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Everything posted by SilverCyclone

  1. The principal was still fuming at the fact that none of the fighters had lost. He glared at them. He waved a hand to the announcer. "Everyone, the final match will begin. Will all remaining fighters who still wish to participate please step into the arena." The fighters walked in, each pair designated a corner. Tom and Sakura were in the middle, their backs to the principal. They faced Steve and B.T. The others were spread around the arena. "When the bell sounds, you will all rush to the center, and begin the match! Remember, other then your partner, its a free for all! Last pair standing wins!" Tom crouched a bit lower, raising the blade. He locked eyes with Steve. The others went into their various battle stances. "Ready? BEGIN!" The fighters broke into the center, Tom and Steve clashing first. They were in a deadlock, sword against arm. The others began picking out their various opponents. Steve pushed Tom away, being much stronger. But Tom was faster. He kept gaining hits on Steve as he twirled around his opponent. The principal was glaring at them, hoping that maybe at least one of them would end up in intensive care.
  2. Tusco slowly opened his eyes. His head was throbbing from pain, and his wings felt like they were on fire. He lay on his back for awhile, getting his bearings. He slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Ahh...that hurt..." He glanced around. The canyon was narrow and freezing. He winced as he raised a hand to his head. He was still bleeding, and could barely walk. "Damn..." He glanced up at the canyon mouth. The wind was still blowing, but Tusco was protected from it. It was jagged rock up the walls. Tusco noticed the rock he had slammed into, still wet with his blood. A few stray feathers were on it as well. The elf tested his wings, flapping them slowly. He winced again. He brought his knees up to his chest, his back against the wall. He closed his wings around his body for warmth. "I'll rest for tonight...I should be safe down here..." A few minutes later he was sleeping peacefully, his black wings blending in with the rock around him. He had failed to notice the pair of glowing eyes staring at him from above the canyon.
  3. The person i reserved the priestess for is having major computer problems, so its open to anyone who wants it. I dont care if you already have a character or not. Cmon folks! Just two more people and we can start! Sign up!
  4. Sakura opened the door to the hospital wing. She looked in, almost afraid to see the condition of Tom. Opening the door, she walked in. "Tom? Are you-" Tom stared down at her. She had run straight into his chest. He smiled. "Well, well. Hello to you to." He rubbed his head. There was no sign of injury short of a few bruises. Sakura's mouth was open. Tom grinned. He leaned down, placing his lips close to hers. "Dont stare. Its rude." He walked out to the arena, chuckling and trying to hide the fact that his hands were still shaking from getting so close to her. He gripped his chest. "Almost overdid it...gotta be careful. Oh, good. Just in time..." Tom walked back into the arena, followed by Sakura. The principal was fuming. Tom laughed happily, walking over to the arena floor.
  5. Tusco let out a sharp cry as his hand slipped. He slid down a little ways on the canyon wall before finally regaining his grip. He caught his breath, holding the rock tightly. [I]Damned wind! What angers you so much today?[/I] He slide another few feet down. He couldnt risk falling. If the wind was still too strong, it would rip his wings apart. He knew in somepart of his mind that it was getting warmer as he neared the bottom, but at the moment, he was worried about getting to the bottom. "Just grab the wall, and breathe. Grab and breathe..." He continued to lower himself painfully lower, wincing at the cuts the rock made in his hands. He flapped his wings to regain his balance. "See? Easy...just gotta..." He stopped his mutterings as a crumbling noise came from his recent hand hold. "Oh...that cant be good..." The rock broke off under his hand. He let out a cry of shock as he fell away from the wall. Spreading his wings, he ignored the horrific shock of the pain as hail ripped through them. He fell swiftly, his wings manuevering him through the rocks. About a hundred feet from the bottom, he lost control, slamming into the wall with a scream of pain. He fell to the ground in a bloody heap, blacking out as he hit the floor.
  6. Tuscov sighed. They had only just met, and they were all at each others throats. Typical of any of their races. Tuscov sheathed his blade, sitting down. He tried to ignore the others. He had a feeling that he really wouldnt like traveling with any of them, being the only half breed there. "Maybe I shouldnt have come here...not if all there is are STUPID RACES FIGHTING EACH OTHER!" The others paused at his outburst. He avoided their eyes, cursing the fact that he had let his temper win. "We should not quarrel...over trivial matters such as race! Are you all really that petty? I personally dont give a damn if your Trow or Elf! You all seem to have forgotten that there are much larger problems troubling this land other then which damned race is BETTER!" He glared at the others a while longer before slumping back into his chair. "People who think they are better then others because of bloodline are not worth air." Tuscov stared at his feet, obviously lost in his own thoughts.
  7. Tom whirled his blade a few more times. He joined the applause with the others. He glanced at the others. Steve and B.T. talking amongst each other. Carson and Ryu were also chatting. Amy and Tusco stared around at the other opponents, and Tobias and Tallie...well...Tusco glanced at Sakura, who smiled warmly to him. He realized his hands were shaking. "Next battle-Tom against Luke." Tom took a deep breath. Luke was also a swordsman. Sakura laid her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. He smiled, then stepped onto the arena. "Ready? BEGIN!" Tom took the offensive, rushing in with a savage swipe. Luke barely dodged it before another swipe smashed his side. Tom took a heavy blow to the head. He fell to his knees, gripping his head. Another smash hit his back. Blood splattered the arena floor. Tom rolled before the third smash hit him. He sweeped with his sword, catching Luke's ankles. Both lay on the floor, gripping the other's sword. They breathed heavily, glaring. Tom raised his feet, kicking Luke savagely in the stomach. Luke tried to roll away, but Tom was gripping his throat. With his sword hand free, he began to smash Tom's head. Both were finally forced to roll away, Tom gripping his head, Luke holding his stomach. Tom staggered to his feet, blood clouding his eyes. His sensei turned to the principal. "They cant take this! Call it off! Call a draw!" The principal glanced at him. He smiled. "Why would I do that?" Tom staggered around. Luke vomited onto the arena. Tom couldnt see. He held his chunk of wood out in front of him, probing. He fell to his knees again. Luke started running towards him, his sword held over his head. Tom laid his hands onto the ground. Luke swung the sword down. Tom rolled over, smashing his sword into Luke's stomach. Luke flipped over, landing outside the arena. Tom gripped his head in pain. "The winner...barely...Tom!" Tom fell backwards unconscious as medics hauled him off. Sakura started after them, but a nurse stopped her. "Dont worry. Tom has very good healing abilities. Its almost inhuman. He'll be fine."
  8. Angels and demons have always fought over man?s souls. For centuries, these great beings clashed. Man has been oblivious to the conflict until now. The war has spilled onto Earth. Darkness has swept over the land. Great fires wreak havoc human civilisation. To protect themselves, man has made an alliance with the angels. Together, they forged a great gate, placing it over the entrance of hell to prevent the demons from unleashing their wrath over the world. The key was broken in half by Zauriel, the lord of angels. A human priestess and an Archangel were entrusted with protecting the halves with their lives. To this day, the priestess?s family protects one half, and the Archangel still guards the other. But a demon named Baelnaga has passed through the barrier of hell using his dark skills. The Archangel, the guardian of one half of the key, has fallen from the sky in order to protect the new priestess and the key. His brethren have done the same. Five Archangels now protect the priestess, but Baelnaga has called upon his army of the damned, and is now determined to kill the guardians of the key more than ever. ------------- ((Right. Another attempt at an RPG. You can be one of Four Archangels, each symbolizing an order (listed below). You can be the priestess (PM me), Baelnaga (PM me), a demon in his army, or just a normal human who knows the priestess.)) Orders: Strength- SilverCyclone Justice- amgoddess Chaos- The Nameless Honor- Kayin Love- Deimos Name: Race: (Archangel, human, demon) Order: (If you?re an Archangel) Age: (if human) Gender: Appearance: (written or pic) Weapon: (limit 2) Abilities: (Demons and Archangels only. Limit 2) ------------------- Name: Ark Race: Archangel Order: Strength Gender: Male Appearance: See attached picture Weapon: Spear. It glows a faint blue when wielded by an Archangel. When a demon wields it, it becomes twice as heavy, and wont pierce anything. Abilities: Holy Spear ? Hurls a javelin of light from his hand. Devastating to demons, but useless against mortals. Healing Touch ? Lays his hands on a wound, healing it. Drains his energy depending on the size of the wound. If the wound is too severe, it begins to adversely effect his body.
  9. Tusco shuddered in the snow. He had been traveling south, leaving the cold northlands. He didnt know why, he just felt the need to head south. He would've flown, but the winds were to strong. He shrugged the snow off of his wings. The curst black wings that drained him of energy. He was prone to black outs because of them. He tightened the sword that was strapped horizontally across his lower back. He tried vainly to shield himself from the snow, but only succeeded in getting a mouthful of it. He trudged on, not knowing or caring what the strange force tugging at him was. He only wanted to get out of the northlands. He staggered, not used to extreme cold. He had spent most of the winter holed up in a nearby village. But then the tug began, and his curiousity got the better of him. Other then the blade, his only other possessions were his clothes. They bore the crest of his family, a wolf battling a fox. He had come to hate his very bloodline, and himself. His grandfather's greed caused him to bear the cursed wings of his family. Tusco raised his eyes to notice a canyon ahead. The wind was lessening, but was still too strong to fly. He sighed. [I]Looks like i'll be doing some climbing....[/I]
  10. Tom slowly rose in his bed. Morning light drifted through the window. He stared at the wall for a moment. A few hours later, he walked out of his dorm, wearing black training clothes, a simple black muscle shirt with long pants. A wooden sword was slung across his back. Tightening the gloves, he made his way to the arena. He was the first there, and he started his usual stretching routine. His mind was wandering. [I]That had to be a dream...no...was it?[/I] He shook his head. "Now is not the time to think about it! Focus, or you'll get your ass kicked! I'll think about Sakura after the fight..." Tom began warming up, twirling the blade easily while he waited for the others to arrive. A few other early students drifted into the bleachers. "Wonder when the others will get here..."
  11. Tuscov kicked at the dirt. He was lost...again. He hated traveling through forests. Too many twists and turns. He glared at the same tree he had passed an hour ago. "By all the hells!" A flash from behind him forced him to whip around, sword ready. The stranger held up her arms disarmingly. "Peace Tuscov. I mean no harm." The half elf sheathed his blade. He bowed, staring at the messenger. "Then I have no quarrel with ye. How is it that ye know my name?" "I am a messenger from King Alric.He bids you come to Tyr." Tuscov narrowed his eyes. "And why would a king want a half blood?" "Your questions shall be answered there. Please, step into the portal. It will make your journey faster." Tuscov stepped carefully into the portal, sword still drawn. He found himself in a large room with three others. He sheathed the blade, staring about. "Royalty...I truly wish it would leave me be sometimes..." He stared at the others with amusement, chuckling slightly at some inner thought.
  12. Name: Tuscov Sierra Wolfbane Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Half Elf Class- Warrior Weapon: Broadsword Appearence: See attached picture Bio: Coming from a wealthy family, he was the bastard son of his mother's brief affair with an elf. Looked down upon by many because of his heritage, he was only truly happy when he was alone. He doesnt have the personality of his family, and though he left them to find his elf father, he still cares for them deeply, other then his stepfather. He has still never found his real father, and has given up hope that he ever will now that the elves have fled. Upon returning to his hometown, he found that it deserted. He has taken an oath to fight the undead to protect those who cannot defend themselves. ((PM me if I should change anything))
  13. Tom whipped around, slashing at the dummies. He was the only one in the dojo, twirling almost like he was dancing with his sword. He finished in a crouch. Slowly rising, he staggered. [I]Damn...im still too slow....[/I] He went through the exercise again. He was fast, his outline nothing more then a blur. He didnt notice when Sakura walked in. He moved faster and faster, whipping the blade around. She watched him carefully. He ended with a flourish of the blade, his back to her. He was breathing heavily. "Your fast." He whipped around. Noticing who it was, he smiled. "Yeah, i guess so..." "How long have you been practicing?" "...around six hours. Why?" She shrugged. "Just curious." He sheathed the blade, laying it one the floor. He picked up a wooden sword. It was the same in appearances to his blade, if a little heavier. He began to weave it in the air. [I]Not gonna lose...I'll win....[/I] ------------ *Later* Tom walked into his room. He noticed the note on the ground. Picking it up, he read: [I]Your fight will begin at 9:00 AM. Do not be late, or you will forfeit. No lethal weapons allowed. Training weapons only. This is a free for all match. You will be teamed up with your partner against all others. Should your partner fall, you both will forfeit.[/I] \ "Free for all...?"
  14. Truth be told, I do enjoy reading romance mangas. Pathetic really, as I guess it kind of lets me get out of my life and imagine what it would be like... Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and laugh. I would. :o ...incredibly pathetic...*sob*
  15. She's 14! I dont think this is really a critical problem that would effect the rest of her life. If he's prone to violent bursts of jealousy (aka: screaming, saying things that should not be said) then he's not worth oxygen. If you are spending more time with your friends then him, its understandable that he'd get a little jealous. Dont worry about it too much though. If you do, you'll end up depressed over little things...course, Im a REALLY laid back guy, so taking my advice to heart would mean you would have to be pretty laid back yourself. :cool: Good luck!
  16. Tom sighed. He stood in the office. "Sir, I dont think..." "Thats right. You dont. Your all participating, whether you like it or not!" Tom blinked. A large tournament was being held for the EP students. Basically, the principal wanted to see them get the crap beaten out of them. Tom stared at the list. "Oh **it...we're paired up!?" "Yup. Should one of you lose, both of you lose." The others glanced at each other. "Right. Tobias, you and your...friend...Tallie seem to get along, so you with her." Steve stifled a chuckle. "Murdoc, your with B.T. "Alright." Tom closed his eyes. Sakura yawned. [I]Least he's not making it so the partners tear each other up...[/I] "Where the hell is that Ryu kid? Oh well...Carson, your with him." "Odaka..." Tom glanced up. "Your with Sakura...we're missing that girl...Amy i believe...Oh well. She's paired with Tusco. Any problems with the pairs?" Tom coughed. Tusco was a foreign student with a temper. Though an excellent martial artist, he tended to...lose it in fights. [I]Hope Amy can handle that boy...[/I] "Good. The fight starts tomorrow morning, and I suggest-" "TOMORROW?!" Tom fell backwards as the others exploded. The principal wiped spit from his jacket. "Yes. The whole student body will be watching. I trust you'll train your hardest tonight?" Tom chuckled. [I]He's hoping we'll mess up with so little time to prepare...[/I] "Good. Now get the hell out of my office!" ((Sorry if I left anyone out. PM If I did.))
  17. First of all, I understand why he would deny that he's jealous. Many guys (myself included) are too damn proud to admit that. Ask him, very seriously, if he trusts you. Base your next action on how he answers. He'll most likely say yes, even if he doesn't, but listen to the way he says it. I do agree with KnightOfTheRose in that if he doesnt, he's not worth it.
  18. Tom laid back on the hospital bed carefully. His sensei was chuckling, as was Sakura. "Aw shaddup!" "Sorry...Its just that I rarely see you lose a fight." "He was tired. It wasnt a fair match." Tom could never get over that voice. He laid back as the nurse began bandaging his arm. "Nothing broken. Just a few cuts and many bruises. You'll be fine in three days I bet." Sensei Sonata shook his head. "Perfectly timed." "Huh?" "Mr. Yurimoto, principal, has requested that all students in the EP are to participate in a "friendly" competetion." Sakura looked confused. "EP?" "Exeedingly Problematic. I saw your name on the list as well. All the students are getting a letter stating to come to his office in the morning." Tom chuckled, the laugh melting into a yelp as the nurse tightened the bandages. "Ow...why? The combat trials arent in another 6 months." "How the hell should I know! He'll explain. He probably just wants to see if one of you dies. He claims that its for "research", but I think its a load of bull." Tom shook his head. "Alright then. Who are the other students?" -------------------- ((Your character is in EP as Im sure youve already figured out))
  19. [b]Name:[/b] Tusco [b]Apparent Age:[/b] 20 [b]Eyes:[/b] purple [b]Hair:[/b] purple, messy [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Darkness [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Class:[/b] Knight [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] Broad sword. Glows red when wielded by Tusco [b]Secondary Weapons:[/b] Twin Daggers, not enhanced [b]Spells:[/b] Dark Wings(darkness) - Hurls a shadow blade from his wings. Cleaves through the target. Dark Mist(darkness) - Summons a foul smelling black mist to cover the area. Trench Thrash - A ripping trench of energy flies out of his hands. Vorpal(darkness) - Sucks the life out of his opponent, transfering it to heal wounds. Has to be able to physically touch them. Skyscream - A high pitched whistling is heard, then energy crashes into target from Tusco's vody. [b]Appearance:[/b] See attached pic [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet and conserved. Not hostile, he simply doesnt like to talk. His anger flares up easily though. [b]Apparent Biography:[/b] Spent the last few years training, he has recently taken up wandering as a hobby. The wings on his back are due to a curse his family has taken on from a dragon. He wears a crest that is unfamiliar to most. (i'll explain during the RP) ((PM me if I should change anything)) :D
  20. [QUOTE=k9-Girl]Eh... once after getting out of the shower, still nude, I got on all fours to grab an item of clothing from underneath my bed and my dog entered the room and well... you can imagine what happened next. *blushes* (Kind of freaky because they just had a lady on the Graham Norton Effect tell a similar story which made me think of this)[/QUOTE] :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Whoa....Uh....must say, I almost never pity people, but.... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  21. I use the exact same approach. My funny nature really helps. Thats how I got my last two girlfriends. I find nothing wrong with your technique, but maybe you rub off wrong. Girls seem to know more then they let on. You might have said something, and she took it the wrong way. Keep trying though. Im sure some girl is looking at you and waiting. Good luck!
  22. Just have idle chit chat with her. Walk up, make a joke as an ice breaker. Just let the words flow. Im sure once you talk, it'll come naturally to you.
  23. Tom nursed his shoulder. He slid away from the crowd. Now was not the time to mingle with other students. Dodging behind a dorm, he ran smack into Sakura. He winced, gripping his shoulder. "Sorry..." "Its alright. Your Tom, right?" Tom swayed somewhat. He was lightheaded from the fight. A naginata to the head will do that. "Sakura, I believe?" "Yes." She purred. Tom cocked his head to the side. He liked her voice. It was...soothing. "Its a pleasure to meet you." "Im sure." He laughed, then winced at his shoulder. "Something wrong?" "Nah. Just got in a fight. He got me pretty good. If that girl hadn't shown up, I would probably be in the hospital wing. Now I get to haul myself up there!" She laughed. Tom liked her. He was slightly shocked when his legs gave out. "Hehehe....guess he hit me harder then I thought." Tom was surprised when she helped support him. They limped towards the hospital wing. Tom glanced back. That girl who had helped with Manch was gone. [I]I'll repay the favor someday....for helping me....[/I]
  24. Tom leaned against the back of the dorm, breathing heavily. He had been practicing for an hour, nonstop. His sword arm hung limply at his side. "Maybe...I should....take a break..." He whirled his sword a few more times before sheathing it on his back. He sniffed the air, then flinched as the smell hit him. "Aw! Manch, your smell is almost as strong as me." A rather large student lumbered up. Manch, one of the many new foreign students, had the worst reputation of never showering. Tom blanched as he came closer. "I wouldnt make wisecracks Odaka. What are you doing behind my dorm?" "Your dorm? This is the dorm for all swordsmen, even if their as bad as you." Manch squinted. "I wouldnt start today. Ive had a bad week and itching to fight someone." "You wouldnt itch so much if you took a bath once in a while." Tom ducked as the massive fist bashed the wall. He rolled to the side, lifting the blade to block the naginata Manch used. "Im gonna turn you into a pile of crap Odaka!" "Sporting of you to share your cooking secrets, but I really prefer pizza myself!" The pair smashed together, Tom trying hard not to breath in. [I]Lets see....that makes...around five times I fought Manch...I almost wish we were allowed to kill in fights...[/I] Tom took a heavy kick to the side. He rolled with it, hopped back up, and charged into Manch, taking both of them onto the grounds.
  25. High up in the mountains, there is a boarding school. Knockdown High is home to the most violent students around. Every four years, the school holds the combat trials, a contest in which the winners graduate from the school. Fights abound on the grounds, and the teachers encourage them. However, foreign students from other schools have been causing more trouble then usual. But the teachers are loving it. --------------------------------------- Tom walked out of the dojo. He twirled the blade over his shoulder. "See ya tomorrow sensei!" "Tom! Take a break! You shouldnt practice so much!" "If I dont practice, I wont graduate, then I'll have to stare at your face for another four years." "Get out and practice till yer heart explodes damn you!" "Sure thing." He walked towards the dorms, glancing at the grounds of Knockdown. A few fights were going on, but nothing worth watching. He hefted the bastard sword. [I]Any second now...[/I] "Tom!" "Aw crap..." Tom turned, staring at Steve Murdoc. "Not now Steve. Im still carrying my blade." "More of a challenge for me. Cmon!" Tom sighed as Steve charged forward. He waited till he was almost on top of him. The hilt of Tom's sword smacked down in between his eyes. The swordsman walked off to the east dorm. "I told you. I still have my blade."
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