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Everything posted by SilverCyclone

  1. Akai headed off. He went at a steady lope, followed by a half dozen others. He stopped when he reached the entrance to the citadel. He raised a hand, halting the others. "Wait." He faded into a shadow, smoke billowing off his body. He slipped through the huge doors. Muffled screams came from inside, and the doors slowly opened. three guards lay on the floor, two of which were still twitching. Blood dripped from Akai's sharp wings and claws. He jerked his head towards a corridor. The group made their way further down, led by Akai, Marendithis, and Jin. They killed any demons they found efficiently and silently. Akai paused at a split in the corridors. One was gilded red and decorated with bones. The other was a dirt tunnel leading even farther down, where cracking whips and screams could be heard. The slave pens. Akai turned. "All of you head down the dirt tunnel. Free the slaves. I have...business...to attend with Breodia." Marendithis and Jin both opened their mouths, but Akai silenced them. "I must do this alone. Besides, both of you will be needed to free the humans. There are alot of them. Do not follow me! Good luck." With that, Akai headed down the red corridor. Jin glanced at Marendithis. Both glared at each other for a moment before heading off to the pits with the humans. They encountered few guards on the way. Finally, they left the tunnel and entered a collossal underground dome. It stretched for miles, both across and in depth. The group saw billions of slaves, herded by succubus and hellhound, into cages, lava pits, or the wretched flesh mines. They were speechless, not even Marendithis had seen this side of the demons before. A rumbling shook the dome. The group looked around fearfully, as did the slaves and slavers. Akai broke through the roof of the dome, shattering steel pillars and bridges as he fell. He finally landed on a bridge, coughing violently. Then, out of the hole, crawled Breodia the Shattered. He was a pulsing mass of flesh, oozing and walking at the same time. None of his body parts were symmetric, and he appeared to be pieced together from a multitude of parts. The only piece that he appeared to have one of was his head, in which his raspy voice drawled. "You dare go against a Shadow Lord!? I will use your carcasses to repair my broken body!" He dropped down, landing on the bridge. Akai rose slowly, facing the demon with outstretched wings and claws. Jin and the others rushed to help him. Breodia let out a deafening roar, and the battle commenced with succubus and hellhounds rushing to join in or cheering on their lord from the walls.
  2. Muzzle ran. He ran faster then he had ever run before. He dodged around the trees, trying desperately to lose his pursuers. He stopped by a huge oak. A voice whispered through the leaves. "Why do run run my Muzzle?" The young foxen glanced back, breathing heavily. "Lady Vel! Please! Help me! I need to hide!" The tree extended a branch, gently picking the foxen up. A glowing portal opened near the trunk. Muzzle glanced fearfully into it. The tree's voice came again. "Jump jump Muzzle. You will be safe there!" With that, Muzzle leapt straight into the portal. A few moments later, he rose in a strange field. He crouched down near some flowers. Glancing around, he noticed a large building where there were several...things...walking around. He heard a ringing, and the creatures scattered into the building. Muzzle found a tree, and hid under the roots, trying to figure out what to do next. He heard voices, and crouched even lower into the roots. A group of the creatures walked by. They paused for a moment, then headed off. Muzzle sighed, then sat down to think. ((Confused yet? Alright. I wanted to do a light hearted RPG for a change. Muzzle is a foxen, a creature from another world. He has come to our world to escape something from his own world. He meets a group of kids, and befriends them. Unfortunetaly, he tends to get them into trouble with his child like ways. I need people to join as kids who meet Muzzle. I myself will play Muzzle. The whole plot is that you'll head between the realms and try to help Muzzle there and keep his existence a secret here. Heres the sheet: Name: Age: (between 10-15) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Bio: (just a little bit about your character's past) Name: Muzzle Age: 12 Gender: Male Appearance: See attached Personality: Fun loving and kind of cowardly, Muzzle just wants to have fun, and this tends to get him into more trouble then he's worth. Bio: Muzzle is a foxen, a race of fox/man creatures from another world. He was chased to our realm by something in his. He carries a large satchel, from which he draws random objects that apparently defy all terms of realism. He can talk to trees, and uses that ability to irritate any would be attackers. He also has a small knife. Because of his innocent nature, he tends to get into alot of trouble and frequently requires help, but he means well. He has an annoying habit of sneezing when he's stressed. ((Cmon folks! Lets have some fun!))
  3. Ark twitched feverishly in his sleep. Nightmares strafed his mind, and he was whimpering. His grip on the spear tightened, and he pulled his wings tight around him. His wounds were still bleeding. In his mind, he saw the other archangels. He saw Baelnaga, and several humans. He thrashed about in his sleep, releasing small cries of pain and horror. He convulsed, and his wings tightened. He became a feathered cocoon, his own body heat rising as the nightmares increased in intensity. He saw horrible images of his brethren being slaughtered before his very eyes. But it was replaced by the demoness. She haunted every nightmare he had. He let out a final scream before falling deeper into the hellish sleep, his spear falling by his side.
  4. Akai watched the others eat. He didnt need, nor desire the meat. He was rarely hungry, and when he was...he had feasted on humans. He sat there, waiting till most were done. Then he stood up. "I realize that very few of you trust me. It is to be expected. But as of now, you will need to believe my every word. You are no longer able to hide from the Shadow Lords. You must take down Thyrale, and reclaim everything that you once owned. Your lands, your freedom, your souls. I tell you now, truthfully, that I have little hope of winning. I go now to Breodia's citadel. He holds the most slaves, and if we can free them, the humans will rival Thyrale's strength. If you do not wish to aid me, I understand. But I cannot wait for you to be coaxed into action. I go, either alone or with allies and free souls. Make your decision now." With that, Akai turned and headed out of the valley. He moved at a steady lope, knowing that to fly would be a death sentence on the barrens. He glared at the citadel of Breodia the Shattered. He didnt care who followed and who stayed. It was their choice how they wanted to die. Either huddling in a valley, or in combat. He sped up, navigating through the sharp rocks of the Deadplains. A storm kicked up, raining ash and lightning. He continued onwards, never looking back at the valley or the huddled masses of warriors. He would reach the citadel in three hours. [I]To the very end...to the very end.[/I]
  5. Obsessive is a harsh word...I prefer the term "unhinged from reality" myself. Anyway...I fawn over every single anime girl there is. Hear me out before you call me a pervert! Think about it. Every anime girl is drawn (mostly) to be sexy and attractive, right? I mean, if girls were that good looking in the real world (dont get me wrong, there are some really gorgeous girls out there) I would probably be fawning over them. My current obsession is over Chi from the manga "Chobits" *angst* ...god I am so lonely... :laugh:
  6. I guess its the only way I can keep my imagination from exploding on me. I have literally at least fifty different ideas for mangas, but I rarely get very far on many. I enjoy coming up with the plots, the personalities, the different weapons. So, in a way, I can kind of escape from my life into a world of my own creations. Im kind of pathetic that way I guess...I thinks its one of the few things Im good at. I dont have many skills. I just enjoy doing it and it lets me get my ideas out of my head and onto something more permanent :p . I just wish I could get half of my ideas off the planning board and into an actual story.
  7. You have a right to be scared, but you shouldnt allow it to control you. Dont push it away, but dont embrace it either. Always keep fear at the tip of your sleeves. If he deserves to be your friend, he will understand, even if he doesnt feel the same way. But I can understand how you wouldnt want to lose someone you care about so deeply. Just make the jump. You'll be fine.
  8. I had been thinking of making each chapter "Day *" but I like your idea much better. The attached picture is Nicholas before he died, and after. This is the final version of him. I had two other sketches, one of which he had short hair and was much buffer. But, I settled on this. Any comments? I am working on a sketch for Death, and a group shot of the murderers. Death will (hopefully) be ready by Sunday, and the group shot by the end of the week (friday). Oh, and yes, that is a mini scythe that the live one is holding in his hand (it has a purpose, but Im not telling yet) EDIT: I added a colored picture of Lance...Looking back on many of my drawings, I appear to have a thing for psychotic eyes...anyways, any critique would be greatly appreciated! :D Oh, and the picture for Death has been giving me trouble so I wont post it just yet.
  9. I have an idea for a new manga, but it needs some bugs worked out... When Nicholas was murdered, it was because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had always held grudges, but this was beyond hate. He would do anything to get revenge on the ones who killed him. Anything. What better way to gain revenge then by shaking hands...with the Grim Reaper? Nicholas has come back, not truly dead, not truly alive. He exists only to kill his murderers. He has four days to gain vengeance. He wields Death's scythe, and has no emotions short of pleasure and anger. He will kill any who slow him down, even if they do not deserve to die. But it will be worth it. Besides, if those he kills deserve it, they will go to heaven. And if they dont, they will go to Hell. Every man lives. Not every man truly dies... Any suggestions on how to...pump the plot up? Oh, and some of you will recognize the last phrase. I have Nicholas, Death, and a murderer named Lance as characters, but I still dont have all the bugs worked out. Once I finish it, I will post a nice picture of Nicholas in his before/after phases :devil: . Should be ready this weekend. Oh, and its entitled Dead Grin.
  10. You've heard of guardian angels, right? Divine beings that watch over you, protecting you from any harm? Well, its not true. Near death experiences? Some unseen force rescuing someone from a fire? All ghosts. We have chosen to protect humans with an unusually high amount of Ether, or ethereal energy. We call them Deadwalkers. With this energy, the Deadwalkers can communicate with the dead, move objects with their mind, even control elements. Because of this, we Guardian Ghosts are necessary to keep them from going out of control. Unfortunetaly, we have others who wish to gain the power for themselves. Poltergeists, or evil spirits of the dead. Because of them, many humans are killed in the prime of their lives. Now, a very powerful Poltergeist, calling himself the Puppeteer, has come to kill the Deadwalkers, and take their Ether. He will stop at nothing to do so. We Guardian Ghosts have to protect them, no matter the cost! ((Join as a Deadwalker, Guardian Ghost, or a Poltergeist. All Guardian Ghosts and Deadwalkers are partnered up with the other. I encourage you to find another OBer to play your partner (trying to encourage new friends :) ) but if you cant, you can play two characters. Here is the sign up: Name: Age: (Age of death for the dead) Gender: Race: (human, ghost, poltergeist) Appearance: Manner of Death: (Humans dont need this) Partner: (poltergeist dont need this) Bio: Power: (Each race gets one) ------ Name: The Puppeteer Age: ??? Gender: Male Race: Poltergeist Appearance: [IMG]http://www.planetdiablo.com/studiouriel/ED_WraithPrince.jpg[/IMG] Manner of Death: Murdered Bio: Killed when he was robbed on a street, his hatred and spite prevented his soul from moving on. Now, he believes that humans dont deserve to live. He now seeks to kill all life, but he needs the Ether of the Deadwalkers first. Because of his power, he can shift into any shape he wishes, but he cannot hide his aura when morphed, making him visible to ghosts when doing so. Power: Shadow Puppetry - Controls the shadows to cloud senses or fight. He uses it to confuse people before slaughtering them.
  11. Find the URL for your banner ((attach it to one of your posts or something...)) then use [IMG]*insert banner URL*[/IMG]. Such as [IMG]*www.whee.blahblah[/IMG] without the asterisk. URL is the address that appears in your bar if you didnt know.
  12. "Your very impatient..." Jin jumped as Akai spoke. The demon's head sagged and he could barely twitch, but he was chuckling. "And you have a temper. Proof of the demon blood that courses your veins." Jin turned to converse with the Malacha'ai. "Why do you help us? Why did you betray Thyrale and the Shadow Lords?" Akai grunted slightly as he shifted his weight. His eyes wandered to Bravie, still unconscious he supposed. "Because...I saw the light..." "What does that mean?" The demon stared into the fire. He was lost in thought. "We...brought in a warrior from one of the skirmishes, one of the Hunters. We planned on torturing him to get information, figuring he'd crack. We used ways that would've killed anyone else. But he refused to talk...kept screaming about betraying his brothers and sisters...I remember him killing three demons, just trying to get him tied to one of the devices. He screamed that our fire would one day burn out...I remember the last words he said before we slit his throat...he said 'Even if I die, I know what awaits my soul. What about you?'...then he laughed. Laughed as his blood poured out...Since then, Ive always wondered...what awaits my soul?" Jin stared at him. Akai was wincing in pain, his chest shuddering with each breath. "And now I know...what awaits my soul...what awaits the human soul...I will be condemned for my actions...I only hope that I can spill the blood of the Shadow Lords before I die...then, maybe my soul will...be consolidated...but the humans...they will not be condemned...and I embrace this fate...this destiny that has cursed me...I...look forward...to death..." He glanced at Jin, his eyes glowing a dim red. "Wake me in the morning. We have no choice...but to fight to the end..." He faded into sleep, his wings blown gently by a breeze. Jin stared at him for a little longer, then turned back to entrance of the valley. The humans slowly began to sleep, the fires burning out in the night.
  13. ((One city is Kona)) [B]Name:[/B] Nicholas Era [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Nationality:[/B] American [B]Grade:[/B] 12 [B]Appearance:[/B] See attached (ignore the sword) [B]Personality:[/B] Soft spoken, he has an unstable mind from emotional distress. He's not harmful to others, but he is harmful to himself mentally. He's become very good at slipping through crowds without being noticed, and prefers to not make eye contact with anyone, even if they are being nice. He knows that once they see them, they'll turn around. [B]Bio:[/B] He was born with a rare blood disease that gives him red eyes. Because of his stress, he also has bloodshot eyes, adding to the effect. He was born into an abusive family, and he hates his parents with a passion. He was shoved off to Hawaii to live with a distant cousin. He hates getting involved with other people's problems, and usually doesnt care what others think, mostly because of the abuse he suffered as a child. He has never once trusted someone enough to turn his back to them without a good reason, and has been like that since fifth grade. He continually got into fights when he lived in California, but now prefers to keep a low profile. He also enjoys storms, and has since he was a little boy. [B]What do they whisper about you:[/B] Most of the rumors agree that he's a sadist and enjoys watching others suffer. A few others say that he killed someone and their blood stained his eyes.
  14. Akai threw Marendithis over his shoulder. As the demon rose, an arrow buried itself into his back. Akai took the chance and elbowed him in the mouth. Both were moving quickly now, and many of the blows couldnt be seen. Akai was gaining the upper hand now that Marendithis had lost his temper. They clashed, sending out ripples of dark energy. Both were snarling, their voices ragged and hellish. Neither was giving or gaining ground. Suddenly, a rumble shook the ground. The combatants separated, Akai landing near the humans, Marendithis by himself. Black clouds gathered overhead. Lightning shot down, black and purple, into Marendithis. He screamed in pain as a voice was heard. "MARENDITHIS! YOU DARE TO TRY TO BETRAY ME!?" Thyrale landed from the storm, obviously enraged. He rammed a claw through the demon's back. "YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN KILL ME!? I AM THE ONE AND ONLY SHADOW KING! YOU ARE NO MORE THEN DUST COMPARED TO MY POWER!" He tossed Marendithis into the storm, then glared at the humans. Akai stepped forward, raising his wings aggresively. Thyrale grinned. "NO NEED TO WORRY AKAI THE BETRAYER! I AM ONLY HERE TO COLLECT MY BURDEN! I WILL DEAL WITH YOU AND YOUR PETS LATER!" With that, another bolt came down, taking Thyrale into the storm. It dissipated, leaving a scorched wasteland. Akai growled, slamming his fist into the ground. He remembered Bravie and turned. He ran over, kneeling by her body. He realized that he couldnt rise from the position. Turning weakly, he glanced at the others. "Jin! Help her! I...am too weak..." He collapsed backwards, his wings fluttering weakly. The Hunters began to argue over where to go next, since Deadwood was destroyed. Some wanted to leave for the mountains, while others wanted to take shelter at an abandoned desert lair nearby. They still argued and scuffled as Akai blacked out.
  15. There are spirits around us. Some are evil, some are good. Millenia ago, the world was divided by war and chaos. Champions rose and fell in waves. It appeared that the world would never be at peace. But, a new age of warriors had risen, each claiming blood from different races. They finally quelled the wars, and brought peace to the world. Their spirits live on, always keeping vigil over us. But the evil of old has once again risen in the world. It threatens to spread as a disease, plaguing the innocent. The spirits have entered the bodies of a group of humans that show the values that the warriors once stood for. Courage, Honor, Loyalty, Compassion, Knowledge, and Virtue. The war must be waged in secret, and it wont be easy. But the spirits have granted the new warriors the ability to take on their old shape. But the shadows are spreading, and the warriors are few... ((Set in present day Japan, join as a normal human who has met with and blended with the soul of an ancient champion. They can be any race (the champion) you want you can even make one up, so long as you describe it well. There are 6 different values to choose from: Courage - open Honor - open Loyalty - open Compassion - open Knowledge - SilverCyclone Virtue - open Heres the sign up, and I hope to get some people! Also, you can sign up as just a normal human that gets caught in the events, or one of the evil shadows (an ancient warrior of evil bent on "cleansing" the world of infidels) If your evil, you dont need a present form. ------------------- Name: (Present/Ancient) Age: Gender: Race: (ancient's race) Appearance: (description or picture of both your present and ancient) Value: (one that isnt already chosen. Dont need this if evil) Weapon(s): Bio: (how your present meets your ancient. I dont need the ancient's history) Personality: ----------------- Name: Tsubasa/Gorath Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Minotaur Appearance: [IMG]http://www.fictionalworlds.com/forgotrealms/CREATURES/MINOTAUR.jpg[/IMG] This is my present form: [url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/8-6.htm[/url] Value: Knowledge Weapon(s): His incredible strength when transformed. When in his present form, he uses a katana. Bio: Tsubasa has always been wise. He always looked at the easiest path through a problem, regardless of who got in his way. He never took that path, but he could see it. He met his ancient when he had been caught in a fight with a gang. He chose not to fight, and was severely beaten. Because of this, he was accepted by the ancient to be very wise, for if he had fought, he would've most likely been killed. Personality: Soft spoken, he has a kind of calm air around him. Friendly, he enjoys talking with people, but prefers to listen. He never judges before he meets, and his assumptions are almost always correct.
  16. Name: Nicholas Eredi (goes by the name of Crow) Age: 20 Background: Nicholas is affected with a rare breathing disorder that has forced him to wear a gas mask his whole life. Because of this, he became withdrawn, usually staying in his own little world. He soon discovered the secret when he went too far into one of his nightmares. He abandoned his home and has been wandering ever since. If he does breath without the mask though, he will die. Description: Sleeveless leather shirt, he has two belts around his waist, one tight, the other loose and hanging. Wears a black gas mask. Baggy black pants to hide his thin frame. No pockets, other then one on his left hip. He also wears a collar, black, nothing really extraordinary. Wears gloves with the fingers removed. Thin and wiry, he's very tall, around 6'7". He also has a ragged voice, which also sounds weird because of the mask. His eyes are bloodshot, and his hair is tinged purple. Not horribly pale, but not tan either. He has a way of sucking the warmth out of a room. Personality: He prefers to be alone, almost fearing emotions. He tends to recede into his own mind, which he refers to as "his twisted nightmare of joy". Morbid, he also has a strange fascination with death. Rarely shows any signs of fear, he appears to have a death wish. Hates the mask and breathing disorder with a passion, and also holds grudges. ((PM me if I need to change anything! :D ))
  17. ((Im gonna be gone for the weekend. Just so you know :D )) Tom finally left the building, bursting through the door. He was at the front, they were at the back. He slipped as he turned a corner. Sliding into sight of the battle, he noticed that Sakura wasnt holding a sword. She had several cuts, and Akari was covered in bruises. He gaped at them for a moment before he realized what was happening. He racked his brain for some way to stop them. He didnt want Sakura getting hurt. He knew she could hold her own, but against a sword she wasnt doing too well. Plus, it looked like Akari was aiming to kill. He hadnt brought his sword, so he couldnt do anything without getting killed himself. [I]What do I do, what do I do?[/I] A thought entered his head. Dashing along the back, he searched around for what he was looking for. Akari was in the middle of a downslash when an icy blast from a hose stopped her. Before she could react, Tom blasted her again. She stumbled backwards, slipping on the wet grass. Sakura took a step towards her when she too was hosed down. Tom finally shut off the hose after both were thoroughly drenched. Akari opened her mouth, but nothing came out, and Sakura looked like she could kill Tom. He stared at her passively, still holding the hose. Akari glanced at her, then dodged off. Tom dropped the hose. He walked up to Sakura, still an emotionless look on his face. She was furious. "Why did you stop us? Why did you interfere!" He stared at her, then gently took her arm. He examined the cut. "Not that deep...you'll be fine." "I know that! But you havent answered my question!" "I DONT KNOW!" Sakura took a step back. He clenched his fist. "I dont know why I stopped you...I dont know why I felt so sad that you were caught up in this. I dont know! Is that a good enough answer for you?!" He was yelling, not angry, but he was still yelling. "I...I've never felt this way towards people...I never really cared when people get hurt, it was never my problem...but no matter how much I try to deny it...I cant stop worrying about you!" He shut his eyes, fearing that tears might show. His hands were shaking, and he had gotten red in the face. "I know you can take care of yourself, but...it still scares me everytime you fight...I dont know why...I cant control it...I just dont want to see you get hurt because of something I did or...something I might do..." He trailed off. Turning, he headed back into his room, leaving Sakura alone to her thoughts. He climbed the stairs and entered his room. He didnt even shut his door, he just sat down on his bed. He stared at the floor in silence. "...damnit...I should've just stayed quiet and let her hate me..."
  18. Akai slammed his elbow into Marendithis's back. He grinned wickedly, flexing his claws. His eyes were nothing more then black pits. Marendithis smiled as he rose. They were both at their peak, and mad as hell. Akai glanced at where he had hid Bravie. [I]I'll have to finish this quick...or else she wont make it...[/I] He turned his attention back to Marendithis. Crouching down, he entered a battle stance, his sharp wings pushed forward. "Cmon. Im tired of running." A second's pause, then both ripped towards each other, leaving burning trenches behind them. Smashing together, they rose into the air, flames dancing off of them. The humans and demons continued their battle, but the demons were beginning to falter. The Hunters pushed harder, forcing the creatures out of Deadwood. Several stared at the bursts of energy from above where Akai and Marendithis were dueling. Jin managed to catch sight of Bravie, leaned inside a hollow tree. He glanced back at the pair in the sky. Akai was tearing through Marendithis with his wings. Likewise, the other's horns were doing serious damage. Akai knew that if this continued, it was only a matter of time before they began to kill humans with their fighting. He struggled to force Marendithis farther up into the sky. ------ ((NOTE: Im gonna be gone all weekend on a fishing trip. Thats why I posted so quickly. I'll be back on monday. :cool: ))
  19. Alright, first of all, get some sleep. Sleep makes things so much clearer. Im sure you can still be friends with them, though Im not an expert on relationships... If you lay back and let it take its course, I am sure you will find someone you really like other then them. I dont mean to say that you should just kill your feelings for them. Things have a way of working out in the end, even if it doesnt seem too clear in the beginning. ;) Oh, and I also think that you really should tell them both how you feel. Good luck!
  20. Akai glared at his former friend. Both were sporting wounds, but Akai's were much worse. He stumbled as he rose from his knees. Marendithis moved quickly, elbowing towards Akai's face. He was shocked when he didnt connect. He passed straight through Akai. Stumbling behind him, he glared at the shadowy form of the demon. Akai turned, taking physical shape. "Missed..." Everytime the two clashed, Akai would take the shape of a shadow. He couldnt hit Marendithis, but it was a useful defense tactic, and bought him time to think up a way to defeat him. Marendithis himself was getting angry with the trick. "Fight me damn you!" Akai glanced at the humans. They were faring considerably well. Many corpses lay on the ground, mostly demons. He was a little impressed at the way the humans handled themselves. They werent at all like the weak slaves the demons kept. He focused his thoughts on Marendithis.
  21. Alright...well, if anyone follows my RPGs (yeah, right...) they should know that I create many Hunter Rpgs. To say, its an RPG that has the title "Hunters: Insert Something Here" and usually revolves around humans fighting demons (theres a deeper plot, but anyway). I started two of those so far. The first one was good, but died near the end due to a fault of mine. The other is still going on (Hunters: Free of The Shadow) and I hope it continues to go on until the end. But anyway, I was planning on ressurrecting the original Hunters. I am of course making changes and improvements (i hope...). But my point is...would anyone even be remotely interested in a revival RPG, before I modify this post to include the plot. Most (all) of my RPG's use demons (obsessed!)), so be warned! Oh, and it was entitled Hunters: Dark Blood if anyone cares.
  22. Dont listen to Chaos, he says that in every freaking thread he's ever replied to about personal problems. :p I say that J should really stop hating A and be A's friend. A sounds like a kind of emotional person and I dont work well with emotions. E appears to be fine where he is. J sounds like a high strung person, and A sounds like...um..."its" just trying to get along with everyone. Uh...heh...lookin back on what I said, i realize that I actually just complicated things...Alright...less intricate conclusion. I would say talk to them, but that rarely works, so...find out why J hates A, why A feels like a third wheel. Solve for J, and then find A and holy crap I JUST TURNED THIS INTO A MATH PROBLEM! But try to figure out why J hates A, and then if you can solve that problem, they wont feel so alone when E comes around, and A will be happy. ...You know what? I am horrible at emotional problems and will probably delete this post later...oh, no hard feelings Chaos, I'm just fooling. :cool: Oh, and I friggin LOVE your avatar chobit! ...ok, you can all shoot me now...
  23. Tom slowly opened his eyes. He glanced at the alarm clock. "...3 in the morning...son of a..." He trailed off as he heard a commotion from the grounds. He stumbled out of bed, nearly slipping on a sock. Leaning out the window, he glanced at the grounds. All his blurry eyes could make out were two figures leaping around. He squinted, rubbing his eyes. He still couldnt make out who it was. He turned, smashed his head against a wall, and after cursing loudly, leaned back out. His eyes widened as he realized who they were. "What the hell...Sakura!" Tom seriously considered leaping down, but remembered that he wasnt that graceful, and his leg was still healing. He burst from the dorm, dashing down the hallway. "Why are they fighting *huff huff* I thought *huff* Akari was only *huff huff* after me!" He slid around a corner, heading to the second floor. He still hadnt noticed that he had forgotten to put on a shirt. ------ Sakura smiled as the Akari stumbled backwards. She slashed with her katana again. Akari barely managed to parry it. She seemed clumsy and slow, barely keeping up with Sakura's attacks. "You really are pathetic. And here I thought you were going to be difficult." Another sweeping slash went for the girl's shoulders. It was parried quickly. The girl smiled, suddenly graceful and quick with her movements. "Sorry dear. But now that I've seen the way you move, you shouldnt be too hard. I did the same thing to Tom when we first fought." Sakura felt her temper rising. The girl smiled as they clashed again, taunting her opponent constantly. ((holy crap thats long... :o ))
  24. Agreeing with Deimos here. It is very similar to Inuyasha, but I am sure that with a few tweaks it'll become a great manga. If you get to drawing some of the characters, I would like to see them myself. I have been told many times by those far wiser then me (ok, a ferret is wiser then me...) that all it takes to make a great manga sometimes is great artwork. Dont give up just because its similar to Inuyasha. Keep at it! :D
  25. I have two favorite weapons of anime. The first has to be the tetsugai from inuyasha (respectively). To kill 100 demons with one sweep! That is one kick*** sword, not only because its so powerful, but because it looks cool as well...god im immature...anyway, second one is a weapon a friend of mine made in her manga. Its called the RamRod Howitz Rifle. Shoulder mounted rifle with armor piercing bullets. It has to be one of the coolest looking weapons. In one of her episodes (since it is hers and I refer to it without permission I will not say the title or her name) it takes down a tank with three shots. Im not sure if that counts since its not a commercial manga though. Perhaps one day though!
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