The Anonymous Usual
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[SIZE="2"][FONT="Garamond"][CENTER]Aiden Chevalier[/CENTER] The sun cast a soft, white glow through the filter of mist, cloud, and factory smog. Illuminating the dismal city streets paved with cobblestone; cracked and pitted and undoubtedly stained with blood, vomit, and a plethora of other bodily fluids. The very air breathed by the passers-by alone gave evidence to that. As he looked out into these streets from the bistro-style table front of the corner café, he gazed lazily at each denizen, unfocused vision couldn’t protect him from the leers and glowering eyes cast side to side by those possessing enough paranoia , or plain consciousness, to raise their head and peel their eyes from the ground. The dull thump and consequent scraping sound of a bundle of newspapers pulled him out of his intoxicating concoction of delirium and oblivion. His vision focused to reveal a boy, of no more than nine, garbed in black trousers fastened by a pair of braces, running over a ragged, white shit, complete with a flat cap. The paperboy yawned, the man at the café took notice and promptly drew his pocket watch from within his grey coat. There was a swift flash of silver as the faint light caught the lid upon being opened. “Half past five, eh?”, he spoke quietly to himself. He replaced the watch in the inner breast pocket and rose, leaving behind an empty coffee cup and a burning cigarette in the ash tray. Striding over to the paperboy, he soundlessly gestured with his hand above his head motioning for the boy to bring him a paper. The young one withdrew a pocket-blade and cut the string binding the stack, pulled the top one off and stumbled hastily toward his first customer. “Here you are gov‘na.” the boy stated cautiously. The man took the paper and flipped a coin off the top of his fist with his thumb, the boy’s eye’s widened in a sudden burst of adrenaline as his hand darted out to catch the coin. The man gave him a smirk as he noticed the boy’s vain attempt to hide the burst of panic. “Thank ya, Mr. Chevalier!” the boy called behind him, to which was returned an apathetic wave. Chevalier tucked the paper underneath his arm and continued down the road. He soon approached an officer on a street corner. He was leaning on the lamp post and turned his head lazily as Chevalier approached. Then, up righting himself and smoothing out his uniform he greeted his company with a nod and called, “Inspector!”, he began, smiling smugly, “Judging by your usual “cheery” disposition, I am forced to assume that you haven’t heard the news.” Chevalier’s eyebrows lowered, and his head tilted inquisitively. “What’s that you say? News?” He hastily pulled the newspaper from beneath his arm and flipped it up. The headline read: “Respectable Man Found Dead”. As his eye’s sifted through the words he suffered a barrage of thoughts at that moment, but maintained a calm composure. [I]Of all the words! Lord knows that degenerate’s demise was much too severely overdue, but murder…[/I] He looked up in frustration. “Why the hell was I not informed of this immediately?” The officer was taken aback. “Sir, I-” He began to produce an excuse, but was interrupted as a disheveled man emerged from the building across the street, that was know by common knowledge to be a brothel and opium den, and caught his eye. As he staggered across the intersection absent-mindedly his footsteps echoed with dissonance. The officer made a half-smile as the man approached. He was robed in an old, beaten wool overcoat and a large grey scarf, and two blood-shot eye’s peered out from beneath a rat’s nest of greasy, black hair. Swiftly producing a cloth sack of coins he held it out to the officer, who patronizingly sneered and snatched up the satchel from his palm. “Mighty lovely of ya.” raising his boot up and kicking the fiend in the chest. The pitiable man fell to the ground gasping, having had the wind knocked from him, scrambled to his feet and scurried away. Looking back to Chevalier, he found the investigator had lost interest, and patience, with his him and began to walk off. The officer shrugged and returned to his task of doing nothing, but was again interrupted as he hadn’t noticed Chevalier’s return. The investigator grabbed the side of the officer’s head and before he collapsed to the ground, he was jerked back up by the collar. Chevalier brought him close to his face and glared deep into his dazed eyes. “I’m sure that you’ll go and rectify this most deplorable situation, posthaste. Yes?” The officer whimpered and nodded weakly. The officer stumbled into the street, brushed himself off and proceeded. Dead man. Chevalier smiled as he reached into the front of his Norfolk jacket and withdrew a clip of cigarettes. Selecting one, he held it between his lips and after returning the clip, he retrieved a match, stuck it against his pant leg and lit the end of the cigarette. Dropping the match, he took a long drag, withdrew the fag and exhaled thick, grey smoke. He sighed. *** The district station, where he kept an office, was equally as depressing as the rest of the city: brown brick faded and pitted from decay, weather, and rioters. Above a less-than-impressive archway an engraving read: [I]Police[/I], and below it: [I]Pax Infinitum[/I]. The stifling irony was almost comparable to the growing distaste for this state’s increasing corruption. He settled down behind his desk, removed his coat and stared deep into the ceiling. He groaned and let his head fall loosely to the side and faced himself in the mirror. The man looking back could be construed as moderately handsome, had it not been for the layers of sleep deprivation and stress laid over his visage. Beneath his grey fedora rested a head of short-shaved hair, his face was dotted with stubble and scar tissue. His attire included a white, linen shirt, a black tie and bracers, a grey waistcoat, accompanied with grey trousers, a grey Norfolk Jacket, and black, scuffed shoes and black, soft leather driving gloves. He sighed. At age twenty-seven, he looked old. He had an unusually high sense of justice, but for the same reason a sense of paranoia and cynicism, to the likes of which only a world like this could give birth. A universal mistrust of human-kind had kept him alive this long, but this meager existence ceased to satiate him. Justitia, blind to bias, carries the Scales of Truth and Balance, and has bestowed upon him the Sword of Vengeance.[/FONT][/SIZE] OOC: This looks very promising Blayze! I hope everything is in order, just let me know if anything needs to be amended.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Name[/B]: Hizen Shirosai, ?Shiro? [B]Age[/B]: 15 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: Shiro, since he and Kuro are twins, they bear many similar traits. (Base the following description on [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/GabrielDrawing.jpg]this image[/URL]) Shiro stands at a height of about six feet, with a lean yet muscular build. His hair is long, reaching a little past his shoulder and is straight, coming over his right eye; and is white with dark blue tips. His jacket is slim-fitting, also white, with an exposed zipper off-centered to the right. The jacket has a tail reaching to the back of his thigh, and no sleeves. On his right shoulder he wears a metal shoulder-guard that is constructed in segments and his Kirigakure ?head-band? tied to his arm just below it. His arms are painted with alternating black and white lines (in the same style as [URL=http://www.absoluteanime.com/rurouni_kenshin/hannya.jpg]Han?nya[/URL] from Ruroken) to create an optical illusion hiding the actual length of his arms. This feature is coupled with the use of his Neko-te, or Tiger Claws weapons, which he wears over black fingerless gloves with metal plates on the back of the hand. There is a pouch on his right hip containing a needle and two vials of powdered deadly nightshade and two of physostigmine, an antidote. His pants are also white and tight-fitting with a stripe down each side leading to mid-shin height standard issue boots. On his right thigh he has his shuriken and kunai pouches and on the left hip are his smoke bombs. He also wears a lip ring in the center (not the ear-rings as pictured. [B]Rank[/B]: Genin [B]Personality[/B]: He is somewhat less flirtatious than his twin, that is not to say he shut-in or antisocial. Contrary to his quiet demeanor he can be quite kind and affable. Like most, he is serious when the circumstances call for it, but even more so, he tends to fall into periods of a more extensive silence and cynicism. Some have called it philosophic, however, this stems from some of the brutal training conditions of Kirigakure. Very much like his brother, he is more than a fierce fighter. Shiro is a cunning strategist and a dangerous combatant, as he was virtually born on the battlefield, it has become, somewhat, his element. [B]Equipment[/B]: Kunai Knives x 10 Shuriken x 10 [URL=http://www.warriorquest.com/torashuko2.jpg]Neko-te[/URL] x 2 Smoke bombs x 5 Concealed Assassin Blade (Right) x 1 Right Metal Shoulder Guard Vial of powdered deadly nightshade x 2 Vial of physostigmine (Antidote) x 2 [B]Main Weapon/Technique[/B]: Lacking exceptional tourniquet in Ninjutsu he bases a majority of attacks on Taijutsu and Genjutsu. A master of the Neko-te, he combines, predominantly, physical attack with such chakra consuming abilities such as in Ninjutsu or Genjutsu; often fighting along side his twin brother, Kurosai. However, he often employs the strategy of conserving his Chakra as to obtain maximum efficiency when using his Kekkai Genkai. [B]Taijutsu[/B]: [I]Dokueki no Tsume[/I] (Claws of Venom)- Shiro uses his poison in unison with his Neko-te. He can, if available, manipulate the water (or mist) in the area, to create a sort of ?wave? of the toxin, or combine it with his Afuta-Shaozou no Jutsu or his Kekkai Genkai to increase his speed and become more like a human arrow. [B]Ninjutsu[/B]: [I]Kiri Kikai no Jutsu[/I] (Mist Machine Technique) An extremely simple jutsu that changes the smoke from a smoke bomb into mist, which can be used in unison with other Taijutsu attacks. [I]Mononoke no Kiri[/I] (Ghost in the Fog)- Gathering large sums of chakra energy, Shiro reaches a heightened agility where he is able to move seamlessly though mist and fog without disturbing the moisture hanging in the air and going undetected by his opponent. However, as such a feat takes a great toll on his chakra, he is unable to perform this for long, often leaving him in a somewhat weakened condition. Genjutsu: [I]Afuta-Shazou no Jutsu[/I]- After Image Technique- Because of Shiro?s inefficiency with ninjutsu, his ?doppelganger variation? is this technique. Once a mist bomb has been employed, [and possibly with unison of his kekkai genkai] he mimics the doppelganger technique in front of the opponent, which gives him the opportunity to stare into his opponents eyes and activate the Genjutsu. The opponent believes an unimaginable amount of doppelgangers have been created, and are all attacking him. Shiro invokes this illusion by striking quickly from all sides with his Neko-te, creating the illusion of multiple attacks. [B]Kekkai Genkai[/B]: Molecule Displacement- Shiro and his family bloodline have the ability to make their skin as smooth as silk, so as to greatly decreases the fluid friction of their skin so that their movement is nye impossible to track. Also, while in this state, they are virtually invincible, as the near lack of solid skin molecules causes anything but a clear shot to slide right off. This move takes considerable strain upon the body and the chakra limit, and if in use for an extended period of time it will deactivate on its own, rendering him unconscious. Depending on how hard he pushes himself while it?s invoked, it might take one to three days to completely refill his chakra levels. [B]Biography/Writing Sample[/B]: It was cold. The sun cast a pale, white glow over the awakening land. Shiro marched along with his fellow classmates, his brother two colums over and four rows ahead. They moved six people long and four abeast through a dimly lit forest far from the villiage. There were two proctors leading the brigade. They had told the children this was the final exam, a test to become full-fledged shinobi. ?Where are we heading? This is simply ridiculous at six in the morning.?, a student complained nearby. He was right. Shiro thought, rubbing his tired eyes with the back of his hand. There was a sudden jolt as all movement ceased. The proctors stood silently facing the group. Shiro took in his surroundings: a dense forest of tall leaf-clad trees, moist with the morning dew. There was a short cliff, about fifteen feet in height adjacent, and- his vision was cut off as an ominous dense fog settled over the woods. He face forward and his eyes met Kuro?s, he mouthed a few words, but is mattered not, as Kuro couldn?t understand. The proctors came to life, ?Welocme, young students of Kirigaure.?, he spoke low and slowly with a gravely voice. ?This is the final testing. In a short time it will divide those who have what it requires to bear the title of Shinobi, and those who do not.? Shiro?s stomach now began to feel as if it has been tied in a tight knot. He faced the earth and attempted to get his nerve, but it was all in vain as the paranoia exploded into fear as there was a bit of commotion at the front. The kids ahead were twisting around to face the studend behind them, then returned to their original position. Then the boy before him turned and shakily placed a single kunai knife in his hand. He stared. He felt as if he were going to vomit. I- I always thought they were just rumors. Besides, wasn?t this peacetime? He was shaking when he was called to attention. ?As some of you may have heard, though most of you are much to young to have remembered, Kirigakure has proudly produced some of the world?s most fearsome warriors and most brilliant ninja.? Shiro swallowed hard, feeling the surrounding vibe of surmounting terror of the students. ?Today, all but one of you,? One single tear caressed Shiro?s cheek. He looked up, his breathing all but stopped. The moment lasted an eternity, an endless period of primal fear, and gentle oblivion. He wished it could have lasted, but two words pierced the silence: ?, will die.? He was only a child, soon to be a murderer or a cadaver, this was only a forest, soon to be a cemetery, This was only a nightmare, he wished. ?Survive.? The two proctors faded into the blanket of mist and the twenty-four students, stared, disbelievingly. Ten darted into the unknown. Shiro found himself on a branch overlooking what he guessed was where they had stood. This was it? There was a rustle below. He stealthily descended the tree and eyed the knife clenched in his palm. Delivering a swift kick to the bushes, a fresh crackling of wood was returned, revealing a newly severed branch. A dummy? Then. Above came a wild cry, with eyes closed Shiro instinctively brought up his right hand to shield. A sharp gasp came. Opening his eyes he stared transfixed in horror. The kunai was in his right hand. And the fall had given the other child enough velocity to become impaled to the point where Shiro?s hand was nearly inside of him. As he retracted his hand, the boy fell limp to the ground. All was soundless and Shiro retched. Upon sensing someone approaching, he quickly pulled the kunai from the fallen villiager?s abdomen and flung it into another?s leg. The kid shrieked and dropped his weapon, Shiro stood before him, an Angel of Death. This is it. This is the line. The strong will live, only the strong. The weak? The weak will die. They need to die. They must, so the strong can live. He wasn?t thinking clearly any longer, primal instincts had dominated him. He took up the wounded kid?s knife and placed the tip on his throat. He closed his eyes and felt the cold steel of yet another blade against his throat. He must have come when this one screamed. He felt it, the other boy?s adrenaline surged and the knife at his throat braced to make it?s incision. Death wanted him, but death didn?t come. There was a grisly thud as the boy choked and coughed blood onto Shiro. Kuro rushed over and retrieved his blade from the fallen one?s back. The wounded child pulled the kunai from his thigh and stumbled forward for one last, desperate attack, but was halted as blades left Kuro and Shiro?s hands, and entered his chest, piercing a lung, and his heart. Gathering their wits about themselves they stared into each other?s eyes. A quiet ferocity growing, they understood and leapt at eachother, wrestling savagely across the ground. Shiro grabbed Kuro by the collar and slammed his head against the tree. His brother reversed it and flung him towards the oblivion. Shiro landed solidly and felt around, they were by the cliff. He felt Kuro leap from withing the mist and caught him in the air with his foot. Shiro pinned him. Kuro reached over and grappled for a bloody kunai from the throat of a fallen comrade. He grasped it and held it to his brother?s throat. Shiro pushed against the blade. They now were an equal distance from death, but a familiar voice called out. ?We commend you two,? the two proctors appeared at the top of the cliff. ?You have the spirit, and the drive to be worthy of bearing the title of Shinobi. Come with us, and don?t look back. The Villiage Hidden in the Mist bestows upon you the rank of Genin.? Shiro and Kuro both breathed deeply, shared a glance, then received their headbands. Epilogue: The test passed by the brothers Hizen, Kuro and Shiro was the last of Kirigakure?s brutal exit exams. Although a peacetime had finally been declared between the nations, a strong tradition had prevailed in the Land of Water, and the tests continued in secrecy, declaring them ?ended? publically only to aid the new image and prevent conflict. [B] Extra Notes[/B]: Twin brother of Hizen Kurosai, he resides in Konohagakure.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up 13th Order: The Endless War [PG-V, possib. L]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Onix's topic in Theater
Hope this isn't too late! ^__^; [SIZE=1][COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=1][B]Original Name:[/B] Artemis [B]Order Name:[/B] Atrexsim (Uh-trek-sim) [B]Number:[/B] XIII [B]Code Name:[/B] The Enshrouded Executioner [B]Element:[/B] Smoke [B]Weapon:[/B] The weapon Atrexsim uses is fastened to his arm and is, more-or-less rectangular in shape and looks like blades overlapping each other. When this ?contraption? is activated, two, double-sided blades hinged near his wrist, spring out so they are fixed, perpendicular to his arm, and opposite of each other. Simultaneously, a single double-edged blade extends from above his wrist straight out. Then two steel plates fold out like wings and appear to be the top of a heart near the crook of his elbow. This happens on both arms and are, actually, large, bladed Nobody symbols. [B]Nobody:[/B] [I]Shinobi.[/I] These Nobodies have a human shape, but more like a Sniper than a Dancer. They have the white bodies and a light grey ?tribal? ([URL=http://www.tattoo-me.com/funstuff/bands.jpg]examples[/URL]) design about their torso and arms. Their movements are not as bizarre as the Dusk, but their flexibility is just the same. The usually move on air, so they agile, swift, and soundless for the most part, save a whisping sound of the smoke they are enshrouded in, and are armed with Tiger Claw weapons. The Shinobi Nobodies utilize their ability to ?warp? and fade in and out of ?solidness? in a way comparable to the Neoshadow. They bare the symbol of the Nobodies on their back and over their non-existent ?face?, also in the ?tribal? style. [B]Appearance:[/B] Atrexsim is lean yet muscular in stature and stands at a height of 6?3?. His hair is very much like [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/30/XIII_Order_06_Zexion.png]this[/URL], but is black with crimson streaks going down the strands. His icy-grey eyes are set into somewhat deep eye-sockets, and he has an angled face with prominent jaw-bones. He wears the traditional black robe with black uniform beneath, but the sleeves are torn off, partly to not get in the way o his weapons and partly to show his arms. They have alternating black and red stripes, much like [URL=http://www.absoluteanime.com/image.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.absoluteanime.com%2Frurouni_kenshin%2Fhannya.jpg&w=459&h=658&title=Hannya%20%28Rurouni%20Kenshin%29]this[/URL], to exaggerate the length of his arms in combat. [B]Personality:[/B] Atrexsim has a very wide range of emotions, each appropriate for the situation, he is mainly casual and easygoing with his companions and at times of ease, having characteristic sarcastic remarks and joking with friends. He, however, is most compatible especially with Xranis who constantly combines efforts with Atrexsim in combat given their similar personalities, close friendship, and complementing fighting styles. However, in battle or on a mission he assumes a more responsible and level attitude, but without losing himself to an emotionless mindset of mercilessness. In combat, when teaming efforts with Xranis they takes advantage of the Assailants? and Shinobis? abilities to move quickly and stealthy, as well as their own similar, yet unique abilities and assassin-like fighters. Off the battle field Atrexsim is more than likely to be with Xranis and Xarin. Similar to his comrades, his loyalty to his leader, Onix, is unwavering and unquestioned. Fighting fearlessly behind him and his cause. [/SIZE] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
Sign Up The DarkBlood Project [M for Extreme Violence, Dark Themes]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
[color=white][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Crimson Edge [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Demon Form:[/B] Njord [B]Weapon:[/B] Urd [B]Rank:[/B] Assassin [B]Physical description:[/B] [URL=http://img111.exs.cx/img111/5682/37174109iy.jpg][COLOR=White]Vermillion and Crimson[/COLOR][/URL] (in that order), and this is[URL=http://blog.yam.com/onion_club/c18347b5.jpg][COLOR=White] Crimson[/COLOR][/URL] alone. His pupils, however, are normal. And his left eye is red, whereas the other is grey. As opposed to his brother, who's right eye is red, and left eye is grey. [B]Personality:[/B] Similar to his twin, Vermillion, Crimson is calm and always has his wits about himself. During a mission, or in combat at all, he is a skilled fighter, and since fighting and killing without remorse comes with the job, he has learned to keep his emotions separate from himself during a fight, and to kill mercilessly. However, outside of his work as an assassin, he is quite personable. It's almost as if he is a different person entirely. He is found laughing and crying with friends and sharing all of the emotions of those he deems "close". He, however, does carry over one trait, and that is his calm; his laid-back, yet alert personality persists. The relationship between Crimson and Vermillion, though newly-founded, is very strong, as they only had eachother after the light. After the light washed over them, they bonded with one another very swiftly, almost as if entering into one anothers mind. This connection was the seed that led to the strong mental link that compels the brothers to act in the other's best interest; and is utilized fully in battle to coordinate attacks and nearly simulate a "telepathic" link. Outside of battle the brothers link does not end, and they walk, talk, and act in coordination. However, when one brother is in danger, the other will risk neck and hide to save them, though they still haven't quite grasped why. [B]Combat Tactics:[/B] Crimson has been known to pride himself in his abilities to kill, and while he may enjoy the drawing-out-of of a fight, he always takes care of the task at hand. He uses untraceable dash techniques to quickly overtake enemies, then striking swiftly with precision to debilitate, or most likely, kill instantly. These swift "assassinesque" techniques are often coupled with the sharpshooting talents of his brother. Where Crimson would charge with great agility into battle, most of the time, undetected, and Vermillion would be a distance covering his beloved brother and helping to clear a path to the target. [B]Skills:[/B] The brothers possess flowing and complementing singing voices that, when combined in unison, produce a melody unparalleled by many. From his assassin training he has a second nature to make his footsteps and his breathing measured and unheard, and his presence undetected. [B]Phobias and Weaknesses:[/B] Losing his beloved brother. This worry for his brother's well-being and fear of him being discovered and overwhelmed in combat, occasionally distracts Crimson. However, he pushes himself to re-train his mind to separate his emotions when necessary, but finds constant difficulty because of the bond he shares with Vermillion. [B]Pet Peeves:[/B] Incompetence, Ignorance, and arrogance. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Ok,I edited my post so my character has a wide and clearer variety of emotions. Yay Emotions![/SIZE] -
Sign Up Parallel Convergence: Alteration [M-LVS]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Orcus's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Atticus Crowe [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Class/ Job:[/B] Chief of the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Division for the Northern Army. [B]Weapon:[/B] In normal battle, Atticus wields two swords, however, he doesn?t always use both at the same time. Also, since his profession occasionally puts him into situations where ?diplomacy? is involved, or where there is a general necessity to lack obvious weapons, he secretes an assassin blade in each cuff of his sleeves below his wrists. These can either come out far enough to hold in his palms, or to throw. ([URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/A_Knife.jpg]Blade[/URL]) [B] Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/ashurei.jpg]Atticus[/URL], and [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/cool_cool.jpg]This[/URL] is how his swords look (but this isn?t him). [B]Skills:[/B] Gathering information, negotiation, and reconnaissance; other than these skills attained in his previous occupation, he is highly skilled in close-quarters combat, with weapons or bare-fisted. [B]Genetic Variation:[/B] [I]Vorpal Dash[/I]- This newly acquired technique allows Atticus to move across shorter distances at speeds untraceable by the human eye. This causes him to have a teleporting effect. [I]Shadow Camouflage[/I]- This technique allows Atticus to ?melt? into the ground or wall as a shadow for short periods of time. This, needless to say, can be a very useful stealth tool or be of great advantage in combat. [B]Personality:[/B] Atticus essentially has two sides. When he is with close friends and companions, or alone, he can be very laid-back and sociable. However, in the heat of battle he will become a merciless fighter. Emotionless, calm, and all about the task at hand. Possessing a strange, calm, even voice he wears a face void of feeling, so the enemy couldn?t possibly read his emotions. [B]Motivation:[/B] After years of serving in the Northern Army he began to study the corruption within, not only the enemy?s government, but his own. Silently waiting for a chance, he takes his opportunity upon the discovery of the powerful Shin Blakehert?s dropping out of the Vermillion Crusaders. When they spoke, he found that there were even more powerful forces than the continents at work. Deciding to go AWOL, he joined Shin as a mercenary to try and save the world from being plunged into perpetual chaos. [B]Biography:[/B] Atticus sat alone in the dimly lit room. The walls were painted a standard plain white, with a certificate hanging off to the right of the desk. The blinds were drawn, casting an orange glow onto the black, wooden desk. There were file cabinets, book shelves and a counter that held a coffee maker that was only ever used to make tea. His chair was tipped back and he was resting his left hand on a saucer on his leg, while the other was holding a teacup to his lips. He breathed in the hot tea slowly and stared blankly into oblivion. [I]This conflict has gotten far out of anyone?s control. Not even divine intervention could save us now.[/I] His thoughts trailed off. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. ?You may enter.? He called with authority. A middle-aged man emerged with three folders of paperwork stacked on top of each other. Making a b-line for the desk, he marched with purpose towards his superior. Gently placing the folders on Atticus? desk he stood rigid, saluted, and with a wave of Atticus? hand, promptly left. Upon hearing the door click shut, the young man in his all-black uniform let his head fall and thump against the stack of paperwork. He raised his head, sighed, and brushed his snow-white hair from his eyes. ?I don?t have the time for this kind of crap,? he began, to himself. But was stopped when he opened the first file, and smiled, ?So, they are beginning to decay at the highest ranks. I always thought it was going to be the grunts that break first.? He spoke aloud as he looked at the photograph of the slender, fair-haired boy. [I]He?s only, what? Eight-teen? And he has already become stronger than me, surpassed me in rank, figured out this cruel system, and quit it all. He?s a damn role model. And how did this happen? He was biogenetically enhanced! Well, it?s sort of the same for me. Without this so-called enhancement. [/I] Atticus looked up at a picture, framed in plain silver on his desk, next to the lamp. There was a man in a military uniform with his hand on a white-haired, four-teen year old boy. His father. He had taught him everything he would have to know to follow in his footsteps. How to use his wits and be resourceful, to be well beyond physically fit, to make quick decisions, and to take life without feeling. He was the former Chief of the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Division in Muchitsujo?s army. He was, however, killed in a bombing by Zetsumei?s soldiers earlier that year. Since Atticus? old man had given his son so much rigorous training, and had a great deal of influence around the higher-ups, the boy had a foot in the door which, coupled with some expert performances, led him to where he is right now, as the new Chief of Intel and Recon. For some time now, Atticus had studied the movements of his government, in secret of course, and found that the corruptness in both his own, and his enemy?s governments would only grow. The slaughter would never end. Not ever. ?I must speak with this Shin. I?m sure we will find we have very much in common.? He mused to himself as he picked up the porcelain glass and finished the tea. Sliding his chair back and turning to take his white cloak off of the wall, buttoned it at the collar and headed for the door. For a moment he contemplated taking a sword, but felt the razor tips of his knives tucked inside of his cuffs. He smiled devilishly to himself as he hit the light switch and locked the door. (Atticus becomes one of the two mercenaries who accompany Shin after finding and meeting with him.)[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]With a burst of flame from Vivi's weapon, the fighters engaged. Axel lept through the blaze and materialized before the beast, punching towards its chest and and sinking a spike from his chakrams into its flesh. Then, placing hish feet on the monster, weapon still piercing the skin, he let loose a firey blash and kicked off, ending him safely backward, and the heartless stumbling the opposite way. [I]Who is manipulating these creatures? Hoardes of Nobodies. Giganic heartless. Something was in the works. The Organization had appearantly re-assembled, as indicated by the boy's cloak. But he couldn't possibly be with Xemnas. He died anyway, didn't he. Could some of these Nobodies really, even die? [/I] Axel thought hard as he dodged a sweep fromthe beast. Running sideways, he passed Roxas, who unleashed a powerful Strike Raid, coupled with an attack by the Red Cat, knocking the Heartless into a wall. As Axel's thoughts began to race, his mind drifted back to the void, The Realm of Naught. [I]Is it possible that Xemnas appeared there too, and was it possible that his will was strong enough to allow him a true soul?[/I] His mind was racing and as he cast a pillar of fire at the beast. [I]Roxas and I, we were brought back for a reason, but what have we gotten into?[/I] As he was sidetracked, he didn't have enough time to react when the colossal heartless hit him square in the chest and sent him crashing to the wall. He gasped from the force of his collision. He quickly raised his hand to cast flames in the approaching beast's face. However, where a proud burst of fire was suppose to appear, a weak ember fluttered to the ground. [I]Shit.[/I] As Axel knew he couldn't possibly escape, he crutched ready to defend, but there was little hope in him. All of a sudden, Roxas appeared above the monster, jamming his Keyblade into its back, while the the Red Cat secured a leg. As Roxas shifted his weight the monster lost balance and fell to the right. Then, all three warriors lept aside as Vivi raised his weapon to cast Stonaga. The heartless was para lized with fatigue s he began to rise. The four stood, poised. The fight would be drawing to a close. Axel and Roxas engaged. While Axel ran off towars the wall, Roxas burst off in the oposite direction. Axel then lept up, kicked off of the wall, and used the force of his jump to add proplsion to his chakrams, which were just leaving his fingertips and cutting through the air towards a boulder from Vivi's spell. Simultaneously, Roxas had used a massive amount of energy to send his keyblade whirling toward a stone next to Axel's target. The collisions were meant to shatter both stones and send debris fly, in an attenpt to limit the already less-than-mobile foe. It worked. A stone had hit the beast clear in the eye as it was unsteadily standing up. Nanaki siezed this moment to leap at the creature's chest while it was unbalanced an sink his razor sharp fangs into it's dark flesh. The three, Axel, Roxas and Nanaki, began to attack the immobile creture vigorously while it growled helplessly. As Roxas and Axel stood ready at the monster's throat, they saw it shudder and a blank expression washed over it's face. Turning they saw Ferin, Keyblade stuck deep into the beast's chest. He smile wearily, "Couldn't let you guys have all the fun.", The group smiled back. Then Axel frowned and walked quikly over to Ferin. He reached out and took hold fof the black cloak and quickly jabbed his arm downward, tearing the cloak. "Hey, what the he-", Ferin started, but was cut off when Axel pulled and tore the garment off comlpetely, sending Ferin stumbling backward and falling to the ground.Axel began, "Whoever gave this to you is the enemy.", he spoke fircely, yet not raising his voice, "How did you get this?", his voice growing louder now. "Some other guy in a black cloak," Ferin began angrily, "I just showed up here after fighting some other giant monster, no one knew me anymore, and this guy came out of a portal and gave it to me! I don't even know what the hell is going on and why did it have to happen to me!" He shouted. Axel was stunned for a moment, then he looked down as a calm spread across his face. He slowly stepped closer to Ferin and extended his hand to him. After a tense moment, Ferin smiled back and took his hand and Axel helped him up. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I added to this post in an attempt to move the story along. Where is everyone anyway? Doublehex? KW? Kitty? Anyone? I hope this RPG doesn't die-out this early. :animesmil
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]As Roxas came out of his Drive Form, a group of Dusk used this window of opportunity to strike simultaneously. Roxas swung at the first two assailants, and was about to reverse the blade to take out the other two. But was slightly stunned when the Nodboies collided with a chakram. Quickly swivling his head right he caught his friend charging to his aid. Noticing an enemy spring up behind Axel. "Get down!", he shouted quickly. Axel dropped in mid-step as the keyblade soared over his head, cutting the Dusk in two. There were generally two groups now. Sora, Riku, and Seth fighting together. An Roxas and Axel teamed together. Axel faced the Nobodies and dropped low for a sweeping kick, destroying one enemy and bring his chakram around to turn another into smoke. Roxas jumped up and kicked off the wall, sweeping low and sending what Dusk that weren't destroyed, flying into the others. Axel decided to sieze this moment. He raised both arms parallel to the ground, out to his sides. He lowered his head and gathered all of his remaining Magic Power. Slowly looking up, he raised his eyes to look upon the clumsy band of white, flowing bodies. He spoke, "Well guys, its been fun," he began, swiftly swinging his hands to his frond, palms open in his traditional stance, "but this has to end now!" A great plume of flame shot from the space his hands met. As the few Nobodies who survived the attack were silenced by Roxas' keyblade, Axel stared into the sky and watched as the smoke-like vapor released from the fallen Dusk dissapated. [I]Were they going to there too? Or were these lesser, soulless creatures damned to wander in oblivion?[/I] He was shaken from his thoughts when a loud thump was heard. Roxas turned o him. "Was that a crash?" Roxas inquired to himself as he averted his attention from Axel to the street leading to the center of town. "Riku!", Axel shouted to the boy of silver hair, smiling, "Can you guys hand the restof the these bastards?" Riku slashed through an enemy and turned to give Axel a winning smile. Grinning back, Axel turned to Roxas, who nodded as if to know exactly what his friend was thinking. They both bolted off to investigate. "What were all those Dusk about?", Axel called to Roxas. "I don't know, really,", he began, "but I'm having the same feeling as earlier. I think it's the keyblade wielder from the clocktower.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Hey, sorry I haven't posted in a while, I got lost along the road of life *Kakashi's great*. Oh, and I hope you guys (Doublehex, White, and company) don't mind Me and Abel coming.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Axel moved in complete unison with Roxas. His friend gracefully unleashed a Strike Raid on a large group, engulfing many in flames. Some, however had managed to dodge back, but shorlty met their end when sliced in half by Axel's chakrams. Suddnly on made a jump behind Axel and, with claws outstreatched, aimed for his throat. Turning futiley (sp?), he stared with disbelief into what may be his fate. Just then, the Nobody stopped short in mid-air, and evaporated, revealing Riku holding Way to Dawn where the attacker had been. "I believe I owe you one...", Axel smiled at Riku as he spun the Chakram in his left hand to parry, and struck quikly with the right to finish an attacking Nobody. Looking over his shoulder he saw Roxas destroying the assailants by the handful, but to no avail. "Is there an end to this?", he shouted rhetorically with a mixture of fatigue and frustration. Axel executed a sweeping kick to three Dusk as he threw a flaming chakram low towards a group near Roxas. [I]His Drive Form won't hold up forever...[/I] Axel sprang into the air and spun, fending off two foes, but a strong headbut to the chest sent him to the ground. As the attackers closed in a bolt of lightning destroyed four and scattered the rest. Rolling over Axel saw Sora standing about six feet away, witht he Millenium Keyblade held high over his head, perpendicular to the ground. Riku sailed through the air and kicked off the station wall, stabbing downward and defeating the remaining Nobodies from Sora's attack. "We have to finish this... What's the plan?", Axel turned to Riku. But before he could reply they cought sight of a faint flash. Roxas' Drive had worn off. As Axel rushed to aid his drained friend, Riku and Sora stood back to back, poised for the next onslaught.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Fate [M-LV]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Riku's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]- Axel [B]Age[/B]- 17 [B]Side[/B]- Light. [B]Story[/B]- Axel awoke with a start. He quickly sat up and stared around the white-washed room and the memories hit him like a train. The Mansion in Twilight Town. He slid himself off of the long table and sensed something different, he then caught his reflection in the glass in a picture frame. Walking closer ever so slowly, touching his face. I am? younger? He was indeed younger. Then more of his memories returned, and left him entranced. He remembered. He had been with Sora in the void, a passage to the realm of Darkness. The Nobodies had assembled and began to attack, and he selflessly used the very last of his strength to help Sora. And as he laid there, he couldn?t help but feeling he was in the presence of his long-lost friend. Then he was swept away to another vast expansion. Is this? the afterlife? No, I don?t have a soul?I couldn?t be dead. His thoughts trailed off. He wandered throughout the abyss, meandering aimlessly when he heard a voice. A light was shining through the mist, it said he had entered the Realm of Naught. The source of this voice stepped forward. Engulfed in a blinding light, it was a man, resembling Axel himself. He smiled. Axel began to weakly utter the words: ?Could you?be?-?, but he was cut off as the figure rushed towards him with unreal speed. Axel shielded himself with his arms, but found the figure had become smoke, had faded into Axel. As he realized this he felt a falling sensation and shortly lost consciousness. His body materialized and he awoke with a start as he gracefully was laid onto the table in the White Room. He had received his Soul. As his mind returned to the present he gazed into his reflection, he decided he was about the age of seventeen. Upon hearing a crash he turned sharply to face the door; finding, on reflex, that he could still summon his chakrams. As the door burst open, revealing two dusk he had already prepared to fight, and, lighting his weapons ablaze he flung them and skillfully sent the intruders flying into the railing. He leapt out to finish them when his face suddenly when white with shock. There stood Roxas. [B]Personality[/B]- He is generally a laid back character, however, he is quite level-headed and loyal to what he sees as right. A dedicated friend and ally who has a tenancy to have a sarcastic tone. In the past he was seemingly loyal to The Organization, however, in the end he proved himself as true denizen of the light by helping obliterate the massive armies of Nobodies and aiding Sora. This was motivated by his longing for his best friend, Roxas, to return. Now, as a teenager he acts pretty much as any teen would, slightly independent and opinionated, however, since this is his quite reminiscent of his former self, it doesn?t change his overall personality, but accentuates the youth in him. [B]Weapon[/B]- Chakrams. These are eight-pointed wheels that he summons with arms outstretched and palms open. Also, see pic. [B]Magic/ Abilities[/B]- [I]Engulfing Flames[/I]- as Axel outstretches his arms, palms open, he makes a spinning, sweeping motion that summons a flame barrier that deflects weaker magic and projectiles, and absorbs some of the strength of some weapon attacks. [I]Fire Strike[/I]- Axel outstretches his palm, as if to shove something, and the target is momentarily engulfed in a plume of fire. [I]Crimson Raid[/I]- Axel ignites his chakrams and skillfully throws them at the enemy, and the chakrams would hit the enemy again upon return to Axel?s hands. [B]Picture[/B]- [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/untitled.jpg]Axel[/URL] (full grown) with chakrams pictured here. He now is slightly shorter (by only about four or five inches, so around 6?2??) and has a younger face. Otherwise the teardrop tattoos below his eyes and spiked orange hair remain. Now he wears black shoes, with dark jeans with a chain on the side, and a black, hooded, zip-up jacket with the symbol of the Nobodies in red on the back.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Jinsei stood, gripping Satsujin. He surveyed the battlefield, taking in the multitude of fights. [B]"Damn, I'll have to rethink my strategy if I want to get anywhere."[/B] He growled under his breath. Then he remembered, [I]Zoku's creations.[/I] Glancing over he yelled, [B]"Dusk! call Disaster and the others, there standing guard out front!"[/B] Dusk nodded. He then slammed Yaiba into a wall, rendering her unconsious; then pulled out his cell phone and almost instantly the other vampires sprang through the door. Disaster drew her two handguns and Griffin brandished his broadsword, then rushed over to engage in a bout with Kuroichi. Kaze drew her katana and Reya clasped her staff as they ran to assist Dusk with Yaiba; who had gained consiousness and a sudden rush of streangth. Tetsuya and Naota went to engage with Akio. Yukiko started to follow but was knocked back by Doppo. Jinsei took notice and came to her aid. In addition, Rift and Obstruct unsheathed their daggers and made ready for battle. [B]"Get outta my way!"[/B] Jinsei shouted as he charged, angling Satsujin toward the ground, then made for a destructive uppercut. But his attempt was parried easily by the crushing force of the Genbu Shield. Jinsei was knocked back, shattering a window. Then he flung his arm toward his opponent, telepathicly sending a barrage of glass shards to Doppo. Doppo cringed, only superficially affected by the assault. Jinsei, Yukiko, Rift, and Obstruct then gathered, clearing their minds and readying for the battle. Doppo clenched his sheild, tilting his head and roared with laughter. Obsturct scolwed and Rift glared, and the two rushed forth recklessly. [B]OOC: Gah! Couldn't allow the RP to end. Much, much, [I]much[/I] to good to end now. ^__~[/SIZE][/B] -
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Jinsei, too, waited in silence, unsure of what Naoto would say. When Naoto did not answer for a while, Yukiko spoke up. [B]"Geez! What Naoto's trying to say but isn't, is that we'll have to get back to you on your offer. We aren't quick to join with you demons, we've seen similiar destruction as to what Kuroichi causes now from others of your kind."[/B] Jinsei scowled again. He hated constantly being distrusted or mocked for what he was now. [B]"Look, vampires may have a history for being malicious, dangerous, and, of course, bloodthirsty, but not all of us are evil. We just want what's best for everyone. You have to believe us."[/B] Yukiko and Naoto took in Jinsei's words, then rose. [B]"We will consider your offer and get back to you with an answer."[/B] He began walking away, his comrades walking ahead of him. He stopped and turned his head slightly to say one last thing. [B]"Maybe I've been wrong about your kind. Maybe I haven't. I'll find out soon enough. But if this is some ploy to get us into a feeling of security and then attack us, we will not hesitate to destroy you."[/B] He walked from the club, leaving Jinsei and the others by themselves. Obstruct laughed. [B]"Quite the talker, that one."[/B] Rift chuckled at Obstruct's comment. [B]"He was kinda creepy. Hope he ends up our ally."[/B] Griffin and Disaster turned to Dusk and Jinsei, ignoring Obstruct and Rift. Disaster spoke up. [B]"Let's head back to the hotel. Maybe your friends Dracula and LeStat have come back."[/B] Jinsei and Dusk nodded and, grabbing Obstruct and Rift, left the bar. [U][I][B]Elsewhere...[/B][/I][/U] [B]"What...what happened here!?"[/B] Dracula and LeStat were amazed to see the Myrkur Aniol base in ruin. A vampire walked up to them. [B]"My name is Julia. A battle has ensued here between Zuriel's followers and the Fallen Angels. We are currently trying to dig their bodies out of the debris."[/B] [B]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Haven't had the chance to get on. Oh, and I wanted to note that my character has silver hair (not in a ponytail), and his overcoat is white not red.[/SIZE][/B] -
Sign Up War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Jinsei [B]Nickname:[/B] N/A [B]Age: [/B] 233 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Vampire [B]Clan:[/B] Gwyar [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://blogsimages.skynet.be/images/000/519/836_1094292333.jpg]Jinsei[/URL] [B]Weapons: [/B] [URL=http://www.fffuture.net/gallery/displayimage.php?album=1&pos=29]Satsujin.[/URL] One of the Night Blades. A sword that brims with the power of death, yet deep within it sleeps a holy energy. [B]Powers: [/B] Necromancy- Quite the unusual ability, even for a vampire. Though this skill requires a great deal of concentration and energy, it can prove to be a useful asset in battle. With the ability to raise the dead at his disposal he can use the corpses as diversions, or for battle. It pains him to have to take away life after giving it back, and he suffers greatly in his mind. Mentality- Jinsei?s mental abilities are peaked, allowing him to teleport, levitate, move objects with his mind, and read thoughts among many other things. Sometimes he cannot control his mind reading abilities and is plagued with others doubts and despair. [B]Personality:[/B] Jinsei, despite his horrifying abilities, is actually caring and lighthearted. Since dieing he has a newfound meaning for life, and knows now that it should not be taken for granted. He follows his friend Dusk faithfuly, and no longer has any doubt about him. [B]Bio:[/B] Since joining Sole in his quest to untie their clan many things have happened in Jinsei's life. He watched as Dracula became leader after Caine's death, and watched as Sole suffered at the loss of Beth, who now went by the name Sumiyaka. However, Sole went searching for her, claiming he was going to take revenge on Kuroichi. They made haste to find Sumiyaka, Sole desperate to retrieve his friend. They headed to Australia, where Kuroichi was rumored to be. Theyk new Sumiyaka was pursuing Kuroichi herself, and so that would be the most likely place to find her. Other vampires, however, also wantd word with Kuroichi, like Zoku, who came and visited Sole and Jinsei with an intriguing proposal. He told Sole that he should rally to Kuroichi's aid. Sole considered and Jinsei became frightened. When they found Sumiyaka she was in Kuroichi's arms, and Jinsei knew how Sole must have been hurting. But he was not ready when Sole stated his allegiance to Kuroichi, and later when Sole became Dusk and attacked the man he considered a father. Zoku stopped him, calming Jinsei's friend down and then told them to fight against Kuoichi, and that he would train them. Now, he once again fight's for the Gwayr, still looking to Dusk as a brother, a mentor. With his new blade, Satsujin, he is prepared to defeat Kuroichi. [B]Other:[/B] Jinsei is loyal to the other members of the clan and will protect them no matter what. [B]EDITED![/B].[/SIZE] -
RPG War of the Blood 2: Skulls and Crosses [M-LSV]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]The sun was still asleep and the moon shone brightly in the 3am sky. Jinsei arose from a restful sleep and ready to take on whatever the day brought. Brushing his silver hair out of his eyes, he stepped into the hallway to see if Sole had awakened. Jinsei walked over to him. No, dead asleep. Jinsei shook him, and Sole gazed dazily in the morning light. [B]"Nuh...morning?"[/B], Sole uttered, still half asleep. Jinsei rolled his eyes. [B]"Breakfast?"[/B], asked Jinsei. Sole raised an eyebrow, still dazed. [B]"Yah...breakfast...so kind of you to cook....I want a whole pig...and a gallon of orange juice...yah, orange juice...nyaghh...zzz..."[/B] Sole's eyes rolled back into his head and fell into bed, snoring. [B]"Grrr...imbicile. Get your ass up, I'm not cooking!"[/B] Sole snapped up out of bed and started rambling. [B]"Wow your blood tastes like orange juice. Lemme get another drink. Pleeeaaa---Oh, hey Jinsei. Ready for breakfast?"[/B] [B]"Gah...err, yea sure." [/B] He turned and quietly added, [B]"Scaaaary."[/B] [B]"I'll call room service... and, uhh, waddaya want?"[/B] Sole asked still a bit sleepy. Jinsei told him what he wanted, then Sole called room service, requesting an "early" breakfast. Shorly afterwards a tired and slightly annoyed waiter brought them up their food. He rudely shoved his hand out for a tip, obviously pissed that he had to wake up so early. Sole gave him five bucks. The waiter looked at the five dollars, the shoved out his other hand. Sole pulled fifty bucks out of his pocket and threw it into the waiters face. He slammed the door, leaving a shocked waiter in the hallway. Sole growled as he brought the food over. [B]"Damned rude waiters..." [/B] [I]A few minutes later...[/I] [B]"Yea, so where do we start looking for Beth, err, Sumiyaka? And then where do we go from there?"[/B]Jinsei inquired. [B]" Hmmm...I guess we should look for Sumiyaka together. I should be able to find her if I come across her scent....but otherwise it may take days to find her. I wonder if she rented a room under her name or an alias."[/B] Sole and Jinsei lowered their heads, discouraged. Sole suddenly had an idea. [B]"She probably arrived on the night of that storm, right?" [/B] Jinsei nodded, not seeing where he was headed with this. [B]"Well....then she probably got into a hotel relatively close to the harbor. So we just have to look around that area and we should be able to find her."[/B] Sole looked over to Jinsei to see what he thought of the idea. Jinsei was shoving down some pancakes into his mouth when he looked up and attempted to grin. [B]"Yea...shure...wa'ever ou ay." [/B] Sole rolled his eyes and took a swig of orange juice, then finished eating. As they left the hotel and got into the rented Corvette, Jinsei flipped out his cell phone to check hotel listings in the area for her name as Sole seached for her scent. [B]"God, I feel like a bloodhound seaching by smell like this." [/B] Sole said sounding annoyed. They kept driving and after a while began to grow weary. Then Jinsei turned, stunned, to tell Sole they had a lead Sole said quickly, [B]"We're here, this is it."[/B] They parked and entered the inn. As they entered, Sole almost collapsed in shock. Not only was Sumiyaka's scent strong here...but so was someone elses. It was powerful, unbelievably powerful, and sent a shiver down Sole's back. [I][B]Kuroichi...[/B][/I] Sole shook it off and walked up to the counter, behind Jinsei. [B]"We're looking for a young lady, Sumiyaka, we heard she's staying here." [/B] stated Sole. [B]"We're good friends and wanted to drop by to say hello."[/B] Jinsei added. As the receptionist thumbed through the pages of the guests' room numbers, Jinsei's eyes widened in terror as he caught a particularly unexpected name. Kuroichi. The enemy, or the ally? His mind clouded with confusion, surely Sole had sensed him; and fought his emotions to keep calm. [B]"Ah, here we go. The rooms up two floors and to the left. But you may want to knock before you enter. I believe she's with a young silver-haired man right now." [/B] Jinsei and Sole froze. She was with...him? They thanked him and walked up the flights of stairs, tension mounting. They stood ridgid in front of the door, their curiosity peaked. Sole raised his fist to knock the halted, turning to Jinsei, smiling nervously. [B]"I guess we'll meet him sooner then we thought. Ready?"[/B] Jinsei nodded and Sole knocked on the door. They steadily waited for the door to open.[/SIZE] -
Request Full Metal Alchemist banner and avi request
The Anonymous Usual replied to The Anonymous Usual's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1]Thanks a lot for the awesome banner and avi!!!!! I couldn't find any good pictures, I'm glad you could. ^__^[/SIZE] -
Request Full Metal Alchemist banner and avi request
The Anonymous Usual posted a topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1]Hello! I was posting today and noticed my banner and avi were getting old. So, would anyone care to make me a banner with a cool picture of Ed, and an avi with the cross-like symbol on the back of his overcoat. Thanks for the help.[/SIZE] -
RPG War of the Blood 2: Skulls and Crosses [M-LSV]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Jinsei was abruptly awakened around seven in the morning by a pain in his stomach that could only be from a lack of nourishment. He glanced over at Sole, dazily. Dead asleep. He strode over to the refrigerator to make a sandwich. Upon feeling a faint release of energy. He quickly looked over at Sole who was gripping the armreasts of his chair as tears rolled down his face. Instantly he knew what was happening and rushed over to wake him before he "ignighted",and took the whole plane down with him, and shook him violently awake. Sole looked at him dazed, [B]"Wha-?" [/B] [B]"Lets just say, I should have brought some marshmellows."[/B] [B]"If I woke up and you were cooking a marshmellow on me I'd snap your neck in two."[/B] Jinsei semi-smiled. [B]"How 'bout a coke?"[/B] Sole chuckled drearily and grabbed himself one. Two hours later... Sole and Jinsei disembarked the plane. As they grabbed their luggage, left Dracula's private airport, and called the taxi service, Sole turned to Jinsei to ask him a question. [B]"You wanna' head straight to Dracula's private dock...Damn, did you notice he's got a lot of private locations?...Anyway, yah, wanna grab a bite to eat or something?"[/B] Jinsei shrugged. [B]"Yah sure. Lets go get some food. If the ovens shut down or something we can have them cook the food on you."[/B] The taxi arrived shortly afterwards, finding Sole and Jinsei in fits of laughter. Sole told the dirver to take them to the best spot to eat in town. A couple hours later... [B]"That was great! I didn't know I could put that much away!"[/B] Sole grinned. [B]"Yah, I know! I passed right out after that. Good thing I didn't light the place ablaze."[/B] Sole and Jinsei snickered when a strong breeze whipped the city street. The ocean nearby churned forcefully and lightning crackled far-off. They suddenly grew serious, knowing that the elements had fled because of something. Sole had a good idea of how it had been, but Jinsei could only sense a great energy. Jinsei turned to Sole,[B] "Didja feel that?" [/B] Sole nodded grimly. [B]"We should hurry."[/B] Sole and Jinsei rushed to the docks, and quickly loaded their luggage and set sail. The boat was of decent size and comfortly accomodated the passengers and the captain. Under the grey sky the boat began to rock violently, but left Sole and Jinsei unaffected. Sole gazed out to the endless sea and tossed Jinsei a cloak. "Put this on. We don't want to be identified while we're there." Jinsei headed to his quarters to listen to his CD player and change into his cloak. [B]OOC: Sole-Energia wanted me to say for him that the gems are allowing him to pick up others "scents" if they're familiar, and he wanted me to link some stuff also. The first is what Sole looks like (he didn't paticularly like the other picture. He'll change it on his sign-up soon). The second is the outfit he wears, and the third is the cloak we wear. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/1.jpg]Link 1[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/2.jpg]Link 2[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/Outfit.jpg]Link 3[/URL][/SIZE][/B] -
Sign Up War of the Blood Pt. 2: Skulls and Crosses [M-LSV]
The Anonymous Usual replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[CENTER][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Blaine Rhinefield [B]Nickname:[/B] Jinsei [B]Age: [/B] 233 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Vampire [B]Clan:[/B] Gwyar [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://ns.31rsm.ne.jp/~chaho/kaiga/ff10/baralai.jpg]Jinsei[/URL] [B]Weapons: [/B] The Archangel. A scythe that brims with the power of death, yet deep within it sleeps a holy energy. [B]Powers: [/B] Necromancy- Quite the unusual ability, even for a vampire. Though this skill requires a great deal of concentration and energy, it can prove to be a useful asset in battle. With the ability to raise the dead at his disposal he can use the corpses as diversions, or for battle. It pains him to have to take away life after giving it back, and he suffers greatly in his mind. Mentality- Jinsei?s mental abilities are peaked, allowing him to teleport, levitate, move objects with his mind, and read thoughts among many other things. Sometimes he cannot control his mind reading abilities and is plagued with others doubts and despair. [B]Personality:[/B] Jinsei, despite his horrifying abilities, is actually caring and lighthearted. Since dieing he has a newfound meaning for life, and knows now that it should not be taken for granted. After meeting Sole he wants to journey with him in an attempt to bring together their impatient and restless comrades. He looks to Sole as a brother and trusts him without a second thought. [B]Bio:[/B] Jinsei knows quite a lot about death, as his mother died giving birth and less than half a mile away from his house was a cemetery, where his mother was buried. Growing up Jinsei was a normal kid, though he was fascinated with stories of vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night. Unfortunately, this obsession with such ?myths?, as his father told, was what led to his death. He grew tired of school and ditched occasionally, venturing off to study his surroundings. His friends joined him one day, and told him of an old manor not but 2 miles from the school. Jinsei found this as an excellent chance to explore, maybe getting the chance to see an actual vampire. After getting there they were attacked by an unseen force, and Jinsei was bitten. A couple of days later he was believed to be dead, and his father buried him. Jinsei awoke and was terrified to find he was in a coffin. Being frightened he focused all of his will into getting out and the next thing he knew he was breathing fresh air. He discovered his condition and went into hiding, in an attempt to control his powers and keep away from the living. He met Dracula many, many years later and decide to join the Gwyar clan. After being shown such compassion and receiving a feeling of acceptance from the members of the clan he would be heartbroken to see them all destroyed by Kuroichi. He grew extremely close to Sole, dazed by his extraordinary display of powers, and hoping to become as powerful as him. He begged Sole to allow him to help in uniting their clan and Sole happily agreed. [B]Other:[/B] Jinsei is loyal to the other members of the clan and will protect them no matter what.[/SIZE][/CENTER] -
Request Case Closed Avatar Please?
The Anonymous Usual replied to The Anonymous Usual's topic in Creative Works
It's great, thanks a lot! -
Well, I've been watching the anime "Case Closed" a lot lately, and I really like the show. So I figured, why not get an avatar of it? I'd like one that has Conan on it. Thanx alot. :D :D :D :D
Name: Chrono Rutindu Age: 16 Gender: Male Gems: Mage and Ultima Gems Abilities: Mage Gem-Avalanche, Asteroid, Cyclone Ultima Gem-Breath of Life, Ultima Destruction Oricinu: Maguse Wepon: Before merging with Gems: Earth Rod After Merging with 1 Gem: Staff of Divinity After merging with 2 Gems: Staff of Elementalism Class: Elementalist/"Treasure Hunter" Description: Chrono is 6'2", with black hair that falls arond his head, but in spikes, like Knuckles from Sonic, has a blue robe with white stripes linig the cuffs and the end by the feet. Has more of a serious personality, often quiet, but is an agressive when things of importance are at stake. Bio: Grew up in a small village in Konocan where he studied the arts of elemental magery. He left with Scipher in search of adventure. He wandered around for a while until he heard about the tounament... (Tell me if I need anything else)
Sign Up Order of Chaos: Haze of Possesion
The Anonymous Usual replied to The Anonymous Usual's topic in Theater
I apologize, but, I will be stopping the RPG, seeing that it isn't going very far. I'm sorry if I disappointed some people. :( -
Heh... uh call me an idiot, *ahem*, but I accidentally posted at the wrong time... Here's what we meant to put... [COLOR=SlateGray]???-There they are. The mechs...they have quite a frightening aura, no? ???-Hmm....yes.But now that costruction has finished we can take the next step into power, and bring about a new way of life... ???-None can oppose us. But if any try....they will have to be eraticated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is the year 2394, and the world is currently at peace. Citizens live without fear, children play in the streets. But all is not well. Though they are at peace, the peace is slowly breaking. An underground orginization , the Crow, is currently creating weapons of great chaos, known only as Omega. These Crow plans to use these Omega as a key part in their plan to override and conquer the Earth, bringing about a new world order. They have managed to manipulate Earth's forces into believing they are an orginization of peace-keapers, in order to have funding and unsuspicious construction. But the wool has not been completely pulled over the Earth's eyes. A small band of Earth spies discovered the Omegas and came back with blue-prints of Omega designs. Soon afterwards construction began on 6 "Earth Omegas", and 4 Prototypes that are of a lesser stature. The Earth has sent airships to different parts of the world in search of people who have the capacity to pilot an Omega, or a Prototype. But Crow has begun search as well, for their 8 Omegas, and 2 Prototypes. Crow has put a haze of deceipt over the Earth, and are now in the process of gaining possesion of Earth. Alright, now here's the sign up: Name: (Whatever you want) Age: (18+) Gender: (Male or Female) Country: (Please don't everyone come from Japan, mix it up a little) Allegiance: (Crow or Earth Federation) Mech: (Omega or Prototype, Give your Mech a name) Bio: (Not to long, not to short) Special Capabilites: (Each Omega's and Prototype's unique capabilities) [CENTER]:D :D :D :D [/CENTER] Here's my sign-up: Name: Syd Ritsuka Age: 26 Gender: Male Country: U.S. Allegiance: Earth Mech: Agilite Omega [URL=http://www.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/dual/full_4_800.asp]Clickity[/URL] Something like this, only without the high heels. Bio: Syd excelled as a fighter pilot for the U.S. forces. He was chosen for his combat skills and his train of thought during the heat of a battle. His only family, his brother, went missing. He found it as a chance to seach for him when they offered Syd the chance to pilot a Mech for Earth. Special Capabilities: The Agilite was created with less armor than other Omegas, so it trades defense for unsurpassed speed and agility.[/COLOR] Sorry once again for that mistake, please forgive me. Enjoy the RPG.
[COLOR=Red]" Ka, are you ready for your next assignment?" Ka snapped to attention,"Huh..yah, I'm ready." Ka got up and approached his leader,Torozosa."There's a band of Demons attacking the village, Pasadera. All you have to do is kill off the squadron of demon, there should only be about...10 of them." Ka still wasn't paying attention."Ka!!" La looked over at Torozosa,"Yah,yah. Demons. 10. Kill. Got it." Ka walked out of the house. He looked around for a moment, and then went on his way. Ka decided the fastest way to travel towards the village would be to travel through the forest. As he was walking a Demon jumped out in front of him."Heh, I've been waiting all day for Haru blood, and along comes an unsuspecting idiot right to me. I'll make your death swift." Ka laughed as the Demon licked it's lips."If you can touch me, I'd be happy to let you taste blood. But it won't be mine". Ka grinned at the Demon,"Well..make your move *****". The Demon flew into a frenzied rage and charged towards Ka. Ka leaped high into the air and slashed it across its back. With that the demon howled with pain, and spun around swiftly to slashed at Ka's shins only to find he had swiped at air. Confused, he quikly turned up to find Ka standing on a branched. As the beast stood, stunned by his agility, Ka flung a needle towards his neck. Blood sprayed from the demon as it fell noislessly, followed by a hollow 'thud'. Ka jumped down to survey his adversary's last moments as he gagged blood. Then silence. Ka stared at the lifeless corpse, "Pity",hemumbled under his breath. [I]Excellent work young one...[/I] Ka spun, fists at the ready, only to see nothing but a Phoenix perched on the highest bough. "Odd, where did that voice come from", then Ka turns towards the mythical bird," and I thought Phoenix's were--" He was cut off, for at that moment the bird glowed a firery red and swooped down towards him. Ka braced himself for the impact, but as the bird drew near it became an aura of light, and merged with Ka. Ka was knocked into a tree by the unsurpassed force and became overwhelmed by a fiery presence, that sent him into unconciosness. He awoke a few hours later with a throbbing headache. He reached towards the back of his head, to find a bruise. Suddenly he beacme aware of his surrondings. The clearing had been burt to cinders. "What the hell happened? All I remember was that bird and then..." He faintly rembered a bright light. " Whatever", he looked up to see that the sky had been darkened,"****. I've still got to complete my miission". He dashed off into the forest, but after a distance he tripped over something big, and fell flat on his face. He quickly got up, "What the h---" He started to yell but noticed it was a guy around his age. "Hmmm..." He and poked at him, "Hey dude...", no reply. He knocked on his head a few times, "Hey, get up.", he said louder. Ka stood up and sighed. As he began to walk away the boy began to stir..., "Hunh..ugh...wha...?" "Hey buddy, you alright?" Ka asked, confused. "Yah, I'm fine",the boy rubbed his head,"Man I've got a major headache. All I can remember is this silver light streaking towards the ground..." The boy touched his hair,"After that my hair changed color, and I think my eyes did to--" Ka just stared,"Well, uh..the name's Ka". The boy looked up and grinned," Hmm...my names Anorith, nice to---", Anorith was interrupted by a tall woman in wraps with two iron poles on her back. Ka got pissed," One suprise after anotha..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Sorry it took me so long.I'm signing up as flame. Name: Ka Age: 15 Gender: Male Race: 50% Angel and 50% Haru Essence: Fire Bio: Ka's father was an Angel and his mother was a Haru. When he was about ten, his father fell during a battle. His mother took him into hiding, but later fell victim to the Demons' attacks. Left to fend for himself, he soon joined a band of mercenaries. On one of his assignments he meets Anorith, and decides to travel with him. Occupation: Mercenary Description:[URL=http://www.icecavern.net/~qirien/final_fantasy/ffviii/zell.jpg]Click Here[/URL] He kinda looks like Zell, from Final Fantasy 8, and wears a red shirt, a black, sleevless jacket that comes down to his mid-thigh, torn jeans, and dark sunglasses. He has a strong will and a sense for justice. He will stand loyal to all who oppose the Demons, but wouldn't do anything too rash. Wepons: Steel claws, throwing needles, and flame abilities.[/COLOR]
Thanx for the avatar, it's cool!