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Everything posted by SilverCyclone

  1. Flames began to rise from Akai's body. Clenching his fist, a growl ripped from his throat. He spread his wings, launching himself towards Marendithis. He stopped a few ways off, still flaming. Marendithis grinned wickedly. Akai narrowed his eyes. "You may have taken the Shadow Lord's power, but you are still no more then a demon old friend!" The last words were spat out. Marendithis laughed. "And what does that mean Akai? Are you above a demon or are you merely blowing hot air?" The flames grew black as Akai glared at him. "Heh. I guess it means I am higher then a demon. Did you forget? I am one of the Malacha'ai. Thyrale's own brood. You may find this interesting brother!" Akai charged towards him, slashing at his face. Marendithis easily dodged it before thrusting with his sword. A smile of satisfaction crossed his face. It was quickly replaced by shock when he realized that he had merely impaled Akai's shoulder. "Why...why cant I take your soul!" Akai laughed. "For you to do that...I would need one, wouldnt I? I am Malacha'ai, I am one of the sons of Thyrale." He smashed into the demon, locking with him. "And I am devoid of a soul! We should both be very happy with the results of this battle old friend. This will be a glorious fight!" Marendithis smiled. "Yes it will brother. I expect no less from you." The battle began in full, the hunters clashing with the army while Akai and Marendithis fought in the air.
  2. [I]To feel power, to truly feel immortal...would you kill her?[/I] [I]...Yes...[/I] [I]Would you drink her blood and sell your soul.[/I] [I]...Yes...[/I] [I]And when she begs for mercy...and cries your name?[/I] [I]...I will laugh...and drink deeper then before...[/I] [I]To kill one you love for power is a sin too great to bear. Those who commit this deed are condemned to the lowest pits of hell. But what if they gained the power...what if they attained the hellish strength that comes from the deed? Would you side with them, and drink the blood of innocents? Or would you oppose them, and become love's avenger? To drink blood is no terrible sin, when it is for the better good. Will you draw swords with or against the nightmare? Where will your final scream be heard?[/I] The vampires in the regions have been subdued, due to the Blood Wars between the humans and vampires. Most have agreed to live peacefully with the humans. A few were executed. Many have settled to their lives, even marrying a human. But, one who never quite accepted this alliance seeks to break it all. It is said that should a vampire drink the blood of one they love, they gain untold power. But to kill one you love is a horrible sin, and most would not chance it. But, Valminderoth, a young vampire, has murdered his wife and drank her blood. He now flees, with both races following. He flees to Nor Glacier, where he can complete the ritual and become a God of hatred and shadow. But he is followed by vampires and humans alike. The race has begun for the souls of all, but it is said that only one will survive the chase. ((Alrighty...if you didnt follow all of that (i used very dramatic grammar in a few sentences) then heres the basic plot: A vampire, Valminderoth, has killed his wife, following the rites of an ancient ritual. He has fled to Nor Glacier, where he will complete the ritual and supposedly become a god. He has a pack of humans and vampires after him though, and now a race has ensued. Join as one of the vampires or humans. Though they live peacefully with each other, many still have some prejudice against each other. The catch to the race is that it is said that only one of the group will survive the ordeal. Wanna play? :devil: )) Name: (Medieval) Age: (Vampires dont have a set lifespan) Race: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Weapons: (Max of four) ------------------- Name: Ai'leven Age: 147 Race: Vampire Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://www.emulationgalaxy.co.yu/slike/%5Bforsaken%20demon%5D.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Proud of his heritage, he is unfortunetaly cursed with a raging temper and bloodthirsty (bad pun!) nature. He enjoys nothing more then a good free for all, especially against a powerful opponent. His tendency to throw himself into battle makes others believe he has a death wish. Weapons: Claws, two daggers, a short sword, and a blade etched with runes that glow whenever blood is spilled nearby.
  3. "But how did they know where we are?" Akai glanced at Bravie. "I already told you. One of the soldiers has betrayed you, and is probably dead or a slave now. I know far too much about Thyrale to simply be left as is. I am a great threat to them, and once you know what I know, you will also be a threat." He shuddered as a far off roar arose. He spread his wings. "Do what you will to assemble your hunters. As for your council...leave them to whatever fate they decide." "But we-" "If you try to convince them otherwise, you will run out of time and everyone will perish!" Akai glanced at Jin, who nodded and flew off into the trees to watch the horde. Akai smiled weakly at the others. "I am sorry. But this was inevitable. This marks the beginning of the second war between humans and demons. Rally what ever forces you have. Prepare to fight as you have fought before. We do not face just demons. We face the Dark King's elite..." Bravie clenched her fist. "We will be ready..." Akai leapt onto a branch. "No, you arent. None of us are. But I know that you will all fight for your people...perhaps that will be enough..." He took off, landing lightly next to Jin. He sighed, staring at the burning shadow. "I do not care what you do in the battle, but Marendithis is my opponent. Do not lay a claw on him." Jin glanced at Akai, saw the look in his eyes, and nodded. The horde drew closer.
  4. Tom awoke in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. He had remembered who she was. He sat there, breathing heavily, eyes wide. Gripping his head, he tried to calm down. He flipped on a light, making his way to the narrow mirror he had against a wall. He stared at his reflection for a while before reaching out and gently touching the glass. "...murderer..." He turned his eyes, not wishing to look at himself any more. He noticed the small slip of paper lying on the ground near his door. The staff prefered to hand out notes and announcements at night, where the students could find them in the morning. He picked it up, sitting back down on his bed. Opening it, he read the contents carefully: [I]In three days, the school will be holding a festival to celebrate the upcoming tournaments. All are invited, and all classes will be postponed until after the celebrations.[/I] Tom stared at the note with a look of confusion. "Thats new...huh...sounds kind of...fun actually..." He tossed the note onto the ground. He glanced at the mirror one last time before turning his back to it and going to sleep. -------- Mr. Miyashi, one of the martial arts teachers, puffed as he made his way to the north dorm. He had a backpack full of the notes, and was slipping them under each door. "Why did Mr. Sonoda make me do the notes this time?" He trudged into the night, still complaining to himself.
  5. Though he was greatly fatigued, Ark was still putting up a valiant fight. Several hex blasts had crippled his wings, and his left leg was horribly wounded. He jabbed with the spear at his opponent, but she was far too fast to hit. She toyed with him, thoroughly enjoying watching his feeble attempts to manuever through the piles of ash. He stumbled and took a swipe to the face from her claws. Supporting himself with his spear, he glared around. She had dissapeared into the flames. He clenched his fist, a light javelin forming in it. He hurled it at the nearest tree, dodging away as it exploded in a cloud of soot and smoke. He thought he heard his name being called, but he became focused on the hex blast that was tearing its way towards him. Executing a rather painful somersault, he managed to slip by. The demoness's voice echoed around him. "I am surprised and a little impressed that youve managed to live this long angel." Gripping his spear, Ark staggered backwards, leaning against a tree. He struggled to stay awake, but he was drowsy from loss of blood. Sliding down, he was still gripping his spear as he blacked out.
  6. [quote name='mangakiwi']Mabye silver cyclone could color it if I make something original for you.[/quote] I would love to. If you do decide to allow me to partake in this project, I would be glad to do the color for any drawings you may need me to as well. I also added another coloring job I did. Once again, I take no credit for the drawing, merely the coloring. All rights go to its artist. Since posting this is kind of like spamming, I will ask that if you are interested in my help that you either PM me or send me an email at [email]Twister798@hotmail.com[/email] I look forward to it. :cool:
  7. Akai stared at his new...prison, to put the term lightly. It was a bare steel room, with a low bed and a complex lock on the door. Bravie leaned against the entrance, an annoyed look on her face. Akai slowly sat on the bed. A smile crossed his face. "We have company..." Bravie looked at him oddly. Akai had his eyes shut, and his head tilted back to the roof. He sniffed the air carefully. "Theres someone outside. She, for it is for sure a she, is fighting. But she doesnt notice the approaching flames." The demon opened his eyes. He looked at Bravie. "He's leading an army. And one of your fellow soldiers has betrayed you. He knows that you hide in Deadwood. I would warn the others." Bravie's eyes widened as she realized what he said. She took off, barreling past Ryu. "The demons! They know where we are!" Akai stepped out of his room, staring at Ryu. "You can kill me when the war with Thyrale is over. I will not resist then. But if you try to kill me before then." Akai slashed the wall, leaving a large inch deep gash in the steel. He stared at Ryu. "You are still only a half blood." With that Akai headed down the hall, leaving Ryu to fume.
  8. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20985[/IMG][/CENTER] Hades was one of the largest cities in the world. It held all races, from humans to felines. It was a popular, overcrowded city in which the lowest of low could be found. Assassins, thugs, thieves, hackers, you name it; it could be found at Hades if one looked hard enough. But a recent string of murders has riled up the city. The corpses were mangled beyond recognition, and all their blood drained. At first, the vamps were suspects. Until autopsies revealed that the blood was removed before the body was mauled. Now, Hades is on quarantine, and the inhabitants are getting restless and frightened. The vamps have resorted to petty murder for food since the Bloodlairs were shut down, and the citizens of Hades have begun rioting. The murderer is of a race unknown to any, and it has begun to get worse. The corpses are found hung upside down, with their heads ripped off and their bones ritualistically removed. The dictator of Hades has ignored the murders until he found out that they were moving deeper into the city, towards the center. He has mobilized the entire army, but has only garrisoned them in the Inner Ring and Center. The Outer Ring is left to fend for itself, but many of the citizens wont stand for it. Hades is about to live up to its namesake. ((Morbid, yeah. It?s kind of an industrial slum age. Slave labor, pollution out of control, crime is a common household term, things like that. Domination from a totalitarian dictator who leaves the people to fend for themselves while he taxes them out of every penny. Hades is a RingCity, in which the poorer you are, the farther out of the center you live. The Outer Ring has clubs, bars, and slums. Inner Ring has suburbs, and the Center has the aristocrats and politicians. Anyway, as I was saying. Join as a citizen of Hades trying to track the murders. There are several races to choose from, as follows, in order of lowest social status to highest (slave, wealthy) [B]Human[/B] ? Adaptable, they have the largest population in Hades. Useful for menial labor, and often looked down upon by the other races. They also populate the slums in Hades. Outer Ring population. [B]Vamps[/B] ? Basically, vampires. Their a second class in Hades, and are generally the main perpetrators of crime. Hades had many Bloodlairs, a place where a vampire can feed on blood without killing and getting arrested, but they were recently shut down because of the murders. The Vamps haven?t taken kindly to this and have resorted to murdering for food. Outer Ring population. [B]Fellin[/B] ? A race of human/cat hybrids, their agility and speed make them excellent thieves. They have the second largest population. They enjoy wild parties and can often be found in bars or clubs. Outer Ring population. [B]Ori[/B] ? A race of elf like creatures, they are the middle class. They mainly join the Police Force to make a living, and are experts with computers. They also comprise the greatest number of Hackers in Hades. Inner Ring population. [B]Grunner [/B] ? Resembling large humans with greenish skin, they usually work as slavers and prison guards because of their size and strength. Because of this, they actually make a good salary, and live in the Inner Ring, but many are found in the Outer Ring. Inner Ring population. [B]Dister[/B] ? The main population in the Center, they form the politicians, businessmen, and aristocrats. They can only be found in the Center, and resemble dark skinned humans, if a bit taller. They have an arrogant, snobbish attitude, and find the other races?uncouth. Center population. ((Choose any of the races. Dister?s are always aristocrats, and humans are always in the Outer Ring. Your character should be somehow connected to the murders in some way. You can join as a civilian or a police officer. Here?s the sign up: [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] (they all have the basic life span) [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Race:[/B] [B]Appearance: [/B] (pic or description is fine) [B]Status:[/B] (civilian or police. If police, rank) [B]Weapons:[/B] (max of two for civilians, three for officers) [B]Bio:[/B] (why your character is in whatever ring their in, how their tied to the murders, etc, etc) ----------------- ((Mine)) [B]Name:[/B] Miraki Vertan [B]Age:[/B] 35 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Fellin [B]Appearance:[/B] Around 6?5? and 240lbs. He has more of an athletic build then that of a body builder. He has hazel eyes, and a deep tan on his skin. Two cat ears stick out from his shoulder length light brown hair, and he has a tail with a white tip. He has a scar on his left cheek and a barcode (symbol of a police officer) tattooed on his right bicep. Usually wears a dark blue long sleeved shirt along with black jeans and a dark blue trench coat. Black boots and gloves, he also has a tattered and obviously very old light blue ribbon tied around his left hand, across the palm. [B]Status: [/B] Lieutenant of the Outer Ring Precinct. [B]Weapons:[/B] Uses dual Berettas and a shotgun that he keeps strapped across his back. [B]Bio:[/B] After unloading a shotgun round during a banquet in the Center, he was sent to the Outer Ring Precinct as punishment. Though he grew up in the Middle Ring, he enjoys the Outer Ring?s harsh environment and has many connections. He was given the murder case when it was just a minor problem, but was reassigned when it became a higher priority. Like most of the Outer Ring Officers, he doesn?t listen to the other precincts, and has been tracking the murders ever since. No one is quite sure of what the ribbon is, but they found it better not to ask. He also has a habit of smoking and enjoys clubs immensely.
  9. When the blindfold was finally removed, Akai couldnt tell where he was. There were low buildings, mostly steel and the color of dirt, all around him. At least seventy warriors stood glaring at him. He stared right back, not willing to let them intimidate him. A particularly large man walked up, gripping a sword. "I recognize you demon. You lead the first attack on our world. Why have you come here hellspawn?" Akai kneeled, a tradition demon way of swearing fealty. "I ask that you aid me in destroying Thyrale and the Shadow Lords forever. In helping me, I myself will help you." Amaru laughed loudly. "You expect me to believe that? You are a Malacha'ai! Creatures like you are not worthy of having souls!" Akai rose slowly. "If you do not aid me, then I have fled in vain. I am hunted by Thyrale's minions, and a one time friend of mine. If you truly believe that I am dishonest in my plea, then kill me. See how long your little resistance will survive under the burning shadow." Amaru glared at him. "What did you have in mind then...demon?" "You take back what is rightfully yours. You bring Thyrale's citadel down from the sky." The warriors murmured to themselves. "We dont have the numbers to do that! Thyrale's hordes will kill us all!" "No they wont. If you increase your numbers to that of Thyrale's own army, you will succeed." "And how do we do that demon?" "I have a name. And as for how...we free the slaves of Breodia the Shattered." The murmurs went into cries of protest. "Breodia?! You expect us to go against a Shadow Lord!?" Akai bowed to Amaru, keeping his eyes on him. The warrior stroked his chin thoughtfully. "What is it that you had in mind...Akai." ---------------- *the citadel* Thyrale listened to Marendithis's account of the battle in the ruins. His scythe leaned against his shoulder, dripping with acid. He rose from his throne. He walked to the kneeling demon. Laying a claw on his shoulder, he looked at him. "You have served me well in the past, and still do Marendithis...Akai was your friend, is that correct?" "He was, milord, but I serve only you." The demon king smiled at this. He bade Marendithis rise. "Then you shall be my favored of my warriors. Take what you need, my resources are at your disposal. Hunt down the traitor, and kill any who oppose you. My grasp on this fragile world is unshakeable, and you shall never walk without my shadow behind you." Marendithis bowed respectfully before heading out of the room. Thyrale stood there, thinking about what had happened that day. "...A demon has fled from my grasp...and another has entered more deeply into my palm..." His evil laughter echoed through the halls of the Black Citadel as another dawn broke upon the shattered barrens.
  10. ((Yay! People joined! I like everyone's sign ups so far. I still need three emissaries and someone to play Amaru's brother at the least. PM me if you want to be the brother. When those spots are filled, I will start the RPG! Glad someone else decided to be a Shao'din as well. ((All rights to Blizzard Entertainment for the pictures)) Amaru's Brother - still open
  11. I really like it. I do agree with F-bomb in that i prefer the majority on the right side, but like he said, its a personal preference thing. Considering this is your first one, you did very well. Kudos. I myself (another personal preference doothing)) would rethink the color scheme a little. Bright green is just...spooky...Nice work anyway and I hope to see more of your work!
  12. I like this idea alot. Though I am not the best drawer (average) I am good at computer coloring.I added one of my works. I take absolutely no credit for the actual drawing. I merely colored it. All rights go to its artist. I give you my best wishes and hope this manga succeeds, even if I cannot be a part of it! :D
  13. ((Whee! Hehe)) Favorite RPG writer: Dragon Warrior Favorite comedian: me Favorite person to talk to: bovine_man3 Favorite artist: Snoozer Favorite writer(poems): Favorite writer(Fanfic): Favorite RPG player: amgoddess Favorite drama queen/king: me ((diverse, aint it?))
  14. Akai stared at the young warrior. The others sighed. "Damn him...always rushing in before he takes in the scene." Akai released his wrist. Bravie glanced at him curiously, but said nothing. Akai whirled as he heard footsteps. "Hello. My name is Andrea." Akai lowered his wings. "How the hell did everyone manage to show up at once?" "You were the one who sounded the bell." Akai nodded, then bowed to the newcomer. "It is an honor to meet you. I am Akai. Now can I please go speak to your leader or whoever is in charge?" He stopped talking as a blade caressed his throat. Ryu was shaking. "Dont think we plan on trusting you so easily hellspawn!" Akai raised his claws to the blade, gently pushing it away. "I dont think you will ever trust me warrior. When the war ends, and if we are victorious, I will allow you to deal with me however you see fit, if that happens to still be your wish." Ryu lowered the blade, glaring at Akai. Akai folded his wings, then tore off a strip of cloth. Binding it around his eyes, he folded his hands behind his back. "I assume that since you dont trust me, you obviously wont want me to know where your entrenched. Lead me on, remove the blindfold when you see fit. But I will need someone to lead me..."
  15. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20958[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkRed]((NOTE: Whichever moderator edited the title, thank you greatly!!))[/COLOR] A creature of darkness has risen from its prison. Its hordes ravage the lands as he creeps ever closer to the great kingdom of Tera?lamore, home of the great lord Amaru. Though his warriors are brave, he cannot stand against the shadows of hell. Only the wilds of Blazefire Mountains yield the warriors with the spirit to fight the legions of death. Emissaries have been sent to recruit the necessary warriors, Amaru?s own army has been mobilized and garrisoned. However, Amaru?s brother, a murderer who fled the kingdom years ago, has taken refuge in Blazefire with a tribe of bear warriors known as the Shao?dins. Changing his name, his brother had sworn to never have anything to do with Amaru forever more. But, with the approaching doom, his choice of whether or not to help his brother may decide the fate of all who live in the world. ((Ive got a flair for weird RPs...anyway, join as one of the Emissaries (there are five) who have trekked to Blazefire to recruit allies. Or, become a Shao?din, allies of Amaru?s brother. I?ll also allow one person to be Amaru?s brother. First come, first serve type thing. First who PM?s me gets the part. Anyway, here?s the sign up!)) Name: (something medieval) Age: (Shao?dins have a normal lifespan) Gender: Race: (Shao?din or human) Appearance: Bio: (A little about your character?s past. If he?s an emissary, mention it.) Weapons: (Max of three. Dual weapons count as two. Sorry folks) Personality: Magic: (max of two) ((Mine)) Name: Shodopan Age: 35 Gender: Male Race: Shao?din Appearance: see attached picture. Bio: One of the elders of his tribe, he is well respected by his fellows. Though he?s a pacifist, he fights valiantly. He also joins the hunts if merely to bring back Valley Flowers for his daughter. He welcomed Amaru?s brother and befriended him where the rest of his tribe gave suspicion. Shodopan is his closest friend, and would fight to the death for the brother. Weapons: Dual katanas. Uses a bow and arrow as well. Personality: A pacifist by nature, he enjoys the rugged terrain of his home. He finds beauty in many things, and tends to sense how others are feeling. Kind and caring, he usually tries to talk before resorting to violent methods. Magic: Blaze Trail ? Smashes his katana?s into the ground, causing two fiery trenches to rip towards his foes. Only useful against ground units. Fire Clap ? Using his paws as conductors, he forms a veritable wall of flame. Slamming his paws together, the walls close, crushing and burning any thing caught between them. Very destructive, but taxes him so severely that he can only do it once every two days, or risks death.
  16. Like the title says. I made this for an RPG im starting. I rather liked it though and wanted to show it off, even if it is so simple. Anyone know how to make animated banners? I would really like that knowledge! Oh, and I would appreciate any comments on this banner.
  17. Javert whistled as he headed through the woods. He didnt know why he had decided to take the path. Ever the optimist, he figured there was a reason beyond his comprehension and that satisfied him. He never rested unless wounded, never ate unless hungry. His blade bounced lightly against the armor on his back. He might have seemed odd, an armored vampire walking through woods. He checked the sky for a sign of the moon. The woods unfortunetaly covered up any sign of it. He continued on his way. Stopping, he sniffed as a breeze carried the scent of blood with it. He smiled widely. "I know that scent...I know where you are...the one I couldnt kill..." He raised his arms, closing his eyes as the breeze picked up. "I wonder if you'll catch my scent before I get to you..." The wind died down. There was no movement. A sudden and powerful gust of wind hit him. His body dissolved into a mist that shot towards the sky. The cloud sped towards a distant castle. [I]I know your scent...[/I] The wind around the castle picked up to great speeds. It chased around into a minor whirlwind on the lawn. The mist circled before fading back into a recognizable form. Javert smiled as he stared up at the broken window. "is there any beer?" His smiled broadened as he heard the voices. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he called up. "Got any vodka?" The voices halted and a head stuck outside the window. Javert grinned and waved.
  18. Akai smashed through the collapsed entrace with his shoulder. "Ive become popular..." The trackers were occupied with the new comers. Akai hesitated as he watched the battle. A growl spurred him on as hellhounds flooded through the bell tower. They ignored his rescuers, fixated on his scent. Akai ran down the hall as the pack closed in. He didnt like leaving his rescuers behind to deal with his problems, but he had no choice. And Marendithis...he had become Akai's new hunter. It was going to get alot harder. [I]Do you plan to run forever?[/I] Akai slid to a halt. Turning, he stared at the hellhounds charging down the corridor. His blood boiled. "I wont be talked that way by one with human blood!" His roar echoed through the mansion as the hellhounds were thrown through walls and ceilings alike. Akai's eye glowed, his fangs dripped with blood. He rose into the air. Trackers outside saw him, letting loose volleys of arrows. He whipped his wings around, deflecting them back at the attackers. He roared again. "I am Akai! I will not die under the shadow of a false king! I am one of the Malacha'ai!" An answering roar sounded from the citadel. Both the trackers and his rescuers looked up. Akai sped into the ground, leaving a flaming wake, tearing through several trackers. Turning, he glared at the half breeds. "I do not intend to run forever, nor do I intend to fight forever. You are of the human rebels, and I wish to ally myself to your cause, and free this world of Thyrale's shadow!" He was burning. Black flames leapt off his body. He walked over, kneeling before Bravie, his wings spread wide. "Judge me after the war has ended. I cannot atone for what I have done, but I can offer vengeance for the lost souls that I once killed in the name of the Shadow Lords! Do you accept my alliance warriors? Will you allow me to fight Thyrale at your side?" He stared up at her, eyes still burning.
  19. Ugh...at one of those fine china stores, a slipped. Now, a 6'2" 240lbs male teen will cause quite a bit of damage in a china shop. I broke a whole display, completely shattering everything I hit. I went through a glass table and slid several feet. It was more painful then embarrasing you may say, until my pants (underwear included) were ripped off during the...slide...Fortunately, it turns out the janitor had mopped that section of the floor and didnt put up any warnings. The manager decided that so long as I didnt sue for the many lacerations, he wouldnt make me pay for breaking the table with my face. Oh, and I never did get those pants back. Way too slashed up. :(
  20. Name: Javert (jah-vair) Age: 24 Race: Full blood Appearance: See attached picture. I dont take credit for the drawing, merely the coloring. Bio: One of the few full bloods allied with the hunters, he's newly turned, so he doesnt have complete control over it yet. Somewhat eccentric, he uses medical blood to keep himself alive. He wears medieval armor and wields a sword, believing that to use modern equipment is a cowards way out. At one point in time, he confronted Mina but couldnt bring himself to even fight her. He still doesnt know why. Ever the optimist though, he has vowed to ask her next time he runs into her. Also has the annoying knack of chatting with any one he fights with about the weather. Weapon: Rune blade. unbreakable, nothing more. ((Im not sure if its alright that im a vampire allied with the hunters but I hope so...PM me if I should change anything!))
  21. No one was more surprised at Athenes rescue then Ark. He leaned heavily on his spear. His feathers were torn and bloody. He kneeled, breathing heavily. "How did..." "Dont talk. Youve still got an arrow through your throat." He felt the end of the shaft feebly. He took a step when flames erupted around them. He fell backwards with a sharp cry. Athene spread her wings to fly outward but Ark caught her arm. He pointed towards a figure outside the wall of fire. More fire split the ring in half, separating the archangels. Ark backstepped as the fires separated, forcing them away. "Ark!" Ripping the arrow out of his throat, he healed it quickly. "Try to escape! Warn the others!" He had no more time to speak as the fire forced him closer to the demoness. Ark glared up at her through the fire. "Another of Baelnaga's minions...Athene! Take this chance!" He leapt through the fire, gripping the demoness's throat tightly. He didnt have enough room to wield his spear, so he grappled with her. The flames scorched him badly. He threw the demoness away. Kneeling, he inhaled deeply. "Im getting too old for this...Whats your name demoness? I would like to know who it is I will fight!" [I]Athene...please warn the others! In my present state...Im not match for her![/I]
  22. Thyrale stared out of the window. The dead wind blew threw his chambers. He signaled to one of his guards. "Tell Marendithis that he has free reign in hunting down Akai. I dont care how he does it, and I dont care who gets killed so long as I have Akai's head in front of me!" The guard bowed, then headed off to tell Marendithis. Thyrale stared out at the Deadwood. A loud chuckle rumbled the black citadel. -------- Akai slammed into the wall. He had been running through the damned ruins for at least an hour. Everytime he stopped, he would hear a growl as a hellhound turned the corner, or a curse as a tracker went by. He ran towards another room. A loud gong sounded, loud enough to be heard throughout the mansion. Akai tripped. Glancing down, he saw his foot tangled on a rope. A bell tower. Great. He leapt up, slashing at the rope. He dashed down a flight of stairs as he heard footsteps. He found himself in a stone courtyard. The exit on the other side was blocked. He couldnt risk flying in case archers were waiting. He turned to leave and got a dagger through the shoulder. The raiders had caught up to him. They fanned out. Akai raised his wings. "I wont return to him! Dead or alive! Thyrale does not deserve to be lord of demons!" The raiders muttered something to each other, chuckling. "He doesnt want all of you returned traitor! He just wants your head!" The trackers charged at him. Akai raised his claws, meeting them head on. The first scream of the trackers was the loudest.
  23. :o :o :o :o :o I enjoy Hamtaro alot, and im a 15 year old male kickboxer. AND IM PROUD OF IT! But, im a kid at heart. I havent even heard of Tokyo Mew Mew though. As for other shows that I watch that others hate... :o :o :o Sailormoon. Yes. Thats right. Dont like it :p :p :p :laugh: Battabattabatta...
  24. Humans have become all but extinct. The Shadow Lords rule over the world. The humans that survived the first purging are now food slaves or rebels in hiding. The demon king Thyrale rules over from his citadel, his fiery shadow covering the world. Mankind has come to know nothing but misery and darkness. But a small disruption has occured. A demon has betrayed his master. Now, hunted by his own kind, he must seek the aid of those he once tortured and slaughtered. He must seek the aid of the rebel humans. -------- Akai ran through the sharp rocks of the barrens. Ahead, he could see the Deadwood, a burned forest left from the original wars. He could see the ruined mansion at the borders of the trees. The Hellhounds and Tracker Demons were getting closer now. Akai couldnt risk flying, as the trackers were deadly aims with their bows. He sped up, ignoring the jagged rocks around him. An arrow zipped by, followed by an angry bark. Akai fell to his knees as the Hellhound leapt. It tumbled over him, whirling around with a snarl. Flames leaked out of its mouth. Akai couldnt waste time. They were getting closer. The demon raised his wings. The shadows of the rocks helped to conceal his movements. A few moments later, he leapt over the shredded corpse of the hound. He reached the ruins, smashing through the ancient doors. He dodged down a corridor, losing himself in the maze of stone and soot. -------- The rebel community is inside Deadwood. Scouts have seen the raiding party enter the ruins, and have alerted you all about the demons. You were sent by Amaru, the leader of the rebels, to go investigate and see if its a threat that could endanger the rebels. Everyone who signed up (short of the demons) is part of the group that was sent.
  25. Very nice folks. I'll start the RPG either later today or tomorrow. Sign ups will remain open though.
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