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Everything posted by SilverCyclone

  1. Frustrating gaming moments...oh...so many...my top two have to be: During Final Fantasy 9 (respectively) I had to find a city in the middle of a desert. Not only did get lost, but I kept getting attacked by those cactus thingys with the thousand needles attack. It took me two days to even see the city, and another day to finally get to it. I was playing Ecco the Dolphin on my little portable sega (ahh, the good old days). I was fighting a boss that was little more then a giant orb that bounced in a tiny tiny room that I was stuck in. Now, I have a temper that I find very hard to control. After my tenth time getting killed, I bashed the screen with my fist, completely shattering it (the screen). I still regret it to this day.
  2. Ugh...photoshop is a very good, if somewhat confusing, program. I have Photoshop 7 respectively, but Im pretty sure its layers. You have two options. One, you can draw the dragon and the girl separetely (forgive me if I mispell). You then scan them in and then combine the two so that their different layers. Or, you can take a slightly quicker, if harder approach. Draw the picture as normal, then use the cut tools to cut the girlfriend out and paste her as a different layer. Either way, you will probably have to use layers. There may be another way that I dont know about though. I myself use two different programs, Photoshop 7 and Photo Explosion Plus respectively. Good luck though! :D
  3. Tuscov paused as he heard the command. He pulled his blade out of the undead stomach. Sheathing it, he made his way back to the castle, killing any thing that barred his path. He was thrown down as something hit his back heavily. Turning quickly, he impaled the mercenary again and again. Kicking the limp form off of himself, he made his way to the gates, now covered in blood.
  4. I have been working on a new manga that I have titled "Kitty Boy Tsubasa". Inspires fear, doesnt it? Here's the plot. Tsubasa Darker was a fairly normal kid (short of his last name). He had a crush on a girl that was completely out of his league, and he was incredibly clumsy. After a particularly embarrassing moment, he begins to give up on himself. Thats when he meets his "guardian angel". A cat spirit offers him a chance to gain a little...edge. When Tsubasa agrees, the cat, named Purrtan (purr-ten) melds with him to enhance his physical prowess. Unfortunately, a side effect is two cat ears and a tail that he must now hide from everyone, not to mention his weakness to cat nip. It has a deeper plot, but thats the basic gist of it. Comments anyone? *EDIT* I attached my first pages. I wouldve inked them but a heavily medicated baboon can ink better then me. Once I get better at inking, I plan on redoing it. But anyway, here they are. I'll post some more later if I get some good critique. Enjoy!
  5. Tusco tilted his head as he thought about her question. "I...honestly dont know really. Ive been following a..."tug" since a few months ago." "Tug?" Tusco didnt have the vocabulary nor the intelligence to phrase it better. He looked at her helplessly. "I assumed that if I followed it, I would find my answers. So far, all thats really happened is I have new questions. I guess you could say that I...havent really decided what my objective is..." He seemed almost sad as he said this. His wings flapped slowly as a breeze hit him from behind. "Maybe I have a vendetta against them. I remember my mother saying something about a Lord of Thunder. My ancestors worshiped them I believe, so I guess you could say this is...a followers vengeance." "A follower's vengeance?" "I hated my bloodline. I still do, actually. But I heard rumors that my clan was once a a noble family in elven society. But we were decieved...so, this is a follower's vengeance to a false master that he never worshipped, but has suffered for." Tusco unfolded his wings, letting the air blow through them. He glanced at her. "But you said you had a vendetta against them. Now it is your turn to explain. Please try to keep the dialect simple."
  6. ((bovine_man3, you may want to edit your post. Read back a little ways and you'll know why. ;) )) Ark was beginning to tire out. His spear was soaked in demon blood and their corpses were piled around him. His black wings were sheened red, and he had lost sight of Baelnaga, but was more focused on the horde of demons coming at him. He couldnt call for help and endanger Aura. He hurled a Light Javelin at a large crowd. It pierced several demons before shattering a tree. He backed up, slowly losing against the overwhelming numbers. Baelnaga urged them on. "Dont let him call for help! Keep fighting!" He slammed his spear into the ground, causing a rather large blue explosion. He had cleared away several demons and finally had a clear view of Baelnaga. They clashed, spear and halberd making sparks fly. Baelnaga had the advantage of size, but Ark was much faster. He took off into the air. Another jet of ice took out a group of demons. "Damnit! Where is he now? ARGH!" A spear pierced his leg. He was brought down by the demons, still fighting. They swarmed over him until he couldnt be seen. Another explosion freed him. He was covered in burns and slashes, and was beginning to stagger. He leaned against a tree as another wave came at him, Baelnaga at the head. "Do they ever end...?" Before he could call out, a vollet of arrows hit him. His voice came out as a ragged whisper as one went through his throat. He raised the spear, going into a battle stance. He heard Baelnaga's laughter as they swarmed over him. [I]To think...I thought we could get through this without incident...[/I]
  7. Tom threw his blade hilt first into Steve's face. He was furious. "Never interfere with my fights again! I'll kill you next time!" The girl rose, a smile on her face as a thin trickle of blood flowed from her mouth. Tom picked his blade up and held it out. Steve was in shock. As violent as they were too each other, neither had threatened the other's life before. The girl laughed softly. "Your too injured to fight me right now...but I am surprised that you dont remember me..." "What are you talking about?" The girl performed a smooth backflip onto the top of the fence. She smiled as she leapt into the woods. "I'll jar your memory some other time...bye." Tom lowered the blade, very confused. Then he narrowed his eyes. Turning, he advanced on Steve. "Never interfere with my fights again! You are not my only enemy, and you damn well better not think that your the only one who can fight me!" He glared down at Steve before walking away. He walked over to his dorm. When he was sure he was alone, he scaled the walls to the roof. He sat down, facing the sun, and began racking his memory for the identity of the girl. [I]A white tiger is seen on grounds, and now a girl who claims to know me...what the hell is happening?[/I] "...Have I finally gone insane...am I imagining all of this..." He stayed on the roof till nightfall, when he finally climbed back down and into his dorm. He didnt sleep though. Too many things went through his mind. The tiger, the girl, Steve, and Sakura.
  8. Nice characters all together everyone, though I would appreciate a little more effort on the bio. Still, I wont count anyone out if they dont add anything to it. Just a few more people and we can begin.
  9. Centuries ago, the world was controlled by five demons. The shadows of their floating citadels masked the world with their cursed forms. The demonic energies have left the lands blasted and derelict. Battlegrounds from the first wars between demons and humans still smolder from the hellfire that rained the earth. The five demon lords, known simply as the Shadow Lords, held the world in their grips, herding humans for food and entertainment. Though the five ruled their various empires, only one held absolute control over the others. Thyrale the Dark. He ruled over the other lords with his lieutenant Tylrian. For centuries, mankind came to know only misery and shadow. Until a demon in Thyrale?s ranks saw the world above the fire. Akai, a lowly minion of Thyrale, betrayed his master, and fled Thyrale?s empire. He claimed to have seen light through the darkness. Now, on the run from his own brethren, Akai must seek aid from those he once tortured and killed in the name of Thyrale. Akai must raise a mortal army and destroy those who command the very essence of Hell. ((Join as a human rebel that defies Thyrale?s empire, or become a minion of Thyrale himself and wield the fury of Hell. If you become a human (which the RPG will need more then demons) then you get blessed weapons that are devastating to demons. If you become a demon, you can wield magiks from the depths of Hell. I will also allow some people to be half demons, outcasts from the demons and allies of the human rebels (Please PM me if you want to be a half demon) NOTE: I?m hoping this one goes much farther then my other ones. I only want dedicated people, no one who?ll quit in the middle of the RP please.)) ----------------- Sign-up Name: Race: Age: (Humans have normal life spans, demons can be any age) Gender: Appearance: (Description or picture) Bio: (Just a little about your characters history, personality, etc.) Weapon (s): (Demons and half demons get a max of two (due to their extreme strength), Humans get three, but at least one has to be blessed.) Spells: (Demons get a max of three. Half demons get two. Humans get one) ------------------------------- Name: Akai Race: Demon Age: 4500 (give or take) Gender: Male Appearance: See attached picture Bio: Once, a minion of Thyrales, he fled when he saw ?light? in the depths of Thyrale?s citadel. Headstrong and proud, he believes that the demons have lost their honorable beginnings (explained in the RPG) and have become a plague. His incredible strength and speed are matched only by his bravery in battle. Though he?s edgy around humans, he realizes that they are the only ones who can defeat the Shadow Lords. He also finds their courage and heart inspiring, and hopes that someday his brethren can be the same. He still has the usual demon flair for pride, and tends to look down on anyone who can?t hold their own in combat, regardless of the reason. Weapons: Claws and wings (similar to blades) Spells: Fury Rain ? Calls down fireballs to rain down on enemies. Drains him of energy considerably. Shadow Dance ? Akai becomes a shadowy form, able to move through walls. He can?t do any form of physical activity (such as attacking) while a shadow. Bloodline ? Calls upon his demon strength to become a furious berserker in combat. He barely controls this form, so he only uses it as a last resort.
  10. Tuscov swung down to the battlements. He landed lightly, drawing his blades. He leapt into the town. Immediately beheading the nearest enemy, he lost himself in the dance of battle. Whirling into the heart of a large group, he became a whirlwind of destruction. "Die! Die Die! HAHAHAHA!"
  11. Tusco finished dressing himself. He folded his wings across his back, once again wincing. [I]She's not my enemy. I guess that should content me...the tug is gone...thats enough for me[/I] "Lets take a look at my surroundings then..." He left the room, slipping somewhat. Pausing, he unfolded his wings as a cool wind blew through him. He opened his eyes and saw someone a small ways away from him. He folded his wings quickly and stared at her. He suddenly realized what he did and averted his eyes. "Sorry...didnt mean to stare." he mumbled.
  12. ((Sorry I havent posted for so long, Ive been having Internet troubles)) Ark threw the demon off of his back. [I]How the hell did they know I was here?[/I] He impaled another on his spear, shielding himself from the claws with his wings, he kicked another's face in. He whirled, the flames getting closer. He held the spear ready, waiting for any more swarms. "Meow..." "What the...?" Ark turned towards the flames. His eyes widened and he nearly dropped the spear. "What the hell is a cat doing here?!" He flapped towards the cat. A demon leapt downward from a burning tree. Ark didnt even look as he speared it through the chest. He bent down and grabbed the cat by its scruff. He stared at it carefully, the took off as the flames got closer. He stopped over the forest. Glaring down at it, he pointed his spear at the flames. "I really hope your still down there Dim...I really hope this hurts!" A blast of ice shot out of his spear. It covered the forest, extinguishing the flames. Demons caught in the blast knew a few moments of extreme pain before shattering. Ark stared down, his eyes devoid of pity. He glanced back at the cat. "Well...I guess I should give you to Athene and Aura..." He flapped a few times before pausing. He turned back to the forest. A pillar of flame ripped towards the sky. Out of the fire, a halberd appeared. "Hehehe...Ark..." Ark clenched his fist. He almost threw the cat away. He stopped. He plucked a feather from his wings. A rather large feather. He placed the cat on it. He whispered into the feather. "Athene..." The feather took off with the kitten gripping it tightly. Ark hefted the spear. He glared at Baelnaga, lord of demons. "Bastard!"
  13. ((Sorry i havent posted for so long. Ive been having internet problems :( )) Tom rubbed his leg ruefully. It was still sore, as was his chest. He laid back. "Dammit..." He heard someone walk by his door. They paused outside his room. Tom did the first thing that came to mind. Rolling off his bed, he landed quietly near his sword. He fell silent as the door hand shook. The door opened slowly. Tom had turned the lights off to help his hiding. He listened as the person walked around. He gripped the blade, slowly rising from his hiding spot. He paused, mouth slightly open. A young girl stood in front of him, holding a broad sword. She smiled, then slowly backed out of his room. He dodged towards the door. "Hey! Wait!" He looked down the hall. No one. He glanced at his door and noticed several slash marks. He dodged back into his room and buckled his sword on. He left the room at a steady lope. He nearly ran into Tallie, but he quickly leapt ino an empty room. She was obviously looking for someone and didnt notice him. He sighed, then set off again to the back of the school. He paused. He never liked the back of the school. Too many cherry blossoms. The girl stood there. She smiled again, drawing her sword. Tom did the same. "Who?" She shook her head. Tom narrowed his eyes. "What?" She held a finger up to her lips before dashing towards him. Tom met her, their swords clanging loudly.
  14. Ark finished before the others. He waited a little while before standing up. "Alright...Ryojin, swallow before you open your mouth...we've been hiding for too long. Baelnaga is making his move, though we still dont know what it is. We'll investigate the forest fires first. If they spread to rapidly, they could do some serious damage." He picked up his spear. It glowed a faint blue as he turned to the others. He spread his wings. "Aura, travel with Athene...Ryokin, damnit, swallow your food...Dont engage any demons unless you have to. Wait till I signal you. We may be able to do this without confrontation." The archangels took off, careful not to be seen. They winged upwards, breaking the clouds and quickly made their way to the fires. "Split up. Dont go too far though." Ark spiraled down towards a fresh spire of smoke. The other's broke off to land in various areas. Only a blind man could miss the demons dodging around the trees. Ark set down behind a fallen tree. He scanned the forest, marking down each demon guard. His eyes fell on one in particular. [I]Damnit...what's Dim Hope doing here? What are you up to Baelnaga?[/I]
  15. "Ow! What the hell are you-YEAAH!!" The nurse removed the needle from his leg. "There. Your legs fine, and your chest is much much better. You can leave the infirmary, but you cant go to you classes until tomorrow." Tom rubbed his leg. "I know, I know. If I do anything that strains me I could black out or die." He stepped onto the floor. A few moments and a footstep later, he was facedown on the ground. Tallie helped him back up, and he supported himself on the bed. "Guess I still dont have full control over my legs..." With the help of Tallie (and a well placed shot from the nurse) Tom limped back to his dorm. He bent into his closet, grabbing random clothes from it. He tossed several over his shoulder, each with bloodstain of some sort. He glanced back at Tallie. "Um...I need to get dressed...and I dont have anything on under this hospital get-up..." Tallie nodded, turning her back. She waited until Tom tapped her on the shoulder. He was dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. He smiled. "Thanks for your help, but you may want to see Tobias. I heard he had some wounds to brag about." "Alright. Take it easy Tom." The swordsman watched as she ran down the hall. He shut his door quietly, then sat down on his bed. His mind wandered to Sakura. He felt his lips. "It wasnt a dream...of that Im sure..." He got back up, strapped his sword to his back, and headed out to the grounds to search for Sakura.
  16. [quote name='Misenki'] ...which is actually how he dies at the end of the first season...[/quote] I really wish you hadnt told that. Kinda ruins the ending. But I really do like this idea. I know youve heard this many times, but it does resemble Inuyasha. I really look forward to reading it though. Should be fun! :cool:
  17. Yes, The Furry. It started as a doodle, and now, has become the elite force known simply as...The Furry. I really actually made it to fool around with PhotoShop7(respectively) but I liked it too much to delete. Chiro and Akai (Akai being the one with the gun across his shoulder), elite members of Furry. Desert Warriors. Ratings or comments will be greatly appreciated.
  18. Tom was twitching as the the night nurse checked his readings. He was stabilized, if a bit shaky. His chest was still severely damaged, but his leg showed no signs of injury whatsoever. As the nurse went to the others, Tom opened his eyes. [I]...why cant I move...?[/I] He twitched again, lifting a hand painfully to his chest. He felt the rather large dent in the bone. [I]...now I remember...the fight....[/I] He groaned softly as a sharp bolt of pain went through him. The nurse walked back over. "Your awake...good. We thought you might have gone into a coma." "...where..." "Be quiet. You should sleep. Judging by how your body is healing, you should be well enough to leave the infirmary by tomorrow afternoon, but only if you rest. Ive never seen anything like you. Judging by your rate of healing...I'd say you'll be good as new in two days." Tom stared at the ceiling, his eyes slowly closing. "...I...lost...more then...the fight..."
  19. Ohhh...probably...the random laying around my house every day. Gotta love being lazy! I did more, yes, but mostly...just laid around playing video games with my friends. Watched movies, kicked butt on the video game section. Its all good folks. Vacation was a blast though. Palm Springs rules! But now that school is getting closer... :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :lecture: :help: :wow:
  20. Angels and demons have always fought over man's soul. The war was waged in secret. Man was unaware of it for centuries. However, the demons eventually poured forth into the mortal realm. To save themselves, the humans made a pact with the angels. They forged a great gate, placing it over the entrance to Hell. The key was broken in half by Zauriel, lord of the angels. The halves were given to a priestess and an Archangel. For centuries, the priestess's family has protected the half, as did the Archangel. But, a powerful demon lord named Baelnaga has passed the gates, and risen an army of damned. The Archangel and his brethren have fallen from heaven to protect the priestess and the key. But, Baelnaga and his demons are more determined then ever to kill the guardians, and free their brothers from Hell. ------------------------ Ark stared at the sun. He was sitting in a window of the temple. His wings drifted lazily behind him, as if blown by an unseen wind. He just sat there, as if in a dream. A footstep woke him. He turned to see Aura standing there. He smiled, hopping down from the window. "Good morning. Are the others awake?" "Yeah. Did you keep watch all night?" "No. Traded with Lucifer at midnight." "Oh. Well, breakfast is ready." Both walked down. The others were at the table, already gorging on the food. Ark leaned his spear against the wall, within easy reach. He watched the TV. A way too preppy news anchor was cheerily smiling as she talked. "...In other news, there has been a break out of forest fires in Lea'dor Mountain. Authorities believe that arsonists are to blame, but the large craters that have been appearing are still unexplained..." Ark sighed. He didnt care that the humans had finally noticed the landing spots of him and the others. He flapped his wings lazily and began eating. ---------------------- ((Right. Your first post should dive a bit into your character's personality. Go to it.))
  21. ((YAY! I encourage people to take Arcadia's post to heart and add a bit more to their post. I'll start the RPG. Sign ups will remain open though.))
  22. ((very nice. Now all we need is the bloody priestess. Cmon! Just one more person! Once we get a priestess we can start!))
  23. Tom and Steve glared at each other. Both rushed in, slamming into each other. A crunching noise was heard, followed by Tom's shout of pain. His leg was bent in on itself, completely broken from the knee. He kneeled, keeping his sword positioned so that Steve couldnt get near. "D...Damnit..." The principal was smiling, content that the fights were so savage. Tom rose to his feet, ignoring the searing pain. "Alright Steve...lets finish this. The final blow." They charged at each other, Tom ignoring the incredible pain. Both hit in the center of the arena. A loud crunch was heard. Tom's sword was stuck in Steve's shoulder. Tom was on his back, gasping for air. Steve rolled over, gripping the wooden sword. "Haha! Did you see that!? They nearly killed each other!" The principal was practically dancing. Tom felt his chest, now wet with blood. [I]Caved in...not fatal...Sakura...I...lost...s...sorry...[/I] Steve ripped the sword from his shoulder. He walked over to Tom. "God...Get a medic over here!" The swordsman was twitching. "It was never my intention to kill you! Dont die damnit!" Tom twitched again. "...you...idi...ot...AAAUUUGGHHH!" Tom's screamed literally stopped several of the fights. He was rushed off to intensive care, the principal's laughter ringing in his ears.
  24. Tusco touched the crest, suddenly aware of his surroundings. "The crest is that of my bloodline. I am of the Wolfbane clans, outcasts of elven society because of our greed and lust for power. Though I hate my ancestry, I must wear this crest. It...reminds me, I guess...perhaps, when I atone for my sins...I can remove it..." She smiled, still staring at the crest. Her eyes moved to the wings, now folded weakly across his back. He followed her gaze. "These...are my punishment in blood. The Wings of Hell. For my grandsire's greed, I bear this burden, this curse." He stared at the floor, obviously not wanting to continue. The wounds in his wings were healed, but still sore. He winced as he folded them tighter across his back. "My sword is..." "Is here. Along with your outfit. Sorry, but we had to remove your clothes to bandage you. You were severely wounded." Tusco nodded. He lay back, staring at the sky through a window. He covered himself with his wings like a blanket. "I am no longer in the northlands...the cold is gone. Where am I? Am I a guest, or a prisoner?"
  25. ((Made a big mistake in my last post. Sorry for anyone who was confused.)) Tuscov wandered the streets, obviously very lost. He stretched his arms, staring around at the city. He finally found a rather large church, in a perfect position for watching the sunset. It helped him clear his mind when he watched a sun set. He scaled the walls, careful not to be seen. Finally reaching the top, he sat down at the feet of a very large stone angel. "...I will fight...I will help save the world...even if I turn out to be the one who dies..." He spent most of the night on the church, going back into his memories.
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