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About Soal

  • Birthday 09/20/1990

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  1. Soal


    *hits forehead* I do not dislike math, the whole point of the story was to have alittle fun and joke around with it a bit. You guys are way to serious about things, how many of you guys here have actually had fun? or laughed at something. I'v seen adults act better than most of you ppl. I wounder if any of you ppl have imagination. :lecture: :nope: :nope:
  2. Well how I got my user is pretty simple actually, I was one day just mindlessly surfing the net and then I came up with this name, it will fore ever become my permanent name for no one else I know has it, in fact I'm pretty much a loner with a name so different from everyone else, that no one could think of it, I love it and I will never give it up.
  3. It's great to see that your living life to it's fullest, just be careful though, I myself don't do any extreme sports because, well I'm not sure what kinds of extreme sports are out there, in fact I don't do many sports at all, I just stick home and play Video Games (I make thousands of new records everyday) The only exercise I get is during school days, or when I'm playing video games (thumb exercise :laugh: )
  4. Soal


    I know myself that it isn't writen very well, because I know I could do a better job than that, but my whole intention was to make something stupid, I am a writer as you can see, and I come up all sorts of neat things. Just wait and see guys this is only the beginning.
  5. Soal


    ok ppl, I wrote this story just for fun I love algebra to tell you the truth, I wrote this story to make ppl laugh, come on guys lighten up a little, laugh a bit, man tough crowd, let all those serious thoughts drift away, life is short and you only as old as ya feel. -Soal
  6. Well I created this story a while ago and well I want to share it with everyone here, it is kinda short though. The story of Algebra. A long time ago there was a teacher that taught at a school, the children teased him constantly. One day he got tired of all the pranks the children played on him so he went home that night and made a plan to get revenge on them. The next day he went to school, and taught the children, what he called algebra. They didn't understand a thing, so they we so focused on trying to get it that it overheated there puny little brains, making it oze out of there ears. This teacher was never caught doing this, so he taught it to other teachers, who understood it better. It has been passed on for years and years now, and the teachers havn't yet noticed that the brains of the students have been ozeing out of there ears. THE END.
  7. To tell you the truth I never had tried but I have managed to somehow stay home without going to school, I always tell my parents the truth if I'm lucky they keep me home and I miss school, I have no idea how I do it, it just happens.
  8. I do not symbolize any character but my hero in a video game is Vyse the Blue Rogue. Many have heard of him, many have not. I myself am a half Dragon and will burn anything that gets in my way. If anyone says something is impossible I like to prove them wrong by taking the challenge and doing it, i never think negativly, just like Vyse, I may look different but we are in synce, you may think I'm crazy, many ppl do, but I don't let that bog me down, I am a forums greatest fear, really I am...but anyways I think I'm getting off topic...I better stop now, but always watch out the half dragon has arrived. Remember ppl kindness is the key to everything.
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