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About ShiiNe

  • Birthday 06/12/1986

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  • Occupation
    Being a B!tch

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  1. 1. die 2. go all out.. Annihilate!!!! (i can't spell)) 3. pLay tiLL da Last minute. 4. capture him and do some sort of medievaL torture on him.. =) 5. ahhh.ima buy me sepiroth..hehehe..o dauragon..either one.. 6. Hmm.dis supposed to teLL me not to ask for ridez from u man..? hahahaha..i'd rather waLk. Dun't trust u. j/k
  2. u neber heard of CLAMP? -.- ....well..hab you ever heard of X/1999, MKR, RG VEDA, or CARD CAPtOR SAKURA? ..dey are da creatorz.
  3. Any1 here into CLAMP? Why or why not? :cross: ((honestly..i hab nothing better to do ppl..help me..i'm bored)) :tasty:
  4. yea okay..i'll consider the offer..ye rite..if i want to die..i don't trust you enough. J/p. Yea..i'd prefe a car too!
  5. QuestioN peepz! This thing has bee Buggig me..but wat woud you prefer? A car? or a Sweet-sixten B-day partee?
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