Dreamseer Oona
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This is my ranking for this discussion: -Manga -Movie -TV Series My reason is this: The manga is ovbiously best because it has the art, the EXACT story line and is directly from CLAMP. 'Nuff said. I agree with everyone that the story line was VERY weak but with only two hours and a lot less info then what the TV series has but what can anyone expect? X is a very complicated and personal story. In the manga you get to know everyone which makes their deaths that much more painful but the movie couldn't touch on those things but the art and sound made up for it! With the TV series, granted it followed the storyline MUCH better, but holy MOLY was the art ever terrible! I was so busy brooding over the lack of care in the characters that I had a hard time watching it and it's always been my favorite manga. I'm not going totally against it. I collected and enjoyed the storyline but it just could have been done with a little more love lol. That's my personal opinion, of course ^_^
ahhh Berserk! I ran into this series early in my anime years and I've since shown it toeveryone I know. i'm not going to lie, the art in some of the episodes are terrible and some shots are shown OVER AND OVER. It's kind of a joke and I've read several issues of the manga: the anime really leaves out ALOT! If you REALLY like Berserk I suggest going out and buy the manga Dark Horse has released (3 volumes so far; it's $13.95 U.S....pretty steep but worth it!) or you can get them in japanese. There are a ton of websites that have them translated and very well I might add. DON'T go and read what happens without reading the manga! Though I haven't read the ending (I don't think they're all out yet are they? I can't afford all of them yet heh) but from what leads up after the anime is even more MIND BLOWING then all the craziness that happens before the [spoiler]Godhand comes back into Griffiths hands. Gatsu becomes like 10x stronger and the monsters he battles are way stronger then the Baron of Koda Castle (the snake guy in episode I)[/spoiler] Also, I don't agree that this is for anyone that isn't seventeen or over, really. The manga is way more graphic. I guess the anime isn't so bad and can be handled but I just want to warn everyone...even the very first page of the manga is Gatsu getting down and dirty ^_^ lol
When I came across this thread I had to reply, even though I'll rant and rave just like everyone else has. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! It's in my top five of all time. I got it as soon as i could find it with English subs and it far exceeded what I thought it would be like. Kon always seems to be able the capture the realizism in his films that make me feel so intense about the protaganists of the movie! I was literally sitting on the floor with my nose on the screen watching this flick! Not only was the shots, art, direction, and storyline great with this movie but there was never a real moment when you knew if this was really Chiyoko chasing this mystery man or if she were acting. Another thing I adored was how Kon captured each era and gave life to each of them even though he didn't linger on one point in time too long. He is the master! I cannot WAIT to see Tokyo Godfathers! I also admit I cried uncontrollably not only for the ending but for how gorgeous the art was throughout the whole movie. Only Grave of the Fireflies could do what Millinium Actress did to me. (I still like Perfect Blue a little better then Actress though). Ok, I'm done now...Does anyone know when Tokyo Godfathers is coming to the US by the way?
I've only started reading the manga but i'm already in love with all the characters (including the busty beauties ^_^) and the humor touches in the perfect spots. I think Gingi is my favorite just because when he gets in chibi mode I "awww" over the cuteness of it...and that's just not my style haha I can't wait to see the anime!
I agree that the first Silent Hill had much more..."pazazz" I guess you could say then the rest of the ongoing series did. I didn't touch much on Silent Hill 2 but the only thing I found interesting about 3 was the fact that Harry Mason made another cameo. A very SHORT one lol. The ending, though interesting, was quite uncalled for in three as well. (You people who took the short time to beat it knows what I'm talking about) But the graphics look great for 4, as usual. I hate to hear it will have less connections with Harry and the gang but I suppose they couldn't run on this forever. I just keep wondering why someone doesn't take out Silent Hill like Raccoon City. Surely once the excitement of the series has dwendled to nothing, the city will finally be wasted. Let us pray. Thanks for all the info! I will definitely rent the game, but I don't think I'll be spending anymore money on a games that aren't atleast twelve or more hours long ^_^ (Long live RPG!)
That's quite interesting to hear. Although Nina was an alright character in Tekken I still have to put my favor in Lei Wulong. I think with him they could have done a bit more in the way of story line (he's a cop, they always get into the fun stuff!). Nina was actually put in a sleep for quite awhile wasn't she? and they gave proof she has a son in Tekken 4 (The boxer, I can't remember his name) so with all that and her sister (hopefully) in the mix, I think I would try it anyhow. They could make that story pretty interesting. Tekken is my favorite fighting game ^_^ I just wish Jun Kazama was in more of them; those moves she has flow like water, I can juggle someone forever. Also, thanks for the info, I'm going to keep an eye out for it.