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  1. So far, It seems like a tale that has alot going for it. you can go in so many directions from the end of the prologue. The interacial idea has been done in a few manga already such as [B]Inuyasha[/B] but if you manage to give the story a whole different tale, it will be it's own thing. it's very interesting.
  2. Has anyone seen the pics yet? I would like to hear your comments. thank you.
  3. Okay, I finally got the oppurtunity to post up some pics, they are still in sketch form, not finished yet. the backgrounds are still a work in progress. This character below is king vyse he was once a prideful and strong leader, but after being traumitized by numerous wars, Notice the look of weakness and aging in his face. he is in his warrior armor (notice the little details like the cape.. couldn't show his fox tail behind him though) The pic on the bottom is isaac, he is the main character who becomes possesed by the apocolyptical spirit force. I recommend clicking on it to get a better look, it isn't finsihed either but still looks pretty nice. I'll put up the finished art later but I hope you like what I posted EDIT-Okay here are the stats for a few of the characters in the story from the medieval age (this doesn't include the future decendants and characters, only medieval): Characters: Protagonists: Main character: Isaac Silthen Type of animal portrayed: Fox Gender:Male Age: part1:18 /part2:25 / part3:35 /part4:47 /part5: 59 Part6: 80 Deceased Birthday: September 11, 1499 Height: 5'9 weight: 120lbs weight with armor: 210lbs Fur color: white with light gold Eye color:ice cold blue/purple Personality and characteristics: Quiet, respectful, loyal. He's had a very strong sense of justice since early age but due to a permanent illness, he has never had the strength to stand up to threats among others.This is always the case with Isaac until he is possesed by the apocolyptical spirit force that turns him into the opposite of what he truly is (see silthfox below). he becomes a force that almost immediately becomes a legend among the fearful and fearless alike. he is gifted with what he never had in his normal form, like, Massive strength, light speed agility, keen sense of smell, hearing, vision, and more. but the cons of being in this state is that he becomes so powerful that the world itself is in danger of being destroy (notice that he has the spirit of the apocolypse in him) and he is unable to control himself too well. so in another view, he is his own worst enemy.. but the main question here is... how can he fight or rid himself of something that is far more power than him or any living mortal thing living on the planet? after the events that take place in the beginng, he runs off alone and considers suicide as his only way out but... if he was to kill himself... the curse would break but... if he did kill himself, the spirit would pour out of his body like a spore from a flower and flourish over the world and that would bring death to all, there would be no escape. the apocolypse would begin. in the later parts of the story he meets friends and enemys. Silth-Fox Gender: unknown Age: Since the beginning of time (continues to live in decendants of Isaac silthen all the way into the future and beyond) Height: 5'7 (he is slouching like a wild animal in this state, he is bigger in body size) weight: 590lbs fur color: dark/ghastly/dark silver Eye color: Blue/violet Powers: apocolypstical destructive strength, light speed movement, keen sense, there's more. Modes of his gaining strength: normal silth-fox, Ultimate silth-fox, and Silth-fox omega (he is unstoppable in this form) Just speaking about this character scares me. yes.. this is the kind of character that lives in the worst of dreams and reality thoughts of everyone in the world. people wonder when the end of everything would happen.. no one knows. but think about it, what if you were in the position in which you are possesed by an apocolyptical spirit. what would you do? if you chose to live, you suffer unimagable pain and stress and the world is slowing rotting around you because of you, if you die and dont produce offspring to carry the spirit into the next body the world is infact over as metioned in the Isaac stats. the name silth-fox is just the name that everyone begins to call the creature that isaac turns into, since the creature was first sigthed in the kingdom of silthen and has a from of a fox with big ears and tail. not much is known about this spirit other than, it is the main evil and also the force that helps him overcome enemys as strong as the spirit. as you can tell, the main character, Isaac isn't in a sweet position at all... just think how his decendats deal with it... yow.. Supporting characters: King Vyse (from royal silthen family) type of animal: Fox Gender:Male Age: part1: 52 Deceased Birthday: unknown Height: 6'4 weight:157lbs weight with armor: 320lbs fur color: light brown with white Eye color: light red A very serious but kind hearted king who takes nothing for granted.he once used to care little about the brave warriors he put in the battlefield, it never occured to him that they had loved ones back home that prayed for their safety. until he was once thrusted himself into battle, then he understood. he is the father of Isaac and married to Queen valencia. much of his life is shrouded in mystery. Queen Valencia type of animal portrayed: fox Gender: female Age: part1: 32/ part2: 37/ part3: 54/ part4: 69/ part5: 81 deceased birthday: january 5, (year unknown) weight:80 height:5'6 fur color: light golden with white eye color: blue Very caring and a healer of sorts. many fear for the queens future based on her knowledge of knowing too much of the setting around her. in youthful age, she had developed a healing affect, many think that she may be a witch because of this. is it possible for her to be one? Hilly Sanders the peasant type of animal portrayed: Goat gender:male age: part2: 16/part3:23/part4:35 part5: 57/ part6: 78 birthday: january 13, 1497 weight:125 height: 4'6 fur color: grey with white and bit's of brown eye color: brown Hilly sanders is a low class peasant who was living in puberty, although he didn't find king vyses rule fair toward peasants he begins to journey with Isaac (king vyses son) he carrys a heavy stone hammer and raises the spirit of everyone with his goofy and sarcastic humor. I'll post some more up later, tell me what you think! ^_-
  4. To klinanime I totally agree with you about how the story wasn't as clarified as well as I had hoped. the reason for this is mainly because I came from work very late and writing the massive story would've made me fall asleep, I just skipped some minor parts but the finished work will be more understandable. To actually script and draw this tale into manga form.. will take a long time. I am working on a few artwork sketches of a few characters. The first one being ing Vyse. I dont understand why it's so difficult to image the characters in this story, maybe when I put up the King vyse sketch, you'll see what they look like ^__- Thank you all for your thoughts! EDIT-Hey, it's me. the original topic creator, I wanted to know how you can post pics on your messages. Any help would be appreciated, btw I already tried the Insert image option, you have to have a website address. the thing is, you have to have a web address, I dont have one for my drawings. they are saved in my computer folder. any help?
  5. To WhiteDragon, thanks so much for your reply ^_^ I have thought about making an animated version just to show all the small details more. To answer your question, they are animals but they have human characteristics and emotions. for example: they stand on two feet, talk and so on but there appearance is a type of animal. King vyse and Isacc/royal family of silthene are royal foxes. I'll post some stats on later. I also thought about sketching first just to see what it'll appear to look as. this manga will require alot of time but I'll put up some of my wor later. :)
  6. I've had this idea in my mind since sept. 11, 2001.. yes.. the day when terrorism hit america. I felt this massive sadness and sarrow ad noticed how the world came to be, it really felt like the world had become in danger of more wars. So I came up with a story, tell me what you think okay? The story takes place in medieval times when kings were consider to have divine rights from god that allowed them to rule upon the masses of a village or kingdom. These certain beings relyed on the king for good health and protection from unwanted intruders that may come to cause harm and even death to them all. King vyse is not like your ordinary ruler, he despised the thought of war, since in the past he remembered the many victims laying lifeless that died all because of him.. he led them to that war and the price proved too heavy. The day that his newborn son, Isaac was born it was custom for the heir to the king to be of mature age to become the new official ruler of the Silthene kingdom. Isaac trained day and night to become a master swordsman, it wasn't until then that he noticed his troubled father inside the kingdoms cathedral, praying in a devasted low toned voice. something was wrong and the feel of dread of vileness filled the air... at that moment a monk bursts threw the two main doors of the catherdal and begs for help. all of a sudden a massive explosion hits the cathedral and hurls King vyse, Isaac and the monk through the floor and into a dreadful darkness. Isaac awakens and trys to get out of the pitfall but is unsuccessful. an unfamiliar chanting fills the air.. it starts to get closer to Isaac.. it calls to him... it begs him to come.. Isaac soon is face to face with a horrifying monument that showed various depictions of death and torture... in the middle was a face with a broadening saddeness. the yells and screams of many souls fills the air (it gets very loud as the monument with these horrifying images starts to move!) A Bloodcurling yell by Isaac awakens king vyse and sees that the monuments spirit is overtaking his only sons very soul. the monk at this point prays loudly as to protect them from the evil that was hidden under the cathedral, king vyse takes out his sword and attempts to help his son but it is no use.... as Isaac roars and yells in pain, he tackles his dad and the praying monk up in the air with amazing strength.. king vyse and the monk were dead.... Isaac was possesed not by a spirit from the common evil.. but by a apocolyptical spirit that was cable of ending the world... Isaac was unnoticeable to the villagers and soldiers that surrounded him up back in normal ground and not underground. they were under attack by murderous vikings that plotted to raid the kingdom (they caused the explosion in cathedral early on, remember?) Isaac in his possessed form roars a vile roar which causes an earthquake so massive.. the once lovely village and fields nearby were destroyed. (this scene is violent.. all I can tell you is that the bodys of villagers and soldiers were blasted, levated in the air like ants from sheer force) no one but isaac were alive.... I'll stop here just to give you a little taste of what my manga story is about . I know it might be alittle confusing but it's a very long plot to understand and giving you a crystal clear view is difficult. To give you some feed back, underneath the cathedral was an ancient monument built back in times unknown which was the awaiting spot of the apocolypse. It possesed Isaac which turned him into a mortal with an immortal soul in him. the scary thing is that as the years go by, Isaac becomes more and more savage like and the true Isaac isn't aware of what he's doing. Every character in this manga is an animal with human traits. king vyse and Iassca are foxe's. with the others being of various other types of creatures. it's interesting to note that animal in nature are savage like, we are civilized but in this story the characters are like us.. only when Isaac is possed he becomes like his true savage nature. not that animals become evil.. heh. There will also be a side story with how the world is slowing rotting away by adding this particular character unto existantance. there will be times when Isaac somehow manages to use the strength of the evil force in him for good. he can also get back to normal if he wears the soul containment ring. (thats another story..) One last thing.. this story relys on generations, after Isaac, his son or daughter will take over the curse and this will go on into the modern times then into the future (which isn't so bright.. if you know what I mean) Please tell me what you think! if there's something you didn't understand, tell me ad I'll explain it to you ^__- Edit1-So what does everyone think? I reread my story idea and thought it was alittle confusing. I mean in the way I put it all down, it's just that I've been under alot of stress and been tired lately. Plz, just tell me what you think, if you have any questions feel free to ask. thanks Edit2-I have awaited a reply.. just a few that can tell me what everyone thought about my idea. it's heartbreaking to see that no one really cares or even tells me why they dont like it. well.. nvm.. thanks anyways.. *sigh* :( [color=darkblue][size=1]As much as you may want replies from people, that's no reason to double, or in your case triple, post. Don't let it happen again. You've been warned.[/size][/color]
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