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Everything posted by Knightinblack89

  1. Hello out there! here is a poem for anyone to rate. please be honest. Loneleness The word that sinks like pain, the word that means injustice to someones, heart, it seems the heart is slain, loneleness, The word that means alone, not fitting in or your invisible to all eyes. the word that seeks out and destroys. all right now bye!
  2. I will just say that inuyasha has it's good parts and it's bad. [COLOR=Navy]Care to give us the details of those parts? ^_^ ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  3. Two of the best games is pok'emon Saphire and pok'emon Ruby! :ball: don't ask why...
  4. Hey blackbird, thanks. Your poem was very good as well. Here are a few more poems. another for my father sunrize, a new day i turn to look your way , will you come back? or torment me and go the other way... I must have you for my heart longs but a guilt still hangs around me for choosing the way to leave father, my father i did'nt mean to hurt you doesn't make sence now that i read it but i think it's ok. well with out telling you to much... I have a Wicked step-mother and this is a poem i wrote thinking of her.... :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: Wicked Step-Mother It's you who took , my father away, if it were not for you, I'ld be happy, but instead i have a growing hate, for you who took my father, will burn by the flames of Justice! If you will not disapear from time, you whos cursed and caused pain, will soon know the word Vengeance. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: hmmm i feel a bit better typing that... heres another poem that i thought of watching The Return of the King. Don't got a title any ideas? And now that i read it through it almost sounds like one of the characters from L.O.R. asking either gandalf or Aragorn. the night is becoming deeper, the fight of all good may be lost.. if one small person fail to destroy the Ring all will surely suffer the wicked. Can Frodo prevail? Or is there no hope? is a fools hope enough? well.. if we must wait.. i might as well hope.. well see ya later and i hope you don't see harry potter before me, bye!
  5. Wow. Those were realy great ninetails! I'm inspired! And blackbird.....I am also impressed. My friend Clark always there, always cares, never turns her back. Even when i'm in a bad mood, she's still there My friend Hikaru i know it's her with that sqeaky voice, but i don't mind that. i know it's her when i see her face, i don't mind that. she gives me the spooks when she tries to sing, i don't mind...that...much... My friend Fuu shes moody, :shifty: she likes food, her favorite color is green. i try not to get on the wrong side of her, becuse she can be quite mean. but even so i will care 'cuase, deep down inside, she has a heart of gold.( I think, that is.) blackbird that all eyes on me made me think of school, and how it felt. I think it was very good. this is a very serious poem for me. I hope it's Ok. the Father i once Knew i'm sittin' here i'm all alone i wish that i was not. the day i dread, keeps creeping back, i feel tears run from my eyes. my heart will burst from cryin' out, i wish i was still there, back to a house i did dread, but now i cry in my bed, wishin', prayin', that i could see my father once more. because a year or more is way to long for me to last. can't think of a good title. any sugjestion? cold and spiteful, disruptive and wicked, harshness and cruelity, heartless and brutality , Thats what the darkness is. hurt and pain, anger and crabbiness, displaesure and fear, thats what the darkness creates. but what the darkness most loaths and fears is, faith and hope, love and cheer, pure and heavenly, with which constructs a wonderful host of the pure and the Light. (this has nothing to do with poems but.. if any one could help me with my issue of inserting an image, i'ld be glad if ya could help. thanks.)
  6. Oh THANK YOU!!!!! Please rate theese! I'm on a Roll! Well...not realy...(kinda sad these poems :( ) [U]The End[/U] Darkness consumes the world, and dought fills the hearts of many. Death is upon this time, Madining many, But when it seems all hope is gone, the sun begins to rise, and hope is bruoght forth,and it's the beginig of the end. And it's the chance to change, Before the world has ended..... That is one of my more serios poems. Banishing The Darkness (thanks for the title Ninetails, I really like it. :D ) Before the sun rises, darkness takes over. And into pain and anger one must fall, so one can rise. The dark of what i become, can not over come, My heart and soul, Which will vanquish, what comes by the name of the dark. And i woudl like to add.. I think your poems were realy cool. :cool: :cool:
  7. [COLOR=Navy]I am New. Tell me if these poems are good. (I think the poems are good)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple] [U]This Friend[/U] :cool: :D :cool: This firend is kind and loyal who shant ever spoil, but then agian I could be wrong, this friend could sing another song, and turn away when i need it most. Thats the way the world goes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] [U]The King and the Eagle[/U] :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: Safe in the eagles wings, high above all troubles, the warm smile of a king, the welcome you feel, can not be explained. The soft feathers of an eagle, giant wings take flight, the king in charge, defending all his people, reaching out to those in need.[/COLOR] Here is my favorite. :D [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]LIFE[/U] life is meant to be lived, life is not meaningless, it has meaning. No matter how big or small, life can be joyful if you choose it to be. Do be careful what you think or do or life may be painful. Life is a gift, don't tihnk of throwing it away, life has meaning, if you look hard, you can see what meaning is. Even when nights are cold and days bitter :all: , life will surprise you, Trust these words, life always gets better.[/COLOR]
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