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Everything posted by ShiiNe

  1. 1. die 2. go all out.. Annihilate!!!! (i can't spell)) 3. pLay tiLL da Last minute. 4. capture him and do some sort of medievaL torture on him.. =) 5. ahhh.ima buy me sepiroth..hehehe..o dauragon..either one.. 6. Hmm.dis supposed to teLL me not to ask for ridez from u man..? hahahaha..i'd rather waLk. Dun't trust u. j/k
  2. u neber heard of CLAMP? -.- ....well..hab you ever heard of X/1999, MKR, RG VEDA, or CARD CAPtOR SAKURA? ..dey are da creatorz.
  3. Any1 here into CLAMP? Why or why not? :cross: ((honestly..i hab nothing better to do ppl..help me..i'm bored)) :tasty:
  4. yea okay..i'll consider the offer..ye rite..if i want to die..i don't trust you enough. J/p. Yea..i'd prefe a car too!
  5. QuestioN peepz! This thing has bee Buggig me..but wat woud you prefer? A car? or a Sweet-sixten B-day partee?
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