always alone, and has a white patch on its forehead. And it kind of gives off a feel...a sort of vibe if you'll pardon the expression. Hmm...alright, i'm rambling now...but I think thats my guarding spirit. And I hope to meet it and talk with it someday, just to know a few things....
Night was reading a small black book as the Hunters filtered into his office. He coughed when a particularly large tome landed with a thud on his desk. He glanced at Zet. "Find out what you needed Zet?" She nodded. He smiled and closed his own book. "My library is always open to you, as you know. Now then, about the assignments. I wish I could wait for the others, but we are running out of time. The others will have to get their assignments when they finally get up. Rebecca, please come in. Its difficult to talk to someone on a balcony." He picked up a folder. Plain, red, like so many other things he owned. He opened it. "The acolytes have struck in several different places. We have a homocide, Gilford Rotterdale was found decapitated and with his heart torn out. Apparently, someone left a card in the chest, a six of hearts to be precise. This is the third one so far. There are also reports of several murders near the water tower area, and a large gathering of well known acolytes in the tech industry district, no doubt a summoning. In a related case, a child has gone missing, one we've been watching for several months now. Ziarre, your one of my more experienced Hunters, you'll handle the water tower. Judging by the corpses, youve got a rather large, if stupid, demon awaiting you there. Rebecca, take care of this Card Murderer if you would. Something doesnt smell right about it. Zet, although I hesitate to send you to a tech lab, what with all the fragile equipment...you will take care of this gathering. Do try to keep collateral damage to a minimum. Oh, and see if you can get any of them to reveal info on our missing child." He paused as he flipped open another report. He was silent for a moment, then looked up at the others. "Be careful. Word travels fast in this city, and I dont want any unneccesary publicity. Do try to...keep it clean." The last statement was directed to Rebecca. The Hunters filtered out to their tasks and Night stared down at the reports, waiting for other Hunters to report.
Till staggered as he stepped out of the car. His vision was misty as he stared upwards at the helicopters. He had wasted far too much energy in hiding the van and making the dog. Normally, it wouldve been easy, but he wasnt very good at projecting them so far away. He heard the screams in the cornfields, and shifted his vision to the choppers. Raising his arms, he prepared for one last illusion. The others saw a dark cloud form around the helicopters. Till's eyes were violet, and he was obviously very strained. He fell to his knees as the cloud dissipated. Blinded, the helicopters had smashed into each other. Several managed to escape, but four were falling to the ground. Till collapsed onto the car, crawling into a seat and falling unconscious. His arms twitched every few minutes.
Right. I have posted the RPG. All are accepted, and sign ups will remain open.
Night sat idly in his chair. His hand scratched Shirow's head slowly. He was staring at the fireplace, watching the flames and obviously lost in thought. A knocking stirred him. His retainer, Selino, walked in. Though relatively old, Selino had served Night unconditionally. In his younger years, he had actually accompanied Night on several hunts, but now he stayed at Sierra Manor, taking care of the old mansion. Night nodded to him and got up. He walked over to the closet. Selino pulled out a sword from its rack. Laying it on the bed, he glanced at Night. The hunter placed his red hat on his head. His trenchcoat (also red) swept the floor as he turned. He buckled on the blade, then went out onto the balcony. Breathing in, he saw the faint glows of portals and demons entering the world. He turned to Selino. "Alert the Hunters Selino. Its time to hunt." Selino bowed and went off. Night sat down at his desk and waited for the hunters to come to recieve their missions. ---------------- The acolytes wandered the streets. Here and there, corpses of sacrifices littered the alleys. Here and there, demons fed upon the living. There were also a few who were...better then the others. This particular branch of the acolytes was charged with guarding the others from the Hunters. It had been a constant war between the two factions for countless years. Recently, each side has been getting more and more savage. Its reached the boiling point, but the fires continue to grow. ---------------- ((Right...Hunters, report to Night to get your various missions. Acolytes/demons, your busy killing, marauding, looting, whatever the hell you want. Go to it.))
"Gah!" Till staggered, gripping his head. He fell to his knees, grunting in pain. "Sh...shit!" He slammed his head violently into the ground, apparently bringing himself back to his senses. The others crowded around him. "What the hell was that?" Till was breathing heavily. He glared up at Hunter, but the look immediately dissapeared. He stood up shakily, shrugging off anyone who offered help. "I...I dont know...I felt...such an incredible pain...huh...must be stress...ah, damn...that hurt like hell..." He regained his composure, now bearing his usual expressionless face. He was obviously shaken, evident by the fact that his form was flickering in and out of sight. He glanced back at Hunter. "Sorry...Im better now. What are we going to do?" The men were pounding on the door now. Till shut his eyes and raised his arms. The pounding stopped. Loud barking was heard, followed by shouts of surprise. The others looked at him curiously. He opened his eyes. "I doubt my illusion will fool them for long, but it'll buy some time. Make a decision before they realize its a fake!"
Till still stared at his desk. He had managed to avoid talking with Jon, even after he had whispered in his ear. Till was trying desperately to not get attached to anyone, either emotionally or physically. He was afraid, but of what, he wasnt sure, so he tried to make the others dislike being around him. That would at least give him a barrier to hide behind and...do what? What was the purpose of that? He let it slip from his mind. He didnt bother trying to get food. It was only when he finally stopped using his tricks to hide that the others noticed he didnt have any food. But, he was staring at the wall, humming something and moving his head as if listening to slow music. He suddenly stopped. A chill ran up his back, and he jerked around quickly. No one was behind him, but his sudden movements caused some to stare at him. He glared at the walls for awhile before turning back around. Upon seeing the stares, he lowered his eyes and faded from view. He reappeared on top of a cabinet, staring out a window at another phantasm of his mind. He began to hum the slow song again, moving his head slowly to the tune. The lights flickered violently for a second before returning to normal. Frankie leaned over to Jim and whispered. "Thats kind of creepy...especially the light thing..." Till continued humming, his face expressionless as he stared out the window. [I]Forget you exist...forget everything I can...dont hold on...let it go...shadows are the only true friend...[/I] A small smile appeared at his lips, and the song slowed down even more.
Tom limped faster towards the roar. He found B.T. waiting outside of a thicket. He gestured towards it. Tom nodded, and pushed aside a few branches to find Sakura glaring at him. He froze, recognizing the look. Swallowing, he continued out of the bushes. He stopped just out of reach of Sakura. He didnt say anything, just stared at her. She glared back before losing patience. "Well?" "...I...am an asshole...Sakura...please understand. My pride blinded me. I've been so focused on running from my own past that I...forgot that others have skeletons in their closets as well..." He paused for a second, wincing and leaning heavily on his sword. "...I dont deserve your love...that I realize...but I deserve a fair answer...regardless of the answer, you will tell me the truth." Sakura was silent as he regained his breath. He was still bleeding horribly, but he wasnt shaking. "Sakura, I can never understand why you killed. Nor can you understand why I killed. I wont pretend to understand what happened, its beyond my comprehension. But I am sorry. I have never been so ashamed in my life, but I am truly sorry." He fell to a kneeling position. He held the sword in both hands in front of him, like a knight swearing fealty. "Sakura. I ask your forgiveness, even if you cannot love me. If you cant forgive my actions...my pride...then I will understand, and will never trouble you with my presence again." His eyes were closed, but tears still fell. Tallie and B.T. watched from the bushes. "Please Sakura...answer me...end my confusion...give me that, at the very least..."
Sounds good. You may want to deepen the plot somehow though. Also, why would her greatest enemy want her as a bride? Does she hold some great power or is he just wierd that way? And why is he living with her boyfriend? Maybe Im just thickheaded, but its confusing to me. I would love to see any artwork you have for it though! :D
Till sat back somewhat, careful to avoid the others. He didnt bother using tricks to keep them away, it would just be pointless like so many other things. He stood there for a second, marking off the others and their various personalities. He watched them for a moment, then stared at their shadows. He was always fascinated by these dark shapes. Never the same, always moving, dark forms flitting across the floors. His thoughts were broken when a hand came into view. He looked up, his purple eyes falling on Jon. He stared at the hand for a while before looking back at him. Jon lowered his arm, but remained near him. "Your Till, right? The one who can make illusions?" "Illusions?" Till faded away for a second before appearing next to him. "Illusions are whatever you see. My gift goes much deeper..." Jon turned but found no one there. The others had stopped to watch. Till was everywhere at once, sometimes there were more then one of him, walking by each other. At one point, four Tills stood in the corners of the room. "I can manipulate your senses. You see what I want you to. You hear what I whisper. And you feel what I touch. I can even cloud your mind, and bring you peace from pain if I should feel so inclined." He stopped the show, his back turned to them. He was breathing heavily, the little show had worn him out. It was very difficult on his mind and body to use his gift to such extents. "So dont assume that illusions are the limits of my knowledge. I manipulate the mind. But past this, I am useless, not nearly as strong as the rest of you, and therefore not worth your time." He sat back down, staring at his desk in silence as the red cloth around his leg stopped fluttering. The lights flickered once.
Tom stepped into the plaza. He was now wearing his leather jacket over a red muscle shirt and jeans. He winced as the bruise on his arm throbbed. His cousin had been home... Tom glanced around. Apparently, only he was here. Wait...there was someone sleeping on a bench. That Kit or something like that. Tom walked over, sitting down at his feet. He didnt wake him, just sat down and leaned back to wait for the others. He heard Kit mumble something in his sleep. He shut his eyes, letting the waves wipe away his doubts about life.
All are accepted so far. I have another who'll join soon (or I kill him). Im hoping more people will join, but if not, we should have the minimum people necessary to join. We need evil people as well. Cmon folks, join up!
Till had been silent the whole time. Sighing, he headed towards the classroom, though few people noticed. He paused as he saw shadows dart across the wall. Shaking his head, he continued into the class room, apparently muttering to himself. He sat down in the back, glancing once to survey his surroundings. Then he settled in and began to amuse himself by making small shadow figures dance on his desk top. Every now and then one would fall of the edge and dissapear. He smiled sadly at this. "...dance till the death comes down..." He sung softly. Then fell silent as the figures continued their show.
He staggered, leaning heavily on the sword. He shrugged off any help that Tallie tried to lend. He continued to walk, every now and then pausing to regain his breath. "So, you and B.T. huh?" "Yeah..." "Congratulations. Actually I am kind of suprised...I didnt think love existed until a few days ago. Even now, Im having doubts...about Sakura...but I hope you and B.T....stay together for a very long time...hehehe..." He stumbled again, the blade sinking into the ground. His blood spittered onto the ground from his mouth. Tallie tried to help him, but he again shrugged her off. "Your a good person Tallie...you deserve to love...and be loved...as does B.T....everyone deserves a chance..." Tom's eyes were half closed from exhaustion. He stumbled more often, but refused to allow Tallie to help him walk. "I dont deserve her...I know that...but I cant stop searching...not until I hear it from her lips...not until she tells me to leave her will I stop loving her...Heh...listen to me...I sound like a bad movie hero....some...pathetic bastard who believes he's enlightened..." Tallie walked next to him in silence. He stumbled, falling to his knees. He breathed heavily. Tallie crouched down. "You shouldnt be doing this to yourself Tom. You'll kill yourself!" "No...I wont...I...plan on dying in a fight...protecting...everyone I love...not peacefully...not like this...when I go to Hell, I want to be clear on Sakura's feelings...until then...I refuse to die." He rose and began to walk, leaving a small trail of blood behind, every now and then pausing and calling out for Sakura.
Im taking a break from my usual genre of serious mangas and decided to work on something a tad more...odd. As a result, I have come up with "Irrational Logic" which follows the travels of a warrior named Ahgaki and a wizard named Rave. Although, they rarely act the parts. With no definite plot, I have random things occuring (but they all connect) and it may get confusing, but its funny as hell (I hope). Ive attached the first two pages, third one will come tomorrow, and more will follow if this kicks off well. Enjoy and please post critique for my sake!
I saw that you fixed the links. Thanks. This actually happened the first time I did Hunters. Only one Acolyte. If no one else joins as an evil person, I allow you to have minions (demons, acolytes) to help you whenever necessary (nothing over the top of course). Plus, you dont have to worry about civilians, so you can really cut loose in battles, whereas the Hunters have to make sure they dont kill innocents, which should account for some rather nice battle scenes...those give you two huge advantages. Does that answer your question?
Excel from Excel Saga is my personal favorite. All that energy wasted. But my reasons (complete...fanboy...must...resist) are merely because she is hot (oh god!) and hilarious to watch! I just love her antics, her boundless energy and complete waste of potential, and I will one day invent a device to pull her out of the TV into the real world. Until then, I will worship her at my shrine in the back of my closet (kidding).
Hi everyone. This is my first actual thread in here, so dont hurt me if I make a mistake! This is for my new RPG "Hunters: Dark Blood" that is currently in the Adventure Inn. Im making this thread to help anyone who is confused in their sign up. If you have any questions, post them here and I will try to answer them. When the actual RPG starts, I wont make a new thread, but simply convert this one. So, if any thing about the sign up confuses you or you merely have a question, just ask!Sign ups are still open.
((Sorry I took so long. Been somewhat busy lately)) Till slowly made his way into the school. He was late, having stayed home for an hour to help the old man who had adopted him clean up the library. He had missed his first class but he didn't care too much. No one took much notice to him, though he made sure he wasnt seen. As he walked, the lights flickered every now and then. It was just one of his many tricks. Ever since the comet came, he had been able to manipulate the senses. He used it to avoid talking with people. The red cloth on his leg fluttered in an unseen wind. This wasn't one of his tricks, it did that whenever he used his gift. The lights themselves were fine, but he didnt take chances. He had seen the way others had been treated for their...gifts. He didnt want any unnecessary attention, be it good or bad. He paused as the voice came over the intercom. It rattled off a list, but he stopped listening after his name was called. "TILL BANES, COME TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!" Still hiding from the other students, he made his way slowly to the office, listing the other names he had heard in his mind. [I]Sigh...this cant be good...wonder if they know...no, I kept it a secret...then how...[/I]
Yay! People joined! Sword Breaker, your picture doesnt seem to work for me. Please check it. I thought I made it clear, but I'll say it one more time. Only evil (acolyte or demon, not half demon) gets magic. SwordMaster, your welcome to change your magic so that Ranpu uses it or something, but I thought it was pretty clear that only evil can have magic. Sorry if this makes you dislike/hate me SwordMaster. Demonic, glad to hear you like the Hunters, but please put a tad more effort into your sign up. Add more to your bio/personality. Amgoddess, once again I thank you for helping me with this. I assume that you'll modfiy your post when you recieve my message. Note: I wont disqualify any of you if you dont choose to make these changes, but I would greatly appreciate it. Im not such a respected user that I can do that yet. Heheh. Keep signing up people! So far, so good!
I guess I couldnt be considered an old member, but I've been on for awhile. I do agree that yeah, there is a difference in the way the users interact. I myself have noticed that several of my buddies have either vanished completely, or barely maintain contact (i used to have very long conversations with PM's alone). I understand if their too busy, but it does feel...awkward...when I have tons of free time and no one to chat with. :( Oh, and ChibiHorsewoman is always right, or so I have been told by one of my buddies... :bash:
((Thank you amgoddess for helping an idiot such as myself in this! Many people will recognize this title as an RPG that I made quite a while back. This is the second time I?ve started Hunters: Dark Blood, and the third actual Hunters RPG (the other was Hunters: Free of the Shadow). I have done some research on the original, and have made a few changes to make it better. What can I say; I?m obsessed with demons?and I hope that I can make at least one RPG that will end!)) Millennia ago, the demons ruled all of man. Their burning shadow fell across all of earth. Until the humans rose up to reclaim their world and their souls. Wars ensued, ultimately ending in the demons glorious defeat. Following the Shadow Lords? fall from power, the humans rebuilt their civilization. The monsters faded into the past, as did the wars between the two races. The champions of the humans died, and faded from memory. Now, centuries later, humans only know of the term demon as a fairy tale, a myth. If only this were true. The demons have returned, preying upon the humans in the city of New Vista. But, they do not nearly have the once mighty empire that they used to. Now, reduced to scavengers, the demons have begun to rely upon the humans themselves to summon them in. Recruiting Acolytes with promises of power and wealth, they are little more then nightmares, not even able to withstand sunlight. But, the demons still prey on the humans. But, they still have one more obstacle to overcome. A group of vigilantes, known as Hunters, now stalk the night as well. They excel at killing, and have only one purpose - to slay demons. Wielding blessed weapons and the power of Runes, along with the help of their companions, the Hunters strive to maintain the balance of power between demon and human. ((Basic premise of this next Hunters RPG (I really should expand my borders?) is that you?re a Hunter, someone trained to fight and kill demons. You may also join as an Acolyte if your one of them evil types. Hunters wield blessed weapons and Runes (which will be explained a bit further down) whereas Acolytes wield cursed weapons and demonic magic. You can also be a half-demon (Hunter or Acolyte) and not wield a blessed or cursed weapon. Half-demons are incredibly strong and fast though. Hunters also have an animal that accompanies them, like a dog, fox, wolf, whatever. Acolytes have either Imps, or a Mephit from a certain element. All companions can talk, though their vocabulary is limited. I will also allow a few people to play as demons, if they are so inclined (PM me first) Runes ? The runes give you specific powers or enhance something. Only Hunters get these. Typhoon Rune ? Increases speed to incredible velocities. Wears the user out just as fast though. Fang Rune ? Allows the user to see whatever their companion sees. Blood Rune ? Enhances the user?s physical strength greatly. Rage Rune ? The more damage the user takes, the stronger they become. Once they peak, they become incredibly powerful, but are completely drained of energy. Mist Rune ? Allows the user to take a mist shape for stealth. In this form, they are unable to do any physical tasks, but can pass through fences, keyholes, etc. Shadow Rune ? Allows the wielder to make a max of three illusions of themselves. These illusions cannot inflict physical damage, but they are alike to the original in every other way, and useful for confusing the enemy. Wolf Rune ? Allows the user to transform into a werewolf to increase their physical strength. Their power using this Rune peaks during a full moon, and drains them of power the longer they stay in that form. If they remain as a werewolf for too long, they will die. Name: Age: (half demons can be a max of 500 years old) Gender: Race: (human or half demon) Team: (Hunter or Acolyte) Appearance: (picture or a description is fine) Companion: (Name/species (real animals please!)) Companion?s Skill: (what makes your companion useful? Does it fight, explore, heal) Bio: (how and why you became a Hunter/Acolyte) Personality: (what is your character like?)) Weapons: (max of three for all. Hunters have one blessed weapon. Acolytes have one cursed weapon. Half demons have one body weapon (claws, teeth, wings)) Rune: (only available to Hunters) Magic: (only available to Acolytes. Fire/Darkness based. Max of three spells (no instakill please!)) Name: Night Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Human Team: Hunters Appearance: [IMG]http://www.creativeuncut.com/media/s2-killey.gif[/IMG] Note: Image is from creativeuncut. I merely used it for entertainment purposes alone. Companion: Shiro/White Wolf Companion?s Skill: Shiro?s teeth are lethal to demons. When he was a pup, Night fed him holy water that, in essence, blessed his fangs. Bio: The leader of the Hunters, he is a direct descendent of one of the heroes from the original wars, though which one is unknown, even to him. His family has protected the world for millennia, but he was the first to start the organization after being overwhelmed during one of his patrols. He managed to escape thanks to Shiro, who was a stray pup at that time. He uses his family?s wealth and the mansion he inherited to supply and house the Hunters. He thinks of the others, even the half demons, as his family. Personality: Headstrong and proud, he believes that his fate is to die fighting the demons, and he embraces that without hesitation. He tends to be a little harsh and overbearing to new Hunters, but he is always fair and never punishes without a good reason. He respects, and is respected by, the other Hunters. Weapons: blessed bastard sword, twin daggers. Rune: Fang Rune
Tom rolled out of his bed painfully. He had spent the last few minutes fading in and out of consciousness. Rising to his feet, he checked the gash on his chest. It was healing, albeit slower then usual. The thought skipped out of his mind as another entered it. What had happened to Sakura? After the fight, she had run off. He didnt remember anything else except blacking out and waking up in bed. He limped out the door, using his sword for support. "...it doesnt matter how injured I am...I wont stop looking for you..." He hobbled out of the grounds, entering the forest. He could see his old trail, still red with his blood. He picked up where he collapsed, calling out her name as he navigated the forest.