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  • Biography
    i luv manga, curently i'm busily digesting x1999
  • Occupation
    student @ AIPh

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  1. [center]this,[/center] eternal bliss one last kiss one last awww one last sigh the night quickly comes to vanquish the day laying there beside him in the dark hope and pray for morning smile and your eyes wax heavey will tomarow come? that is your hope your only prayer, that still resonates on your lips. please god, if there is a morning let him still be there. breathing living loveing a true lovers prayer. [font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]Please do not double post. It's against the rules. I've deleted your post. If you need any help clarifying what is against the rules or not, feel free to PM me. -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font]
  2. Thank you! :love: keep a good look out, you can b sure i'll be writing more poetry. ;) :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  3. That was so cute! :) heh heh, as for the squirrel dying part keep it! it's u're poem u can do what u like w/ it! as for me, it's a very cute poem. keep up the good work. hey i'm a poet too! so check out mine and tell me what u think! :)
  4. me to, i would like to make my own banner as well, so any help would b greatly apreaceated. :(
  5. Hi there! I just got started reading the x1999 manga and i luv the artwork, :love: although i haven't been able to watch any of the cartoon series. i personally love the story line, flashbacks and all. i'm more into the whole morbidly serious plot lines, although i will ocasionally slurge and read the funner manga's like Love Hina. I like the flashbacks because the explain the characters a bit more that suround the main character, it gives them more of a believability. :babble: Can any1 here plse tell me how many boocks r in the managa and how many movies are there of it because i'm realy into the story and i want to make sure that i don't miss a note. :babble:
  6. shrek 2 looks iteresting, i just hope that it's not like all movie sequeales and endsup all mushy and stuff. i liked the first movie, and the previews are realy funny so i have no doubt that it will be funny. :tasty:
  7. I luv all sorts of music besides country, and rap. :love: when i do my math homework i usually like listening to beatoven or Bach. When i'm cleaning i like to listen to any song with a good fast beat! i luv music i try to listen to it all the time! :love: :tasty:
  8. A soft wisper in the ear, yearning to be heard. The cold prick of fingers, yearning to touch. Dimly lit eyes wander, yearning to see. Forgotten, left behind in darkness. The lungs with great pain pull, Yearning for breath. "Let me be heard! Let me touch you! I want to see! I want to breath!" light comes, and then warmpth. A loved ones face hovers with great worry and despair. Breath again, See again, Touch again, For now Death has departed, But it will come again................
  9. [FONT=Times New Roman]times new roman[/FONT] Hi there! I like it, needs a bit more work but it sounds like a preaty cool story, one question tho whats the theme of your story? :babble:
  10. Hi ppls! My name is Mace Lightning! :love: :wave: I'm new here so go easy on me. I'm curently reading x1999 by, CLAMP and i luv it! I'm a Lightning godess, i can control lightning as ell as a couple other tricks. well g2g. :love: bye!
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