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Everything posted by Johnny_Mako

  1. Johnny walked carelesslythrough the city streets, whistling noisily to himself. He had a date with his French girlfriend, Monique, at a little chinese restaurant down town. The sidewalks were crowded as usual, but Johnny eventually made his way to " China One". Johnny enters and sees Monique already seated. She looks a little agitated. "Que vous a pris tellement longtemps ?" said Monique, who had been waiting for twenty minutes. "I'm sorry baby," said Johnny "Have you seen how crowded the streets are out there? I could barely make it out of the subway." She seemed to be pleased with his answer. "It's allright. I was just a little worried."she said. "About what?" asked Johnny."This isn't about those zeo guys again, is it? Mon amour, I told you that everything is going to be allright. They don't even know where we live." Johnny has his back to the door. Just then, three men entered the restaurant. Two of the men were dressed in the usual zeo soldier uniform and they both seem to be concealing something in their hands. The third man was very short and fat; his face covered in prominent warts. He peered at Johnny and Monique with large, frog-like, eyes. The short little man whispers something to one of the soldiers. Johnny sniffs the air. The soldiers walk up behind Johnny. "Sir, is your name Johnathan Ma-k" the soldier is cut short in mid-sentence as Johnny slams the back of his head into the soldier's helmet. Johnny's headbutt shatters the plexiglass visor, as well as the soldier's nose. The other soldier attempts to pull out an energy pistol, but Johnny bashes his right knee directly into the soldier's groin. The second soldier doubles over and drops his gun, gasping for air. Johnny quickly dispatches the second soldier with a devastating knee to the face that knock the man unconscious. The first soldier fires his pistol at Johnny, but he dodges the energy bolt just in time. Monique leaps up from her seat and crescent kicks the gun out of the soldier's hand. Johnny then delivers a powerful kick to the soldier's face. The soldier drops to the ground...
  2. What does "PM" mean and how do we do play this game? Is it gonna be like DnD or what?
  3. When is this thing gonna start exactly?
  4. Name: Gash Powers: Fast Healing, Superior Strength, Superior Agility, Canine Empathy Weapon: Claws and Fangs (Only fights in werewolf form) Race: Werewolf Age: 18 Height: 6'ft 2"in (Human Form); 6'ft 10"in (Werewolf Form) Weight: 175 lbs (Human Form); 450 lbs (Werewolf form) Bio: "Gash" (as he calls himself) is a young lycanthrope who has truly embraced his beastly heritage. After living most of his life with abusive parents, Gash ran away to the forest near his home. He had always been told that there were terrifying beasts in those woods, but he never took the stories seriously. He always liked to run to the forest, because it was more of a stable home for him than the house he lived in with his parents. Eventually, the young boy came face-to-face with the monsters in the woods. The creatures nearly killed Gash, but the beasts sensed something in him and decided to let him live. The creatures in the woods decided to make him one of their own, so they infected him with their lycanthropic curse and allowed him to join their pack. After the boy healed, he returned to his parents' home and tore their throats out. Gash is now on his own, looking for other young lycanthropes to start his own pack with.
  5. Name: Bert Gender: Male Race: Yeti Age: 80 (That's pretty young in yeti years) Weapon: A boulder Side Weapon: Claws Appearence: Bert stands about 8'feet tall and weighs roughly 600 pounds.Every bit of his body is covered in long, white hair. His powerful arms end in 5"inch claws, and his face is barely visible through his hair. Bio: Bert joined the group so he could get out of his small tribe and learn about the outside world.
  6. I really want to join, but what races are allowed?
  7. I'm going to make myself! :toothy: Name: Johnny Mako Age: 18 Gender: Male Nationality: American Beast Form: Shark Fighting Style: Involves a lot of powerful yet clumsy strikes. Appearance: Johnny stands a lanky 6'ft 2"in and weighs about 175 pounds. He has big, curly, brown hair and a charming toothy smile. He wears jet-black glasses, a royal blue "I Love Tokyo" shirt, purple "mermaid" shorts, and red "Chuck Taylor" shoes. Personality: Johnny isn't particularly attractive, yet he seems to be unusually charming. He has a good sense of humor and a generally friendly attitude, although he doesn't usually trust strangers. His quirky nature belies the ferocious beast he can become. Short Bio: Johnny didn't realize that he was a zoanthrope until his sixteenth birthday. His senses started to become more acute, and he even began to harness the ability to locate other zoanthropes by scent alone. Yet, he didn't truly understand the changes he was going through until an incident at a local beach triggered an involuntary transformation, as well the attention of the zeos. After realizing what he really was, Johnny told himself that he could no longer stay with his family and decided to flee. He now lives in a small coastal town with his girlfriend and a handful of other young zoanthropes. Evil Clone: Busuzima the Basilisk
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